
Hot Springs Murder Case in Planeptune: Chapter 3

Mar 27th, 2017
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  1. Hot Springs Murder Case in Planeptune: Chapter 3
  2. Arrival at the Hot springs
  4. 00:00 Manager: My, Lady 5pb. Welcome back to Endoalpha today.
  5. 00:08 5pb: Manager, it's been awhile. I'll be in your care.
  6. 00:12 Manager: If there is anything you need, feel free to ask. Now, without further ado, allow me to guide you to your room.
  7. 00:22 Manager: It isn't often that you arrive with guests.
  8. 00:27 5pb: I thought it'd be nice to spend time with my friends every so often, so I invited them.
  9. 00:31 Manager: Ah, I see. It's fine to spend time relaxing alone, but the real pleasure of hot springs is visiting it together with friends. Please enjoy yourselves.
  10. 00:41 5pb: Thank you, manager.
  11. 00:46 5pb: Now, what should we do until dinner?
  12. 00:51 Noire: Now we've come to the hot springs, so we've got to hit up the open-
  13. 00:55 Neptune: Compa, lets go take a dip.
  14. 00:58 Compa: Yeah. Noire, Uni, what about you two?
  15. 01:02 Noire: I'm going to go take a walk outside while it's still light out. You don't normally come across this kind of scenery. Uni, would you care to join me?
  16. 01:09 Uni: Yeah, I'm coming too.
  17. 01:11 5pb: So, it's free time until dinner, then?
  18. 01:14 Everyone: Yes.
  20. 01:30 Neptune: Ahh, This is paradise~ This is what they mean when they talk about washing away the weariness of life.
  21. 01:40 Neptune: Compa, you should hurry up and get in.
  22. 01:42 Compa: Yes. I'm just done washing up, so I'll head over right away.
  23. 01:52 Neptune: Ah, watch out! There's soap at your feet!
  24. 01:55 Compa: Why would there be soap here-Ah!
  25. 01:58 Neptune: Ah-Why would you slip in my direction!?
  26. 02:02 Compa: AH! Watch out! Watch out! Nep-Nep, please get out of the way!
  27. 02:09 Comapa/Neptune: AAH!
  28. 02:13 Neptune: NEPU! A pair of large meat buns are floating before my eyes. Are these the rumored Hot springs buns?
  29. 02:24 Compa: Ah~
  30. 02:28 Neptune: Oh! These fit in the palm quite nicely. These hot spring buns are almost as bouncy as Compa's breasts.
  31. 02:36 Compa: Hauu~ N-Nep-Nep, s-stop it. Those aren't hot spring buns, they are my breasts.
  32. 02:45 Neptune: Oh, really? But that's Compa for you, they have a really firm feeling to them. Good job!
  33. 02:54 Compa: Uuuh~ I can't be a wife anymore...
  34. 02:57 Neptune: You'll be fine, Compa. If no one wants you, I'll give you Iffy.
  35. 03:04 Compa: Really?
  36. 03:06 Neptune: Yeah, really. Though, I can't imagine that there are any men in the world that wouldn't want you.
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