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- ## Settings file was created by plugin PlantEasily v1.7.0
- ## Plugin GUID: advize.PlantEasily
- [Controls]
- ## Key to toggle on/off all mod features. See
- # Setting type: KeyboardShortcut
- # Default value: F8
- EnableModKey = F8
- ## Key to toggle on/off piece snapping functionality. See
- # Setting type: KeyboardShortcut
- # Default value: F10
- EnableSnappingKey = F10
- ## Key to increase number of grid columns. See
- # Setting type: KeyboardShortcut
- # Default value: RightArrow
- IncreaseXKey = RightArrow
- ## Key to increase number of grid rows. See
- # Setting type: KeyboardShortcut
- # Default value: UpArrow
- IncreaseYKey = UpArrow
- ## Key to decrease number of grid columns. See
- # Setting type: KeyboardShortcut
- # Default value: LeftArrow
- DecreaseXKey = LeftArrow
- ## Key to decrease number of grid rows. See
- # Setting type: KeyboardShortcut
- # Default value: DownArrow
- DecreaseYKey = DownArrow
- ## Modifier key when using keyboard controls. See
- # Setting type: KeyboardShortcut
- # Default value: RightControl
- KeyboardModifierKey = RightControl
- ## Modifier key when using gamepad controls. See
- # Setting type: KeyboardShortcut
- # Default value: JoystickButton4
- GamepadModifierKey = JoystickButton4
- ## Modifier key to enable bulk harvest when using keyboard controls. See
- # Setting type: KeyboardShortcut
- # Default value: LeftShift
- KeyboardHarvestModifierKey = LeftShift
- ## Key to toggle on/off the [Harvesting]ReplantOnHarvest setting. See
- # Setting type: KeyboardShortcut
- # Default value: None
- ToggleAutoReplantKey =
- [General]
- ## Enable mod debug messages in console.
- # Setting type: Boolean
- # Default value: false
- EnableDebugMessages = false
- ## Number of rows for planting grid aka height.
- # Setting type: Int32
- # Default value: 2
- Rows = 2
- ## Number of columns for planting grid aka width.
- # Setting type: Int32
- # Default value: 2
- Columns = 2
- ## Enables all mod features.
- # Setting type: Boolean
- # Default value: true
- ModActive = true
- ## Enables grid snapping feature.
- # Setting type: Boolean
- # Default value: true
- SnapActive = true
- ## Prevents placement of resources when any placement ghosts are invalid for any reason.
- # Setting type: Boolean
- # Default value: true
- PreventPartialPlanting = true
- ## Prevents plants from being placed where they will be unable to grow.
- # Setting type: Boolean
- # Default value: true
- PreventInvalidPlanting = true
- ## Randomizes rotation of pieces once placed.
- # Setting type: Boolean
- # Default value: true
- RandomizeRotation = true
- ## Consume stamina for every piece placed.
- # Setting type: Boolean
- # Default value: true
- UseStamina = true
- ## Decrease durability of cultivator for every piece placed.
- # Setting type: Boolean
- # Default value: true
- UseDurability = true
- ## Adds extra spacing between crops. Accepts negative values to decrease spacing (not recommended).
- # Setting type: Single
- # Default value: 0
- ExtraCropSpacing = 0
- ## Adds extra spacing between saplings. Accepts negative values to decrease spacing (not recommended).
- # Setting type: Single
- # Default value: 0
- ExtraSaplingSpacing = 0
- ## Determines grid snapping style. Intelligent will attempt to prevent a new grid from overlapping with an old one. Legacy will allow any orientation of new rows and columns.
- # Setting type: GridSnappingStyle
- # Default value: Intelligent
- # Acceptable values: Intelligent, Legacy
- GridSnappingStyle = Intelligent
- ## When set to true, this setting will prevent the diagonal snapping of new grids to existing grids.
- # Setting type: Boolean
- # Default value: true
- StandardizeGridRotations = true
- ## Allows for tighter grids, but with varying spacing used between diverse/distinct plants.
- # Setting type: Boolean
- # Default value: false
- MinimizeGridSpacing = false
- ## When set to true, new grid placements will have their column and row directions align with the global grid.
- # Setting type: Boolean
- # Default value: true
- GloballyAlignGridDirections = true
- [Harvesting]
- ## Enables the ability to harvest multiple resources at once.
- # Setting type: Boolean
- # Default value: true
- EnableBulkHarvest = true
- ## Determines bulk harvest style. LikeResources only harvests resources of the type you've interacted with. AllResources harvests all eligible resources.
- # Setting type: HarvestStyle
- # Default value: AllResources
- # Acceptable values: LikeResources, AllResources
- HarvestStyle = AllResources
- ## Determines radius used to search for resources when bulk harvesting.
- # Setting type: Single
- # Default value: 3
- HarvestRadius = 3
- ## Enables automatic replanting of crops when harvested, provided you have the resources.
- # Setting type: Boolean
- # Default value: false
- ReplantOnHarvest = false
- [Pickables]
- ## Determines default distance/spacing between pickable resources when planting.
- # Setting type: Single
- # Default value: 1
- PickableSnapRadius = 1
- ## Determines distance/spacing between berry bushes when planting.
- # Setting type: Single
- # Default value: 1.5
- BerryBushSnapRadius = 1.5
- ## Determines distance/spacing between mushrooms when planting.
- # Setting type: Single
- # Default value: 0.5
- MushroomSnapRadius = 0.5
- ## Determines distance/spacing between flowers when planting.
- # Setting type: Single
- # Default value: 1
- FlowerSnapRadius = 1
- ## Prevents placement of pickable resources on top of colliding obstructions.
- # Setting type: Boolean
- # Default value: true
- PreventOverlappingPlacements = true
- [UI]
- ## Update resource cost in build UI.
- # Setting type: Boolean
- # Default value: true
- ShowCost = true
- ## Determines display style of the ShowCost setting. TotalCount shows total number of pieces to be placed. FullCost shows combined resoure cost of all pieces.
- # Setting type: CostDisplayStyle
- # Default value: TotalCount
- # Acceptable values: TotalCount, FullCost
- CostDisplayStyle = TotalCount
- ## Determines whether to prepend or append text to the resource cost in build UI. LeftSide or RightSide will prepend or append respectively.
- # Setting type: CostDisplayLocation
- # Default value: RightSide
- # Acceptable values: LeftSide, RightSide
- CostDisplayLocation = RightSide
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