
TIFU by not reminding my SO that I was in virtual class on Zoom & making him think I was dumping him

Apr 22nd, 2020
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  1. Obligatory \*this didn't actually happen today\* but about a week ago.
  3. For context, I'm a part time graduate student - I've been working from home full time and have class via zoom two nights a week since my University has gone entirely online due to COVID-19.
  5. I live with my boyfriend of a year, who is an essential worker (he's a paramedic), so he is still going to work 5-6 days a week, 12 hours a day.
  7. I have class Wednesday & Thursday nights from 5:30 - 8 pm. Last week, just so happens that his day off is a Wednesday, when typically it's a Saturday or Monday. He does know I do virtual class, but is never actually around for it, so it makes sense that he forgot.
  9. He spent his Wednesday off playing video games in the living room while I moved my home office to the bedroom for the day, figuring I'd just stay in there come class time & shut the door. I never mentioned to him that this was my plan, because as much as he forgot I do virtual class, I forgot that he wouldn't know I was doing virtual class.
  11. I know many students who aren't doing actual virtual class sessions, but just keeping up with work online, but since I'm in a master's program, my classes are small enough that we can all turn on our video and talk to each other, which is actually really nice to see everyone.
  13. So on this particular evening, 5:30 rolled around, so I shut the bedroom door and started up the Zoom meeting. I made the beginners mistake of having my back face the door so the doorway was in full view of my video. I did this because if I turned the other way, my back would be facing a window which gets full sunlight so it would've washed my face out completely. Even if I faced any other direction it would've washed out half my face, which is why I faced the complete opposite direction. If I had closed the blinds, the video would have been too dark. So you can see how this was the best solution in my head!
  15. I was about 30 minutes into class - and we were talking about a topic that bores me a lot, so I wasn't participating much, just listening. I texted my boyfriend (who was still in the other room playing video games), and said "I'm so over this" meaning, I was bored with class and wanted it to be done.
  17. About 15 seconds later, the door bursts open, my boyfriend is shirtless & in bright orange boxers and he goes "what's wrong?!?! why are you upset?!?!" Of course I immediately panicked because my entire class saw, and I started to see them burst out laughing, but I couldn't wait around for it to continue so I abruptly turned off my video.
  19. I had myself muted so they didn't hear what he said, so all they saw was a tall lanky man in fluorescent orange underwear burst into my bedroom.
  21. Turns out, my boyfriend didn't realize I was in class, but HAD noticed that I shut the bedroom door and had been in there for 30 minutes. He assumed I was upset about something but that I'd come talk about it when I was ready. When I texted him "I'm so over this" he thought I was referring to our relationship and that I wanted to break up with him! I gave him a heart attack!
  23. When I explained to him we laughed for a solid 10 minutes about it and sometimes when I think about it still cracks me up. When I logged back into class I apologized profusely through laughter to my professor and classmates, but luckily we're all so close it wasn't QUITE as embarrassing as it would've been if I was in a work meeting. I still am not quite sure I'll ever live it down though, and from now on I promised my boyfriend I'd warn him if I was in class or in a Zoom meeting. I'm considering even making a sign for the door that says "Zoom Meeting in Progress, Enter at Your Own Risk".
  25. tl;dr was in a virtual grad school class, didn't warn my boyfriend and also sent a cryptic text message that scared the crap out of him - resulting in my whole class seeing his package outline through fluorescent orange underwear.
  27. ---------------------------------
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