

Jan 18th, 2018
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  1. define SCR_NEWLINE
  2. myx = writingx
  3. myy = (myy + vspacing)
  4. lineno = (lineno + 1)
  5. define SCR_TEXTSETUP
  6. myfont=argument0 // variable font
  7. mycolor=argument1 // variable color
  8. writingx = argument2 //top left x coord
  9. writingy = argument3 //top left y coord
  10. writingxend = argument4 //right boundingbox
  11. shake=argument5 //amount of text shaking
  12. textspeed=argument6 //rate of text parse
  13. txtsound=argument7 //what default sound
  14. spacing=argument8 //text spacing
  15. vspacing=argument9 //vertical spacing yep, old default was 25
  17. define SCR_TEXT
  18. switch(true)
  19. {
  20. case argument0=0:
  21. break;
  22. case argument0=1:
  23. global.msg[0]="\XLa, la.^3 &Time to wake&up and\R smell\X &the^4 pain./";
  24. global.msg[1]="* Though^2.^4.^6.^8.&It's still a&little shaky./";
  25. global.msg[2]="fhuehfuehfuehfuheufhe/%";
  26. global.msg[3]="%%%";
  27. break;
  28. case argument0=2:
  29. global.msg[0]="* TestMonster and its cohorts&draw near!";
  30. global.msg[1]="%%%";
  31. break;
  32. case argument0=3: //monster names
  33. global.msg[0] = " "
  34. if[0] = 1 then
  35. {
  36. global.msg[0]=" * " + global.monstername[0];
  37. if global.monstertype[0] = global.monstertype[1] or global.monstertype[0] = global.monstertype[2] then global.msg[0]+=" A"
  38. }
  39. global.msg[0]+=" &"
  40. if[1] = 1 then
  41. {
  42. global.msg[0]+=" * " + global.monstername[1];
  43. if global.monstertype[1] = global.monstertype[0] then global.msg[0]+=" B"
  44. }
  45. global.msg[0]+=" &"
  46. if[2] = 1 then
  47. {
  48. global.msg[0]+=" * " + global.monstername[2];
  49. if global.monstertype[2] = global.monstertype[1] then global.msg[0]+=" C"
  50. }
  51. global.msg[1]="%%%";
  52. break;
  54. case argument0=7:
  55. global.msg[0]=" * Spare"
  56. if global.mercy=0 then global.msg[0]+="& * Flee"
  57. break;
  59. case argument0=9: //itemnames for first menu
  60. global.msg[0] = " * " + global.itemnameb[0] + " "
  61. if global.item[1]!=0 then global.msg[0]+= "* " + global.itemnameb[1]
  62. global.msg[0]+=" &"
  63. if global.item[2]!=0 then global.msg[0]+= " * " + global.itemnameb[2] +" "
  64. if global.item[3]!=0 then global.msg[0]+= "* " + global.itemnameb[3]
  65. global.msg[0]+=" & PAGE 1"
  66. global.msg[1]="%%%"
  67. break;
  68. case argument0=10: //itemnames for second menu
  69. global.msg[0] = " * " + global.itemnameb[4] + " "
  70. if global.item[5]!=0 then global.msg[0]+= "* " + global.itemnameb[5]
  71. global.msg[0]+=" &"
  72. if global.item[6]!=0 then global.msg[0]+= " * " + global.itemnameb[6] +" "
  73. if global.item[7]!=0 then global.msg[0]+= "* " + global.itemnameb[7]
  74. global.msg[0]+=" & PAGE 2"
  75. global.msg[1]="%%%"
  76. break;
  78. case argument0=11: //recovery item add
  79. global.msg[0] += " &"
  80. if global.item[8] < 9990 then
  81. {
  82. global.msg[0] += "* You recovered " + string(global.item[8]) + " HP!/%"
  83. }
  84. else global.msg[0] += "* Your HP was maxed out./%"
  85. break;
  87. case argument0=12: //throwing away an item
  88. i=round(random(14))
  89. if i=0 then global.msg[0]="* You bid a quiet farewell& to the " + global.itemname[global.menucoord[1]] + "."
  90. if i=1 then global.msg[0]="* You put the " + global.itemname[global.menucoord[1]] + "& on the ground and gave it a& little pat."
  91. // if i=2 then global.msg[0]="* Nothing but somber goodbyes& for the " + global.itemname[global.menucoord[1]] + "."
  92. if i=2 then global.msg[0]="* You threw the " + global.itemname[global.menucoord[1]] + "& on the ground like the piece& of trash it is."
  93. if i=3 then global.msg[0]="* You abandoned the & " + global.itemname[global.menucoord[1]] + "."
  94. if i>3 then global.msg[0]="* The " + global.itemname[global.menucoord[1]] + " was& thrown away."
  95. global.msg[0]+="/%"
  96. break;
  99. case argument0=14: //RUNNING AWAY
  100. i=round(random(20))
  101. if i=0 or i=1 then global.msg[0]=" * I'm outta here."
  102. if i=2 then global.msg[0]=" * I've got better to do."
  103. if i>3 then global.msg[0]=" * Escaped..."
  104. if i=3 then global.msg[0]=" * Don't slow me down."
  105. break;
  107. case argument0=15: //save pt
  108. if room=room_ruins1 then global.msg[0]="* (The shadow of the ruins& looms above^1, filling you with& determination.)/%%"
  109. if room=room_ruins7 then global.msg[0]="* (Playfully crinkling through& the leaves fills you with& determination.)/%%"
  110. if room=room_ruins12A then { global.msg[0]="* (Knowing the mouse might one& day leave its hole and& get the cheese...)/"; global.msg[1]="* (It fills you with& determination.)/%%"; }
  111. if room=room_ruins19 then global.msg[0]="* (Seeing such a cute^1, tidy& house in the RUINS gives& you determination.)/%%"
  112. if global.flag[202]>=monsterpopulation1 then global.msg[0]="* Determination./%%"
  113. break;
  115. case argument0=16: //putting away an item
  116. i=round(random(14))
  117. script_execute(scr_itemname)
  118. if i<=12 then global.msg[0]="* The " + global.itemname[global.menucoord[6]] + " was& put away."
  119. if i>12 then global.msg[0]="* The " + global.itemname[global.menucoord[6]] + " was& tossed inside recklessly."
  120. if i>13 then global.msg[0]="* The " + global.itemname[global.menucoord[6]] + " was& placed thoughtfully inside."
  121. global.msg[0]+="/%"
  122. break;
  124. case argument0=17: //getting an item
  125. i=round(random(14))
  126. script_execute(scr_storagename,300)
  127. if i<=12 then global.msg[0]="* The " + global.itemname[global.menucoord[7]] + " was& taken out."
  128. if i>12 then global.msg[0]="* The " + global.itemname[global.menucoord[7]] + " was& grabbed impatiently."
  129. if i>13 then global.msg[0]="* The " + global.itemname[global.menucoord[7]] + " was& taken out and held like a& small puppy."
  130. global.msg[0]+="/%"
  131. break;
  133. case argument0=18: //can't carry any more
  134. global.msg[0]="* You can't carry any more./%%"
  135. break;
  137. case argument0=19: //can't carry any more
  138. global.msg[0]="* The box is full./%%"
  139. break;
  141. case argument0=30: //itembox1
  142. global.msg[0]="* Use the box?& & Yes No \C /"
  143. global.msg[1]=" "
  144. global.msg[2]=" "
  145. break;
  147. case argument0=31: //itembox2
  148. if global.choice=0 then
  149. {
  150. global.msg[0]="* What to do?& & Put in Take out\C /"
  151. global.msg[1]=" "
  152. global.msg[2]=" "
  153. }
  154. if global.choice=1 then global.msg[0]="%%"
  155. break;
  157. case argument0=32: //itembox2
  158. if global.choice=0 then
  159. {
  160. if instance_exists(obj_storagemenu)==false
  161. instance_create(0,0,obj_storagemenu)
  162. obj_storagemenu.j=1
  163. global.menucoord[6]=0
  164. global.msg[0]="%%"
  165. }
  166. if global.choice=1 then
  167. {
  168. if instance_exists(obj_storagemenu)==false
  169. instance_create(0,0,obj_storagemenu)
  170. obj_storagemenu.j=2
  171. global.menucoord[7]=0
  172. global.msg[0]="%%"
  173. }
  174. break;
  178. // main script
  180. case argument0=200: //flowey's first message
  181. global.msg[0]="\W* Howdy^2!&* I'm\Y FLOWEY\W.^2 &* \YFLOWEY\W the \YFLOWER\W!/"
  182. global.msg[1]="* Hmmm.../"
  183. global.msg[2]="* You're new to the& UNDERGROUND^2, aren'tcha?/"
  184. global.msg[3]="* Golly^1, you must be& so confused./"
  185. global.msg[4]="* Someone ought to teach& you how things work& around here!/"
  186. global.msg[5]="* I guess little old me& will have to do./"
  187. global.msg[6]="* Ready^2?&* Here we go!/%%"
  188. break;
  190. case argument0=201: //toriel says "this way"
  191. global.msg[0]="\E2* This way./%%"
  192. global.msg[1]="%%%"
  193. break;
  195. case argument=202: //toriel from here on
  196. global.msg[0]="\E2* Welcome to your new& home^1, innocent one./"
  197. global.msg[1]="* Allow me to educate you& in the operation of the& RUINS./%%"
  198. break;
  200. case argument=203:
  201. global.msg[0]="\E2* The RUINS are full of& puzzles./"
  202. global.msg[1]="* Ancient fusions between & diversions and doorkeys./"
  203. global.msg[2]="* One must solve them& to move from room to& room./"
  204. global.msg[3]="* Please adjust yourself to the sight of them./%"
  205. break;
  207. case argument=204:
  208. global.msg[0]="\E2* To make progress here,^1 & you will need to trigger& several switches./"
  209. global.msg[1]="* Do not worry,^1 I have & labelled the ones that& you need to flip./%"
  210. break;
  212. case argument=205:
  213. global.msg[0]="\E2* The first switch is over& on the wall./%"
  214. break;
  216. case argument=206:
  217. global.msg[0]="\E1* Do you need some help..^1?&* Press the switch on the wall./"
  218. global.msg[1]="\E0* Come on^1, you can do it!/%"
  219. break;
  221. case argument=207:
  222. global.msg[0]="\E2* Go on^1, press the switch& on the left./%"
  223. break;
  224. case argument=208:
  225. global.msg[0]="\E1* You do know which way& left is^1, do you not?/"
  226. global.msg[1]="\E0* Press the switch that I& labelled for you./%"
  227. break;
  229. case argument=209:
  230. global.msg[0]="\E1* You are very curious,^1 & are you not?/"
  231. global.msg[1]="\E1* Please understand.^2 & \E0I only want the best& for you./%"
  232. break;
  234. case argument=210:
  235. global.msg[0]="\E0* Splendid!^2 &* I am proud of you,^1 & little one./"
  236. global.msg[1]="* Let us move to the& next room./%"
  237. break;
  239. case argument=211:
  240. global.msg[0]="\E1* As a human living in& the UNDERGROUND,^1 & monsters may attack you./"
  241. global.msg[1]="\E2* You will need to be& prepared for this& situation./"
  242. global.msg[2]="\E0* However, worry not!^2 &* The process is simple./"
  243. global.msg[3]="\E2* When you encounter a & monster,^1 you will enter& a FIGHT./"
  244. global.msg[4]="* While you are in a& FIGHT^1, strike up a& friendly conversation./"
  245. global.msg[5]="\E2* Stall for time.& I will come to resolve& the conflict./"
  246. global.msg[6]="\E2* Practice talking to& the dummy./%"
  247. break;
  249. case argument=212:
  250. if global.flag[12]=1
  251. {
  252. global.msg[0]="\E1* Ahh,^1 the dummies are& not for fighting!^2 &* They are for talking!/"
  253. global.msg[1]="* We do not want to hurt& anybody, do we...?^2 \E0 &* Come now./%"
  254. }
  255. if global.flag[10]=1
  256. {
  257. global.msg[0]="\E0* Ah,^1 very good!^2 &* You are very good./%"
  258. }
  259. if global.flag[11]=1
  260. {
  261. global.msg[0]="\E1* .../"
  262. global.msg[1]="\E1* ... you ran away.../"
  263. global.msg[2]="\E0* Truthfully^1, that was& not a poor choice./"
  264. global.msg[3]="\E0* It is better to& avoid conflict& whenever possible./"
  265. global.msg[4]="\E1* That..^1. however^1, is& only a dummy^2.&* It cannot harm you./"
  266. global.msg[5]="\E1* It is made of cotton^1.&* It has no desire& for revenge.../"
  267. global.msg[6]="\E0* Nevermind^2.&* Stay close to me and& I will keep you safe./%"
  268. }
  269. if global.flag[13]=1
  270. {
  271. global.msg[0]="\E3* ^1.^1.^1./"
  272. global.msg[1]="\E4* ^1.^1.^1./"
  273. global.msg[2]="\E0* The next room awaits./%"
  274. }
  275. break;
  277. case argument=213:
  278. global.msg[0]="\E2* Practice talking to& the dummy./"
  279. global.msg[1]="\E1* You can say anything..^2.\E2 &* I do not think the dummy& will be bothered./%"
  280. break;
  283. case argument=214:
  284. global.msg[0]="\E0* Do you need some& ideas for conversation& topics?/"
  285. global.msg[1]="* Well^1, I often start with& a simple 'how do you& do...'/"
  286. global.msg[2]="* You could ask them about& their favorite books.../"
  287. global.msg[3]="* Jokes can be useful for& 'breaking the ice.'/"
  288. global.msg[4]="* Listen to this one.../"
  289. global.msg[5]="* What did the skeleton& tile his roof with?/"
  290. global.msg[6]="* ... SHIN-gles!/"
  291. global.msg[7]="\E1* .../"
  292. global.msg[8]="\E0* Well^1, I thought it& was amusing./%"
  293. break;
  295. case argument=215:
  296. global.msg[0]="\E2* Practice talking to& the dummy./"
  297. global.msg[1]="\E1* You can say anything..^2.\E0 &* The dummy will not& be bothered./%"
  298. break;
  300. case argument=216:
  301. global.msg[0]="\E1* There is another puzzle& in this room.../"
  302. global.msg[1]="\E0* I wonder if you can& solve it?/%"
  303. break;
  305. case argument=217:
  306. global.msg[0]="\E1* This is the puzzle^1,& but.../"
  307. global.msg[1]="\E0* Here^1, take my hand& for a moment./%"
  308. break;
  310. case argument=218:
  311. global.msg[0]="\E1* Puzzles seem a little& too dangerous for& now./%"
  312. break;
  314. case argument=219:
  315. global.msg[0]=".../%"
  316. break;
  318. case argument=220:
  319. global.msg[0]="\E2* Greetings,^1 my child^2.&* Do not worry^1, I did& not leave you./"
  320. global.msg[1]="\E0* I was merely behind this& pillar the whole time./"
  321. global.msg[2]="* Thank you for trusting& me./"
  322. global.msg[3]="\E2* However^1, there was an& important reason for& this exercise./"
  323. global.msg[4]="* ... to test your& independence./"
  324. global.msg[5]="\E1* I must attend to some& business^1, and you must& stay alone for a while./"
  325. global.msg[6]="\E0* Please remain here^2.&*\E1 It's dangerous to& explore by yourself./"
  326. global.msg[7]="\E0* I have an idea^2.&* I will give you a& CELL PHONE./"
  327. global.msg[8]="* If you have a need for& anything^1, just call./"
  328. global.msg[9]="\E1* Be good^1, alright?/%"
  329. break;
  331. case argument=221:
  332. global.msg[0]="\E0* You have done& excellently thus& far^1, my child./"
  333. global.msg[1]="\E2* However... I have a& difficult request to ask& of you./"
  334. global.msg[2]="* .../"
  335. global.msg[3]="* I would like you to walk& to the end of the room& by yourself./"
  336. global.msg[4]="\E1* Forgive me for this./%"
  337. break;
  339. case argument=222:
  340. global.msg[0]="* Ring..\E0.\TT /"
  341. global.msg[1]="\F1 %"
  342. global.msg[2]="* Hello?&* This is TORIEL./"
  343. global.msg[3]="* For no reason in& particular...&* Which do you prefer?/"
  344. global.msg[4]="* Cinnamon or& butterscotch?& Cinnamon Bscotch \C /"
  345. global.msg[5]=" "
  346. break;
  348. case argument=223:
  349. if global.choice=0 then global.flag[46]=0
  350. if global.choice=1 then global.flag[46]=1
  351. global.msg[0]="* Oh^1, I see.&* Thank you very much!/"
  352. global.msg[1]="\TS \F0 \T0 %"
  353. global.msg[2]="* Click.../%%"
  354. global.msg[5]="* /"
  355. break;
  358. case argument0=500: //flowers
  359. global.msg[0]="* Beautiful flowers^2.&* They must have& broken your fall./%%"
  360. global.msg[1]="%%%"
  361. break;
  363. case argument0=501: //sign
  364. global.msg[0]='* "Press [Z] to read signs!"/%%'
  365. break;
  367. case argument0=502: //pillar1
  368. global.msg[0]='* Just a regular old pillar./%%'
  369. break;
  371. case argument0=503: //sign1
  372. global.msg[0]="* Please don't step on the& leaves./%%"
  373. break;
  375. case argument0=504: //sign1
  376. global.msg[0]="* Didn't you read the sign& downstairs?/%%"
  377. break;
  379. case argument0=505: //goofyrock
  380. conversation=obj_goofyrock.conversation
  381. if global.flag[33]=0 then
  382. {
  383. if conversation=0 then
  384. {
  385. global.msg[0]="* WHOA there^1, pardner^2!&* Who said you could push& me around?/"
  386. global.msg[1]="* HMM^2?&* So you're ASKIN' me to& move over?/"
  387. global.msg[2]="* Okay^1, just for you^1,& pumpkin./%%"
  388. }
  389. if conversation=3 then
  390. {
  391. global.msg[0]="* HMM^2?&* You want me to move some& more?/"
  392. global.msg[1]="* Alrighty^1, how's this?/%%"
  393. }
  394. if conversation=6 then
  395. {
  396. global.msg[0]="* HMM^2?&* That was the wrong direction?/"
  397. global.msg[1]="* Okay^1, think I got it./%%"
  398. }
  399. if conversation=9 then
  400. global.msg[0]="* Was that helpful?/%%"
  401. if conversation=12 then
  402. {
  403. global.msg[0]="* HMM^2?&* You wanted me to STAY there?/"
  404. global.msg[1]="* You're giving me a real& workout./%%"
  405. }
  406. }
  407. else
  408. global.msg[0]="* Aren't things easier when& you just ask?/%%"
  409. break;
  411. case argument0=508:
  412. doak=0
  413. noroom=0
  414. if global.flag[34]<4 then
  415. {
  416. global.msg[0]="*'Take one.'&* Take a candy?& Yes No \C"
  417. if global.flag[34]=0 then global.msg[0]="* It says 'take one.'&* Take a piece of candy?& Yes No \C"
  418. }
  419. else global.msg[0]="* Look at what you've done./%%"
  420. break;
  422. case argument0=509:
  423. if global.choice=0 then
  424. {
  425. if global.flag[34]<4 then
  426. {
  427. if doak=0 then
  428. {
  429. doak=1
  430. script_execute(scr_itemget,1)
  431. if noroom=0 then global.flag[34]+=1
  432. }
  433. }
  434. if noroom=0 then
  435. {
  436. if global.flag[34]=1 then global.msg[0]="* You took a piece of candy.&* (Press [C] to open the menu.)/%%"
  437. if global.flag[34]=2 then global.msg[0]="* You took more candy^1.&* How disgusting../%%"
  438. if global.flag[34]=3 then global.msg[0]="* You take another piece.&* You feel like the& scum of the earth.../%%"
  439. if global.flag[34]=4 then global.msg[0]="* You took too much too fast.&* The candy spills onto& the floor./%%"
  440. }
  441. if noroom=1 then global.msg[0]="* You tried to take a piece& of candy^1, but you didn't& have any room./%%"
  442. }
  443. if global.choice=1 then
  444. {
  445. global.msg[0]="* You decided not to take some./%%"
  446. }
  447. break;
  449. case argument0=510:
  450. global.msg[0]="* zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..^1.&* zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.../"
  451. global.msg[1]="* zzzzzzzzzz..^1.&* (are they gone yet^1)&* zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.../"
  452. global.msg[2]="* (This ghost keeps saying 'z'& out loud repeatedly^1,& pretending to sleep.)/"
  453. global.msg[3]="* Move it with force?& & Yes No \C"
  454. break;
  456. case argument0=511:
  457. global.msg[0]="%%"
  458. // if global.choice=0 then
  459. // {
  461. // if global.flag[34]=1 then global.msg[0]="* You took a piece of candy.&* (Press CTRL to open the menu.)/%%"
  462. // if global.flag[34]=2 then global.msg[0]="* You took more candy^1.&* No one will know you took& more than one.../%%"
  463. // if global.flag[34]=3 then global.msg[0]="* You take another piece.&* Your inhibitions begin to& melt away./%%"
  464. // if global.flag[34]=4 then global.msg[0]="* You took too much too fast.&* The candy spills onto& the floor./%%"
  465. // }
  467. //if global.choice=1 then
  468. // {
  469. // global.msg[0]="* You decided not to take some./%%"
  470. // }
  471. break;
  473. case argument0=512:
  474. doak=0
  475. noroom=0
  476. global.msg[0]="* It says 'Take them all.'&* Take a candy?& Yes No \C"
  477. break;
  479. case argument0=513:
  480. script_execute(scr_itemcheck,5)
  481. if global.choice=0 then
  482. {
  483. if haveit=0 then
  484. if doak=0 then
  485. {
  486. doak=1
  487. script_execute(scr_itemget,5)
  488. }
  489. }
  490. if noroom=0 then
  491. {
  492. global.msg[0]="* You took a piece.&* Boy^1, that's heavy./%%"
  493. }
  494. if haveit=1 then global.msg[0]="* You can't carry more.&* It's just too heavy./%%"
  495. if noroom=1 then global.msg[0]="* You tried to take a piece& of candy^1, but you didn't& have any room./%%"
  496. if global.choice=1 then
  497. {
  498. global.msg[0]="* You decided not to take some./%%"
  499. }
  500. break;
  502. case argument0=514:
  503. doak=0
  504. noroom=0
  505. global.msg[0]="* Leave 7G in the web?& & Yes No \C"
  506. break;
  508. case argument0=515:
  509. script_execute(scr_cost,7)
  510. if global.choice=0 then
  511. {
  512. if afford=1 then
  513. if doak=0 then
  514. {
  515. doak=1
  516. script_execute(scr_itemget,7)
  517. if noroom=0 then
  518. }
  519. }
  520. if noroom=0 then
  521. {
  522. global.msg[0]="* Some spiders crawled down& and gave you a donut./%%"
  523. if afford=0 then global.msg[0]="* You didn't have enough& gold./%%"
  524. }
  525. if noroom=1 then global.msg[0]="* You are carrying too& many items./%%"
  526. if global.choice=1 then
  527. {
  528. global.msg[0]="*%%"
  529. }
  530. break;
  532. case argument0=516:
  533. doak=0
  534. noroom=0
  535. global.msg[0]="* Leave 18G in the web?& & Yes No \C"
  536. break;
  538. case argument0=517:
  539. script_execute(scr_cost,18)
  540. if global.choice=0 then
  541. {
  542. if afford=1 then
  543. if doak=0 then
  544. {
  545. doak=1
  546. script_execute(scr_itemget,10)
  547. if noroom=0 then
  548. }
  549. }
  550. if noroom=0 then
  551. {
  552. global.msg[0]="* Some spiders crawled down& and gave you a jug./%%"
  553. if afford=0 then global.msg[0]="* You didn't have enough& gold./%%"
  554. }
  555. if noroom=1 then global.msg[0]="* You are carrying too& many items./%%"
  556. if global.choice=1 then
  557. {
  558. global.msg[0]="*%%"
  559. }
  560. break;
  562. case argument0=518:
  563. if doak=0 then
  564. {
  565. script_execute(scr_itemget,12)
  566. if noroom=0 then global.flag[100]=1
  567. doak=1
  568. }
  569. global.msg[0]="* You found a Faded Ribbon./%%"
  570. if noroom=1 then global.msg[0]="* You are carrying too& much./%%"
  571. break;
  573. case argument0=519:
  574. doak=0
  575. noroom=0
  576. global.msg[0]="* It's a switch.&* Press it?& Yes No \C"
  577. break;
  579. case argument0=520:
  580. if doak=0 then
  581. {
  582. global.flag[43]+=1
  583. doak=1
  584. }
  585. if global.choice=0 then global.msg[0]="* Nothing happened./%%"
  586. if global.choice=1 then global.msg[0]="%%"
  587. if global.flag[43]>25 then global.msg[0]= "* You're making the switches& uncomfortable with all& this attention./%%"
  588. break;
  590. case argument0=521:
  591. doak=0
  592. noroom=0
  593. global.msg[0]="* It's a switch.&* Press it?& Yes No \C"
  594. break;
  596. case argument0=522:
  597. if doak=0 then
  598. {
  599. global.flag[43]+=1
  600. doak=1
  601. }
  602. if global.choice=0 then { global.msg[0]="* You hear a clicking sound./%%"; if room=room_ruins15B and global.plot<14 then global.plot=14; if room=room_ruins15C and global.plot<15 then global.plot=15; if room=room_ruins15D and global.plot<16 then global.plot=16; }
  603. if global.choice=1 then global.msg[0]="%%"
  604. break;
  606. case argument0=523:
  607. if doak=0 then
  608. {
  609. script_execute(scr_itemget,13)
  610. if noroom=0 then global.flag[102]=1
  611. doak=1
  612. }
  613. global.msg[0]="* You found the Toy Knife./%%"
  614. if noroom=1 then global.msg[0]="* You are carrying too& much./%%"
  615. break;
  617. case argument0=524:
  618. doak=0
  619. noroom=0
  620. global.msg[0]="* It's TORIEL's diary.&* Read the circled passage?& Yes No \C"
  621. break;
  623. case argument0=525:
  624. if global.choice=0 then { global.msg[0]="* You read the passage.../"; global.msg[1]='"* Why did the skeleton want& a friend?"/' global.msg[2]='"* Because she was feeling& BONELY..."/' global.msg[3]="* The rest of the page is& filled with jokes of& a similar caliber./%%"}
  625. if global.choice=1 then global.msg[0]="%%"
  626. break;
  628. case argument0=526:
  629. if doak=0 then
  630. {
  631. script_execute(scr_itemget,11)
  632. if noroom=0 then global.flag[103]=2
  633. doak=1
  634. }
  635. global.msg[0]="* You found a slice of& butterscotch-cinnamon& pie./%%"
  636. if noroom=1 then global.msg[0]="* You are carrying too& much./%%"
  637. break;
  639. case argument0=527:
  640. global.msg[0]="* Hello there^1,& little one!/"
  641. global.msg[1]="* The pie has not& cooled down yet./"
  642. global.msg[2]="* Perhaps you should& take a nap.& Yes No \C /"
  643. global.msg[3]=" "
  644. break;
  646. case argument0=528:
  647. global.plot=19.1
  648. if global.choice=0 then { global.msg[0]="* Sweet dreams./%%" ; }
  649. else
  650. {
  651. global.msg[0]="\E1* You'd rather stay& up and chat with& me^1, then?/"
  652. if global.flag[103]>0 then global.msg[0]="* Up already^1, I see?/"
  653. global.msg[1]="\E0* Um^1, I want you to know& how glad I am to& have someone here./"
  654. global.msg[2]="* There are so many& old books I want& to share./"
  655. global.msg[3]="* I want to show you& my favorite bug-& hunting spot./"
  656. global.msg[4]="* I've also prepared& a curriculum for& your education./"
  657. global.msg[5]="* This may come as& a surprise to you.../"
  658. global.msg[6]="* But I have always& wanted to be a& teacher./"
  659. global.msg[7]="\E1* ... actually^1, perhaps& that isn't very& surprising./"
  660. global.msg[8]="\E5* STILL./"
  661. global.msg[9]="\E0* I am glad to have& you living here./"
  662. global.msg[10]="\E1* Oh^1, did you& want something?/"
  663. global.msg[11]="* What is it?& When can& Nothing I go home?\C /"
  664. global.msg[12]=" "
  665. }
  666. break;
  668. case argument0=529:
  669. global.plot=19.2
  670. if global.choice=0 then
  671. {
  672. global.msg[0]="* Well^1, talk to me& again if you& need anything./%%"
  673. }
  674. else
  675. {
  676. global.msg[0]="\E1* What^1?&* This..^1. this IS your& home now./"
  677. global.msg[1]="* Um..^1. would you like& to hear about this& book I am reading?/"
  678. if global.choice=-1 then
  679. { global.msg[0]="\E0* Oh^1, hello!/"; global.msg[1]="* Did you want to& hear about the& book I am reading?/" }
  680. global.msg[2]='\E0* It is called& "72 Uses for Snails."/'
  681. global.msg[3]="* How about it?& How to exit& Sure the RUINS\C /"
  682. global.msg[4]=" "
  683. }
  684. break;
  686. case argument0=530:
  687. global.plot=19.3
  688. global.msg[0]="* Here is an exciting& snail fact./"
  689. if global.choice=1 then global.msg[0]="\E1* Um^1.^1.^1.&*\E0 How about an exciting& snail fact?/"
  690. global.msg[1]="\E2* Did you know& that snails.../"
  691. r=round(random(3))
  692. if r = 0 then global.msg[2]="\E0* Have a chainsaw-like& tongue called a& radula?/"
  693. if r = 1 then global.msg[2]='\E0* Sometimes flip their& digestive systems& as they mature?/'
  694. if r = 2 then global.msg[2]="\E0* Make terrible& shoelaces?/"
  695. if r = 3 then global.msg[2]="\E0* Talk^2. Really^2. Slowly^2?&* Just kidding^1, snails& don't talk./"
  696. global.msg[3]="\E0* Interesting.& How to exit& Yeah the RUINS\C /"
  697. global.msg[4]=" "
  698. break;
  700. case argument0=531:
  701. global.plot=19.4
  702. if global.choice=0 then global.msg[0]="* Well^1, bother me& if you need anything& else./%%"
  703. else
  704. {
  705. if global.choice=1 then { global.msg[0]="\E1* ... I have to do& something^1.&* Stay here./%%" ; global.plot=19.9 }
  706. if global.choice=-1 then
  707. {
  708. global.msg[0]="\E0* What is it?& How to exit& Nothing the RUINS\C /"
  709. }
  710. }
  711. break;
  713. case argument0=532:
  714. if global.choice=0 then global.msg[0]="* If you need anything^1,& just ask./%%"
  715. if global.choice=1 then{ global.msg[0]="\E1* ... I have to do& something.&* Stay here./%%."; global.plot=19.9; }
  716. break;
  718. case argument0=666: //flowey
  719. global.msg[0]="See that heart^1? &That is your SOUL^1,&the very culmination&of your being!/"
  720. global.msg[1]="Your SOUL starts off&weak^1, but can grow&strong if you gain&a lot of LV./"
  721. global.msg[2]="What's LV stand for^1?&Why^1, LOVE^1, of course!/"
  722. global.msg[3]="You want some&LOVE, don't you?/"
  723. global.msg[4]="Don't worry,&I'll share some&with you!/%"
  724. break;
  726. case argument0=667:
  727. global.msg[0]="Down here^1, LOVE is&shared through..^1./"
  728. global.msg[1]='Little white..^2.\E1 &"friendliness&pellets."/'
  729. global.msg[2]="\E2Are you ready\E0?/%"
  730. break;
  732. case argument0=668:
  733. global.msg[0]="Move around^1!&Get as many as&you can^2!%%%"
  734. global.msg[1]="%%%"
  735. break;
  737. case argument0=669:
  738. global.msg[0]="You idiot./"
  739. global.msg[1]="In this world^1, it's&kill or BE killed./"
  740. global.msg[2]="Why would ANYONE pass&up an opportunity&like this!?/%"
  741. break;
  743. case argument0=670:
  744. global.msg[0]="Die./%"
  745. break;
  747. case argument0=671:
  748. global.msg[0]="Hey buddy^1,&you missed them./"
  749. global.msg[1]="Let's try again^1,&okay?/%"
  750. break;
  751. case argument0=672:
  752. global.msg[0]="Is this a joke^2?&Are you braindead^2?&RUN^2. INTO^2. THE^2.&BULLETS!!!"
  753. break;
  754. case argument0=673:
  755. global.msg[0]="You know what's&going on here^1,&don't you?/"
  756. global.msg[1]="You just wanted to&see me suffer./%"
  757. break;
  758. case argument0=674:
  759. global.msg[0]="\E1What a cretin^1,&torturing such a&poor^1, innocent&youth.../"
  760. global.msg[1]="\E2Ah, do not be&afraid^1, my child./"
  761. global.msg[2]="\XI am \BTORIEL\X,&caretaker of&the \RRUINS\X./"
  762. global.msg[3]="I pass through this&place every day to&see if anyone has&fallen down./"
  763. global.msg[4]="You are the first&human to come here&in a long time./"
  764. global.msg[5]="I will do my best&to ensure your&protection during&your time here./%%"
  765. global.msg[5]="\E2Come^2!&I will guide you&through the&catacombs./%%"
  766. global.msg[6]="%%%"
  768. break;
  770. // talk choices
  771. case argument0=1001:
  772. global.msg[0]=" * Check * Compliment& * Threat";
  773. global.choices[0] = 1
  774. global.choices[1] = 1
  775. global.choices[2] = 0
  776. global.choices[3] = 1
  777. global.choices[4] = 0
  778. global.choices[5] = 0
  779. break;
  781. //dummy
  782. case argument0=1002:
  783. global.msg[0]=" * Check * Talk";
  784. global.choices[0] = 1
  785. global.choices[1] = 0
  786. global.choices[2] = 0
  787. global.choices[3] = 1
  788. global.choices[4] = 0
  789. global.choices[5] = 0
  790. break;
  792. // fake froggit
  793. case argument0=1003:
  794. global.msg[0]=" * Check * Compliment& * Threat";
  795. global.choices[0] = 1
  796. global.choices[1] = 1
  797. global.choices[2] = 0
  798. global.choices[3] = 1
  799. global.choices[4] = 0
  800. global.choices[5] = 0
  801. break;
  803. // real froggit
  804. case argument0=1004:
  805. global.msg[0]=" * Check * Compliment& * Threat";
  806. global.choices[0] = 1
  807. global.choices[1] = 1
  808. global.choices[2] = 0
  809. global.choices[3] = 1
  810. global.choices[4] = 0
  811. global.choices[5] = 0
  812. break;
  814. // whimsun
  815. case argument0=1005:
  816. global.msg[0]=" * Check * Console& * Terrorize";
  817. global.choices[0] = 1
  818. global.choices[1] = 1
  819. global.choices[2] = 0
  820. global.choices[3] = 1
  821. global.choices[4] = 0
  822. global.choices[5] = 0
  823. break;
  825. case argument0=1006: // moldsmal
  826. global.msg[0]=" * Check * Imitate& * Flirt";
  827. global.choices[0] = 1
  828. global.choices[1] = 1
  829. global.choices[2] = 0
  830. global.choices[3] = 1
  831. global.choices[4] = 0
  832. global.choices[5] = 0
  833. break;
  835. case argument0=1007: // migosp
  836. global.msg[0]=" * Check * Talk";
  837. global.choices[0] = 1
  838. global.choices[1] = 0
  839. global.choices[2] = 0
  840. global.choices[3] = 1
  841. global.choices[4] = 0
  842. global.choices[5] = 0
  843. break;
  845. case argument0=1008: // vegetoid
  846. global.msg[0]=" * Check * Talk& * Eat";
  847. global.choices[0] = 1
  848. global.choices[1] = 1
  849. global.choices[2] = 0
  850. global.choices[3] = 1
  851. global.choices[4] = 0
  852. global.choices[5] = 0
  853. break;
  855. case argument0=1009: // Loox
  856. global.msg[0]=" * Check * Pick On& * Don't Pick On";
  857. global.choices[0] = 1
  858. global.choices[1] = 1
  859. global.choices[2] = 0
  860. global.choices[3] = 1
  861. global.choices[4] = 0
  862. global.choices[5] = 0
  863. break;
  865. case argument0=1010: // Toriel
  866. global.msg[0]=" * Check * Talk";
  867. global.choices[0] = 1
  868. global.choices[1] = 0
  869. global.choices[2] = 0
  870. global.choices[3] = 1
  871. global.choices[4] = 0
  872. global.choices[5] = 0
  873. break;
  875. case argument0=1011: // napstablook
  876. global.msg[0]=" * Check * Flirt& * Threat * Cheer";
  877. global.choices[0] = 1
  878. global.choices[1] = 1
  879. global.choices[2] = 0
  880. global.choices[3] = 1
  881. global.choices[4] = 1
  882. global.choices[5] = 0
  883. break;
  885. case argument0>=1012 and argument0<=1015: // doges
  886. global.msg[0]=" * Check * Beckon& * Bathe * Dry & * Walk * Pet ";
  887. global.choices[0] = 1
  888. global.choices[1] = 1
  889. global.choices[2] = 1
  890. global.choices[3] = 1
  891. global.choices[4] = 1
  892. global.choices[5] = 1
  893. break;
  896. // phone dialogue
  897. case argument0=1501:
  898. global.msg[0]="* Dialing..\E0.\TT /"
  899. if doak=0 then
  900. {
  901. doak=1
  902. global.flag[40]+=1
  903. }
  904. if global.flag[40]=1 then
  905. {
  906. global.msg[1]="\F1 %"
  907. global.msg[2]="\E0* This is TORIEL./"
  908. global.msg[3]="* You only wanted to& say hello...^2?&* Well then./"
  909. global.msg[4]="\E0* 'Hello!'/"
  910. global.msg[5]="* I hope that suffices^1.&* Hee hee./"
  911. global.msg[6]="\TS \F0 \T0 %"
  912. global.msg[7]="* Click.../%%"
  913. }
  914. if global.flag[40]=2 then
  915. {
  916. global.msg[1]="\F1 %"
  917. global.msg[2]="\E0* This is TORIEL./"
  918. global.msg[3]="* You want to say& hello again?/"
  919. global.msg[4]="* 'Salutations!'/"
  920. global.msg[5]="* Is that enough?/"
  921. global.msg[6]="\TS \F0 \T0 %"
  922. global.msg[7]="* Click.../%%"
  923. }
  924. if global.flag[40]=3 then
  925. {
  926. global.msg[1]="\F1 \TT %"
  927. global.msg[2]="\E0* This is TORIEL./"
  928. global.msg[3]="* Are you bored^1?&* I should have given& a book to you./"
  929. global.msg[4]="* My apologies./"
  930. global.msg[5]="* Why not use your& imagination to& divert yourself?/"
  931. global.msg[6]="* Pretend you are..^1.&* A monarch!/"
  932. global.msg[7]="* Rule over the leaf pile& with a fist of iron./"
  933. global.msg[8]="* Can you do that for me?/"
  934. global.msg[9]="\TS \F0 \T0 %"
  935. global.msg[10]="* Click.../%%"
  936. }
  937. if global.flag[40]>3 then
  938. {
  939. global.msg[1]="\F1 \TT %"
  940. global.msg[2]="\E0* This is TORIEL./"
  941. global.msg[3]="* Hello^1, my child./"
  942. global.msg[4]="\E1* Sorry^1, I do not have& much to say./"
  943. global.msg[5]="\E0* It was nice to hear& your voice^1, though^1./"
  944. global.msg[6]="\TS \F0 \T0 %"
  945. global.msg[7]="* Click.../%%"
  946. }
  947. break;
  949. case argument0=1502:
  950. global.msg[0]="* Dialing..\E0.\TT /"
  951. global.msg[1]="\F1 %"
  952. global.msg[2]="* This is TORIEL./"
  953. global.msg[3]="\E1* Help with a puzzle^1.^1.^1.?/"
  954. global.msg[4]="* Um^1, you have not& left the room^1, have you?/"
  955. global.msg[5]="\E0* Wait patiently for& me and we can solve& it together!/"
  956. global.msg[6]="\TS \F0 \T0 %"
  957. global.msg[7]="* Click.../%%"
  958. break;
  960. case argument0=1503: // about yourself
  961. global.msg[0]="* Dialing..\E0.\TT /"
  962. global.msg[1]="\F1 %"
  963. global.msg[2]="* This is TORIEL./"
  964. global.msg[3]="\E1* You want to know& more about me?/"
  965. global.msg[4]="* Well^1, I am afraid there& is not much to say./"
  966. global.msg[5]="\E0* I am just a silly little& lady who worries too& much!/"
  967. global.msg[6]="\TS \F0 \T0 %"
  968. global.msg[7]="* Click.../%%"
  969. break;
  971. case argument0=1504: // call her mom
  972. global.flag[42]=1
  973. global.msg[0]="* Dialing..\E0.\TT /"
  974. global.msg[1]="\F1 %"
  975. global.msg[2]="* This is TORIEL./"
  976. global.msg[3]='\E8* Huh^2?&* Did you just call& me... "Mom"?/'
  977. global.msg[4]="\E1* Well...&* I suppose.../"
  978. global.msg[5]="* Would that make you& happy?/"
  979. global.msg[6]='* To call me..^2.&* "Mother?"/'
  980. global.msg[7]="\E0* Well then^1, call me& whatever you like!/!"
  981. global.msg[8]="\TS \F0 \T0 %"
  982. global.msg[9]="* Click.../%%"
  983. break;
  985. case argument0=1505: // flirt
  986. if doak=0 then
  987. {
  988. doak=1
  989. global.flag[41]+=1
  990. }
  991. if global.flag[41]=1 then
  992. {
  993. global.msg[0]="* Dialing..\E0.\TT /"
  994. global.msg[1]="\F1 %"
  995. global.msg[2]="\E8* ...^2 huh???/"
  996. global.msg[3]="\E1* Oh,^1 heh..^1 heh...^1 \E0 &* Ha ha ha!/"
  997. global.msg[4]="* How adorable...^1 I& could pinch your cheek!/"
  998. global.msg[5]="* You can certainly find& better than an old woman& like me./"
  999. global.msg[6]="\TS \F0 \T0 %"
  1000. global.msg[7]="* Click.../%%"
  1001. }
  1002. if global.flag[41]=2 then
  1003. {
  1004. global.msg[0]="* Dialing..\E0.\TT /"
  1005. global.msg[1]="\F1 %"
  1006. global.msg[2]="\E1* Oh dear,^1 are you& serious...?/"
  1007. global.msg[3]="\E1* I do not know if this is& pathetic,^1 or endearing./"
  1008. global.msg[4]="\TS \F0 \T0 %"
  1009. global.msg[5]="* Click.../%%"
  1010. if global.flag[42]=1 then
  1011. {
  1012. global.msg[3]='\E8* And after you said you& want to call& me "mother..."/'
  1013. global.msg[4]='\E0* You are an...^2 & \E1... "interesting"& child./'
  1014. global.msg[5]="\TS \F0 \T0 %"
  1015. global.msg[6]="* Click.../%%"
  1016. }
  1017. }
  1018. break;
  1020. case argument0=1506: // nobody's home
  1021. global.flag[42]=1
  1022. global.msg[0]="* Dialing... /"
  1023. global.msg[1]="* ... /"
  1024. global.msg[2]="* No one picked up.../%%"
  1025. break;
  1027. case argument0=1507:
  1028. global.faceemotion=99
  1029. global.msg[0]="* Dialing...\TT /"
  1030. global.msg[1]="\F1 %"
  1031. global.msg[2]="* Hey^1, you silly& child./"
  1032. global.msg[3]="* If you want to& talk to me^1, I am& right here./"
  1033. global.msg[4]="\TS \F0 \T0 %"
  1034. global.msg[5]="* Click.../%%"
  1035. break;
  1040. // npc dialogue
  1041. case argument0=2001:
  1042. global.msg[0]="\E2* Welcome to your new& home,^1 innocent one./"
  1043. global.msg[1]="* Allow me to educate you& in the operation of& the RUINS./%"
  1044. break;
  1047. case argument0=2002: // toriel flirt phone call
  1048. global.faceplate=1
  1049. global.msg[0]="\E8* ...^2 huh???/"
  1050. global.msg[1]="\E1* Oh,^1 heh..^1 heh...^1 \E0 &* Ha ha ha!/"
  1051. global.msg[2]="* How adorable...^1 I& could pinch your cheek!/"
  1052. global.msg[3]="* You can certainly find& better than an old woman& like me./%"
  1053. // "\E1* Oh dear,^1 are you& serious...?/"
  1054. //// alt --> '\E8* And after you said you& want to call me "mother..."/'
  1055. //// alt --> '\E0* You are an...^2& \E1... "interesting" child.'
  1056. // "\E0* I do not know if this is& pathetic,^1 or endearing./%"
  1057. //
  1058. // "\E0*
  1059. // "
  1060. break;
  1062. case argument0=3002: //battle intro messages
  1063. global.msg[0]="* You encountered the Dummy."
  1064. global.msg[1]="%%%"
  1065. break;
  1067. case argument0=3003: //froggit
  1068. global.msg[0]="* Froggit attacks you!"
  1069. global.msg[1]="%%%"
  1070. break;
  1072. case argument0=3004: //froggit
  1073. global.msg[0]="* Froggit hopped close!"
  1074. global.msg[1]="%%%"
  1075. break;
  1077. case argument0=3005: //whimsun
  1078. global.msg[0]="* Whimsun approached meekly!"
  1079. global.msg[1]="%%%"
  1080. break;
  1082. case argument0=3006: //whimsun
  1083. global.msg[0]="* Froggit and Whimsun drew near!"
  1084. global.msg[1]="%%%"
  1085. break;
  1087. case argument0=3007: //moldsmal
  1088. global.msg[0]="* Moldsmal blocked the way!"
  1089. global.msg[1]="%%%"
  1090. break;
  1092. case argument0=9999: // test line
  1093. i=0
  1094. fileid=file_text_open_read("testlines.txt")
  1095. while (file_text_eof(fileid))=false
  1096. {
  1097. global.msg[i]=file_text_read_string(fileid)
  1098. file_text_readln(fileid)
  1099. i+=1
  1100. }
  1101. file_text_close(fileid)
  1102. break;
  1116. }
  1118. #define SCR_GAMESTART
  1119. randomize()
  1121. global.hp = 20 //hp
  1122. global.maxhp = 20 //hp
  1123. global.en = 20 //energy
  1124. global.maxen = 20 //energy
  1125. = 10 //attk
  1126. global.df = 10 //def
  1127. global.adef= 0 // armor defence
  1128. global.sp = 4 //sped
  1129. global.asp = 4 //actual sped
  1130. global.hb = 5 //hitbox
  1131. = 5 //guts
  1132. = 0 //karma
  1133. = 30 //phasing
  1134. = 0
  1135. global.xp = 0
  1136. = 1
  1137. global.charname=" "
  1138. for (i=0; i<8; i+=1)
  1139. {
  1140. global.item[i]= 0
  1141. global.spell[i] = 1
  1142. global.bulletvariable[i] = 0
  1143. global.menuno = -1
  1144. global.menucoord[i] = 0
  1145. global.bmenuno = 0
  1146. global.bmenucoord[i] = 0
  1147. }
  1149. for (i=0; i<24; i+=1)
  1150. {
  1151. global.msg[i] = "%%%"
  1152. global.areapop[i]=0
  1153. }
  1154. global.area=0
  1155. for (i=0; i<512; i+=1)
  1156. {
  1157. global.flag[i]= 0
  1158. }
  1159. global.idealborder[0]= 0
  1160. global.idealborder[1]= 0
  1161. global.idealborder[2]= 0
  1162. global.idealborder[3]= 0
  1164. global.plot = 0
  1165. global.currentroom=0
  1167. for (i=0; i<3; i+=1)
  1168. {
  1169. global.monstername[i]="Error"
  1170. global.monsterhp[i]=50
  1171. global.monstermaxhp[i]=50
  1172. global.monsterdef[i]=0
  1173. global.xpreward[i] = 0
  1174. global.goldreward[i] =0
  1175. global.itemrewardid[i] = 0
  1176. global.itemrewardchance[i] = 0
  1177.[i] = 0
  1178. global.attacker[i] = 0
  1179. global.mnpwr[i] = 0
  1180. global.bulletpwr[i] = 0
  1181. global.hurtanim[i] = 0
  1182. }
  1183. global.xpreward[3] = 0
  1184. global.goldreward[3] = 0
  1186. global.battlegroup = 3
  1187. global.turntimer = 0
  1188. global.talked = 0
  1189. global.inv = 20
  1190. global.invc = 0
  1191. global.turnmax = 0
  1192. global.myfight = 0
  1193. global.mnfight = 0
  1194. global.incombat = 0
  1195. global.firingrate = 14
  1196. global.border = 0
  1197. global.turn = 0
  1198. global.actfirst = 0
  1199. global.extraintro = 0
  1200. global.mytarget = 0
  1201. global.confirm = "ord('z')"
  1202. global.damagetimer = 90
  1204. //spellnames
  1206. //itemnames
  1208. global.attacktype = 1
  1209. global.wstrength = 0
  1210. global.pwr = 0
  1211. global.attackspeed = 11
  1212. global.attackspeedr = 2
  1214. global.wstrength = 0
  1215. global.kills = 0
  1216. global.specialbattle=0
  1218. global.myview = 0
  1219. global.hshake = 0
  1220. global.vshake = 0
  1221. global.shakespeed = 0
  1222. global.encounter=0
  1225. // overworld
  1227. global.facing = 0
  1228. global.phasing= 0
  1230. global.choices = 0
  1232. global.interact = 0
  1233. global.viewpan = 0
  1234. global.inbattle=0
  1235. global.facechoice=0
  1236. global.faceemotion=0
  1237. global.seriousbattle=0
  1238. global.mercy=0 // if 1, then there's no "run" command. if 2, then you cannot select anything at all.
  1240. global.item[0]= 0
  1241. global.item[1]= 0
  1242. global.item[2]= 0
  1243. global.item[3]= 0
  1244. global.item[4]= 0
  1245. global.item[5]= 0
  1246. global.item[6]= 0
  1247. global.item[7]= 0
  1248. global.item[8]= 0
  1249. global.weapon = 3
  1250. global.armor = 4
  1252.[0]=0 // papyrus
  1253.[1]=0 // undine
  1254.[2]=0 // mettaton
  1255.[3]=0 // sans
  1256.[4]=0 // dralphys
  1257.[5]=0 // other
  1261. //0 --> nobody
  1262. //1 --> torielHello
  1263. //2 --> torielPuzzleHelp
  1264. //3 --> torielAboutYou
  1265. //4 --> torielMom...
  1266. //5 --> torielFlirt
  1267. //6 --> Papyrus
  1268. //7 --> Sans1 (prank number 1)
  1269. //8 --> Sans2 (prank number 2)
  1270. //9 --> Sans3 (prank number 3)
  1271. //10 --> GrandpaSemi (Hello... id like a large pepperoni pizza...)
  1272. //11 --> DrAlphys
  1273. //12 --> Undine
  1274. //13 --> Mettaton
  1277. global.menuchoice[0]=1
  1278. global.menuchoice[1]=1
  1279. global.menuchoice[2]=0
  1280. global.menuchoice[3]=0
  1281. global.choice=-1
  1283. global.lastsavedtime = 0
  1284. global.lastsavedkills = 0
  1285. global.lastsavedlv=0
  1286. global.filechoice=0
  1287. global.dontfade=0
  1289. global.entrance=0
  1290. global.currentsong=" "
  1291. global.typer=5
  1293. global.debug=0
  1295. #define SCR_DIRECT
  1296. global.bulletvariable[0] = argument0 //chasespeed
  1297. global.bulletvariable[1] = argument1 //speedvariance
  1298. global.bulletvariable[2] = argument2 //direction variance
  1299. global.bulletvariable[3] = argument3 //gravity
  1300. global.bulletvariable[4] = argument4 //gdirection
  1301. global.bulletvariable[5] = argument5 //friction
  1302. global.bulletvariable[6] = argument6 //direction
  1303. global.bulletvariable[7] = argument7 //directionalspeed
  1304. bulletnumber = argument8
  1305. global.bulletappearance = argument9
  1308. for (i=0; i<=bulletnumber;i+=1)
  1309. {
  1310. iii=instance_create(x,y,blt_direct)
  1311. iii.dmg = global.monsteratk[myself]
  1312. }
  1314. //1, 4, 60, 0.5, 270, 0.1, 8 rain
  1316. #define SCR_THATCH
  1317. xdiff = argument0 //xdiff
  1318. ydiff = argument1 //ydiff
  1319. global.bulletvariable[2] = argument2 //thatch angle
  1320. global.bulletvariable[3] = argument3 //gravity
  1321. global.bulletvariable[4] = argument4 //gdirection
  1322. global.bulletvariable[5] = argument5 //friction
  1323. global.bulletvariable[6] = argument6 //direction
  1324. global.bulletvariable[7] = argument7 //directionalspeed
  1325. thatchbonus = argument8 //thatchbonus
  1326. bulletnumber = argument9
  1327. global.bulletappearance = argument10
  1330. for (i=0; i<=bulletnumber;i+=1)
  1331. {
  1332. global.bulletvariable[6] += argument2
  1333. global.bulletvariable[7] += (argument8*i)
  1334. iii = instance_create(x+(i*xdiff),y+(i*ydiff),blt_thatch)
  1335. with (iii) dmg = 5
  1336. global.bulletvariable[6] -= argument2*2
  1337. global.bulletvariable[7] -= (argument8*i)*2
  1338. iii = instance_create(x+(i*xdiff),y+(i*ydiff),blt_thatch)
  1339. with (iii) dmg = 5
  1340. global.bulletvariable[6] = argument6
  1341. global.bulletvariable[7] = argument7
  1342. }
  1344. //1, 4, 60, 0.5, 270, 0.1, 8 rain
  1346. #define SCR_LASER
  1347. global.bulletvariable[0] = argument0 //ORIGINSPEED
  1348. global.bulletvariable[1] = argument1 //ORIGINDIR
  1349. global.bulletvariable[2] = argument2 //GOALX
  1350. global.bulletvariable[3] = argument3 //GOALY
  1351. global.bulletvariable[4] = argument4 //gravity
  1352. global.bulletvariable[5] = argument5 //gdirection
  1353. global.bulletvariable[6] = argument6 //friction
  1354. global.bulletvariable[7] = argument7 //GOALDIR
  1355. global.bulletvariable[8] = argument8 //GOALSPEED
  1356. global.bulletappearance = argument9
  1360. instance_create(x,y,blt_laser)
  1362. #define SCR_BORDERSETUP
  1363. if global.border = 0 then // dialogue box
  1364. {
  1365. global.idealborder[0] = 32
  1366. global.idealborder[1] = 602
  1367. global.idealborder[2] = 250
  1368. global.idealborder[3] = 385
  1369. }
  1371. if global.border = 1 then // standard box
  1372. {
  1373. global.idealborder[0] = 217
  1374. global.idealborder[1] = 417
  1375. global.idealborder[2] = 180
  1376. global.idealborder[3] = 385
  1377. }
  1379. if global.border = 2 then // tower box
  1380. {
  1381. global.idealborder[0] = 217
  1382. global.idealborder[1] = 417
  1383. global.idealborder[2] = 125
  1384. global.idealborder[3] = 385
  1385. }
  1387. if global.border = 3 then // small box
  1388. {
  1389. global.idealborder[0] = 237
  1390. global.idealborder[1] = 397
  1391. global.idealborder[2] = 250
  1392. global.idealborder[3] = 385
  1393. }
  1395. if global.border = 4 then // claustrophobic box
  1396. {
  1397. global.idealborder[0] = 267
  1398. global.idealborder[1] = 367
  1399. global.idealborder[2] = 295
  1400. global.idealborder[3] = 385
  1401. }
  1403. if global.border = 5 then // wide-small box
  1404. {
  1405. global.idealborder[0] = 192
  1406. global.idealborder[1] = 442
  1407. global.idealborder[2] = 250
  1408. global.idealborder[3] = 385
  1409. }
  1411. if global.border = 6 then // slightly bigger box PREP
  1412. {
  1413. global.idealborder[0] = 227
  1414. global.idealborder[1] = 407
  1415. global.idealborder[2] = 250
  1416. global.idealborder[3] = 385
  1417. }
  1418. if global.border = 7 then // slightly bigger box TALL
  1419. {
  1420. global.idealborder[0] = 227
  1421. global.idealborder[1] = 407
  1422. global.idealborder[2] = 200
  1423. global.idealborder[3] = 385
  1424. }
  1426. if global.border = 8 then // short box
  1427. {
  1428. global.idealborder[0] = 202
  1429. global.idealborder[1] = 432
  1430. global.idealborder[2] = 290
  1431. global.idealborder[3] = 385
  1432. }
  1434. #define scr_monstersetup
  1435. //determine our ID based on who else is around. we're alive
  1437. myself = 0
  1439. if[1] = 1 then
  1440. {
  1441. myself = 2
  1442.[2] = 1
  1443. }
  1445. if[0] = 1 and myself != 2 then
  1446. {
  1447. myself = 1
  1448.[1] = 1
  1449. }
  1451. if[0] = 0 then
  1452. {
  1453. myself = 0
  1454.[0] = 1
  1455. }
  1457. if global.monstertype[myself] = 1 then
  1458. {
  1459. global.monstername[myself]="TestFroggit"
  1460. global.monstermaxhp[myself]=23
  1461. global.monsterhp[myself]=23
  1462. global.monsteratk[myself]=4
  1463. global.monsterdef[myself]=1
  1464. global.xpreward[myself] = 2
  1465. global.goldreward[myself] = 2
  1466. global.itemrewardid = 1
  1467. global.itemrewardchance = 50
  1468. }
  1470. if global.monstertype[myself] = 2 then
  1471. {
  1472. global.monstername[myself]="Dummy"
  1473. global.monstermaxhp[myself]=15
  1474. global.monsterhp[myself]=15
  1475. global.monsteratk[myself]=0
  1476. global.monsterdef[myself]=-5
  1477. global.xpreward[myself] = 0
  1478. global.goldreward[myself] = 0
  1479. global.itemrewardid = 0
  1480. global.itemrewardchance = 0
  1481. }
  1482. if global.monstertype[myself] = 3 then
  1483. {
  1484. global.monstername[myself]="Froggit"
  1485. global.monstermaxhp[myself]=23
  1486. global.monsterhp[myself]=23
  1487. global.monsteratk[myself]=4
  1488. global.monsterdef[myself]=1
  1489. global.xpreward[myself] = 10
  1490. global.goldreward[myself] = 20
  1491. global.itemrewardid = 1
  1492. global.itemrewardchance = 50
  1493. }
  1495. if global.monstertype[myself] = 4 then
  1496. {
  1497. global.monstername[myself]="Froggit"
  1498. global.monstermaxhp[myself]=30
  1499. global.monsterhp[myself]=30
  1500. global.monsteratk[myself]=4
  1501. global.monsterdef[myself]=4
  1502. global.xpreward[myself] = 3
  1503. global.goldreward[myself] = 2
  1504. global.itemrewardid = 1
  1505. global.itemrewardchance = 50
  1506. }
  1509. if global.monstertype[myself] = 5 then
  1510. {
  1511. global.monstername[myself]="Whimsun"
  1512. global.monstermaxhp[myself]=10
  1513. global.monsterhp[myself]=10
  1514. global.monsteratk[myself]=4
  1515. global.monsterdef[myself]=0
  1516. global.xpreward[myself] = 2
  1517. global.goldreward[myself] = 2
  1518. global.itemrewardid = 1
  1519. global.itemrewardchance = 50
  1520. }
  1522. if global.monstertype[myself] = 6 then
  1523. {
  1524. global.monstername[myself]="Moldsmal"
  1525. global.monstermaxhp[myself]=50
  1526. global.monsterhp[myself]=50
  1527. global.monsteratk[myself]=4
  1528. global.monsterdef[myself]=0
  1529. global.xpreward[myself] = 3
  1530. global.goldreward[myself] = 3
  1531. global.itemrewardid = 1
  1532. global.itemrewardchance = 50
  1533. }
  1535. if global.monstertype[myself] = 7 then
  1536. {
  1537. global.monstername[myself]="Migosp"
  1538. global.monstermaxhp[myself]=40
  1539. global.monsterhp[myself]=40
  1540. global.monsteratk[myself]=5
  1541. global.monsterdef[myself]=4
  1542. global.xpreward[myself] = 5
  1543. global.goldreward[myself] = 4
  1544. global.itemrewardid = 1
  1545. global.itemrewardchance = 50
  1546. }
  1549. if global.monstertype[myself] = 8 then
  1550. {
  1551. global.monstername[myself]="Vegetoid"
  1552. global.monstermaxhp[myself]=72
  1553. global.monsterhp[myself]=72
  1554. global.monsteratk[myself]=5
  1555. global.monsterdef[myself]=0
  1556. global.xpreward[myself] = 6
  1557. global.goldreward[myself] = 1
  1558. global.itemrewardid = 1
  1559. global.itemrewardchance = 50
  1560. }
  1562. if global.monstertype[myself] = 9 then
  1563. {
  1564. global.monstername[myself]="Loox"
  1565. global.monstermaxhp[myself]=50
  1566. global.monsterhp[myself]=50
  1567. global.monsteratk[myself]=5
  1568. global.monsterdef[myself]=4
  1569. global.xpreward[myself] = 7
  1570. global.goldreward[myself] = 5
  1571. global.itemrewardid = 1
  1572. global.itemrewardchance = 50
  1573. }
  1575. if global.monstertype[myself] = 10 then
  1576. {
  1577. global.monstername[myself]="Toriel"
  1578. global.monstermaxhp[myself]=440
  1579. global.monsterhp[myself]=440
  1580. global.monsteratk[myself]=6
  1581. global.monsterdef[myself]=2
  1582. if global.flag[202]>11 and global.flag[203]>11 then global.monsterdef[myself]=-9999
  1583. global.xpreward[myself] = 0
  1584. global.goldreward[myself] = 0
  1585. global.itemrewardid = 0
  1586. global.itemrewardchance = 0
  1587. }
  1590. if global.monstertype[myself] = 11 then
  1591. {
  1592. global.monstername[myself]="Napstablook"
  1593. global.monstermaxhp[myself]=88
  1594. global.monsterhp[myself]=88
  1595. global.monsteratk[myself]=5
  1596. global.monsterdef[myself]=4
  1597. global.xpreward[myself] = -1
  1598. global.goldreward[myself] = 0
  1599. global.itemrewardid = 0
  1600. global.itemrewardchance = 0
  1601. }
  1603. if global.monstertype[myself] = 13 then //Doge B
  1604. {
  1605. global.monstername[myself]="Doge"
  1606. global.monstermaxhp[myself]=62
  1607. global.monsterhp[myself]=62
  1608. global.monsteratk[myself]=7
  1609. global.monsterdef[myself]=5
  1610. global.xpreward[myself] =30
  1611. global.goldreward[myself] =9
  1612. global.itemrewardid = 0
  1613. global.itemrewardchance = 0
  1614. }
  1616. #define scr_battlegroup
  1617. //make some noise
  1618.[0] = 0
  1619.[1] = 0
  1620.[2] = 0
  1621.[3] = 0
  1624. if global.battlegroup = 1 then
  1625. {
  1626. global.monstertype[0] = 1
  1627. global.monstertype[1] = 1
  1628. global.monstertype[2] = 1
  1629. global.batmusic=caster_load("music/battle1.ogg")
  1630. caster_loop(global.batmusic,0.5,1)
  1631. global.msc=2
  1632. global.battlelv=1
  1633. global.actfirst=0
  1634. global.extraintro=0
  1635. global.monsterinstance[0] = instance_create(216,136,obj_testmonster)
  1636. global.monsterinstance[1] = instance_create(418,136,obj_testmonster)
  1637. global.monsterinstance[2] = instance_create(14,136,obj_testmonster)
  1638. }
  1640. if global.battlegroup = 2 then
  1641. {
  1642. global.monstertype[0] = 2
  1643. global.monstertype[1] = 0
  1644. global.monstertype[2] = 0
  1645. global.batmusic=caster_load("music/prebattle1.ogg")
  1646. caster_loop(global.batmusic,0.5,1)
  1647. global.msc=global.battlegroup+3000
  1648. global.battlelv=0
  1649. global.actfirst=0
  1650. global.extraintro=0
  1651. global.monsterinstance[0] = instance_create(216,136,obj_dummymonster)
  1652. }
  1654. if global.battlegroup = 3 then
  1655. {
  1656. global.monstertype[0] = 3
  1657. global.monstertype[1] = 0
  1658. global.monstertype[2] = 0
  1659. global.batmusic=caster_load("music/prebattle1.ogg")
  1660. caster_loop(global.batmusic,0.5,1)
  1661. global.msc=global.battlegroup+3000
  1662. global.battlelv=0
  1663. global.actfirst=0
  1664. global.extraintro=0
  1665. global.monsterinstance[0] = instance_create(216,136,obj_fakefroggit)
  1666. }
  1668. if global.battlegroup = 4 then
  1669. {
  1670. global.monstertype[0] = 4
  1671. global.monstertype[1] = 0
  1672. global.monstertype[2] = 0
  1673. global.batmusic=caster_load("music/battle1.ogg")
  1674. caster_loop(global.batmusic,0.5,1)
  1675. global.msc=global.battlegroup+3000
  1676. global.battlelv=0
  1677. global.actfirst=0
  1678. global.extraintro=0
  1679. global.monsterinstance[0] = instance_create(216,136,obj_froggit)
  1680. }
  1682. if global.battlegroup = 5 then
  1683. {
  1684. global.monstertype[0] = 5
  1685. global.monstertype[1] = 0
  1686. global.monstertype[2] = 0
  1687. global.batmusic=caster_load("music/battle1.ogg")
  1688. caster_loop(global.batmusic,0.5,1)
  1689. global.msc=global.battlegroup+3000
  1690. global.battlelv=0
  1691. global.actfirst=0
  1692. global.extraintro=0
  1693. global.monsterinstance[0] = instance_create(214,16,obj_whimsun)
  1694. }
  1696. if global.battlegroup = 6 then
  1697. {
  1698. global.monstertype[0] = 4
  1699. global.monstertype[1] = 5
  1700. global.monstertype[2] = 0
  1701. global.batmusic=caster_load("music/battle1.ogg")
  1702. caster_loop(global.batmusic,0.5,1)
  1703. global.msc=global.battlegroup+3000
  1704. global.battlelv=0
  1705. global.actfirst=0
  1706. global.extraintro=0
  1707. global.monsterinstance[0] = instance_create(216,136,obj_froggit)
  1708. global.monsterinstance[1] = instance_create(317,16,obj_whimsun)
  1709. }
  1711. if global.battlegroup = 7 then
  1712. {
  1713. global.monstertype[0] = 6
  1714. global.monstertype[1] = 0
  1715. global.monstertype[2] = 0
  1716. global.batmusic=caster_load("music/battle1.ogg")
  1717. caster_loop(global.batmusic,0.5,1)
  1718. global.msc=global.battlegroup+3000
  1719. global.battlelv=0
  1720. global.actfirst=0
  1721. global.extraintro=0
  1722. global.monsterinstance[0] = instance_create(216,156,obj_moldsmal)
  1723. }
  1725. if global.battlegroup = 8 then
  1726. {
  1727. global.monstertype[0] = 6
  1728. global.monstertype[1] = 6
  1729. global.monstertype[2] = 6
  1730. global.batmusic=caster_load("music/battle1.ogg")
  1731. caster_loop(global.batmusic,0.5,1)
  1732. global.msc=global.battlegroup+3000
  1733. global.battlelv=0
  1734. global.actfirst=0
  1735. global.extraintro=0
  1736. global.msc=0
  1737. global.msg[0]="* You tripped into a& line of Moldsmals."
  1738. // global.monsterinstance[0] = instance_create(115,136,obj_froggit)
  1739. global.monsterinstance[0] = instance_create(15,156,obj_moldsmal)
  1740. global.monsterinstance[1] = instance_create(217,156,obj_moldsmal)
  1741. global.monsterinstance[2] = instance_create(421,156,obj_moldsmal)
  1742. }
  1744. if global.battlegroup = 9 then
  1745. {
  1746. global.monstertype[0] = 4
  1747. global.monstertype[1] = 4
  1748. global.monstertype[2] = 0
  1749. global.batmusic=caster_load("music/battle1.ogg")
  1750. caster_loop(global.batmusic,0.5,1)
  1751. global.msc=0
  1752. global.battlelv=0
  1753. global.actfirst=0
  1754. global.extraintro=0
  1755. global.msg[0]="* A pair of Froggits hop& towards you."
  1756. global.monsterinstance[0] = instance_create(116,136,obj_froggit)
  1757. global.monsterinstance[1] = instance_create(320,136,obj_froggit)
  1758. }
  1760. if global.battlegroup = 10 then
  1761. {
  1762. global.monstertype[0] = 6
  1763. global.monstertype[1] = 6
  1764. global.monstertype[2] = 0
  1765. global.batmusic=caster_load("music/battle1.ogg")
  1766. caster_loop(global.batmusic,0.5,1)
  1767. global.msc=0
  1768. global.battlelv=0
  1769. global.actfirst=0
  1770. global.extraintro=0
  1771. global.msg[0]="* Moldsmal and Moldsmal& block the way."
  1772. global.monsterinstance[0] = instance_create(116,156,obj_moldsmal)
  1773. global.monsterinstance[1] = instance_create(320,156,obj_moldsmal)
  1774. }
  1776. if global.battlegroup = 11 then
  1777. {
  1778. global.monstertype[0] = 6
  1779. global.monstertype[1] = 7
  1780. global.monstertype[2] = 0
  1781. global.batmusic=caster_load("music/battle1.ogg")
  1782. caster_loop(global.batmusic,0.5,1)
  1783. global.msc=0
  1784. global.battlelv=0
  1785. global.actfirst=0
  1786. global.extraintro=0
  1787. global.msg[0]="* Migosp crawled up close!"
  1788. global.monsterinstance[0] = instance_create(116,156,obj_moldsmal)
  1789. global.monsterinstance[1] = instance_create(320,136,obj_migosp)
  1790. }
  1792. if global.battlegroup = 12 then
  1793. {
  1794. global.monstertype[0] = 7
  1795. global.monstertype[1] = 8
  1796. global.monstertype[2] = 0
  1797. global.batmusic=caster_load("music/battle1.ogg")
  1798. caster_loop(global.batmusic,0.5,1)
  1799. global.msc=0
  1800. global.battlelv=0
  1801. global.actfirst=0
  1802. global.extraintro=0
  1803. global.msg[0]="* Vegetoid came out of the earth!"
  1804. global.monsterinstance[0] = instance_create(116,136,obj_migosp)
  1805. global.monsterinstance[1] = instance_create(320,136,obj_vegetoid)
  1806. }
  1808. if global.battlegroup = 13 then
  1809. {
  1810. global.monstertype[0] = 9
  1811. global.monstertype[1] = 0
  1812. global.monstertype[2] = 0
  1813. global.batmusic=caster_load("music/battle1.ogg")
  1814. caster_loop(global.batmusic,0.5,1)
  1815. global.msc=0
  1816. global.battlelv=0
  1817. global.actfirst=0
  1818. global.extraintro=0
  1819. global.msg[0]="* Loox drew near!"
  1820. global.monsterinstance[0] = instance_create(218,124,obj_loox)
  1821. }
  1823. if global.battlegroup = 14 then
  1824. {
  1825. global.monstertype[0] = 9
  1826. global.monstertype[1] = 8
  1827. global.monstertype[2] = 0
  1828. global.batmusic=caster_load("music/battle1.ogg")
  1829. caster_loop(global.batmusic,0.5,1)
  1830. global.msc=0
  1831. global.battlelv=0
  1832. global.actfirst=0
  1833. global.extraintro=0
  1834. global.msg[0]="* Vegetoid and Loox attacked!"
  1835. global.monsterinstance[0] = instance_create(116,124,obj_loox)
  1836. global.monsterinstance[1] = instance_create(320,136,obj_vegetoid)
  1837. }
  1839. if global.battlegroup = 15 then
  1840. {
  1841. global.monstertype[0] = 9
  1842. global.monstertype[1] = 8
  1843. global.monstertype[2] = 7
  1844. global.batmusic=caster_load("music/battle1.ogg")
  1845. caster_loop(global.batmusic,0.5,1)
  1846. global.msc=0
  1847. global.battlelv=0
  1848. global.actfirst=0
  1849. global.extraintro=0
  1850. global.msg[0]="* Loox and co. decided to& pick on you!"
  1851. global.monsterinstance[0] = instance_create(14,124,obj_loox)
  1852. global.monsterinstance[1] = instance_create(218,136,obj_vegetoid)
  1853. global.monsterinstance[2] = instance_create(422,136,obj_migosp)
  1854. }
  1856. if global.battlegroup = 16 then
  1857. {
  1858. global.monstertype[0] = 8
  1859. global.monstertype[1] = 8
  1860. global.monstertype[2] = 0
  1861. global.batmusic=caster_load("music/battle1.ogg")
  1862. caster_loop(global.batmusic,0.5,1)
  1863. global.msc=0
  1864. global.battlelv=0
  1865. global.actfirst=0
  1866. global.extraintro=0
  1867. global.msg[0]="* A pair of Vegetoids& came out of the ground!"
  1868. global.monsterinstance[0] = instance_create(116,136,obj_vegetoid)
  1869. global.monsterinstance[1] = instance_create(320,136,obj_vegetoid)
  1870. }
  1872. if global.battlegroup = 17 then
  1873. {
  1874. global.monstertype[0] = 9
  1875. global.monstertype[1] = 9
  1876. global.monstertype[2] = 0
  1877. global.batmusic=caster_load("music/battle1.ogg")
  1878. caster_loop(global.batmusic,0.5,1)
  1879. global.msc=0
  1880. global.battlelv=0
  1881. global.actfirst=0
  1882. global.extraintro=0
  1883. global.msg[0]="* A pair of Loox& decided to pick on you!"
  1884. global.monsterinstance[0] = instance_create(116,124,obj_loox)
  1885. global.monsterinstance[1] = instance_create(320,124,obj_loox)
  1886. }
  1888. if global.battlegroup = 18 then
  1889. {
  1890. global.monstertype[0] = 8
  1891. global.monstertype[1] = 0
  1892. global.monstertype[2] = 0
  1893. global.batmusic=caster_load("music/battle1.ogg")
  1894. caster_loop(global.batmusic,0.5,1)
  1895. global.msc=0
  1896. global.battlelv=0
  1897. global.actfirst=0
  1898. global.extraintro=0
  1899. global.msg[0]="* Vegetoid came out of the earth!"
  1900. global.monsterinstance[0] = instance_create(218,136,obj_vegetoid)
  1901. }
  1903. if global.battlegroup = 19 then
  1904. {
  1905. global.monstertype[0] = 0
  1906. global.monstertype[1] = 0
  1907. global.monstertype[2] = 0
  1908. global.batmusic=caster_load("music/battle1.ogg")
  1909. caster_loop(global.batmusic,0.3,0.5)
  1910. global.msc=0
  1911. global.battlelv=0
  1912. global.actfirst=0
  1913. global.extraintro=2
  1914. global.msg[2]="* But nobody came./%"
  1915. }
  1919. if global.battlegroup = 20 then
  1920. {
  1921. global.monstertype[0] = 11
  1922. global.monstertype[1] = 0
  1923. global.monstertype[2] = 0
  1924. global.batmusic=caster_load("music/ghostbattle.ogg")
  1925. caster_loop(global.batmusic,1,1)
  1926. global.msc=0
  1927. global.battlelv=0
  1928. global.actfirst=0
  1929. global.extraintro=0
  1930. global.msg[0]="* Here comes Napstablook."
  1931. global.monsterinstance[0] = instance_create(266,106,obj_napstablook)
  1932. }
  1934. if global.battlegroup = 21 then
  1935. {
  1936. global.monstertype[0] = 9
  1937. global.monstertype[1] = 0
  1938. global.monstertype[2] = 0
  1939. global.batmusic=caster_load("music/battle1.ogg")
  1940. caster_loop(global.batmusic,0.5,1)
  1941. global.msc=0
  1942. global.battlelv=0
  1943. global.actfirst=0
  1944. global.extraintro=0
  1945. global.msg[0]="* Loox drew near!"
  1946. global.monsterinstance[0] = instance_create(218,124,obj_loox)
  1947. }
  1949. if global.battlegroup = 22 then
  1950. {
  1951. global.monstertype[0] = 10
  1952. global.monstertype[1] = 0
  1953. global.monstertype[2] = 0
  1954. global.batmusic=caster_load("music/boss1.ogg")
  1955. caster_loop(global.batmusic,1,1)
  1956. global.msc=0
  1957. global.battlelv=0
  1958. global.actfirst=0
  1959. global.extraintro=0
  1960. global.msg[0]="* Toriel blocks the way!"
  1961. global.monsterinstance[0] = instance_create(250,42,obj_torielboss)
  1962. }
  1965. if global.battlegroup = 23 then //doge B
  1966. {
  1967. global.monstertype[0] = 13
  1968. global.monstertype[1] = 0
  1969. global.monstertype[2] = 0
  1970. global.batmusic=caster_load("music/battle1.ogg")
  1971. caster_loop(global.batmusic,0.5,1)
  1972. global.msc=0
  1973. global.battlelv=0
  1974. global.actfirst=0
  1975. global.extraintro=0
  1976. global.msg[0]="* Doge appears."
  1977. global.monsterinstance[0] = instance_create(216,38,obj_dogeB)
  1978. }
  1980. global.turn = 0
  1982. #define SCR_TEXTTYPE
  1983. if argument0 != 0 then global.typer = argument0
  1984. if global.typer = 1 then script_execute(SCR_TEXTSETUP,fnt_main,c_white,x+20,y+20,x+(global.idealborder[1]-55),1,1,SND_TXT2,16,32) //main battle
  1985. if global.typer = 2 then script_execute(SCR_TEXTSETUP,fnt_plain,c_black,x,y,x+190,43,2,SND_TXT1,9,20)
  1986. if global.typer = 3 then script_execute(SCR_TEXTSETUP,fnt_curs,c_teal,x,y,x+100,39,3,SND_TXT1,10,10)
  1987. if global.typer = 4 then script_execute(SCR_TEXTSETUP,fnt_maintext,c_white,x+20,y+20,view_xview[view_current]+290,0,1,snd_txttor,8,18) //main toriel
  1988. if global.typer = 5 then script_execute(SCR_TEXTSETUP,fnt_maintext,c_white,x+20,y+20,view_xview[view_current]+290,0,1,SND_TXT1,8,18) //main overworld
  1989. if global.typer = 6 then script_execute(SCR_TEXTSETUP,fnt_plain,c_black,x,y,x+200,0.5,1,snd_floweytalk1,9,20) //flowey in battle
  1990. if global.typer = 7 then script_execute(SCR_TEXTSETUP,fnt_plain,c_black,x,y,x+200,2,2,snd_floweytalk2,9,20) //evilflowey in battle
  1991. if global.typer = 8 then script_execute(SCR_TEXTSETUP,fnt_plain,c_black,x,y,x+200,0.5,1,snd_txttor,9,20) //toriel in battle
  1992. if global.typer = 9 then script_execute(SCR_TEXTSETUP,fnt_maintext,c_white,x+20,y+20,view_xview[view_current]+290,0,1,snd_floweytalk1,8,18) //flowey overworld
  1993. if global.typer = 10 then script_execute(SCR_TEXTSETUP,fnt_maintext,c_white,x+20,y+20,view_xview[view_current]+290,0,1,snd_nosound,8,18) //main overworld SILENT
  1994. if global.typer = 11 then script_execute(SCR_TEXTSETUP,fnt_maintext,c_white,x+20,y+20,view_xview[view_current]+290,0,2,SND_TXT2,9,18) //intro
  1995. if global.typer = 12 then script_execute(SCR_TEXTSETUP,fnt_plain,c_black,x,y,x+200,1,3,snd_txttor2,10,20) //toriel-beaten in battle
  1996. if global.typer = 13 then script_execute(SCR_TEXTSETUP,fnt_plain,c_black,x,y,x+200,2,4,snd_txttor2,11,20) //toriel-beaten in battle
  1997. if global.typer = 14 then script_execute(SCR_TEXTSETUP,fnt_plain,c_black,x,y,x+200,3,5,snd_txttor2,14,20) //toriel-beaten in battle
  1998. if global.typer = 15 then script_execute(SCR_TEXTSETUP,fnt_plain,c_black,x,y,x+200,0,10,snd_txttor2,18,20) //toriel-beaten in battle
  1999. if global.typer = 16 then script_execute(SCR_TEXTSETUP,fnt_maintext,c_white,x+20,y+20,view_xview[view_current]+290,1.2,2,snd_floweytalk2,8,18) //evilflowey overworld
  2000. if global.typer = 17 then script_execute(SCR_TEXTSETUP,fnt_comicsans,c_white,x+20,y+20,view_xview[view_current]+290,0.8,1,snd_txtsans,8,18) //sas overworld
  2001. if global.typer = 18 then script_execute(SCR_TEXTSETUP,fnt_papyrus,c_white,x+20,y+20,view_xview[view_current]+290,0,1,snd_txtpap,11,18) //pap overworld
  2002. if global.typer = 19 then script_execute(SCR_TEXTSETUP,fnt_papyrus,c_white,x+20,y+20,view_xview[view_current]+290,0,1,snd_txtpap,15,18) //pap all capitals overworld
  2003. if global.typer = 20 then script_execute(SCR_TEXTSETUP,fnt_plainbig,c_black,x,y,x+200,0,2,snd_floweytalk2,25,20) //huge evilflowey
  2004. if global.typer = 30 then script_execute(SCR_TEXTSETUP,fnt_main,c_white,x+20,y+20,9999,0,2,snd_txtasg,20,36) //asgore gameover text
  2005. if global.typer = 31 then script_execute(SCR_TEXTSETUP,fnt_maintext,c_white,x+20,y+20,9999,0,2,snd_txtasg,12,18)
  2007. #define scr_itemdesc
  2008. //argument0 = whats the item
  2009. switch(true)
  2010. {
  2011. case argument0=0: //monster candy
  2012. global.msg[0] = '* If you are reading this,& I messed up somehow./%'
  2013. break;
  2014. case argument0=1: //monster candy
  2015. global.msg[0] = '* "Monster Candy" - Heals 10 HP&* Has a distinct,^1 & non-licorice flavor./%'
  2016. break;
  2017. case argument0=2: // croquette roll
  2018. global.msg[0] = '* "Croquet Roll" - Heals 15 HP&* Fried dough traditionally& served with a mallet./%'
  2019. break;
  2020. case argument0=3: //butter knife
  2021. global.msg[0] = '* "Stick" - Weapon AT 0&* Its bark is worse than& its bite./%'
  2022. break;
  2023. case argument0=4: //bandage
  2024. global.msg[0] = '* "Bandage" - Heals 10 HP&* It has already been used& several times./%'
  2025. break;
  2026. case argument0=5: //ancient toffee
  2027. global.msg[0] = '* "Rock Candy" - Heals 1 HP&* Here is a recipe to make& this at home:/'
  2028. global.msg[1] = "* 1. Find a rock/%"
  2029. break;
  2030. case argument0=6: //pumpkin rings
  2031. global.msg[0] = '* "Pumpkin Rings" - Heals 8 HP&* A small pumpkin cooked& like onion rings./%'
  2032. break;
  2033. case argument0=7: //Spider Donut
  2034. global.msg[0] = '* "Spider Donut" - Heals 12 HP&* A donut made with Spider& Cider in the batter./%'
  2035. break;
  2036. case argument0=8: //Stoic Onions
  2037. global.msg[0] = '* "Stoic Onion" - Heals 5 HP&'+"* Even eating it raw^1, the& tears just won't come./%"
  2038. break;
  2039. case argument0=9: //Ghost Fruit
  2040. global.msg[0] = '* "Ghost Fruit" - Heals 16 HP&'+"* If eaten^1, it will never& pass to the other side./%"
  2041. break;
  2042. case argument0=10: //Spider Cider
  2043. global.msg[0] = '* "Spider Cider" - Heals 22 HP&* Made with whole spiders^1,& not just the juice./%'
  2044. break;
  2045. case argument0=11: //Butterscotch Pie
  2046. global.msg[0] = '* "Butterscotch Pie" - All HP&* Butterscotch-cinnamon& pie^1, one slice./%'
  2047. break;
  2048. case argument0=12: //ribbon
  2049. global.msg[0] = '* "Faded Ribbon" - Armor DF 3&* Monsters will be reluctant& to hit you./%'
  2050. break;
  2051. case argument0=13: //ribbon
  2052. global.msg[0] = '* "Toy Knife" - Weapon AT 3&* Made of plastic.&* A rarity nowadays./%'
  2053. break;
  2054. }
  2057. #define scr_attack
  2058. if global.weapon = 3 || global.weapon=13 then
  2059. {
  2060. instance_create(global.idealborder[0]+6, global.idealborder[2]+6, obj_target)
  2061. }
  2063. #define scr_attackcalc
  2064. defarg = global.monsterdef[global.mytarget]
  2065. global.pwr = global.wstrength +
  2066. damage = global.pwr - defarg
  2069. #define SCR_BORDER
  2070. xx = 0
  2071. yy = 0
  2072. if argument0 = 0 then
  2073. {
  2074. xx = round(random(global.idealborder[1] - global.idealborder[0])) + global.idealborder[0]
  2075. yy = global.idealborder[2]
  2076. }
  2077. if argument0 = 1 then
  2078. {
  2079. xx = round(random(global.idealborder[1] - global.idealborder[0])) + global.idealborder[0]
  2080. yy = global.idealborder[3] - argument1
  2081. }
  2082. if argument0 = 2 then
  2083. {
  2084. yy = round(random(global.idealborder[3] - global.idealborder[2])) + global.idealborder[2]
  2085. xx = global.idealborder[0]
  2086. }
  2087. if argument0 = 3 then
  2088. {
  2089. yy = round(random(global.idealborder[3] - global.idealborder[2])) + global.idealborder[2]
  2090. xx = global.idealborder[1] - argument1
  2091. }
  2093. #define scr_gameoverb
  2094. global.hp=0
  2095. if global.battlegroup=22 then obj_torielboss.sprite_index=spr_torielboss_mouthcover
  2096. sleep(500)
  2097. sound_stop_all()
  2098. caster_stop(all)
  2099. caster_free(all)
  2100. global.myxb = obj_heart.x
  2101. global.myyb = obj_heart.y
  2102. room_goto(room_gameover)
  2104. #define scr_depth
  2105. depth = 50000 - (y*10 + sprite_height*10)
  2107. #define scr_interact
  2108. myinteract = 1
  2111. #define scr_facechoice
  2112. if global.facechoice=1
  2113. {
  2114. instance_create(writer.x-33,writer.y+25,obj_face_torieltalk)
  2115. instance_create(0,0,obj_torbody)
  2116. }
  2117. if global.facechoice=2
  2118. {
  2119. instance_create(writer.x-36,writer.y+25,obj_face_floweytalk)
  2120. }
  2121. if global.facechoice=3
  2122. {
  2123. instance_create(writer.x-35,writer.y+25,obj_face_sans)
  2124. }
  2125. if global.facechoice=4
  2126. {
  2127. instance_create(writer.x-35,writer.y+25,obj_face_papyrus)
  2128. }
  2130. #define scr_gotobattle
  2132. #define scr_npcsetup
  2133. halt = 0
  2134. myinteract = 0
  2135. stopped=1
  2136. movementtype=argument0
  2137. facing=-1
  2139. //argument0 = movement type
  2140. //2 = faces different directions, talks
  2141. //1 = only animates in place
  2142. if movementtype=2 then
  2143. {
  2144. facing=0
  2145. }
  2147. #define scr_npcdir
  2148. if myinteract=0 then
  2149. {
  2151. if direction>=225 and direction < 315 then
  2152. {
  2153. facing = 0
  2154. sprite_index=dsprite
  2155. }
  2156. if direction>= 315 or direction < 45 then
  2157. {
  2158. facing = 1
  2159. sprite_index=rsprite
  2160. }
  2161. if direction>=45 and direction < 135 then
  2162. {
  2163. facing = 2
  2164. sprite_index=usprite
  2165. }
  2166. if direction>=135 and direction < 225 then
  2167. {
  2168. facing = 3
  2169. sprite_index=lsprite
  2170. }
  2172. }
  2174. if myinteract=1+argument0 then
  2175. {
  2176. if facing=0 then sprite_index=dtsprite
  2177. if facing=1 then sprite_index=rtsprite
  2178. if facing=2 then sprite_index=utsprite
  2179. if facing=3 then sprite_index=ltsprite
  2180. }
  2182. #define scr_storageshift
  2183. //argument0=from which item are we shifting
  2184. //argument1=what's the item ID we're shifting? if the ID is 0, the item has been used up
  2185. //argument2=offset
  2186. global.flag[argument2+10]=argument1
  2187. for (i=argument0;i<10;i+=1)
  2188. {
  2189. global.flag[i+argument2]=global.flag[i+argument2+1]
  2190. }
  2192. script_execute(scr_itemnameb)
  2193. script_execute(scr_storagename)
  2195. #define scr_itemget
  2196. //argument0=id of item we are being given
  2197. i=0
  2198. loop=1
  2199. noroom=0
  2200. global.item[8]=999
  2201. while (loop=1)
  2202. {
  2203. if global.item[i]=0 then
  2204. {
  2205. global.item[i]=argument0
  2206. break
  2207. }
  2208. if i=8 then
  2209. {
  2210. script_execute(scr_itemnospace)
  2211. break;
  2212. }
  2213. i+=1
  2214. }
  2216. script_execute(scr_itemnameb)
  2217. script_execute(scr_itemname)
  2219. #define scr_itemnospace
  2220. noroom=1
  2222. #define scr_itemname
  2223. for (i=0;i<8;i+=1)
  2224. {
  2225. itemid=global.item[i]
  2228. scr_itemnamelist()
  2231. }
  2233. #define scr_itemnameb
  2234. for (i=0;i<8;i+=1)
  2235. {
  2236. itemid=global.item[i]
  2241. switch(true)
  2242. {
  2243. case itemid=1:
  2244. global.itemnameb[i]="MnstrCndy"
  2245. break;
  2246. case itemid=2:
  2247. global.itemnameb[i]="CroqtRoll"
  2248. break;
  2249. case itemid=3:
  2250. if global.seriousbattle=0 then global.itemnameb[i]="Stick "
  2251. if global.seriousbattle=1 then global.itemnameb[i]="Stick "
  2252. break;
  2253. case itemid=4:
  2254. global.itemnameb[i]="Bandage "
  2255. break;
  2256. case itemid=5:
  2257. global.itemnameb[i]="RockCandy"
  2258. break;
  2259. case itemid=6:
  2260. global.itemnameb[i]="PunkRings"
  2261. if global.seriousbattle=1 then global.itemnameb[i]="PmknRings"
  2262. break;
  2263. case itemid=7:
  2264. global.itemnameb[i]="SpidrDont"
  2265. if global.seriousbattle=1 then global.itemnameb[i]="SpdrDonut"
  2266. break;
  2267. case itemid=8:
  2268. global.itemnameb[i]="StocOnoin"
  2269. if global.seriousbattle=1 then global.itemnameb[i]="Onion "
  2270. break;
  2271. case itemid=9:
  2272. global.itemnameb[i]="GhostFrut"
  2273. if global.seriousbattle=1 then global.itemnameb[i]="GhstFruit"
  2274. break;
  2275. case itemid=10:
  2276. global.itemnameb[i]="SpidrCidr"
  2277. if global.seriousbattle=1 then global.itemnameb[i]="SpdrCider"
  2278. break;
  2279. case itemid=11:
  2280. global.itemnameb[i]="ButtsPie "
  2281. if global.seriousbattle=1 then global.itemnameb[i]="Pie "
  2282. break;
  2283. case itemid=12:
  2284. global.itemnameb[i]="Ribbon "
  2285. break;
  2286. case itemid=13:
  2287. global.itemnameb[i]="Toy Knife"
  2288. break;
  2289. }
  2294. }
  2296. #define scr_itemrewrite
  2297. OBJ_WRITER.halt=3
  2298. OBJ_INSTAWRITER.halt=3
  2299. if global.bmenuno=3 then global.msc=9
  2300. if global.bmenuno=3.5 then global.msc=10
  2301. instance_create(global.idealborder[0],global.idealborder[2],OBJ_INSTAWRITER)
  2303. #define scr_levelup
  2305. if global.xp >= 10 then
  2306. if global.xp >= 30 then
  2307. if global.xp >= 70 then
  2308. if global.xp >= 120 then
  2309. if global.xp >= 200 then
  2310. if global.xp >= 300 then
  2311. if global.xp >= 500 then
  2312. if global.xp >= 800 then
  2313. if global.xp >= 1200 then
  2314. if global.xp >= 1700 then
  2315. if global.xp >= 2500 then
  2316. if global.xp >= 3500 then
  2317. if global.xp >= 5000 then
  2318. if global.xp >= 7000 then
  2319. if global.xp >= 10000 then
  2320. if global.xp >= 15000 then
  2321. if global.xp >= 25000 then
  2322. if global.xp >= 50000 then
  2323. if global.xp >= 99999 then
  2324. {
  2326. global.xp=99999
  2327. }
  2328. if!=currentlevel then
  2329. {
  2330. levelup=true
  2331. global.maxhp+=((*4)
  2332. global.maxen+=((*4)
  2334. global.df+=(
  2335. }
  2336. else levelup=false
  2338. #define scr_weaponeq
  2339. //argument0=which item are we equipping
  2340. //argument1=what's the item ID we're shifting? if the ID is 0, the item has been used up
  2341. global.item[argument0]=global.weapon
  2342. global.weapon=argument1
  2343. if global.weapon=3 then global.wstrength = 0
  2344. if global.weapon=13 then global.wstrength = 3
  2345. script_execute(scr_itemnameb)
  2346. script_execute(scr_itemname)
  2348. #define scr_armoreq
  2349. //argument0=which item are we equipping
  2350. //argument1=what's the item ID we're shifting? if the ID is 0, the item has been used up
  2351. global.item[argument0]=global.armor
  2352. global.armor=argument1
  2353. if global.armor=4 then global.adef = 0
  2354. if global.armor=12 then global.adef = 3
  2355. script_execute(scr_itemnameb)
  2356. script_execute(scr_itemname)
  2358. #define scr_itemuseb
  2359. //argument0 = where's the item
  2360. //argument1 = whats the item
  2361. switch(true)
  2362. {
  2363. case argument1=1: //monster candy
  2364. global.msg[0] = "* You ate the Monster Candy."
  2365. if global.seriousbattle=0
  2366. {
  2367. randomtext=round(random(15))
  2368. if randomtext<=2 then global.msg[0] += " &* Very un-licorice-like."
  2369. if randomtext=15 then global.msg[0] += " &* ... tastes like licorice."
  2370. }
  2371. script_execute(scr_recoitem,10)
  2372. instance_create(0,0,obj_foodsound)
  2373. script_execute(scr_itemshift,argument0,0)
  2374. break;
  2375. case argument1=2: // croquette roll
  2376. global.msg[0] = "* You hit the Croquet Roll into& your mouth."
  2377. if global.seriousbattle=1 then global.msg[0]="* You ate the Croquet Roll."
  2378. instance_create(0,0,obj_foodsound)
  2379. script_execute(scr_recoitem,15)
  2380. script_execute(scr_itemshift,argument0,0)
  2381. break;
  2382. case argument1=3: //butter knife
  2383. // scr_weaponeq(argument0,argument1)
  2384. // sound_play(snd_item)
  2385. script_execute(scr_writetext,0,"* You threw the stick away^1.&* Then picked it back up./%",0,0)
  2386. break;
  2387. case argument1=4: //bandage
  2388. global.msg[0] = "* You re-applied the bandage."
  2389. sound_play(snd_power)
  2390. if global.seriousbattle=0 then global.msg[0] += "&* Still kind of gooey."
  2391. script_execute(scr_recoitem,10)
  2392. script_execute(scr_itemshift,argument0,0)
  2393. break;
  2394. case argument1=5: //rock candy
  2395. global.msg[0] = "* You ate the Rock Candy."
  2396. script_execute(scr_recoitem,1)
  2397. instance_create(0,0,obj_foodsound)
  2398. script_execute(scr_itemshift,argument0,0)
  2399. break;
  2401. case argument1=6: // pumpkin rings
  2402. global.msg[0] = "* You ate the Pumpkin Rings."
  2403. instance_create(0,0,obj_foodsound)
  2404. script_execute(scr_recoitem,8)
  2405. script_execute(scr_itemshift,argument0,0)
  2406. break;
  2408. case argument1=7: // Spider Donut
  2409. global.msg[0] = "* You ate the Spider Donut."
  2410. if global.seriousbattle=0
  2411. if global.inbattle=1
  2412. {
  2413. randomtext=ceil(random(10))
  2414. if randomtext>9 then
  2415. global.msg[0]= "* Don't worry^1, Spider didn't."
  2416. }
  2417. instance_create(0,0,obj_foodsound)
  2418. script_execute(scr_recoitem,12)
  2419. script_execute(scr_itemshift,argument0,0)
  2420. break;
  2422. case argument1=8: // stoc on
  2423. global.msg[0] = "* You ate the Stoic Onion."
  2424. if global.seriousbattle=0
  2425. {
  2426. randomtext=round(random(10))
  2427. if randomtext>8 then
  2428. global.msg[0]+= "&* You didn't cry..."
  2429. }
  2430. instance_create(0,0,obj_foodsound)
  2431. script_execute(scr_recoitem,5)
  2432. script_execute(scr_itemshift,argument0,0)
  2433. break;
  2434. case argument1=9: // ghstrfuit
  2435. global.msg[0] = "* You ate the Ghost Fruit."
  2436. foodsounder=instance_create(0,0,obj_foodsound)
  2437. if global.seriousbattle=0 with foodsounder soundtype=2
  2438. script_execute(scr_recoitem,16)
  2439. script_execute(scr_itemshift,argument0,0)
  2440. break;
  2441. case argument1=10: // spider cider
  2442. global.msg[0] = "* You drank the Spider Cider."
  2443. instance_create(0,0,obj_foodsound)
  2444. script_execute(scr_recoitem,22)
  2445. script_execute(scr_itemshift,argument0,0)
  2446. break;
  2447. case argument1=11: // Butterscotch pie
  2448. global.msg[0] = "* You ate the Butterscotch Pie."
  2449. instance_create(0,0,obj_foodsound)
  2450. script_execute(scr_recoitem,999)
  2451. script_execute(scr_itemshift,argument0,0)
  2452. break;
  2453. case argument1=12: //ribbon
  2454. scr_armoreq(argument0,argument1)
  2455. sound_play(snd_item)
  2456. script_execute(scr_writetext,0,"* You equipped the ribbon./%",0,0)
  2457. break;
  2458. case argument1=13: //soul knife
  2459. scr_weaponeq(argument0,argument1)
  2460. sound_play(snd_item)
  2461. script_execute(scr_writetext,0,"* You equipped Toy Knife./%",0,0)
  2462. break;
  2465. case argument1=201: //Say Hello
  2466. if global.plot<19.9
  2467. {
  2468. if global.plot>18 and room=room_torhouse2
  2469. {
  2470. sound_play(snd_phone)
  2471. script_execute(scr_writetext,1507,"x",0,0)
  2472. }
  2473. else
  2474. {
  2475. sound_play(snd_phone)
  2476. script_execute(scr_writetext,1501,"x",0,0)
  2477. }
  2478. }
  2479. else
  2480. {
  2481. sound_play(snd_phone)
  2482. script_execute(scr_writetext,1506,"x",0,0)
  2483. }
  2484. break;
  2485. case argument1=202: //Puzzle Help
  2486. if global.plot<19.9
  2487. {
  2488. if global.plot>18 and room=room_torhouse2
  2489. {
  2490. sound_play(snd_phone)
  2491. script_execute(scr_writetext,1507,"x",0,0)
  2492. }
  2493. else
  2494. {
  2495. sound_play(snd_phone)
  2496. script_execute(scr_writetext,1502,"x",0,0)
  2497. script_execute(scr_phoneshift,argument0,0)
  2498. }
  2499. }
  2500. else
  2501. {
  2502. sound_play(snd_phone)
  2503. script_execute(scr_writetext,1506,"x",0,0)
  2504. }
  2505. break;
  2506. case argument1=203: //About Yourself
  2507. if global.plot<19.9
  2508. {
  2509. if global.plot>18 and room=room_torhouse2
  2510. {
  2511. sound_play(snd_phone)
  2512. script_execute(scr_writetext,1507,"x",0,0)
  2513. }
  2514. else
  2515. {
  2516. sound_play(snd_phone)
  2517. script_execute(scr_writetext,1503,"x",0,0)
  2518. script_execute(scr_phoneshift,argument0,0)
  2519. }
  2520. }
  2521. else
  2522. {
  2523. sound_play(snd_phone)
  2524. script_execute(scr_writetext,1506,"x",0,0)
  2525. }
  2526. break;
  2527. case argument1=204: //Call her "mom"
  2528. if global.plot<19.9
  2529. {
  2530. if global.plot>18 and room=room_torhouse2
  2531. {
  2532. sound_play(snd_phone)
  2533. script_execute(scr_writetext,1507,"x",0,0)
  2534. }
  2535. else
  2536. {
  2537. sound_play(snd_phone)
  2538. script_execute(scr_writetext,1504,"x",0,0)
  2539. script_execute(scr_phoneshift,argument0,0)
  2540. }
  2541. }
  2542. else
  2543. {
  2544. sound_play(snd_phone)
  2545. script_execute(scr_writetext,1506,"x",0,0)
  2546. }
  2547. break;
  2548. case argument1=205: //flirt
  2549. if global.plot<19.9
  2550. {
  2551. if global.plot>18 and room=room_torhouse2
  2552. {
  2553. sound_play(snd_phone)
  2554. script_execute(scr_writetext,1507,"x",0,0)
  2555. }
  2556. else
  2557. {
  2558. sound_play(snd_phone)
  2559. if global.flag[41]=1 then script_execute(scr_phoneshift,argument0,0)
  2560. script_execute(scr_writetext,1505,"x",0,0)
  2561. }
  2562. }
  2563. else
  2564. {
  2565. sound_play(snd_phone)
  2566. script_execute(scr_writetext,1506,"x",0,0)
  2567. }
  2568. break;
  2569. }
  2572. #define scr_recover
  2573. global.hp+=argument0
  2574. recovered=argument0
  2575. if global.hp>global.maxhp then
  2576. {
  2577. global.hp=global.maxhp
  2578. maxedout=1
  2579. }
  2580. else maxedout=0
  2582. #define scr_recoitem
  2583. script_execute(scr_recover,argument0)
  2584. global.item[8] = recovered
  2585. if maxedout=1 then global.item[8]=9999
  2586. script_execute(scr_writetext,11,"x",0,0)
  2588. #define scr_runaway
  2589. runvalue= (random(100) +*2 - global.battlelv*2 + 10*global.turn)
  2590. if runvalue > 50 then
  2591. {
  2592. runaway=1
  2593. sound_play(snd_escaped)
  2594. obj_heart.hspeed=-3
  2595. obj_heart.sprite_index=spr_heartgtfo
  2596. obj_heart.image_speed=0.5
  2597. OBJ_WRITER.halt=3
  2598. global.msc=14
  2599. instance_create(global.idealborder[0],global.idealborder[2],OBJ_INSTAWRITER)
  2600. global.flag[11]=1
  2601. }
  2604. #define scr_mercystandard
  2605. mercy=(global.monsterhp[myself] - - global.wstrength + global.monsterdef[myself] - mercymod)
  2607. #define scr_monsterdefeat
  2608. if killed = 1 then
  2609. {
  2610. global.xpreward[3]+= global.xpreward[myself]
  2611. global.goldreward[3]+= global.goldreward[myself]
  2612. global.vaporspeed=0
  2613. global.monstersprite = sprite_index
  2614. ddd = instance_create(x,y,obj_vaporized)
  2615. //ddd = instance_create(x,y,obj_vaporacquirer)
  2616. ddd.image_speed = 0
  2617. ddd.image_index = 1
  2618. global.kills+=1
  2619. global.areapop[global.area]-=1
  2620. if global.areapop[global.area]<0 then global.areapop[global.area]=0
  2621. global.flag[12]=1
  2622. }
  2623. if killed = 0 then
  2624. {
  2625. //global.xpreward[3]+=floor(global.xpreward[myself]*((global.monstermaxhp[myself]-global.monsterhp[myself])/global.monstermaxhp[myself]))
  2626. global.goldreward[3]+=floor(global.goldreward[myself]*((global.monstermaxhp[myself]-global.monsterhp[myself])/global.monstermaxhp[myself]))
  2627. global.monstersprite = sprite_index
  2628. //global.vaporspeed=0
  2629. //qqq = instance_create(x,y,obj_vaporizedspare)
  2630. ddd = instance_create(x,y,obj_spared)
  2631. ddd.image_speed = 0
  2632. ddd.image_index = 1
  2633. //qqq.image_speed = 0
  2634. //qqq.image_index = 1
  2635. global.flag[10]=1
  2636. }
  2638.[myself] = 0
  2640. #define scr_scinit
  2641. // screen base(view_wview and view_hview)
  2642. screen_x = 0;
  2643. screen_y = 0;
  2644. screen_w = 320;
  2645. screen_h = 240;
  2646. screen_scale = 2;
  2648. // create a surface for the whole screen to be drawn on
  2649. screen = surface_create(screen_w,screen_h);
  2651. // this will destroy the screen object if surfaces are not supported on the graphics card, reverting to the viewport method
  2652. if screen = -1{instance_destroy();}
  2654. #define scr_begin
  2655. // this draws the surface on the screen
  2656. if (surface_exists(screen))
  2657. {
  2658. surface_reset_target();
  2659. draw_clear(0);
  2660. draw_set_blend_mode_ext(bm_one, bm_zero);
  2661. draw_surface_stretched(screen,screen_x,screen_y,screen_w*screen_scale,screen_h*screen_scale);
  2662. draw_set_blend_mode(bm_normal);
  2663. screen_refresh();
  2665. }
  2667. #define scr_end
  2668. // this sets surface 'screen' as the drawing target for everything in the game, so all drawing will be done on this surface and not on the game screen
  2669. if !surface_exists(screen) screen = surface_create(screen_w,screen_h);
  2670. surface_set_target(screen);
  2672. #define scr_saveprocess
  2673. global.lastsavedkills=global.kills
  2674. global.lastsavedtime=obj_time.time
  2676. file="file"+string(global.filechoice)
  2677. myfileid=file_text_open_write(file)
  2678. file_text_write_string(myfileid,global.charname)
  2679. file_text_writeln(myfileid)
  2680. file_text_write_real(myfileid, (
  2681. file_text_writeln(myfileid)
  2682. file_text_write_real(myfileid, (global.maxhp))
  2683. file_text_writeln(myfileid)
  2684. file_text_write_real(myfileid, (global.maxen))
  2685. file_text_writeln(myfileid)
  2686. file_text_write_real(myfileid, (
  2687. file_text_writeln(myfileid)
  2688. file_text_write_real(myfileid, (global.wstrength))
  2689. file_text_writeln(myfileid)
  2690. file_text_write_real(myfileid, (global.df))
  2691. file_text_writeln(myfileid)
  2692. file_text_write_real(myfileid, (global.adef))
  2693. file_text_writeln(myfileid)
  2694. file_text_write_real(myfileid, (global.sp))
  2695. file_text_writeln(myfileid)
  2696. file_text_write_real(myfileid, (global.xp))
  2697. file_text_writeln(myfileid)
  2698. file_text_write_real(myfileid, (
  2699. file_text_writeln(myfileid)
  2700. file_text_write_real(myfileid, (global.kills))
  2701. file_text_writeln(myfileid)
  2703. for (i=0; i<8; i+=1)
  2704. {
  2705. file_text_write_real(myfileid, (global.item[i]))
  2706. file_text_writeln(myfileid)
  2707. file_text_write_real(myfileid, ([i]))
  2708. file_text_writeln(myfileid)
  2709. }
  2711. file_text_write_real(myfileid, (global.weapon))
  2712. file_text_writeln(myfileid)
  2713. file_text_write_real(myfileid, (global.armor))
  2714. file_text_writeln(myfileid)
  2716. for (i=0; i<512; i+=1)
  2717. {
  2718. file_text_write_real(myfileid, (global.flag[i]))
  2719. file_text_writeln(myfileid)
  2720. }
  2721. file_text_write_real(myfileid, (global.plot))
  2722. file_text_writeln(myfileid)
  2724. for (i=0; i<3; i+=1)
  2725. {
  2726. file_text_write_real(myfileid, (global.menuchoice[i]))
  2727. file_text_writeln(myfileid)
  2728. }
  2730. file_text_write_real(myfileid, (global.currentsong))
  2731. file_text_writeln(myfileid)
  2732. file_text_write_real(myfileid, (global.currentroom))
  2733. file_text_writeln(myfileid)
  2734. file_text_write_real(myfileid, (obj_time.time))
  2736. file_text_close(myfileid)
  2738. #define scr_load
  2739. filechoicebk=global.filechoice
  2740. room_set_persistent(global.currentroom,0)
  2741. script_execute(SCR_GAMESTART)
  2742. global.filechoice=filechoicebk
  2743. //now load everything that isnt default
  2745. file="file"+string(global.filechoice)
  2746. myfileid=file_text_open_read(file)
  2747. global.charname=file_text_read_string(myfileid); file_text_readln(myfileid);
  2748.; file_text_readln(myfileid);
  2749. global.maxhp=file_text_read_real(myfileid); file_text_readln(myfileid);
  2750. global.maxen=file_text_read_real(myfileid); file_text_readln(myfileid);
  2751.; file_text_readln(myfileid);
  2752. global.wstrength=file_text_read_real(myfileid); file_text_readln(myfileid);
  2753. global.df=file_text_read_real(myfileid); file_text_readln(myfileid);
  2754. global.adef=file_text_read_real(myfileid); file_text_readln(myfileid);
  2755. global.sp=file_text_read_real(myfileid); file_text_readln(myfileid);
  2756. global.xp=file_text_read_real(myfileid); file_text_readln(myfileid);
  2757.; file_text_readln(myfileid);
  2758. global.kills=file_text_read_real(myfileid); file_text_readln(myfileid);
  2760. for (i=0; i<8; i+=1)
  2761. {
  2762. global.item[i]=file_text_read_real(myfileid); file_text_readln(myfileid);
  2763.[i]=file_text_read_real(myfileid); file_text_readln(myfileid);
  2764. }
  2766. global.weapon=file_text_read_real(myfileid); file_text_readln(myfileid);
  2767. global.armor=file_text_read_real(myfileid); file_text_readln(myfileid);
  2769. for (i=0; i<512; i+=1)
  2770. {
  2771. global.flag[i]=file_text_read_real(myfileid); file_text_readln(myfileid);
  2772. }
  2773. global.plot=file_text_read_real(myfileid); file_text_readln(myfileid);
  2775. for (i=0; i<3; i+=1)
  2776. {
  2777. global.menuchoice[i]=file_text_read_real(myfileid); file_text_readln(myfileid);
  2778. }
  2780. global.currentsong=file_text_read_real(myfileid); file_text_readln(myfileid);
  2781. global.currentroom=file_text_read_real(myfileid); file_text_readln(myfileid);
  2782. obj_time.time=file_text_read_real(myfileid); file_text_readln(myfileid);
  2784. global.lastsavedkills=global.kills
  2785. global.lastsavedtime=obj_time.time
  2788. file_text_close(myfileid)
  2790. global.hp=global.maxhp
  2791. global.en=global.maxen
  2793. script_execute(scr_tempsave)
  2795. room_goto(global.currentroom)
  2799. #define scr_writetext
  2800. //arg0 = msc
  2801. //arg1 = msg
  2802. //arg2 = face plate
  2803. //arg3 = typer
  2805. global.facechoice=0
  2807. global.msc=argument0
  2808. if argument1 != "x" then global.msg[0]=argument1
  2809. if argument2 != 0 then global.facechoice=argument2
  2811. if global.inbattle=0 then
  2812. {
  2813. global.typer=5
  2814. if argument3!=0 then global.typer=argument3
  2815. instance_create(0,0,obj_dialoguer)
  2816. }
  2818. if global.inbattle=1 then
  2819. {
  2820. OBJ_WRITER.halt=3
  2821. global.typer=1
  2822. if argument3!=0 then global.typer=argument3
  2823. instance_create(global.idealborder[0],global.idealborder[2],OBJ_WRITER)
  2824. }
  2826. #define scr_npcdirspeed
  2827. if myinteract=0 then
  2828. {
  2830. if vspeed>0 and vspeed>abs(hspeed) then
  2831. {
  2832. facing = 0
  2833. sprite_index=dsprite
  2834. }
  2835. if hspeed>0 and hspeed>abs(vspeed) then
  2836. {
  2837. facing = 1
  2838. sprite_index=rsprite
  2839. }
  2840. if vspeed<0 and abs(vspeed)>abs(hspeed) then
  2841. {
  2842. facing = 2
  2843. sprite_index=usprite
  2844. }
  2845. if hspeed<0 and abs(hspeed)>abs(vspeed) then
  2846. {
  2847. facing = 3
  2848. sprite_index=lsprite
  2849. }
  2851. }
  2853. if myinteract=1 then
  2854. {
  2855. if facing=0 then sprite_index=dtsprite
  2856. if facing=1 then sprite_index=rtsprite
  2857. if facing=2 then sprite_index=utsprite
  2858. if facing=3 then sprite_index=ltsprite
  2859. }
  2861. #define scr_rotategen
  2862. global.bulletvariable[0] = argument0 //number
  2863. global.bulletvariable[1] = argument1 //radius
  2864. global.bulletvariable[2] = argument2 //bullettype
  2866. gen=instance_create(argument3,argument4,obj_rotategen)
  2868. #define scr_edge
  2869. //right border
  2870. //left border
  2872. if x>global.idealborder[1]-argument0 then x-=argument0
  2873. if x<global.idealborder[0]+argument1 then x+=argument1
  2875. #define scr_msgup
  2876. global.msc+=1
  2877. stringno=0
  2878. stringpos=1 //which character of the string it starts on
  2879. lineno=0 //default the line's vertical space
  2880. writingx = round(writingx)
  2881. writingy = round(writingy)
  2882. myx = writingx
  2883. myy = writingy
  2885. script_execute(SCR_TEXT,global.msc)
  2887. for (n=0; global.msg[n]!="%%%"; n+=1)
  2888. {
  2889. mystring[n]=global.msg[n]
  2890. }
  2892. originalstring=mystring[0]
  2894. halt=0 //if 1, you must hit enter to continue
  2895. alarm[0]=textspeed
  2897. #define scr_phonename
  2898. for (i=0;i<8;i+=1)
  2899. {
  2900. global.phonename[i]=" "
  2901. }
  2903. for (i=0;i<8;i+=1)
  2904. {
  2910. switch(true)
  2911. {
  2912. //phone numbers
  2913. case itemid=201:
  2914. global.phonename[i]="Say Hello"
  2915. break;
  2916. case itemid=202:
  2917. global.phonename[i]="Puzzle Help"
  2918. break;
  2919. case itemid=203:
  2920. global.phonename[i]="About Yourself"
  2921. break;
  2922. case itemid=204:
  2923. global.phonename[i]='Call Her "Mom"'
  2924. break;
  2925. case itemid=205:
  2926. global.phonename[i]="Flirt"
  2927. break;
  2928. }
  2933. }
  2935. #define scr_phoneshift
  2936. //argument0=from which item are we shifting
  2937. //argument1=what's the item ID we're shifting? if the ID is 0, the item has been used up
  2939. for (i=argument0;i<8;i+=1)
  2940. {
  2942. }
  2944. script_execute(scr_phonename)
  2946. #define scr_phoneget
  2947. //argument0=id of item we are being given
  2948. i=0
  2949. loop=1
  2951. while (loop=1)
  2952. {
  2953. if[i]=0 then
  2954. {
  2956. break
  2957. }
  2958. if i=8 then
  2959. {
  2960. script_execute(scr_itemnospace)
  2961. break;
  2962. }
  2963. i+=1
  2964. }
  2966. script_execute(scr_phonename)
  2968. #define scr_itemcheck
  2969. //argument0 = what's the item
  2970. haveit=0
  2971. for (i=0; i<8; i+=1)
  2972. {
  2973. if global.item[i]=argument0 then haveit=1
  2974. }
  2976. #define scr_steps
  2977. //argument0 = base steps
  2978. //argument1 = randomized steps
  2979. //argument2 = population
  2980. //argument3 = population ID
  2982. global.flag[200]=argument3
  2983. if argument2 - global.flag[argument3] > 0 then
  2984. {
  2985. populationfactor=argument2/(argument2-global.flag[argument3])
  2986. if populationfactor>8 then populationfactor=8
  2987. steps=(argument0+round(random(argument1)))*populationfactor
  2988. }
  2989. else
  2990. {
  2991. steps=(argument0+argument1)*6
  2992. if alldead=0 then alldead=1
  2993. }
  2995. #define scr_cost
  2996. //argument0=cost of item
  2997. if >= argument0 then afford=1
  2998. else afford=0
  3000. #define scr_tempload
  3001. filechoicebk3=global.filechoice
  3002. global.filechoice=9
  3003. script_execute(scr_load)
  3004. global.filechoice=filechoicebk3
  3008. #define scr_tempsave
  3009. filechoicebk2=global.filechoice
  3010. global.filechoice=9
  3011. script_execute(scr_saveprocess)
  3012. global.filechoice=filechoicebk2
  3015. #define scr_save
  3016. script_execute(scr_saveprocess)
  3018. filechoicebk2=global.filechoice
  3019. global.filechoice=9
  3020. script_execute(scr_saveprocess)
  3021. global.filechoice=filechoicebk2
  3022. iniwrite=ini_open("undertale.ini")
  3023. ini_write_string("General","Name",global.charname)
  3024. ini_write_real("General","Love",
  3025. ini_write_real("General","Time",obj_time.time)
  3026. ini_write_real("General","Kills",global.kills)
  3027. ini_write_real("General","Room",room)
  3028. ini_close()
  3030. #define scr_onscreen
  3031. //argument0=xborder
  3032. //argument1=yborder
  3033. onscreen=0
  3034. if x>view_xview[view_current]-argument0 and x<view_xview[view_current]+view_wview[view_current]+argument0
  3035. if y<view_hview[view_current]+view_yview[view_current]+argument1 and y>view_yview[view_current]-argument1 then onscreen=1
  3037. #define scr_binfowrite
  3038. draw_set_color(c_red)
  3039. draw_rectangle(275,400,275 + global.maxhp*1.2, 420, false)
  3040. draw_set_color(c_yellow)
  3041. draw_rectangle(275,400,275 + global.hp*1.2, 420, false)
  3042. draw_set_color(c_white)
  3043. draw_set_font(fnt_curs)
  3044. hpwrite=string(global.hp)
  3045. if global.hp<10 then hpwrite="0"+string(global.hp)
  3046. draw_text(290+global.maxhp*1.2,400,hpwrite+ " / "+string(global.maxhp))
  3047. draw_text(30,400,string(global.charname) +" LV " + string(
  3049. #define Attention, Hackerz
  3050. //It's cool that you like my game this much.
  3052. //Yes, I know these are easy to decompile... You can edit Yume Nikki and OFF in RPG Maker as well. This isn't really any different.
  3054. //My only wish is that you don't spoil the game for anyone else.
  3055. //Wait for everyone to discover the secrets in here by themselves.
  3056. //Otherwise, there will be no replay value :(
  3058. //I'd also appreciate it if you held off on significant modifications before the full game is released.
  3059. //I'll most likely be updating some things about the game that might make it interesting to play with.
  3061. //I'll be watching...
  3063. //Ha ha ha.
  3065. #define scr_namingscreen
  3066. //selected=65
  3067. //charname=""
  3068. //naming=3
  3069. //selected2=0
  3070. //selected3=0
  3071. //q=0
  3074. draw_set_color(c_white)
  3075. draw_set_font(fnt_maintext)
  3077. if naming=4 then
  3078. {
  3079. global.charname=charname
  3080. instance_create(0,0,obj_whitefader)
  3081. caster_free(menusong1)
  3082. caster_free(menusong2)
  3083. caster_free(menusong3)
  3084. caster_free(menusong4)
  3085. alerm=0
  3086. naming=5
  3087. cy=caster_load("music/cymbal.ogg")
  3088. caster_play(cy,0.8,0.95)
  3089. }
  3091. if naming=5 then
  3092. {
  3093. alerm+=1
  3094. if q<120 then q+=1
  3095. draw_text_transformed(140+random(r*2)-q/3,q/2+55+random(r*2),charname,1+q/50,1+q/50,random_ranger(-r*q/60,r*q/60))
  3096. if alerm>179 then
  3097. {
  3098. instance_create(0,0,obj_persistentfader)
  3099. caster_free(cy)
  3100. room_goto_next()
  3101. }
  3102. }
  3104. if naming=2
  3105. {
  3106. if keyboard_multicheck_pressed(0)=1
  3107. {
  3108. if selected2=1 and string_length(charname)>0 then naming=4
  3109. if selected2=0 then naming=1
  3110. keyboard_clear(vk_enter)
  3111. }
  3112. if naming=2
  3113. {
  3114. draw_set_color(c_white)
  3115. if q<120 then q+=1
  3116. draw_text_transformed(140+random(r*2)-q/3,q/2+55+random(r*2),charname,1+q/50,1+q/50,random_ranger(-r*q/60,r*q/60))
  3117. draw_text(90,30,"Is this name correct?")
  3118. draw_set_color(c_white)
  3119. if selected2=0 then draw_set_color(c_yellow) //Quit
  3120. draw_text(70,200,"No")
  3121. draw_set_color(c_white)
  3122. if selected2=1 then draw_set_color(c_yellow) //Done
  3123. draw_text(210,200,"Yes")
  3125. if keyboard_check_pressed(vk_right) or keyboard_check_pressed(vk_left)
  3126. {
  3127. if selected2=1 then selected2=0
  3128. else selected2=1
  3129. }
  3130. }
  3131. }
  3133. if naming=1 then
  3134. {
  3135. if selected<65 then selected=65
  3136. i=0
  3137. j=0
  3138. m=0
  3139. r=0.5
  3140. q=0
  3141. for (n=65; n<91; n+=1)
  3142. {
  3143. draw_set_color(c_white)
  3144. if n=selected then draw_set_color(c_yellow)
  3145. draw_text(60+j*32+random(r),75+m*14+random(r),chr(n))
  3146. j+=1
  3147. if j>6 then {m+=1; j=0}
  3148. }
  3150. i=0
  3151. j=0
  3152. m=0
  3153. for (n=97; n<123; n+=1)
  3154. {
  3155. draw_set_color(c_white)
  3156. if n=selected then draw_set_color(c_yellow)
  3157. draw_text(60+j*32+random(r),135+m*14+random(r),chr(n))
  3158. j+=1
  3159. if j>6 then {m+=1; j=0}
  3160. }
  3162. draw_set_color(c_white)
  3163. if selected=123 then draw_set_color(c_yellow) //Quit
  3164. draw_text(60,200,"Quit")
  3165. draw_set_color(c_white)
  3166. if selected=124 then draw_set_color(c_yellow) //Backspace
  3167. draw_text(120,200,"Backspace")
  3168. draw_set_color(c_white)
  3169. if selected=125 then draw_set_color(c_yellow) //Done
  3170. draw_text(220,200,"Done")
  3172. if keyboard_check_pressed(vk_right)
  3173. {
  3174. if selected=90 then selected=97
  3175. else
  3176. if selected<125 then selected+=1
  3177. }
  3179. if keyboard_check_pressed(vk_left)
  3180. {
  3181. if selected=97 then selected=90
  3182. else
  3183. if selected>65 then selected-=1
  3184. }
  3186. if keyboard_check_pressed(vk_down)
  3187. {
  3188. if selected<=122
  3189. {
  3190. if selected>=86 and selected<=90 then selected+=4
  3191. if selected=84 or selected=85 then selected+=11
  3192. selected+=7
  3193. if selected>=123 then selected=124
  3194. }
  3195. else {
  3196. if (selected == 125) { selected = 70; }
  3197. else if (selected == 124) { selected = 68; }
  3198. else { selected = 65; }
  3199. }
  3200. }
  3202. if keyboard_check_pressed(vk_up)
  3203. {
  3204. if selected>71
  3205. {
  3206. if selected<=122
  3207. {
  3208. if selected>=97 and selected<=101 then selected-=4
  3209. if selected=102 or selected=103 then selected-=11
  3210. selected-=7
  3211. }
  3212. else selected=122
  3213. }
  3214. else {
  3215. if (selected > 69) { selected = 125; }
  3216. else if (selected > 67) { selected = 124; }
  3217. else selected = 123;
  3218. }
  3219. }
  3222. if keyboard_multicheck_pressed(0)=1
  3223. {
  3224. if selected>122 then
  3225. {
  3226. if selected=123 then naming=3
  3227. if selected=124 then keyboard_key_press(vk_shift)
  3228. if selected=125 then
  3229. if string_length(charname)>0 then {naming=2; selected2=0}
  3230. keyboard_clear(vk_enter)
  3231. }
  3232. else
  3233. {
  3234. if string_length(charname)=6 then charname=string_delete(charname,6,1)
  3235. charname+=chr(selected)
  3236. //if string_length(charname)=6 and selected<123 then selected=125
  3237. }
  3238. }
  3240. if keyboard_multicheck_pressed(1)=1
  3241. {
  3242. s=string_length(charname)
  3243. if s>0 then
  3244. {
  3245. charname=string_delete(charname,s,1)
  3246. }
  3247. keyboard_key_release(vk_shift)
  3248. }
  3250. draw_set_color(c_white)
  3251. draw_text(140,55,charname)
  3252. draw_text(90,30,"Name the fallen human.")
  3254. }
  3256. if naming=3 then
  3257. {
  3258. iniread=ini_open("undertale.ini")
  3259. if ini_section_exists("General") then
  3260. {
  3262. minutes=floor(time/1800)
  3263. seconds=round(((time/1800-minutes))*60)
  3264. if seconds=60 then seconds=0
  3265. if seconds<10 then seconds="0"+string(seconds)
  3266. script_execute(scr_roomname,roome)
  3267. draw_text(70,60,name)
  3268. draw_text(140,60,"LV "+string(love))
  3269. draw_text(210,60,string(minutes)+":"+string(seconds))
  3270. draw_text(70,80,roomname)
  3271. //draw_text(120,130,string(kills))
  3272. if selected3=0 then draw_set_color(c_yellow)
  3273. draw_text(85,110,"Continue")
  3274. draw_set_color(c_white)
  3275. if selected3=1 then draw_set_color(c_yellow)
  3276. draw_text(175,110,"Restart")
  3278. if keyboard_check_pressed(vk_right) or keyboard_check_pressed(vk_left) then
  3279. {
  3280. if selected3=0 then selected3=1
  3281. else selected3=0
  3282. keyboard_clear(vk_left)
  3283. keyboard_clear(vk_right)
  3284. }
  3285. if keyboard_multicheck_pressed(0)=1 then
  3286. {
  3287. if selected3=0 then
  3288. {
  3289. caster_free(menusong1)
  3290. caster_free(menusong2)
  3291. caster_free(menusong3)
  3292. caster_free(menusong4)
  3293. if file_exists("file0")=false then room_goto_next()
  3294. else
  3295. {
  3296. script_execute(scr_load)
  3297. }
  3298. }
  3299. if selected3=1 then
  3300. {
  3301. naming=1
  3302. keyboard_clear(vk_enter)
  3303. }
  3304. }
  3305. }
  3306. else
  3307. {
  3308. draw_text(70,60,"EMPTY")
  3309. // draw_text(140,60,"LV "+string(love))
  3310. draw_text(210,60,"0:00")
  3311. draw_set_color(c_yellow)
  3312. draw_text(85,90," --- Instruction --")
  3313. draw_text(85,110,"[Z] - Confirm")
  3314. draw_text(85,128,"[X] - Cancel")
  3315. draw_text(85,146,"[C] - Menu (In-game)")
  3316. draw_text(85,164,"[F4] - Fullscreen")
  3317. draw_text(85,182,"[Hold ESC] - Quit")
  3318. draw_text(85,200,"When HP=0, you lose.")
  3319. if keyboard_multicheck_pressed(0)=1 then
  3320. {
  3321. naming=1
  3322. keyboard_clear(vk_enter)
  3323. }
  3324. }
  3325. }
  3328. #define scr_roomname
  3329. roomname="error"
  3330. if argument0=0 then roomname="--"
  3331. if argument0=16 then roomname="Ruins - Entrance"
  3332. if argument0=25 then roomname="Ruins - Leaf Pile"
  3333. if argument0=35 then roomname="Ruins - Mouse Hole"
  3334. if argument0=51 then roomname="Ruins - Home"
  3336. #define keyboard_multicheck
  3337. if argument0=0 or argument0=vk_enter
  3338. if keyboard_check(vk_enter) or keyboard_check(ord('z')) return true
  3339. if argument0=1 or argument0=vk_shift
  3340. if keyboard_check(vk_shift) or keyboard_check(ord('x')) return true
  3341. if argument0=2 or argument0=vk_control
  3342. if keyboard_check(vk_control) or keyboard_check(ord('c')) return true
  3343. // 0 = enter/z
  3344. // 1 = shift/X
  3345. // 2 = ctrl/C
  3347. #define keyboard_multicheck_pressed
  3348. if argument0=0 or argument0=vk_enter
  3349. if keyboard_check_pressed(vk_enter) or keyboard_check_pressed(ord('z')) return true
  3350. if argument0=1 or argument0=vk_shift
  3351. if keyboard_check_pressed(vk_shift) or keyboard_check_pressed(ord('x')) return true
  3352. if argument0=2 or argument0=vk_control
  3353. if keyboard_check_pressed(vk_control) or keyboard_check_pressed(ord('c')) return true
  3354. // 0 = enter/z
  3355. // 1 = shift/X
  3356. // 2 = ctrl/C
  3358. #define scr_blconmatch
  3359. if alarm[5] > 0 //makes all of the monsters extend their balloons as long as the longest one
  3360. {
  3361. if[0] = 1 if global.monsterinstance[0].alarm[5] > alarm[5] then alarm[5] = global.monsterinstance[0].alarm[5]
  3362. if[1] = 1 if global.monsterinstance[1].alarm[5] > alarm[5] then alarm[5] = global.monsterinstance[1].alarm[5]
  3363. if[2] = 1 then if global.monsterinstance[2].alarm[5] > alarm[5] then alarm[5] = global.monsterinstance[2].alarm[5]
  3364. }
  3366. #define random_ranger
  3367. return random(abs(argument1-argument0))+min(argument1,argument0);
  3370. #define draw_self_border
  3371. l=0
  3372. t=0
  3373. w=sprite_width
  3374. h=sprite_height
  3376. ll=global.idealborder[0]-x
  3377. tt=global.idealborder[2]-y
  3378. ww=(x+w)-global.idealborder[1]
  3379. hh=(y+h)-global.idealborder[3]
  3381. if ll>0 then l+=ll
  3382. if tt>0 then t+=tt
  3383. if ww>0 then w-=ww
  3384. if hh>0 then h-=hh
  3386. draw_sprite_part(sprite_index,image_index,l,t,w,h,x+l,y+t)
  3387. //draw_text(0,0,tt)
  3388. //draw_text(0,20,ll)
  3389. //draw_text(0,40,ww)
  3390. //draw_text(0,60,hh)
  3392. #define scr_storagename
  3393. for (i=argument0;i<(argument0+11);i+=1)
  3394. {
  3395. global.itemname[i-argument0]=" "
  3396. }
  3398. for (i=0;i<(11);i+=1)
  3399. {
  3400. itemid=global.flag[argument0+i]
  3401. scr_itemnamelist()
  3402. }
  3404. #define scr_itemnamelist
  3406. switch(true)
  3407. {
  3408. case itemid=0:
  3409. global.itemname[i]=" "
  3410. break;
  3411. case itemid=1:
  3412. global.itemname[i]="Monster Candy"
  3413. break;
  3414. case itemid=2:
  3415. global.itemname[i]="Croquet Roll"
  3416. break;
  3417. case itemid=3:
  3418. global.itemname[i]="Stick"
  3419. break;
  3420. case itemid=4:
  3421. global.itemname[i]="Bandage"
  3422. break;
  3423. case itemid=5:
  3424. global.itemname[i]="Rock Candy"
  3425. break;
  3426. case itemid=6:
  3427. global.itemname[i]="Pumpkin Rings"
  3428. break;
  3429. case itemid=7:
  3430. global.itemname[i]="Spider Donut"
  3431. break;
  3432. case itemid=8:
  3433. global.itemname[i]="Stoic Onion"
  3434. break;
  3435. case itemid=9:
  3436. global.itemname[i]="Ghost Fruit"
  3437. break;
  3438. case itemid=10:
  3439. global.itemname[i]="Spider Cider"
  3440. break;
  3441. case itemid=11:
  3442. global.itemname[i]="Butterscotch Pie"
  3443. break;
  3444. case itemid=12:
  3445. global.itemname[i]="Faded Ribbon"
  3446. break;
  3447. case itemid=13:
  3448. global.itemname[i]="Toy Knife"
  3449. break;
  3450. }
  3452. #define scr_storageget
  3453. //argument0=id of item we are being given
  3454. //argument1=offset
  3455. i=0
  3456. loop=1
  3457. noroom=0
  3458. global.flag[argument1+10]=999
  3459. while (loop=1)
  3460. {
  3461. if global.flag[i+argument1]=0 then
  3462. {
  3463. global.flag[i+argument1]=argument0
  3464. break
  3465. }
  3466. if i=10 then
  3467. {
  3468. script_execute(scr_itemnospace)
  3469. break;
  3470. }
  3471. i+=1
  3472. }
  3474. script_execute(scr_itemnameb)
  3475. script_execute(scr_storagename)
  3477. #define scr_itemshift
  3478. //argument0=from which item are we shifting
  3479. //argument1=what's the item ID we're shifting? if the ID is 0, the item has been used up
  3480. global.item[8]=argument1
  3481. for (i=argument0;i<8;i+=1)
  3482. {
  3483. global.item[i]=global.item[i+1]
  3484. }
  3486. script_execute(scr_itemnameb)
  3487. script_execute(scr_itemname)
  3489. #define scr_getvapordata
  3490. if sprite_index=spr_torielboss_kneelsmile2 then return "0000000000000000000000000001100000000000001100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011000000000000000110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011101111111111101110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001100011111111111110001100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000111111111111111111111111111000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001111011111101111101111110111100000000000000000000000000000000000000000001111011111111111111111110111100000000000000000000000000000000000000000011111011011101111101110110111110000000000000000000000000000000000000000011111001110001111100011100111110000000000000000000000000000000000000000011111001111111111111111100111110000000000000000000000000000000000000000011111100111110111011111001111110000000000000000000000000000000000000000001111100011111111111110001111100000000000000000000000000000000000011110001111110001101000101100011111100000000000000000000000000000000001111100010111110000011111110000011111010000000000000000000000000000000001111000010000000000000000000000000000010001000000000000000000000000000011111000010000001100000111000111100000010001110000000000000000000000000111111100000000000011100100101111000000010001111000000000000000000000000111111111111111101110001110000000000000101001111100000000000000000000001111111111111111110111111111000000000001001000111110000000000000000000001111111111111111111001111111001000000010001000111111000000000000000000001111111111111111111100111000011100000100001000111111100000000000000000000111110000000000001110000000000000001000001000111111110000000000000000000111100100000011110000000111000000010000110000111111110000000000000000000001001000000000001100000000000001000111001100011111111000000000000000000000001000000000000001000000000100011100100100011111111100000000000000000000010000000000000000000111100001111010000010001111111100000000000000000000010000000000000001100000001111110000000010001111111110000000000000000000010000000000000011110001111110000000000010001111111111000000000000000000100000000000000110000110000000000000000001001111111111000000000000000000100000000000001000000000000000000000000001001111111111100000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000001001111111111100000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000001001111111111110000000000000000100000000011110000000000000000000000000001001111111111110000000000000000010000000000000001100000000000000000000001001111111111110000000000000000001111111111111000000000000000000000000010010011111000111000000000000000111111111111111111101000000000000000000100001111111111001100000000000000110111011100000000000001111111111110000000111000111011011000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002"
  3491. if sprite_index=spr_dummybattle then return "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011111111011110000000000000000000000000000000000111111111110111110000000000000000000000000000111111111111111011111110000000000000000000000011111111111111111101111111000000000000000000000111111111111111111101111111100000000000000000000111111111111111111110111110000000000000000000000011111111111111111110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011100000000000000000000000000000000000000000111111110011111110000000000000000000000000000000111111100111111000000000000000000000000000000000111000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000111111111111111000000000000000000000000000000000100011101111000010000000000000000000000000000000111111110111111111100000000000000000000000000000111111111111111111111000000000000000000000000000111111111111111111111110000000000000000000000000011111111111111111111111000000000000000000000000000000111111111111111000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001111000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000111100000000000000000000000000000000000000111111111111111111100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002"
  3492. if sprite_index=spr_migosphurt then return "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011100000000000000000111000000000000000000000000001111111000000000000001101111000000000000000000000011111000010000000000001100001111000000000000000000000000000000100000000000100000001100000000000000000000000000000001011111110100000000000000000000000000000000000000011000111110001000000000000000000000000000000000000111111111111111111000000000000000000000000000000000111111111111111111110000000000000000000000000000000110000000111100000001100000000000000000000000000000111000000000000000000111000000000000000000000000111011111111111111111111111100000000000000000000001110011111000000000000000111110011100000000000000000110001111011101111111011110111100011000000000000000011000111111111111111111111111110001100000000000000001111000000000011111110000000000111110000000000000000000001111100100111110010011111100000000000000000000000000111111111111111111111111110000000000000000000000000001110000000000000000011110000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000111111111111111111110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011000000011000000000000000000000000000000000000011111100000001111110000000000000000000000000000001111111100000000011111111000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002"
  3493. if sprite_index=spr_vegetoidhurt then return "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000011100010010100001110000000000000000000000000000000111110100101010100111110000000000000000000000000000011110010010101010001111000000000000000000000000001000000010101010110100000000100000000000000000000000000000000010110110110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001011000000000000000000000000000000000001111111110000000000011111111000000000000000000000011111111111111111111111111111111100000000000000000011111111111111111111111000111111111000000000000000011111111100001111111110000000111111100000000000000001111111100000001111111000000011111110000000000000000111111110000000111111100111111111111000000000000000001111111111110011111110011111111111000000000000000000011111111111001111111111111111111100000000000000000001111111111111111111111111111111100000000000000000000011110001111110011001111110011110000000000000000000000111100011111111110011100111110000000000000000000000001111000011111111111100111110000000000000000000000000011111000111111111100111110000000000000000000000000000111110001111111000111110000000000000000000000000000001111110000000000111100000000000000000000000000000000001111100000001111100000000000000000000000000000000000011111111111111100000000000000000000000000000000000000011111111111000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011111100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002"
  3494. if sprite_index=spr_looxhurt then return "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000111000000000000000000000000001100000000000000000000000111100000000000000000000011100000000000000000000000001111000000000000000000111110000000000000000000000000111110000000000000000011111000000111111111111111000011111000000000000000001111110011111111111111111111111111100000000000000000111111111111110000000000111111111110000000000000000000111111100000000000000000001111110000000000000000000111111000000000000000000000001111000000000000000000011111000000000000000000000000011110000000000000000011110000000000011111100000000001111100000000000000011111000000001110000001100000000011111000000000000001111100000001100000000001000000001111110000000000000111110000000110001001000100000000111111000000000000111111000000011000100100010000000011111110000000000111111110000000110000000010000000011111111100000000111111111100000001111111110000000011111111111000000111110000111000000000000000000000011000000111110000111100000000010000000000000000000010000000000111100011100000000000011000000000000001100000000000001110001110000000000000000111111111100000000000000000111000111000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011110011111110000000000000000000000000000000000000111111000011101000000000000101000100110000000000000010011100001010000000000000000111011000000001000000000011000000000000000000100000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000001100000000000000000000000000000011110000000000000001111110000000000000000000000001111111100000000000001111111100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002"
  3495. if sprite_index=spr_froggit then return "00000000000011111110000000000000001111110000000000000000000011111111111000000000011111111111100000000000000001111000001111100000001111111111111100000000000000111000000000111110000111110000001111100000000000001110000000001111100011111000000001111000000000000011100000111111001111001111111000011110000000000000111111111111111111111111111111111111100000000001111111111111111111111111111111111111111000000001111111111111000000000110000000011111111111100000111111111000000111111000001111110000001111111100001111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111100000111111111111111111111111111111111111111111100000000001111111111111111111111111111111111100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000111111111111111111111111000000000000000000000000011111111111000111111111111100000000000000000000000111111100010000110001111111100000000000000000000011111111111111111111111111111100000000000000000000111111111000000000001111111111000000000000000000001111110001110001110110011111110000000000000000000011111000100100001100100001111110000000000000000000111110001110000000111000011111110000000000000011111111100000001111000000000011111111100000000001111111110000000100001100000000011111111100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002"
  3496. if sprite_index=spr_moldsmal then return "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000110000001010010100001100000000000000000000000000000000000111001001110000000000000000000000000000001000000001111000000011100000001100000000000000000111100000000000000000000000000011001000000000000001011100001100000000000000110000011010010000000000101000010011111100111011001110001000010101000000001010001011000001011001010110011111010000101100000010100010100000010100001010001010001101000010100000010100101001100010100001010001010000110101001010000001001101010000101001001010101010010010100000100000010001010000001010011001010100101001001010000110000010001010100001010000001010100010100001101000010000001010110100010010100010100000010100100101000110000000110100000010100100010100100010110000010111000000000000100000101100000010100100001010000001000000000000000010000101000000010100000001010000110000000000000000000000001000000010100000001000000000000000000000000000000000011111100011111100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002"
  3497. if sprite_index=spr_whimsunhurt then return "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001001000000000000000010100000000000000000000000000011100010000000000000010001000000000000000000000000000000000100000111111001000110000000000000000000000000000000010111111111111000011000000000000000000000000000000001000001100001110000000000000000000000000000000000011000011111000001100000000000000000000000000000000011000111111110000110000000000000000000000000000000011101111101111110111100000000000000000000000000000001111111100011111111110000000000000000000000000001000111111000000011111111000000000000000000000000011100111111101001001111111100000000000000000000001100010011111111111111111111110011000000000000000111001110011111001111110011111110011010000000000001110111100011110000011110000111111001110100000000000000000001110011111111111111001111100011111000000000000000000001111111111111111111110001110011010000000000000000000111111111111111111111110000000000000000000000000000000000100001000011000110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000001110000000111100000000000000000000000000000000000001100000000000011000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002"
  3499. #define murdererlv1
  3500. if global.flag[202]>=monsterpopulation1 then return true
  3501. else return false
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