
Drug Dealer Anon Chapter #2

Jul 29th, 2012
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  1. >You settled yourself indoors, searching through your new refridgerator, looking around inside, you spotted the regular
  2. >Cheese, milk, vegetables, but in the very back there was a plate covered and wrapped, with a note upon it
  3. >Grabbing the note, it read, "I noticed as you were talking you have some sharp teeth, so have this as a gift - Princess Celestia"
  4. >Underneath was, holy shit
  6. >You quickly devoured a quarter of the dinner plate before recovering it, the plants would need some attention sooner or later
  7. Where the hell's that fertilizer?
  8. >Suddenly you noticed a trapdoor
  9. >Under it, was, a cellar!
  10. >Haha! and It's filled to the brim with gardening tools and fertilizers
  12. 1/x
  14. >Although the tools are small, they're still workable
  15. >You grabbed a smaller sack of fertilizer, still fucking heavy and it stunk to high heaven out of the cellar and went out the door
  16. >Outside you looked towards the rows of plants
  17. >Holy shit they've already sprouted
  18. >Suddenly you hear something huge land behind you
  19. >You turn and spot a yellow pegasus holding a piece of paper and a rope tethering a bunch of rain clouds
  20. >"Oh hi there Mister..." she looks down in her hand, "Anonononoymoose, I'm here with the rain clouds"
  21. >Keep it moist, never over-water, the soil should retain moisture and not drip, and it must clump.
  22. That's great
  23. >You move over to the soil and grab a little bit, It's a bit dry and crumbly
  24. >You look around and spot a long 12 meter long trough
  25. Would you mind dumping the water into that trough over there?
  26. >"Sure thing!" she flies over, stomps on the clouds a little bit, and dumps the water into the trough, filling it up completely.
  27. >"Anything else?"
  28. Nah, you're free to go.
  29. >She gives a salute and takes off
  31. 2/x
  33. >Grabbing a watering can, filling it up, you take a little bit of the soil and test how much water It'll need
  34. >You pour about a half liter on the small 1' x 1' patch of dirt, then sample it
  35. >Clumps together fine, no dripping
  36. >Perfect
  37. >You continue to water the area around the plants, holy shit what
  38. How the fuck are they already this grown?
  39. >You look towards the fertilizer
  40. >"Magic Grow fertilizer, helps crops germinate and sprout fast"
  41. >You turn again, facing crops that should've been grown in a month, in less than 24 hours
  42. >Fuck
  43. >You look around, spotting all the male plants, you pull them out of the ground and dump them into a pile
  44. >Next you look around, looking for any non-green plants
  45. >You spot a few plants with yellowing of the leaves, looks like calcium deficiency
  47. 3/x
  49. >A dash of fertilizer solves that, you look around again
  50. >You look hard at a plant
  51. >Mold
  52. >Honeydew deposits
  53. >It's aphids
  54. >You rush inside and grab some soap, hopefully insecticide
  55. >You coat the plant in the soap and then wash it all off
  56. >Hopefully that takes care of that
  57. >You begin individually checking each plant
  58. >You'd run into aphids, spider mites, whiteflies, thrips, lice, slugs n snails, rushing to get chemicals to kill them all, mutilating plants due to mold or destroying virus crops.
  59. >Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Molybdenum, Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, Sulfur, Zinc Deficiency, etc, etc
  60. >By the end of the day you've overworked yourself trying to keep the crops alive, but due to this miracle grow stuff, they've already progressed to a pretty good stage, and are almost ready to be harvested
  62. 4/x
  64. >After that tiring experience, you finally go home, sit on your comfy bed, and fall asleep
  65. >MINGERS
  66. >Wat
  67. >MINGERS
  69. >OH GOD WHAT
  70. >You spend the entire night having horrible nightmares
  72. 5/5
  74. >You awoke to the hot sun burning a hole in your retinas, body being overheated by the sun
  75. >Ahh summer, in winter and fall you can always put on more clothing, but in summer you have to have access to fans, or cold water, or something.
  76. >Closing the blinds, you got dressed, brushed your teeth, showered, the ponies didn't include any shaving tools so I guess It's time to use your knife
  77. >You unsheathed the blade, a simple thing, military tool, cheap, taking a bit of soap you rubbed it on your face until it formed a nice foam around where it was to shave
  78. >The knife dragged, knicking any bumps but shaving through all of the hairs on your face
  79. >The water was cold, but washed away the grime left by the soap and the hairs stuck to your face, and stuck to the knife
  80. >Your boots were laid in the corner, easily slipped on and tied, you were ready for the day
  82. 1/x
  84. >The sun was warm but the air was cold as you left your house, a look at your watch revealed the time to be 05:59
  85. >A grab of the dirt showed that it was a little bit dry, so you filled your watering can up and began to water the plants
  86. >Wait a second
  87. >The plants were already fully grown, resin everywhere, the dark period of the night has done good
  88. >Fuck this fertilizer is crazy shit
  89. >Harvest early, keep your wits, harvest later, high is greater
  90. >The high was more calming later on, eases pain, increases appetite, early was more social, late more medicinal
  91. >The buds were large, so you began to harvest half of the crops, and later in the day, you'll harvest the rest. Giving you time to dry each batch.
  92. >The knife cut through the plants, didn't really have any good scissors to harvest this seeing as you just sold the shit, the buds you needed falling into a sack to be dried
  93. >After half the plants have been harvested, you checked the other half to estimate how long til you harvest them
  94. >About a half day
  96. 2/x
  98. >You took the buds indoors and searched for a closet, you found a giant one, just big enough for all the plants you had harvested
  99. >Laying the buds out on a small cloth, you looked around, finding a temperature dial and a note
  100. >"Drying room, I have made sure the room is insulated, there is a small orb you can tap to regulate the temperature - Princess Celestia"
  101. >The dial said 62 F, not good, not good at all
  102. >You tapped the orb, which started spewing out room temperature air
  103. >Gotta keep the room dark, gotta keep it cool enough
  104. >You looked up, finding a fan, and another orb, alongside a note
  105. >"Humidity controller"
  106. >She really knows her shit
  107. >You tapped the orb, which instantly made the room a little bit dryer, not too much and turned on the fan, blowing air downward
  108. >You left the room, leaving it alone
  109. >Next step would be to cure
  111. 3/x
  113. >You looked around the house, searching every nook and cranny
  114. >Finally, jars
  115. >Tons of jars, and lids!
  116. >Perfect for the next step
  117. >Looking to your right, you found another closet, and a note
  118. >"Curing room"
  119. >Works for me
  120. >As you stepped in you notice another orb, and the room was chilly at 65 F / 18 c
  121. >They will need to cure for a few days
  122. >As you exited the room, your stomach started growling
  123. >It's time for POPCORN CHICKEN
  124. >A check of the fridge revealed popcorn chicken, bread and cheese. So you fastened yourself a sandwich
  125. >A damn good sandwich
  127. 4/x
  129. >Eventually going through out the day and checking the time, it became time to harvest the rest of the buds
  130. >As the process repeated, you opened the closet, set down the sack, and tested the buds
  131. >The stem snapped, a little too fast, but the bud checked out as well, so you moved them to the curing room
  132. >The buds were placed into jars, door closed, and the freshly harvested buds moved to the drying table
  133. >The day progressed doing random bullshit to entertain yourself, until you realized
  134. HOLY SHIT I have my laptop!
  135. >You got that solar charger so you could dick around in the mountains, cost $500 but it was well worth it
  136. >You removed the laptop from your backpack, plugged it in, and placed the solar charger on the window sill
  137. >A blinking light showed you that it was charging, and you turned it on
  138. >You began blasting music out of the tiny thing, and watching movies, playing games, etc etc
  139. >The day progressed until a beep from your watch alarm clock alerted you about the buds
  141. 5/x
  143. >A test of the buds in the closet showed them to be ready, so you moved them to the curing room
  144. >By now the sun had set, so you turned off the laptop and put it and the charger back into your backpack and headed to bed
  145. >In a week these buds will be smokeable, or earlier, who knows in this fucked up place
  147. 6/6
  149. >As you awake, the sun isn't shining through your curtains, nor at all
  150. >Groggily taking a few steps to the window, you open it just to see thunder and lightning, rain and hail assaulting the background
  151. >Whelp. the soil's fucked, overwatered and all, gotta let it dry up before replanting
  152. >Continuing with the morning routine, shave, shower, brushing teeth, going to the bathroom, the kitchen beckons as you shuffle onward
  153. >A quick check of the pantries reveals a few boxes of cereal, "Gorilla munch"
  154. >A check of the milk makes sure nothing is spoiled
  155. >You finish breakfast in silence and clean up afterwards, getting ready to check on the plants.
  156. >The closet opens revealing the buds all jarred up, opening the jar reveals the foul odor built up inside
  157. >You hold your head back, then put your nose in again and sniff
  158. >Yep, It's ready
  160. 1/x
  162. >You seal the jar and then look for a grinder, finding one, you drag it into the curing room and begin working
  163. >You turn the grinder and pour the buds in, slowly but surely it grinds them up into smaller and smaller pieces
  164. >Eventually after an hour of grinding, you've ground down all the buds into a very large pile of smokeable weed
  165. >Damn this pile is bigger than your head, hell bigger than two of your heads!
  166. >Grabbing a few jars, you divide the weed 50/50, one jar for Celestia, one jar for selling yourself, just as the deal entailed
  167. >Now how to contact Celestia
  168. >The house is mostly bare, doesn't seem to be anything in sigh-
  169. >There's a knock on the door
  170. >Who the fuck would knock on your door this far out
  171. >You unholster your gun and take a look through the peep sight
  172. >Nothing? Well then
  173. >You open the door
  175. 2/x
  177. >Nothing, just like I
  178. >"Hello there"
  179. Gah!
  180. >You jump backwards and aim the gun downwards, revealing a small lizard
  181. W-who are you? You scared the hell out of me man.
  182. >"I was sent by Princess Celestia to keep you company, and so you could communicate with her" says the lizard
  183. Works for me, I suppose. come on in.
  184. >You turn and the lizard follows close behind you
  185. So what's your name?
  186. >"Name's... Uhh... They just called me buddy, what's your name?
  187. Works for me, so Buddy, I'm Anonymous, but you can call me Anon. What species are you?
  188. >"I could ask the same, I'mma dragon"
  189. I'm a human, only one in Equestria as far as I know, you hungry?
  190. >"Boy am I! Got any gems?"
  191. >Gems
  192. >Wat
  194. 3/x
  196. You eat gems?
  197. >"Yeah! All dragons do!"
  198. Can you eat anything else?
  199. >"Pretty much, It's just not as good"
  200. >You open the fridge, and take out the plate of popcorn chicken
  201. Would you like to have some... Meat?
  202. >"Woh! I haven't had meat since I was a baby! Thanks!"
  203. >You spend the time devouring the rest of the plate of chicken with this tiny dragon
  204. >He's got a bigger appetite than you do
  205. >You grab a hold of your stomach, damn you're getting a little bit chubby
  206. >It's time for a run
  207. Hey Buddy
  208. >"Yeah?" he looks up from the plate
  209. >You dig around in your backpack before grabbing a hold of what you thought you didn't have
  210. >Your mp3, not really an mp3, an Ipod touch given as a gift
  211. >Turning it on, you flick through the menu and select angry birds
  212. Want to play a game?
  214. 4/x
  216. >"W-what is it?"
  217. This, my friend, is Angry birds. Come on I'll show you how to play
  218. >Both of you take seats on the couch, and you show him the controls
  219. Just do this and try to attack the pigs and get all of them, got it
  220. >"Yeah!"
  221. >You hand him the mp3, then go to your bedroom and start getting ready
  222. >Undressing from your pants, putting on jean shorts and tucking the handgun in the specially made holster, alongside equipping the belt, you're ready to run, canteen and pedometer equipped
  223. Hey buddy, if you get hungry there's some food in the pantries, don't touch any of the green stuff in the jars, and the bathroom is in the hallway to the right
  224. >It's raining pretty hard, cold and humid, best running temperatures, at least for you that is
  225. >Buddy's too addicted to the game to care, so he just waves you off
  226. >Opening the door, you begin your run
  228. 5/x
  230. >Not so bad, It's only been about two to three days since you got here, so your running hasn't began to suffer
  231. >Your watch keeps track of the time and the pedometer in your pants keeps track of the distance
  232. >One mile in, not feeling the burn
  233. >The air smells good, the rain feels good on the skin, and the wind is chilling to the bone
  234. >You run in a straight line, so you can make it back to your house, eventually stumbling upon a path
  235. >The fog is a bit too thick to actually see where it goes, but its flat enough so might as well
  236. >Two miles in, a little bit of cramping but it went away as soon as you noticed it
  237. >By now the path is becoming wider, and you swear you see houses in the distance
  238. >Three miles in, you slow to a hault you catch your breath, and take a large swig of your canteen
  239. >Feelsgoodman
  240. >The howling of the wind and the ground being hit by hail is accompanied by your panting, luckily with all this rain you aren't covered in sweat
  242. 6/x
  244. >Within three minutes you're fully recovered, and head back home, four miles in its becoming a bit of a pain to run.
  245. >Five you're a little bit exhausted
  246. >Six You arrive home, open the door, and scare the hell out of Buddy
  247. Sup *pant* just finished my run
  248. >You turn off the stopwatch
  249. >The time reads 42 minutes
  250. >42 straight minutes of running? Damn, haven't done that in a while
  251. >You fumble around in your room a bit and open the closet
  252. >Inside is a bunch of clothing, and it's just your size
  253. I don't even
  254. >There's another note
  255. >"I've gotten custom clothing made for you, take it as a gift"
  256. >Fuck yes clean clothing
  257. >You hop in the shower, and wash the grime away
  259. 7/7
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