
TIFU by throwing a literal bag of dicks down the wrong chute

Apr 28th, 2020
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  1. I've made many a fuck up in my time. But never did I think I'd fuck up something involving an actual bag of dicks; bull pizzles to be specific (yes, pizzle is the actual term). But anyway; I work in a slaughter house. Recently, some tasks here have been redistributed among the staff to allow for better worker separation, on account of social distancing. For me and a few others, that means we are now tasked with tying up bags of tendons and pizzles and chucking them down one of either the 'edible' or 'inedible' chutes. The tendons I know to be edible. Down the edible chute they go in batches of ten. The pizzles I assumed (oops) were edible; a delicacy in some parts, are they not? I bag up about 30 pizzles, a nice old bag of dicks, and chuck it down the edible chute. Job well done or so I thought. Five minutes later, a supervisor comes nosey-ing about. He leaves, then another supervisor saunters up. He stops me for a moment, and asks me if I threw the bag of pizzles down the edible chute. I confirm. "Don't don't do that please, they're inedible" says he. Oops! says I. He is giving me the "seriously?" look. Well, I suppose I deserved it. My smug co-worker opposite me is laughing his head off. He finds it hilarious that I thought the pizzles were for human consumption. An hour later it occurs to me that I should have told him to go eat a bag of dicks. Alas I am not that quick witted. Word gets around, and now my boss thinks I'm an idiot who doesn't know what is and what is not edible, despite me working here for a good year. A minor fuck up, sure. But how many fuck ups involve an actual bag of dicks?
  3. TLDR: I threw a bag of dicks down the wrong chute at a slaughter house and people think I'm stupid.
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