

Jan 10th, 2017
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  1. Valiant Feitan: feelshp
  2. Valiant Feitan: i'm not sure about leaving valiant again ma boi
  3. Valiant Feitan: all will hate me
  4. Valiant Feitan: lotus, valiant
  5. Valiant Feitan: alpha..
  6. Valiant Feitan: feelscri
  7. AlphaCharll: not really
  8. AlphaCharll: just explain what happened
  9. Valiant Feitan: alpha will understand
  10. Valiant Feitan: but aven..
  11. Valiant Feitan: lmao
  12. AlphaCharll: umm
  13. AlphaCharll: avenn who?
  14. Valiant Feitan: valiant avenn
  15. AlphaCharll: champ?
  16. Valiant Feitan: champion of valiant and my spanish mate
  17. Valiant Feitan: llamadance
  18. AlphaCharll: hmm
  19. AlphaCharll: umm
  20. Valiant Feitan: i left them 1 time cause i wanted to stay with u and striky
  21. AlphaCharll: yeah that is gonna be some kind of trouble
  22. Valiant Feitan: i will speak with him
  23. AlphaCharll: when did you tell harp that you left
  24. Valiant Feitan: and i will try to explain my point
  25. Valiant Feitan: yesterday
  26. AlphaCharll: umm
  27. AlphaCharll: i wouldn't think anyone would mind lol
  28. AlphaCharll: just tell him that you had recived false information about something from a random person for selfish reasons
  29. Valiant Feitan: and they won't trust me
  30. Valiant Feitan: lol
  31. Valiant Feitan: xD
  32. Valiant Feitan: but ok
  33. Valiant Feitan: feelshp
  34. Valiant Feitan: i will
  35. AlphaCharll: >they won't trust you
  36. AlphaCharll: excuse me
  37. AlphaCharll: who wouldn't leledisgust
  38. Valiant Feitan: i'm hating myself rn
  39. Valiant Feitan: cause my english
  40. Valiant Feitan: feelscri
  41. AlphaCharll: lol
  42. Valiant Feitan: i have my rasons
  43. Valiant Feitan: let me think feelsllama
  44. AlphaCharll: there is nothing wrong with your english tbh
  45. AlphaCharll: i can understand you 100% clear
  46. AlphaCharll: feelsshi
  47. Valiant Feitan: i'm trying to explain to u another thig
  48. Valiant Feitan: and i can't
  49. Valiant Feitan: xaa
  50. AlphaCharll: lol
  51. AlphaCharll: just say random unconnected things
  52. AlphaCharll: and i'll try to figure it out
  53. AlphaCharll: llamanoodle
  54. Valiant Feitan: i'm erasing what I write
  55. Valiant Feitan: feelstea
  56. Valiant Feitan: ok
  57. Valiant Feitan: Kusakai and harp motivated me to do the tests to get to chaperone i was told that if i got to chaperone they would give me the e4 spot of kusakai and he would become chaperone
  58. AlphaCharll: WHAT!
  59. AlphaCharll: wait yeah
  60. AlphaCharll: you're both psychic
  61. AlphaCharll: but umm
  62. AlphaCharll: hmm
  63. AlphaCharll: i love shiraiki so much as an e4
  64. Valiant Feitan: the case is that with e4 scales alpha only had 1 spot open (kusakai spot) so striky wanted to leave
  65. Valiant Feitan: i was speaking with kusakai
  66. Valiant Feitan: i passed him all my teams
  67. Valiant Feitan: and he said to me tha i'm better etc
  68. Valiant Feitan: anyways i didn't want to be an e4
  69. Valiant Feitan: i was here cause u and striky
  70. AlphaCharll: why wouldn't you wanna be an e4 :/
  71. Valiant Feitan: i don't care about my spot
  72. AlphaCharll: you're an awesome player
  73. Valiant Feitan: i mean i was ok with chaperone
  74. Valiant Feitan: it's a nice spot for me
  75. AlphaCharll: it's not about if you care or not
  76. Valiant Feitan: i ever was psy gl
  77. Valiant Feitan: it's fine
  78. Valiant Feitan: llamadance
  79. AlphaCharll: i was begged for 2 weeks till i was forced to be e4
  80. Valiant Feitan: feelspn
  81. AlphaCharll: it's just that if people want you to be e4
  82. AlphaCharll: it's just that it would a disappointment to them if you don't be one
  83. AlphaCharll: feelsshi
  84. AlphaCharll: and btw harp is the nicest person in the world
  85. AlphaCharll: you should talk to him about anything that bothers you
  86. AlphaCharll: like this
  87. AlphaCharll: ^
  88. Valiant Feitan: with kusakai we were going to do a better of 3
  89. AlphaCharll: he knows how to handle things
  90. Valiant Feitan: for psy spot
  91. AlphaCharll: :o
  92. Valiant Feitan: but in the first match
  93. Valiant Feitan: he used steel when i didn't know that we can do things like that
  94. Valiant Feitan: i was bothered cause using steel --> being psy e4
  95. AlphaCharll: i mean
  96. AlphaCharll: handling the best type in the game is important
  97. AlphaCharll: also it's a resistance to you
  98. Valiant Feitan: then at that point striky told me that we should leave the league that it was not serious and that you had left
  99. AlphaCharll: so it's extra important to handle it
  100. AlphaCharll: wow
  101. AlphaCharll: lelefo
  102. AlphaCharll: lelefp
  103. Valiant Feitan: well i have beat steel, dark etc
  104. Valiant Feitan: in my test 4 chaperone
  105. Valiant Feitan: but
  106. AlphaCharll: i never thought striker would ever say something like this
  107. Valiant Feitan: if we are fighting for psy e4 spot
  108. Valiant Feitan: we both have to play with psy
  109. AlphaCharll: maybe
  110. AlphaCharll: feelsshi
  111. Valiant Feitan: lol?
  112. AlphaCharll: or maybe he's just testing you for e4
  113. Valiant Feitan: u can't be psy e4 using steel
  114. AlphaCharll: it's a bo3 yeah
  115. AlphaCharll: but he's already e4
  116. Valiant Feitan: if he don't want to lose his spot
  117. Valiant Feitan: it's ok
  118. AlphaCharll: so it's u showing ur e4 quality not him
  119. Valiant Feitan: he said to me that i had to
  120. Valiant Feitan: i was fine with psy gl
  121. Valiant Feitan: he said to me: steam u need to be a prof and then a chaperone
  122. Valiant Feitan: and i will give u my spot
  123. AlphaCharll: by he
  124. Valiant Feitan: give my spot isn't = using steel
  125. AlphaCharll: you mean kusaki/shiraiki
  126. Valiant Feitan: ye
  127. Valiant Feitan: shiraki
  128. AlphaCharll: well he is
  129. AlphaCharll: giving you his spot
  130. AlphaCharll: it's just you're like everyone else you have to show ur quality
  131. AlphaCharll: feelsshi
  132. Valiant Feitan: nono
  133. AlphaCharll: not for him
  134. Valiant Feitan: i mean
  135. AlphaCharll: but like for others
  136. Valiant Feitan: it wasn't a problem
  137. Valiant Feitan: it was my excuse to leave alpha
  138. Valiant Feitan: i just left cause striky said that he wanted to join valiant
  139. AlphaCharll: what
  140. Valiant Feitan: and i thought that u left
  141. Valiant Feitan: it's all
  142. Valiant Feitan: xoxo
  143. AlphaCharll: oh
  144. AlphaCharll: lol
  145. AlphaCharll: well i didn't leave
  146. Valiant Feitan: i see
  147. Valiant Feitan: feelsllama
  148. Valiant Feitan: striky said to me that u were mad with the league
  149. AlphaCharll: you should ask me first before doing things like this first
  150. AlphaCharll: >.>
  151. Valiant Feitan: cause we lost against lotus
  152. Valiant Feitan: feelshp
  153. AlphaCharll: huh
  154. AlphaCharll: lol
  155. AlphaCharll: i dced
  156. AlphaCharll: i was the reason we lost
  157. AlphaCharll: cause i had a fight with my dad
  158. Valiant Feitan: i know feelsllama
  159. AlphaCharll: how can i be mad
  160. Valiant Feitan: idk imca...
  161. Valiant Feitan: striky know u better than me
  162. Valiant Feitan: i was just trust in him
  163. AlphaCharll: sigh
  164. AlphaCharll: this world
  165. Valiant Feitan: i have to eat
  166. Valiant Feitan: wait me
  167. Valiant Feitan: feelshp
  168. AlphaCharll: when someone is so nice that you wouldn't think he would something like this
  169. AlphaCharll: oke
  170. AlphaCharll: have fun
  171. AlphaCharll: llamanoodle
  172. Valiant Feitan: thx ^^
  173. Valiant Feitan: guns don't kill people, ah ah, i kill people, with guns
  174. Valiant Feitan: llamadance
  175. AlphaCharll: lol?
  176. Valiant Feitan: i'm back feelscool
  177. Valiant Feitan:
  178. Valiant Feitan: did u miss me? awwww yea
  179. Valiant Feitan: what what
  180. Valiant Feitan: xaa
  181. Valiant Feitan: i can't with this boi
  182. AlphaCharll: lmao
  183. Valiant Feitan: guns don't kill people, i kill people with guns
  184. Valiant Feitan: paw
  185. AlphaCharll: wtf
  186. AlphaCharll: am
  187. AlphaCharll: i
  188. AlphaCharll: watching
  189. Valiant Feitan: lelelel lelelol
  190. Valiant Feitan: mc vagina is back feelscool
  191. AlphaCharll: lelesc
  192. Valiant Feitan: xaa
  193. Valiant Feitan: i'm invencible like bruce willies in the movie invencible, i'm invencible like... well i'm not really invencible
  194. Valiant Feitan: llamadance
  195. AlphaCharll: Stop lelegn
  196. Valiant Feitan: ok feelscri
  197. AlphaCharll: Cool
  198. AlphaCharll: lelesc
  199. Valiant Feitan: what do u think about trick room?
  200. Valiant Feitan: feelshp
  201. AlphaCharll: on what type
  202. Valiant Feitan: steel
  203. AlphaCharll: ehh
  204. AlphaCharll: okish i guess
  205. Valiant Feitan: i mean
  206. Valiant Feitan: exca with sand rush
  207. Valiant Feitan: cause counter ground monotype
  208. Valiant Feitan: and
  209. Valiant Feitan: jirachi with sandstorm, trick room and healling wish
  210. Valiant Feitan: and then u can go heatran with trick room and exca with sandstorm
  211. Valiant Feitan: feelsjig
  212. Valiant Feitan: llamadance
  213. AlphaCharll: lol
  214. Valiant Feitan: vodoom taught me some interesting thinfs
  215. Valiant Feitan: feelsgd
  216. Valiant Feitan: like evs distribution
  217. Valiant Feitan: etc
  218. AlphaCharll: oh
  219. AlphaCharll: vodoom
  220. Valiant Feitan: yea like
  221. Valiant Feitan: odd hp
  222. Valiant Feitan: etc
  223. AlphaCharll: lol
  224. Valiant Feitan: i didn't know Cate
  225. Valiant Feitan: i mean if u have a tini with 400 hp
  226. Valiant Feitan: it will die with 4 rocks
  227. Valiant Feitan: if u have a tini with 401
  228. Valiant Feitan: it will live with 1 hp
  229. Valiant Feitan: and u can use tini 5 times
  230. AlphaCharll: mhm
  231. Valiant Feitan: llamadance
  232. Valiant Feitan: or i u have a mon with 400 hp and u want an offtank
  233. Valiant Feitan: offesnive tank
  234. Valiant Feitan: this shit need def and def sp not hp
  235. Valiant Feitan: i mean
  236. Valiant Feitan: modest heatran full spa
  237. Valiant Feitan: is better with 128 def and 128 spd not 252 hp
  238. Valiant Feitan: it work with mons like heatran or tytar who has 2 much hp
  239. AlphaCharll: umm
  240. AlphaCharll: feitan
  241. AlphaCharll: did you leave
  242. Valiant Feitan: if u have a mon with 320 hp u need to hp full hp
  243. AlphaCharll: because of shine
  244. AlphaCharll: or because of shiraiki
  245. Valiant Feitan: cause of shine and u
  246. Valiant Feitan: idc about shiraki
  247. Valiant Feitan: '' idc ''
  248. Valiant Feitan: it was a nice guy
  249. Valiant Feitan: it's all
  250. Valiant Feitan: feelshp
  251. Valiant Feitan: he was*
  252. Valiant Feitan: i left cause i thought that u left 2 and cause shine wanted to join valiant with me
  253. Valiant Feitan: i haven't more rasons
  254. Valiant Feitan: tbh the trolly e4 tests was bothering
  255. Valiant Feitan: but not enough to make me leave
  256. Valiant Feitan: feelshp
  257. AlphaCharll: so
  258. AlphaCharll: it's because of shine
  259. AlphaCharll: xoxo
  260. Valiant Feitan: feelshp
  261. Valiant Feitan: don't
  262. Valiant Feitan: charll i was explaining to u my rasons
  263. Valiant Feitan: i dont understand why you said anything without my permission
  264. AlphaCharll: i didn't say that it's you
  265. AlphaCharll: first of all
  266. AlphaCharll: 2nd of all
  267. AlphaCharll: i hate when people do things like this
  268. Valiant Feitan: well but it's my problem..
  269. Valiant Feitan: i mean
  270. Valiant Feitan: now i have to argue with striky
  271. AlphaCharll: i don't need someone's permission tbh
  272. Valiant Feitan: i didn't want it
  273. AlphaCharll: it's just that someone did something wrong
  274. Valiant Feitan: u need, it was a problem with me and striky
  275. AlphaCharll: if it's against you or anyone else
  276. AlphaCharll: it's wronf
  277. Valiant Feitan: i'm done
  278. Valiant Feitan: how can i come back to alpha now
  279. AlphaCharll: huh?
  280. AlphaCharll: easy
  281. AlphaCharll: Alpha Steam
  282. AlphaCharll: and i promote you
  283. AlphaCharll: you did nothing wrong
  284. Valiant Feitan: Alpha Shine: steam
  285. Valiant Feitan: Alpha Shine: did i make u leave alpha
  286. Valiant Feitan: Alpha Shine: so that i could become e4
  287. Valiant Feitan: Alpha Shine: if so tell me
  288. AlphaCharll: just say yes you made me leave alpha
  289. AlphaCharll: but idk about the e4 part
  290. Valiant Feitan: ...
  291. AlphaCharll: just say you said that imca left
  292. AlphaCharll: and that you were leaving
  293. AlphaCharll: so i left
  294. AlphaCharll: xoxo
  295. Valiant Feitan: well
  296. Valiant Feitan: i did
  297. Valiant Feitan: xoxo
  298. AlphaCharll: did
  299. AlphaCharll: he
  300. AlphaCharll: say that i left
  301. AlphaCharll: :/
  302. Valiant Feitan: yes
  303. Valiant Feitan: i'm sure
  304. Valiant Feitan: that he did
  305. AlphaCharll: when
  306. Valiant Feitan: stop it, i don't want to have problems with striky
  307. Valiant Feitan: he did it 2 days ago
  308. AlphaCharll: ehh
  309. Valiant Feitan: aprox
  310. Valiant Feitan: idk
  311. AlphaCharll: i'm just asking when
  312. AlphaCharll: kk
  313. Valiant Feitan: i asked to him if u left us cause the ulc
  314. Valiant Feitan: and he said to me that he didn't know
  315. Valiant Feitan: it was 4 days ago aprox
  316. AlphaCharll: i didn't leave
  317. Valiant Feitan: and he said to me that u did 2 days ago
  318. AlphaCharll: :/
  319. AlphaCharll: kk
  320. Valiant Feitan: now the thing is, how to get back to alpha after having abandoned them so easily?
  321. Valiant Feitan: And how to solve the problems with shine after you have told him what i think
  322. Valiant Feitan: we can't stay in the same league rn
  323. Valiant Feitan: feelshp
  324. AlphaCharll: umm
  325. Valiant Feitan: he desconected...
  326. AlphaCharll: you didn't abandon alpha
  327. AlphaCharll: that's one
  328. AlphaCharll: two i didn't tell him that it was you
  329. AlphaCharll: lelefp
  330. Valiant Feitan: lol
  331. Valiant Feitan: but he asked to me
  332. Valiant Feitan: and i said yes
  333. Valiant Feitan: xaa
  334. Valiant Feitan: it was obviously
  335. Valiant Feitan: feelshp
  336. AlphaCharll: lelewhat
  337. Valiant Feitan: i ever say what i think feelsllama
  338. AlphaCharll: lelefp
  339. Valiant Feitan:
  340. Valiant Feitan: llamadance
  341. AlphaCharll:
  342. AlphaCharll: :/
  343. Valiant Feitan: i know
  344. Valiant Feitan: feelstea
  345. AlphaCharll: shine didn't tell you that i left
  346. Valiant Feitan: it was the end
  347. Valiant Feitan: lol
  348. Valiant Feitan: he did
  349. AlphaCharll: and you didn't leave cause of me leaving]
  350. AlphaCharll: if he did tell you
  351. Valiant Feitan: charll
  352. AlphaCharll: you left cause u were dissatisfied with the test
  353. Valiant Feitan: i was talking with harp
  354. Valiant Feitan: 30min
  355. Valiant Feitan: or 1hour
  356. Valiant Feitan: it was at the end
  357. Valiant Feitan: i was bothered
  358. Valiant Feitan: but it's ok charll
  359. Valiant Feitan: at the start i said to u
  360. Valiant Feitan: i only want to explain u my rasons
  361. Valiant Feitan: u didn't have to speak with harp or shine
  362. Valiant Feitan: what do u want?
  363. Valiant Feitan: that i said
  364. Valiant Feitan: i want to leave cause shine hate me and want my spot
  365. AlphaCharll: you know what
  366. Valiant Feitan: and he said to me that charll left
  367. Valiant Feitan: ?
  368. Valiant Feitan: wtf man
  369. AlphaCharll: fuck this
  370. Valiant Feitan: fuck this then
  371. AlphaCharll: i'm not gonna waste my time on 2 different people saying different stuff
  372. AlphaCharll: if you wanna stay ur welcome
  373. AlphaCharll: if you don't
  374. Valiant Feitan: o
  375. Valiant Feitan: now
  376. AlphaCharll: ur also welcome
  377. AlphaCharll: cya
  378. Valiant Feitan: my god
  379. Valiant Feitan: thank you for believing only one part, I just wanted to tell you what happened to me
  380. AlphaCharll: i just don't care what happened here
  381. AlphaCharll: either it was that you left because of shine
  382. Valiant Feitan: u were the first who asked to me
  383. Valiant Feitan: shine and harp
  384. AlphaCharll: or you were dissatisfied with the tests
  385. Valiant Feitan: so u care about this
  386. Valiant Feitan: if u read the paste
  387. Valiant Feitan: u can read
  388. Valiant Feitan: that i said
  389. Valiant Feitan: i don't care about my spot
  390. AlphaCharll: sir
  391. Valiant Feitan: so i'm not mad with the tests or another thing like that
  392. AlphaCharll: if you wanna join
  393. AlphaCharll: ur welcome
  394. AlphaCharll: f you don't ur welcome
  395. AlphaCharll: end of story
  396. AlphaCharll: lelefp
  397. Valiant Feitan: bye lol
  398. Valiant Feitan: u asked to me etc and now i can't explain to u my rasons
  399. AlphaCharll: i heard enough
  400. AlphaCharll: and i just don't wanna here more
  401. AlphaCharll: i'm getting stressed for no reason
  402. Valiant Feitan: u started it charll
  403. Valiant Feitan: but it's ok
  404. AlphaCharll: yeah
  405. AlphaCharll: my bad
  406. Valiant Feitan: not your bad..
  407. Valiant Feitan: god sorry
  408. Valiant Feitan: my english
  409. Valiant Feitan: it isn't ur fault
  410. Valiant Feitan: i do not know how to explain what i feel now i feel betrayed by everyone, and I do not understand why you do not believe me
  411. Valiant Feitan: and i don't want to stress u
  412. Valiant Feitan: forgive me
  413. Valiant Feitan: it's all right
  414. AlphaCharll: it's not that i don't believe you
  415. AlphaCharll: it's just this is pointless
  416. Valiant Feitan: i couldn't say to harp
  417. Valiant Feitan: that i wanted to leave cause shine
  418. Valiant Feitan: cause shine was my friend
  419. Valiant Feitan: and he said to me that he was going to leave
  420. Valiant Feitan: cause studies
  421. Valiant Feitan: trust me god
  422. Valiant Feitan: i mean
  423. Valiant Feitan: he said to me that he was going to say to harp
  424. Valiant Feitan: that he was going to leave cause studies
  425. Valiant Feitan: this is why i didn't said nothing about shine
  426. AlphaCharll: and what's the point of you telling me this
  427. AlphaCharll: lelefp
  428. Valiant Feitan: Because you are my friend and I do not want you to keep thinking bad about me
  429. AlphaCharll: i'm not thinking bad about anyone
  430. Valiant Feitan: Or because at least I thought you were
  431. AlphaCharll: i just don't wanna be involved in something i didn't witness
  432. AlphaCharll: or have proof on
  433. AlphaCharll: why?
  434. AlphaCharll: it's pointless
  435. Valiant Feitan: if u read the paste u will see that i say to harp that u left
  436. Valiant Feitan: and u get mad with us
  437. Valiant Feitan: why?
  438. Valiant Feitan: you were the first to want to come in saying that you liked the problems and now we can not even finish the conversation
  439. AlphaCharll: problems
  440. AlphaCharll: aren't a mess like this
  441. AlphaCharll: where everyone is saying something different
  442. Valiant Feitan: i haven't problems to explain my point in public
  443. Valiant Feitan: like alpha chat
  444. Valiant Feitan: with shine, harp etc in
  445. Valiant Feitan: i know that i'm saying the true
  446. Valiant Feitan: From the beginning the only thing I wanted is that things between us were fine and I believed, I did not want you to talk to harp or shine
  447. Valiant Feitan: u know what
  448. Valiant Feitan: if u want me i will join again and i will explain my rasons in public
  449. Valiant Feitan: if not i will stay in valiant
  450. Valiant Feitan: it's ok
  451. Valiant Feitan: sorry ma boi
  452. AlphaCharll: it's your choice
  453. AlphaCharll: not mine
  454. AlphaCharll: lelefp
  455. Valiant Feitan: if u aren't going tu trust in me i haven't rasons to join alpha again
  456. Valiant Feitan: it isn't my choice at all
  457. Valiant Feitan: xaa
  458. Valiant Feitan: i don't want to stay in a league when they don't want me
  459. AlphaCharll: tbh
  460. AlphaCharll: i don't trust anyone
  461. AlphaCharll: 2nd of all
  462. AlphaCharll: i don't think people wouldn't want you here
  463. AlphaCharll: 3rd of all
  464. AlphaCharll: i'm going offline
  465. AlphaCharll: cya
  466. Valiant Feitan: ok charll
  467. Valiant Feitan: cya
  468. Valiant Feitan: last thing
  469. Valiant Feitan: it will be fast
  470. Valiant Feitan: is harp or sylex online?
  471. User AlphaCharll is offline.
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