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Dec 16th, 2017
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  1. usepackage[
  2. backend=biber,
  3. autolang=hyphen, %which parameters are important when changing languages according to entry language id in the database
  4. citestyle=authoryear, %style when citing, try authoryear-icomp
  5. bibstyle=authoryear-icomp, % manuscripts, %authoryear-icomp, %style in the bibliography
  6. maxbibnames=3, %how many names before et. al in the bibliography
  7. maxcitenames=2, % how many names before et. al in the running text.
  8. language=auto,
  9. isbn=false,
  10. defernumbers=true, % for subbibliographies (tib, skr etc.)
  11. autocite= superscript,
  12. url=true,
  13. dashed=false,
  14. doi=true,
  15. sortlocale=auto,
  16. ]{biblatex}%this style compresses the numbering
  17. addbibresource{C://thesisbibfile/thesisbibfile.bib}
  19. Currently my code is:
  21. %%%%% Appearance of Bibliography with Author year Tag
  23. %%%%
  24. makeatletter
  25. setlength{bibitemsep}{0.5baselineskip plus 0.5baselineskip}
  27. newsaveboxay@labelbox
  28. newlength{labwidthsameline}
  29. setlength{labwidthsameline}{8em} % the {xem} defines the length of the label: best is either 2 or 9 em
  31. newbibmacro{labelwidthbib}{%
  32. begingroup
  33. scriptsize %SIZE OF THE LABEL %footnotesize works with 8.5 or 9 em
  34. DeclareFieldFormat{bibhyperref}{scshape##1}%
  35. csuse{blx@hook@cite}%
  36. csuse{blx@hook@citekey}%
  37. citetrackerfalsepagetrackerfalsebacktrackerfalse
  38. defcounter{maxnames}{blx@maxcitenames}%
  39. usebibmacro{cite}%
  40. endgroup
  41. }
  42. %-----------------------
  43. newbibmacro{kicklabel}{%
  44. sboxay@labelbox{usebibmacro{labelwidthbib}}%
  45. globaltogglefalse{blx@insert}%
  46. ifdimwday@labelbox>labwidthsameline
  47. leavevmodenewline
  48. fi
  49. }
  51. defbibenvironment{bibliography}%
  52. {list
  53. {usebibmacro{labelwidthbib}}%
  54. {setlength{labelwidth}{labwidthsameline}%
  55. setlength{leftmargin}{labelwidth}%
  56. setlength{labelsep}{biblabelsep}%
  57. addtolength{leftmargin}{labelsep}%
  58. setlength{itemsep}{bibitemsep}%
  59. setlength{parsep}{bibparsep}%
  60. renewcommand*{makelabel}[1]{##1hss}}}%
  61. {endlist}%
  62. {itemusebibmacro{kicklabel}}
  63. makeatother
  66. %%% End of Appearance of Bibliography with Author year Tag
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