

May 1st, 2020
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  1. Yama Realm, Eter­nal Dark­ness Bone Sea.
  2. Jie Xin Jie Ling, Yeli, Yaodie, Qingy­ing, Lant­ing, Hua­jin, Yuwu and Chanyi...... nine Suc­cubus all sit well in the place, the Suc­cubus aura fierce cir­cu­la­tion of body.
  3. But their sur­round­ings, stored up do not know that many years Pri­mor­dial Yin en­ergy un­ceas­ing surg­ing and roar­ing, each air cur­rent that the flash brought, berserk such as was eager to ex­tin­guish the world hur­ri­cane.
  4. Yun Che body floats spa­tially, both eyes shut tightly, five fin­gers, dark Yin en­ergy crazy rushes to nine Suc­cubus bod­ies, but has not in­jured to them slightly, in­stead in un­ceas­ingly, is con­duct­ing the strange fu­sion by a form and their power of unique cog­ni­tion.
  5. Coro­na­tion is Devil Lord, after North Ter­ri­tory three King Realm pledge al­le­giance, Yun Che fi­nally can un­scrupu­lous re­lease Dark­ness Ever­last­ing the strength of an­other heaven de­fy­ing.
  6. Dark growth!
  7. But when ex­is­tence of this abil­ity, the first time was he heard ini­tially Qianye Ying'er men­tioned North Ter­ri­tory core Eter­nal Dark­ness Bone Sea, rea­son that the eye splits the dif­fer­ent glow.
  8. In the spe­cial con­di­tion of cor­re­spon­dence, he can ab­sorb the strength of sur­round­ing el­e­ment, fuses for own power.
  9. The strength of this fu­sion, Ni­hility Prin­ci­ple can achieve, the strength of Evil God's el­e­ment adds the spir­i­tual en­ergy ab­sorp­tion of Great Way of the Bud­dha Art also to achieve.
  10. But, in Dark Do­main, Dark­ness Ever­last­ing is un­sur­passed ex­is­tence.
  11. It not only can make Yun Che fuse the sur­round­ing dark­ness to change into one­self power, but can also ex­e­cute in oth­ers the body.
  12. Al­though lim­its be­cause of con­sti­tu­tion, ex­e­cut­ing def­i­nitely is well below it­self to be like that ex­ag­ger­at­ing in oth­ers, but......, even if the less than half ef­fect, is strength of the heaven de­fy­ing with­out a doubt!
  13. But Eter­nal Dark­ness Bone Sea...... ex­ists sim­ply for this rea­son!
  14. Yun Che body aura eter­nally is link­ing the bod­ies and Pro­found Vein of nine Suc­cubus, orig­i­nally is Pri­mor­dial Yin en­ergy of with­out owner in con­tin­u­ous is chang­ing into the Suc­cubus dark strength.
  15. Every time with­stands the dark growth of 12 dou­ble-hour, they must at least ten days adapt and con­sol­i­dated.
  16. In other words , the strength of dark growth, even if bet­ter than Suc­cubus, Yama and Mooneater, takes more than ten days to with­stand 12 dou­ble-hour.
  17. But, the growth of dark strength trades, big to let­ting them is ter­ri­fied.
  18. Be­side Eter­nal Dark­ness Bone Sea, the Yama Em­peror Ter­ri­tory sky, Chi Wuyao and Qianye Ying'er are talk­ing leisurely and care­free.
  19. „Tian Guhu says now ‚demon’, sum­moned more and more young pro­found prac­ti­tioner, in var­i­ous lord Star Realm to keep the order greatly strongly, as­sists small and weakly, how and re­sult did not dis­cuss, under he is enor­mous in young gen­er­a­tion of in­flu­ence, sum­mons, the re­sponse are in­nu­mer­able, at least in the mo­men­tum, is demon­strat­ing di­rect change of Devil Lord after North­ern God Ter­ri­tory near world.”
  20. „Our Sir Devil Lord also re­ally picked the trea­sure.” What Chi Wuyao uses praises the in­to­na­tion that.
  21. „Snort, has Devil wild beast, nat­u­rally can also smell Devil taste/smell from oth­ers body.” The Qianye Ying'er vi­sion passed over gen­tly and swiftly from Chi Wuyao body rapidly, sud­denly lightly laughed, tone strange say/way: „Your Pri­mor­dial Yin aura un­ex­pect­edly also in? If this were known by oth­ers, these men who be­fore died also on for­get it/that's all, now can you...... our Sir Devil Lord as Em­press be sus­pected of use­less?”
  22. „Eh?” Chi Wuyao sends out long well the sound, charm­ing eyes looked at Qianye Ying'er one gen­tly: „Here mat­ter, but also was re­ally af­fect­ing. Devil Lord that this Em­press mar­ries newly was pestered by other women daily does not put, other day and night favor woman, the this Em­press even least bit rain and dew di­vides is less.”
  23. The Qianye Ying'er brow tip turns up­wards, how­ever said lightly: „This must look at the re­spec­tive skill, did you say?”
  24. Re­gard­ing Chi Wuyao, Qianye Ying'er has the ex­tremely strong hos­til­ity as be­fore.
  25. How­ever, this hos­til­ity pre­vi­ously has the quite sub­tle change com­pared with it.
  26. No longer does not ac­com­mo­date, but fa­vors...... the com­pe­ti­tion? More­over Qianye Ying'er is very at heart clear, Chi Wuyao is not „strug­gle” she, but has no time.
  27. After win­ning the title grand cer­e­mony, she may com­pared with many that Yun Che must bus­tle about.
  28. Chi Wuyao clear knows why Qianye Ying'er pushes her for Em­press, but she never re­sists, has not di­vulged.
  29. This is also she hopes.
  30. „That this Em­press is dis­tant ratio you.” Chi Wuyao said: „After all this Em­press until now a pure white paper, but your years, are ac­tu­ally and this Em­press Devil Lord daily noisy ob­scene, every night music and song.”
  31. „Pre­sent ‚Brahma Em­peror God­dess’, leaned cer­tainly fear­ing of the world is not only the grace and tal­ent, this Em­press where ratio on, oh.”
  32. A Chi Wuyao sad sigh.
  33. Qianye Ying'er cast aside the lip, sud­denly asked: „Are these men of your en­tire life, the pup­pets?”
  34. „Nat­u­rally.” Chi Wuyao smiles lightly: „Said, in treat­ing man this point, this Em­press is quite ac­tu­ally sim­i­lar to you.”
  35. „?” Qianye Ying'er side pupil.
  36. „You car­ried God­dess in the past ‚’ the name, then keeps aloof since birth, to man de­spis­ing and dis­like ex­tremely. Your in the eyes man, only has two types prob­a­bly: Use­ful tool and use­less waste.”
  37. „......” Qianye Ying'er has not re­futed, this in­deed, was past she.
  38. Ac­tu­ally in­clud­ing the pre­sent, is so. Had/Left spe­cial ac­ci­den­tal/sur­prised.
  39. „How­ever the this Em­press then body re­ceives Nir­vana Devil Em­peror wisp of devil soul since birth, al­though is far in­fe­rior your God­dess to be like that noble, but on Soul plane/level, keeps aloof, will then over­look the world all liv­ing things in the cog­ni­tive in­stinct.”
  40. „Es­pe­cially to the man, will repel ex­tremely, such as you are com­mon, will only re­gard as the use­ful tool and use­less waste. Triv­ial every world man, how also to match to touch the this Em­press body. Changes into the pup­pet under devil soul, of­fers the base in­dus­try of own power and life, this is they biggest use.”
  41. „Di­vine Em­peror Jing Tian?” Qianye Ying'er asked: „Can't con­trol?”
  42. „Right.” Chi Wuyao said: „this Em­press chose him in the past, is be­cause he was in then three Di­vine Em­peror is weak­est, was eas­i­est Plun­dered Soul one.”
  43. „But, weak­est Di­vine Em­peror, is Di­vine Em­peror, this Em­press un­loads his heart to guard step by step, does ut­most, fi­nally suc­cess Plun­dered Soul. But, his Soul strug­gles fiercely, pos­si­bly gets rid of the con­trol mo­men­tar­ily. There­fore, this Em­press must break to pieces the soul him, liv­ing corpse who turns into a no soul.”
  44. „Oh,” she sighed gen­tly, as if still still some­what re­grets: „Piti­fully a good pup­pet.”
  45. Qianye Ying'er nar­rows the pupil slightly, said lightly: „Con­cerns vi­ciously cruel, I com­pared with you, fell far short.”
  46. „chuckle chuckle, wants the im­por­tant mat­ter, most en­vies/avoid easy. The men so, the woman also work as so.”
  47. Chi Wuyao smiles ten­derly, the mighty waves shiver all over, then long lan­guage: „Com­pares the man, if the jade com­mon fe­male wanted happy many. Do the this Em­press nearby nine chil­dren, their hap­pi­ness, you...... want also to re­al­ize one?”
  48. de­monic sound en­ters the soul, charms to pull up the heart. If con­tacted Chi Wuyao Qianye Ying'er to be de­feated at first, but she is ac­tu­ally the jade lip leans now, voice/sound also then such as Chi Wuyao gen­eral lazy soft: „Com­pares in this, I want to know that ac­tu­ally...... so tires of rep­ri­mands the man, you who like the fe­male, in the past when Flame God Realm by Yun Che , was ac­tu­ally what seed/type feels?”
  49. After the win­ning the title grand cer­e­mony, Chi Wuyao ac­cord­ing to pre­vi­ously, in­formed Qianye Ying'er own „sta­tus”.
  50. More­over quite de­tailed.
  51. But this con­fess­ing, nat­u­rally also in­vis­i­ble within pulled closer two fe­male dis­tances.
  52. „Feel­ing that he brings how, in this world, is the also per­son clearer than you?”
  53. Devil Em­press „counter-at­tack” but in a flash, her trans­fers the pupil to look to the front, at any time in­com­pa­ra­ble se­duc­tive pair of beau­ti­ful eyes floated off qui­etly a blur of arous­ing heart­strings: „Also after that day, Mu Xu­anyin, or me, pledged that must look for him, grasp­ing firmly in palm.”
  54. „Un?” Qianye Ying'er faint smile: „You are so care­ful to Yun Che, be­cause of ‚that time’?”
  55. She knows cer­tainly is not, but so ridicules the Chi Wuyao golden op­por­tu­nity, how could she lets off.
  56. „Nat­u­rally Oh.” Chi Wuyao said: „Such as didn't the this Em­press so ex­tra­or­di­nary woman, ac­tu­ally by his one brat tar­nish­ing, how could ask him to do ac­counts?”
  57. She eats smiles, ten thou­sand charm comes up in great num­bers and from all sides.
  58. „......” Qianye Ying'er had noth­ing to say in reply.
  59. „Speak­ing of Mu Xu­anyin, this Em­press has cared about a mat­ter ac­tu­ally very much.” Chi Wuyao happy ex­pres­sion re­strain­ing.
  60. „Car­ing about Yun Che is in­clud­ing the beast that own Hon­ored Mas­ter makes do?” Qianye Ying'er cold Chen, slightly one knits the brows, be­cause she sud­denly dis­cov­ered that the Chi Wuyao look is quite un­usual.
  61. Chi Wuyao looks at the front, said on and on: „When this Em­press at­taches soul Mu Xu­anyin, above her Soul, is re­sid­ing tem­porar­ily Ice Phoenix Di­vine Soul.”
  62. „At first, Ice Phoenix Di­vine Soul is look­ing at out­side world through Mu Xu­anyin, but final sev­eral years, be­cause Yun Che's ap­pears, Ice Phoenix Di­vine Soul ex­erted to Mu Xu­anyin ‚must the will in­ter­fere to Yun Che was good’ un­con­di­tion­ally. For against was de­tected by Ice Phoenix Di­vine Soul, I have not pre­vented.”
  63. „Later, be­fore Heaven Smit­ing Devil Em­peror leaves that time, the Ice Phoenix Di­vine Soul will in­ter­fered to van­ish, even/in­clud­ing that wiped soul source that Di­vine Soul...... as well as Di­vine Soul aimed, also com­plete dis­si­pa­tion.”
  64. „But after the dis­si­pa­tion, ac­tu­ally in the Mu Xu­anyin soul sea, left be­hind one group of very strange crys­tal shape blue light.” ①
  65. „What is that?” Qianye Ying'er asked. Mu Xu­anyin has per­ished, Chi Wuyao men­tioned this mat­ter, must have the spe­cial rea­son.
  66. Chi Wuyao ac­tu­ally shakes the head: „If knows, then since will not have doubts. this Em­press once at­tempted to touch the in­qui­si­tion, does not have to at­tain. How­ever......”
  67. charm­ing glim­mer in her pupil re­ceives to con­geal slowly, voice/sound were also many sev­eral points of in­dis­tinct­ness: „Out­side Blue Pole Star, she as­signs/life the per­ish­ing soul to dis­ap­pear, when my devil soul also sep­a­rates, the final con­scious­ness, I as if...... no­ticed that in­dis­tinctly that wipes the ice soul that the blue light tied her to dis­si­pate.”
  68. Qianye Ying'er golden eye­brows is deep: „What do you mean?”
  69. Chi Wuyao still shakes the head: „I do not know, later con­firmed re­peat­edly, Mu Xu­anyin also in­deed died. it's just...”
  70. Has not con­tin­ued, the Chi Wuyao pupil light shifts to Qianye Ying'er, vis­its her say­ing: „This mat­ter, can­not tell Yun Che. If will have the mir­a­cle, he can cer­tainly see in the fu­ture. With­out...... glow hope once is shat­tered again, brought can be not less than the pre­vi­ous se­vere pain.”
  71. Qianye Ying'er de­cides looks at Chi Wuyao, is sur­pris­edly puz­zled in her words „mir­a­cle” two char­ac­ters.
  72. After Qianye Ying'er does not know Yun Che the life per­ished in the past Star God Realm, why will live is re­turn­ing to God Realm, but was like the per­son of all gods at that time, thinks when the tribu­la­tion of Evil In­fant, he ac­tu­ally es­caped to leave from Star God Realm with what method at that time safely.
  73. But Chi Wuyao is ac­tu­ally clear.
  74. Phoenix Nir­vana!
  75. In the Nir­vana Devil Em­peror in­com­plete mem­ory, has one and com­mon cog­ni­tion.
  76. The con­tra­dic­tion be­tween that God Race and Devil Race in the re­mote past that has not in­ten­si­fied thor­oughly, Phoenix and Ice Phoenix this to is record­ing, as well as in the cog­ni­tion re­pels one an­other con­tra­dicts, in the at­tribute nat­u­rally can be re­ferred to as two big Di­vine Beast of mor­tal enemy......
  77. Once was a clan.
  78. ————
  79. 【 ①: Chap­ter 1512
  80. Truth —— Chap­ter 1513 that should not know
  81. Eter­nal Sky Crown Prince 】
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