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- background no
- #prawy dolny rog
- gap_x 90
- gap_y 70
- maximum_width 1200
- #maximum_height 1000
- # X font when Xft is disabled, you can pick one with program xfontsel
- #font -*-*-*-r-normal--14-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-2
- #font -xos4-terminus-*-r-normal-*-14-100-*-*-c-*-iso10646-1
- # Use Xft?
- use_xft yes
- #xftfont Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:size=11
- xftfont Monospace:size=8
- xftalpha 0.9
- update_interval 1.0
- total_run_times 0
- own_window yes
- own_window_type desktop
- #own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
- own_window_transparent yes
- # If own_window_transparent is set to no, you can set the background colour here
- #own_window_colour hotpink
- # Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
- double_buffer yes
- draw_shades no
- draw_outline no
- draw_borders no
- stippled_borders 8
- border_margin 4
- border_width 1
- default_color #7B7B7B
- default_shade_color #7B7B7B
- #default_outline_color #717171
- alignment top_left
- no_buffers yes
- uppercase no
- cpu_avg_samples 2
- net_avg_samples 2
- override_utf8_locale yes
- use_spacer yes
- $alignc${color #7B7B7B}$font${color #7B7B7B}GNU/Linux ··· Openbox
- $alignc${color #7B7B7B}$font${color #7B7B7B}Kernel: $font$alignc$alignc${color #7B7B7B}$kernel
- $font$alignc ${color #7B7B7B}Uptime: $font$alignc${color #7B7B7B}$uptime
- $alignc${color #7B7B7B} ${color #7B7B7B}CPU: ${color #7B7B7B}$cpu${color #7B7B7B}% | $alignc${color #7B7B7B}RAM: ${color #7B7B7B}%$memperc | ${color #7B7B7B}SWAP: ${color #7B7B7B}%$swapperc
- $alignc${color #7B7B7B}/: ${color #7B7B7B}${fs_free /} ${fs_bar 7,30 /} ${color #7B7B7B} /home: ${color #7B7B7B}${fs_free /home} ${fs_bar 7,30 /home}
- $alignc${color #7B7B7B}Down: ${color #7B7B7B}${downspeed eth0} ${color #7B7B7B}Up: ${color #7B7B7B}${upspeed eth0}${color #7B7B7B}
- ${alignc}${color 7C7C7C} MPD ··· ${color #7B7B7B}$mpd_artist ${color #7B7B7B}| ${color #7B7B7B}$mpd_title ${color #7B7B7B}| ${color #7B7B7B}$mpd_album ${color #7B7B7B}| ${color #7B7B7B}$mpd_length
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