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- //////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // SimpleSeq v.1.0 (2011-11-09)
- // - by Trey Norman
- // - based on design and firmware of Michael Roebbeling's "SimplenZAR"
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Small manual:
- //
- // pushbutton 1 moves right <SELECT-R>, pushbutton 2 is enter <ENTER>, pushbutton 3 moves left <SELECT-L>
- //
- // scroll trough the steps with <SELECT-L>||<SELECT-R>
- //
- // pressing <ENTER> in sequence view (initial view) will take you to Mode Selection
- // - select note on/off, pitch, velocity for each voice by pressing <SELECT-L>||<SELECT-R>
- // - 7 modes total; the mode LEDs will show you the mode
- // * LED1 = (voice 1) note on/off
- // * LED2 = (voice 1) pitch
- // * LED3 = (voice 1) velocity
- // * LEDs inverted for voice 2
- // * No LED = exit mode selection, back to step scolling
- // - choose mode with <ENTER>
- // - adjust mode parameters with potentiometer
- //
- // pressing <SELECT-L>&&<SELECT-R> simultaneously will take you to the Menu
- // - 4 menu options, indicated by the first 4 step LEDs
- // - 3 submenu items for each menu option, indicated by the last 3 step LEDs
- // - Menu/submenu breakdown
- // * 1st = change BPM
- // - <ENTER> to select
- // - all submenu items are the same
- // - <ENTER> again to change BPM with potentiometer
- // * 2nd = change play mode
- // - <ENTER> to select
- // - submenu items
- // * 1 = 8-Step sequence
- // * 2 = 16-Step sequence (step LEDs inverted for second 8 steps)
- // * 3 = Shift 8 (8-Step sequence repeated 8 times with ability to shift all notes up or down each time)
- // - edit shiftings with second 8 steps
- // - <ENTER> to choose submenu item
- // * 3rd = read preset from memory
- // - <ENTER> to select
- // - submenu items: presets 1, 2, 3
- // - <ENTER> to load preset
- // * 4th = write preset to memory
- // - <ENTER> to select
- // - submenu items: presets 1, 2, 3
- // - <ENTER> twice to write preset to memory
- //
- // pressing <SELECT-L>&&<ENTER> simultaneously will mute all notes (velocity=0)
- //
- // pressing <ENTER>&&<SELECT-R> simultaneously will enter MIDI Control Mode (MIDI CC)
- // - used to control arbitrary functions (eg. delay, filter cutoff frequency, resonance, portamento, etc.)
- // - 8 MIDI CC values available, 0x01 to 0x08 (on most synthesizers 0x01 = modulation wheel)
- // - <ENTER> to write MIDI CC data
- // * value determined by potentiometer
- // - <ENTER> again to stop
- // - NOTE: when setting up MIDI CC on a device listening for a MIDI event (eg. Ableton Live),
- // it is helpful to mute all notes prior to writing MIDI CC data
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include <EEPROM.h> // Include EEPROM library for saving presets (memory addresses 0-422); 512 memory slots total; (memory addresses 423-511 left over)
- const int stepLed1 = 6;
- const int stepLed2 = 7;
- const int stepLed3 = 8;
- const int stepLed4 = 9;
- const int stepLed5 = 10;
- const int stepLed6 = 11;
- const int stepLed7 = 12;
- const int stepLed8 = 13;
- const int modeLed1 = 3;
- const int modeLed2 = 4;
- const int modeLed3 = 5;
- int pos1 = 1;
- int pos2 = 1;
- int pos3 = 1;
- int stepPosi = 1;
- int workPosi = 1;
- int stepLength = 8;
- int beat = 120; // BPM
- int delayMS = (60000 / (beat*4)); // milliseconds of delay = # miliseconds in a minute divided by (BPM x 4); assumes (1 beat = 4 steps)
- int note[17]; //0 off / 1 on
- int note2[17]; //0 off / 1 on
- int pitch[17]; //starting at C3 -> Hex 30
- int pitch2[17]; //starting at C3 -> Hex 30
- int velo[17]; // 0 - 127
- int velo2[17]; // 0 - 127
- int prevPitch; //used to start the next enabled note at the last pitch selected
- int oldnote[17]; //To stop old note
- int oldnote2[17]; //To stop old note
- int shift[9]; //amount of shift from the basenote
- int mode = 7; //mode 1 = voice1 note on/off
- //mode 2 = voice1 pitch
- //mode 3 = velocity
- //mode 4 = voice2 note on/off
- //mode 5 = voice2 pitch
- //mode 6 = voice2 velocity
- //mdoe 7 = back
- int button1 = A1; //<SELECT-R> Analogpin 1
- boolean button1Pressed = false; //Shows if Button 1 was pressed
- boolean button1State = false; //Was there a state change?
- int button2 = A2; //<ENTER> Analogpin 2
- boolean button2Pressed = false; //Shows if Button 2 was pressed
- boolean button2State = false; //Was there a state change?
- int button3 = A3; //<SELECT-L> Analogpin 3
- boolean button3Pressed = false; //Shows if Button 3 was pressed
- boolean button3State = false; //Was there a state change?
- boolean oneThreePressed = false; //Shows if Buttons 1&3 were pressed simultateously
- boolean oneThreeState = false; //Was there a state change?
- boolean oneTwoPressed = false; //Shows if Buttons 1&2 were pressed simultateously
- boolean oneTwoState = false; //Was there a state change?
- boolean twoThreePressed = false; //Shows if Buttons 2&3 were pressed simultateously
- boolean twoThreeState = false; //Was there a state change?
- int pot1 = A0; // Analogpin 0
- int potposition;
- int programpos = 1;
- int presetCount = 0; // How many times has enter been pressed when storing preset (2x to store in EEPROM)
- boolean edit = false; // LED will blink in Edit mode
- int menupos = 0; // menu 0=normal play&edit
- // 1=change tempo
- // 2=change steps (8-16-shift)
- // 3=memory read
- // 4=memory write
- int submenupos = 1; // used in menupos2 to select play mode, and in menupos3&4 to select memory preset
- //int stepdirection = 1; // 1 = forward, 2 reverse, 3 bounce MAYBE IN THE FUTURE
- int shiftpos = 1; // position incremented after each step
- boolean mute = false; // Used to mute note playback when setting MIDI control parameters (e.g. in Ableton Live)
- boolean menuactive = false; // If Menu Active, allow selection of menu items
- boolean menuon = false; // Menumodus
- boolean shifting = false; // shift modus on/off
- boolean memWriteArmed = false; // can only write to memory if true (<ENTER> must be pressed twice)
- boolean midiCCon = false; // for using pot1 to send MIDI CC (control) messages
- boolean midiCCactive = false; // If MIDI CC active, send MIDI CC messages
- int midiCC = 0x01; // Which MIDI control value to use?
- int basenote;
- int shift816 = 1; // indicator for 8/16 steps or Shifting, default 8 steps
- int ledSetCount = 0; // used for flashing LEDs on/off; found in main loop under "Final - Set LEDs" section
- long prevCheckMS = 0; // keeps track of last time buttons were checked
- long prevLedMS = 0; // keeps track of last time LEDs were set
- long prevPlayMS = 0; // keeps track of last time notes were played
- void setup()
- {
- // set the digital pin for the 8 step leds
- pinMode(stepLed1, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(stepLed2, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(stepLed3, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(stepLed4, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(stepLed5, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(stepLed6, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(stepLed7, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(stepLed8, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(modeLed1, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(modeLed2, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(modeLed3, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(button1, INPUT);
- pinMode(button2, INPUT);
- pinMode(pot1, INPUT);
- // cool looking boot sequence
- digitalWrite(modeLed1, HIGH);
- digitalWrite(modeLed2, HIGH);
- digitalWrite(modeLed3, HIGH);
- for(int i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
- {
- digitalWrite(10+i, HIGH);
- digitalWrite(9-i, HIGH);
- delay(250);
- }
- for(int led = 13; led >= 6; led--)
- {
- digitalWrite(led, LOW);
- delay(100);
- }
- digitalWrite(5, LOW);
- digitalWrite(4, LOW);
- digitalWrite(3, LOW);
- // initialization of step parameter
- for (int a = 1; a <= 16; a++)
- {
- note[a]=0;
- note2[a]=0;
- pitch[a]=0;
- pitch2[a]=0;
- velo[a]=60;
- velo2[a]=60;
- }
- for (int a = 1; a <= 8; a++)
- shift[a]=0;
- // 1st Note as index
- note[1]=1;
- pitch[1]=0;
- velo[1]=55;
- Serial.begin(31250); //Baudrate for Midi
- // Serial.begin(9600); //Baudrate for Serial communication = Debugging
- }
- void memRead(int preset)
- {
- noteOn(0x80, oldnote[stepPosi], 0); //Turn note off
- noteOn(0x80, oldnote2[stepPosi], 0); //Turn note off
- int addr; //Incremented to keep track of EEPROM address
- switch (preset)
- {
- case 1:
- addr = 0; //For Preset 1, first memory address used is address 0
- break;
- case 2:
- addr = 141; //For Preset 2, first memory address used is address 141
- break;
- case 3:
- addr = 282; //For Preset 3, first memory address used is address 282
- break;
- }
- //The following comments are for the Preset 1 case; add 141 for Preset 2, 282 for Preset 3
- beat =; //BPM stored at address 0
- delayMS = (60000 / (beat*4)); // delayMS = # miliseconds in a minute divided by (BPM x 4); assumes (1 beat = 4 steps)
- addr++;
- for (int x = 1; x <= 16; x++) //All values for notes, pitches, and velocities are interlaced in addresses 1-8 for step1, 9-16 for step2, ... , 113-128 for step16
- {
- note[x] =;
- addr++;
- note2[x] =;
- addr++;
- pitch[x] =;
- addr++;
- pitch2[x] =;
- addr++;
- velo[x] =;
- addr++;
- velo[x] =;
- addr++;
- oldnote[x] =;
- addr++;
- oldnote2[x] =;
- addr++;
- }
- for (int x = 1; x <= 8; x++)
- {
- shift[x] =; //Amount of shift stored at addresses 129-136
- addr++;
- }
- prevPitch =; //prevPitch stored at address 137
- addr++;
- stepLength =; //stepLength stored at address 138
- addr++;
- shift816 =; //shift816 stored at address 139
- addr++;
- if ( == 1) //shifting stored at address 140 (0 for "false" 1 for "true")
- shifting = true;
- else
- shifting = false;
- }
- void memWrite(int preset)
- {
- int addr; //Incremented to keep track of EEPROM address
- switch (preset)
- {
- case 1:
- addr = 0; //For Preset 1, first memory address used is address 0
- break;
- case 2:
- addr = 141; //For Preset 2, first memory address used is address 141
- break;
- case 3:
- addr = 282; //For Preset 3, first memory address used is address 282
- break;
- }
- //The following comments are for the Preset 1 case; add 141 for Preset 2, 282 for Preset 3
- EEPROM.write(addr, beat); //BPM stored at address 0
- addr++;
- for (int x = 1; x <= 16; x++) //All values for notes, pitches, and velocities are interlaced in addresses 1-8 for step1, 8-16 for step2, ... , 113-128 for step16
- {
- EEPROM.write(addr, note[x]);
- addr++;
- EEPROM.write(addr, note2[x]);
- addr++;
- EEPROM.write(addr, pitch[x]);
- addr++;
- EEPROM.write(addr, pitch2[x]);
- addr++;
- EEPROM.write(addr, velo[x]);
- addr++;
- EEPROM.write(addr, velo2[x]);
- addr++;
- EEPROM.write(addr, oldnote[x]);
- addr++;
- EEPROM.write(addr, oldnote2[x]);
- addr++;
- }
- for (int x = 1; x <= 8; x++)
- {
- EEPROM.write(addr, shift[x]); //Amount of shift stored at addresses 129-136
- addr++;
- }
- EEPROM.write(addr, prevPitch); //prevPitch stored at address 137
- addr++;
- EEPROM.write(addr, stepLength); //stepLength stored at address 138
- addr++;
- EEPROM.write(addr, shift816); //shift816 stored at address 139
- addr++;
- if (shifting == true) //shifting stored at address 140 (0 for "false" 1 for "true")
- EEPROM.write(addr, 1);
- else
- EEPROM.write(addr, 0);
- }
- void ledSet(int steppos, int workpos, int mode, int meunpos, int shiftpos, boolean shifting)
- {
- int workpos2, steppos2;
- int invert = 0; // if workpos >8 invert modes
- // All LEDs OFF
- for(int x = 3; x < 14; x++) //digital outputs 6 - 14 for step leds, 3-5 mode leds
- digitalWrite(x, LOW);
- if (menupos > 0) //Menu is turned on
- {
- //Menuindication
- digitalWrite(2+mode, HIGH); //Sets Mode runlight
- digitalWrite(5+menupos, HIGH); //Sets Menuposition
- switch(submenupos)
- {
- case 1:
- digitalWrite(11, HIGH); //6th LED for 8 Steps
- break;
- case 2:
- digitalWrite(12, HIGH); //7th LED for 16 setps
- break;
- case 3:
- digitalWrite(13, HIGH); //8th LED for Shifting
- break;
- }
- }
- else //Normal work -> no Menu active
- {
- //set Step LED
- if (((steppos > 8) && (workpos > 8))||((steppos < 9)&&(workpos < 9))) // if Step and work are in the same 8 steps
- {
- if(steppos > 8)
- steppos = steppos-8;
- digitalWrite(5+steppos, HIGH);
- }
- // Shift LED on
- if (workpos > 8 && shifting == true)
- digitalWrite(5+shiftpos, HIGH);
- // workpos set
- if(workpos > 8)
- {
- workpos = workpos-8;
- invert = 1;
- }
- digitalWrite(5+workpos, HIGH);
- // mode set
- if(programpos>2)
- {
- if(edit == true)
- {
- if (((invert == 0) && ((mode == 1) || (mode == 4) || (mode == 6))) || ((invert == 1) && ((mode == 2) || (mode == 3) || (mode == 5)))) // note on-off
- digitalWrite(5, HIGH); // pin 5
- if (((invert == 0) && ((mode == 2) || (mode == 4) || (mode == 5))) || ((invert == 1) && ((mode == 1) || (mode == 3) || (mode == 6)))) // pitch
- digitalWrite(4, HIGH); // pin 4
- if (((invert == 0) && ((mode == 3) || (mode == 5) || (mode == 6))) || ((invert == 1) && ((mode == 1) || (mode == 2) || (mode == 4)))) // velocity
- digitalWrite(3, HIGH); // pin 3
- edit = false;
- }
- else
- edit = true;
- }
- else
- {
- if (((invert == 0) && ((mode == 1) || (mode == 4) || (mode == 6))) || ((invert == 1) && ((mode == 2) || (mode == 3) || (mode == 5)))) // note on-off
- digitalWrite(5, HIGH); // pin 5
- if (((invert == 0) && ((mode == 2) || (mode == 4) || (mode == 5))) || ((invert == 1) && ((mode == 1) || (mode == 3) || (mode == 6)))) // pitch
- digitalWrite(4, HIGH); // pin 4
- if (((invert == 0) && ((mode == 3) || (mode == 5) || (mode == 6))) || ((invert == 1) && ((mode == 1) || (mode == 2) || (mode == 4)))) // velocity
- digitalWrite(3, HIGH); // pin 3
- if ((mode==7)&&(invert ==1)) //if no mode choosen and workpos >8, invert
- {
- digitalWrite(5, HIGH); // pin 5
- digitalWrite(4, HIGH); // pin 4
- digitalWrite(3, HIGH); // pin 3
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void noteOn(int cmd, int pitch, int velocity)
- {
- if (mute) // all note velocities set to 0 when muted
- {
- Serial.print(cmd, BYTE);
- Serial.print(pitch, BYTE);
- Serial.print(0, BYTE);
- }
- else
- {
- Serial.print(cmd, BYTE);
- Serial.print(pitch, BYTE);
- Serial.print(velocity, BYTE);
- }
- }
- void checkbuttons()
- {
- //Button 1 <SELECT-R>
- if(digitalRead(button1)&&button1Pressed==false)
- {
- button1Pressed = true;
- button1State = true;
- }
- else if (button1Pressed == true&&digitalRead(button1)==false)
- button1Pressed = false;
- //Button2 <ENTER>
- if(digitalRead(button2)&&button2Pressed==false)
- {
- button2Pressed = true;
- button2State = true;
- }
- else if (button2Pressed == true&&digitalRead(button2)==false)
- button2Pressed = false;
- //Button 3 <SELECT-L>
- if(digitalRead(button3)&&button3Pressed==false)
- {
- button3Pressed = true;
- button3State = true;
- }
- else if (button3Pressed == true&&digitalRead(button3)==false)
- button3Pressed = false;
- //Buttons 1&3 <MENU>
- if(digitalRead(button1)&&digitalRead(button3)&&oneThreePressed==false)
- {
- oneThreePressed = true;
- oneThreeState = true;
- }
- else if (oneThreePressed == true&&digitalRead(button1)==false&&digitalRead(button3)==false)
- oneThreePressed = false;
- //Buttons 1&2 <MIDI-CC>
- if(digitalRead(button1)&&digitalRead(button2)&&oneTwoPressed==false)
- {
- oneTwoPressed = true;
- oneTwoState = true;
- }
- else if (oneTwoPressed == true&&digitalRead(button1)==false&&digitalRead(button2)==false)
- oneTwoPressed = false;
- //Buttons 2&3 <MUTE>
- if(digitalRead(button2)&&digitalRead(button3)&&twoThreePressed==false)
- {
- twoThreePressed = true;
- twoThreeState = true;
- }
- else if (twoThreePressed == true&&digitalRead(button2)==false&&digitalRead(button3)==false)
- twoThreePressed = false;
- }
- void loop()
- {
- //---------------------------------------------
- //---------- Play the next note ---------------
- //---------------------------------------------
- if (millis() - prevPlayMS > delayMS)
- {
- noteOn(0x80, oldnote[stepPosi], 0); //Turn note off
- noteOn(0x80, oldnote2[stepPosi], 0); //Turn note off
- //Next step calculation
- stepPosi++;
- if (stepPosi > stepLength)
- {
- stepPosi = 1;
- shiftpos++; //after 8 Steps shiftposition +1
- if (shiftpos > 8) // There are 8 shift positions
- shiftpos=1;
- }
- //Check if shift is on
- if(shifting)
- basenote = 0x30+shift[shiftpos]; //Basenote incremented by Shift value
- else
- basenote = 0x30; //Basenote stays at hex30
- // Now we Play the note of the step
- if (note[stepPosi]) // If Note is on, we play the note
- {
- noteOn(0x90, basenote+pitch[stepPosi], velo[stepPosi]);
- oldnote[stepPosi]=basenote+pitch[stepPosi]; // Save the note, to turn it off for the next step
- }
- if (note2[stepPosi]) // If Note is on, we play the note
- {
- noteOn(0x90, basenote+pitch2[stepPosi], velo2[stepPosi]);
- oldnote2[stepPosi]=basenote+pitch2[stepPosi]; // Save the note, to turn it off for the next step
- }
- prevPlayMS = millis();
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------
- //----------------- Set LEDs -------------------------
- //----------------------------------------------------
- if (millis() - prevLedMS > 25) // Only allow LEDs to change every 25ms
- {
- if(menuon && menuactive==false) // running mode LEDs inside menu level
- {
- ledSetCount++;
- if(ledSetCount%4 == 0)
- mode++;
- if(mode>3)
- {
- mode=1;
- ledSetCount=0;
- }
- ledSet(stepPosi, workPosi, mode, menupos, shiftpos, shifting);
- }
- if(menuon && menuactive) // flashing step LEDs when menu item selected
- {
- ledSetCount++;
- if(ledSetCount%4 == 0) // running mode LEDs inside menu
- mode++;
- if(mode>3)
- mode=1;
- if(ledSetCount<8)
- {
- ledSet(stepPosi, workPosi, mode, menupos, shiftpos, shifting);
- digitalWrite(5+menupos, LOW);
- digitalWrite(10+submenupos, LOW);
- }
- else if(ledSetCount>=8 && ledSetCount<16)
- ledSet(stepPosi, workPosi, mode, menupos, shiftpos, shifting);
- else
- {
- ledSetCount=0;
- ledSet(stepPosi, workPosi, mode, menupos, shiftpos, shifting);
- }
- if(memWriteArmed) // all step LEDs illuminated when memWriteArmed = true; warns user that preset is about to be overwritten
- {
- for(int x=6; x<14; x++)
- digitalWrite(x, HIGH);
- }
- }
- if(midiCCon && midiCCactive==false)
- ledSet(midiCC+8, midiCC+8, 7, menupos, shiftpos, false); // step & work positions the same with all menu LEDs illuminated in MIDI CC mode
- if(midiCCon && midiCCactive) // flash step LEDs illuminated when MIDI CC active
- {
- ledSetCount++;
- if(ledSetCount<8)
- {
- ledSet(midiCC+8, midiCC+8, 7, menupos, shiftpos, false);
- }
- else if(ledSetCount>=8 & ledSetCount<16)
- {
- for(int x=6; x<14; x++)
- digitalWrite(x, HIGH);
- }
- else
- ledSetCount=0;
- }
- if(midiCCon==false && menuon==false)
- ledSet(stepPosi, workPosi, mode, menupos, shiftpos, shifting);
- prevLedMS = millis();
- }
- //------------------------------------------------
- //--- Check the buttons and process them ---------
- //------------------------------------------------
- if (millis() - prevCheckMS > 50)
- {
- checkbuttons();
- //--------------------------------------------Buttons 1&3 <MODE> is pressed, toggle menu
- if (oneThreePressed == true && oneThreeState == true)
- {
- if (menuon==false) // toggle menu
- {
- midiCCon=false; // Disable MIDI CC
- midiCCactive=false;
- mode=7; // Mode to 7 (no LED)
- programpos=1; // Programmpos to 1
- memWriteArmed=false; // Deactivate ability to write to memory
- menuon=true;
- menupos = 1; // Menu position to 1
- }
- else // was already on, will be off now
- {
- menuon=false;
- menupos = 0; // Menupos to 0
- mode=7; // Mode to 7 (no LED)
- programpos=1; // Programmpos to 1
- menuactive=false; // There is no Menu
- }
- button1State=false; // both buttons are processed
- button3State=false;
- oneThreeState=false;
- }
- //--------------------------------------------Buttons 1&2 <MIDI-CC> is pressed, toggle MIDI CC
- if (oneTwoPressed == true && oneTwoState == true)
- {
- if (midiCCon==false) // toggle MIDI CC on
- {
- menuon=false; // Disable menu
- menuactive=false; // There is no Menu
- menupos = 0; // Menupos to 0
- mode=7; // Mode to 7 (no LED)
- programpos=1; // Programmpos to 1
- memWriteArmed=false; // Deactivate ability to write to memory
- midiCCon=true;
- midiCCactive=false;
- }
- else // was already on , will be off now
- {
- midiCCon=false;
- midiCCactive=false;
- mode=7; // Mode to 7 (no LED)
- programpos=1; // Programmpos to 1
- }
- button1State=false; // both buttons are processed
- button2State=false;
- oneTwoState=false;
- }
- //--------------------------------------------Buttons 2&3 <MUTE> is pressed, toggle note playing on/off
- if (twoThreePressed == true && twoThreeState == true)
- {
- if (mute) // toggle mute
- mute=false;
- else // was already on, will be off now
- {
- mute=true;
- }
- button2State=false; // both buttons are processed
- button3State=false;
- twoThreeState=false;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------Button 1 - <SELECT-R>
- if (button1Pressed==true && button1State==true)
- {
- if (memWriteArmed==true)
- {
- memWriteArmed=false; // Disable ability to write to memory
- menuactive=false; // Deactivate Menu
- submenupos=1;
- }
- if (menuon == true && menuactive == false) // If in menumode and no menu is active
- {
- menupos++; // <SELECT-R> will scoll trough the menus
- if (menupos > 4) // 4 Menupos - Speed, 8/16/Shift, Memory Read, Memory Write
- menupos = 1;
- programpos = 0;
- }
- if (menuon == true && menuactive == true) //If in menumode and a menu is active
- {
- submenupos++; // <SELECT-R> will scoll trough the submenus
- if (submenupos > 3) // 3 Submenupos: play mode - step8,step16,shift8; memory read/write - presets 1,2,3
- submenupos = 1;
- programpos = 0;
- }
- if (midiCCon) // Scroll Right through MIDI CC options
- {
- if (midiCC < 0x08)
- midiCC++;
- else
- midiCC = 0x01;
- programpos = 0;
- }
- // 1st program level - select moves the cursor
- if (programpos == 1)
- {
- workPosi++; // If Shifing is off and workposi > steplengt back to 1
- if (shifting==false && workPosi > stepLength)
- workPosi = 1; // If Shifting is on, there are 8 steps, if workposi > 8, Workposi is for Shifting
- if (shifting == true && workPosi >16)
- workPosi = 1;
- }
- // 2nd program level - select changes the mode -1
- if (programpos == 2)
- {
- mode--;
- if (workPosi > stepLength && mode < 1) // only one mode available for shifting
- mode = 7;
- if (mode<1)
- mode = 7;
- }
- // 3rd,4th,5th,6th,7th,8th Program level - select moves back to 2 level
- if (programpos > 2)
- {
- programpos = 2;
- }
- // Buttonstate to false, button is processed
- button1State=false;
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------Button 2 - <ENTER>
- if (button2Pressed==true && button2State==true)
- {
- ledSetCount=0;
- if (menuon == true) // If in menu level
- {
- if (menuactive==false) // Menu is turned active
- {
- submenupos=1; // Submenu defaults to position 1
- menuactive=true;
- }
- else
- {
- // Note: menupos = 1 case => BPM - controlled by potentiometer
- if(menupos==2) // <SELECT> cycles play modes, <ENTER> sets mode and deactivates menu
- {
- if(submenupos==1) // Change play mode to 8-Steps
- {
- stepLength=8;
- shifting=false;
- shift816=1;
- }
- if(submenupos==2) // Change play mode to 16-Steps
- {
- stepLength=16;
- shifting=false;
- shift816=2;
- }
- if(submenupos==3) // Change play mode to Shifting
- {
- shifting=true;
- stepLength=8;
- shift816=3;
- }
- }
- if(menupos==3) // <SELECT> cycles presets, <ENTER> loads preset and deactivates menu
- memRead(submenupos);
- if(menupos==4) // <SELECT> cycles presets, <ENTER> saves preset and deactivates menu
- {
- if(memWriteArmed)
- {
- memWrite(submenupos);
- memWriteArmed = false;
- submenupos=1;
- menuactive=false;
- }
- else
- memWriteArmed = true;
- }
- else
- {
- submenupos=1;
- menuactive=false;
- }
- }
- button2State=false;
- }
- if (midiCCon && button2State) // <ENTER> activates MIDI CC
- {
- if (midiCCactive)
- midiCCactive=false;
- else
- midiCCactive=true;
- programpos=1;
- button2State=false;
- }
- // 1st program level - ENTER changes to Program level 2
- if (programpos==1 && button2State==true)
- {
- programpos=2;
- mode=1;
- button2State=false;
- }
- // 2nd program level - Enter changes to program level 3,4,5,6,7,8 (Note on/off, Pitch, Velocity, Voice2 Note on/off, Voice2 Pitch, Voice2 Velocity)
- if (programpos==2 && button2State==true)
- {
- if (workPosi > stepLength && mode == 1)
- programpos = 3; // Change amount of shift
- else
- {
- if (mode == 1)
- programpos = 3; // Note on/off
- if (mode == 2)
- programpos = 4; // Pitch
- if (mode == 3)
- programpos = 5; // Velocity
- if (mode == 4)
- programpos = 6; // Voice2 Note on/off
- if (mode == 5)
- programpos = 7; // Voice2 Pitch
- if (mode == 6)
- programpos = 8; // Voice2 Velocity
- }
- if (mode == 7) // there is no Mode 7, is used to go back
- programpos = 1; // back
- button2State=false; // Button is processed
- }
- // 3rd,4th,5th,6th,7th,8th Program level - ENTER will go back to level 2
- if (programpos>2 && button2State==true)
- {
- programpos=2;
- button2State=false; // Button is processed
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------Button 3 - <SELECT-L>
- if (button3Pressed==true && button3State==true)
- {
- if (memWriteArmed==true)
- {
- memWriteArmed=false; // Disable ability to write to memory
- menuactive=false; // Deactivate Menu
- submenupos=1;
- }
- if (menuon == true && menuactive == false) // If in menumode and no menu is active
- {
- menupos--; // <SELECT-L> will scoll trough the menus
- if (menupos < 1) // 4 Menupos - Speed, 8/16/Shift, Memory Read, Memory Write
- menupos = 4;
- programpos = 0;
- }
- if (menuon == true && menuactive == true) // If in menumode and a menu is active
- {
- submenupos--; // <SELECT-L> will scoll trough the submenus
- if (submenupos < 1) // 3 Submenupos: play mode - step8,step16,shift8; memory read/write - presets 1,2,3
- submenupos = 3;
- programpos = 0;
- }
- if (midiCCon) // Scroll Left through MIDI CC options
- {
- if (midiCC > 0x01)
- midiCC--;
- else
- midiCC = 0x08;
- programpos = 0;
- }
- // 1st program level - select moves the cursor
- if (programpos == 1)
- {
- workPosi--; // If Shifing is off and workposi < 1, back to stepLength
- if (shifting==false && workPosi < 1)
- workPosi = stepLength; // If Shifting is on, there are 8 steps, if workposi < 1, Workposi is for Shifting
- if (shifting == true && workPosi < 1)
- workPosi = 16;
- }
- // 2nd program level - select changes the mode +1
- if (programpos == 2)
- {
- mode++;
- if (workPosi > stepLength && mode > 1) // only one mode available for shifting
- mode = 7;
- if (mode>7)
- mode = 1;
- }
- // 3rd,4th,5th,6th,7th,8th Program level - select moves back to 2 level
- if (programpos > 2)
- {
- programpos = 2;
- }
- // Buttonstate to false, button is processed
- button3State=false;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------
- //--- Potentiometer ---------------------------------
- //---------------------------------------------------
- if(programpos==3 && menupos==0 && workPosi <= stepLength) // Note on/off mode
- {
- note[workPosi] = analogRead(pot1)/512;
- if(oldnote[workPosi] == 0)
- pitch[workPosi] = prevPitch; // Starts new note using previous pitch to keep everything in key
- }
- if(programpos==3 && menupos==0 && workPosi > stepLength) // ATTENTION this is the change for basenote shifting
- shift[workPosi-8] = analogRead(pot1)/28 - 18; // can shift up or down 18 half-steps from basenote (C2)
- if(programpos==4 && menupos==0) // Pitch mode
- {
- pitch[workPosi] = analogRead(pot1)/28;
- if(oldnote2[workPosi] == 0)
- prevPitch = pitch[workPosi];
- }
- if(programpos==5 && menupos==0) // Velocity mode
- velo[workPosi] = analogRead(pot1)/8;
- if(programpos==6 && menupos==0 && workPosi <= stepLength) // Voice2 Note on/off mode
- {
- note2[workPosi] = analogRead(pot1)/512;
- pitch2[workPosi] = prevPitch; // Starts new note using previous pitch to keep everything in key
- }
- if(programpos==7 && menupos==0) // Voice2 Pitch mode
- {
- pitch2[workPosi] = analogRead(pot1)/28;
- prevPitch = pitch2[workPosi];
- }
- if(programpos==8 && menupos==0) // Voice2 Velocity mode
- velo2[workPosi] = analogRead(pot1)/8;
- if(menupos==1 && menuactive==true) // If menuactive and menu 1 chosen
- {
- beat = 60 + .2346*(analogRead(pot1)); // set BPM (60 to 300) | .2346 = 1023/240
- delayMS = (60000 / (beat*4)); // delayMS = # miliseconds in a minute divided by (BPM x 4); assumes (1 beat = 4 steps)
- }
- if(midiCCactive) // Send pot value (0-127) to slected MIDI CC
- {
- Serial.print(0xB0, BYTE);
- Serial.print(midiCC, BYTE);
- Serial.print((analogRead(pot1)/8), BYTE);
- }
- prevCheckMS = millis();
- }
- }
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