
global context arg0 functions (probably not complete)

Mar 18th, 2021
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  1. Searching 152 files for "\) *\([^,\n]*Global" (regex, case sensitive)
  3. \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\matt\git\oot\include\functions.h:
  4. 503 Hilite* func_800342EC(Vec3f* object, GlobalContext* globalCtx);
  5. 504 Hilite* func_8003435C(Vec3f* object, GlobalContext* globalCtx);
  6. 505: s32 func_800343CC(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Actor* actor, s16* arg2, f32 arg3, u16 (*unkFunc1)(GlobalContext*, Actor*),
  7. 506: s16 (*unkFunc2)(GlobalContext*, Actor*));
  8. 507 s16 func_800347E8(s16 arg0);
  9. 508 void func_80034A14(Actor* actor, struct_80034A14_arg1* arg1, s16 arg2, s16 arg3);
  11. \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\matt\git\oot\include\variables.h:
  12. 364 extern u32 gItemIcons[0x82];
  13. 365 extern u8 gItemSlots[56];
  14. 366: extern void (*gSceneCmdHandlers[26])(GlobalContext*, SceneCmd*);
  15. 367 extern s16 gLinkObjectIds[2];
  16. 368 extern u32 gObjectTableSize;
  18. \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\matt\git\oot\include\z64.h:
  19. 891 /* 0x11D3C */ void (*playerInit)(Player* player, struct GlobalContext* globalCtx, FlexSkeletonHeader* skelHeader);
  20. 892 /* 0x11D40 */ void (*playerUpdate)(Player* player, struct GlobalContext* globalCtx, Input* input);
  21. 893: /* 0x11D44 */ s32 (*isPlayerDroppingFish)(struct GlobalContext* globalCtx);
  22. 894: /* 0x11D48 */ s32 (*startPlayerFishing)(struct GlobalContext* globalCtx);
  23. 895: /* 0x11D4C */ s32 (*grabPlayer)(struct GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* player);
  24. 896: /* 0x11D50 */ s32 (*startPlayerCutscene)(struct GlobalContext* globalCtx, Actor* actor, s32 mode);
  25. 897 /* 0x11D54 */ void (*func_11D54)(Player* player, struct GlobalContext* globalCtx);
  26. 898: /* 0x11D58 */ s32 (*damagePlayer)(struct GlobalContext* globalCtx, s32 damage);
  27. 899: /* 0x11D5C */ void (*talkWithPlayer)(struct GlobalContext* globalCtx, Actor* actor);
  28. 900 /* 0x11D60 */ MtxF mf_11D60;
  29. 901 /* 0x11DA0 */ MtxF mf_11DA0;
  31. \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\matt\git\oot\include\z64actor.h:
  32. 19 typedef void (*ActorFunc)(struct Actor*, struct GlobalContext*);
  33. 20 typedef void (*ActorShadowFunc)(struct Actor*, struct Lights*, struct GlobalContext*);
  34. 21: typedef u16 (*callback1_800343CC)(struct GlobalContext*, struct Actor*);
  35. 22: typedef s16 (*callback2_800343CC)(struct GlobalContext*, struct Actor*);
  36. 23
  37. 24 typedef struct {
  39. \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\matt\git\oot\include\z64animation.h:
  40. 108 } AnimationHeader2; // size = 0xC
  41. 109
  42. 110: typedef s32 (*OverrideLimbDrawOpa)(struct GlobalContext* globalCtx, s32 limbIndex, Gfx** dList, Vec3f* pos, Vec3s* rot,
  43. 111 void*);
  44. 112
  45. 113: typedef void (*PostLimbDrawOpa)(struct GlobalContext* globalCtx, s32 limbIndex, Gfx** dList, Vec3s* rot, void*);
  46. 114
  47. 115: typedef s32 (*OverrideLimbDraw)(struct GlobalContext* globalCtx, s32 limbIndex, Gfx** dList, Vec3f* pos, Vec3s* rot,
  48. 116 void*, Gfx** gfx);
  49. 117
  50. 118: typedef void (*PostLimbDraw)(struct GlobalContext* globalCtx, s32 limbIndex, Gfx** dList, Vec3s* rot, void*, Gfx** gfx);
  51. 119
  52. 120 typedef enum {
  53. ...
  54. 189 } AnimationContext; // size = 0xC84
  55. 190
  56. 191: typedef void (*AnimationEntryCallback)(struct GlobalContext* globalCtx, AnimationEntryData* data);
  57. 192
  58. 193 // fcurve_skelanime structs
  59. ...
  60. 236 } SkelAnimeCurve; // size = 0x20
  61. 237
  62. 238: typedef s32 (*OverrideCurveLimbDraw)(struct GlobalContext* globalCtx, SkelAnimeCurve* skelCurve, s32 limbIndex, void*);
  63. 239: typedef void (*PostCurveLimbDraw)(struct GlobalContext* globalCtx, SkelAnimeCurve* skelCurve, s32 limbIndex, void*);
  64. 240
  65. 241 typedef s32 (*AnimUpdateFunc)();
  67. \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\matt\git\oot\include\z64effect.h:
  68. 193 struct EffectSs;
  69. 194
  70. 195: typedef u32 (*EffectSsInitFunc)(struct GlobalContext* globalCtx, u32 index, struct EffectSs* effectSs, void* initParams);
  71. 196: typedef void (*EffectSsUpdateFunc)(struct GlobalContext* globalCtx, u32 index, struct EffectSs* effectSs);
  72. 197: typedef void (*EffectSsDrawFunc)(struct GlobalContext* globalCtx, u32 index, struct EffectSs* effectSs);
  73. 198
  74. 199 typedef struct {
  76. \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\matt\git\oot\include\z64player.h:
  77. 196 typedef void (*PlayerFunc674)(struct Player*, struct GlobalContext*);
  78. 197 typedef s32 (*PlayerFunc82C)(struct Player*, struct GlobalContext*);
  79. 198: typedef void (*PlayerFuncA74)(struct GlobalContext*, struct Player*);
  80. 199
  81. 200 typedef struct Player {
  83. 22 matches across 7 files
  86. Searching 1731 files for "\) *\([^,\n]*Global" (regex, case sensitive)
  88. \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\matt\git\oot\src\code\z_collision_check.c:
  89. 3 #include "overlays/effects/ovl_Effect_Ss_HitMark/z_eff_ss_hitmark.h"
  90. 4
  91. 5: typedef s32 (*ColChkResetFunc)(GlobalContext*, Collider*);
  92. 6: typedef void (*ColChkBloodFunc)(GlobalContext*, Collider*, Vec3f*);
  93. 7: typedef void (*ColChkApplyFunc)(GlobalContext*, CollisionCheckContext*, Collider*);
  94. 8: typedef void (*ColChkVsFunc)(GlobalContext*, CollisionCheckContext*, Collider*, Collider*);
  95. 9: typedef s32 (*ColChkLineFunc)(GlobalContext*, CollisionCheckContext*, Collider*, Vec3f*, Vec3f*);
  96. 10
  97. 11 typedef struct {
  99. \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\matt\git\oot\src\code\z_demo.c:
  100. 6 u16 D_8011E1C4 = 0;
  101. 7
  102. 8: typedef void (*CutsceneStateHandler)(GlobalContext*, CutsceneContext*);
  103. 9
  104. 10 void func_80064720(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CutsceneContext* csCtx);
  106. \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\matt\git\oot\src\code\z_draw.c:
  107. 107
  108. 108 typedef struct {
  109. 109: /* 0x00 */ void (*drawFunc)(GlobalContext*, s16);
  110. 110 /* 0x04 */ u32 dlists[8];
  111. 111 } DrawItemTableEntry; // size = 0x24
  113. \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\matt\git\oot\src\code\z_kaleido_scope_call.c:
  114. 2 #include "vt.h"
  115. 3
  116. 4: void (*sKaleidoScopeUpdateFunc)(GlobalContext*);
  117. 5: void (*sKaleidoScopeDrawFunc)(GlobalContext*);
  118. 6 f32 D_80161398;
  119. 7 u32 D_8016139C;
  121. \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\matt\git\oot\src\code\z_room.c:
  122. 23 };
  123. 24
  124. 25: void (*sRoomDrawHandlers[])(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Room* room, u32 flags) = {
  125. 26 func_80095AB4,
  126. 27 func_80096F6C,
  128. \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\matt\git\oot\src\code\z_scene.c:
  129. 500 }
  130. 501
  131. 502: void (*gSceneCmdHandlers[])(GlobalContext*, SceneCmd*) = {
  132. 503 func_80098508, func_800985DC, func_80098630, func_80098674, func_800987A4, func_80099090, func_800987F8,
  133. 504 func_8009883C, func_80098904, func_80099134, func_80098958, func_8009899C, func_80098B74, func_80098C24,
  135. \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\matt\git\oot\src\code\z_scene_table.c:
  136. 2429 }
  137. 2430
  138. 2431: void (*sSceneDrawHandlers[])(GlobalContext*) = {
  139. 2432 func_80099550, func_8009DA30, func_8009DD5C, func_8009DE78, func_8009E0B8, func_8009E54C, func_8009E730,
  140. 2433 func_8009E8C0, func_8009EAD8, func_8009EE44, func_8009F074, func_8009F1B4, func_8009F270, func_8009F40C,
  142. \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\matt\git\oot\src\overlays\actors\ovl_En_GirlA\z_en_girla.c:
  143. 108 /* 0x0C */ u16 unk_0E;
  144. 109 /* 0x10 */ s32 unk_10;
  145. 110: /* 0x14 */ s32 (*unk_14)(GlobalContext*, EnGirlA*);
  146. 111: /* 0x18 */ void (*unk_18)(GlobalContext*, EnGirlA*);
  147. 112: /* 0x1C */ void (*unk_1C)(GlobalContext*, EnGirlA*);
  148. 113 } ShopItemEntry; // size = 0x20
  149. 114
  151. \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\matt\git\oot\src\overlays\actors\ovl_En_GirlA\z_en_girla.h:
  152. 8
  153. 9 typedef void (*EnGirlAActionFunc)(struct EnGirlA*, GlobalContext*);
  154. 10: typedef void (*EnGirlA2Func)(GlobalContext*, struct EnGirlA*);
  155. 11 typedef void (*EnGirlA3Func)(Actor*, GlobalContext*, s32);
  156. 12
  158. \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\matt\git\oot\src\overlays\actors\ovl_En_Go\z_en_go.c:
  159. 345
  160. 346 s32 func_80A3ED24(GlobalContext* globalCtx, EnGo* this, struct_80034A14_arg1* arg2, f32 arg3,
  161. 347: u16 (*getTextId)(GlobalContext*, Actor*), s16 (*unkFunc2)(GlobalContext*, Actor*)) {
  162. 348 if (arg2->unk_00) {
  163. 349 arg2->unk_00 = unkFunc2(globalCtx, &this->actor);
  165. \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\matt\git\oot\src\overlays\actors\ovl_En_Go\z_en_go.h:
  166. 8
  167. 9 typedef void (*EnGoActionFunc)(struct EnGo*, GlobalContext*);
  168. 10: typedef u16 (*callback1_80A3ED24)(GlobalContext*, struct EnGo*);
  169. 11: typedef s16 (*callback2_80A3ED24)(GlobalContext*, struct EnGo*);
  170. 12
  171. 13 // WIP type docs
  173. \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\matt\git\oot\src\overlays\actors\ovl_Obj_Makeoshihiki\z_obj_makeoshihiki.c:
  174. 49 static u32 sFlags[3][2] = { { 0, 0 }, { 1, 0 }, { 0, 1 } };
  175. 50
  176. 51: static void (*sFlagSwitchFuncs[])(GlobalContext* globalCtx, s32 flag) = { Flags_UnsetSwitch, Flags_SetSwitch };
  177. 52
  178. 53 void ObjMakeoshihiki_Init(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
  180. \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\matt\git\oot\src\overlays\actors\ovl_player_actor\z_player.c:
  181. 108 /* 0x04 */ union {
  182. 109 void* ptr;
  183. 110: void (*func)(GlobalContext*, Player*, CsCmdActorAction*);
  184. 111 };
  185. 112 } struct_80854B18; // size = 0x08
  186. ...
  187. 946 };
  188. 947
  189. 948: void (*D_80853FE8[])(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* this) = {
  190. 949 func_80833770, func_80833770, func_80833770, func_80833770, func_80833770, func_80833770, func_8083377C,
  191. 950 func_80833790, func_8083379C, func_8083379C, func_8083379C, func_8083379C, func_8083379C, func_8083379C,
  192. ...
  193. 8966 }
  194. 8967
  195. 8968: void (*D_80854738[])(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* this) = {
  196. 8969 func_80846648, func_808467D4, func_80846660, func_808468A8, func_808468E8, func_808469BC,
  197. 8970 func_80846A68, func_80846978, func_8083CA54, func_8083CA54, func_8083CA54, func_8083CA54,
  198. ....
  199. 12905 }
  200. 12906
  201. 12907: void (*D_80854AA4[])(GlobalContext*, Player*, void*) = {
  202. 12908 NULL, func_80851008, func_80851030, func_80851094, func_808510B4, func_808510D4, func_808510F4,
  203. 12909 func_80851114, func_80851134, func_80851154, func_80851174, func_808511D4, func_808511FC, func_80851294,
  205. 25 matches across 13 files
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