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- A non-exhaustive list of every 100k+ non-NSFW sub I've noticed that has pledged to go dark indefinitely (so far).
- LAST UPDATED: 6/13/23 - 9 PM UTC, based on comments from this post:
- r/aww (30m+)
- r/videos (20m+)
- r/futurology (10m+)
- r/music (30m+)
- r/diy (20m+)
- r/techsupport (1m+)
- r/chess (500k+)
- r/guns (500k+)
- r/china (250k+)
- r/nba (5m+)
- r/tumblr (1m+)
- r/nasa (1m+)
- r/programmerhumor (1m+)
- r/apple (1m+)
- r/sweden (500k+)
- r/chicago (500k+)
- r/asksciencefiction (500k+)
- r/dndnext (500k+)
- r/squaredcircle (500k+)
- r/pokemongo (1m+)
- r/woweconomy (100k+)
- r/lotr_on_prime (250k+)
- r/kotor (100k+)
- r/rwby (100k+)
- r/applewatch (500k+)
- r/migraine (100k+)
- r/me_irl (5m+)
- r/cars (1m+)
- r/autos (1m+)
- r/reverseanimalrescue (100k+)
- r/flutterdev (100k+)
- r/learnjapanese (500k+)
- r/abruptchaos (1m+)
- r/warframe (500k+)
- r/opendirectories (100k+)
- r/steam (1m+)
- r/animesuggest (500k+)
- r/askmechanics (100k+)
- r/physics (1m+)
- r/askphysics (100k+)
- r/restofthefuckingowl (250k+)
- r/neworleans (100k+)
- r/twoxchromosomes (10m+) [currently unconfirmed, will update]
- r/blackmagicfuckery (1m+)
- r/illustration (500k+)
- r/catsareassholes (500k+)
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