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Aug 8th, 2021
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  1. license-code: ""
  3. switcher:
  4. material: SNOW_BALL # It can be SNOW_BALL only for now might add support for EGG as well SOON.
  5. data: 0
  6. enabled: true
  7. range: 10
  8. cooldown: 20 # in seconds
  9. display_name: "&d&lSwitcher"
  10. lore:
  11. - "&7Use this item to switch"
  12. - "&7positions with your opponent"
  13. enchants:
  14. - "DURABILITY,5"
  15. out_of_range: "&cGet closer to the player so this can work."
  16. victim_switched: "&f%player% &aswapped their position with you."
  17. thrower_switched: "&aYou've swapped position with &f%player%&a."
  18. remove_after_use: true # Should we remove -1 from the item amount after used.
  20. rocket:
  21. material: FIREWORK
  22. data: 0
  23. enabled: true
  24. boost_multiplier: 8 # How much should the player be boosted.
  25. boost_upwards: 2.0 # How much should the player be boosted upwards (its not in blocks play with the setting you might get it as u want)
  26. cooldown: 50 # in seconds
  27. display_name: "&9&lRocket"
  28. lore:
  29. - "&7Use this item to boost yourself"
  30. - "&7in the position your facing."
  31. enchants: []
  32. used_message: "&aYou have been boosted."
  33. remove_after_use: true # Should we remove -1 from the item amount after used.
  35. northstar:
  36. material: NETHER_STAR
  37. data: 0
  38. enabled: true
  39. last_hit_seconds: 15 # If the player that used this was hit 15 seconds before by someone else he will be teleport to his location.
  40. cooldown: 50 # in seconds
  41. delay: 2 # delay before teleporting in seconds
  42. work_with_projectiles: true # This will work even if player have shot you with a bow or an Egg and etc..
  43. display_name: "&3&lNorth Star"
  44. lore:
  45. - "&7Use this item to teleport to"
  46. - "&7the last person that hit you in the last 15 seconds."
  47. enchants: []
  48. messages:
  49. used_message: "&aYou have used &3North Star&a on &f%player% &ayou will be teleported in &l%delay%&as."
  50. victim_used_message: "&f%player%&a has used northstar ability on you, he will teleport to you in &l%delay%&as."
  51. teleporting_one: "&aTeleporting you to &f%player% &ain &l%delay%&as."
  52. teleporting_two: "&f%player% &awill be teleported in &l%delay%&as."
  53. teleported_one: "&aYou have been teleported to &f%player%&a."
  54. teleported_two: "&f%player% &ahave been teleported to you!"
  55. no_attacker: "&cNo one has hit you the last 15 seconds."
  56. remove_after_use: true # Should we remove -1 from the item amount after used.
  58. repair_token:
  59. material: NAME_TAG
  60. data: 0
  61. enabled: true
  62. play_sound: true
  63. cooldown: -1 # The cooldown won't work on this ability
  64. display_name: "&6&lRepair Token"
  65. lore:
  66. - "&7Drop this item on another"
  67. - "&7item to repair it to full durability."
  68. enchants: []
  69. used_message: "&aItem repaired"
  70. remove_after_use: true # Should we remove -1 from the item amount after used.
  72. grappling_hook:
  73. material: FISHING_ROD
  74. data: 0
  75. enabled: true
  76. cooldown: 7 # in seconds
  77. display_name: "&b&lGrappling Hook"
  78. lore:
  79. - "&7Pulls you to the throw from you location"
  80. enchants: []
  82. switch_stick:
  83. material: STICK
  84. data: 0
  85. enabled: true
  86. pitch: "-90.0" # -90.0 = UP | 90.0 = DOWN
  87. cooldown: 40 # in seconds
  88. display_name: "&e&lSwitch Stick"
  89. lore:
  90. - "&7Hit someone with this stick"
  91. - "&7and panic them."
  92. enchants: []
  93. used_message: "&aSwitched &f%player% &afacing location."
  94. remove_after_use: true # Should we remove -1 from the item amount after used.
  96. dagger:
  97. material: IRON_AXE
  98. data: 0
  99. enabled: true
  100. lose_hearts: 0.5
  101. blood_spewing: true
  102. duration: 10 # in seconds
  103. cooldown: 120 # in seconds
  104. display_name: "&c&lDagger"
  105. lore:
  106. - "&7Hit someone 3 times in a row"
  107. - "&7and they will lose 0.5 every second"
  108. - "&7for a total of 10 seconds"
  109. enchants: []
  110. used_message: "&aYou have used the &c&lDagger &aon &f%player%."
  111. enemy_message: "&cYou have been hit 3 times by &f%player% &cwith the dagger you will start losing hearts now."
  112. expired_message: "&cThe dagger effect has expired."
  113. remove_after_use: true # Should we remove -1 from the item amount after used.
  115. rage:
  116. material: NETHER_STAR
  117. data: 0
  118. enabled: true
  119. duration: 10 # in seconds
  120. cooldown: 50 # in seconds
  121. display_name: "&f&lRage Ability"
  122. lore:
  123. - "&7Right-Click to rage and every time you get"
  124. - "&7hit will give you Strength II for a second."
  125. enchants: []
  126. effects: #The duration for the effect is chosen when a player gets hit every hit = +1 seconds while its activated.
  127. - "INCREASE_DAMAGE, 1" # "POTION_EFFECT, AMPLIFIER(starts-1 so if you want speed 2 it will be 1 you get it?)"
  128. used_message: "&aYou are raging go crazyyyyy."
  129. expire_message: "&cRage ability expired."
  130. remove_after_use: true # Should we remove -1 from the item amount after used.
  132. potion:
  133. material: POTION
  134. data: 0
  135. enabled: true
  136. cooldown: 50 # in seconds
  137. display_name: "&c&lMagical Potion"
  138. lore:
  139. - "&7Drink this to get special effects."
  140. enchants: []
  141. effects:
  142. - "SPEED, 20, 1" # "POTION_EFFECT, DURATION, AMPLIFIER(starts-1 so if you want speed 2 it will be 1 you get it?)"
  143. used_message: "&aRUN GOOOOOOOO."
  145. antibuild:
  146. material: BONE
  147. data: 0
  148. enabled: true
  149. duration: 10 # in seconds
  150. cooldown: 50 # in seconds
  151. disabled-interacting: true # This will disable the player from opening fence gates, doors, chests and etc.
  152. display_name: "&f&lExotic Bone"
  153. lore:
  154. - "&7Hit someone 3 times in a row"
  155. - "&7to disable his build ability."
  156. enchants: []
  157. interact-blocks: # MATERIAL LIST:
  158. - "FENCE_GATE"
  159. - "WOOD_DOOR"
  160. - "WOODEN_DOOR"
  161. - "IRON_DOOR"
  162. - "IRON_DOOR_BLOCK"
  163. - "TRAP_DOOR"
  164. used_message: "&f%player% &acan't build now."
  165. used_message_victim: "&f%player% &cdisabled your build powers for &l%duration%s&c."
  166. trying_to_build: "&cYou cannot interact or build for another &l%time-left%s&c."
  167. expired_message: "&aYou can interact or build now."
  168. remove_after_use: true # Should we remove -1 from the item amount after used.
  170. fakepearl:
  171. material: ENDER_PEARL
  172. data: 0
  173. enabled: true
  174. cooldown: 20 # in seconds
  175. display_name: "&b&lFake Enderpearl"
  176. lore:
  177. - "&7You won't get teleported when"
  178. - "&7this pearl lands its used to bait the bad guys."
  179. enchants: []
  180. used_message: "&aYou have baited the shit out of them."
  181. landed_message: "&cYour fake pearl landed you can throw a normal one now."
  182. remove_after_use: true # Should we remove -1 from the item amount after used.
  184. invis:
  185. material: INK_SACK
  186. data: 0
  187. enabled: true
  188. duration: 90 # in seconds
  189. cooldown: 30 # in seconds
  190. hide_armor: true # If this is true the armor will be hidden and will be given back when expired or hit.
  191. remove_on_hit: true # This will remove the invis when a player is hit by another player.
  192. remove_on_fall_damage: true # This will remove the invis when the player takes fall damage
  193. display_name: "&c&lFull Invis"
  194. lore:
  195. - "&7Upon right-clicking this you will"
  196. - "&7become fully invisible no particles and armor"
  197. - "&7will be displayed for 90 seconds."
  198. enchants: []
  199. used_message: "&aInvisiblity activated."
  200. expired_message: "&cInvisiblity expired your armor is back on."
  201. removed_message: "&cYour invis has been removed since you were hit."
  202. remove_after_use: true # Should we remove -1 from the item amount after used.
  204. rogue:
  205. material: GOLD_SWORD
  206. data: 0
  207. enabled: true
  208. damage: 3.5
  209. cooldown: 40 # in seconds
  210. break: true # Should the ability broke after used
  211. sounds: true # Should sounds be enabled when hit
  212. blood_on_hit: true # A blood effect will spawn when hit
  213. display_name: "&e&lPocket Rogue"
  214. lore:
  215. - "&7Use this to backstab someone"
  216. - "&7like rogues does."
  217. enchants: []
  218. effects_on_hit: true
  219. effects: # Only if effects_on_hit is true (can add as much as u want)
  220. - "SLOW, 2, 2" # "POTION_EFFECT, DURATION, AMPLIFIER(starts-1 so if you want speed 2 it will be 1 you get it?)"
  221. used_message: "&cYou backstabed &f%player%&c."
  222. failed_message: "&cBackstab failed!"
  224. effectstealer:
  225. material: BLAZE_ROD
  226. data: 0
  227. enabled: true
  228. cooldown: 90 # in seconds
  229. duration: 10 # in seconds
  230. work_on_kits: false # Should this work on bard, rogue, builder, archer
  231. remove_effects_for_victim: true # Should we remove the effects from the victim
  232. remove_effects_for_damager: true # Should we remove the damager effects
  233. add_victim_effects_to_damager: true # Should we add the stolen effects to the damager
  234. add_damager_effects_to_victim: false # Should we add the damager effects to the victim [Might work as a effect switcher try it might be fun :)]
  235. display_name: "&4&lEffect Stealer"
  236. lore:
  237. - "&7Hit someone 3 times in a row"
  238. - "&7without him hiting you to steal their effects for 10 seconds."
  239. enchants: []
  240. used_message: "&aYou stole &f%player%&a's effects he will get them back in 10 seconds!"
  241. enemy_message: "&f%player% &cstole your effects you will get them back in 10 seconds!"
  242. returned_message: "&aYour effects are back to normal" # This will be sent to both of the players.
  243. cant_on_kits: "&cYou cannot use this ability on any other kits then diamond."
  244. remove_after_use: true # Should we remove -1 from the item amount after used.
  246. guardianangle:
  247. material: WATCH
  248. data: 0
  249. enabled: true
  250. cooldown: 300 # in seconds
  251. duration: 20 # in seconds
  252. min-hearts: 4.0 # in health | The minimum hearts that the player can get to while guardian angled
  253. set-hearts: 20.0 # in health | The hearts that will be set when they hit the "min-hearts" health
  254. work-once: false # This will regen the player once and => remove them from the guardian angle.
  255. display_name: "&6&lGuardian Angle"
  256. lore:
  257. - "&7Use this item to save"
  258. - "&7urself every time you get low whitin 20 seconds"
  259. enchants: []
  260. used_message: "&aYou have used &6&lGuardian Angle &aevery time you get to 2 hearts you will be regen'd full."
  261. expired_message: "&6&lGuardian Angle &cexpiried."
  262. hearts_set_message: "&aYour hearts have been set to full."
  263. remove_after_use: true # Should we remove -1 from the item amount after used.
  265. webgun:
  266. material: EGG
  267. data: 0
  268. enabled: true
  269. cooldown: 50 # in seconds
  270. duration: 10 # in seconds
  271. display_name: "&b&lWeb Gun"
  272. lore:
  273. - "&7Upon right-clicking this item"
  274. - "&7an egg will be thrown and where ever the egg"
  275. - "&7lands a 2x2 cobweb will be spawned for X seconds"
  276. enchants: []
  277. used_message: "&aYou have used &b&lWeb Gun"
  278. remove_after_use: true # Should we remove -1 from the item amount after used.
  280. prepearl:
  281. material: ENDER_PEARL
  282. data: 0
  283. enabled: true
  284. cooldown: 30 # in seconds
  285. teleport-in: 15 # in seconds
  286. explosion: true # Shouldd an explosion be made when rightclicking the enderpearl?
  287. display_name: "&9&lPre Pearl"
  288. lore:
  289. - "&7Rightclick this enderpearl to be"
  290. - "&7teleported to this position in a total of X seconds."
  291. - "&7An explosion will mark the beggining of this proccess."
  292. enchants: []
  293. used_message: "&aYou will be teleported at &f%coords% &ain &f15 seconds"
  294. teleported_message: "&aYou have been teleported to your location 15 seconds ago."
  295. remove_after_use: true # Should we remove -1 from the item amount after used.
  297. potcounter:
  298. material: STICK
  299. data: 0
  300. enabled: true
  301. cooldown: 30 # in seconds
  302. display_name: "&3&lPotion Counter"
  303. lore:
  304. - "&7Hit a player with this stick"
  305. - "&7to see how many pots they have"
  306. enchants: []
  307. used_message: "&f%enemy% &ahave &f%pots% &apots."
  308. remove_after_use: true # Should we remove -1 from the item amount after used.
  310. healer:
  311. material: BOOK
  312. data: 0
  313. enabled: true
  314. cooldown: 30 # in seconds
  315. heal-health: 20.0 # in health
  316. display_name: "&b&lHealer"
  317. lore:
  318. - "&7Rightclick a player to fully"
  319. - "&7heal them to 10 hearts"
  320. - ""
  321. - "&7Note: You can use it on anyone even enemies so be careful!"
  322. enchants: []
  323. used_message: "&f%healed% &ahas been healed to full."
  324. healed_message: "&f%player% &ahealed you to full health using the &b&lHealer&a."
  325. remove_after_use: true # Should we remove -1 from the item amount after used.
  327. tankingot:
  328. material: IRON_INGOT
  329. data: 0
  330. enabled: true
  331. cooldown: 30 # in seconds
  332. radius: 10.0 # blocks
  333. display_name: "&f&lTank Ingot"
  334. lore:
  335. - "&7Upon consuming this iron ingot"
  336. - "&7you will receive 3 seconds of Resistance III for each"
  337. - "&7player within 10 blocks radius"
  338. enchants: []
  339. effects: # Effects that should be received for every player in the radius
  340. - "DAMAGE_RESISTANCE, 3, 2" # "POTION_EFFECT, DURATION, AMPLIFIER(starts-1 so if you want speed 2 it will be 1 you get it?)"
  341. used_message: "&aYou have used the &f&lTank Ingot&a there are &f%players% &aplayers in the 10 block radius."
  342. no-one-nearby: "&cTheres no one nearby."
  343. remove_after_use: true # Should we remove -1 from the item amount after used.
  345. scrambler:
  346. material: EGG
  347. data: 0
  348. enabled: true
  349. cooldown: 30 # in seconds
  350. slots: 5 # from 0-8 (0 being the first | 8 being the last) (talking about the hotbar..)
  351. display_name: "&6&lInventory Scrambler"
  352. lore:
  353. - "&7Upon hitting someone with the projectile"
  354. - "&7their first 5 slots will get messed up"
  355. enchants: []
  356. used_message: "&aYou have used the &6&lInventory Scrambler&a on &f%player%&a."
  357. enemy_message: "&f%player% &ahit you with scrambler ur hotbar will get randomized."
  358. remove_after_use: true # Should we remove -1 from the item amount after used.
  360. potionmixer:
  361. material: CLAY_BRICK
  362. data: 0
  363. enabled: true
  364. cooldown: 30 # in seconds
  365. display_name: "&9&lPotion Mixer"
  366. lore:
  367. - "&7Upon hitting someone 3 times in a row"
  368. - "&7with this item their first 2 pots"
  369. - "&7found at their HOTBAR will be"
  370. - "&7replaced into splashed water bottles."
  371. enchants: []
  372. used_message: "&aYou have used the &9&lPotion Mixer&a on &f%player%&a."
  373. enemy_message: "&f%player% &ahit you with potion mixer ur pots will get watered."
  374. remove_after_use: true # Should we remove -1 from the item amount after used.
  376. disarmer:
  377. material: GOLD_AXE
  378. data: 0
  379. enabled: true
  380. cooldown: 30 # in seconds
  381. display_name: "&9&lDisarmer"
  382. lore:
  383. - "&7Upon hitting someone 3 times in a row"
  384. - "&7with this item their helmet will be"
  385. - "&7put in their hotbar but if"
  386. - "&7they are full they will receive an effect"
  387. enchants: []
  388. hits: 3
  389. effects: # Effects that will be given when victim is full
  390. - "SLOW, 5, 2" # "POTION_EFFECT, DURATION, AMPLIFIER(starts-1 so if you want speed 2 it will be 1 you get it?)"
  391. used_message: "&aYou have used the &9&lDisarmer&a on &f%player%&a."
  392. enemy_message: "&f%player% &adisarmed your helmet."
  393. work_on_kits: false # Should this work on rogue, archer, bard, miner?
  394. cant_on_kits: "&cYou cannot use this ability on any other kits then diamond."
  395. remove_after_use: true # Should we remove -1 from the item amount after used.
  397. portableeffect:
  398. material: FLINT
  399. data: 0
  400. enabled: true
  401. cooldown: 30 # in seconds
  402. display_name: "&3&lPortable Strength"
  403. lore:
  404. - "&7Upon right clicking this item"
  405. - "&7you will receive Strength II"
  406. enchants: []
  407. effects: # Effects that player will receive when rightclicking the item
  408. - "INCREASE_DAMAGE, 10, 1" # "POTION_EFFECT, DURATION, AMPLIFIER(starts-1 so if you want speed 2 it will be 1 you get it?)"
  409. used_message: "&aYou have used the &3&lPortable Strength II&a."
  410. remove_after_use: true # Should we remove -1 from the item amount after used.
  412. agressivepearl:
  413. material: ENDER_PEARL
  414. data: 0
  415. enabled: true
  416. cooldown: 30 # in seconds
  417. display_name: "&a&lAgressive Pearl"
  418. lore:
  419. - "&7Upon throwing this enderpearl"
  420. - "&7wherever it lands you will be teleported"
  421. - "&7and receive Strength II"
  422. enchants: []
  423. effects: # Effects that player will receive when the ender pearl lands
  424. - "INCREASE_DAMAGE, 10, 1" # "POTION_EFFECT, DURATION, AMPLIFIER(starts-1 so if you want speed 2 it will be 1 you get it?)"
  425. used_message: "&aYou have used the &a&lAgressive Pearl&a."
  426. landed_message: "&aYour pearl landed you received effects."
  427. remove_after_use: true # Should we remove -1 from the item amount after used.
  429. quickpearl:
  430. material: ENDER_PEARL
  431. data: 0
  432. enabled: true
  433. cooldown: 30 # in seconds
  434. display_name: "&c&lQuick Pearl"
  435. lore:
  436. - "&7Upon throwing this enderpearl"
  437. - "&7wherever it lands your cooldown with get shorted"
  438. enchants: []
  439. #The cooldown shrinking is based on /timer command that all the HCF Cores have (Don't include the / in the string for the command)
  440. timer_command: "timer set Enderpearl %player% 10"
  441. used_message: "&aYour cooldown has been shorted&a."
  442. remove_after_use: true # Should we remove -1 from the item amount after used.
  444. backpack:
  445. material: ENDER_CHEST
  446. data: 0
  447. enabled: true
  448. cooldown: 30 # in seconds
  449. rows: 1 # Rows of inventory when the backpack is open. | Reset all the backpacks after you edit this.
  450. display_name: "&d&lBack Pack"
  451. lore:
  452. - "&7An inventory that you can bring"
  453. - "&7anywhere you want with you."
  454. enchants: []
  456. portable_bard:
  457. material: PAPER
  458. data: 0
  459. enabled: true
  460. cooldown: 50 # in seconds
  461. display_name: "&3&lPortable Bard"
  462. lore:
  463. - "&7Use this item to select an item to get"
  464. - "&7and use as a Bard."
  465. items_in_gui: #MATERIAL,data,amount,slot,DISPLAY_NAME,LORE (use \n for new line in lores),EFFECT,DURATION,AMPLIFIER(starts-1)
  466. - "MAGMA_CREAM,0,5,10,&cFire Resistance,&6\n,FIRE_RESISTANCE,20,1"
  467. - "BLAZE_POWDER,0,5,11,&cStrenght II,&6\n,INCREASE_DAMAGE,20,1"
  468. - "INK_SACK,0,5,12,&cInvisiblity,&6\n,INVISIBILITY,20,1"
  469. - "GHAST_TEAR,0,5,13,&cRegeneration II,&6\n,REGENERATION,20,1"
  470. - "SUGAR,0,5,14,&eSpeed III,&6\n,SPEED,20,2"
  471. - "FEATHER,0,5,15,&eJump VIII,&6\n,JUMP,20,7"
  472. - "IRON_INGOT,0,5,16,&eResistance II,&6\n,DAMAGE_RESISTANCE,20,1"
  473. remove_after_use: true # Should we remove -1 from the item amount after used.
  474. used_message: "&aYou gave &f%effect% &f%amplifier% to yourself."
  476. combat_logger:
  477. material: MONSTER_EGG
  478. data: 120
  479. enabled: true
  480. cooldown: 300 # in seconds
  481. despawn_after: 45 # in seconds.
  482. give_invis:
  483. enabled: true
  484. hide_armor: true
  485. duration: 45 # in seconds
  486. entity_name: "&e&o%player%"
  487. type: VILLAGER #
  488. display_name: "&a&lLogger Bait"
  489. lore:
  490. - "&7Upon right clicking the logger bait and it landing on the floor,"
  491. - "&7a fake villager mimicking a combat logger will spawn in."
  492. enchants: []
  493. used_message: "&aYou have spawned an Logger."
  494. remove_after_use: true # Should we remove -1 from the item amount after used.
  496. starving_flesh:
  497. material: ROTTEN_FLESH
  498. data: 0
  499. enabled: true
  500. cooldown: 30 # in seconds
  501. food_level: 0.5 # 10 = max 9.5 = 9 and a half..
  502. display_name: "&e&lStarving Flesh"
  503. lore:
  504. - "&7Upon hitting someone 3 times in a row"
  505. - "&7with this item their food level"
  506. - "&7will be set to 0.5 bars."
  507. enchants: []
  508. used_message: "&aYou have used the &e&lStarving Flesh&a on &f%player%&a."
  509. enemy_message: "&f%player% &adrained your food level..."
  510. work_on_kits: false # Should this work on rogue, archer, bard, miner?
  511. cant_on_kits: "&cYou cannot use this ability on any other kits then diamond."
  512. remove_after_use: true # Should we remove -1 from the item amount after used.
  514. combo:
  515. material: NETHER_STAR
  516. data: 0
  517. enabled: true
  518. duration: 12 # in seconds
  519. cooldown: 50 # in seconds
  520. display_name: "&d&lCombo Ability"
  521. lore:
  522. - "&7Right-Click to combo and every time you hit"
  523. - "&7an enemy will give you Strength II for a second."
  524. enchants: []
  525. effects: #The duration for the effect is chosen when a player gets hit every hit = +1 seconds while its activated.
  526. - "INCREASE_DAMAGE, 1" # "POTION_EFFECT, AMPLIFIER(starts-1 so if you want speed 2 it will be 1 you get it?)"
  527. seconds_cap: 12 # Max seconds of effects that will be given.
  528. used_message: "&aCombo them go!!."
  529. expire_message: "&cCombo ability expired."
  530. remove_after_use: true # Should we remove -1 from the item amount after used.
  532. time_warp:
  533. material: FEATHER
  534. data: 0
  535. enabled: true
  536. duration_after_pearl: 15 # The timer that you can active the time warp for. | in seconds
  537. teleport_in: 2 # in seconds
  538. cooldown: 50 # in seconds
  539. display_name: "&a&lTime Warp Ability"
  540. lore:
  541. - "&7Upon throwing an enderpearl, you have 15 seconds to use the time warp."
  542. - "&7Upon using the time warp, a 2 second timer will commence. Once the 2"
  543. - "&7second timer is complete you will be teleported to the location where"
  544. - "&7you threw your enderpearl."
  545. enchants: []
  546. used_message: "&aTeleporting you to your last enderpearling location in 2 seconds"
  547. teleport_message: "&cTeleported."
  548. no_pearl_message: "&cYou need to throw a pearl in order to use this ability item."
  549. remove_after_use: true # Should we remove -1 from the item amount after used.
  551. second_chance:
  552. material: GHAST_TEAR
  553. data: 0
  554. enabled: true
  555. cooldown: 50 # in seconds
  556. command: "timer set Enderpearl %player% 0s"
  557. display_name: "&a&lSecond Chance"
  558. lore:
  559. - "&7Upon right clicking this ability you will be able to throw."
  560. - "&7another enderpearl."
  561. enchants: []
  562. used_message: "&aYou can now enderpearl again."
  563. remove_after_use: true # Should we remove -1 from the item amount after used.
  565. decoy:
  566. material: FIREWORK_CHARGE
  567. data: 0
  568. enabled: true
  569. duration: 90 # in seconds
  570. cooldown: 30 # in seconds
  571. remove_on_hit: true # This will remove the decoy when a player is hit by another player.
  572. remove_on_fall_damage: true # This will remove the decoy when the player takes fall damage
  573. display_name: "&c&lDecoy"
  574. lore:
  575. - "&7Upon right-clicking this you will"
  576. - "&7become naked with no armor upon being hit"
  577. - "&7or after 90 seconds."
  578. enchants: []
  579. used_message: "&aDecoy activated."
  580. expired_message: "&cDecoy expired your armor is back on."
  581. removed_message: "&cYour decoy has been removed since you were hit."
  582. remove_after_use: true # Should we remove -1 from the item amount after used.
  584. explosive_egg:
  585. material: EGG
  586. data: 0
  587. enabled: true
  588. cooldown: 1 # in seconds
  589. display_name: "&c&lExplosive Egg"
  590. explosion: true
  591. lore:
  592. - "&7Upon hitting a player with the explosive egg"
  593. - "&7they will be sent flying into the air"
  594. - "&73 blocks vertically and horizontally."
  595. enchants: []
  596. used_message: "&aYou have used &b&lExplosive Egg"
  597. remove_after_use: true # Should we remove -1 from the item amount after used.
  599. focus_mode:
  600. material: COMPASS
  601. data: 0
  602. enabled: true
  603. last_hit_seconds: 15 # Hit time check
  604. cooldown: 50 # in seconds
  605. duration: 10
  606. damage_increase: 25 # In percentages DO NOT include the '%' char.
  607. display_name: "&3&lFocus Mode"
  608. lore:
  609. - "&7Upon right clicking the focus mode"
  610. - "&7you will deal 25% more damage"
  611. - "&7the last person who hit you for a total of 10 seconds."
  612. enchants: []
  613. used_message: "&aYou are now dealing 25% percentage damage to %player%."
  614. victim_message:
  615. enabled: true
  616. message: "&f%player% &ahas used focus mode on your and will deal 25% more damage on you."
  617. # Style 1: You need to be hit in the last 15 seconds in order to be able to use the ability
  618. # Style 2: You need to hit a player in order to use the ability on him
  619. # If you change the style make sure to change the messages aswell so they can match with the specific thing u get me
  620. style: 1
  621. expired_message: "&cFocus mode has expired."
  622. no_attacker: "&cNo one has hit you the last 15 seconds."
  623. remove_after_use: true # Should we remove -1 from the item amount after used.
  625. zap:
  626. material: LEVER
  627. data: 0
  628. enabled: true
  629. cooldown: 50 # in seconds
  630. hits: 2 # How much hits does the victim needs to be hitten to activate the zap.
  631. display_name: "&f&lZAP"
  632. lore:
  633. - "&7Upon hitting a player two times in a row with the zap"
  634. - "&7you will strike them with lightning and give them Blindness I for 6 seconds."
  635. enchants: []
  636. effects: # Effects that will be given to the victim.
  637. - "BLINDNESS, 0, 6" # "POTION_EFFECT, AMPLIFIER(starts at 0 so 1 = 0), SECONDS"
  638. used_message: "&f%player% &ahas been &o&lZAPPED&a."
  639. used_message_victim: "&f%player% have zapped you, you received BLINDNESS for 6 seconds."
  640. remove_after_use: true # Should we remove -1 from the item amount after used.
  642. teleport_bow:
  643. material: BOW # Nothing else is support as of rn only BOW !
  644. data: 200 # If using BOW as Material you can change its durability from here.
  645. enabled: true
  646. cooldown: 50 # in seconds
  647. display_name: "&f&lTeleport Bow"
  648. lore:
  649. - "&7Upon hitting a player with an arrow from the teleportation bow,"
  650. - "&7a 3 second teleportation process will commence."
  651. - "&7Once the 3 seconds finish, you will be teleported to the player that you shot."
  652. enchants: []
  653. delay: 3 # In Seconds (Delay before being teleported)
  654. used_message: "&aTeleporting you to &o%player% &ain 3 &oseconds&a."
  655. victim_message:
  656. enabled: false
  657. text: "&a%player% used &f&lTeleportation Bow &aon you he will be teleported in 3s."
  658. teleport: # Teleport option: true = teleport where you shot the player | false = teleport where the player is when the teleportation process is done.
  659. option_boolean: true
  660. remove_after_use: true # Should we remove -1 from the item amount after used.
  662. antitrap_beacon:
  663. material: BEACON
  664. data: 0
  665. enabled: true
  666. cooldown: 50 # in seconds
  667. display_name: "&d&lAnti Trap Becon"
  668. lore:
  669. - "&7Upon placing this anti-trap beacon down,"
  670. - "&7all enemies within an 8 block radius of the beacon"
  671. - "&7will not be able to place blocks until it is destroyed."
  672. - "&7The beacon will automatically break 30 seconds"
  673. - "&7after being placed and/or can be destroyed by hitting the beacon 10 times."
  674. enchants: []
  675. place_even_cancel_event: true # NOTE: Players will be able to place this EVERYWHERE literally EVERYWHERE (at your spawn too) if true!
  676. destroy_after: 30 # in seconds.
  677. radius: 8
  678. beacon_health: 10 # This means how much time does it needs to be hit to be destroyed.
  679. used_message: "&aYou've placed a antitrap beacon. You flagged &l&o%players% &aplayers with it."
  680. enemy_message: "&cYou have been flagged with an Anti Trap Beacon you cannot place blocks for 30 seconds."
  681. trying_to_place: "&cYou cannot place blocks because you got flagged by antitrap beacon."
  682. health_message: "&aThis beacon's health is now &f&o%health%&a."
  683. beacon_destroyed: "&cBeacon has been destroyed."
  684. you_can_build_again: "&aYou can build again."
  685. cannot_break: "&cYou cannot break the Anti Trap Beacon hit it to destroy it."
  686. remove_after_use: true # Should we remove -1 from the item amount after used.
  688. anti_ability:
  689. material: SLIME_BALL
  690. data: 0
  691. enabled: true
  692. cooldown: 50 # in seconds
  693. duration: 20 # in seconds
  694. display_name: "&d&lAnti Ability Ball"
  695. lore:
  696. - "&7Upon right clicking this ability"
  697. - "&7other abilities won't affect you for another 20 seconds."
  698. enchants: []
  699. used_message: "&aYou won't be able to get hit with abilities for 20s"
  700. expired_messaged: "&cAbility protection expired, abilities can now affect you."
  701. prevented_message: "&cYou cannot use abilities on this player since he is on ability protection for another %duration%s"
  702. remove_after_use: true # Should we remove -1 from the item amount after used.
  704. spider_trail:
  705. material: WEB
  706. data: 0
  707. enabled: true
  708. cooldown: 50 # in seconds
  709. duration: 10 # in seconds
  710. display_name: "&5&lSpider Trail"
  711. lore:
  712. - "&7Upon right clicking this ability"
  713. - "&7a trail of cobwebs will spawn behind you for 10 seconds"
  714. enchants: []
  715. trail_material: WEB # The material that you will spawn behind you | Check:
  716. remove_trail_after: 20 # in seconds
  717. used_message: "&aYou will be spawning cobwebs behind you for 10 seconds."
  718. expired_messaged: "&cYou will no longer spawn cobwebs."
  719. remove_after_use: true # Should we remove -1 from the item amount after used.
  721. fair_fight:
  722. material: IRON_BARDING
  723. data: 0
  724. enabled: true
  725. cooldown: 50 # in seconds
  726. duration: 30 # in seconds
  727. display_name: "&7&lFair Fight"
  728. lore:
  729. - "&7Hit a player with this item to turn the armor they have equipped into"
  730. - "&7protection I for 30 seconds. After 30 seconds, their armor will be reverted"
  731. - "&7to it's original Protection level."
  732. enchants: []
  733. hits: 1
  734. protection_level: 1
  735. used_message: "&aYou used Fair Fight on &l%player% &atheir armor is Prot 1 Now."
  736. used_message_victim: "&c&l%player% &cused Fair Fight on you be careful your armor is Prot 1 Now."
  737. expired_message_victim: "&a Your armor is back to its original protection level."
  738. remove_after_use: true # Should we remove -1 from the item amount after used.
  740. self_pull:
  741. material: REDSTONE_TORCH_ON # Keep in mind this works in all claims
  742. data: 0
  743. enabled: true
  744. cooldown: 50 # in seconds
  745. duration: 8 # in seconds
  746. radius: 15
  747. display_name: "&c&lSelf Pull"
  748. lore:
  749. - "&7Right click to replace the nearest lever within 15 blocks to a"
  750. - "&7redstone torch. The redstone torch will despawn after 8 seconds."
  751. enchants: []
  752. used_message: "&aYou used Self Pull at your current location, searching near you for Lever."
  753. block_changed: "&aSelf Puller found an lever and it has been changed to redstone torch"
  754. block_not_found: "&cNo lever has been found near you."
  755. block_back_to_normal: "&cThe redstone torch has been back to normal."
  756. remove_after_use: true # Should we remove -1 from the item amount after used.
  758. # Checking cooldown
  759. cooldown_check:
  760. enabled: true # Should this feature be enabled?
  761. message: "&c%ability% is still at cooldown for another &l%seconds%s&c."
  763. # Timer Feature
  764. timer_feature: # This is a cool idea if your HCF Core have an option to make custom player timers & display them in the scoreboard
  765. enabled: false # Should this feature be enabled?
  766. command: "timer %ability% set %player% %cooldown%s" # It will be executed everytime a cooldown is started
  768. # Global Ability Cooldown
  769. global_cooldown:
  770. enabled: true
  771. cooldown: 8 # in seconds
  772. message: "&cYou are currently on a global ability cooldown for another %cooldown%s"
  774. worldguard_support:
  775. enabled: false # Should this be enabled? If so you need World Guard installed.
  776. message: "&cYou cannot use abilities in this area." # Message when they try to use abilities in blocked regions.
  777. regions: # What regions should the abilities be blocked in.
  778. - "spawn"
  780. # Message when the ability is disabled (enabled is set to false)
  781. disabled_message: "&cThis ability is currently under development."
  783. # Message when player use an ability while on cooldown.
  784. cooldown_message: "&cYou are currently on cooldown for another &l%seconds%s&c."
  786. # Sender given successfully
  787. give_message: "&6You gave &f%ability% &6(&f%amount%&6) &6to &f%target%&6."
  789. #Give all broadcast message %item% is the ability or the partner package display name.
  790. give_all_message: "&f%player% &6gave everyone an &9&l%item%&f, &6enjoy."
  792. # Target receive successfully
  793. target:
  794. enabled: true # Should this message even display?
  795. message: "&6You have received &f%ability% &6(&f%amount%&6) &6from &f%player%&6."
  797. packages:
  798. material: ENDER_CHEST
  799. display_name: "&9&lPartner Package"
  800. lore:
  801. - "&7Right-click to open and get a random ability"
  802. - "&7Purchase at &"
  803. ability_per_package: 1 # How much ability types should they get from a package
  804. fireworks_on_open: true # Should we launch fireworks at the location where the package was opened
  805. messages:
  806. use_message: "&eYou got %ability% &efrom a &9Partner Package&e." # This will display only the ability gotten from the package.
  807. no_slots: "&cYou need at least %slots% slots to open this package."
  808. give:
  809. enabled: true
  810. message: "&eYou received &9Partner Package &efrom &f%player%"
  811. rewards:
  812. type: 1 # -1 only abilities / 1 abilities + random item from the list below [like on viper]
  813. ability_amounts: # NAME: AMOUNT | Get the name from /abilities list | 0 = It won't get rolled, -1 = random, or just type the amount u want.
  814. switcher: -1
  815. rocket: -1
  816. northstar: -1
  817. repairtoken: -1
  818. grapplinghook: -1
  819. switchstick: -1
  820. dagger: -1
  821. rage: -1
  822. potion: -1
  823. antibuild: -1
  824. fakepearl: -1
  825. invis: -1
  826. rogue: -1
  827. effectstealer: -1
  828. guardianangle: -1
  829. webgun: -1
  830. prepearl: -1
  831. potcounter: -1
  832. healer: -1
  833. tankingot: -1
  834. scrambler: -1
  835. potionmixer: -1
  836. disarmer: -1
  837. portableeffect: -1
  838. agressivepearl: -1
  839. quickpearl: -1
  840. backpack: -1
  841. portable_bard: -1
  842. combat_logger: -1
  843. starving_flesh: -1
  844. combo: -1
  845. time_warp: -1
  846. second_chance: -1
  847. decoy: -1
  848. explosive_egg: -1
  849. focus_mode: -1
  850. zap: -1
  851. teleport_bow: -1
  852. antitrap_beacon: -1
  853. anti_ability: -1
  854. spider_trail: -1
  855. fair_fight: -1
  856. self_pull: -1
  857. amount: 2 # How much types of the list below will be given
  858. list: # This is only for the random items # MATERIAL LIST: # ENCHANTS LIST:
  859. - "DIAMOND_BLOCK, 16" # MATERIAL, amount
  860. - "GOLD_BLOCK, 24"
  861. - "IRON_BLOCK, 32"
  862. - "EMERALD_BLOCK, 16"
  870. - "<command> pex user %player% group set default"
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