

Apr 26th, 2022
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  1. Config = {};
  2. --------------------------
  3. -- Utility
  4. --------------------------
  5. Config.Framework = "NEW" -- "NEW" - New QBCore | "OLD" - Old QBCore
  6. Config.CoreName = "qb-core" -- Core name
  7. Config.Notify = "QBCore" -- "QBCore" or "okok"
  8. Config.Job = "vanilla" -- Name for the job that can access the target etc
  9. Config.Target = "qb-target" -- Name of your target
  10. Config.Input = "qb-input"
  11. Config.PolyZone = false -- Want to view all the qb-target poly zones?
  12. Config.OpenInventory = "inventory:server:OpenInventory"
  13. Config.ItemBox = "inventory:client:ItemBox"
  14. Config.DrinkAlcohol = "consumables:client:DrinkAlcohol"
  15. Config.EnableCommand = true -- Enable command to billing?
  16. Config.CommandBilling = "fatvanilla"
  17. Config.EnableCallEmployment = true -- Enable call emloyes? If true, people can call with target on tables, and the emplyes get a notify.
  18. Config.PayWhenDance = true -- Pay the player when dance?
  19. Config.Pay = { -- Monet earn when dance
  20. MinPay = 50,
  21. MaxPay = 100,
  22. }
  24. --------------------------
  25. -- Blips
  26. --------------------------
  27. Config.Blips = {
  28. Enable = true,
  29. Zone = vector3(132.03, -1303.96, 29.22),
  30. Name = "Vanilla",
  31. Colour = 61,
  32. Icon = 121,
  33. }
  35. --------------------------
  36. -- Targets
  37. --------------------------
  38. Config["Locations"] = {
  39. ["OnDuty"] = {
  40. vector3(106.58, -1299.39, 28.77),
  41. },
  42. ["Fridge"] = {
  43. vector3(132.78, -1286.9, 29.27),
  44. },
  45. ["Storage"] = {
  46. vector3(130.21, -1285.34, 29.27),
  47. },
  48. ["Fruit"] = {
  49. vector3(130.52, -1281.72, 30.35),
  50. },
  51. ["Ice"] = {
  52. vector3(127.77, -1281.96, 29.27),
  53. },
  54. ["Drinks"] = {
  55. vector3(129.02, -1280.33, 29.27),
  56. },
  57. ["Dance"] = {
  58. vector3(108.84, -1289.26, 30.25),
  59. vector3(104.77, -1294.43, 30.25),
  60. vector3(102.23, -1290.14, 30.25)
  61. },
  62. ["Mesa1"] = {
  63. vector3(115.96, -1286.76, 28.88),
  64. },
  65. ["Mesa2"] = {
  66. vector3(112.81, -1283.11, 28.88),
  67. },
  68. ["Mesa3"] = {
  69. vector3(117.47, -1282.91, 29.16),
  70. },
  71. ["Mesa4"] = {
  72. vector3(120.99, -1285.15, 28.68),
  73. },
  74. ["Mesa5"] = {
  75. vector3(123.32, -1294.96, 29.69),
  76. },
  77. ["Mesa6"] = {
  78. vector3(120.01, -1296.7, 29.99),
  79. },
  80. ["Billing"] = {
  81. vector3(129.2, -1284.94, 30.39),
  82. },
  83. }
  85. --------------------------
  86. -- Stash
  87. --------------------------
  88. Config.Stash = {
  89. Name = "Vanilla Storage",
  90. MaxWeight = 1500,
  91. Slots = 40,
  92. }
  94. --------------------------
  95. -- Language
  96. --------------------------
  97. Config["Language"] = {
  98. ["Notifications"] = {
  99. ["Canceled"] = "Cancelded.",
  100. ["WithoutIngredients"] = "You don't have the ingredients with you.",
  101. ["OffDuty"] = "You have to go on duty.",
  102. ["EndDance"] = "You have to finish dancing.",
  103. ["Table1"] = "Employee called to table 1",
  104. ["Table2"] = "Employee called to table 2",
  105. ["Table3"] = "Employee called to table 3",
  106. ["Table4"] = "Employee called to table 4",
  107. ["Table5"] = "Employee called to table 5",
  108. ["Table6"] = "Employee called to table 6",
  109. ["FaturaEnviadaSucesso"] = "Fatura enviada com sucesso.",
  110. ["ValorSuperior0"] = "Deve ser um valor válido acima 0.",
  111. ["FaturarProprio"] = "Não podes faturar a ti próprio.",
  112. ["PlayerOffline"] = "Jogador indisponível.",
  113. ["NoPermission"] = "Não tens permissões.",
  114. ["FaturaRecebida"] = "Nova fatura recebida.",
  115. },
  116. ["QBTarget"] = {
  117. ["OnDutyLabel"] = "On/Off Duty",
  118. ["OnDutyIcon"] = "far fa-clipboard",
  119. ["FridgeLabel"] = "Shop",
  120. ["FridgeIcon"] = "fas fa-glass-cheers",
  121. ["StorageLabel"] = "Warehouse",
  122. ["StorageIcon"] = "fas fa-box",
  123. ["FruitLabel"] = "Fruits",
  124. ["FuirIcon"] = "fas fa-lemon",
  125. ["IceLabel"] = "Ice",
  126. ["IceIcon"] = "fas fa-cube",
  127. ["DrinksLabel"] = "Drinks",
  128. ["DrinkIcon"] = "fas fa-wine-glass",
  129. ["DanceLabel"] = "Dance",
  130. ["DanceIcon"] = "fas fa-person",
  131. ["CallEmplyementLabel"] = "Call Employee",
  132. ["CallEmplyementIcon"] = "fas fa-ring",
  133. ["BillingLabel"] = "Billing",
  134. ["BillingIcon"] = "fa-solid fa-money-bill-1",
  135. },
  136. ["QBMenu"] = {
  137. ["AvailableFruits"] = "🍉 | Available Fruits | 🍉",
  138. ["FruitBanana"] = "🍌 • Banana",
  139. ["FruitApple"] = "🍏 • Apple",
  140. ["FruitOrange"] = "🍊 • Orange",
  141. ["FruitLime"] = "🍈 • Lime",
  142. ["FruitStrawberries"] = "🍓 • Strawberries",
  143. ["FruitRedFruit"] = "🍒 • Red Fruit",
  144. ["AvailableDrinks"] = "🍷 | Available Drinks | 🍷",
  145. ["Cocktails"] = "🍸 • Cocktails",
  146. ["CocktailsDesc"] = "Apple, Strawberry, Vodka...",
  147. ["Juices"] = "🍹 • Drinks",
  148. ["JuicesDesc"] = "Apple, Strawberry, Banana...",
  149. ["AvailableJuices"] = "🍷 | Make Juices | 🍷",
  150. ["JuiceBanana"] = "🍺 • Banana Juice",
  151. ["JuiceBananaRequired"] = "Banana, Ice...",
  152. ["JuiceApple"] = "🍸 • Apple Juice",
  153. ["JuiceAppleRequired"] = "Apple, Ice...",
  154. ["JuiceOrange"] = "🍹 • Orange Juice",
  155. ["JuiceOrangeRequired"] = "Orange, Ice...",
  156. ["AvailableCoktails"] = "🍸 | Make Cocktails | 🍸",
  157. ["CocktailApple"] = "• Apple Cocktail",
  158. ["CocktailAppleRequired"] = "Ice, Apple, Ciroc",
  159. ["CocktailStrawberries"] = "• Strawberries Cocktail",
  160. ["CocktailStrawberriesRequired"] = "Ice, Strawberries, Martini Rosato",
  161. ["CocktailVodka"] = "• Vodka Cocktail",
  162. ["CocktailVodkaRequired"] = "Ice, Lime, Eristoff Black",
  163. ["CloseQBMenu"] = "Close",
  164. },
  165. ["Progressbars"] = {
  166. ["TakeApple"] = "Picking up the apple...",
  167. ["TakeBanana"] = "Picking up the banana...",
  168. ["TakeOrange"] = "Picking up the orange...",
  169. ["TakeLime"] = "Picking up the lime...",
  170. ["TakeStrawberries"] = "Picking up a strawberry...",
  171. ["TakeRedFruit"] = "Picking up red fruits...",
  172. ["TakeIce"] = "Picking up the ice...",
  173. ["MakeAppleJuice"] = "Making an apple drink..",
  174. ["MakeBananaJuice"] = "Making a banana drink..",
  175. ["MakeOrangeJuice"] = "Making an orange drink..",
  176. ["MakeAppleCocktail"] = "Making an apple cocktail..",
  177. ["MakeStrawberriesCocktail"] = "Making a strawberry cocktail..",
  178. ["MakeVodkaCocktail"] = "Making a vodka cocktail..",
  179. },
  180. ["QBInput"] = {
  181. ["BillingHeader"] = "Billing Vanilla",
  182. ["BillingSubmit"] = "Submite",
  183. ["BillingPaypal"] = "Paypal ID",
  184. ["BillingAmount"] = "Amount",
  185. }
  186. }
  188. --------------------------
  189. -- Shop
  190. --------------------------
  191. Config.Items = {
  192. [1] = {
  193. name = "beer",
  194. price = 0,
  195. amount = 10,
  196. info = {},
  197. type = "item",
  198. slot = 1,
  199. },
  200. [2] = {
  201. name = "whiskey",
  202. price = 0,
  203. amount = 10,
  204. info = {},
  205. type = "item",
  206. slot = 2,
  207. },
  208. [3] = {
  209. name = "vodka",
  210. price = 0,
  211. amount = 10,
  212. info = {},
  213. type = "item",
  214. slot = 3,
  215. },
  216. [4] = {
  217. name = "wine",
  218. price = 0,
  219. amount = 10,
  220. info = {},
  221. type = "item",
  222. slot = 4,
  223. },
  224. [5] = {
  225. name = "grapejuice",
  226. price = 0,
  227. amount = 10,
  228. info = {},
  229. type = "item",
  230. slot = 5,
  231. },
  232. [6] = {
  233. name = "cocacola",
  234. price = 0,
  235. amount = 10,
  236. info = {},
  237. type = "item",
  238. slot = 6,
  239. },
  240. [7] = {
  241. name = "absinthe",
  242. price = 0,
  243. amount = 10,
  244. info = {},
  245. type = "item",
  246. slot = 7,
  247. },
  248. [8] = {
  249. name = "baileys",
  250. price = 0,
  251. amount = 10,
  252. info = {},
  253. type = "item",
  254. slot = 8,
  255. },
  256. [9] = {
  257. name = "bombaysaphire",
  258. price = 0,
  259. amount = 10,
  260. info = {},
  261. type = "item",
  262. slot = 9,
  263. },
  264. [10] = {
  265. name = "brandy",
  266. price = 0,
  267. amount = 10,
  268. info = {},
  269. type = "item",
  270. slot = 10,
  271. },
  272. [11] = {
  273. name = "champagne",
  274. price = 0,
  275. amount = 10,
  276. info = {},
  277. type = "item",
  278. slot = 11,
  279. },
  280. [12] = {
  281. name = "ciroc",
  282. price = 0,
  283. amount = 10,
  284. info = {},
  285. type = "item",
  286. slot = 12,
  287. },
  288. [13] = {
  289. name = "cirocapple",
  290. price = 0,
  291. amount = 10,
  292. info = {},
  293. type = "item",
  294. slot = 13,
  295. },
  296. [14] = {
  297. name = "cirocred",
  298. price = 0,
  299. amount = 10,
  300. info = {},
  301. type = "item",
  302. slot = 14,
  303. },
  304. [15] = {
  305. name = "eristoffblack",
  306. price = 0,
  307. amount = 10,
  308. info = {},
  309. type = "item",
  310. slot = 15,
  311. },
  312. [16] = {
  313. name = "goldstrike",
  314. price = 0,
  315. amount = 10,
  316. info = {},
  317. type = "item",
  318. slot = 16,
  319. },
  320. [17] = {
  321. name = "jackdaniels",
  322. price = 0,
  323. amount = 10,
  324. info = {},
  325. type = "item",
  326. slot = 17,
  327. },
  328. [18] = {
  329. name = "jb",
  330. price = 0,
  331. amount = 10,
  332. info = {},
  333. type = "item",
  334. slot = 18,
  335. },
  336. [19] = {
  337. name = "martinibianco",
  338. price = 0,
  339. amount = 10,
  340. info = {},
  341. type = "item",
  342. slot = 19,
  343. },
  344. [20] = {
  345. name = "martiniextradry",
  346. price = 0,
  347. amount = 10,
  348. info = {},
  349. type = "item",
  350. slot = 20,
  351. },
  352. [21] = {
  353. name = "martinirosato",
  354. price = 0,
  355. amount = 10,
  356. info = {},
  357. type = "item",
  358. slot = 21,
  359. },
  360. [22] = {
  361. name = "martinirosso",
  362. price = 0,
  363. amount = 10,
  364. info = {},
  365. type = "item",
  366. slot = 22,
  367. },
  368. [23] = {
  369. name = "tequilagold",
  370. price = 0,
  371. amount = 10,
  372. info = {},
  373. type = "item",
  374. slot = 23,
  375. },
  376. [24] = {
  377. name = "vanillamenu",
  378. price = 0,
  379. amount = 10,
  380. info = {},
  381. type = "item",
  382. slot = 24,
  383. },
  384. }
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