
Signet Classics (Penguin) Teacher's Guides Synopsis

Nov 23rd, 2022 (edited)
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  1. *Teacher's Guide Signet Classics:: <~~ Dr Jekyll <~~ 1984 <~~ Tale of Two Cities <~~ Journey Center Earth <~~ Pride & Prejudice
  2. * <~~ Animal Farm TG * x * * * * *
  4. {{ Animal Farm Review
  5. cannibalism- n. practice of eating one’s own kind (e.g. A human eating a human)
  6. cryptic- adj. mysterious or obscure
  7. gambol - v. to skip about in play
  8. ignominious - adj. shameful; dishonorable
  9. indefatigable- adj. untiring
  10. parasitical- adj. like a parasite; gaining benefits from a host it injures
  12. pre-eminent- adj. superior to or notable above all others; outstanding
  13. expounded- v. to present and explain a theory or idea systematically and in detail
  14. spinney- n. a small area of trees and branches
  15. unalterable- adj. not able to be changed.
  17. 1. implement- n. a tool or instrument used in doing work
  18. 2. welfare- n. an individual’s health and well-being
  19. 3. resolution- n. possible solution to a problem, voted on by an organisation
  20. 4. motto- n. a brief statement expressing the guiding principles of a person or organisation
  21. 5. maxim- n. an expression, usually a general truth or principle
  22. 6. dole out- v. to give out sparingly or in small quantities
  23. 7. seclusion- n. to be hidden, in secret, not easily seen
  26. anniversary- n.
  27. 2. charge - v. to run directly at someone in order to make an attack
  28. 3. military decoration- n. a medal given as an award, usually pinned on a
  29. uniform, in honor of special bravery or success
  30. 4. cowshed- n. a shelter for cows
  31. 5. retreat- v. to run away
  32. 6. invasion- n. an entrance, especially of an armed force, as if to take over
  33. 7. exploit- n. an adventure or exciting story
  34. 8. rebelliousness- n. the attitude of wanting to make a revolution, or general
  35. disobedience
  36. 9. ambush- n. a surprise attack
  38. faction- n. a small group with beliefs of interests that are different than
  39. the larger group
  40. 2. urinate- v. to pee
  41. 3. scheme- n. a plan
  42. 4. closet- v. to hide oneself in seclusion, often to perform a task in solitude
  43. 5. assume- v. to accept as true without thinking
  44. 6. tactic- n. a method or action used to achieve a short-term goal
  45. 7. ration- n. specific amount of food given out
  46. 8. protest- v. to be against something
  47. 9. windmill- n. a large machine that uses wind to generate power
  48. 10. eloquence- n. the ability to speak persuasively or expressively
  49. 11. oppose- v. to express strong disapproval or disagreement
  51. solicitor- n. a kind of lawyer
  52. broker- n. a person who organizes sales between an owner and a buyer
  53. commission- n. money given as payment to somebody who sells something for another person
  54. gale- n. a very strong wind
  55. sixty-hour week- n. a week when someone works for sixty hours
  56. quarry- n. a place where stone for building is taken from
  57. slogan- n. a saying, like a motto or maxim
  58. boulder- n. a very large rock
  59. vague- adj. not clear, not well defined
  60. intermediary- n. someone who communicates between two different people
  61. avenge- v. to take revenge for a crime or for wrongdoing
  62. despair- n. the feeling of having no hope
  64. chaff- n. straw cut up for animal food
  65. mangel- n. a vegetable with a large root, cultivated as feed for livestock
  66. infanticide- n. the crime of a mother killing her infant
  67. capitulated- v. cease to resist an opponent or an unwelcome demand; surrender
  68. stupefied- v. to be made unable to think or feel properly
  69. categorical- adj. unambiguously explicit and direct
  70. countenance- n. a person’s face or facial expression
  72. cunning- n. skill in deception; guile
  73. machination- n. the act of plotting; a crafty or cunning plan for the accomplishment of a
  74. sinister end
  75. pensioner- n. a person who is receiving a pension, usually an old-age pension from the state
  76. hullabaloo- n. a loud confused noise of protest; commotion
  77. sentinel- v. to watch over as a guard; to provide with a guard
  78. unaccountably- adv. free from accountability; not responsible
  79. forgery- n. the act of forging, especially the illegal production of something counterfeit
  80. deputation- n. a group appointed to represent others
  82. complicity- n. the state of being involved with others in an illegal activity or wrongdoing
  83. knacker- n. someone who buys old things and breaks them up to recover the materials in
  84. them
  85. poultice- n. a soft, moist mass of material, typically of plant material or flour, applied to the
  86. body to relieve soreness and inflammation
  87. dignity- n. the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect
  88. spontaneous- adj. happening or arising without apparent external cause
  89. republic- n. a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected
  90. representatives
  91. falter- v. start to lose strength or momentum
  92. interment- n. the burial of a corpse in a grave or tomb, typically with funeral rites
  94. insoluble- adj. impossible to solve
  95. 2. unalterable- adj. not capable of being changed or altered
  96. 3. frugally- adv. entailing little expense; requiring few resources
  97. 4. prosperous- adj. successful in material terms; flourishing financially
  98. 5. admiration- n. respect and warm approval
  99. 6. subsist- v. to maintain or support oneself at a minimal level }}
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