
Emote Generator Input Bug

Apr 1st, 2019
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  1. !]:: ;ListHotkeys ListLines
  2. InputBox, _nick, Enter Nickname, Please enter a TargetNick:, , 180, 125, , , , , everyone
  3. ;InputBox, _nick, Enter Nickname, Please enter a TargetNick., , 180, 135 ;, , everyone
  4. GoSub, ExecuteLabel
  5. :X*:~4`t::  ;part of
  6. ExecuteLabel:
  7. _me := "f4t4l_3rr0r"
  8. _obj1 := rot13()
  9. _obj2 := rot14()
  10. ;_obj1 = % rot13()
  11. ;_obj2 := rot14()
  12. _nobj1 := rot15()
  15. ;#Persistent  ; Keep the script running until the user exits it.
  16. #SingleInstance force
  17. ;Input, _nick, V L15, {space}.{esc}{tab}
  18. ;Return
  19. ;Menu, Submenu1, Add, Super Slapper Script, MenuAction4
  20. ;_nick = %_nick%
  21. Menu, MyMenu4, Add  ; Add a separator line.
  22. Menu, MyMenu4, Add, Emote-Generator Main `Menu, MenuAction4  ; Add a separator line.
  23. Menu, MyMenu4, Disable, Emote-Generator Main `Menu  ; Add a separator line.
  24. Menu, MyMenu4, Add  ; Add a separator line.
  25. Menu, Submenu1, Add, % "throws " . _obj1 . " at " . _nick . ".", MenuAction4
  26. Menu, Submenu1, Add, % "drops " . _obj1 . " on " . _nick . "`'s head.", MenuAction4
  27. Menu, Submenu1, Add, % "schedules " . _nick . " for " . _obj1 . " treatment."  , MenuAction4
  28. Menu, Submenu1, Add, % "takes away " . _nick . "`'s allowance for " . _obj1 . ".", MenuAction4
  29. Menu, Submenu1, Add, % "slaps " . _nick . " with " . _obj1 . " .", MenuAction4
  30. Menu, Submenu1, Add, % "stomps on " . _obj1 . " and hands the broken pieces to " . _nick . " .", MenuAction4
  31. Menu, Submenu1, Add, % "orders his minions to hurl " . _obj1 . " at " ._nick . " .", MenuAction4
  32. Menu, Submenu1, Add, % "translates " . _obj1 . " with bablefish and then hurls it at " . _nick . ".", MenuAction4
  33. Menu, Submenu1, Add, % "initiates mircryption self-destruct on " . _nick . "`'s machine.", MenuAction4
  34. Menu, Submenu1, Add, % "enables backdoor feature for mircryption and steals all " . _nick . "`'s passwords onto " . _me . "`'s machine.", MenuAction4
  35. Menu, Submenu1, Add, % "sends a horde of penguins to trample on " . _nick . ".", MenuAction4
  36. Menu, Submenu1, Add, % "targets " . _nick . "`'s computer for DDOS attack.", MenuAction4
  37. Menu, Submenu1, Add, % "gives " . _nick . "some poison cookies.", MenuAction4
  38. Menu, Submenu1, Add, % "steals " . _obj1 . " from " . _nick . ".", MenuAction4
  39. Menu, Submenu1, Add, % "sprays " . _nick . " with something that smells like " . _obj1 . ".", MenuAction4
  40. Menu, Submenu1, Add, % "uses dcc to send the channel a picture of " . _nick . "`'s mother with " . _obj1 . " and " . _obj2 . ".", MenuAction4
  41. Menu, Submenu1, Add, % "sends " . _nick . "`'s name to john ashcroft.", MenuAction4
  42. Menu, Submenu1, Add, % "captures " . _nick . " in a bag`, throws in " . _obj1 . "`, and delivers him to george w. bush for target practice.", MenuAction4
  43. Menu, Submenu1, Add, % "throws a bag on top of " . _nick . "`, whacks him with " . _obj1 . " about 100 times and then feeds him to " . _obj2 . ".", MenuAction4
  44. Menu, Submenu1, Add, % "starts to decompile " . _nick . " but then realizes he is programmed in visual basic and decides not to.", MenuAction4
  45. Menu, Submenu1, Add, % "steals all of " . _nick . "`'s encryption keys.", MenuAction4
  46. Menu, Submenu1, Add, % "makes " . _nick . " listen to a speech from george bush.", MenuAction4
  47. Menu, Submenu1, Add, % "feeds " . _nick . " to " . _obj1 . ".", MenuAction4
  48. Menu, Submenu1, Add, % "puts a ring on " . _nick . " and opens a cage to let golum out.. `"we hatessssss it`!`"", MenuAction4
  49. Menu, Submenu1, Add, % "sends some guided missles at " . _nick . " .", MenuAction4
  50. Menu, Submenu1, Add, % "puts " . _nick . " in a box with " . _obj1 . " and sends him to afghanistan.", MenuAction4
  51. Menu, Submenu1, Add, % "codes a simulation of " . _nick . " on an apple 2 and sells it as shareware for 4 dollars.", MenuAction4
  52. Menu, Submenu1, Add, % "declares`: all your " . _nick . " are belong to us.", MenuAction4
  53. Menu, Submenu1, Add, % "wonder`'s if " . _nick . " knows that all your base are belong to us.", MenuAction4
  54. Menu, MyMenu4, Add, Super Slapper Script Lines:, :Submenu1
  55. Menu, MyMenu4, Check, Super Slapper Script Lines:
  56. Menu, MyMenu4, Add  ; Add a separator line.
  57. Menu, Submenu2, Add, % "gives " . _nick . " a plate of choco cookies.", MenuAction4
  58. Menu, Submenu2, Add, % "gives " . _nick . " a bottle of imported beer.", MenuAction4
  59. Menu, Submenu2, Add, % "gives " . _nick . " a free ticket to relaxation spa.", MenuAction4
  60. Menu, Submenu2, Add, % "sends " . _nick . " a fed ex package containing " . _nobj1 . ".", MenuAction4
  61. Menu, MyMenu4, Add, &Nice Objects Lines:, :Submenu2
  62. Menu, MyMenu4, Check, &Nice Objects Lines:
  63. Menu, MyMenu4, Add  ; Add a separator line.
  64. ;Menu, MyMenu4, Show
  65. ;Menu, Submenu, Show
  66. Menu, MyMenu4, Color, FF00FF ;800000 808080
  67. CoordMode, Menu
  68. Menu, MyMenu4, Show, 600, 300
  69. GoSub, malloc2
  70. ;OnExit, malloc
  71. ;Menu, MyMenu4, Show [, 600, 300]
  72. ;Menu, MyMenu4, Show , 600, 300
  73. ;Menu, MenuName, UseErrorLevel [, Off]
  74. ;Menu, Submenu1, Show
  75. ;Menu, MenuName, Show [, X, Y]
  76. Return
  78. MenuAction4:
  79. SendInput %A_ThisMenuItem%
  80. Sleep, 500
  81. ;GoSub, malloc
  82. Menu, %A_ThisMenu%, DeleteAll
  83. Menu, Submenu1, DeleteAll
  84. Menu, Submenu2, DeleteAll
  85. Menu, MyMenu4, DeleteAll
  86. Return
  88. ;malloc:
  89. ;_nick =
  90. ;_nick := ""
  91. ;Return
  93. malloc2:
  94. Reload
  95. Exit
  96. Return
  99. rot13()
  100. {
  101.     ia := ["a large trout", "a tunafish-style chicken", "a null pointer", "a broken monitor", "some rotten eggs", "a dolphin", "a whole bunch of dolphins"]
  102.     random, rn, ia.MinIndex(), ia.MaxIndex()
  103. ;   random, rn, ia.MinIndex(), ia.MaxIndex()
  104.     return ia[rn]
  105. }
  107. rot14()
  108. {
  109.     ia2 := ["a large trout", "a tunafish-style chicken", "a null pointer", "a broken monitor", "some rotten eggs", "a dolphin", "a whole bunch of dolphins"]
  110.     random, rn, ia2.MinIndex(), ia2.MaxIndex()
  111.     return ia2[rn]
  112. }
  114. rot15()
  115. {
  116.     ia3 := ["pet dolphin", "box of chocolates", "a get well soon card"]
  117.     random, rn, ia3.MinIndex(), ia3.MaxIndex()
  118.     return ia3[rn]
  119. }
  123. ;!]::
  124. ;nick()
  125. ;{
  126. ;Input, _nick, V L15, {space}.{esc}{tab}
  127. ;Return
  128. ;}
  131. ;^b::  ;for debugging purposes
  132. ;MsgBox, %_obj1%
  133. ;MsgBox, %_obj2%
  134. ;MsgBox, % rot13()
  135. ;Return
  143. ;-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\++ Fixd Bug ++-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
  156. !]:: ;ListHotkeys ListLines
  157. InputBox, _nick, Enter Nickname, Please enter a TargetNick:, , 180, 125, , , , , everyone
  158. ;InputBox, _nick, Enter Nickname, Please enter a TargetNick., , 180, 135 ;, , everyone
  159. GoSub, ExecuteLabel
  160. :X*:~4`t::  ;part of
  161. ExecuteLabel:
  162. _me := "f4t4l_3rr0r"
  163. _obj1 := rot13()
  164. _obj2 := rot14()
  165. ;_obj1 = % rot13()
  166. ;_obj2 := rot14()
  167. _nobj1 := rot15()
  170. ;#Persistent  ; Keep the script running until the user exits it.
  171. #SingleInstance Force
  172. ;Input, _nick, V L15, {space}.{esc}{tab}
  173. ;Return
  174. ;Menu, Submenu1, Add, Super Slapper Script, MenuAction4
  175. _nick = %_nick%
  176. Menu, MyMenu4, Add  ; Add a separator line.
  177. Menu, Submenu1, Add, throws %_obj1% at %_nick%., MenuAction4
  178. Menu, Submenu1, Add, drops %_obj1% on %_nick%`'s head., MenuAction4
  179. Menu, Submenu1, Add, schedules %_nick% for %_obj1% treatment., MenuAction4
  180. Menu, Submenu1, Add, takes away %_nick%`'s allowance for %_obj1%., MenuAction4
  181. Menu, Submenu1, Add, slaps %_nick% with %_obj1%., MenuAction4
  182. Menu, Submenu1, Add, stomps on %_obj1% and hands the broken pieces to %_nick%., MenuAction4
  183. Menu, Submenu1, Add, orders his minions to hurl %_obj1% at %_nick%., MenuAction4
  184. Menu, Submenu1, Add, translates %_obj1% with bablefish and then hurls it at %_nick%., MenuAction4
  185. Menu, Submenu1, Add, initiates mircryption self-destruct on %_nick%`'s machine., MenuAction4
  186. Menu, Submenu1, Add, enables backdoor feature for mircryption and steals all %_nick%`'s passwords onto %_me%`'s machine., MenuAction4
  187. Menu, Submenu1, Add, sends a horde of penguins to trample on %_nick%., MenuAction4
  188. Menu, Submenu1, Add, targets %_nick%`'s computer for DDOS attack., MenuAction4
  189. Menu, Submenu1, Add, gives %_nick% some poison cookies., MenuAction4
  190. Menu, Submenu1, Add, steals %_obj1% from %_nick%., MenuAction4
  191. Menu, Submenu1, Add, sprays %_nick% with something that smells like %_obj1%., MenuAction4
  192. Menu, Submenu1, Add, uses dcc to send the channel a picture of %_nick%`'s mother with %_obj1% and %_obj2%., MenuAction4
  193. Menu, Submenu1, Add, sends %_nick%`'s name to john ashcroft., MenuAction4
  194. Menu, Submenu1, Add, captures %_nick% in a bag`, throws in %_obj1%`, and delivers him to george w. bush for target practice., MenuAction4
  195. Menu, Submenu1, Add, throws a bag on top of %_nick%`, whacks him with %_obj1% about 100 times and then feeds him to %_obj2%., MenuAction4
  196. Menu, Submenu1, Add, starts to decompile %_nick% but then realizes he is programmed in visual basic and decides not to., MenuAction4
  197. Menu, Submenu1, Add, steals all of %_nick%`'s encryption keys., MenuAction4
  198. Menu, Submenu1, Add, makes %_nick% listen to a speech from george bush., MenuAction4
  199. Menu, Submenu1, Add, feeds %_nick% to %_obj1%., MenuAction4
  200. Menu, Submenu1, Add, puts a ring on %_nick% and opens a cage to let golum out.. `"we hatessssss it`!`", MenuAction4
  201. Menu, Submenu1, Add, sends some guided missles at %_nick%., MenuAction4
  202. Menu, Submenu1, Add, puts %_nick% in a box with %_obj1% and sends him to afghanistan., MenuAction4
  203. Menu, Submenu1, Add, codes a simulation of %_nick% on an apple 2 and sells it as shareware for 4 dollars., MenuAction4
  204. Menu, Submenu1, Add, declares`: all your %_nick% are belong to us., MenuAction4
  205. Menu, Submenu1, Add, wonder`'s if %_nick% knows that all your base are belong to us., MenuAction4
  206. Menu, MyMenu4, Add, &Super Slapper Script Lines:, :Submenu1
  207. Menu, MyMenu4, Check, &Super Slapper Script Lines:
  208. Menu, MyMenu4, Add  ; Add a separator line.
  209. Menu, Submenu2, Add, % "gives " . _nick . " a plate of choco cookies.", MenuAction4
  210. Menu, Submenu2, Add, gives %_nick% a bottle of imported beer., MenuAction4
  211. Menu, Submenu2, Add, gives %_nick% a free ticket to relaxation spa., MenuAction4
  212. Menu, Submenu2, Add, sends %_nick% a fed ex package containing %_nobj1%., MenuAction4
  213. Menu, MyMenu4, Add, &Nice Objects Lines:, :Submenu2
  214. Menu, MyMenu4, Check, &Nice Objects Lines:
  215. Menu, MyMenu4, Add  ; Add a separator line.
  216. ;Menu, MyMenu4, Show
  217. ;Menu, Submenu, Show
  218. Menu, MyMenu4, Color, FF00FF ;800000 808080
  219. CoordMode, Menu
  220. Menu, MyMenu4, Show, 600, 300
  221. GoSub, malloc2
  222. ;OnExit, malloc
  223. ;Menu, MyMenu4, Show [, 600, 300]
  224. ;Menu, MyMenu4, Show , 600, 300
  225. ;Menu, MenuName, UseErrorLevel [, Off]
  226. ;Menu, Submenu1, Show
  227. ;Menu, MenuName, Show [, X, Y]
  228. Return
  230. MenuAction4:
  231. SendInput %A_ThisMenuItem%
  232. Sleep, 500
  233. ;GoSub, malloc
  234. Menu, %A_ThisMenu%, DeleteAll
  235. Menu, Submenu1, DeleteAll
  236. Menu, Submenu2, DeleteAll
  237. Menu, MyMenu4, DeleteAll
  238. Return
  240. ;malloc:
  241. ;_nick =
  242. ;_nick := ""
  243. ;Return
  245. malloc2:
  246. Reload
  247. Exit
  248. Return
  251. rot13()
  252. {
  253.     ia := ["a large trout", "a tunafish-style chicken", "a null pointer", "a broken monitor", "some rotten eggs", "a dolphin", "a whole bunch of dolphins"]
  254.     random, rn, ia.MinIndex(), ia.MaxIndex()
  255. ;   random, rn, ia.MinIndex(), ia.MaxIndex()
  256.     return ia[rn]
  257. }
  259. rot14()
  260. {
  261.     i2a := ["a large trout", "a tunafish-style chicken", "a null pointer", "a broken monitor", "some rotten eggs", "a dolphin", "a whole bunch of dolphins"]
  262.     random, rn, ia2.MinIndex(), ia2.MaxIndex()
  263.     return ia2[rn]
  264. }
  266. rot15()
  267. {
  268.     ia3 := ["pet dolphin", "box of chocolates", "a get well soon card"]
  269.     random, rn, ia3.MinIndex(), ia3.MaxIndex()
  270.     return ia3[rn]
  271. }
  275. ;!]::
  276. ;nick()
  277. ;{
  278. ;Input, _nick, V L15, {space}.{esc}{tab}
  279. ;Return
  280. ;}
  283. ;~!]::  ;for debugging purposes
  284. ;MsgBox, %_obj1%
  285. ;MsgBox, % rot13()
  286. ;Return
  294. ;-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\++ Old Code ++-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-
  303. :X*:~4`t::  ;part of
  304. _me := "f4t4l_3rr0r"
  305. _obj1 := rot13()
  306. ;_obj1 = % rot13()
  307. _obj2 := rot14()
  308. ;_obj2 := rot14()
  311. #Persistent  ; Keep the script running until the user exits it.
  312. #SingleInstance
  313. ^b::
  314. Input, _nick, V L15, {space}.{esc}{tab}
  315. ;Return
  316. ;Menu, Submenu1, Add, Super Slapper Script, MenuAction4
  317. Menu, MyMenu4, Add  ; Add a separator line.
  318. Menu, Submenu1, Add, throws %_obj1% at %_nick%., MenuAction4
  319. Menu, Submenu1, Add, drops %_obj1% on %_nick%`'s head., MenuAction4
  320. Menu, Submenu1, Add, schedules %_nick% for %_obj1% treatment., MenuAction4
  321. Menu, Submenu1, Add, takes away %_nick%`'s allowance for %_obj1%., MenuAction4
  322. Menu, Submenu1, Add, slaps %_nick% with %_obj1%., MenuAction4
  323. Menu, Submenu1, Add, stomps on %_obj1% and hands the broken pieces to %_nick%., MenuAction4
  324. Menu, Submenu1, Add, orders his minions to hurl %_obj1% at %_nick%., MenuAction4
  325. Menu, Submenu1, Add, translates %_obj1% with bablefish and then hurls it at %_nick%., MenuAction4
  326. Menu, Submenu1, Add, initiates mircryption self-destruct on %_nick%`'s machine., MenuAction4
  327. Menu, Submenu1, Add, enables backdoor feature for mircryption and steals all %_nick%`'s passwords onto %_me%`'s machine., MenuAction4
  328. Menu, Submenu1, Add, sends a horde of penguins to trample on %_nick%., MenuAction4
  329. Menu, Submenu1, Add, targets %_nick%`'s computer for DDOS attack., MenuAction4
  330. Menu, Submenu1, Add, gives %_nick% some poison cookies., MenuAction4
  331. Menu, Submenu1, Add, steals %_obj1% from %_nick%., MenuAction4
  332. Menu, Submenu1, Add, sprays %_nick% with something that smells like %_obj1%., MenuAction4
  333. Menu, Submenu1, Add, uses dcc to send the channel a picture of %_nick%`'s mother with %_obj1% and %_obj2%., MenuAction4
  334. Menu, Submenu1, Add, sends %_nick%`'s name to john ashcroft., MenuAction4
  335. Menu, Submenu1, Add, captures %_nick% in a bag`, throws in %_obj1%`, and delivers him to george w. bush for target practice., MenuAction4
  336. Menu, Submenu1, Add, throws a bag on top of %_nick%`, whacks him with %_obj1% about 100 times and then feeds him to %_obj2%., MenuAction4
  337. Menu, Submenu1, Add, starts to decompile %_nick% but then realizes he is programmed in visual basic and decides not to., MenuAction4
  338. Menu, Submenu1, Add, steals all of %_nick%`'s encryption keys., MenuAction4
  339. Menu, Submenu1, Add, makes %_nick% listen to a speech from george bush., MenuAction4
  340. Menu, Submenu1, Add, feeds %_nick% to %_obj1%., MenuAction4
  341. Menu, Submenu1, Add, puts a ring on %_nick% and opens a cage to let golum out.. `"we hatessssss it`!`", MenuAction4
  342. Menu, Submenu1, Add, sends some guided missles at %_nick%., MenuAction4
  343. Menu, Submenu1, Add, puts %_nick% in a box with %_obj1% and sends him to afghanistan., MenuAction4
  344. Menu, Submenu1, Add, codes a simulation of %_nick% on an apple 2 and sells it as shareware for 4 dollars., MenuAction4
  345. Menu, Submenu1, Add, declares`: all your %_nick% are belong to us., MenuAction4
  346. Menu, Submenu1, Add, wonder`'s if %_nick% knows that all your base are belong to us., MenuAction4
  347. Menu, MyMenu4, Add, Super Slapper Script, :Submenu1
  348. _nobj1 := rot15()
  349. Menu, Submenu2, Add, gives %_nick% a plate of choco cookies., MenuAction4
  350. Menu, Submenu2, Add, gives %_nick% a bottle of imported beer., MenuAction4
  351. Menu, Submenu2, Add, gives %_nick% a free ticket to relaxation spa., MenuAction4
  352. Menu, Submenu2, Add, sends %_nick% a fed ex package containing %_nobj1%., MenuAction4
  353. Menu, MyMenu4, Add, Nice Objects, :Submenu2
  354. ;Menu, MyMenu4, Show
  355. ;Menu, Submenu, Show
  356. Menu, MyMenu4, Color, FF00FF ;800000 808080
  357. CoordMode, Menu
  358. Menu, MyMenu4, Show, 600, 300
  359. ;Menu, MyMenu4, Show [, 600, 300]
  360. ;Menu, MyMenu4, Show , 600, 300
  361. ;Menu, MenuName, UseErrorLevel [, Off]
  362. ;Menu, Submenu1, Show
  363. ;Menu, MenuName, Show [, X, Y]
  364. Return
  366. MenuAction4:
  367. SendInput %A_ThisMenuItem%
  368. ;Sleep, 500
  369. Menu, MyMenu4, DeleteAll
  370. Menu, Submenu1, DeleteAll
  371. Menu, Submenu2, DeleteAll
  372. Return
  378. rot13()
  379. {
  380.     ia := ["a large trout", "a tunafish-style chicken", "a null pointer", "a broken monitor", "some rotten eggs", "a dolphin", "a whole bunch of dolphins"]
  381.     random, rn, ia.MinIndex(), ia.MaxIndex()
  382. ;   random, rn, ia.MinIndex(), ia.MaxIndex()
  383.     return ia[rn]
  384. }
  386. rot14()
  387. {
  388.     i2a := ["a large trout", "a tunafish-style chicken", "a null pointer", "a broken monitor", "some rotten eggs", "a dolphin", "a whole bunch of dolphins"]
  389.     random, rn, ia2.MinIndex(), ia2.MaxIndex()
  390.     return ia2[rn]
  391. }
  393. rot15()
  394. {
  395.     ia3 := ["pet dolphin", "box of chocolates", "a get well soon card"]
  396.     random, rn, ia3.MinIndex(), ia3.MaxIndex()
  397.     return ia3[rn]
  398. }
  400. ;!]::
  401. ;nick()
  402. ;{
  403. ;Input, _nick, V L15, {space}.{esc}{tab}
  404. ;Return
  405. ;}
  408. ~!]::  ;for debugging purposes
  409. ;MsgBox, %_obj1%
  410. MsgBox, % rot13()
  411. Return
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