
Gettin the idea

Oct 4th, 2023
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  1. I’m just feeling uncertain, and the only thing I can be certain enough is my illness and the fact that I’d like to help people but at the end of the day I get to choose how I help and who I help and I’m always gonna help in way from now on it’s legal And extremely obvious chip stock solution free trip never gonna help people make money I’ll help you figure out a way that you can make money that she would enjoy since you’re asking for someone to help you make money because you don’t like the way you’re making money right now I’ll help you find a different way to make money that that fits with your spirit And I’ve been doing my work for my cell all people attach themselves to me like parasites, claiming company project help you’re just a manipulating piece of shit trying to funnel your cash through my company. You’ve probably been withdrawing from the ATM from your parents and not telling them and hiding the cash so you could use it later there’s no way people like you save money the hard way.
  3. Something about everything is weird but it’s getting cleaned up from both ends. That’s how it should be because I know something about both sides that not everybody gets to learn they only care about doing your job right? It doesn’t matter what the job is because usually it’s business and the type of business people get into depending on the morality, most hard workers are good people because doing a good job requires a certain type of mindset, but there are certain jobs that don’t require quality or care and that’s none of my problem. I don’t know anything about that.
  • s1337668
    261 days
    # text 1.29 KB | 0 0
    1. The bankers are in trouble. The bankers son facilitated war, making me seem to be like I’m making red and blue fight each other when I’m trying to figure out the information that he’s causing to create confusion so he can be less inconspicuous. Wouldn’t be more inconspicuous instead of inconspicuous. The criminal profile fits there’s not enough effort seems to conveniently done every time getting a photo identification card should not have caused this much of a problem but because it’s a blueprint fraud I wasn’t supposed to maintain the identity from anxiety and stress, but I’m a masochist and tonight Eat and drink that for a living because I’ve already experienced what it’s like when the real version of what they were pretending to be does that to you because they’ll come to knock on your door and call you out by your first and last name as if they don’t know who you are at Waikiki Elias? Doesn’t matter what you do we already know which is why I kept trying push it over the edge so I could at least have that conversation since they’re trying to threaten me with the conversation I’ve always had with those types of people that’s how I know it. Some random guy on a computer hiding , I’ve been trying to get in touch with these people about remote viewing for years
  • s1337668
    261 days
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    1. I have a stem cell question about how it affects peoples brains like I can’t even go to forums and ask these questions anymore because the answer I get back is some guy thinking he’s smart enough to confuse me when all he does is expose his persona
  • s1337668
    261 days
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    1. Doing something this sophisticated for something as simple as money is very pathetic when you could’ve helped out an entire city with this type of network and advancements if you’d volunteered your time, if you would’ve had a bigger impact and more time to do what you wanted transparently. That’s why I could benefit people who need it as opposed to letting people like this use it. Makes me happy. People who need help or getting help. I still Don’t know how to ask. Who cares if you last one your turn comes you’re still not even gonna be able to get the help you need.🤣
  • s1337668
    261 days
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    1. This guy could’ve made people register for a crypto coin that gave them free food and points that can be converted into money when they needed to use it at a visa place for tapping but instead you have to steal money from people that make them poor and end up, having to give them food that you spend their own money on How are you a banker and that stupid. because you can’t trust, certain grocery stores attaching, the crypto coin to a trusted provider is how you would set the pace on the tone. There isn’t a government grocery store, but there should be that carries the basics as opposed to premium brands and labels that could be held at other places since they have farmers on government contracts, how come, they don’t have food in government locations
    3. Scrap the whole start from scratch
  • s1337668
    261 days
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    1. Said that the spiritual pillar, imagine, thinking I’m just talking high on the Internet in certain corners I’m actually someone worst reality that could’ve come up because the people who think they made me think it’s to do with them partially I was able to keep things from everyone and now everyone gets to meet each other. It’s like being the leader of six or seven different armies, and then all of them have to find out that they follow you when they all been fighting each other.
  • s1337668
    261 days
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    1. I don’t care I never told them to fight they should’ve known better trying to follow me and fighting that doesn’t make sense communication Cold War was my favourite war ending of. It’s like all I ever fucking do if you can’t win a debate you can’t win on the team. Easiest debate to win is arguing about yourself but if you lied to somebody about yourself, you’ve already lost the debate.
  • s1337668
    261 days
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    1. I was serious when I told them I don’t know who I fully am because of the hidden background that’s military and scary not threatening worried for everyone else fucking with me. I said this multiple times I don’t know what these people will do to you, but they raised me like monsters And I enjoyed it imagine if they have to make you not like it. Oh my God, I taught myself to like it they can make sure you don’t get the same courtesy.
  • s1337668
    261 days
    # text 0.31 KB | 0 0
    1. Fuck, I love Hidden cults and government agencies never been happier to be in the mix and seen out in the wild being spiritual. That bird made a bigger impact on everybody else than it did the window.🤣🤣 now they’re asking the same questions I always do. Was that a trained animal or does he know something?
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