
DYNASTY | Kim Hwan | -queenofinfires

Apr 20th, 2017
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  1. | BASICS |
  3. Name : Kim Hwan
  4. Alternate Names : n/a
  5. Nicknames :
  6.     ° Hwannie > I feel like Levithan would call him this just to piss him off
  7.     ° Ice King > that’s how he seems to others. He seems like a guy who really doesn’t care about anyone else
  8.     ° Angel > this is something his mother have called him his entire life, because he's really protective of her
  10. Date of Birth : 1 October 1992
  11. Age : 24 yr old (int.)
  13. Height : 183 cm (6’)
  14. Weight : 72 kgs (159 lbs)
  15.     ° These are Kyungil’s stats
  17. Birthplace : Gwangju, South Korea
  18. Hometown : Gwangju, South Korea + Incheon, South Korea + Seoul, South Korea
  20. Ethnicity : Korean
  21. Nationality : South Korean
  23. Gender : male
  24. Gender Identity : male
  25. Sexuality : heterosexual (if you're giving my character a love interest, you can change this to homosexual, but he's so deeply in the closet that he doesn't even fully realize it. It's never been a major part of his life, and he's grown up with heterosexual romance being the only thing he was exposed to.)
  27. Slot : Battle Scars
  28. Back-Up Slot : Levithan
  30. Face Claim : Kyungil (History)
  31. Back-Up Face Claim : Bang Yongguk (B.A.P.)
  32.     ° I don’t particularly care which faceclaim you use, but Yongguk will probably have more relevant media and gifs, but he’s also kinda smiley and Kyungil has that intimidation factor + if you can’t find good media for them, I can change my faceclaim
  34. | ABOUT |
  36. Background : Hwan was mostly raised by his grandfather. His mother was a steam stress with her own business to run and his father was a CEO of some electronics company Hwan has never bothered to learn the name of, so he was always at the office or locked away in his study. So, he spent time with his grandfather. His grandfather had fought during the Korean war, and he always had interesting stories to tell and never seemed to run out of energy to tell them. Hwan, being a little boy, never ran out of energy to listen to them (although he father did, and quite quickly. He was never happy about Grandfather Kim coming to live with them after Grandmother Kim died, but he didn’t say anything about it. He didn’t say much, anyway, so it’s not like it was that much of a change).
  37.     It was his grandfather who first taught Hwan some basic fighting skills. He kept telling the boy that he would have to know these to protect his mother (“from who?” Hwan would ask, but his grandfather would never answer him) and his future girlfriends, wife, and daughters (yeah, Grandfather Kim was a bit of a sexist, but he was also a bit senile, so…). He gave Hwan his first knife (a V-42 stiletto that, again, Hwan got no answer when he asked where it came from or why he had it) and his old lighter. Hwan cherished these two things, and he continues to. They’re all he has left of his grandfather, as there were never any pictures of him (he was a grouchy old man who would never sit still long enough for someone to pull a camera out).
  38.     When Hwan was ten, he grandfather died of a heart attack. This devastated Hwan and his mother. The two had been pretty close before the death, but they grew even more close after this. She would try to take him to her shop whenever she had to work on the weekends, and he would walk there after school everyday. Although they both enjoyed the time together, Hwan didn’t fully realize why she wanted him with her all of the time until he was twelve, and had begun to notice that whenever his mother took off her sweater (which wasn’t often), he could see bruises peeking out from her sleeves or the neckline of her shirt whenever it dipped just a bit too low. He’s always been a boy with more maturity than normal, so he was able to convince his mother to tell him that Hwan’s father had been hitting her for years now. Before, Hwan would be safe staying home with his grandfather, but she was worried that, if Hwan was left alone with that man, he might hurt Hwan, too.
  39.     Hwan didn’t listen to his mother’s warning about not telling this to anyone. He called the police within a week, and was utterly shocked when his mother threw on a smile and told the cops that her son was simply upset that his father hadn’t taken him to a baseball game he wanted to go to. Hwan’s father was angry that night, needless to say. His mother protected him, and it’s something he’s never forgiven himself for. He could have killed his father that night, and he knows it. Even if he didn’t go that far, he could have at least tried to fight back—wasn’t that what his grandfather had taught him? But it didn’t, and he regrets simply standing there.
  40.     It wasn’t until Hwan was 13 and his mother was sent to the hospital for internal bleeding (coincidentally on the same day that his father lost a major deal with his company) that she decided it was time for a divorce. Divorce and single-motherhood is heavily stigmatized in South Korea, which is why she was so hesitant for all of the years. It was a long, legal battle (especially since Hwan’s father had access to exceptionally good lawyers and divorce is difficult for SK women), but Hwan’s mother was able to get a divorce and, surprisingly, full custody. She had nearly lost Hwan to his father multiple times during the lawsuit, but she managed to keep him safe.
  41.     His mother’s business ran quite dry quite quickly. She was forced to sell the building she had had her business in and to work from home. Well, what little work there was, that is. She was a single mother, and people didn’t want to be around single mothers. Money was tight for a long time, but they managed to survive until Hwan was older, and able to take on some part-time jobs, in addition to his school (his mother wouldn’t let him drop out to support her completely).
  42.     Hwan was barely fifteen when his mother’s migraines came back. She hadn’t had them for years, but they began again suddenly. So suddenly, in fact, that she nearly collapsed in the supermarket, and had to have some other shoppers help her to her car and call Hwan to come sit with her until it was over. The recurrence of her migraines really began to mess things up. She has cluster headaches, so for weeks at a time, she was housebound, unable to leave the house in case she suddenly got another migraine and ended up incapacitated in the dairy aisle again.
  43.     When Hwan was sixteen, he was working nights as a security guard for a warehouse company. It was boring work. All he had to do was bring homework to do, take a few laps around the warehouse every half hour, and not fall asleep. He was on good speaking terms with Shiyoung, the guy who had the shift after him, and it was this guy who introduced Hwan to the Underground world. Woosik wasn’t very high up in the ranks for the mafia. He was just a shipping guy. He would make sure packages arrived on time and in good condition, then he would pass it on to the important people later on in the night. He would slip Hwan a few extra bucks to help him out with this, because the sellers were picky at times, feeling “entitled” to choose what times they wanted to drop off the shipments instead of just making it easier on Woosik. Some of those times were during Hwan’s shifts. Hwan didn’t really see anything wrong with this. It was just exchanging packages (he never saw what was in them) and he got some more money out of it to go towards money for his mother’s medications.
  44.     Things were going smoothly. For about three months. That’s when shit hit the fan at the warehouse. Apparently, someone forgot to mention to Hwan that that particular shipment would be accompanied by a sneak attack from the mafia the shipment would be going to, and that he would be caught in the crossfire. Literally. Okay, not literally. He managed to jump out of the way of the bullets that nearly took his head off. It was the knife that caught him. Hwan still sports the jagged scar running from the top of his right hip to the bottom of his rib cage. It was deep, but not terribly so, only requiring a lot of stitches and time to heal.
  45.     The most important aspect about that night wasn’t the fact that he was stabbed, but that he fought back. He was somehow able to make a decision as to who the good guys were and who the bad guys were. He made the right decision. He has always carried his grandfather’s knife with him, and actually used it this time. The leader of this particular mafia mission was about to be shot by one of the enemies, and Hwan took him out without thinking.
  46.     Two weeks later, when Hwan had been back to work for a few days already (he couldn’t afford to lay around the house any longer than necessary, nursing a knife wound or not), he got a visit from the man he saved, Shiyoung. He was offered a job within the mafia, and he decided to take it. They would pay him a lot more than all of his other part-time jobs did combined, and he wouldn’t be running from one business to the next, still too young to get his license.
  47.     Whatever job or whatever mission he was given, he’d get it done, quickly, efficiently, and thoroughly. Some of the missions he was given had those around him questioning his morality, because he’d get whatever it was done without changing his facial expression. What they didn’t know, that is, is that his morality and his motivation was so closely tied to his mother and keeping her safe, that he made himself not think of what he was doing. Over and over again, he kept trying to repeatedly tell himself that it’s all just a job. It worked more often than not, and he managed to keep any kind of breakdown he was destined to have from all of this to himself, something that only he was around for, late in the dead of night, where no one else was ever awake.
  48.     He was nineteen when he got his first migraine. He was dropped to his knees from the pain in the middle of one of the weapons rooms kept by the mafia. He was with Shiyoung, who had grown quite fond of Hwan and was taking him on as his protege, in a way. After Hwan blacked out from the pain, Shiyoung got some of the other mafia members to help carry him to the sick bay. The four months he of Hwan’s headaches were the worst, without a doubt. They were the most painful, the most frequent. He was incredibly sensitive to light, sound, and smell in the hour leading up to and the hour after his migraines. He would get terribly nauseous and his heart rate would speed up and panic anyone who cared about him or who was taking care of him. But, he survived, and Shiyoung didn’t immediately give up on him, even knowing that this wasn’t something that would simply go away.
  49.     Now, his migraines are much less severe. They alternate on a cycle of two to three weeks: headaches, remission, repeat. He still has sensitivity to light and sound the hour leading up to his migraine, but he no longer feels as though he has to duct tape his entire head just to protect himself. He only gets them for an hour or two sometime in the night (any time after 9 pm) and, over the course of the two to three weeks of him getting them, they crescendo in pain, reach a peak of one or two days when he’s incapacitated for those two hours, and then they get better once again. More often than not, he’s able to push back the pain and keep doing whatever he’s doing (even if he would rather be locked in some dark room, without anyone else there to breathe a little too loudly and trigger another bout of pain).
  50.     ° (more info on cluster headaches: https://rarediseases.info.nih.gov/diseases/10286/cluster-headache#explanation)
  52. Personality : (nothing is different from what I sent you, except for the last paragraph.)
  53.     Hwan has had to learn how to shut his emotions off at a moment’s notice in order to protect himself. He knows that helping and supporting his mother is his top priority, and, no matter how much he cares for another person, he needs to be able to pick up and leave at a moment’s notice if that’s what’s best to. Even when he has affection for someone, he doesn’t allow himself to show it. This can make him look much more intimidating, and, honestly, he doesn’t mind. If he needs to intimidate others in order for them to respect him and to get him a higher position in the mafia, so be it.
  54.     He’s very locked up. Although he’s a great listener (well, to whomever isn’t afraid of him so much so that they won’t open up to him), but he can’t talk about himself or his feelings or his past to save his life. Not only does he not know how to word these kind of things, he physically can’t say them. His throat will close up from the fear of opening up. His greatest fear is that someone will find out about who his mother is and that she’ll be used as leverage against him. He couldn’t stand to see her in danger.
  55.     Some people within the group have come to resent him just a little bit. Not only because of his coldness (they don’t feel like he cares for them at all) but because he’s the doler of punishment. If someone messes up, it’s his job to reprimand them. Even if and when he doesn’t want to, it’s his job. He’ll grit his teeth and get it done, knowing that it just makes his members think even worse of him. (Although some still care. Some know it's something that he has to do, and some can see that he truly does care.)
  56.     He’s only ever had his mother in his life as a person who he knows that cares for him. Secretly, he craves the attention that the other members get, and he is jealous of the support they give one another. He’s always mad at himself for not being able to join in or to allow himself to lean on them, but another part of him continues to tell himself his usual mantra of “it’s for the best.”
  57.     He’s slightly bitter about not being chosen as the leader. He knows that he’s one of, if not the, most capable of it (due to his diplomatic attitude and his planning and strategy skills), and that he needs the power and respect to help him rise up and get a better job that can help him to help his mother.
  58.     Despite this, he sees a lot of potential in the leader, and tries to help him to mature more into his position (although it bothers him that he is the one who has to constantly clean up the leader’s messes and has to do more of the tedious work to make sure things don’t get fucked up, because he knows the leader won’t sit down long enough or go over everything as thoroughly as needed.) He also really wants to see his children (that how he thinks of the other members) succeed and do better. He honestly does care about all of them, even if he doesn’t show it. He wants to see them be the best they can be. He wants to protect them from everything that he’s able to.
  59. He’d rather he be the one who takes all of the insults. He doesn’t like to watch how it impacts the other members. He knows he can take them all with a brave face (although they don’t immediately hurt him, they build up and chip away at his confidence.)
  60. He’s the behind the scenes member of the group. He’s the one who goes through and fixes everything he can, who gets done all of the work that no one else will do. Because he’s so quiet and withdrawn, a lot of the other members don’t realize just how much he does for them or just how different and chaotic things would be without him there.
  61. Loyalty is a major thing for Hwan. Although his loyalty has always been and will always be with his mother, if he decides there’s someone he likes, he’ll protect them at all costs. While he’s the kind to sit back, and let the boys figure things out on their own, he will take charge the moment he senses them about to get into any kind of danger. He’s a calm person, he truly is. He knows how to keep a cool head, how to bite his tongue no matter how bad the situation, but there will be a time when he snaps. When someone does or tries something beyond terrible to his boys, his self restraint will break. I don’t think anyone wants to see the outcomes of that one, especially not Hwan.
  63. Family : name/relation/age/occupation/closeness 1-5
  64.     ° Kim Sora | mother | 47 | seamstress | 5
  65.     ° Lee Sunggu | father | 48 | CEO | 1
  66.     ° Kim Gikwang | grandfather | 76 (at death) | deceased | 5
  69.     ° he enjoys exercising > it gives him a break just to work his body without the guilt of whatever his mission is, and he likes to be able just to focus on the burn of his muscles and to clear his mind
  70.     ° he enjoys wearing hats, sunglasses, and face masks > it’s easier to blend into the background and not be noticed as much
  71.     ° sunglasses > not only does he like them because of ^^, but bright lights can sometimes cause him to get a headache, so he tends to always wear them when he’s outside
  72.     ° dark green > he loves the color because it reminds him of nature and the trips to the park he used to take with his grandfather
  73.     ° parks + nature in general > not only do they remind him of ^^, but give him a feeling of serenity and hope
  74.     ° acoustic/indie music > it’s his favorite genre
  75.     ° button up shirts > they make him feel like he looks more professional and will thereby gain more automatic respect
  76.     ° beta fish > he loves to simply watch them, because they look so pretty and peaceful
  77.     ° songs, raps, mvs, etc. with a lot of meaning > he understands the level of impact this kind of media can have, and he loves when artists try to get across some kind of meaning
  78.     ° organization > he likes to keep things in order, both so they’re easier to plan and so they’re easier to  explain to the boys
  80. Dislikes :
  81.     ° alcohol or cigarettes > they can set off his migraines
  82.     ° his father > if and when his father tries to contact him, Hwan simply ignores it and gets in a pissy mood for the rest of the day
  83.     ° bright lights > they make his head hurt
  84.     ° people trying to push themselves in his space > whether this “space” is physical, emotional, etc., he can’t stand it. He needs to become comfortable with people on his own terms
  85.     ° people who insult the group or the boys > he can see the damage it does to their self image and self confidence, and he hates it, even though he’s not a very “hateful” person
  86.     ° when he has to cover up his tattoo > music shows + most television in korea don’t allow tattoos to be shown
  87.     ° bright colors > he doesn’t like a lot of attention, and these kind of colors tend to give him exactly that
  88.     ° being talked down to like he’s lesser than someone > he’s worked hard his entire life, and he feels like he’s earned some respect
  89.     ° being treated like a child > he’s been mature his entire life, so this treatment bothers him
  90.     ° a messy bedroom > sleeping is supposed to be relaxing, and give him a chance to clear his mind. How, exactly, is he supposed to do that in a cluttered room?
  92. Habits :
  93.     ° fiddling with his bracelet
  94.     ° opening and closing his grandfather’s lighter
  95.     ° he always has a first aid kit in his bag > even though he’s not the best at medical techniques, he still knows that he needs to be prepared, because the boys can and will do stupid things
  96.     ° tracing the scars on his hands
  97.     ° leaving the room before he starts yelling
  99. Hobbies :
  100.     ° going to the gym
  101.     ° silently wandering around the boys whenever they’re in a room > he does this to make sure they’re doing alright and to make note of the exits/entrances, anyone else in the room, the possibility of it being some kind of trap, etc (he can be a bit paranoid when it comes to the safety of the boys, even if he doesn’t say anything about it)
  102. Talents :
  103.     ° weight lifting > he’s incredibly strong
  104.     ° getting people under control > when he wants people to listen to him, they’ll LISTEN
  105.     ° being a leader > although he’s not as good at, say, rallying people, he’s good at giving out orders and strategizing
  107. Trivia :
  108.     ° Hwan has a HIGH pain tolerance (except when it comes to his migraines) > he can take a knife to the side (and has before), and keep on going (he gets an insane adrenaline high, even from simply exercising)
  109.     ° he calls his mother at least twice a week > he’ll sneak up onto the roof of the building or somewhere else (as long as he’s not being followed) in order to talk to her. He needs the reminder why he doesn’t what he does and to be reminded of his morality
  110.     ° openly supports divorced single women > he tends to be the mysterious member of the group, because he doesn’t talk a lot, so most fans don’t know his views on many things, but this is one thing he doesn’t leave up for questioning
  111.     ° goes to the gym at least three or four times a week > he enjoys exercising and be able to just get away from everything
  112.     ° always carries his grandfather’s old flip lighter
  113.     ° he never takes off the bracelet his mother gave to him when he was a baby > he would probably have a panic attack if he ever lost it. It’s a simple braided brown leather cord, but it’s precious to him
  114.     ° he could probably be an excellent choreographer > if he cared a bit more and had more practice with dancing, his skills at planning at strategizing would give him an edge at planning out dance routines
  115.     ° he has his driver’s license
  116.     ° scars: one particularly noticeable one that stretches from his right hip to the bottom of his ribcage (“from being a foolish teenage boy”), one almost hidden by his hairline (he ran into a table when he was three, and this one is a true story), and a variety scattered on his hands from practicing with his knife
  117.     ° whenever he gets his migraines and a change to lay down, the other boys know to leave his room alone and to be quieter. His roomate(s) usually sleep on the couch or with another one of the boys. The only person who comes to see him after Hwan has hidden in his room because of a headache is [Everything Black], who somehow knows exactly what to do to make him feel better
  118.     ° he doesn’t like for the boys to see him angry, so he usually leaves the room, if he can > but, when he gets angry, he gets angry. When he’s angry, everyone can tell. He doesn’t even have to yell (or, at times, even speak), but everyone in the room automatically shuts up and waits for him to calm down enough to speak
  119.     ° he has a tattoo on his right bicep of a white lily flower > it’s his mother’s favorite, and it reminds him why he does everything he does
  120.     ° he’s the reason they have a dorm fish > it’s a beta fish and his name is Duri (it means “two,” according to the name database I use, and it’s because Hwan wants another one)
  121.     ° he wants to film a music video where they play with colored smoke > he’s always found it to be cool
  122.     ° he’s not a very flashy person, but that doesn’t mean he’s not confident or is afraid of showing his body > (I mean, look at Kyungil https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwj527yIq63TAhWEKWMKHUDAD1QQjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Faminoapps.com%2Fpage%2Fk-pop%2F5197279%2Fsong-kyung-il-songgyeongil&psig=AFQjCNGXEbvhTsIxePga0NCziYAJ5T4GWQ&ust=1492581864875426)
  124. | IDOL STUFF |
  126. Stage Name : Khan
  127. Group Position : lead dancer + vocalist
  129. Social Media :
  130.     ° Instagram: @xKimKhanx
  131.     ° Twitter: @KimKhan_92
  132. Fan Service :
  133.     ° posting short dance videos on his insta
  134.     ° tweeting about what’s happening with the group > he’s used to being the one to actually share information with others because of his position as second-in-command
  136. Trainee Period : 1 yr + 2 mo
  137. Stage Persona : his looks draw people’s attention at first (because just look at Kyungil), but, once the group’s performance starts, most people don’t notice him again. A lot of the other members are much more flashy up on stage, so he tends to get overshadowed by them. He tries hard to look good on stage, that’s for sure, but he also holds a lot back. He doesn’t mind being overshadowed. He knows he’s not the best idol, and, even when he knows he’s the best at a particular part, he’d rather the other members look better than he does, even if that means looking the worst to make them look better by comparison.
  139. | MAFIA STUFF |
  141. Mafia Position : advisor + underboss
  142. How long have they been with the mafia? : 12 years
  144. Mafia Persona : he gets the jobs done that need to be done. You could give him pretty much any job and he’ll do it with a blank face. He has developed a attitude of apathy when it comes to completing his missions. No matter what it is, he makes himself think of it as only a job. He tries to finish his duties as quickly as possible, because he does just want to get them over with and he doesn’t enjoy any of it, but he does make sure he’s as thorough as possible, so he doesn’t have to redo anything.
  145. Why did they join the mafia? : He joined the mafia as a way for him to get easy money in order to help his mother. As a teenager, especially one of a divorced single mother, there weren’t a lot of option for him. After he became legal, he was in too deep, and knew that it was a thing he could stick with.
  147. Preferred Weapon :
  148.     ° daggers and knives, especially his V-42 stiletto
  149.     ° he typically doesn’t like using guns, because they place him at much more of a risk than he feels is necessary (firearms are illegal in Korea)
  151. | LOVE LIFE |
  153. (I hope you don’t mind, but I’m just going to list what I think of each slot as a potential love interest. If you end up choosing my character and giving him a love interest, just ask if you would like more detail.)
  155. (Organized from most likely to least likely as to how I imagine these characters)
  157. ° Everything Black: most likely. From the descriptor, he’s got that same type of listening, caring attitude as Hwan, but he has that straightforward edge that would kind of force the words out of someone.
  158. ° Half Light: If Hwan ever became less guarded, then he would work, because they would kind of be learning how to trust together
  159. ° In The City: he’s observant, which would work, because he’d be able to tell what’s up with Hwan, but, at the same time, he’s a bit too loud (granted, this could make him try to have Hwan do more outgoing things, but that could end badly)
  160. ° Speak in Tongues: he’s good because he’s patient and quiet, but he also doesn’t seem very reliable (Hwan would need someone who could always be there for him) and he’s too passive
  161. ° Leviathan: oh, yeah, there’s no chance with this one. Hwan acts as too much of a mentor towards him (unless that’s a kink, then idk, lmao) to think of him as a love interest.
  162. ° Nightmare: he’s too much like Hwan, but in a different way. He’s got the sadistic, manipulative, etc. traits to compensate for his insecurity, while Hwan is just closed off. They’d get no where as a couple
  163. ° Porcelain: nope, too soft and fluffy and innocent
  165. Love Interest : n/a
  166. Back-Up Love Interest : n/a
  167. Why should your character and love interest end up together? : n/a
  168. How do they act around their love interest? :
  169. How does their love interest act around them? : n/a
  170. How would you like their relationship to go? : n/a
  171. Type of Relationship : n/a
  172. Couple Trivia : n/a
  173. Suggested Couple Scenes : n/a
  175. | EXTRA STUFF |
  177. Suggested Scenes
  178.     ° If there’s ever a plotline where there’s someone who’s against the boys, trying to get them in trouble, etc., they could try to break into the dorm when “everyone” is gone. But, that night just happened to coincide with a day Hwan was feeling particularly migrane-y, so he decided to stay home. In the home where some mafia dude is breaking into
  179.     ° Hwan’s mother could be some kind of plotline. Maybe the mafia or some enemy finds out about her and realizes that she could be a great leverage point against Hwan. Of course, he starts low-key freaking out (some of the boys notice it, but he shuts down even more because of this whole situation), getting more and more distracted, messing up more, etc.
  180.     ° Someone (possible [Everything Black] finally breaking through Hwan’s tough shell, and them having some kind of “bro-talk” (It’s late, I’m tired, I don’t have another word for this, deal with it) late at night, and them being really close in the morning and from then on
  181.     ° Someone raising a hand to the boys (whether nearly hitting them or actually doing it), and Hwan fucking snapping. Like, to the point where the boys (after getting over their shock at Hwan going from a constant zero to a sudden one hundred before anyone could blink) have to drag him away, and take a long time to calm him down. (He’d even be crying just from the idea of one of the boys being hurt, the reminder of his father, and simply the emotion of everything finally coming to a point and hitting him hard.)
  183. Album Name Suggestions : Rise of the Kings, In the Night
  184. Song Suggestions :
  185. ° MVs:
  186.     ° Get Down [os: Boys’s Republic]
  187.     ° Bingo [os: 24K]
  188.     ° Still 24K [os: 24K]
  189.     ° One Shot [os: B.A.P.]
  190.     ° Feel So Good [os: Imfact]
  191.     ° Eoeo [os: Uniq]
  192.     ° Might Just Die [os: History]
  193.     ° Echo [os: Seven O’Clock]
  194.     ° Take It [os: MVP]
  196. ° B-sides:
  197.     ° Hookah [os: High 420]
  198.     ° Ribbon in the Sky [os: BAP]
  199.     ° Memory [os: Ravi and Hyuk from Vixx]
  200.     ° Light Up the Darkness [os: Vixx]
  201.     ° Blind [os: B.A.P.]
  202.     ° Dystopia [os: B.A.P.]
  204. Fan Base Name : nasties (dy-nasty...okay, I’m kidding. I’m just really terrible at these)
  205. Fan Base Colors : black + gold or black + red
  207. Note to Satan (me) : “give mama some love” you’re really not true to the whole “daddy” thing, are you? Lmao. As with all of my characters, I’m willing to edit anything you need me to (or something you just want to see differently). Also, even if you don’t end up accepting my character, feel free to hit me up about possible tracklists. Oh, and I’m also writing an assassin af, but I already have the plot laid out. I figured I should say that, so you know that any similar events between our two stories would just be a coincidence
  208. Password : yakazuka
  210. Anything Else?
  212. Possible Media: (this is more to help you get an idea of what kind of style I’m going for, but, if you choose my character and you like some of these pictures, it gives you less work for the character reveal) (also, it won't let me link the pictures alone, but I swear there are pictures in the articles)
  214. ° Kyungil (I don’t care what hair color you go with, even if they’re different from the pictures I’ve found)
  215. (Silver/Blond hair)
  216. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwii_JCl46rTAhUW6mMKHViCCa8QjRwIBw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.soompi.com%2F2016%2F11%2F13%2Fhistorys-song-kyungil-enlist-national-service-next-month%2F&bvm=bv.152479541,d.cGc&psig=AFQjCNFHxC9074EH_SsNUzKUNyP0vphnEg&ust=1492491533677488
  218. (he's the second to last picture)
  219. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjmuvzj46rTAhVFLmMKHce6DrUQjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fkprofiles.com%2Frocks-gray-hair-kpop-male-edition%2F&bvm=bv.152479541,d.cGc&psig=AFQjCNFnUQpIwT5-ofWu-BdjlsqSDt-Yfg&ust=1492494051983227
  221. (Black hair)
  222. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiZ0N6V46rTAhVQ22MKHVOyAj8QjRwIBw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F422775483748167456%2F&bvm=bv.152479541,d.cGc&psig=AFQjCNFHxC9074EH_SsNUzKUNyP0vphnEg&ust=1492491533677488
  224. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiE2L_M46rTAhUY1mMKHUHJCIoQjRwIBw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F381750505891883378%2F&bvm=bv.152479541,d.cGc&psig=AFQjCNELMPr64F6_DSZUO0fmWZPdCpG7Ww&ust=1492493977016785
  226. (+ some silver hair)
  227. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiM36-M5KrTAhUB4WMKHXueDfMQjRwIBw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2FKobsessed%2Fsong-kyung-il-history%2F&bvm=bv.152479541,d.cGc&psig=AFQjCNFdfGh8VMshn7MgDYym4QbR6iiiZg&ust=1492494135075387
  229. ° Yongguk:
  231. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwja-sm5xaDTAhVQyWMKHVAZCecQjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.allkpop.com%2Farticle%2F2017%2F02%2Fbaps-bang-yong-guk-and-himchan-are-next-up-for-charismatic-rose-teaser-images&psig=AFQjCNHyqFGCcKUU6xWy9SIYa3yj5-t9dA&ust=1492142255272150
  233. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjN4vHKxaDTAhVC9mMKHSI1AFkQjRwIBw&url=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FBangsterINTL%2Fstatus%2F841085374747181056&psig=AFQjCNHyqFGCcKUU6xWy9SIYa3yj5-t9dA&ust=1492142255272150
  235. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiG8eKnxaDTAhUCxWMKHVZjCZwQjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dazeddigital.com%2Fmusic%2Farticle%2F20040%2F1%2Fbackstage-with-b-a-p&psig=AFQjCNHyqFGCcKUU6xWy9SIYa3yj5-t9dA&ust=1492142255272150
  237. [not really related, but look at how adorable fluffy Yongguk is: http://causekpop.tumblr.com/post/158966119972 and http://causekpop.tumblr.com/post/159490822542]
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