

Nov 21st, 2023
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  1. Being drugged with coke again by who knows but all i know is the cops that watch allow or participate and since i have no curtains not like anyone will see so who knows maybe my veins will deteriorate and bleed into my body like my legs have been
  • s1337668
    212 days
    # text 0.33 KB | 0 0
    1. I bet officer Goode is leading it with help from informants and other criminals but since all i do is go library and food bank they have to do everything while im asleep and pretend like the caught me like that when i dont call no one i dont talk to no one and all i do is watch videos and make plans for when my situation will be resolved
  • s1337668
    212 days
    # text 0.43 KB | 0 0
    1. My phone now continuously changes IP address and re connects to wifi so that im unable to be found and recently learned that they spoof my iPad location at the Airport when not paying attention weird things that cant be manipulated on my end of the device due to running beta and basic software but having people leash my device internal software makes it easy for false claims but challenging those are as easy as looking for red pyjamas
  • s1337668
    212 days
    # text 0.40 KB | 0 0
    1. Drinking every night and using cocaine to try and make me not notice having nerve damage means when i drop dead no one will see it coming and thats the drama they wont be able to manage since its so hard to move a body they’re hoping i dont wake up and since i updated my address that shitbag cop that sat outside cant lie about shit since he had to secretly participate knowing he has to avoid paperwork
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