
Windows 10 17650 vs. 17643 WinRT API Changes

Apr 20th, 2018
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C# 15.01 KB | None | 0 0
  2.  MetaDiff v0.1
  4.  new files: .\amd64_microsoft-windows-runtime-metadata_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.17650.1001_none_4db314a97320a918\*
  5.  old files: .\amd64_microsoft-windows-runtime-metadata_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.17643.1000_none_21e38d1ca08b6463\*
  7.  diff legends: +: added, -: removed, *: changed, |: type member changed
  9. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.LimitedAccessFeatureRequestResult {
  10. +   public IReference<DateTime> EstimatedRemovalDate { get; }
  11. +   public string FeatureId { get; }
  12. +   public LimitedAccessFeatureStatus Status { get; }
  13. + }
  15. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.LimitedAccessFeatures {
  16. +   public static LimitedAccessFeatureRequestResult TryUnlockFeature( string result, string featureId, string token );
  17. + }
  19. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.CommunicationBlockingAppSetAsActiveTrigger {
  20. +   public CommunicationBlockingAppSetAsActiveTrigger();
  21. + }
  23. + public struct Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.CallsPhoneContract {
  24. + }
  26. + public enum Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.CellularDtmfMode {
  27. +   Continuous = 0,
  28. +   Burst = 1,
  29. + }
  31. + public enum Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneAudioRoutingEndpoint {
  32. +   Default = 0,
  33. +   Bluetooth = 1,
  34. +   Speakerphone = 2,
  35. + }
  37. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneCallBlocking {
  38. +   public bool BlockUnknownNumbers { get; set; }
  39. +   public bool BlockPrivateNumbers { get; set; }
  40. +   public static IAsyncOperation<bool> SetCallBlockingListAsync( IIterable<string> result );
  41. + }
  43. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneCallManager {
  44. +   public bool IsCallActive { get; }
  45. +   public bool IsCallIncoming { get; }
  46. +   public static void ShowPhoneCallSettingsUI();
  47. +   public static IAsyncOperation<PhoneCallStore> RequestStoreAsync();
  48. +   public static void ShowPhoneCallUI( string phoneNumber, string displayName );
  49. +   EventHandler<object> CallStateChanged;
  50. + }
  52. + public enum Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneCallMedia {
  53. +   Audio = 0,
  54. +   AudioAndVideo = 1,
  55. +   AudioAndRealTimeText = 2,
  56. + }
  58. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneCallStore {
  59. +   public IAsyncOperation<bool> IsEmergencyPhoneNumberAsync( string result );
  60. +   public IAsyncOperation<Guid> GetDefaultLineAsync();
  61. +   public PhoneLineWatcher RequestLineWatcher();
  62. + }
  64. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneCallVideoCapabilities {
  65. +   public bool IsVideoCallingCapable { get; }
  66. + }
  68. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneCallVideoCapabilitiesManager {
  69. +   public static IAsyncOperation<PhoneCallVideoCapabilities> GetCapabilitiesAsync( string result );
  70. + }
  72. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneDialOptions {
  73. +   public string Number { get; set; }
  74. +   public PhoneCallMedia Media { get; set; }
  75. +   public string DisplayName { get; set; }
  76. +   public ContactPhone ContactPhone { get; set; }
  77. +   public Contact Contact { get; set; }
  78. +   public PhoneAudioRoutingEndpoint AudioEndpoint { get; set; }
  79. +   public PhoneDialOptions();
  80. + }
  82. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneLine {
  83. +   public bool CanDial { get; }
  84. +   public PhoneLineCellularDetails CellularDetails { get; }
  85. +   public Color DisplayColor { get; }
  86. +   public string DisplayName { get; }
  87. +   public Guid Id { get; }
  88. +   public PhoneLineConfiguration LineConfiguration { get; }
  89. +   public string NetworkName { get; }
  90. +   public PhoneNetworkState NetworkState { get; }
  91. +   public bool SupportsTile { get; }
  92. +   public PhoneLineTransport Transport { get; }
  93. +   public PhoneCallVideoCapabilities VideoCallingCapabilities { get; }
  94. +   public PhoneVoicemail Voicemail { get; }
  95. +   public IAsyncOperation<bool> IsImmediateDialNumberAsync( string result );
  96. +   public void Dial( string number, string displayName );
  97. +   public void DialWithOptions( PhoneDialOptions options );
  98. +   public static IAsyncOperation<PhoneLine> FromIdAsync( Guid result );
  99. +   TypedEventHandler<PhoneLine, object> LineChanged;
  100. + }
  102. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneLineCellularDetails {
  103. +   public bool IsModemOn { get; }
  104. +   public int RegistrationRejectCode { get; }
  105. +   public int SimSlotIndex { get; }
  106. +   public PhoneSimState SimState { get; }
  107. +   public string GetNetworkOperatorDisplayText( PhoneLineNetworkOperatorDisplayTextLocation value );
  108. + }
  110. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneLineConfiguration {
  111. +   public IMapView<string, object> ExtendedProperties { get; }
  112. +   public bool IsVideoCallingEnabled { get; }
  113. + }
  115. + public enum Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneLineNetworkOperatorDisplayTextLocation {
  116. +   Default = 0,
  117. +   Tile = 1,
  118. +   Dialer = 2,
  119. +   InCallUI = 3,
  120. + }
  122. + public enum Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneLineTransport {
  123. +   Cellular = 0,
  124. +   VoipApp = 1,
  125. + }
  127. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneLineWatcher {
  128. +   public PhoneLineWatcherStatus Status { get; }
  129. +   public void Start();
  130. +   public void Stop();
  131. +   TypedEventHandler<PhoneLineWatcher, object> EnumerationCompleted;
  132. +   TypedEventHandler<PhoneLineWatcher, PhoneLineWatcherEventArgs> LineAdded;
  133. +   TypedEventHandler<PhoneLineWatcher, PhoneLineWatcherEventArgs> LineRemoved;
  134. +   TypedEventHandler<PhoneLineWatcher, PhoneLineWatcherEventArgs> LineUpdated;
  135. +   TypedEventHandler<PhoneLineWatcher, object> Stopped;
  136. + }
  138. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneLineWatcherEventArgs {
  139. +   public Guid LineId { get; }
  140. + }
  142. + public enum Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneLineWatcherStatus {
  143. +   Created = 0,
  144. +   Started = 1,
  145. +   EnumerationCompleted = 2,
  146. +   Stopped = 3,
  147. + }
  149. + public enum Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneNetworkState {
  150. +   Unknown = 0,
  151. +   NoSignal = 1,
  152. +   Deregistered = 2,
  153. +   Denied = 3,
  154. +   Searching = 4,
  155. +   Home = 5,
  156. +   RoamingInternational = 6,
  157. +   RoamingDomestic = 7,
  158. + }
  160. + public enum Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneSimState {
  161. +   Unknown = 0,
  162. +   PinNotRequired = 1,
  163. +   PinUnlocked = 2,
  164. +   PinLocked = 3,
  165. +   PukLocked = 4,
  166. +   NotInserted = 5,
  167. +   Invalid = 6,
  168. +   Disabled = 7,
  169. + }
  171. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneVoicemail {
  172. +   public int MessageCount { get; }
  173. +   public string Number { get; }
  174. +   public PhoneVoicemailType Type { get; }
  175. +   public IAsyncAction DialVoicemailAsync();
  176. + }
  178. + public enum Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneVoicemailType {
  179. +   None = 0,
  180. +   Traditional = 1,
  181. +   Visual = 2,
  182. + }
  184. | public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.VoipCallCoordinator {
  185. +   public IAsyncOperation<VoipPhoneCallResourceReservationStatus> ReserveCallResourcesAsync();
  186. | }
  188. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.Provider.PhoneCallOrigin {
  189. +   public string Location { get; set; }
  190. +   public string CategoryDescription { get; set; }
  191. +   public string Category { get; set; }
  192. +   public string DisplayName { get; set; }
  193. +   public StorageFile DisplayPicture { get; set; }
  194. +   public PhoneCallOrigin();
  195. + }
  197. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.Provider.PhoneCallOriginManager {
  198. +   public bool IsCurrentAppActiveCallOriginApp { get; }
  199. +   public static IAsyncOperation<bool> RequestSetAsActiveCallOriginAppAsync();
  200. +   public static void ShowPhoneCallOriginSettingsUI();
  201. +   public static void SetCallOrigin( Guid requestId, PhoneCallOrigin callOrigin );
  202. + }
  204. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.CommunicationBlocking.CommunicationBlockingAccessManager {
  205. +   public bool IsBlockingActive { get; }
  206. +   public static IAsyncOperation<bool> IsBlockedNumberAsync( string result );
  207. +   public static bool ShowBlockNumbersUI( IIterable<string> value );
  208. +   public static bool ShowUnblockNumbersUI( IIterable<string> value );
  209. +   public static void ShowBlockedCallsUI();
  210. +   public static void ShowBlockedMessagesUI();
  211. + }
  213. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.CommunicationBlocking.CommunicationBlockingAppManager {
  214. +   public bool IsCurrentAppActiveBlockingApp { get; }
  215. +   public static IAsyncOperation<bool> RequestSetAsActiveBlockingAppAsync();
  216. +   public static void ShowCommunicationBlockingSettingsUI();
  217. + }
  219. + public struct Windows.ApplicationModel.CommunicationBlocking.CommunicationBlockingContract {
  220. + }
  222. + public class Windows.Devices.SmartCards.KnownSmartCardAppletIds {
  223. +   public IBuffer PaymentSystemEnvironment { get; }
  224. +   public IBuffer ProximityPaymentSystemEnvironment { get; }
  225. + }
  227. | public class Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardAppletIdGroup {
  228. +   public bool SecureUserAuthenticationRequired { get; set; }
  229. +   public IRandomAccessStreamReference Logo { get; set; }
  230. +   public string Description { get; set; }
  231. +   public ValueSet Properties { get; }
  232. | }
  234. | public class Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardAppletIdGroupRegistration {
  235. +   public string SmartCardReaderId { get; }
  236. +   public IAsyncAction SetPropertiesAsync( ValueSet operation );
  237. | }
  239. | public enum Windows.Devices.WiFi.WiFiPhyKind {
  240. +   He = 10,
  241. | }
  243. | public enum Windows.Media.Streaming.Adaptive.AdaptiveMediaSourceResourceType {
  244. +   MediaSegmentIndex = 5,
  245. | }
  247. | public interface Windows.Storage.Provider.IStorageProviderItemPropertySource {
  248. +   public IIterable<StorageProviderItemProperty> GetItemProperties( string result );
  249. | }
  251. | public enum Windows.Storage.Provider.StorageProviderHydrationPolicyModifier {
  252. +   AutoDehydrationAllowed = 4,
  253. | }
  255. | public class Windows.Storage.Provider.StorageProviderSyncRootManager {
  256. +   public static StorageProviderSyncRootInfo GetSyncRootInformationForFolder( IStorageFolder result );
  257. +   public static StorageProviderSyncRootInfo GetSyncRootInformationForId( string result );
  258. | }
  260. | public enum Windows.UI.Composition.CompositionBatchTypes {
  261. +   InfiniteAnimation = 4,
  262. +   AllAnimations = 5,
  263. | }
  265. + public class Windows.UI.Composition.CompositionGeometricClip : Windows.UI.Composition.CompositionClip {
  266. +   public CompositionGeometry Geometry { get; set; }
  267. + }
  269. | public class Windows.UI.Composition.Compositor {
  270. +   public CompositionGeometricClip CreateGeometricClip();
  271. | }
  273. | public class Windows.UI.Notifications.ScheduledToastNotification {
  274. +   public IAdaptiveCard AdaptiveCard { get; set; }
  275. +   public ScheduledToastNotification( DateTime deliveryTime );
  276. | }
  278. | public class Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastNotification {
  279. +   public IAdaptiveCard AdaptiveCard { get; set; }
  280. +   public ToastNotification();
  281. | }
  283. | public interface Windows.UI.Text.ITextCharacterFormat {
  284. +   public bool IsEqual( ITextCharacterFormat result );
  285. | }
  287. | public interface Windows.UI.Text.ITextDocument {
  288. +   public ITextRange GetRange( int result, int startPosition );
  289. +   public ITextRange GetRangeFromPoint( Point result, PointOptions point );
  290. | }
  292. | public interface Windows.UI.Text.ITextParagraphFormat {
  293. +   public bool IsEqual( ITextParagraphFormat result );
  294. | }
  296. | public interface Windows.UI.Text.ITextRange {
  297. +   public bool CanPaste( int result );
  298. +   public int Delete( TextRangeUnit result, int unit );
  299. +   public int EndOf( TextRangeUnit result, bool unit );
  300. +   public int Expand( TextRangeUnit result );
  301. +   public int FindText( string result, int value, FindOptions scanLength );
  302. +   public int GetIndex( TextRangeUnit result );
  303. +   public bool InRange( ITextRange result );
  304. +   public bool InStory( ITextRange result );
  305. +   public bool IsEqual( ITextRange result );
  306. +   public int Move( TextRangeUnit result, int unit );
  307. +   public int MoveEnd( TextRangeUnit result, int unit );
  308. +   public int MoveStart( TextRangeUnit result, int unit );
  309. +   public int StartOf( TextRangeUnit result, bool unit );
  310. | }
  312. | public interface Windows.UI.Text.ITextSelection {
  313. +   public int EndKey( TextRangeUnit result, bool unit );
  314. +   public int HomeKey( TextRangeUnit result, bool unit );
  315. +   public int MoveDown( TextRangeUnit result, int unit, bool count );
  316. +   public int MoveLeft( TextRangeUnit result, int unit, bool count );
  317. +   public int MoveRight( TextRangeUnit result, int unit, bool count );
  318. +   public int MoveUp( TextRangeUnit result, int unit, bool count );
  319. | }
  321. | public class Windows.UI.Text.RichEditTextDocument {
  322. +   public ITextRange GetRange( int result, int startPosition );
  323. +   public ITextRange GetRangeFromPoint( Point result, PointOptions point );
  324. | }
  326. | public class Windows.UI.Text.RichEditTextRange {
  327. +   public bool CanPaste( int result );
  328. +   public int Delete( TextRangeUnit result, int unit );
  329. +   public int EndOf( TextRangeUnit result, bool unit );
  330. +   public int Expand( TextRangeUnit result );
  331. +   public int FindText( string result, int value, FindOptions scanLength );
  332. +   public int GetIndex( TextRangeUnit result );
  333. +   public bool InRange( ITextRange result );
  334. +   public bool InStory( ITextRange result );
  335. +   public bool IsEqual( ITextRange result );
  336. +   public int Move( TextRangeUnit result, int unit );
  337. +   public int MoveEnd( TextRangeUnit result, int unit );
  338. +   public int MoveStart( TextRangeUnit result, int unit );
  339. +   public int StartOf( TextRangeUnit result, bool unit );
  340. | }
  342. | public class Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.PasswordBox : Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control {
  343. +   public bool CanPasteClipboardContent { get; }
  344. +   public DependencyProperty CanPasteClipboardContentProperty { get; }
  345. +   public void PasteFromClipboard();
  346. | }
  348. | public class Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.RichEditBox : Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control {
  349. +   public RichEditTextDocument RichEditDocument { get; }
  350. | }
  352. | public class Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.RichTextBlock : Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement {
  353. +   public void CopySelectionToClipboard();
  354. | }
  356. | public class Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.TextBlock : Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement {
  357. +   public void CopySelectionToClipboard();
  358. | }
  360. | public class Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.TextBox : Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control {
  361. +   public bool CanPasteClipboardContent { get; }
  362. +   public bool CanRedo { get; }
  363. +   public bool CanUndo { get; }
  364. +   public DependencyProperty CanPasteClipboardContentProperty { get; }
  365. +   public DependencyProperty CanRedoProperty { get; }
  366. +   public DependencyProperty CanUndoProperty { get; }
  367. +   public void Undo();
  368. +   public void Redo();
  369. +   public void PasteFromClipboard();
  370. +   public void CopySelectionToClipboard();
  371. +   public void CutSelectionToClipboard();
  372. | }
  374. | public class Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives.FlyoutBase : Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyObject {
  375. +   public FlyoutShowMode ShowMode { get; set; }
  376. +   public DependencyProperty ShowModeProperty { get; }
  377. +   public DependencyProperty TargetProperty { get; }
  378. +   public void Show( FlyoutShowOptions showOptions );
  379. | }
  381. | public enum Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives.FlyoutPlacementMode {
  382. +   TopLeftJustified = 5,
  383. +   TopRightJustified = 6,
  384. +   BottomLeftJustified = 7,
  385. +   BottomRightJustified = 8,
  386. +   LeftTopJustified = 9,
  387. +   LeftBottomJustified = 10,
  388. +   RightTopJustified = 11,
  389. +   RightBottomJustified = 12,
  390. | }
  392. + public enum Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives.FlyoutShowMode {
  393. +   Standard = 0,
  394. +   Transient = 1,
  395. +   TransientDismissWithPointerMoveAway = 2,
  396. + }
  398. + public class Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives.FlyoutShowOptions : Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyObject {
  399. +   public DependencyObject TargetElement { get; set; }
  400. +   public IReference<FlyoutShowMode> ShowMode { get; set; }
  401. +   public IReference<Point> Point { get; set; }
  402. +   public IReference<Rect> ExclusionArea { get; set; }
  403. +   public FlyoutShowOptions();
  404. + }
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