

Jul 19th, 2017
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  1. -- Script Made By Huge_Nazo
  2. -- Converted By Huge_Nazo
  3. -- Help from, turbozester55, GeoMaster, and Vediiz
  4. -- If you stole or logged me or plan to use this without hugenazo's consent, please just say that hugenazo at least made this so they can know that im cool guy
  6. --[[
  7.  __      __                     .__              
  8. /  \    /  \_____ ______________|__| ___________
  9. \   \/\/   /\__  \\_  __ \_  __ \  |/  _ \_  __ \
  10.  \        /  / __ \|  | \/|  | \/  (  <_> )  | \/
  11.   \__/\  /  (____  /__|   |__|  |__|\____/|__|  
  12.        \/        \/                              
  14. ___.           .__                                                    
  15. \_ |__ ___.__. |  |__  __ __  ____   ____   ____ _____  ____________  
  16.  | __ <   |  | |  |  \|  |  \/ ___\_/ __ \ /    \\__  \ \___   /  _ \
  17.  | \_\ \___  | |   Y  \  |  / /_/  >  ___/|   |  \/ __ \_/    (  <_> )
  18.  |___  / ____| |___|  /____/\___  / \___  >___|  (____  /_____ \____/
  19.      \/\/           \/     /_____/      \/     \/     \/      \/      
  21. --]]
  22. -- this script is also pretty edibale and stuff and pretty simple but
  23. -- still though just rember its made by hugenazo
  24. local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer; repeat wait() until plr.Character
  25. local char = plr.Character
  26. local hume = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
  27. local animS = char:WaitForChild("Animate")
  28. local mouse = plr:GetMouse()
  29. --
  30. local head = char:WaitForChild("Head")
  31. local tors = char:WaitForChild("Torso")
  32. local rarm = char:WaitForChild("Right Arm")
  33. local larm = char:WaitForChild("Left Arm")
  34. local rleg = char:WaitForChild("Right Leg")
  35. local lleg = char:WaitForChild("Left Leg")
  36. local hrp = char:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
  37. --
  38. local hw = tors:WaitForChild("Neck")
  39. local tw = hrp:WaitForChild("RootJoint")
  40. local raw = tors:WaitForChild("Right Shoulder")
  41. local law = tors:WaitForChild("Left Shoulder")
  42. local rlw = tors:WaitForChild("Right Hip")
  43. local llw = tors:WaitForChild("Left Hip")
  45. -- Globals --
  47. local i_n = Instance.new
  48. local v3 = Vector3.new
  49. local cfn = CFrame.new
  50. local cfa = CFrame.Angles
  51. local cfe = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ
  52. local bcn = BrickColor.new
  53. local c3 = Color3.new
  54. local ud2 = UDim2.new
  56. function newC3(r, g, b)
  57. return c3(r/255, g/255, b/255)
  58. end
  60. function newPart(p, name, x, y, z, col, trans, ref, anc, cc, prnt)
  61. local part = i_n("Part", p)
  62. part.Name = name
  63. part.Size = v3(x, y, z)
  64. part.BrickColor = col
  65. part.Reflectance = ref
  66. if col == BrickColor.new("Really black") then
  67.     part.Color = Color3.new(0,0,0)
  68.     part.Material = Enum.Material.Neon
  69.     part.Reflectance = 0
  70. end
  71. part.Transparency = trans
  72. part.Anchored = anc
  73. part.CanCollide = cc
  74. part.Parent = prnt
  75. return part
  76. end
  78. function newWeld(a, b, c0, c1)
  79. local w = i_n("ManualWeld", a)
  80. w.Part0 = a; w.Part1 = b
  81. if c0 then w.C0 = c0 end
  82. if c1 then w.C1 = c1 end
  83. return w
  84. end
  86. function newAnim(id)
  87. local anim = i_n("Animation")
  88. anim.AnimationId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id="..id
  89. anim = hume:LoadAnimation(anim)
  90. return anim
  91. end
  93. function newSound(id, p, vol, pit, loop, por)
  94. local s = i_n("Sound", p)
  95. s.SoundId = "rbxassetid://"..id
  96. s.Volume = vol; s.Pitch = pit
  97. s.Looped = loop; s.PlayOnRemove = por
  98. return s
  99. end
  101. -- Global Variables --
  102. local ogdefWS = 16
  103. local defWS = 16
  104. local bdmg = 20
  105. local combostep = 1
  106. local combowait = 2
  107. local combotime = tick()
  109. local equipped = false
  110. local active = false
  111. local running = false
  112. local jumping = false
  113. local lwoverride = false
  114. local softoverride = false
  115. local wsoverride = false
  117. local pausedanims = {}
  118. local bAttacks = {}
  119. local bAbilities = {}
  120. local abilities = {
  121.     {["name"] = "Guard",
  122.      ["cd"] = 6,
  123.      ["ccd"] = 0,
  124.      ["key"] = "E",
  125.      ["ready"] = true,
  126.     },
  127.     {["name"] = "Upper-cutter",
  128.      ["cd"] = 12,
  129.      ["ccd"] = 0,
  130.      ["key"] = "Z",
  131.      ["ready"] = true,
  132.     },
  133.     {["name"] = "Bash",
  134.      ["cd"] = 7,
  135.      ["ccd"] = 0,
  136.      ["key"] = "X",
  137.      ["ready"] = true,
  138.     },
  139.     {["name"] = "Enrage",
  140.      ["cd"] = 17,
  141.      ["ccd"] = 0,
  142.      ["key"] = "C",
  143.      ["ready"] = true,
  144.     },
  145.     {["name"] = "Piercing Lunge",
  146.      ["cd"] = 35,
  147.      ["ccd"] = 0,
  148.      ["key"] = "V",
  149.      ["ready"] = true,
  150.     }
  151. }
  153. ----- Instances ------
  154. local bdmg = i_n("NumberValue", script);bdmg.Value = 10
  155. local atkspd = i_n("NumberValue", script);atkspd.Value = 1
  156. local atkrange = i_n("NumberValue", script);atkrange.Value = 3
  157. local critc = i_n("NumberValue", script);critc.Value = 25
  158. local cancastab = i_n("BoolValue", script);cancastab.Name = "CanCastAbilities";cancastab.Value = true
  159. local rage = Instance.new("ParticleEmitter", script)
  160. rage.Name = "rage"
  161. rage.Rate = (60)
  162. rage.Speed = NumberRange.new(0,0)
  163. rage.VelocitySpread = (0)
  164. rage.Transparency = NumberSequence.new(1,.2)
  165. rage.LightEmission = (1)
  166. rage.Acceleration = v3(0,50,0)
  167. rage.Lifetime = NumberRange.new(.145,.145)
  168. rage.Size = NumberSequence.new({NumberSequenceKeypoint.new(0,4),NumberSequenceKeypoint.new(1,5)})
  169. rage.Texture = "rbxassetid://347730682"
  170. rage.Rotation = NumberRange.new(-15,15)
  171. rage.RotSpeed = NumberRange.new(-25,25)
  172. local color1 = Color3.new(1,0,0)
  173. local color2 = Color3.new(0.5,0,0)
  174. rage.Color = ColorSequence.new(color1,color2)
  175. rage.Enabled = false
  177. local ragelight = i_n("PointLight", script)
  178. ragelight.Name = "ragelight"
  179. ragelight.Color = c3(1,.02,0)
  180. ragelight.Brightness = 2
  181. ragelight.Range = 8
  182. ragelight.Shadows = true
  183. ragelight.Enabled = false
  185. local Electricity = Instance.new("ParticleEmitter", script)
  186. Electricity.Name = "Electricity"
  187. Electricity.Rate = (80)
  188. Electricity.Speed = NumberRange.new(0,0)
  189. Electricity.VelocitySpread = (0)
  190. Electricity.Transparency = NumberSequence.new(0,0)
  191. Electricity.LightEmission = (1)
  192. Electricity.Lifetime = NumberRange.new(0.075,0.075)
  193. Electricity.Size = NumberSequence.new({NumberSequenceKeypoint.new(0,1),NumberSequenceKeypoint.new(1,1.15)})
  194. Electricity.Texture = "rbxassetid://347730682"
  195. Electricity.Rotation = NumberRange.new(-360,360)
  196. Electricity.RotSpeed = NumberRange.new(-25,25)
  197. local color1 = Color3.new(1,.8,0.1)
  198. local color2 = Color3.new(1,.8,0.1)
  199. Electricity.Color = ColorSequence.new(color1,color2)
  200. Electricity.Enabled = false
  202. local dfunc = {
  203. function(hitHumanoid, damage, owner, crit)
  204. damage = math.huge
  205. if hitHumanoid == owner then return end
  206. local debris = game:GetService("Debris")
  207. local p=Instance.new("Part",workspace);p.CanCollide=false;p.Transparency=1;p.Size=Vector3.new(.2,.2,.2);p.CFrame=hitHumanoid.Parent.Torso.CFrame+Vector3.new(math.random(-1,1),math.random(1,2),math.random(-1,1));p.Anchored = true
  208. local g=Instance.new("BillboardGui",p);g.Size=UDim2.new(2.5,0,2.5,0);g.Adornee=p;g.AlwaysOnTop=true
  209. local t=Instance.new("TextLabel",g);t.BackgroundTransparency=1;t.TextStrokeTransparency=0;t.Size=UDim2.new(1,0,1,0);t.TextScaled=true;t.Font= Enum.Font.Fantasy
  211. -- ========================================================================================
  212. if damage <= -1 then -- player is being healed
  213. t:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0,0,-1,0),'Out','Sine',1.25)
  214. t.Text = "+"..( math.abs( math.floor((damage))).."")
  215. t.TextColor3=BrickColor.new("Lime green").Color
  216. t.TextStrokeColor3=BrickColor.new("Really black").Color
  217. local s=Instance.new("Sound", hitHumanoid.Parent.Torso)
  218. s.SoundId="rbxassetid://535405197"
  219. s.Volume = 1
  220. s.Pitch = 1.15
  221. s:Play()
  222. hitHumanoid:TakeDamage(damage)
  223. debris:AddItem(s,1)
  224. debris:AddItem(p,1.45)
  225. spawn(function() for i = 0,1,.1 do t.TextTransparency=i;t.TextStrokeTransparency=i;wait(.1);end end)
  226. -- ========================================================================================
  228. -- ========================================================================================
  229. elseif hitHumanoid.Parent:FindFirstChild("ForceField") ~= nil or hitHumanoid.Parent:FindFirstChild("Blocking") then -- player is blocking attack or has forcefield
  230. t:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0,0,-0.1,0),'Out','Sine',2)
  231. t.Text = "Blocked!"
  232. t.TextColor3=BrickColor.new("Really blue").Color
  233. t.TextStrokeColor3=BrickColor.new("Really black").Color
  234. g.Size=UDim2.new(25,0,25,0)
  235. local s=Instance.new("Sound", hitHumanoid.Parent.Torso)
  236. s.SoundId="rbxassetid://135436314"
  237. s.Volume = 0.25
  238. s.Pitch = 0.825
  239. s:Play()
  240. debris:AddItem(s,1)
  241. debris:AddItem(p,.95)
  242. spawn(function() for i = 0,1,.1 do t.TextTransparency=i;t.TextStrokeTransparency=i;wait(.1);end end)
  243. -- ========================================================================================
  245. -- ========================================================================================
  246. elseif damage <= 0 or hitHumanoid.Parent:FindFirstChild("Dodging") then -- player takes 0 damage therefore dodging the attack
  247. t:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0,0,-1,0),'Out','Sine',.9)
  248. t.Text = "Dodge!"
  249. t.TextColor3=BrickColor.new("Ghost grey").Color
  250. t.TextStrokeColor3=BrickColor.new("Really black").Color
  251. local s=Instance.new("Sound", hitHumanoid.Parent.Torso)
  252. s.SoundId="rbxasset://sounds/swoosh.wav"
  253. s.Volume = 1
  254. s.Pitch = 2
  255. s:Play()
  256. debris:AddItem(s,1)
  257. debris:AddItem(p,.85)
  258. spawn(function() for i = 0,1,.1 do t.TextTransparency=i;t.TextStrokeTransparency=i;wait(.1);end end)
  259. -- ========================================================================================
  261. -- ========================================================================================
  262. elseif crit then -- player dealt critical strike
  263. t:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0,0,-1,0),'Out','Sine',.9)
  264. t.Text = "-"..( math.abs( math.floor((damage))).."!")
  265. t.TextColor3=BrickColor.new("Deep orange").Color
  266. t.TextStrokeColor3=BrickColor.new("Maroon").Color
  267. t.ZIndex=3
  268. local a=Instance.new("ImageLabel", t)
  269. a.Size = UDim2.new(1,0,1,0)
  270. a.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  271. a.Image = "rbxassetid://649624738"
  272. a.ImageColor3 = BrickColor.new("Deep orange").Color
  273. a.ZIndex=2
  274. local s=Instance.new("Sound", hitHumanoid.Parent.Torso)
  275. s.SoundId="rbxassetid://488886309"
  276. s.Volume = 1
  277. s.Pitch = 2.35
  278. s:Play()
  279. hitHumanoid:TakeDamage(damage)
  280. debris:AddItem(s,1)
  281. debris:AddItem(p,.85)
  282. spawn(function() for i = 0,1,.1 do t.TextTransparency=i;a.ImageTransparency=i;t.TextStrokeTransparency=i;wait(.1);end end)
  283. -- ========================================================================================
  285. -- ========================================================================================
  286. elseif hitHumanoid.Parent:FindFirstChild("ArmorBroken") then -- player dealt more damage to this unit (double damage)
  287. t:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0,0,-1,0),'Out','Sine',.9)
  288. t.Text = "-"..( math.abs( math.floor((damage*2))).."!")
  289. t.TextColor3=BrickColor.new("Royal purple").Color
  290. t.TextStrokeColor3=BrickColor.new("Really black").Color
  291. t.ZIndex=2
  292. local s=Instance.new("Sound", hitHumanoid.Parent.Torso)
  293. s.SoundId="rbxassetid://488886309"
  294. s.Volume = 1
  295. s.Pitch = 2
  296. s:Play()
  297. hitHumanoid:TakeDamage(damage*2)
  298. debris:AddItem(s,1)
  299. debris:AddItem(p,.85)
  300. spawn(function() for i = 0,1,.1 do t.TextTransparency=i;t.TextStrokeTransparency=i;wait(.1);end end)
  301. -- ========================================================================================
  303. -- ========================================================================================
  304. elseif hitHumanoid.Parent:FindFirstChild("GuardUp") then -- player is taking less damage (gets dealt less)
  305. t:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0,0,-1,0),'Out','Sine',.9)
  306. t.Text = "-"..( math.abs( math.floor((damage/2))).."")
  307. t.TextColor3=BrickColor.new("Bright blue").Color
  308. t.TextStrokeColor3=BrickColor.new("Really black").Color
  309. t.ZIndex=2
  310. local s=Instance.new("Sound", hitHumanoid.Parent.Torso)
  311. s.SoundId="rbxassetid://199149338"
  312. s.Volume = 1
  313. s.Pitch = 1.1
  314. s:Play()
  315. hitHumanoid:TakeDamage(damage/2)
  316. debris:AddItem(s,1)
  317. debris:AddItem(p,.85)
  318. spawn(function() for i = 0,1,.1 do t.TextTransparency=i;t.TextStrokeTransparency=i;wait(.1);end end)
  319. -- ========================================================================================
  321. -- ========================================================================================
  322. elseif damage >= (hitHumanoid.MaxHealth * .25) then -- player dealt high amount of damage
  323. t:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0,0,-1,0),'Out','Sine',1)
  324. t.Text = "-"..( math.abs( math.floor((damage))).." !")
  325. t.TextColor3=BrickColor.new("Really red").Color
  326. t.TextStrokeColor3=BrickColor.new("Really black").Color
  327. local s=Instance.new("Sound", hitHumanoid.Parent.Torso)
  328. s.SoundId="rbxassetid://199149137"
  329. s.Volume = 0.5
  330. s.Pitch = 1.25
  331. s:Play()
  332. hitHumanoid:TakeDamage(damage)
  333. debris:AddItem(s,1)
  334. debris:AddItem(p,1)
  335. spawn(function() for i = 0,1,.1 do t.TextTransparency=i;t.TextStrokeTransparency=i;wait(.1);end end)
  336. -- ========================================================================================
  338. -- ========================================================================================
  339. else -- player takes normal damage
  340. t:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0,0,-1,0),'Out','Sine',.9)
  341. t.Text = "-"..( math.abs( math.floor((damage))))
  342. t.TextColor3=BrickColor.new("Bright yellow").Color
  343. t.TextStrokeColor3=BrickColor.new("Really black").Color
  344. local s=Instance.new("Sound", hitHumanoid.Parent.Torso)
  345. s.SoundId="rbxassetid://199149137"
  346. s.Volume = 0.5
  347. s.Pitch = 1
  348. s:Play()   
  349. hitHumanoid:TakeDamage(damage)
  350. debris:AddItem(s,1)
  351. debris:AddItem(p,.95)
  352. spawn(function()for i = 0,1,.2 do t.TextTransparency=i;t.TextStrokeTransparency=i;wait(.1);end end)
  353. end
  354. end
  355. }
  357. local weapon = i_n("Model", char);weapon.Name = "Weapon"
  359. local handl = newPart(i_n("Part"),"Handle",0.51, 1.36, 0.51,BrickColor.new("Maroon"), 0, 0, false, false, weapon)
  360. local newmesh = i_n("CylinderMesh",handl)
  361. handl.CFrame = cfn(-4.4, 1.02, 4.4)
  363. local pommel = newPart(i_n("Part"),"Pommel",0.34, 0.34, 0.51,BrickColor.new("Crimson"), 0, 0, false, false, weapon)
  364. local newmesh = i_n("SpecialMesh",pommel);newmesh.MeshType = "Torso"; newmesh.Scale = v3(2,1,1)
  365. pommel.CFrame = cfn(-4.4, 0.17, 4.4)
  366. pommel.Rotation = v3(180, 90, 0)
  368. local bladetip = newPart(i_n("Part"),"BladeTip",0.2, 0.2, 0.85,BrickColor.new("Really black"), 0, .3, false, false, weapon)
  369. local newmesh = i_n("SpecialMesh",bladetip);newmesh.MeshType = "FileMesh";newmesh.MeshId = "http://www.roblox.com/Asset/?id=9756362" ;newmesh.Scale = v3(0.235, 1.7, 0.604)
  370. bladetip.CFrame = cfn(-4.4, 5.44, 4.4)
  372. local grip = newPart(i_n("Part"),"Grip",0.51, 1.19, 0.51,BrickColor.new("Maroon"), 0, 0, false, false, weapon)
  373. local newmesh = i_n("SpecialMesh",grip);newmesh.MeshType = "Head"; newmesh.Scale = v3(1.2,1,1.2)
  374. grip.CFrame = cfn(-4.4, 1.02, 4.4)
  376. local frontblade = newPart(i_n("Part"),"Blade",0.85, 0.17, 3.4,BrickColor.new("Really black"), 0, .3, false, false, weapon)
  377. local newmesh = i_n("SpecialMesh",frontblade);newmesh.MeshType = "Torso"
  378. frontblade.CFrame = cfn(-4.315, 3.74, 4.4)
  379. frontblade.Rotation = v3(-90, 0, -90)
  381. local backblade = newPart(i_n("Part"),"Part",0.85, 0.17, 3.4,BrickColor.new("Really black"), 0, .3, false, false, weapon)
  382. local newmesh = i_n("SpecialMesh",backblade);newmesh.MeshType = "Torso"
  383. backblade.CFrame = cfn(-4.485, 3.74, 4.4)
  384. backblade.Rotation = v3(-90, 0, 90)
  386. local hilt1 = newPart(i_n("Part"),"Part",0.68, 0.34, 0.51,BrickColor.new("Maroon"), 0, 0, false, false, weapon)
  387. local newmesh = i_n("SpecialMesh",hilt1);newmesh.MeshType = "Torso"; newmesh.Scale = v3(2,1,1)
  388. hilt1.CFrame = cfn(-4.4, 1.87, 4.4)
  389. hilt1.Rotation = v3(180,90, 0)
  391. local hilt2 = newPart(i_n("Part"),"Part",1.02, 0.2, 0.37,BrickColor.new("Maroon"), 0, 0, false, false, weapon)
  392. local newmesh = i_n("SpecialMesh",hilt2);newmesh.MeshType = "Torso"; newmesh.Scale = v3(2,1,1)
  393. hilt2.CFrame = cfn(-4.4, 1.87, 4.4)
  394. hilt2.Rotation = v3(180, 90, 0)
  396. local pe = Instance.new("ParticleEmitter", frontblade)
  397. pe.Name = "dark"
  398. local col1 = BrickColor.new("Really black").Color
  399. local col2 = BrickColor.new("Maroon").Color
  400. pe.Color = ColorSequence.new(col1, col2)
  401. pe.LightEmission = 0.5
  402. pe.Lifetime = NumberRange.new(1.5)
  403. pe.Speed = NumberRange.new(0.5)
  404. pe.SpreadAngle = Vector2.new(360, 360)
  405. pe.RotSpeed = NumberRange.new(20)
  406. pe.Rotation = NumberRange.new(0,180)
  407. pe.VelocityInheritance = 0.5
  408. pe.LockedToPart = true
  409. pe.Rate = 250
  410. pe.Texture = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=246400798"
  411. pe.Size = NumberSequence.new(0.5)
  412. pe.Transparency = NumberSequence.new({
  413.   NumberSequenceKeypoint.new(0, 0),
  414.   NumberSequenceKeypoint.new(1, 1)
  415. })
  417. function weld(x, y)
  418.     if x == y then return end
  419.     local CJ = CFrame.new(x.Position)
  420.     local w = Instance.new("ManualWeld")
  421.     w.Part0 = x
  422.     w.Part1 = y
  423.     w.C0 = x.CFrame:inverse() * CJ
  424.     w.C1 = y.CFrame:inverse() * CJ
  425.     w.Parent = x
  426.     return w
  427. end
  429. local model = weapon
  431. for _,v in pairs(model:GetChildren()) do
  432. if v:IsA("BasePart") then
  433. weld(model.Handle, v)
  434. end end
  436. local handle = weapon:WaitForChild("Handle")
  437. local idletrack = newAnim(180435571)
  439. ----- New Instances ------
  441. local backweld = newWeld(tors, handle)
  442. backweld.C0 = cfn(1.5, 1.5, .5) * cfa(0, math.rad(90), 0) * cfa(math.rad(-135), 0, 0)
  444. local grip = newWeld(rarm, nil, cfn(0, -.7, 0) * cfa(math.rad(-90), 0, 0))
  446. local equipS = newSound(211059653, handle, 1, 1, false, false)
  447. local uneqS = newSound(166196557, handle, 1, 1, false, false)
  449. local slash1 = newSound(199145841, handle, 1, 1, false, false)
  450. local slash2 = newSound(199145841, handle, 1, 1.2, false, false)
  451. local slash3 = newSound(356422588, handle, 1, 1, false, false)
  452. local slash3 = newSound(356422588, handle, 1, 1.2, false, false)
  454. local skill1 = newSound(231917758, handle, 1, .85, false, false)
  455. local skill2 = newSound(2767090, handle, 1, .85, false, false)
  456. local skill3 = newSound(662614920,handle,1,1,false,false)
  457. local skill4 = newSound(2101137,handle,1,.45,false,false)
  458. local skill42 = newSound(540358153,handle,1,.7,false,false)
  460. ----- Animation Defaults ------
  462. local stand = {
  463. ["head"] = hw.C0,
  464. ["tors"] = tw.C1,
  465. ["rarm"] = raw.C0,
  466. ["larm"] = law.C0,
  467. ["rleg"] = rlw.C0,
  468. ["lleg"] = llw.C0,
  469. ["grip0"] = grip.C0,
  470. ["grip1"] = grip.C1
  471. }
  473. local neutral = {
  474. ["head"] = stand.head * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(-10)),
  475. ["tors"] = stand.tors * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(-10)),
  476. ["rarm"] = stand.rarm * cfa(math.rad(-15), math.rad(-25), math.rad(-5)),
  477. ["larm"] = stand.larm * cfa(math.rad(-10), 0, 0),
  478. ["rleg"] = stand.rleg * cfa(0, math.rad(-24), 0),
  479. ["lleg"] = stand.lleg * cfa(0, math.rad(8), 0),
  480. ["grip0"] = stand.grip0,
  481. ["grip1"] = stand.grip1
  482. }
  484. local run = {
  485. ["head"] = stand.head * cfa(math.rad(8), 0, 0),
  486. ["tors"] = stand.tors,
  487. ["rarm"] = stand.rarm * cfa(math.rad(-20), math.rad(-15), math.rad(-5)),
  488. ["larm"] = stand.larm * cfa(math.rad(-15), math.rad(-10), math.rad(-5)),
  489. ["rleg"] = stand.rleg,
  490. ["lleg"] = stand.lleg,
  491. ["grip0"] = stand.grip0,
  492. ["grip1"] = stand.grip1 * cfa(math.rad(15), 0, 0)
  493. }
  495. local jump = {
  496. ["head"] = stand.head * cfa(math.rad(-15), 0, 0),
  497. ["tors"] = stand.tors,
  498. ["rarm"] = stand.rarm * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(60)),
  499. ["larm"] = stand.larm * cfa(math.rad(-24), 0, 0),
  500. ["rleg"] = stand.rleg * cfn(.5, 0, 0) * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(-15)),
  501. ["lleg"] = stand.lleg * cfn(-1, 1, 0) * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(15)),
  502. ["grip0"] = stand.grip0,
  503. ["grip1"] = stand.grip1
  504. }
  506. local fall = {
  507. ["head"] = stand.head * cfa(math.rad(15), 0, 0),
  508. ["tors"] = stand.tors,
  509. ["rarm"] = stand.rarm * cfn(0, -.5, .2) * cfa(math.rad(-70), 0, 0),
  510. ["larm"] = stand.larm * cfn(0, -.5, .2) * cfa(math.rad(-70), 0, 0),
  511. ["rleg"] = stand.rleg * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(9)),
  512. ["lleg"] = stand.lleg * cfn(-1, 1, 0) * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(15)),
  513. ["grip0"] = stand.grip0,
  514. ["grip1"] = stand.grip1
  515. }
  517. local stunned = {
  518. ["head"] = stand.head,
  519. ["tors"] = stand.tors * cfn(0, -2.25, 0) *cfa(math.rad(90),0,0),
  520. ["rarm"] = stand.rarm * cfn(0, -.5, .2) * cfa(math.rad(-40), 0, 0),
  521. ["larm"] = stand.larm * cfn(0, -.5, .2) * cfa(math.rad(-40), 0, 0),
  522. ["rleg"] = stand.rleg * cfa(math.rad(-15), 0, 0),
  523. ["lleg"] = stand.lleg * cfa( math.rad(-15), 0, 0),
  524. ["grip0"] = stand.grip0,
  525. ["grip1"] = stand.grip1 * cfa(math.rad(90),0,0)
  526. }
  527. ------ Primary Functions ------
  530. ArtificialHB = Instance.new("BindableEvent", script)
  531. ArtificialHB.Name = "Heartbeat"
  533. script:WaitForChild("Heartbeat")
  536. --credit to saz/nym for this pacemaker
  537. frame = 1 / 60
  538. tf = 0
  539. allowframeloss = false
  540. tossremainder = false
  541. lastframe = tick()
  542. script.Heartbeat:Fire()
  544. game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:connect(function(s, p)
  545.     tf = tf + s
  546.     if tf >= frame then
  547.         if allowframeloss then
  548.             script.Heartbeat:Fire()
  549.             lastframe = tick()
  550.         else
  551.             for i = 1, math.floor(tf / frame) do
  552.                 script.Heartbeat:Fire()
  553.             end
  554.             lastframe = tick()
  555.         end
  556.         if tossremainder then
  557.             tf = 0
  558.         else
  559.             tf = tf - frame * math.floor(tf / frame)
  560.         end
  561.     end
  562. end)
  564. function swait(num)
  565.     if num == 0 or num == nil then
  566.         ArtificialHB.Event:wait()
  567.     else
  568.         for i = 0, num do
  569.             ArtificialHB.Event:wait()
  570.         end
  571.     end
  572. end
  574. function stopAnims()
  575. pausedanims = {}
  577. for _,v in pairs(hume:GetPlayingAnimationTracks()) do v:Stop()
  578. table.insert(pausedanims, v)
  579. end end
  581. function resumeAnims()
  582. for _,v in pairs(pausedanims) do v:Play()
  583. end end
  585. function resetJoints()
  586. hw.C0 = stand.head; tw.C1 = stand.tors
  587. raw.C0 = stand.rarm; law.C0 = stand.larm
  588. rlw.C0 = stand.rleg; llw.C0 = stand.lleg
  589. grip.C0 = stand.grip0; grip.C1 = stand.grip1
  590. end
  592. function equip()
  593. local t = 15
  594. animS.Disabled = true; stopAnims()
  595. resetJoints()
  597. for i = 1, t do swait()
  598. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(stand.rarm * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(172)), (i/t)/2)
  599. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(neutral.larm, i/t)
  600. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(neutral.head, i/t)
  601. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(neutral.tors, i/t)
  602. end
  604. backweld.Part1 = nil; grip.Part1 = handle
  605. idletrack:Play(); equipS:Play()
  606. end
  608. function unequip()
  609. local t = 15
  611. lwoverride = true
  613. for i = 1, t do swait()
  614. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(stand.rarm * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(172)), (i/t)/2)
  615. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(stand.larm, i/t)
  616. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(stand.head, i/t)
  617. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(stand.tors, i/t)
  618. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stand.rleg, i/t)
  619. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stand.lleg, i/t)
  620. end
  622. uneqS:Play()
  623. grip.Part1 = nil; backweld.Part1 = handle
  624. idletrack:Stop(); animS.Disabled = false
  625. resetJoints(); resumeAnims()
  626. lwoverride = false
  627. end
  629. function checkPartMag(list, range)
  630. local targets = {}
  632. for _,v in pairs(list) do
  633. for _,x in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
  634. local vhume = x:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
  635. if vhume and vhume:IsA("Humanoid") then
  636. for _,y in pairs(x:GetChildren()) do
  637. if y:IsA("BasePart") and (v.Position - y.Position).magnitude <= range
  638. then table.insert(targets, x); break end
  639. end end end end
  641. return targets
  642. end
  645. function checkPartMag2(list, range)
  646. local targets = {}
  648. for _,v in pairs(list) do
  649. for _,x in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
  650. local vhume = x:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
  651. if vhume and vhume:IsA("Humanoid") then
  652. for _,y in pairs(x:GetChildren()) do
  653. if y:IsA("BasePart") and (v.Position - y.Position).magnitude <= range
  654. then table.insert(targets, x); break end
  655. end end end end
  657. return targets
  658. end
  660. function checkPosMag(pos, range)
  661. local targets = {}
  663. for _,x in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
  664. local vhume = x:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
  665. if vhume and vhume:IsA("Humanoid") then
  666. for _,y in pairs(x:GetChildren()) do
  667. if y:IsA("BasePart") and (pos - y.Position).magnitude <= range
  668. then table.insert(targets, x)
  669. print(x.Name) end
  670. end end end
  672. return targets
  673. end
  675. function rollTheDice(chance, min, max)
  676. local gen = math.random(min, max)
  677. return gen <= chance
  678. end
  680. function strike(targ, dmg, critchance)
  681. local moddmg = math.floor(dmg)
  682. local crit = false
  684. if targ == char then return end
  686. local vhume = targ:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
  687. if vhume and vhume:IsA("Humanoid") then
  688. moddmg = math.ceil(moddmg * (math.random(75, 150)/100))
  690. if rollTheDice(critchance, 1, 100) then
  691. moddmg = moddmg * 2; crit = true
  692. end
  694. dfunc[1](vhume, moddmg, hume, crit)
  695. end end
  697. function cooldown(num)
  698. local ab = abilities[num]
  699. local now = tick()
  701. spawn(function()
  702. ab.ready = false
  703. ab.ccd = ab.cd
  705. while ab.ccd > 0 do swait()
  707. repeat swait() until (tick()-now) >= 1
  708. or ab.ccd <= 0
  710. if ab.ccd > 0 then ab.ccd = ab.ccd - 2000; now = tick()
  711. else break
  712. end end
  714. ab.ready = true
  715. end)
  716. end
  718. function attack()
  719. if combostep >= #bAttacks then combostep = 1
  720. else combostep = combostep + 1 end
  722. combotime = tick(); bAttacks[combostep]()
  724. softoverride = false; lwoverride = false
  725. wsoverride = false; hume.WalkSpeed = defWS
  726. end
  728. function cast(num)
  729. local ab = abilities[num]
  730. local func = bAbilities[num]
  732. if ab.ready and func then
  733. cooldown(num); func()
  734. end end
  736. function knockback(targ, power, time)
  737. local vtors = targ:FindFirstChild("Torso")
  738. if vtors and vtors.Parent then
  739. local bv = i_n("BodyVelocity", vtors)
  740. bv.MaxForce = v3(math.huge,math.huge,math.huge)
  741. bv.Velocity = vtors.CFrame.lookVector * power
  742. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(bv, time)
  743. end end
  745. function checkStatus(targ, status)
  746. local val = targ:FindFirstChild(status)
  747. if val and val:IsA("BoolValue") then
  748. return true
  749. else return false
  750. end end
  752. function canMove()
  753. if checkStatus(char, "Stun")
  754. or checkStatus(char, "Knockback")
  755. then return true
  756. else return false
  757. end end
  759. -- Basic Attacks --
  761. bAttacks = {
  762. ------------------
  763. function()
  764. local t = math.ceil(15/atkspd.Value)
  765. local hitdb = {}
  767. for i = 1, t do swait()
  768. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(stand.head * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(12)), i/t)
  769. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(stand.tors * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(24)), i/t)
  770. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(stand.rarm * cfn(0, .5, 0) * cfa(math.rad(15), 0, math.rad(172)), i/t)
  771. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(stand.larm * cfa(0, math.rad(-30), math.rad(-70)), i/t)
  772. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(stand.grip1 * cfa(math.rad(-30), 0, 0), i/t)
  774. if not running then softoverride = true
  775. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stand.rleg, i/t)
  776. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stand.lleg * cfa(0, math.rad(24), 0), i/t)
  777. end
  779. if not active or checkStatus(char, "Stun") then break end
  781. end
  783. if active then t = math.ceil(10/atkspd.Value); slash1:Play()
  785. for i = 1, t do swait()
  786. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(stand.head * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(-12)), i/t)
  787. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(stand.tors * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(-24)), i/t)
  788. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(stand.rarm * cfn(.8, 0, -1) * cfa(math.rad(30), 0, math.rad(45)), i/t)
  789. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(stand.larm * cfa(math.rad(-45), 0, math.rad(30)), i/t)
  790. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(stand.grip1 * cfa(math.rad(80), 0, 0), i/t)
  792. if not running then softoverride = true
  793. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stand.rleg * cfn(.5, 0, 0) * cfa(0, math.rad(-24), 0), i/t)
  794. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stand.lleg * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(15)), i/t)
  795. end
  797. for _,v in pairs(checkPartMag({weapon.Blade}, atkrange.Value)) do
  798. if not hitdb[v] then hitdb[v] = true
  799. strike(v, bdmg.Value, critc.Value)
  800. end end
  802. if not active or checkStatus(char, "Stun") then break end
  804. end end
  805. end,
  806. ------------------
  807. function()
  808. local t = math.ceil(15/atkspd.Value)
  809. local hitdb = {}
  811. for i = 1, t do swait()
  812. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(stand.head * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(-22)), i/t)
  813. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(stand.tors * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(-45)), i/t)
  814. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(stand.rarm * cfn(.8, 0, -1.8) * cfa(math.rad(-90), 0, math.rad(135)), i/t)
  815. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(stand.larm * cfa(math.rad(-15), 0, math.rad(-30)), i/t)
  816. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(stand.grip1 * cfa(math.rad(-30), 0, 0), i/t)
  818. if not running then softoverride = true
  819. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stand.rleg * cfn(.5, 0, 0), i/t)
  820. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stand.lleg * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(30)), i/t)
  821. end
  823. if not active  then break end
  824. end
  826. if active then t = math.ceil(10/atkspd.Value); slash2:Play()
  828. for i = 1, t do swait()
  829. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(stand.head * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(15)), i/t)
  830. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(stand.tors * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(30)), i/t)
  831. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(stand.rarm * cfn(0, -.5, .5) * cfa(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), i/t)
  832. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(stand.larm * cfn(0, 0, .2) * cfa(math.rad(-80), 0, math.rad(-15)), i/t)
  833. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(stand.grip1 * cfa(math.rad(90), 0, 0), i/t)
  835. if not running then softoverride = true
  836. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stand.rleg * cfa(0, math.rad(-30), 0), i/t)
  837. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stand.lleg * cfa(0, math.rad(30), 0), i/t)
  838. end
  840. for _,v in pairs(checkPartMag({weapon.Blade}, atkrange.Value)) do
  841. if not hitdb[v] then hitdb[v] = true
  842. strike(v, bdmg.Value, critc.Value)
  843. end end
  845. if not active  then break end
  846. end end
  847. end,
  848. ------------------
  849. function()
  850. local t = math.ceil(15/atkspd.Value)
  851. local hitdb = {}
  853. for i = 1, t do swait()
  854. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(stand.head * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(60)), i/t)
  855. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(stand.tors * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(70)), i/t)
  856. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(stand.rarm * cfa(math.rad(-30), math.rad(50), math.rad(-30)), i/t)
  857. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(stand.larm * cfn(0, 0, -1.5) * cfa(math.rad(80), 0, math.rad(-30)), i/t)
  858. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(stand.grip1 * cfa(math.rad(-30), 0, 0), i/t)
  860. if not running then softoverride = true
  861. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stand.rleg * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(-30)), i/t)
  862. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stand.lleg * cfn(-.8, 0, 0), i/t)
  863. end
  865. if not active  then break end
  866. end
  868. if active then t = math.ceil(10/atkspd.Value); slash2:Play()
  870. for i = 1, t do swait()
  871. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(stand.head, i/t)
  872. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(stand.tors, i/t)
  873. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(stand.rarm * cfn(.8, 0, -.5) * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(90)), i/t)
  874. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(stand.larm * cfn(-.8, 0, -1.6) * cfa(0, math.rad(-30), math.rad(-90)), i/t)
  875. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(stand.grip1 * cfa(math.rad(90), 0, 0), i/t)
  877. if not running then softoverride = true
  878. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stand.rleg * cfn(.5, 0, 0), i/t)
  879. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stand.lleg * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(30)), i/t)
  880. end
  882. for _,v in pairs(checkPartMag({weapon.Blade}, atkrange.Value)) do
  883. if not hitdb[v] then hitdb[v] = true
  884. strike(v, bdmg.Value, critc.Value)
  885. end end
  887. if not active  then break end
  888. end end
  889. end,
  890. ------------------
  891. function()
  892. local t = math.ceil(10/atkspd.Value)
  893. local hitdb = {}
  895. lwoverride = true
  896. wsoverride = true
  897. hume.WalkSpeed = 0
  899. for i = 1, t do swait()
  900. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(stand.head * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(-22)), i/t)
  901. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(stand.tors * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(-45)), i/t)
  902. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(stand.rarm * cfn(.8, 0, -1.8) * cfa(math.rad(-90), 0, math.rad(135)), i/t)
  903. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(stand.larm * cfa(math.rad(-15), 0, math.rad(-30)), i/t)
  904. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(stand.grip1 * cfa(math.rad(-30), 0, 0), i/t)
  905. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stand.rleg * cfn(1, 1, 0), i/t)
  906. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stand.lleg, i/t)
  908. if not active or checkStatus(char, "Stun") then break end
  910. end
  912. if active then t = math.ceil(40/atkspd.Value); slash3:Play()
  913. local angle = 0
  915. for i = 1, t do swait()
  916. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(stand.head * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(15)), i/t)
  917. tw.C1 = stand.tors * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(750 * (i/t)))
  918. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(stand.rarm * cfn(0, -.5, .5) * cfa(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), i/t)
  919. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(stand.larm * cfn(0, 0, .2) * cfa(math.rad(-80), 0, math.rad(-15)), i/t)
  920. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(stand.grip1 * cfa(math.rad(90), 0, 0), i/t)
  921. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stand.rleg * cfn(1, 1, 0), i/t)
  922. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stand.lleg, i/t)
  923. hrp.Velocity = hrp.CFrame.lookVector * 30
  924. angle = angle + (750/t)
  926. if angle >= 330 and i~=t then slash3:Play(); angle = 0
  927. end
  929. for _,v in pairs(checkPartMag({weapon.Blade}, atkrange.Value)) do
  930. if not hitdb[v] then hitdb[v] = true; strike(v, bdmg.Value, critc.Value)
  931. spawn(function() wait(.15); hitdb[v] = false end)
  932. end end
  934. if not active  then break end
  935. end end
  936. end,
  937. ------------------
  938. }
  940. -- Abilities --
  942. bAbilities = {
  944. function(E)
  946. local t = 90
  948. local b= i_n("BoolValue",char);b.Name="Blocking";game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(b,1.65)
  949. defWS = 8
  951. for i = 1, t do swait()
  952. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(stand.head * cfa(math.rad(17),0,0), i/t)
  953. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(stand.tors * cfa(0, 0, 0), i/t)
  954. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(stand.rarm * cfa(math.rad(-15),0,math.rad(90)), i/t)
  955. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(stand.larm * cfn(-.3,-0.25,-1.95) * cfa(math.rad(45),math.rad(-40), math.rad(-80)), i/t)
  956. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(stand.grip1 * cfn(0.25,0,0)* cfa(0,math.rad(90), math.rad(-110)), i/t)
  958. if not running then softoverride = true
  959. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stand.rleg, i/t)
  960. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stand.lleg * cfa(0, math.rad(24), 0), i/t)
  961. end
  963. if not active or checkStatus(char, "Stun") then break end
  965. end
  966. defWS = ogdefWS
  968. end,
  970. function(Z)
  972. local t = 10
  973. local hitdb = {}
  974. local exp = coroutine.wrap(function()
  975.             local Explosion = newPart(i_n("Part"), "Effect", .2,.2,.2,BrickColor.new("Daisy orange"), 0.4, 0, true, false, workspace)
  976.             local Mesh = i_n("SpecialMesh",Explosion);Mesh.Scale=v3(4,0.75,4);Mesh.MeshId="http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=20329976"
  977.             Explosion.CFrame = char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame * cfn(0,-1.25,0)* cfa(math.rad(-180),0,0)
  978.             repeat
  979.                 Mesh.Scale = Mesh.Scale + v3(.75,.175,.75)
  980.                 Explosion.Transparency = Explosion.Transparency + .05
  981.                 swait()
  982.             until Explosion.Transparency >= 1
  983.             Explosion:Destroy()
  984. end)
  986. for i = 1, t do swait()
  987. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(stand.head * cfa(math.rad(-15),0,0), i/t)
  988. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(stand.tors * cfn(0,-.1,0) * cfa(math.rad(-25),0,0), i/t)
  989. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(stand.rarm * cfa(0, math.rad(21), math.rad(64)), i/t)
  990. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(stand.larm * cfn(0,-.3,-1.45)* cfa(0, math.rad(-53), math.rad(-70)), i/t)
  991. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(stand.grip1 * cfa(math.rad(-180), 0, 0), i/t)
  993. if not running then softoverride = true
  994. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stand.rleg, i/t)
  995. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stand.lleg * cfa(0, math.rad(24), 0), i/t)
  996. end
  998. if not active or checkStatus(char, "Stun") then break end
  1000. end
  1002. local t = 25
  1004. defWS = 0
  1005. lwoverride = true
  1006. wsoverride = true
  1007. skill1:Play()
  1008. exp()
  1009. local bv = i_n("BodyVelocity", char.HumanoidRootPart);bv.MaxForce=v3(math.huge,math.huge,math.huge);bv.Velocity=v3(0,95,0);game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(bv,.075)
  1010. for i = 1, t do swait()
  1011. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(stand.head * cfa(math.rad(-17),0,0), i/t)
  1012. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(stand.tors * cfa(0, 0, 0), i/t)
  1013. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(stand.rarm * cfn(0, .5, 0) * cfa(0, math.rad(23), math.rad(172)), i/t)
  1014. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(stand.larm * cfn(0,0,-1.45)* cfa(0, math.rad(-53), math.rad(-143)), i/t)
  1015. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(stand.grip1 * cfa(math.rad(-180), 0, 0), i/t)
  1016. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stand.rleg, i/t)
  1017. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stand.lleg * cfa(0, math.rad(24), 0), i/t)
  1019. for _,v in pairs(checkPartMag({weapon.Blade}, 6)) do
  1020. if not hitdb[v] then hitdb[v] = true
  1021. strike(v, bdmg.Value + 5, 0)
  1022. if v.Name~=plr.Name then
  1023. local bv = i_n("BodyVelocity", v.Torso);bv.MaxForce=v3(math.huge,math.huge,math.huge);bv.Velocity=v3(0,85,0);game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(bv,.1)
  1024. end end end
  1026. if not active or checkStatus(char, "Stun") then break end
  1028. end
  1030. defWS = ogdefWS
  1031. end,
  1033. function(X)
  1035. local t = 15
  1036. local hitdb = {}
  1037. lwoverride = true
  1038. wsoverride = true
  1039. defWS = 0
  1041. local exp = coroutine.wrap(function()
  1042.             local Explosion = newPart(i_n("Part"), "Effect", .2,.2,.2,BrickColor.new("Ghost grey"), .4, 0, true, false, workspace)
  1043.             local Mesh = i_n("SpecialMesh",Explosion);Mesh.Scale=v3(3,4,3);Mesh.MeshId="http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=20329976"
  1044.             Explosion.CFrame = char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame * cfa(math.rad(45),0,0)
  1045.             local bv = i_n("BodyVelocity", hrp); bv.MaxForce = v3(math.huge,math.huge,math.huge);bv.Velocity = hrp.CFrame.lookVector * 60
  1046.             game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(bv,.15)
  1047.             repeat
  1048.                 Mesh.Scale = Mesh.Scale + v3(.75,.25,.75)
  1049.                 Explosion.Transparency = Explosion.Transparency + .05
  1050.                 swait()
  1051.             until Explosion.Transparency >= 1
  1052.             Explosion:Destroy()
  1053. end)
  1055. exp()
  1056. skill2:Play()
  1057. for i = 1, t do swait()
  1058. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(stand.head * cfa(0, math.rad(-10), math.rad(-90)), i/t)
  1059. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(stand.tors * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(-90)), i/t)
  1060. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(stand.rarm * cfn(0,-0.35,0.45)* cfa(math.rad(-90),0,math.rad(90)), i/t)
  1061. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(stand.larm * cfa(math.rad(-45),0,0), i/t)
  1062. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(stand.grip1 * cfa(math.rad(-12),0,0), i/t)
  1063. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stand.rleg * cfa(math.rad(12),0,0), i/t)
  1064. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stand.lleg * cfa(math.rad(-18),0,0), i/t)
  1066. --[[if not running then softoverride = true
  1067. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stand.rleg, i/t)
  1068. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stand.lleg * cfa(0, math.rad(24), 0), i/t)
  1069. end
  1070. --]]
  1071. for _,v in pairs(checkPartMag({weapon.Pommel}, 3)) do
  1072. if not hitdb[v] then hitdb[v] = true
  1073. strike(v, bdmg.Value + 1.5, 0)
  1074. if v.Name~=plr.Name then
  1075. local bv =i_n("BoolValue", v);bv.Name = "ArmorBroken";game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(bv,2)
  1076. end
  1077. end end
  1079. if not active or checkStatus(char, "Stun") then break end
  1081. end
  1082. defWS = ogdefWS
  1083. end,
  1085. function(C)
  1087. local t = 20
  1088. local hitdb = {}
  1089. local exp = coroutine.wrap(function()
  1090.             local Explosion = newPart(i_n("Part"), "Effect", .2,.2,.2,BrickColor.new("Bright red"), 0, 0, true, false, workspace)
  1091.             local Mesh = i_n("SpecialMesh",Explosion);Mesh.Scale=v3(3,4,3);Mesh.MeshId="http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=20329976"
  1092.             Explosion.CFrame = char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame * cfn(0,-1.25,0)* cfa(0,0,0)
  1093.             repeat
  1094.                 Mesh.Scale = Mesh.Scale + v3(.75,.25,.75)
  1095.                 Explosion.Transparency = Explosion.Transparency + .05
  1096.                 swait()
  1097.             until Explosion.Transparency >= 1
  1098.             Explosion:Destroy()
  1099. end)
  1101. local atkspdbuf =  coroutine.wrap(function()
  1102. atkspd.Value = atkspd.Value * 25^25*25
  1103. critc.Value = critc.Value + 20
  1104. local cln = script.rage:Clone()
  1105. cln.Parent = char.Torso
  1106. cln.Enabled = true
  1107. local cln2 = script.ragelight:Clone()
  1108. cln2.Parent = char.Torso
  1109. cln2.Enabled = true
  1110. defWS = defWS * 1.45
  1111. wait(5.85)
  1112. cln.Enabled = false
  1113. wait(.15)
  1114. cln:Destroy()
  1115. cln2:Destroy()
  1116. defWS = ogdefWS
  1117. atkspd.Value = atkspd.Value / 1.1
  1118. critc.Value = critc.Value - 1
  1119. end)
  1121. for i = 1, t do swait()
  1122. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(stand.head * cfa(math.rad(12), 0, 0), i/t)
  1123. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(stand.tors * cfa(0, 0, 0), i/t)
  1124. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(stand.rarm * cfa(math.rad(30),math.rad(45),math.rad(90)), i/t)
  1125. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(stand.larm * cfa(math.rad(30),math.rad(-45),math.rad(-90)), i/t)
  1126. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(stand.grip1 * cfa(0,0,0), i/t)
  1128. if not running then softoverride = true
  1129. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stand.rleg, i/t)
  1130. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stand.lleg * cfa(0, math.rad(24), 0), i/t)
  1131. end
  1133. if not active or checkStatus(char, "Stun") then break end
  1135. end
  1137. if active then skill3:Play();exp();atkspdbuf()
  1139. for i = 1, t do swait()
  1140. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(stand.head * cfa(math.rad(-2), 0, 0), i/t)
  1141. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(stand.tors * cfa(0, 0, 0), i/t)
  1142. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(stand.rarm * cfn(-0.5,-0.5,0) * cfa(math.rad(30),math.rad(45),math.rad(120)), i/t)
  1143. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(stand.larm * cfn(0.5,-0.5,0) * cfa(math.rad(30),math.rad(-45),math.rad(-120)), i/t)
  1144. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(stand.grip1 * cfa(0,0,0), i/t)
  1146. if not running then softoverride = true
  1147. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stand.rleg, i/t)
  1148. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stand.lleg * cfa(0, math.rad(24), 0), i/t)
  1149. end
  1151. if not active or checkStatus(char, "Stun") then break end
  1153. end
  1156. end
  1157. end,
  1159. function(V)
  1161. lwoverride = true
  1162. wsoverride = true
  1163. defWS = 0
  1164. local t = 120
  1165. local hitdb = {}
  1167. local Trail = newPart(i_n("Part"), "Effect", .2,.2,.2,BrickColor.new("Institutional white"), 1, 0, true, false, workspace);game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(Trail,3)
  1169. local emitr = script.Electricity:Clone();emitr.Parent = weapon.Blade; emitr.Enabled = true; game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(emitr,1.95)
  1170. local bladtrail = coroutine.wrap(function()
  1171.             Trail.Material = "Neon"
  1172.             Trail.Size = v3(25, 0.5, 0.5)
  1173.             Trail.Transparency = 0
  1174.             local Mesh = i_n("SpecialMesh",Trail);Mesh.Scale=v3(1,1,1);Mesh.MeshType = "Sphere"
  1175.             Trail.CFrame = char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame * cfn(0,0,0)* cfa(0,math.rad(90),0)
  1176.             local dumbtp = newPart(i_n("Part"), "Effect", .2,.2,.2,BrickColor.new("Institutional white"), 1, 0, true, false, workspace);game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(dumbtp,.1)
  1177.             dumbtp.CFrame = char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame *cfn(0,0,-15)
  1178.             char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = dumbtp.CFrame
  1179.             repeat
  1180.                 Trail.Size = Trail.Size + v3(.125,.025,.025)
  1181.                 Trail.Transparency = Trail.Transparency + .025
  1182.                 swait()
  1183.             until Trail.Transparency >= 1
  1184.             Trail:Destroy()
  1185. end)
  1186. skill4:Play()
  1187. for i = 1, t do swait()
  1188. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(stand.head * cfa(math.rad(-22), 0, 0), i/t)
  1189. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(stand.tors * cfn(0,0,0.65) *cfa(math.rad(-25), 0, 0), i/t)
  1190. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(stand.rarm * cfa(math.rad(-85),0,math.rad(36)), i/t)
  1191. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(stand.larm * cfn(-0.25,0.5,-1.85) *cfa(math.rad(90), 0, math.rad(-30)), i/t)
  1192. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(stand.grip1 * cfa(math.rad(30), 0, math.rad(20)), i/t)
  1193. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stand.rleg * cfn(.85, 1, 0) * cfa(0,0,math.rad(30)), i/t)
  1194. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stand.lleg * cfa(0,0,math.rad(15)), i/t)
  1196. if not active or checkStatus(char, "Stun") then break end
  1198. end
  1200. local t = 15
  1201. bladtrail()
  1202. skill42:Play()
  1204. for i = 1, t do swait()
  1205. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(stand.head, i/t)
  1206. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(stand.tors, i/t)
  1207. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(stand.rarm * cfn(.8, 0, -.5) * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(90)), i/t)
  1208. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(stand.larm * cfn(-.8, 0, -1.6) * cfa(0, math.rad(-30), math.rad(-90)), i/t)
  1209. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(stand.grip1 * cfa(math.rad(90), 0, 0), i/t)
  1211. if not running then softoverride = true
  1212. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stand.rleg * cfn(.5, 0, 0), i/t)
  1213. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stand.lleg * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(30)), i/t)
  1214. end
  1216. for _,v in pairs(checkPartMag({Trail}, 20)) do
  1217. if not hitdb[v] then hitdb[v] = true
  1218. strike(v, bdmg.Value + 10, 0)
  1219. end end
  1222. if not active or checkStatus(char, "Stun") then break end
  1224. end
  1226. defWS = ogdefWS
  1227. end
  1229. }
  1231. -- coroutines
  1232. ----------------------------------------------
  1234. ----------------------------------------------
  1235. local runmanage = spawn(function()
  1236. while true do swait()
  1238. local tvel = (hrp.Velocity * v3(1, 0, 1)).magnitude
  1239. local groundcheck = Ray.new(hrp.Position, ((hrp.CFrame.p - Vector3.new(0, 1, 0)) - hrp.CFrame.p).unit * 4)
  1240. local hit = workspace:FindPartOnRay(groundcheck, char)
  1242. if hit then
  1243. if jumping then jumping = false; end
  1244. else jumping = true
  1245. end
  1247. if tvel > 2 then
  1249. if not running then running = true; softoverride = false end
  1250. elseif running then running = false
  1251. end
  1253. if (wsoverride or lwoverride) and not active then
  1254. wsoverride = false; lwoverride = false
  1255. end
  1257. if not wsoverride then
  1258. hume.WalkSpeed = defWS
  1259. end end end)
  1260. ----------------------------------------------
  1261. local runanim = spawn(function()
  1262. while true do swait()
  1263. local vtvel = math.abs(hrp.Velocity.Y)
  1264. local t = 20
  1266. if equipped and not active then
  1268. if jumping then
  1270. if hrp.Velocity.Y > 1 then for i = 1, t do swait()
  1271. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(jump.rarm, (i/t)/2)
  1272. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(jump.larm, (i/t)/2)
  1273. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(jump.head, (i/t)/2)
  1274. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(jump.tors, (i/t)/2)
  1275. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(jump.grip1, (i/t)/2)
  1276. grip.C0 = grip.C0:lerp(jump.grip0, (i/t)/2)
  1277. if not jumping or active  or hrp.Velocity.Y < 1 then
  1278. break end end
  1280. else for i = 1, t do swait()
  1281. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(fall.rarm, (i/t)/2)
  1282. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(fall.larm, (i/t)/2)
  1283. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(fall.head, (i/t)/2)
  1284. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(fall.tors, (i/t)/2)
  1285. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(fall.grip1, (i/t)/2)
  1286. grip.C0 = grip.C0:lerp(fall.grip0, (i/t)/2)
  1287. if not jumping or active  or hrp.Velocity.Y > 1 then
  1288. break end end end
  1290. elseif running then for i = 1, t do swait()
  1291. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(run.rarm, (i/t)/2)
  1292. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(stand.larm * cfa(math.rad(-15), math.rad(10), 0), (i/t)/2)
  1293. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(run.head, (i/t)/2)
  1294. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(run.tors, (i/t)/2)
  1295. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(run.grip1, (i/t)/2)
  1296. grip.C0 = grip.C0:lerp(run.grip0, (i/t)/2)
  1297. if not running or jumping or active  then break end
  1298. end
  1300. for i = 1, t do swait()
  1301. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(run.rarm, (i/t)/2)
  1302. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(stand.larm * cfa(math.rad(-15), math.rad(10),0), (i/t)/2)
  1303. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(run.head, (i/t)/2)
  1304. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(run.tors, (i/t)/2)
  1305. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(run.grip1, (i/t)/2)
  1306. grip.C0 = grip.C0:lerp(run.grip0, (i/t)/2)
  1307. if not running or jumping or active  then break end
  1308. end
  1310. else t = 60
  1311. for i = 1, t do swait()
  1312. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(neutral.rarm, i/t)
  1313. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(neutral.larm, i/t)
  1314. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(neutral.head, i/t)
  1315. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(neutral.tors, i/t)
  1316. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(neutral.grip1, (i/t)/2)
  1317. grip.C0 = grip.C0:lerp(neutral.grip0, (i/t)/2)
  1318. if running or jumping or active  then break end
  1319. end end end end end)
  1320. ----------------------------------------------
  1321. local legwalk = spawn(function()
  1322. while true do swait()
  1323. local t = math.ceil(300/hume.WalkSpeed)
  1324. local t2 = 20
  1326. if equipped and not (lwoverride or softoverride) then
  1328. if jumping then
  1330. if hrp.Velocity.Y > 1 then for i = 1, t2 do swait()
  1331. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(jump.rleg, i/t2)
  1332. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(jump.lleg, i/t2)
  1333. if not jumping or lwoverride or softoverride
  1334. or hrp.Velocity.Y < 1 then break end
  1335. end
  1337. else for i = 1, t2 do swait()
  1338. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(fall.rleg, i/t2)
  1339. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(fall.lleg, i/t2)
  1340. if not jumping or lwoverride or softoverride
  1341. or hrp.Velocity.Y > 1 then break end
  1342. end end
  1344. elseif running then for i = 1, t do swait()
  1345. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stand.rleg * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(-40)), (i/t)/2)
  1346. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stand.lleg * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(-40)), (i/t)/2)
  1347. if not running or jumping or lwoverride or softoverride then break end
  1348. end
  1350. if running and not jumping then for i = 1, t do swait()
  1351. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stand.rleg * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(40)), (i/t)/2)
  1352. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stand.lleg * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(40)), (i/t)/2)
  1353. if not running or lwoverride or softoverride then break end
  1354. end end
  1356. else for i = 1, t do swait()
  1357. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(neutral.rleg, i/t)
  1358. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(neutral.lleg, i/t)
  1359. if running or jumping or lwoverride or softoverride then break end
  1360. end end
  1362. elseif not equipped then
  1363. rlw.C0 = stand.rleg; llw.C0 = stand.lleg
  1364. end end end)
  1365. ----------------------------------------------
  1366. local combomanage = spawn(function()
  1367. while true do swait()
  1368. if (tick()-combotime)>=combowait
  1369. and not active then combostep = 0
  1370. end end
  1371. end)
  1372. ----------------------------------------------
  1373. -- Input Events
  1375. mouse.Button1Down:connect(function()
  1376. if equipped and not active then active = true
  1377. attack(); active = false
  1378. end end)
  1380. mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
  1381. key = key:lower()
  1383. for i,v in ipairs(abilities) do
  1384. if key == v.key:lower() then
  1385. if equipped and script.CanCastAbilities.Value == true and not active then
  1386. active = true; cast(i); active = false
  1387. end end end
  1389. if key == "q" then
  1390. if not equipped then equipped = true; active = true
  1391. equip(); active = false
  1393. else if not active then active = true
  1394. unequip(); active = false; equipped = false
  1395. end end end end)
  1397. -- Arbitrary End Code --
  1398. weapon.Parent = char
  1400. while char:FindFirstChild("Silenced") ~= nil do
  1401. script.CanCastAbilities.Value = false
  1402. wait(2)
  1403. script.CanCastAbilities.Value = true   
  1404. end
  1406. while true do -- stun
  1407. if char:FindFirstChild("Stunned") ~= nil then do
  1408. defWS = 0; hume.JumpPower = 0 ;active = true
  1409. local stuntext = coroutine.wrap(function()
  1410.             local p=Instance.new("Part",workspace);p.CanCollide=false;p.Transparency=1;p.Size=Vector3.new(.2,.2,.2);p.CFrame=char.Torso.CFrame+Vector3.new(math.random(-1,1),math.random(1,2),math.random(-1,1));p.Anchored = true
  1411.             local g=Instance.new("BillboardGui",p);g.Size=UDim2.new(2.5,0,2.5,0);g.Adornee=p;g.AlwaysOnTop=true
  1412.             local t=Instance.new("TextLabel",g);t.BackgroundTransparency=1;t.TextStrokeTransparency=0;t.Size=UDim2.new(1,0,1,0);t.TextScaled=true;t.Font= Enum.Font.Fantasy
  1413.             t:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0,0,-1,0),'Out','Sine',1.25)
  1414. t.Text = "Stunned!"
  1415. t.TextColor3=c3(255,255,0)
  1416. t.TextStrokeColor3=BrickColor.new("Really black").Color
  1417. local s=Instance.new("Sound", char.Torso)
  1418. s.SoundId="rbxassetid://2801263"
  1419. s.Volume = 1
  1420. s.Pitch = 1.15
  1421. s:Play()
  1422. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(s,1)
  1423. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(p,1.45)
  1424. spawn(function() for i = 0,1,.1 do t.TextTransparency=i;t.TextStrokeTransparency=i;wait(.1);end end)
  1425. end)
  1426. stuntext()
  1427. local t = 110
  1428. for i = 1, t do swait()
  1429. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(stunned.head, i/t)
  1430. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(stunned.tors , i/t)
  1431. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(stunned.rarm , i/t)
  1432. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(stunned.larm , i/t)
  1433. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(stunned.grip1 , i/t)
  1435. if not running then softoverride = true
  1436. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stunned.rleg, i/t)
  1437. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stunned.lleg, i/t)
  1438. if not active then break end
  1439. end
  1441. end
  1442. defWS = ogdefWS; hume.JumpPower = 50 ;active = false
  1443. end
  1444. end
  1445. if char:FindFirstChild("Silenced") ~= nil then do
  1446. script.CanCastAbilities.Value = false
  1447. local siltext = coroutine.wrap(function()
  1448.             local p=Instance.new("Part",workspace);p.CanCollide=false;p.Transparency=1;p.Size=Vector3.new(.2,.2,.2);p.CFrame=char.Torso.CFrame+Vector3.new(math.random(-1,1),math.random(1,2),math.random(-1,1));p.Anchored = true
  1449.             local g=Instance.new("BillboardGui",p);g.Size=UDim2.new(2.5,0,2.5,0);g.Adornee=p;g.AlwaysOnTop=true
  1450.             local t=Instance.new("TextLabel",g);t.BackgroundTransparency=1;t.TextStrokeTransparency=0;t.Size=UDim2.new(1,0,1,0);t.TextScaled=true;t.Font= Enum.Font.Fantasy
  1451.             t:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0,0,-1,0),'Out','Sine',1.25)
  1452. t.Text = "Silenced"
  1453. t.TextColor3=BrickColor.new("Eggplant").Color
  1454. t.TextStrokeColor3=BrickColor.new("Really black").Color
  1455. local s=Instance.new("Sound", char.Torso)
  1456. s.SoundId="rbxassetid://2785493"
  1457. s.Volume = 1
  1458. s.Pitch = 1.2
  1459. s:Play()
  1460. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(s,1)
  1461. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(p,1.45)
  1462. spawn(function() for i = 0,1,.1 do t.TextTransparency=i;t.TextStrokeTransparency=i;wait(.1);end end)
  1463. end)
  1464. siltext()
  1465. wait(2.15)
  1466. script.CanCastAbilities.Value = true   
  1467. end end
  1468. if char:FindFirstChild("Slowed") ~= nil then do
  1469. defWS = defWS - 7
  1470. local siltext = coroutine.wrap(function()
  1471.             local p=Instance.new("Part",workspace);p.CanCollide=false;p.Transparency=1;p.Size=Vector3.new(.2,.2,.2);p.CFrame=char.Torso.CFrame+Vector3.new(math.random(-1,1),math.random(1,2),math.random(-1,1));p.Anchored = true
  1472.             local g=Instance.new("BillboardGui",p);g.Size=UDim2.new(2.5,0,2.5,0);g.Adornee=p;g.AlwaysOnTop=true
  1473.             local t=Instance.new("TextLabel",g);t.BackgroundTransparency=1;t.TextStrokeTransparency=0;t.Size=UDim2.new(1,0,1,0);t.TextScaled=true;t.Font= Enum.Font.Fantasy
  1474.             t:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0,0,-1,0),'Out','Sine',1.25)
  1475. t.Text = "Slowed"
  1476. t.TextColor3=BrickColor.new("Ghost grey").Color
  1477. t.TextStrokeColor3=BrickColor.new("Really black").Color
  1478. local s=Instance.new("Sound", char.Torso)
  1479. s.SoundId="rbxassetid://2785493"
  1480. s.Volume = 1
  1481. s.Pitch = .8
  1482. s:Play()
  1483. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(s,1)
  1484. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(p,1.45)
  1485. spawn(function() for i = 0,1,.1 do t.TextTransparency=i;t.TextStrokeTransparency=i;wait(.1);end end)
  1486. end)
  1487. siltext()
  1488. wait(2.15)
  1489. defWS = defWS + 7
  1490. end end
  1491. swait()
  1492. end
  1495. -- script made by Huge_Nazo
  1496. -- gime credit if u use this idc if u do just at least when u go to show say someone cool made it
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