
DvarAddr Dump - Notorious

May 13th, 2014
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  1. //+++++++++DVAR DUMP BY: Notorious++++++++
  3. public static class DvarAddr
  4. {
  5. public static uint vehHelicopterJitterJerkyness = 0x26ACC9C,
  6. public static uint bg_alienBulletExplRadius = 0x26A04EC,
  7. public static uint dsping_dc_3 = 0x26A8FDC,
  8. public static uint ui_adrenaline = 0x26A7254,
  9. public static uint vehSubmarineMinForwardVel = 0x26AD1AC,
  10. public static uint cg_javelinKillCamLookLerpDist = 0x269CF34,
  11. public static uint vehHelicopterTiltFromVelocity = 0x26ACB7C,
  12. public static uint scr_sr_bombtimer = 0x268EFE4,
  13. public static uint log_party_state = 0x2686104,
  14. public static uint server4 = 0x26AA2FC,
  15. public static uint cg_hudGrenadeIconOffset = 0x26A609C,
  16. public static uint glass_edge_angle = 0x268BA2C,
  17. public static uint vehSubmarinePitchRestore = 0x26ACEDC,
  18. public static uint splitscreen_online_enabled = 0x2695134,
  19. public static uint partymigrate_pingtest_retry = 0x26934CC,
  20. public static uint tracer_stoppingPowerColor1 = 0x269B6BC,
  21. public static uint pt_AliensReadyUpPublicInUse = 0x2692AAC,
  22. public static uint fx_draw = 0x268B324,
  23. public static uint fx_marks_nearlimit = 0x268B564,
  24. public static uint vehSubmarineMaxRoll = 0x26AD0D4,
  25. public static uint cg_hudLighting_blood_diffuseOffset = 0x26A24B4,
  26. public static uint waypointOffscreenCornerRadius = 0x269F064,
  27. public static uint g_fogMaxOpacityReadOnly = 0x26AC234,
  28. public static uint cg_hudGrenadeIconEnabledFlash = 0x269AA14,
  29. public static uint bg_shock_lookControl = 0x26A0BAC,
  30. public static uint vehHelicopterMaxAccel = 0x26AC594,
  31. public static uint bg_torsoSwingSpeed = 0x26A0414,
  32. public static uint cg_heliKillCamNearBlurStart = 0x269C634,
  33. public static uint phys_contact_erp = 0x26A852C,
  34. public static uint compassObjectiveNumRings = 0x269DC6C,
  35. public static uint search_weight_asn = 0x2693A24,
  36. public static uint laserEndOffset = 0x269F91C,
  37. public static uint g_sunFogScaleReadOnly = 0x26AC42C,
  38. public static uint compassObjectiveArrowHeight = 0x269DB04,
  39. public static uint cg_TeamColor_MyParty = 0x26A285C,
  40. public static uint r_filmTweakMediumTint = 0x2689A64,
  41. public static uint bg_shock_volume_missionfx = 0x26A4FBC,
  42. public static uint cg_hearVictimEnabled = 0x269BB3C,
  43. public static uint sentry_placement_trace_radius = 0x26A180C,
  44. public static uint server14 = 0x26AA5CC,
  45. public static uint g_earthquakeEnable = 0x26ABDFC,
  46. public static uint ui_ac130_105mm_ammo = 0x26A771C,
  47. public static uint ui_activeAbility_name = 0x26A7404,
  48. public static uint bg_shock_volume_explosion1 = 0x26A4554,
  49. public static uint vehSubmarineForwardDampening = 0x26ACFB4,
  50. public static uint g_ScoresColor_Spectator = 0x26A543C,
  51. public static uint bg_shock_soundFadeInTime = 0x26A096C,
  52. public static uint bg_shock_volume_reload = 0x26A4314,
  53. public static uint snd_dopplerPitchMax = 0x26A378C,
  54. public static uint r_texFilterAnisoMax = 0x26873DC,
  55. public static uint drawKillcamDataSize = 0x269AE4C,
  56. public static uint bg_shieldHitEncodeWidthVM = 0x26A0E34,
  57. public static uint vehUGVRollTrack = 0x26ADA64,
  58. public static uint bg_shock_volume_voice_dog_dist = 0x26A3E4C,
  59. public static uint name = 0x2699C4C,
  60. public static uint dw_presence_get_rate = 0x2694F3C,
  61. public static uint cg_hudLighting_blood_additiveOffset = 0x26A26F4,
  62. public static uint scr_dm_halftime = 0x26ADCEC,
  63. public static uint lobby_animationSpeed = 0x26AAE84,
  64. public static uint g_inactivity = 0x26AB8A4,
  65. public static uint r_predatorHotPosterColorCount = 0x268A004,
  66. public static uint FoFIconMaxSize = 0x26A006C,
  67. public static uint vehSubmarineFwdCollMaxAccel = 0x26AD824,
  68. public static uint g_maxDroppedWeapons = 0x26AB85C,
  69. public static uint g_TeamTitleColor_Spectator = 0x26A567C,
  70. public static uint elite_clan_motd_throttle_time = 0x2694CB4,
  71. public static uint tracer_explosiveColor3 = 0x269B554,
  72. public static uint ui_ability_end_milliseconds = 0x26A7374,
  73. public static uint perk_weapRateMultiplier = 0x26A102C,
  74. public static uint g_useholdtime = 0x26ABD6C,
  75. public static uint snd_dopplerPlayerVelocityScale = 0x26A36FC,
  76. public static uint glass_max_pieces_per_frame = 0x268BB94,
  77. public static uint ui_myPartyColor = 0x26AAD64,
  78. public static uint developer = 0x268AFC4,
  79. public static uint scr_player_respawndelay = 0x268DDE4,
  80. public static uint cg_invalidCmdHintBlinkInterval = 0x269C2D4,
  81. public static uint cg_overheadNamesNearDist = 0x269BE9C,
  82. public static uint cg_drawTurretCrosshair = 0x269A54C,
  83. public static uint com_completionResolveCommand = 0x2685BAC,
  84. public static uint elite_clan_get_clan_retry_step = 0x26945F4,
  85. public static uint scr_gameended = 0x26A690C,
  86. public static uint pm_gamesetup_mode_altmodes_jug = 0x2695B54,
  87. public static uint bg_swingSpeed = 0x26A0384,
  88. public static uint physVeh_explodeSpinScale = 0x26A8ACC,
  89. public static uint bg_shock_volume_weapon_drone = 0x26A450C,
  90. public static uint dsping_dc_30 = 0x26A9774,
  91. public static uint dsping_dc_21 = 0x26A94EC,
  92. public static uint dsping_dc_12 = 0x26A9264,
  93. public static uint ui_playlistCategoryDisabledColor = 0x26AABB4,
  94. public static uint cg_brass = 0x269B164,
  95. public static uint scr_grind_waverespawndelay = 0x268FC8C,
  96. public static uint scr_aliens_promode = 0x268FA4C,
  97. public static uint player_breath_snd_delay = 0x26A057C,
  98. public static uint waypointOffscreenPointerHeight = 0x269EE6C,
  99. public static uint cg_hudLighting_blood_additiveScale = 0x26A26AC,
  100. public static uint cl_serverStatusResendTime = 0x269997C,
  101. public static uint live_voting_active = 0x269571C,
  102. public static uint bg_shock_volume_effects2dlim = 0x26A4AF4,
  103. public static uint dsping_dc_56 = 0x26A9EC4,
  104. public static uint dsping_dc_47 = 0x26A9C3C,
  105. public static uint dsping_dc_38 = 0x26A99B4,
  106. public static uint dsping_dc_29 = 0x26A972C,
  107. public static uint perk_extendedMagsRifleAmmo = 0x26A12B4,
  108. public static uint com_errorMessage = 0x26ADE0C,
  109. public static uint r_filmTweakBrightness = 0x26898FC,
  110. public static uint elite_clan_get_public_profile_max_retry_time = 0x269475C,
  111. public static uint phys_autoDisableFastAngular = 0x26A8454,
  112. public static uint ui_extraBigFont = 0x26AA77C,
  113. public static uint elite_clan_division_icon_active = 0x269487C,
  114. public static uint g_deadChat = 0x26ABAE4,
  115. public static uint fx_profileSort = 0x268B6CC,
  116. public static uint r_vc_showlog = 0x2687F1C,
  117. public static uint nextmap = 0x2698ADC,
  118. public static uint glass_meleeDamage = 0x26ADB3C,
  119. public static uint dsping_dc_4 = 0x26A9024,
  120. public static uint sm_enable = 0x2688AEC,
  121. public static uint cg_hudLighting_basic_diffuseLumScale = 0x26A1F14,
  122. public static uint server5 = 0x26AA344,
  123. public static uint ui_class_menu_open = 0x26A7494,
  124. public static uint lb_maxrows = 0x2693B8C,
  125. public static uint cg_onlineSplitscreenScoreboardWidth = 0x269EB9C,
  126. public static uint ui_bigFont = 0x26AA734,
  127. public static uint m_side = 0x2699AE4,
  128. public static uint sv_hostname = 0x26984F4,
  129. public static uint validate_clamp_losses = 0x26970B4,
  130. public static uint ui_changeclass_menu_open = 0x26A74DC,
  131. public static uint ui_textScrollSpeed = 0x26AB07C,
  132. public static uint waypointOffscreenPointerWidth = 0x269EE24,
  133. public static uint scr_defcon = 0x26A6954,
  134. public static uint vehSubmarineSideCollMaxAngAccel = 0x26AD74C,
  135. public static uint pt_backoutOnClientPresence = 0x269235C,
  136. public static uint g_ScoresColor_MyTeam = 0x26A5364,
  137. public static uint vehSubmarineMaxLateralVel = 0x26AD284,
  138. public static uint r_cc_desaturation1 = 0x268AB8C,
  139. public static uint r_predatorAllyBrightness = 0x268A28C,
  140. public static uint phys_contact_erp_ragdoll = 0x26A85BC,
  141. public static uint bg_shock_volume_explosiveimpact = 0x26A3B34,
  142. public static uint scr_sotf_roundlimit = 0x269061C,
  143. public static uint cg_drawStatsSource = 0x269A27C,
  144. public static uint onlinegame = 0x26992BC,
  145. public static uint cg_scoreboard_externalmute_notice_fadeout = 0x269ED4C,
  146. public static uint ui_hitloc_damage_1 = 0x26A6C6C,
  147. public static uint tracer_stoppingPowerColor2 = 0x269B704,
  148. public static uint m_pitch = 0x2699A0C,
  149. public static uint ui_netSource = 0x26AA6A4,
  150. public static uint profileMenuOption_volume = 0x2699E8C,
  151. public static uint cg_explosiveKillCamGroundBackDist = 0x269CA24,
  152. public static uint shortversion = 0x2697E34,
  153. public static uint FoFIconScale = 0x269FFDC,
  154. public static uint scr_blitz_winlimit = 0x268FE3C,
  155. public static uint cg_scoreboardPingGraph = 0x26A63B4,
  156. public static uint server15 = 0x26AA614,
  157. public static uint cg_cullBulletAngle = 0x269FF94,
  158. public static uint bg_shock_volume_auto = 0x26A3984,
  159. public static uint ui_playlistCategoryEnabledColor = 0x26AABFC,
  160. public static uint waypointTweakY = 0x269F334,
  161. public static uint cameraShakeRemoteHelo_SpeedRange = 0x269F694,
  162. public static uint gpad_isLefty = 0x268C9EC,
  163. public static uint scr_aliens_timelimit = 0x268F89C,
  164. public static uint cg_hudLighting_blood_ambientLumScale = 0x26A22BC,
  165. public static uint g_knockback = 0x26AB814,
  166. public static uint cg_javelinKillCamUpDist = 0x269CEA4,
  167. public static uint vehSubmarineMaxNegativeBuoyancy = 0x26AD314,
  168. public static uint laserLightBodyTweak = 0x269F844,
  169. public static uint scr_sotf_ffa_waverespawndelay = 0x2690A54,
  170. public static uint shieldImpactExplosionHighShakeDuration = 0x269FD0C,
  171. public static uint userGroup_active = 0x2694324,
  172. public static uint cg_waterSheeting_radius = 0x269D294,
  173. public static uint scr_RequiredMapAspectratio = 0x268CF44,
  174. public static uint vehUGVWheelInfluence = 0x26AD9D4,
  175. public static uint g_dropForwardSpeed = 0x26AB934,
  176. public static uint bg_shock_volume_explosion2 = 0x26A459C,
  177. public static uint sv_showAverageBPS = 0x26987C4,
  178. public static uint cg_hudLighting_blood_diffuseScale = 0x26A246C,
  179. public static uint cg_hudLighting_blood_diffuseLumOffset = 0x26A2424,
  180. public static uint vehHelicopterMaxAccelVertical = 0x26AC5DC,
  181. public static uint phys_joint_stop_erp = 0x26A87B4,
  182. public static uint scr_siege_timelimit = 0x269127C,
  183. public static uint g_fogColorReadOnly = 0x26AC114,
  184. public static uint cg_sprintMeterEmptyColor = 0x26A1CD4,
  185. public static uint missileRemoteSteerYawRate = 0x26A0F54,
  186. public static uint g_ScoresColor_Axis = 0x26A5514,
  187. public static uint scr_siege_playerrespawndelay = 0x26913E4,
  188. public static uint pt_migrationQuitsBad = 0x26928B4,
  189. public static uint xenon_maxVoicePacketsPerSecForServer = 0x2691A14,
  190. public static uint cg_gameBoldMessageWidth = 0x269BAAC,
  191. public static uint ragdoll_stretch_iters = 0x26A315C,
  192. public static uint cod_anywhere_single_task_popup_text = 0x2697BAC,
  193. public static uint ui_ac130_coord1_posx = 0x26A7884,
  194. public static uint cg_hudLighting_blood_ambientOffset = 0x26A2394,
  195. public static uint compassTickertapeStretch = 0x269D954,
  196. public static uint g_TeamTitleColor_MyTeam = 0x26A55EC,
  197. public static uint phys_contact_cfm_vehicle = 0x26A8604,
  198. public static uint ui_regen_faster_end_milliseconds = 0x26A7644,
  199. public static uint vehSubmarineMaxReverseVel = 0x26AD23C,
  200. public static uint ui_numteams = 0x26A6564,
  201. public static uint snd_omnidirectionalPercentage = 0x26A354C,
  202. public static uint allusersinactive = 0x26AB6F4,
  203. public static uint cg_drawpaused = 0x269B944,
  204. public static uint bg_shock_volume_explosiondist1 = 0x26A3AA4,
  205. public static uint profileMenuOption_blacklevel = 0x2699E44,
  206. public static uint vehSubmarineSideProbeMaxDist = 0x26AD6BC,
  207. public static uint r_forceLod = 0x2688AA4,
  208. public static uint vehSubmarineMinVelNoRestore = 0x26ACF6C,
  209. public static uint dsping_dc_40 = 0x26A9A44,
  210. public static uint glass_radiusDamageMultiplier = 0x26ADB84,
  211. public static uint dsping_dc_22 = 0x26A9534,
  212. public static uint vehSubmarineHorizControlGamma = 0x26AD8B4,
  213. public static uint r_reactiveMotionHelicopterRadius = 0x26A5F7C,
  214. public static uint pt_useHostPingForDesirability = 0x2692A1C,
  215. public static uint overtimeTimeLimit = 0x26A65F4,
  216. public static uint cg_hudLighting_blood_additiveLumScale = 0x26A261C,
  217. public static uint physVeh_minImpactMomentum = 0x26A89F4,
  218. public static uint g_TeamName_Allies = 0x26A555C,
  219. public static uint g_scriptMainMenu = 0x26A6E1C,
  220. public static uint r_cc_contrastScale1 = 0x268AAFC,
  221. public static uint viewposNow = 0x269D2DC,
  222. public static uint entitlements_delay = 0x269412C,
  223. public static uint g_mantleBlockTimeBuffer = 0x26ABE44,
  224. public static uint dsping_dc_48 = 0x26A9C84,
  225. public static uint dsping_dc_39 = 0x26A99FC,
  226. public static uint g_TeamIcon_Allies = 0x26A5124,
  227. public static uint g_TeamIcon_EnemyAllies = 0x26A52D4,
  228. public static uint glass_damageToDestroy = 0x26ADAF4,
  229. public static uint ui_smallFont = 0x26AA6EC,
  230. public static uint ragdoll_baselerp_time = 0x26A2F64,
  231. public static uint sv_rejoinTimeout = 0x269865C,
  232. public static uint vehHelicopterHeadSwayDontSwayTheTurret = 0x26ACCE4,
  233. public static uint vehHelicopterInvertUpDown = 0x26ACA14,
  234. public static uint bg_shock_volume_foley_npc_weap = 0x26A3D2C,
  235. public static uint phys_qsi = 0x26A825C,
  236. public static uint laserFlarePct_alt = 0x269FACC,
  237. public static uint waypointDistScaleSmallest = 0x269F1CC,
  238. public static uint server6 = 0x26AA38C,
  239. public static uint dsping_dc_5 = 0x26A906C,
  240. public static uint ui_ac130_weapon = 0x26A76D4,
  241. public static uint cg_centertime = 0x269B1AC,
  242. public static uint vehHelicopterMaxYawAccel = 0x26AC66C,
  243. public static uint cg_turretKillCamUpDist = 0x269CC1C,
  244. public static uint g_friendlyNameDist = 0x26ABBBC,
  245. public static uint bg_shock_volume_plr_weap_fire_2d = 0x26A4D7C,
  246. public static uint vehHelicopterMaxPitch = 0x26AC6B4,
  247. public static uint dcacheSimulateNoHDD = 0x26A8C7C,
  248. public static uint scr_player_suicidespawndelay = 0x268DE74,
  249. public static uint perk_sprintMultiplier = 0x26A126C,
  250. public static uint con_gameMsgWindow3ScrollTime = 0x268692C,
  251. public static uint ragdoll_bullet_force = 0x26A2ED4,
  252. public static uint ui_playerPartyColor = 0x26AAC8C,
  253. public static uint vehHelicopterDecelerationUp = 0x26AC9CC,
  254. public static uint overrideNVGModelWithKnife = 0x269C3F4,
  255. public static uint cg_explosiveKillCamWallSideDist = 0x269C994,
  256. public static uint vehSubmarineMaxForwardVel = 0x26AD1F4,
  257. public static uint pm_gamesetup_mode_altmodes_oneinthechamber = 0x2695C2C,
  258. public static uint radarjamDistMin = 0x269D09C,
  259. public static uint r_reactiveMotionHelicopterStrength = 0x26A5FC4,
  260. public static uint cg_drawEffectNum = 0x269A39C,
  261. public static uint g_voiceChatTalkingDuration = 0x26ABB2C,
  262. public static uint cg_deadChatWithDead = 0x26A6324,
  263. public static uint ps3_np_disconnect_delay = 0x2691AEC,
  264. public static uint cg_drawFriendlyNames = 0x269C094,
  265. public static uint vehSubmarineMaxReverseAccel = 0x26AD164,
  266. public static uint mm_sph_3 = 0x26974A4,
  267. public static uint vehHelicopterStrafeDeadzone = 0x26AC81C,
  268. public static uint vehSubmarineFwdProbeTime = 0x26AD704,
  269. public static uint ragdoll_dump_anims = 0x26A30CC,
  270. public static uint playername2 = 0x26AB6AC,
  271. public static uint ui_oldmapname = 0x26AB424,
  272. public static uint ui_challenge_1_ref = 0x26A705C,
  273. public static uint scr_objectivetext = 0x26A6F84,
  274. public static uint bg_shock_volume_voice_dog = 0x26A4B3C,
  275. public static uint max_xp_per_match = 0x268D0F4,
  276. public static uint r_lightGridSHOptimization = 0x26A5AFC,
  277. public static uint r_lightGridSHBands = 0x26A5A6C,
  278. public static uint ui_buildLocation = 0x26AAA94,
  279. public static uint scr_cranked_waverespawndelay = 0x269019C,
  280. public static uint lobby_animationTilesHigh = 0x26AAF14,
  281. public static uint g_TeamName_Axis = 0x26A55A4,
  282. public static uint allow_secondscreen = 0x2694954,
  284. public static uint vehHelicopterScaleMovement = 0x26AC864,
  285. public static uint agent_jumpSpeed = 0x26ADBCC,
  286. public static uint vehHelicopterMaxSpeed = 0x26AC504,
  288. public static uint g_useholdspawndelay = 0x26ABDB4,
  289. public static uint cg_airstrikeKillCamNearBlur = 0x269C70C,
  290. public static uint phys_mcv_vehicle = 0x26A8064,
  291. public static uint ui_mapvote_entrya_gametype = 0x26AA89C,
  292. public static uint ui_overtime = 0x26A648C,
  293. public static uint validate_clamp_ties = 0x26970FC,
  294. public static uint ammoCounterHide = 0x269E3BC,
  295. public static uint vehSubmarineStoppedVel = 0x26AD35C,
  296. public static uint cg_hudLighting_basic_ambientLumScale = 0x26A1DF4,
  297. public static uint cg_explosiveKillCamStopDecelDist = 0x269CBD4,
  298. public static uint cg_drawFriendlyHUDGrenades = 0x26A582C,
  299. public static uint melee_debug = 0x26AC03C,
  300. public static uint vehHelicopterSoftCollisions = 0x26AC8F4,
  301. public static uint ui_currentFeederMapIndex = 0x26AA974,
  302. public static uint ragdoll_exploding_bullet_upbias = 0x26A2E8C,
  303. public static uint cg_drawCrosshair = 0x26A570C,
  304. public static uint r_reactiveMotionWindDir = 0x26A5C1C,
  305. public static uint num_available_map_packs = 0x26950EC,
  307. public static uint uiscript_debug = 0x26AB34C,
  309. public static uint compassHideVehicles = 0x269E0A4,
  310. public static uint shieldBlastDamageProtection_60 = 0x26ABED4,
  311. public static uint party_teambased = 0x2693094,
  312. public static uint compassObjectiveArrowWidth = 0x269DABC,
  313. public static uint cg_hudLighting_basic_diffuseScale = 0x26A1FA4,
  314. public static uint bg_shock_volume_norestrict = 0x26A4824,
  315. public static uint ui_ac130_coord2_posx = 0x26A795C,
  316. public static uint ragdoll_exploding_bullet_force = 0x26A2E44,
  317. public static uint relay_timeout = 0x2697D14,
  318. public static uint lowAmmoWarningPulseMin = 0x269E56C,
  319. public static uint ui_halftime = 0x26A65AC,
  320. public static uint ui_ac130_coord1_posy = 0x26A78CC,
  321. public static uint ui_hitloc_1 = 0x26A6ABC,
  322. public static uint bg_shock_volume_bulletflesh1npc_npc = 0x26A3E94,
  323. public static uint vehSubmarineMaxForwardAccel = 0x26AD11C,
  324. public static uint objectiveTextOffsetY = 0x269F4E4,
  325. public static uint snd_dopplerAuditionEnable = 0x26A366C,
  326. public static uint cg_TeamColor_Free = 0x26A2934,
  327. public static uint ui_inactivePartyColor = 0x26AAD1C,
  328. public static uint vehHelicopterMaxRoll = 0x26AC6FC,
  329. public static uint dsping_dc_50 = 0x26A9D14,
  330. public static uint dsping_dc_41 = 0x26A9A8C,
  331. public static uint dsping_dc_32 = 0x26A9804,
  332. public static uint dsping_dc_23 = 0x26A957C,
  333. public static uint dsping_dc_14 = 0x26A92F4,
  334. public static uint scr_grnd_promode = 0x26911A4,
  335. public static uint sentry_placement_trace_min_normal = 0x26A192C,
  336. public static uint missileRemoteSteerPitchRate = 0x26A0F0C,
  337. public static uint hud_fade_compass = 0x26A1A04,
  338. public static uint cl_ingame = 0x2699BBC,
  339. public static uint snd_occlusionDelay = 0x26A3594,
  340. public static uint ragdoll_max_stretch_pct = 0x26A3114,
  342. public static uint bg_shock_volume_explosiondist2 = 0x26A3AEC,
  343. public static uint cg_weaponCycleDelay = 0x269AFFC,
  344. public static uint pt_migrationBandwidthBonusThreshold = 0x26925E4,
  345. public static uint dsping_dc_58 = 0x26A9F54,
  346. public static uint dsping_dc_49 = 0x26A9CCC,
  347. public static uint aim_target_sentient_radius = 0x26ADE54,
  348. public static uint bg_shock_screenBlurBlendFadeTime = 0x26A0774,
  349. public static uint vehSubmarineInvertUpDown = 0x26AD5E4,
  350. public static uint veh_aiOverSteerScale = 0x26AC4BC,
  351. public static uint vehSubmarineSideCollMaxAccel = 0x26AD794,
  352. public static uint pt_migrationQuitsWeight = 0x269286C,
  353. public static uint FoFIconSpawnTimeFade = 0x26A00FC,
  354. public static uint cg_hudDamageIconTime = 0x269A8AC,
  355. public static uint bg_shock_volume_foley_plr_mvmt = 0x26A3C54,
  356. public static uint g_sunFogBeginFadeAngleReadOnly = 0x26AC39C,
  357. public static uint server7 = 0x26AA3D4,
  358. public static uint sv_zombietime = 0x26986A4,
  359. public static uint player_breath_snd_lerp = 0x26A0534,
  360. public static uint cg_everyoneHearsEveryone = 0x26A636C,
  362. public static uint radius_damage_debug = 0x26AC084,
  364. public static uint vehHelicopterHoverSpeedThreshold = 0x26AC78C,
  365. public static uint ragdoll_debug = 0x26A2AE4,
  366. public static uint vehHelicopterRightStickDeadzone = 0x26AC7D4,
  367. public static uint current_class_location = 0x26ADE9C,
  368. public static uint cg_scoreboardPingHeight = 0x269E9EC,
  369. public static uint cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxRangeFlash = 0x269A93C,
  370. public static uint validate_clamp_headshots = 0x2697024,
  371. public static uint facebook_max_retry_time = 0x2693EA4,
  372. public static uint mapPackMPGroupTwoFlags = 0x2685FE4,
  373. public static uint cg_hudMapFriendlyWidth = 0x268CD94,
  374. public static uint cl_connectTimeout = 0x269958C,
  375. public static uint bg_shock_volume_weapon2d = 0x26A4A1C,
  376. public static uint vehHelicopterTiltFromDeceleration = 0x26ACB34,
  377. public static uint vehHelicopterLookaheadTime = 0x26AC744,
  378. public static uint bg_shock_volume_foley_npc_step = 0x26A4434,
  379. public static uint r_predatorEnemyPostContrast = 0x268A5EC,
  380. public static uint cl_deathMessageWidth = 0x269919C,
  381. public static uint snd_drawInfo = 0x269A42C,
  382. public static uint ui_player_yellow_eggs = 0x26A7D94,
  383. public static uint systemlink = 0x2699304,
  384. public static uint r_reactiveMotionPlayerRadius = 0x26A5D84,
  385. public static uint bg_shock_volume_effects2d1 = 0x26A4794,
  386. public static uint bg_shock_volume_bulletflesh1 = 0x26A3FFC,
  387. public static uint cg_viewZSmoothingMin = 0x269C31C,
  388. public static uint bg_shock_volume_vehicle2d = 0x26A48FC,
  389. public static uint cg_hudDamageIconInScope = 0x269A8F4,
  390. public static uint playerPositionRecordSampleTime = 0x2693D3C,
  391. public static uint vehHelicopterDecelerationFwd = 0x26AC93C,
  392. public static uint cameraShakeRemoteMissile_Angles = 0x269F52C,
  393. public static uint sm_sunShadowScale = 0x26A5B8C,
  394. public static uint scr_restxp_enable = 0x268E024,
  395. public static uint phys_mcv = 0x26A7FD4,
  396. public static uint bg_shock_lookControl_fadeTime = 0x26A0CCC,
  397. public static uint cg_deadHearTeamLiving = 0x26A6294,
  398. public static uint agent_jumpWallSpeed = 0x26ADC14,
  399. public static uint scr_game_suicidepointloss = 0x268D40C,
  400. public static uint g_fogHalfDistReadOnly = 0x26AC1EC,
  401. public static uint ragdoll_explode_upbias = 0x26A2DFC,
  402. public static uint vehSubmarineMaxPositiveBuoyancy = 0x26AD2CC,
  403. public static uint vehHelicopterTiltMomentum = 0x26ACD2C,
  404. public static uint ui_player_weap1 = 0x26A7CBC,
  405. public static uint r_reactiveMotionActorVelocityMax = 0x26A5E5C,
  406. public static uint sv_connectTimeout = 0x2698614,
  407. public static uint motionTrackerCenterX = 0x269E254,
  408. public static uint compassRadarLineThickness = 0x269D9E4,
  409. public static uint ui_remoteTankUseTime = 0x26A687C,
  410. public static uint safeArea_vertical = 0x2698DF4,
  411. public static uint cl_yawspeed = 0x26996AC,
  412. public static uint cg_ScoresPing_HighColor = 0x269E7AC,
  414. public static uint r_sunglare_max_angle = 0x268710C,
  415. public static uint dedicated_dhclient = 0x26856E4,
  417. public static uint gpad_stick_deadzone_min = 0x2697F0C,
  419. public static uint snd_enableStream = 0x26A339C,
  420. public static uint waiting2_vis = 0x26AB664,
  421. public static uint scr_sotf_ffa_promode = 0x2690A9C,
  422. public static uint bg_shock_volume_foley_dog_step = 0x26A447C,
  423. public static uint con_gameMsgWindow0LineCount = 0x26863D4,
  424. public static uint waypointOffscreenPadBottom = 0x269EFD4,
  425. public static uint con_gameMsgWindow0MsgTime = 0x268638C,
  426. public static uint ui_mapvote_entryb_gametype = 0x26AA8E4,
  427. public static uint cg_hudLighting_blood_specOffset = 0x26A25D4,
  428. public static uint hud_health_pulserate_critical = 0x26A1BB4,
  429. public static uint scr_aliens_maxagents = 0x268FA94,
  430. public static uint vehSubmarineRollDrivenYaw = 0x26AD98C,
  431. public static uint cod_anywhere_showPopup = 0x2697B64,
  432. public static uint bg_shock_volume_menulim1 = 0x26A4164,
  434. public static uint r_hudOutlineWidth = 0x268C2E4,
  435. public static uint g_password = 0x26AB784,
  436. public static uint partymigrate_pingtest_minThreshold = 0x26935EC,
  437. public static uint ui_killstreak_show_selections_icon_1 = 0x26A7B9C,
  438. public static uint scr_dm_winlimit = 0x268E4A4,
  439. public static uint ps3_signin_notify_delay = 0x2691B34,
  440. public static uint ds_pingclient_maxpings_per_tick = 0x26A8D9C,
  441. public static uint ui_eyes_on_end_milliseconds = 0x26A75FC,
  442. public static uint cl_bypassMouseInput = 0x26999C4,
  443. public static uint cg_teamChatsOnly = 0x269B8FC,
  444. public static uint phys_cfm = 0x26A7F44,
  445. public static uint r_dof_bias = 0x268A9DC,
  446. public static uint r_reactiveMotionWindFrequencyScale = 0x26A5D3C,
  447. public static uint g_dropHorzSpeedRand = 0x26ABA0C,
  448. public static uint ui_ac130_coord3_posx = 0x26A7A34,
  449. public static uint hud_health_pulserate_injured = 0x26A1B6C,
  450. public static uint ui_hitloc_2 = 0x26A6B04,
  451. public static uint bg_shock_volume_explosion4 = 0x26A462C,
  452. public static uint lobby_searchingPartyColor = 0x26AADAC,
  453. public static uint ui_ac130_coord2_posy = 0x26A79A4,
  454. public static uint sv_cumulThinkTime = 0x26989BC,
  455. public static uint sentry_placement_debug = 0x26A1734,
  456. public static uint vehHelicopterMaxSpeedVertical = 0x26AC54C,
  457. public static uint compassPlayerHeight = 0x269D834,
  458. public static uint dsping_dc_60 = 0x26A9FE4,
  459. public static uint dsping_dc_51 = 0x26A9D5C,
  460. public static uint dsping_dc_42 = 0x26A9AD4,
  461. public static uint dsping_dc_33 = 0x26A984C,
  462. public static uint vehCam_mode = 0x26AC474,
  463. public static uint dsping_dc_15 = 0x26A933C,
  464. public static uint ds_parklist = 0x269841C,
  465. public static uint player_throwbackOuterRadius = 0x26ABC4C,
  467. public static uint cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxRangeFrag = 0x26A579C,
  468. public static uint bg_shock_volume_bulletflesh2npc_npc = 0x26A3EDC,
  469. public static uint session_join_min_time = 0x2699DB4,
  470. public static uint ui_customModeEditName = 0x26AA14C,
  471. public static uint vehHelicopterTiltSpeed = 0x26ACAA4,
  472. public static uint vehSubmarineMaxReverseYawAccel = 0x26AD47C,
  473. public static uint perk_extendedMagsSpreadAmmo = 0x26A138C,
  474. public static uint ragdoll_idle_min_velsq = 0x26A31A4,
  475. public static uint dsping_dc_59 = 0x26A9F9C,
  477. public static uint cg_drawFPS = 0x269A2C4,
  478. public static uint compassSize = 0x269D5F4,
  479. public static uint ds_pingclient_minpings = 0x26A8D0C,
  480. public static uint bg_shock_volume_hurt = 0x26A4E0C,
  481. public static uint vehHelicopterPitchOffset = 0x26AC8AC,
  482. public static uint server8 = 0x26AA41C,
  485. public static uint vehHelicopterTiltFromFwdAndYaw_VelAtMaxTilt = 0x26ACC54,
  486. public static uint validate_clamp_totalshots = 0x26971D4,
  489. public static uint facebook_upload_photo_active = 0x26940E4,
  490. public static uint perk_parabolicAngle = 0x26A11DC,
  491. public static uint dsping_dc_7 = 0x26A90FC,
  492. public static uint lobby_animationTilesWide = 0x26AAECC,
  493. public static uint agent_jumpGravity = 0x26ADC5C,
  494. public static uint sv_archiveClientsPositions = 0x2698C8C,
  495. public static uint snd_draw3D = 0x26A3474,
  497. public static uint cg_drawCrosshairNames = 0x26A5754,
  498. public static uint ui_showMenuOnly = 0x26AAB6C,
  499. public static uint gpad_menu_scroll_delay_rest_accel = 0x2698104,
  500. public static uint screenshots_active = 0x26966DC,
  502. public static uint compassObjectiveTextHeight = 0x269DD8C,
  503. public static uint cg_hudLighting_basic_ambientScale = 0x26A1E84,
  504. public static uint cg_hudLighting_basic_ambientLumOffset = 0x26A1E3C,
  506. public static uint physVeh_explodeForce = 0x26A8A84,
  507. public static uint r_filmUseTweaks = 0x2689704,
  508. public static uint phys_gravity_ragdoll = 0x26A813C,
  509. public static uint squad_cile = 0x26965BC,
  510. public static uint cg_deadHearAllLiving = 0x26A62DC,
  511. public static uint bg_shock_screenFlashWhiteFadeTime = 0x26A07BC,
  513. public static uint mm_sph_5 = 0x2697534,
  515. public static uint compassObjectiveDetailDist = 0x269DF3C,
  516. public static uint vehSubmarineAllowInSolid = 0x26AD62C,
  517. public static uint partytweak_kickoldhostsplitscreenclient = 0x269259C,
  518. public static uint cg_turretRemoteKillCamUpDist = 0x269CCAC,
  519. public static uint r_rimLightSpecIntensity = 0x268C05C,
  520. public static uint r_dlightLimit = 0x2688624,
  522. public static uint phys_erp = 0x26A7F8C,
  524. public static uint vehSubmarineFwdCollMaxAngAccel = 0x26AD7DC,
  525. public static uint r_umbraexclusive = 0x26ADD7C,
  526. public static uint motionTrackerPingSize = 0x269E20C,
  527. public static uint radarjamDistMax = 0x269D0E4,
  528. public static uint bg_shock_viewKickRadius = 0x26A0894,
  529. public static uint bg_shock_volume_effects2d2 = 0x26A47DC,
  530. public static uint playlist = 0x2699274,
  532. public static uint ui_onlineRequired = 0x26AA92C,
  533. public static uint bg_shock_volume_effects2 = 0x26A4704,
  535. public static uint vehSubmarineMaxForwardYawAccel = 0x26AD3EC,
  536. public static uint snd_useHardOuterEntchannelPriorities = 0x26A381C,
  537. public static uint ui_player_weap2 = 0x26A7D04,
  538. public static uint r_glowTweakAltColorScaleB = 0x268950C,
  539. public static uint ui_hitloc_damage_4 = 0x26A6D44,
  540. public static uint use_weighted_pass = 0x269382C,
  541. public static uint phys_autoDisableLinear = 0x26A8184,
  542. public static uint ui_showDLCMaps = 0x26AB1E4,
  543. public static uint cg_hudLighting_blood_additiveLumOffset = 0x26A2664,
  544. public static uint bg_shock_volume_foley_npc_mvmt = 0x26A3CE4,
  545. public static uint motionTrackerCenterY = 0x269E29C,
  546. public static uint cg_turretRemoteKillCamBackDist = 0x269CCF4,
  547. public static uint dw_presence_get_delay = 0x2694EF4,
  548. public static uint r_dof_viewModelEnd = 0x268A874,
  549. public static uint ui_partyFull = 0x26AADF4,
  550. public static uint vehUGVPitchTrack = 0x26ADA1C,
  551. public static uint bg_shock_volume_nonshock2 = 0x26A4AAC,
  552. public static uint g_TeamIcon_Spectator = 0x26A51FC,
  553. public static uint commerce_retry_step = 0x2695EB4,
  554. public static uint party_mapname = 0x2692E9C,
  555. public static uint r_glowUseTweaks = 0x26893A4,
  556. public static uint cg_crosshairDynamic = 0x269B0D4,
  557. public static uint cg_fov = 0x26A600C,
  558. public static uint vehSubmarineMaxReversePitchAccel = 0x26AD434,
  559. public static uint scr_gun_waverespawndelay = 0x2690E8C,
  560. public static uint ui_ac130usetime = 0x26A6834,
  561. public static uint cg_scoreboardPingText = 0x269ECBC,
  562. public static uint agent_jumpWallGravity = 0x26ADCA4,
  564. public static uint ui_mousePitch = 0x26AB2BC,
  565. public static uint scr_gun_promode = 0x2690ED4,
  566. public static uint ui_showInfo = 0x26A67A4,
  567. public static uint g_listEntity = 0x26ABA9C,
  569. public static uint bg_shock_volume_nonshock = 0x26A4A64,
  570. public static uint ui_showList = 0x26AAB24,
  571. public static uint bg_shock_soundLoop = 0x26A05C4,
  572. public static uint cg_TeamColor_MyTeam = 0x26A2814,
  573. public static uint scr_siege_caprate = 0x26914BC,
  574. public static uint bg_shock_volume_menulim2 = 0x26A41AC,
  575. public static uint con_gameMsgWindow1FadeInTime = 0x2686614,
  577. public static uint g_playerCollisionEjectSpeed = 0x26AB8EC,
  579. public static uint ui_hitloc_3 = 0x26A6B4C,
  580. public static uint cg_heliKillCamFarBlurStart = 0x269C5A4,
  581. public static uint cg_explosiveKillCamStopDist = 0x269CB8C,
  582. public static uint FoFIconSpawnTimeDelay = 0x26A00B4,
  583. public static uint g_fogColorIntensityReadOnly = 0x26AC15C,
  584. public static uint sentry_placement_feet_offset = 0x26A177C,
  586. public static uint ui_ac130_coord3_posy = 0x26A7A7C,
  587. public static uint squad_vs_squad = 0x26978DC,
  588. public static uint dsping_dc_61 = 0x26AA02C,
  589. public static uint dsping_dc_52 = 0x26A9DA4,
  590. public static uint dsping_dc_43 = 0x26A9B1C,
  591. public static uint ui_serverStatusTimeOut = 0x26AAA4C,
  592. public static uint dsping_dc_25 = 0x26A960C,
  593. public static uint dsping_dc_16 = 0x26A9384,
  594. public static uint sv_useExtraCompress = 0x2698A04,
  595. public static uint bg_shock_volume_explosion5 = 0x26A4674,
  596. public static uint bg_shock_volume_ambient = 0x26A4D34,
  597. public static uint r_hudOutlineHaloLumScale = 0x268C44C,
  598. public static uint cg_drawGun = 0x2699FF4,
  599. public static uint player_useRadius = 0x26ABC94,
  600. public static uint g_sunFogEndFadeAngleReadOnly = 0x26AC3E4,
  601. public static uint r_predatorAllyPosterHardness = 0x268A31C,
  602. public static uint cg_hudSplitscreenCompassElementScale = 0x268CA34,
  603. public static uint perk_extendedMagsSMGAmmo = 0x26A1344,
  604. public static uint camera_thirdPerson = 0x26A50DC,
  605. public static uint ui_override_halftime = 0x26A6684,
  606. public static uint ragdoll_debug_jointid = 0x26A2BBC,
  607. public static uint server9 = 0x26AA464,
  609. public static uint ui_textScrollPauseStart = 0x26AB0C4,
  611. public static uint scr_sr_numlives = 0x268EF9C,
  612. public static uint vehHelicopterMaxYawRate = 0x26AC624,
  613. public static uint bg_shock_volume_auto2d = 0x26A3A14,
  614. public static uint laserLightBeginOffset = 0x269F88C,
  615. public static uint hud_flash_period_offhand = 0x269D564,
  616. public static uint heli_barrelMaxVelocity = 0x26A02F4,
  617. public static uint bg_shock_volume_menu = 0x26A411C,
  618. public static uint scr_infect_winlimit = 0x268F4AC,
  619. public static uint sv_minPingClamp = 0x269889C,
  620. public static uint dsping_dc_8 = 0x26A9144,
  621. public static uint vehSubmarineMaxForwardPitchAccel = 0x26AD3A4,
  622. public static uint ui_buildSize = 0x26AAADC,
  623. public static uint cg_hudLighting_blood_specLumOffset = 0x26A2544,
  624. public static uint ui_currentMap = 0x26AA7C4,
  625. public static uint cell_rec_audio_format = 0x2696214,
  626. public static uint startgame2_vis = 0x26AB61C,
  627. public static uint sv_error_on_baseline_failure = 0x2698CD4,
  628. public static uint scr_aliens_casual = 0x2690CDC,
  629. public static uint ui_player_blue_eggs = 0x26A7E6C,
  630. public static uint ui_player_perks = 0x26A7D4C,
  631. public static uint server1 = 0x26AA224,
  632. public static uint bg_shock_soundLoopFadeTime = 0x26A09FC,
  635. public static uint gpad_stick_pressed_hysteresis = 0x2697FE4,
  636. public static uint cg_rocketKillCamBackDist = 0x269CAB4,
  637. public static uint ui_drawCrosshair = 0x26AAFEC,
  638. public static uint compassObjectiveHeight = 0x269DA74,
  639. public static uint bg_bulletExplDmgFactor = 0x26A045C,
  640. public static uint waypointScreenCenterFadeAdsMin = 0x269F2A4,
  641. public static uint g_dropUpSpeedBase = 0x26AB97C,
  642. public static uint vehHelicopterYawOnLeftStick = 0x26ACA5C,
  643. public static uint LUI_MemErrorsFatal = 0x26AB3DC,
  645. public static uint sensitivity = 0x269985C,
  646. public static uint com_attractmode = 0x26915DC,
  647. public static uint sm_smallSpotPolygonOffsetBias = 0x2688EDC,
  648. public static uint dw_shared_presence_active = 0x2694F84,
  649. public static uint cl_maxPing = 0x2699C04,
  650. public static uint ragdoll_debug_bodyid = 0x26A2B2C,
  651. public static uint compassRadarPingFadeTime = 0x269D99C,
  653. public static uint cg_scoreboardMyPartyColor = 0x269EB0C,
  654. public static uint r_lockPvs = 0x2688744,
  655. public static uint phys_worker_cmds = 0x26A7EFC,
  656. public static uint phys_gravity = 0x26A80F4,
  657. public static uint r_hudOutlinePostMode = 0x268C254,
  658. public static uint joingame2_vis = 0x26AB544,
  659. public static uint scr_sr_roundswitch = 0x268EF54,
  660. public static uint bg_shock_volume_norestrict2d = 0x26A486C,
  661. public static uint server11 = 0x26AA4F4,
  662. public static uint validate_drop_on_fail = 0x2696EBC,
  663. public static uint waypointOffscreenPadLeft = 0x269EEFC,
  664. public static uint g_ScoresColor_Free = 0x26A5484,
  665. public static uint ui_ac130_use_time = 0x26A77F4,
  666. public static uint laserLightEndOffset = 0x269F8D4,
  667. public static uint ui_challenge_4_ref = 0x26A7134,
  671. public static uint cg_viewZSmoothingMax = 0x269C364,
  672. public static uint ui_killstreak_show_selections = 0x26A7B54,
  674. public static uint compassObjectiveMaxRange = 0x269DBDC,
  675. public static uint ui_hitloc_damage_5 = 0x26A6D8C,
  677. public static uint vehSubmarineMaxFwdVelRef = 0x26AD86C,
  678. public static uint scr_oldschool = 0x268E2AC,
  679. public static uint ps3_presence_put_delay = 0x2691C0C,
  680. public static uint session_nonblocking = 0x2691A5C,
  681. public static uint r_znear = 0x26874B4,
  682. public static uint vehHelicopterBoundsRadius = 0x26ACD74,
  683. public static uint lowAmmoWarningColor1 = 0x269E44C,
  684. public static uint elite_clan_send_message_to_members_retry_step = 0x2694C24,
  685. public static uint cg_drawDamageFlash = 0x269A66C,
  686. public static uint scr_cranked_playerrespawndelay = 0x2690154,
  687. public static uint r_envMapExponent = 0x268830C,
  688. public static uint cg_scoreboard_externalmute_notice_duration = 0x269ED94,
  689. public static uint cl_packetdup = 0x2699814,
  690. public static uint cg_hudLighting_basic_additiveLumOffset = 0x26A219C,
  691. public static uint bg_shock_volume_foley_plr_step_unres = 0x26A43EC,
  692. public static uint ui_hud_showobjicons = 0x26A675C,
  693. public static uint r_ignoref = 0x26872BC,
  695. public static uint g_ScoresColor_Allies = 0x26A54CC,
  697. public static uint g_giveAll = 0x26ABFF4,
  698. public static uint vehHelicopterTiltFromAcceleration = 0x26ACAEC,
  699. public static uint con_typewriterColorBase = 0x2686B24,
  700. public static uint sv_zlib_threshold = 0x2698974,
  701. public static uint cg_overheadNamesMaxDist = 0x269BE0C,
  702. public static uint player_stunWhiteFlash = 0x26ABFAC,
  703. public static uint g_gametype = 0x269826C,
  704. public static uint player_MGUseRadius = 0x26ABCDC,
  705. public static uint vehSubmarineRollRestore = 0x26ACF24,
  706. public static uint r_sunflare_min_size = 0x2686D64,
  707. public static uint gpad_stick_deadzone_max = 0x2697F54,
  708. public static uint ui_hitloc_4 = 0x26A6B94,
  709. public static uint perk_extendedMagsMGAmmo = 0x26A12FC,
  710. public static uint snd_errorOnMissing = 0x26A31EC,
  711. public static uint mm_skill_enforcement = 0x26972F4,
  712. public static uint r_FXAverageColorFunc = 0x26A5AB4,
  713. public static uint phys_autoDisableTime = 0x26A83C4,
  714. public static uint snd_volume = 0x26A3234,
  715. public static uint veh_boneControllerLodDist = 0x269D36C,
  716. public static uint scr_infect_playerrespawndelay = 0x268F53C,
  717. public static uint cell_rec_spu_thread_priority = 0x269613C,
  718. public static uint dsping_dc_62 = 0x26AA074,
  719. public static uint dsping_dc_53 = 0x26A9DEC,
  720. public static uint dsping_dc_44 = 0x26A9B64,
  721. public static uint dsping_dc_35 = 0x26A98DC,
  722. public static uint ui_mapvote_entrya_mapname = 0x26AA80C,
  723. public static uint dsping_dc_17 = 0x26A93CC,
  724. public static uint ui_ac130_coord3_posz = 0x26A7AC4,
  725. public static uint validate_clamp_hits = 0x2697144,
  726. public static uint relay_handshakeWindow = 0x2697CCC,
  727. public static uint cg_hudGrenadePointerPulseMax = 0x269AAA4,
  731. public static uint cg_blood = 0x2699D24,
  732. public static uint leavegame2_vis = 0x26AB4FC,
  733. public static uint vehSubmarineYawDampening = 0x26ACE04,
  734. public static uint facebook_active = 0x2693E14,
  735. public static uint party_initial_dlc_search_timer = 0x2692D34,
  736. public static uint scr_sd_waverespawndelay = 0x268EDA4,
  739. public static uint vehSubmarinePitchDampening = 0x26ACE4C,
  740. public static uint r_predatorColdCyclePhase = 0x2689E0C,
  741. public static uint dsping_dc_1 = 0x26A8F4C,
  742. public static uint ds_reacquireAfterDisconnect = 0x269910C,
  743. public static uint shieldBlastDamageProtection_180 = 0x26ABF64,
  744. public static uint vehHelicopterDecelerationSide = 0x26AC984,
  745. public static uint ui_killstreak_show_selections_icon_3 = 0x26A7C2C,
  746. public static uint phys_autoDisableFastTime = 0x26A849C,
  747. public static uint lsp_enumertion_max_retry_time = 0x269625C,
  748. public static uint scr_altFFASpawns = 0x268D7FC,
  749. public static uint dsping_dc_9 = 0x26A918C,
  750. public static uint bg_shock_volume_voice = 0x26A4C14,
  751. public static uint con_gameMsgWindow0SplitscreenScale = 0x26864F4,
  752. public static uint cg_drawHealth = 0x269A1A4,
  753. public static uint elite_clan_remote_view_max_retry_time = 0x2694D8C,
  754. public static uint r_reactiveMotionEffectorStrengthScale = 0x26A5EEC,
  756. public static uint server2 = 0x26AA26C,
  757. public static uint ds_pingclient_maxpings = 0x26A8CC4,
  758. public static uint squad_find_match_retry_step = 0x26964E4,
  760. public static uint scr_infect_timelimit = 0x268F41C,
  762. public static uint prestige_shop_active = 0x2695D4C,
  763. public static uint laserRadius_alt = 0x269FA3C,
  764. public static uint ui_cinematicsTimestamp = 0x26AAF5C,
  765. public static uint ui_reaper_targetdistance = 0x26A729C,
  766. public static uint abilities_active = 0x26A69E4,
  768. public static uint snd_dopplerPitchMin = 0x26A3744,
  769. public static uint ui_player_green_eggs = 0x26A7DDC,
  770. public static uint cg_hudLighting_basic_specLumOffset = 0x26A207C,
  771. public static uint sv_privateClients = 0x26983D4,
  772. public static uint compassMinRadius = 0x269D684,
  773. public static uint vehSubmarineBodyRelRotation = 0x26AD944,
  774. public static uint bg_shock_volume_musicnopause = 0x26A4F2C,
  775. public static uint scr_sd_roundlimit = 0x268EB1C,
  776. public static uint waypointPlayerOffsetCrouch = 0x269F40C,
  777. public static uint radarjamSinCurve = 0x269D12C,
  778. public static uint perk_lightWeightViewBobScale = 0x26A141C,
  779. public static uint bg_shock_volume_bulletflesh1npc = 0x26A3F6C,
  780. public static uint r_texFilterProbeBilinear = 0x26ADD34,
  781. public static uint cg_overheadNamesGlow = 0x269C004,
  782. public static uint r_dof_nearEnd = 0x268A904,
  783. public static uint cSplineDebugRenderCorridor = 0x26A021C,
  784. public static uint ui_allow_classchange = 0x26A63FC,
  785. public static uint scr_sotf_crateamount = 0x26907CC,
  786. public static uint waypointDistScaleRangeMax = 0x269F184,
  787. public static uint server12 = 0x26AA53C,
  788. public static uint g_TeamIcon_MyAllies = 0x26A5244,
  789. public static uint bg_shock_volume_player1 = 0x26A4E54,
  790. public static uint live_qosec_maxtime = 0x269178C,
  791. public static uint vehSubmarineControls = 0x26AD59C,
  792. public static uint r_artUseTweaks = 0x26875D4,
  793. public static uint phys_gravityChangeWakeupRadius = 0x26A891C,
  794. public static uint scr_grind_numlives = 0x268FBFC,
  795. public static uint bg_shock_volume_reload2d = 0x26A435C,
  796. public static uint cg_hudLighting_blood_specLumScale = 0x26A24FC,
  797. public static uint ui_debugMode = 0x26AB034,
  798. public static uint scr_dom_timelimit = 0x268E654,
  799. public static uint ui_challenge_5_ref = 0x26A717C,
  800. public static uint r_sunblind_fadein = 0x2687034,
  801. public static uint phys_dragAngular = 0x26A888C,
  802. public static uint vehAudio_inAirPitchDownLerp = 0x269D48C,
  803. public static uint ds_pingclient_nowaitonline = 0x26A8EBC,
  804. public static uint bg_shock_volume_item = 0x26A44C4,
  805. public static uint ragdoll_rotvel_scale = 0x26A2FF4,
  806. public static uint cg_drawCrosshairNamesPosX = 0x269A5DC,
  807. public static uint LUI_WorkerCmdGC = 0x26AB394,
  808. public static uint ui_customModeName = 0x26AA104,
  809. public static uint cg_ScoresPing_MedColor = 0x269E7F4,
  810. public static uint r_reactiveMotionHelicopterLimit = 0x26A5F34,
  811. public static uint phys_contact_cfm = 0x26A84E4,
  812. public static uint r_specularColorScale = 0x26A5904,
  814. public static uint bg_shock_soundLoopSilent = 0x26A060C,
  815. public static uint vehDroneDebugDrawPath = 0x26ACDBC,
  816. public static uint elite_clan_send_message_to_members_max_retry_time = 0x2694BDC,
  817. public static uint cl_inhibit_stats_upload = 0x269961C,
  818. public static uint ui_selectedFeederMap = 0x26AA9BC,
  819. public static uint using_mlg = 0x269688C,
  821. public static uint vehSubmarineVertControlGamma = 0x26AD8FC,
  822. public static uint ui_customClassName = 0x26AA194,
  823. public static uint min_wait_for_players = 0x26ADDC4,
  824. public static uint vehSubmarineMaxStoppedYawAccel = 0x26AD50C,
  825. public static uint pt_allMembersDoQoSTimeout = 0x2691F24,
  826. public static uint pt_migrationRAMWeight = 0x2692944,
  827. public static uint bg_shock_volume_vehiclelimited = 0x26A40D4,
  828. public static uint ui_player_purple_eggs = 0x26A7EB4,
  829. public static uint commerce_manifest_file_max_retry_time = 0x2695F8C,
  830. public static uint physVeh_pathConstraintErp = 0x26A8B5C,
  831. public static uint phys_reorderConst = 0x26A82A4,
  832. public static uint r_viewModelPrimaryLightTweakDiffuseStrength_NG = 0x2687D6C,
  833. public static uint cg_hudGrenadePointerPivot = 0x26A6204,
  834. public static uint party_matchedPlayerCount = 0x26930DC,
  835. public static uint physVeh_StepsPerFrame = 0x26A89AC,
  836. public static uint glass_damageToWeaken = 0x26ADAAC,
  837. public static uint dsping_dc_10 = 0x26A91D4,
  838. public static uint cg_drawMantleHint = 0x269A234,
  839. public static uint cg_foliagesnd_alias = 0x26A2A54,
  840. public static uint viewangNow = 0x269D324,
  841. public static uint cg_mapLocationSelectionCursorSpeed = 0x269AEDC,
  842. public static uint cg_TeamColor_Axis = 0x26A27CC,
  843. public static uint bg_shock_volume_weapon_dist = 0x26A4944,
  844. public static uint cg_hearKillerTime = 0x269BAF4,
  845. public static uint ps3_voiceSpeakerGain = 0x26A5094,
  847. public static uint ui_missingMapName = 0x26AAA04,
  848. public static uint dsping_dc_63 = 0x26AA0BC,
  849. public static uint dsping_dc_54 = 0x26A9E34,
  850. public static uint dsping_dc_45 = 0x26A9BAC,
  851. public static uint dsping_dc_36 = 0x26A9924,
  852. public static uint dsping_dc_27 = 0x26A969C,
  853. public static uint dsping_dc_18 = 0x26A9414,
  854. public static uint laserRange_alt = 0x269F9F4,
  855. public static uint scr_sr_winlimit = 0x268EF0C,
  856. public static uint g_TeamTitleColor_EnemyTeam = 0x26A5634,
  857. public static uint ui_mapvote_entryb_mapname = 0x26AA854,
  858. public static uint cg_sprintMeterDisabledColor = 0x26A1D1C,
  859. public static uint enable_eliteCACDownload = 0x2693C64,
  860. public static uint cg_waterSheeting_distortionScaleFactor = 0x269D204,
  861. public static uint ui_allowvote = 0x26A66CC,
  862. public static uint cl_pitchspeed = 0x26996F4,
  864. public static uint scr_team_kickteamkillers = 0x268DD54,
  865. public static uint cg_explosiveKillCamUpDist = 0x269C8BC,
  866. public static uint bg_shock_volume_bulletwhizbyout = 0x26A423C,
  867. public static uint g_clonePlayerMaxVelocity = 0x26ABA54,
  868. public static uint con_gameMsgWindow0Filter = 0x268C7F4,
  870. public static uint dsping_dc_2 = 0x26A8F94,
  871. public static uint g_allowvote = 0x26AA1DC,
  874. public static uint hud_health_startpulse_injured = 0x26A1ADC,
  875. public static uint phys_jointPullThreshold = 0x26A8964,
  878. public static uint xblive_competitionmatch = 0x26982B4,
  879. public static uint shieldBlastDamageProtection_120 = 0x26ABF1C,
  880. public static uint g_ScoresColor_EnemyTeam = 0x26A53F4,
  881. public static uint server3 = 0x26AA2B4,
  882. public static uint ui_friendlyfire = 0x26A6714,
  883. public static uint snd_loadFadeTime = 0x26A327C,
  884. public static uint elite_clan_get_private_profile_retry_step = 0x2694714,
  885. public static uint snd_dopplerBaseSpeedOfSound = 0x26A36B4,
  886. public static uint r_outdoorFeather = 0x268AEEC,
  887. public static uint didyouknow = 0x26AB73C,
  889. public static uint invite_waitPeriod = 0x2691CE4,
  890. public static uint perk_footstepVolumeAlly = 0x26A1614,
  891. public static uint mm_sph_8 = 0x269760C,
  893. public static uint shieldBlastDamageProtection_30 = 0x26ABE8C,
  894. public static uint sv_maxclients = 0x268D214,
  895. public static uint ragdoll_self_collision_scale = 0x26A3084,
  896. public static uint partyChatDisallowed = 0x26AB46C,
  897. public static uint nightVisionPowerOnTime = 0x269E71C,
  898. public static uint scr_sd_planttime = 0x268EC84,
  900. public static uint cg_marks_ents_player_only = 0x269B3A4,
  901. public static uint g_friendlyfireDist = 0x26ABB74,
  902. public static uint shieldImpactMissileShakeScale = 0x269FBA4,
  903. public static uint ui_multiplayer = 0x26AB304,
  904. public static uint phys_jitterMaxMass = 0x26A88D4,
  905. public static uint aim_autoaim_enabled = 0x26AB4B4,
  906. public static uint painVisionTriggerHealth = 0x269A6FC,
  907. public static uint bg_shock_volume_announcer = 0x26A5004,
  908. public static uint signin2_vis = 0x26AB58C,
  909. public static uint cg_explosiveKillCamWallOutDist = 0x269C94C,
  910. public static uint vehSubmarineMaxStoppedPitchAccel = 0x26AD4C4,
  911. public static uint scr_war_numlives = 0x268E96C,
  912. public static uint squad_report_text = 0x2697924,
  913. public static uint server13 = 0x26AA584,
  914. public static uint snd_slaveFadeTime = 0x26A32C4,
  915. public static uint sm_sunSampleSizeNear = 0x26A5BD4,
  916. public static uint phys_collUseEntities = 0x26A8334,
  917. public static uint lowAmmoWarningNoAmmoColor2 = 0x269E68C,
  918. public static uint mm_skill_calculation_type = 0x269733C,
  919. public static uint phys_csl = 0x26A80AC,
  921. public static uint scr_sd_timelimit = 0x268EAD4,
  922. public static uint ui_editSquadMemberIndex = 0x26AB22C,
  923. public static uint ui_controls_menu_open = 0x26A756C,
  924. public static uint g_dropUpSpeedRand = 0x26AB9C4,
  925. public static uint ui_playlistPopulationRefreshTime = 0x26AB274,
  928. public static uint phys_joint_stop_cfm = 0x26A876C,
  929. public static uint vehSubmarineSideProbeMinDist = 0x26AD674,
  930. public static uint lobby_numAnimationFrames = 0x26AAE3C,
  931. public static uint ui_challenge_6_ref = 0x26A71C4,
  932. public static uint r_predatorColdOutputColorScale = 0x2689F74,
  933. public static uint pm_gamesetup_mode_altmodes_gungame = 0x2695B9C,
  934. public static uint compassCoords = 0x269D87C,
  935. public static uint phys_contact_cfm_ragdoll = 0x26A8574,
  936. public static uint scr_sotf_ffa_scorelimit = 0x26908A4,
  937. public static uint cg_scoreboardFont = 0x269EC2C,
  938. public static uint ds_info = 0x26984AC,
  939. public static uint ui_reaper_ammocount = 0x26A72E4,
  940. public static uint cg_hudGrenadePointerHeight = 0x26A6174,
  942. public static uint netinfo_logging = 0x2694A2C,
  943. public static uint cg_hudLighting_basic_specLumScale = 0x26A2034,
  944. public static uint vehSubmarineMaxRollAccel = 0x26AD554,
  945. public static uint igs_svp = 0x269544C,
  946. public static uint transients_verbose = 0x269C244,
  947. public static uint scr_dom_winlimit = 0x268E6E4,
  948. public static uint changeusers2_vis = 0x26AB5D4,
  949. public static uint bg_shock_volume_auto2 = 0x26A39CC,
  950. public static uint extinction_intel_enabled = 0x26959EC,
  951. public static uint cg_hearVictimTime = 0x269BB84,
  952. public static uint bg_shock_volume_ambdist1 = 0x26A38AC,
  953. public static uint player_throwbackInnerRadius = 0x26ABC04,
  954. public static uint xblive_mappacks = 0x2691DBC,
  955. public static uint cg_drawTalk = 0x26A5874,
  956. public static uint squad_rxbm = 0x2696574,
  958. public static uint compassObjectiveRingSize = 0x269DCFC,
  959. public static uint vehSubmarineMaxUpPitch = 0x26AD044,
  960. public static uint lowAmmoWarningNoReloadColor2 = 0x269E5FC,
  961. public static uint cg_equipmentSounds = 0x269B314,
  962. public static uint compassObjectiveArrowOffset = 0x269DB4C,
  963. public static uint vehSubmarineLateralDampening = 0x26ACFFC,
  964. public static uint ui_ac130_40mm_ammo = 0x26A7764,
  965. public static uint r_reactiveMotionActorRadius = 0x26A5E14,
  966. public static uint dsping_dc_20 = 0x26A94A4,
  967. public static uint g_fogStartDistReadOnly = 0x26AC1A4,
  968. public static uint ui_opensummary = 0x26A6FCC,
  969. public static uint loading_sre_fatal = 0x26981DC,
  970. public static uint ui_timelimit = 0x26A651C,
  971. public static uint scr_sd_roundswitch = 0x268EBAC,
  972. public static uint scr_sr_defusetime = 0x268F074,
  974. public static uint vehHelicopterTiltFromControllerAxes = 0x26ACBC4,
  975. public static uint scr_war_roundlimit = 0x268E8DC,
  976. public static uint elite_clan_get_public_profile_retry_step = 0x26947A4,
  977. public static uint laserFlarePct = 0x269F964,
  978. public static uint r_sunflare_max_size = 0x2686DF4,
  979. public static uint dsping_dc_55 = 0x26A9E7C,
  980. public static uint dsping_dc_46 = 0x26A9BF4,
  981. public static uint g_banIPs = 0x26AB7CC,
  982. public static uint dsping_dc_28 = 0x26A96E4,
  983. public static uint dsping_dc_19 = 0x26A945C,
  984. public static uint xblive_privatematch = 0x2691D2C,
  985. public static uint g_sunFogEnabledReadOnly = 0x26AC27C,
  986. public static uint viewModelHacks = 0x269FE74,
  987. public static uint lb_window = 0x26967FC,
  988. public static uint cg_airstrikeKillCamFarBlurStart = 0x269C79C,
  989. public static uint bot_AutoConnectDefault = 0x268D064,
  991. public static uint phys_frictionScale = 0x26A87FC;
  992. }
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