
Proverbs from around the world translated to Toaq.

Jun 18th, 2018
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  1. The pen is mightier than the sword.
  2. Hủaq cảı báq kảıbēaq báq bủaıtēchūo da.
  4. A flea can trouble a lion more than a lion can harm a flea. (Kenyan proverb)
  5. Dẻq báq bỉushōaıcīa lî tủa hủılīe go báq sỉqbā hùaq lú dẻq hó lî hỉao hõa go hóı bỉushōaıcīa da.
  7. A camel never sees its own hump.
  8. Kảqgāı báq gảmā rào sıa dáqmōa póhō bẻq da.
  10. A talkative bird will not build a nest.
  11. Báq dẻoqchō shủao pa jỉa bảı sıa búe da.
  13. If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. (African Proverb)
  14. Shè shâo súq fâ sũaı bı, fả súq pòı mu gảq sıa póq ba. Shè shâo súq fâ go sa tíjāo bı, fả súq pòı mu gảq sa póq ba.
  16. The most beautiful fig may contain a worm. (Zulu Proverb)
  17. Fíkūhēu sỏq dẻ pa dảı hẻq sa chíqbē da.
  19. Change yourself and fortune will change. (Portuguese Proverb)
  20. Shẻ go tâq tủa bẻo súq na, bẻo mu nẻq súq da.
  22. Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. (English Proverb)
  23. Tu dó bı, lî mảnē ja ráı dê dó pa hỉkūı lî gảı ja ráı dó da.
  24. Tu dó bı, mâ dẻ dó pa kủı gâı hı ráı dó da. (Maybe enough, but I'm not certain)
  26. There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out. (Russian Proverb)
  27. Jủoq báq bủ dủa lî bủ kẻjī bủ dủa da, jủoq kẻjī ku bú lẻo nỉqdūa da.
  29. Turn your face to the sun and the shadows will fall behind you. (New Zealander Proverb)
  30. Tủa súq mûoı pósūq jỏqshāq cà shâq hóe máq ba, kùı hóq bı jỉa cẻo tỉa go súq gíocīa da.
  32. If there is a way into the wood there is also a way out. (Irish proverb)
  33. Shè tîeq sa lú cả gîufā sa póq hóa na cêo tỉ hó múaomē bı, mảo tỉeq sa pó shâı tỉ máq da.
  35. A kind word never broke anyone's mouth. (Irish proverb)
  36. Ku sıa dó pǒq bı, sâlī lủ pảırūo kủq dó hóa pa rảosā hỉao pódō bủq da.
  38. There's nothing so bad that it couldn't be worse. (Irish proverb)
  39. Sıa dó bı jảqbīaq hủı dó bû dảı hủaq hủı go dó da.
  41. Drop by drop you break the rock. (Italian proverb)
  42. Chîo pủı dêa sa díao pío pa mu fảo pôaq máq da.
  43. # Báq tủe sa jẻı chîo sảlī dỉao dẻa pío pa mu fảo báq…
  45. No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow.
  46. Dûoı kóacāo hı ráı pa bủ bỏq lêaqbīe go máq jéaqcāo da.
  48. They tried to bury us. They didn't know we were seeds. (Mexican proverb)
  49. Pủ lẻo dẻaqnīetūa ní pủq pỏq púqjī. Keo bủ pủ dủa púqhō nîucījū púqjī da.
  51. A closed mind and a closed book are the same: a block of wood. (Chinese proverb)
  52. Báq pỏa mẻqlī roı báq pỏa kủe pa chẻo jủq, na ru lủ kủı tóhōq hêa tu hóa múaosē da.
  54. It is well to learn from the errors of others, since there is no time enough to make all of them by yourself. (Swedish proverb)
  55. Gỉ câ pỏqbāq chỉe gâı hóı pỏq chîaıtāo póq hěo hó da, kủı hóq bû jảqbīaq dâqsāo hó na tâo ku hó tu hóı mu chỉaıtāo da.
  57. Sunshine all the time makes a desert. (Arab proverb)
  58. Cả hôegīo shãısīa na nêaqgūaq da.
  60. You'll never plow a field by turning it over in your mind. (Irish proverb)
  61. Bủ cả dâısī báq pỏq tânōtē hó báq dủeq na na jîq tảnōtē hó máq da.
  62. Bủ lỉcā lî ja dúeq bı dảısī ja póq tânōtē hó máq na na lî jỉq mu tảnōtē ja dúeq ja póq da.
  64. Until the lion learns how to write, every story will glorify the hunter. (African proverb)
  65. Chỏe go tâochīe kảı báq sỉqbā na, gîrūaq tu lúa báq jủkū da.
  67. If you and a fool have an argument, he succeeds. (African proverb)
  68. Shè dêoqsōı báq pỏq báq dủahūı bı, ku hỏ táı da.
  69. # (That ku is probably redundant. Well, that gives an extra emphasis effect…)
  71. If you wish to move mountains tomorrow, you must start by lifting stones today. (African proverb)
  72. Shè shâo súq lû tủa dủo súq rào jíachāq sa púq mẻı bı, chỉa súq lî rảo cêo gẻanūa ja ráı sa púq pỉohēa na ku níchāq da.
  74. If you think you're too small to make a difference, you haven't spent a night with a mosquito. (African proverb)
  75. Shè mỉu súq jâqbīaq lû nủı súq na lû dẻq tủa bẻo súq sıa ráı bı, bủ lủı rảojēq shí nủaq tîgāq súq sa shí kủlō da.
  77. The bamboo that bends is stronger than the oak that resists. (Japanese proverb)
  78. Hủaq cảı báq bảqbū shỏ gủe báq hẻıgā bỏqlēo da.
  80. A silent man is the best one to listen to. (Japanese proverb)
  81. Báq pỏq chỏasīa pa sỏq lî gỉ hûosī báq ja póq da.
  83. A wise man never knows all, only fools know everything. (African proverb)
  84. Báq dủagī pa dủa gũosīa tu jéo da; tủq go dûa ja póq tu jéo na ku báq dủahūı da.
  86. A speaker of truth has no friend. (African proverb)
  87. [Ilmen] Báq lủ jẻo lú rủaq héohōa hóa pa, sỉalī pảı da.
  88. [Solpahi] Báq lủ rủaq hóa sa jéo bı pảı sıa ráı hó da.
  89. (slightly different, but simpler)
  90. [Jelca] Lú rủaq hóa báq jẻo pa lủ pảı sıa ráı hóa da.
  92. Smooth seas does not make skillful sailors. (African proverb)
  93. Bủ cả pó báq gỏaq nảomīq bâq mẻaqchē jỏe da.
  95. Many a time a man's mouth broke his nose. (Irish proverb)
  96. Chỉo pủı lû sa dó rěq bı cả pỏaq pódō bủq pódō shỉqhūa da.
  98. A man who chases two rabbits catches neither. (Chinese proverb)
  99. Báq pỏq sǐesūaıkōı hóa sa gú hủobūaı pa jỉaıtāı sıa púqhō da.
  101. Be not afraid of going slowly, be afraid only of standing still. (Chinese proverb)
  102. Bủ hủıdāısī súq mêoq fả súq ba. Tủq go hûıdāısī súq ja ráı na shêaq súq ku dũosīa ba.
  104. Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is. (German proverb)
  105. (Angst macht den Wolf größer, als er ist.)
  106. Cả têa na dû sảonē go báq lủkō sa lú hủaq hóa lú jỉq sảonē hóa hó da.
  107. Cả têa na lû cúaq dủ cúaq jỉq pa hủaq lî ja dó bı pủısēu lú sảonē hóa báq lủkō sa dõ da.
  108. # ("sa dõ" can also be replaced with "jèo dó")
  109. [?] Cả têa na jêaq sảo báq lủkō da.
  111. At the end of the game, the king and the pawn go back in the same box. (Italian proverb)
  112. [?] Rào lú fảo hóa lûaq bı, jẻq náqrūaıjōaq kóısōıchē lî tủa nỉe sa póq ja ráı ja tíaı da.
  113. [?] Rào lú fảo hóa lûaq bı, sa dó tǐaı bı, jẻq náqrūaıjōaq kóısōıchē lî tủa nỉe sa póq ja ráı dó da.
  115. Words have no wings but they can fly many thousands of miles. (Korean proverb)
  116. Báq tỏa pa, sỉalī shỏaı pảq kèorū dêq rỉofā máq mu nè bủaı lú pỉhī mảılī hóa béı pủıbīq da.
  118. If you are filled with pride, then you will have no room for wisdom. (African proverb)
  119. Shè hêqmūo báq pỏq cúaq gỉrā bı, sıa póhō gỏa pa dảı tỉ cúaq dủagī da.
  121. For the beauty of the rose we also water the thorns. (African proverb)
  122. Kùı pó dê báq rỏdōq bı mảo go lî mu nảodōa na chóıbēq da.
  124. A dog with a bone knows no friend. (Dutch proverb)
  125. Báq kủnē bǒ hóa sa kúoq pa pảıgī sıa ráı da.
  127. The clothes don't make the monk. (French proverb)
  128. (L'habit ne fait pas le moine.)
  129. Bủ cả fûqhīe báq pỏq hı fúq na mâ mỏnāchū hó da.
  130. Bủ hỉcā fûqhīe báq pỏq ja fúq na mânē hỏ mỏnāchū ja ráı da.
  132. A patient man will eat ripe fruit. (African proverb)
  133. Jỉa chủq báq lảocāı sa búohēu da.
  135. Better light a candle than curse the darkness. (Chinese proverb)
  136. Hủaq gỉ tûa gỉoshūaq go sa hóaqbēaq na hûıshāokūaq go tûe gỉocīa da.
  138. A powerful man has big ears. (Japanese proverb)
  139. Báq pỏq dẻqmīa pa mu pảq sa sáo hủohūa da.
  141. Wisdom has long ears and short tongue. (Swedish proverb)
  142. Dûagī bı, bủaı húohūa na ru dỏq léq da.
  143. Bỏ dûagī sa búaı hủohūa ru sa dóq lẻq da.
  145. Water which is too pure, has no fish. (Zen proverb)
  146. Báq nảo dủı sỉq pa bủe sıa cíe da.
  148. Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it. (George Bernard Shaw)
  149. Gủosīa jỉaısōı súq sa súhū ba. Shẽ bı shỏ gẻaq hósūq lũ chỏ súhū hóa da.
  151. When you shoot an arrow of truth, dip its point in honey. (Arab proverb)
  152. Rào shêlā súq sa pó cúaq jẻo ga shẻlābēaq bı, tủa súq dâqnūı tỉ pómāq jỉeq sa hápīdūao ba.
  154. The mouth should have three gatekeepers. Is it true? Is it kind? And is it necessary? (Arab proverb)
  155. Jủoq báq bủq lî pỏ ja dó kỉaochē sa sáq jěı mó mả jẻo moq teo, roı mó mả kủaq pảıgī moq teo, roı mó mả sủa moq teo da.
  157. Smoke spreads further than the fire. (Lithuanian proverb)
  158. Hủaq mỉa tỉshā báq hỏaqpūao báq hỏaqtūe da.
  160. When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you. (African proverb)
  161. Shè nîe sıa páıgīq bı, bủ dảı hỉao páıgīq bǔı da.
  163. If you make a habit of buying things you do not need, you will soon be selling things you do. (Filipino proverb)
  164. Shè cêo dủq jẻa súq sa púq lủ bủ chỉa bỏ súq hóa bı, shỉujūı hóq jêa cu súq go sa púq lủ jẻo chỉa pỏ súq hóa da.
  166. He who asks a question is fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever. (Chinese proverb)
  167. Báq tẻoqkūq pa dủahūı dùoı pỉhī mỉnū béı fẻ da. Báq bủ tẻoqkūq pa dủahūı ku dãqmīq da.
  168. (This could be shortened as «… dũoı mỉnū fẻ…» if unit predicates get an optional multiplicative second slot, and if there's a serial rule for number slots.)
  170. When making a fire people like to join you, when cleaning the ashes you are often alone. (African proverb)
  171. Rào tûa hỏaq báq pỏq na cẻo gảq go hó báq pỏq mẻahēo da, rào tînūa héohō hóaqpūo bı bảqfāq gảqsīa hó da.
  173. We learn little from victory, much from defeat. (Japanese proverb)
  174. [Ilmen] Báq pỏq bı, to ru cả hỏ tủao chỉe sôıtāı hó, to cả hỏ jảq chỉe sôıbūaq hó da.
  175. [Sheireq] Chỉetūa to ru sóıtāısē túao to sóıbūaqsē púı da.
  176. [Sheireq] Chỉe báq pỏq to ru túao kùı sôıtāı to púı kùı sôıbūaq da.
  178. Ashes fly back into the face of him who throws them. (Nigerian proverb)
  179. Báq lủ củkā hóa sa hóaqpūo bı rỉofā máq póhō jỏqshāq da.
  181. With money in your pocket you are wise, you are handsome, and you sing well too. (Jewish proverb)
  182. Shè nîe sa núaı páqdūoq pǒ báq pỏq bı, hó pa dủagī ru kảqgī ru jẻomāo jỏe sủaq da.
  184. Appetite comes with eating. (French proverb)
  185. (L'appétit vient en mangant.)
  186. Cả shỏ chủqkūaı chûq da.
  188. At high tide the fish eat ants; at low tide the ants eat fish. (Thai proverb)
  189. Rào gêa náomīq bı chủq báq cỉe báq mỏrī da, rào nîa náomīq bı chủq báq mỏrī báq cỉe da.
  191. Having two ears and one tongue, we should listen twice as much as we speak. (Turkish proverb)
  192. Kùı pâq go tu súqjīhō sa gú hủohūa ru sa shí lẻq bı, jủoq súqjīhō lî ja dó bı gủpāq go dáqnē dỏ hủosī dáqnē dỏ kủq da.
  194. You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs. (French proverb)
  195. (On ne fait pas d'omelette sans casser des œufs.)
  196. Bủ dảı tủa hỏmūlē shè bû tủa pỏaq go sa fúkīoq da.
  198. Do not blame God for having created the tiger, but thank him for not having given it wings. (Indian Proverb)
  199. Bủ mỉu hủıtūa súq jíao lî tủa jỉq go báq tỉgā, na na ru kỉe súq jíao lî bủ dỏa ja dó sa púq shỏaı héohō ba.
  201. Those who have one foot in the canoe, and one foot in the boat, are going to fall into the river. (Tuscarora proverb)
  202. Báq lủ nỉe to ru sa shí pỏhōa pủe báq kảnōa to sa shí pỏhōa pủe sa méaq mẻahēo pa, lủıgīq shủa báq hỉu da.
  204. Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caucht will we realize we cannot eat money. (Cree proverb)
  205. Rào lûı to ru mủaqshō múao bỉekō shỉ, to mu tủa tỉ híu bỉekō shỉ sa híaomūoq, to mu jỉaıtāı cíe bỉekō shỉ bı, hảıgīq shỏ dủa súqjīhō bû hảq báq nủaı da.
  207. A tree is known by its fruit. (Zulu proverb)
  208. Bảqfāq cả jêıgāı go báq hẻu na jêıgāı go báq mủao da.
  210. Because we focused on the snake, we missed the scorpion. (Egyptian proverb)
  211. Pủ cả sî jíhō núq na bûaq gảı jíhō kópīo da.
  213. A fool and his money are soon parted. (English proverb)
  214. Pô sa dúahūı sa núaı pa, shỉujūı shảı pỏ hó máq da.
  215. Bảqfāq dảqnūı pô sa dúahūı sa núaı da.
  217. The palest ink is better than the best memory. (Chinese Proverb)
  218. Hủaq gỉ báq kảımūoq sỏq bảo báq mỏaqhūa sỏq cảı da.
  220. Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped. (African proverb)
  221. Kảqsī báq pỏq to ru bũ lú lủı shủa hó hóa, to jẽo lú lủı gỏaqnēodūo hó hóa ba.
  223. No matter how far you have gone on a wrong road, turn back. (Turkish proverb)
  224. Bũ lủ sa tíeq chỉaı bı bỏq go hóa nê gỉufā hı ráı báq pỏq máq bı, jủoq hó lî mủoı rỉufā da.
  226. Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and he'll eat forever. (Chinese Proverb)
  227. Bảqfāq cả dôa sa póq sa cíe sa póq na lû sa shí chảq bı chủq hó rào máq da. Bảqfāq cả tûa tảochīe sa póq sa póq lî cỉejūkū na chûq hó rào tu cháq da.
  229. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. (Proverb of Unknown Origin)
  230. Bảqfāq hủaq lú tỉcūao hóa póechūo na cu lî rỉqrēo déaqkīaq tǐ hóa ja ríaq da.
  232. It's impossible to awaken someone who is pretending to be asleep. (Navajo, according to John Perry Barlow)
  233. Bủ dảı tủa shỏ shỉe go sa dútāo nủo da.
  235. There is nothing as eloquent as a rattlesnakes tail. (Navajo proverb)
  236. Sỉalī hủaqjēq dẻoqcāı báq hủoı pỏ sa rótālū da.
  238. On creuse sa tombe avec ses dents. (French Proverb)
  239. (One digs his grave with his teeth.)
  240. Kảqpāshūaq báq pỏq póhō mủaqbūe chùochā póhō nỉoq da.
  242. The one who tells the stories rules the world. (Hopi proverb)
  243. Bãqfāq ku sa túq lủ kủq hóa lúa pa củe jíaq da.
  245. A danger foreseen is half-avoided. (Cheyenne proverb)
  246. Báq hỉaodāı mu bỉemīu pa gủpāqjēo mu rỉeq rảq da.
  248. The frog does not drink up the pond in which he lives. (Sioux proverb)
  249. Bủ pỉe tủa shảı báq hủoısīa gúaqnāo nủı bǔa hó hóa da.
  251. Beware of the man who does not talk, and the dog that does not bark. (Cheyenne proverb)
  252. Hỉaosī súq báq rẻq bủ chỏadēoq ru báq kủnē bủ kủnēchōa ba.
  254. Don't bite the hand that feeds you. (English proverb)
  255. Bủ bủqcāıjīaı súq múq hǎqdōa hóa súq ba. [By Fagri]
  257. Ba'ax ku ka'anal tu beele', ma' tu tu'ubul mix bik'in. (Yucatec proverb)
  258. Lo que bien se aprende, jamás se olvida.
  259. What is well learnt is never forgotten.
  260. Báq lủ chỉe báq pỏq hóa chà sa gí pa mu mỏaqshāı hó gũosīa da.
  262. Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today. (Cherokee proverb)
  263. Bủ shỏe súq hêqmūo go púchāq sa lú pảq hóa níchāq na dǔı dảqjāq ba.
  265. Le máax ma' tu p'ilik u yich bejla'e', mix bik'in u p'ilik. (Yucatec proverb)
  266. El que no abre sus ojos hoy, nunca los abrirá.
  267. He who doesn't open his eyes today will never open them.
  268. Báq lủ bủ kảqtīenūa rào níchāq pa kảqtīenūa rào sıa jía da.
  270. Those that lie down with dogs, get up with fleas. (Blackfoot proverb)
  271. Báq pỏq lủ rẻaq hóa gúaq lìa sa púq kủnē pa shỏ shẻaq jòı tî bíhō sa púq bỉushōaıcīa da.
  273. He that plants thorns must never expect to gather roses. (English Proverb)
  274. Báq lủ tủa nỉe hóa sa chóıbēq báq tảnō pa jủoq gủosīa lẻmīu lû jỉaı bĩe hó sa rúa pỏ báq rỏdōq da.
  276. Ja' ma' unaj a wuk'ike' cha' u yáalkab. (Yucatec proverb)
  277. Agua que no has de beber dejala correr.
  278. Náo bǔ chỉa pỉe súq hóa bı, shỏe nảofā súq máq ba.
  280. After dark all cats are leopards. (Zuni proverb)
  281. Bảqfāq bỉe shỏ gỉocīa pâdā tu kátō da.
  283. Ya' tu'e' ku tu'ukinsik u láak'o'ob. (Yucatec proverb)
  284. El zapote podrido daña a los demás.
  285. Hỉao báq cảpō fủrā báq cảpō bủ mảq da.
  287. Il faut se méfier de l'eau qui dort. (French proverb)
  288. Hỉaosī súq náo nủo ba.
  290. Only fools never change their mind. (Prince Talleyrand)
  291. Tủq gủosīa bẻo mỉu báq dủahūı da.
  293. Cicha woda brzegi rwie. (Polish proverb)
  294. Quiet waters rip coast(line)s.
  295. Lảqrūe náo bǎq pỏaqcā go nảorēa da. [Uakci]
  297. Tell me and I’ll forget. Show me, and I may not remember. Involve me, and I’ll understand. (Tribe Unknown)
  298. Shè kûq súq cu jí bı jỉa mỏaqshāı jí da. Shè tûa kảqgāı súq jí bı dảı jỉa bủ mỏaq jí da. Shè tûa pảqtāo súq jí bı jỉa mủıdūa jí da.
  300. Do not judge your neighbor until you walk two moons in his moccasins. (Cheyenne proverb)
  301. Bủ mỉaqmīeq súq gósūq lẻaqbūa chòe kôı súq dùoı júenē gủ jòı gêı pósūq pủe póhō mảkāsīq ba.
  303. Don't throw away the old bucket until you know whether the new one holds water. (Swedish proverb)
  304. Bủ bỏshāıtāo há géo hỉejēoq chòe dûa há mâ dẻq níq hỉejēoq shûe hẻq ja ráı sa náo ba.
  306. The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials. (Chinese Proverb)
  307. Bủ dảı tûa gỉogōaq há báq dẻpīo jòı bû gỏaısē, na na ru jêaq gỉ báq rẻq jòı bû chỉo lẻo da.
  309. ————————
  311. Never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear, or an idiot from any direction. (Irish proverb)
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