
Fall of Cleveland: And Then We Serious'd the Fuck Up

Jul 31st, 2012
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  1. >You are a soldier in A Company, 1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment.
  2. >You're currently at camp on the grounds of Lost Nation Airport.
  3. >That godforsaken theme park is six klicks due south, but you can still just see the huge spaghetti tower.
  4. >It's been almost a week since you were first deployed here.
  5. >In that time, E Company, your battalion's engineer and forward support company, has erected barracks.
  6. >2nd Battalion's engineers have arrived by land to help them finish up.
  7. >They were among the last to get here by truck; the area is too choked with fluffies to make land transport feasible any longer.
  8. >They're helping finish the barracks, and preparing for the next task.
  9. >That would be building up facilities and lengthening runways to accept fully laden C-17s.
  10. >Until they're done, only hit-and-miss airdrops and CH-47s will be supplying you.
  11. >Your job is to get and keep the fluffy ponies off the damn tarmac, and out of the engineers' way.
  12. >To this end, concertina wire fencing has been erected around the camp perimeter.
  13. >It's absolutely choked with fluffies, trapped in the barbs and unable to escape.
  14. >”Hooman, pwease hewp fwuffy! Meanie tingy gif big owwies, no wet fwuffy wun!”
  15. >”Move fwuffy! Wan wun to hooman, hooman gif nummies! Fwuffies hung'y!”
  16. >Fluffies outside are ramming against those stuck in the fence, pushing some through and slashing them open.
  17. >”Nuuuuuuu, fwuffy make boo-boo juice! Why meanie poni huwt fwuffy?!”
  18. >Elsewhere, fluffies climb over the piles of dead and enter the perimeter.
  19. >”Fwuffy see wock ting! Wock ting go to sgetti wan'!”
  20. >A herd of twenty waddles directly toward a runway.
  21. >You and your squad run over and shoo them away from it.
  22. >By 'shoo', you mean 'kill and throw the corpses out of the way'.
  23. >Fluffy patrol is endless.
  24. >The damn things have totally clogged the fences and are climbing in over the corpses.
  25. >The company commanders authorize the use of grenades to scare them off, unless they're on the runway.
  26. >Those on the runway have to be removed manually so not to damage the tarmac.
  27. >All the companies that aren't engaged in construction are now ordered to keep the runways clear.
  28. >Even with over seven hundred soldiers, it's still a task.
  29. >”Pwease hooman, onwy wan' nummies fo' babehs!” a mother with four crying foals pleads.
  30. >She's on the runway, so she dies, as do her children.
  31. >You receive word that a C-17 is inbound to land.
  32. >It's carrying, among other things, the Air Force traffic controllers that will be relieving the civilians who stayed here.
  33. >Those poor guys are due for a break. They helped direct the helicopter evacuations of the north side of Cleveland.
  34. >Not only do you have to prevent fluffies from reaching the runways, you have to clear the remains of those who did.
  35. >They may be the most pathetic creatures alive, but they're still stronger than sensitive turbofan engines.
  36. >You start shooting fluffy ponies at random.
  37. >The noise makes most of them scatter, but some are persistent.
  38. >”Hooman, onwy wan' know whewe big sgettis!”
  39. >Pop, right in the head. Throw the corpse out of the way.
  40. >The runway is mostly clear when the C-17 from 437th Airlift Wing arrives.
  41. >Everyone has to stand off to the side to avoid being blown away by the engines.
  42. >Fluffy ponies do not comprehend this.
  43. >They waddle over to hug the 'big fwy fwiend' and get hurled through the air.
  44. >The ones with wings seem to be happy until they crash into the ground.
  45. >All the others cry and shit everywhere.
  46. >Your company is removed from patrol to go help unload the plane.
  47. >This one is carrying, besides the controllers, some supplies for the camp.
  48. >Mostly food and some ammunition.
  49. >There are long wooden boxes up near the front of the cargo bay.
  50. “Hey, what's in these things?”
  51. >A loadmaster checks the manifest.
  52. >”Fifty new build M202s.”
  53. >Oh, fuck yes. You got to use an M202 in Afghanistan.
  54. >It's a four-barrel rocket launcher that fires incendaries.
  55. >Should be a huge help against the fluffy horde.
  56. >Under the watchful eyes of the loadmasters, it doesn't take your company long to empty the plane.
  57. >Unfortunately, while you were doing that, the companies on fluffy patrol lost control of the tarmac.
  58. >Fluffy ponies choke the runways.
  59. >You'll fix this. You ask for a crowbar to open up a box of M202s.
  60. >Your company commander approves of your idea, and soon all fifty of the launchers have been distributed and loaded.
  61. >After the other companies get out of the way, you begin firing rockets into the fluffy herd.
  62. >They catch on fire like kindling, shrieking in pain and waddling around.
  63. >Dumber fluffies hug them and also ignite.
  64. >Four rockets just set about eight hundred of them on fire.
  65. “That was easy...”
  66. >”Don't gloat, we still gotta clean all that up,” your Staff Sergeant grumbles.
  67. >The sight of flames causes smarter, uninjured fluffies to become afraid and flee.
  68. >They can't get out. There's no corpse pile to scale on this side of the fencing.
  69. >As it turns out, a fluffy pony burns pretty well.
  70. >Still have to sweep away the bones, but it's not that bad.
  71. >More fluffies are coming, bleating about the 'big fwy fwiend'.
  72. >Fuck! You'll never be able to stop all these damn things!
  73. “Sir, call the Captain! The plane's gotta leave before the fluffies overwhelm us again!”
  74. >You grab another M202 and catch a Humvee driving to the middle of the runway.
  75. >Once there, you stand up in the gunner's position and start launching rockets, one at a time.
  76. >”Nuuu! Fiuh ba' fo' fwuffies!”
  77. >”No cwy babeh, mumma gif huggies!”
  78. >”Pway?”
  79. >Behind you, you hear the C-17's engines power up.
  80. >They to taxi to the runway.
  81. >”Corporal, behind us!”
  82. >Shit, a ton of pegasus fluffies broke the perimeter.
  83. >”Big fwy fwiend! Wingie fwuffies wuv you, pwease take to big sgettis?”
  84. >You fire your last rocket into the clump.
  85. >”Nuuuuuuuuu, wawm! Too wawm! Fwuffy no wike! Hewp!”
  86. >They don't scatter.
  87. >”Big fwy fwiend hewp fwuffies! Meanie gif owwies!”
  88. >They're running right to the damn plane.
  89. >The C-17 has already begun its takeoff run, barreling down the tarmac.
  90. >The driver moves your Humvee away from the runway.
  91. “Sir! The runway's not clear!”
  92. >”It's the clearest of the two! Besides, they're empty, they said can get over the ponies.”
  93. >Bloated dams are being rolled toward the C-17 as it approaches.
  94. >”Big fwy fwiend, pwease hewp mummas fin' nummies?”
  95. >The increasing noise terrifies them.
  96. >They begin exploding out of stress, two and three at a time.
  97. >The C-17 is already off the ground as it reaches the pegasus fluffies, but not by too much.
  98. >All the remaining dams explode at once, their foals tumbling through the air.
  99. >Every one of them gets ingested by the number two and three engines.
  100. “Shit!”
  101. >You watch the C-17 trail flames as it tries to come back around.
  102. >An explosion in the number two nacelle shreds the wing, and the plane tumbles out of the sky
  103. >It finally crashes near the corner of Lakeshore Boulevard and Reynolds Road.
  104. >”Damn it! Fuck the fluffies, we've gotta get the medics over there!” your Captain yells over the radio.
  105. >The rest of your company and B Company mount up and head toward the camp entrance.
  106. >Medics are loaded into 56th's Strykers, and you all drive out toward the column of billowing black smoke.
  107. >You take the gunner's position again.
  108. >All the annoyance with your assignment is gone in a flash.
  109. >You're going to kill every single one of these little bastards, if it's the last thing you do.
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