
Spacestation / planet size

Jun 15th, 2019
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  1. I like the idea of various sized planets with a finite amount of ress production, maybe create a function/ship for people to be able to geologically scan a planet to understand its profitability before they colonise it, would bring a bit more planning into it rather than just slap them all next to each other in a system .
  2. Suggestion from me are along the same lines as Nostra, 
  3. With all planets go down the line of the GHQ with a randomly generated finite amount of buildings per planet, with a further spacestation building that can be unlocked and expanded (To a constant maximum size) . Have a building type planet side of a ships landing field for outside storage alongside the warehouse, leave the warehouse size increase with the logistics system as it is but have the landing field increase like a ress storage, each planet side building increase therefore takes up a space, going back to one of OZ's previous points have a front line defence unit stationed on the space station that is there to combat the tactic of 1 ship spying suicide missions, if no spacestation or ships stationed there then the suicide mission will be able to spy the planet side ship amounts before death, if ships on station they only see ship amount on station. (make station only achieveable at a pretty high level to give it some later game content) attacks on the planet can then deal damage to the spacestation and or the planet side buildings if all ships and defences are breached and destroyed.
  4. Change foreign defence to a finite time system so after say 24 hours your/their ships are sent home to stop ppl using them to continuously defend weaker players and give attackers a chance to plan raids after they have left.
  5. Allow players to send their own ships from different planets to become foreign defence on themselves. Will help defend a planet that is full both planet side and station side.
  6. Change attack to previously suggested wave system, making first wave have to attack any space station and its ship fleet first then up to 3 further waves on planet side ships and defence (after lvl 100 limitless logistics across all waves). If you only send your ships into wave 1 then if they have a space station you are only attacking that and its fleet.
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