
todo excerpt - recent editor work

Feb 24th, 2016
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  1. ✔ integrate editor deeper with games and the entity system @done (16-02-24 22:31)
  2. ✔ implement scripted entity deriving from C++ @done (16-02-11 22:13)
  3. > LevelScrObj has optional property dict (if available, used as property backing)
  4. > inheritance is implemented via metaobject insertion
  5. >> C++Ent -> metadict ===> C++Ent -> my_classdict -> metadict
  6. >> error in the case when my_classdict receives a different parent when it's already set
  7. >> interface could be third arg for CreateEntity
  8. > entity core is always C++, scripting is about property/behavior adjustments
  9. >> SGS -> C++ inheritance is thus not allowed
  10. > ScriptedItem must be turned into an entity
  11. > InfoEmitter could use a handle/wrapper object
  12. >> EDIT: integrated InfoEmitterSystem into level and all entities are optional emitters
  13. ✔ reorganize native systems to fit scripting systems better @done (16-02-15 09:53)
  14. ✔ implement transform hierarchies @done (16-02-22 23:42)
  15. ✔ sort out entity editing issues @done (16-02-15 09:55)
  16. > entities should have their properties always editable and accessible
  17. >> this is to allow faster editing & realtime preview
  18. X initial property set is still necessary though - some level objects are not entities
  19. X> it's a way to also create those objects
  20. X> they will need a visualization entity though
  21. >> EDIT: screw that, let's use chunks.
  22. >> entity data has disproportionately huge parsing/loading overhead anyway...
  23. >> let's find a way to generate that data with systems also
  24. ✔ implement editor entity enumeration from level script & game scripts @done (16-02-17 09:50)
  25. X currently undecided between ENT_*** class names and ENTCREATE_***/ENTARGS_*** functions
  27. ✔ implement editor startup from game DLLs @done (16-02-16 09:28)
  28. > need to wrap the SDL DLL API
  29. > BaseGame should have "-editor"/"EDIT"/.. argparse, triggering...
  30. >> editor DLL loading
  31. >> game level object creation for preview
  32. >> and the replacement of the game class with editor class, init-ed using the level
  33. ✔ implement core of the new entity type (loading, saving, property editing) @done (16-02-18 09:38)
  34. ✔ implement editor entity preview @done (16-02-21 22:49)
  35. > just create entities and then copy their properties
  36. > original set of properties should still be owned by the editor entity
  37. >> to avoid the game entity from randomly messing up the data
  38. >> but it's something that might be reconsidered
  39. ✔ change editor file format to some kind of structured key-value store (SGSON?) @done (16-02-22 23:42)
  40. ✔ implement SGSON parser/writer @done (16-02-16 08:51)
  41. ✔ implement saving/loading functions @done (16-02-17 09:50)
  42. ✔ implement backwards compatibility @done (16-02-22 23:42)
  43. ✔ mesharray @done (16-02-22 23:42)
  44. ✔ cover, room @done (16-02-22 08:23)
  45. ✔ implement game system data processing to generate custom chunks @done (16-02-24 09:41)
  46. > pass editor data to game systems, let them create the compiled chunks they'll parse
  47. ✔ remove scripted entities and related hacks from editor @done (16-02-21 22:48)
  48. > with this new entity inheritance scheme, they won't be necessary any longer
  49. ✔ editor upgrade polish/finish @done (16-02-24 22:31)
  50. ✔ implement entity editor ext. rendering functions @done (16-02-22 00:46)
  51. ✔ implement unique ID generation @done (16-02-23 08:27)
  52. ✔ implement light/mesh/sample entity LGC registration @done (16-02-24 09:40)
  53. > register LGC as level system
  54. > add callbacks that would allow data to be gathered
  55. > for stability, use "XXXEntityToID"
  56. ✔ fix LGC cache / deletion issues @done (16-02-24 22:31)
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