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- /*
- Pokemon Sword & Shield Fast Egg Hatching
- Logic by kirbunkle aka Adam Hanny
- Based on the LUFA library's Low-Level Joystick Demo
- (C) Dean Camera
- Based on the HORI's Pokken Tournament Pro Pad design
- (C) HORI
- This project implements a modified version of HORI's Pokken Tournament Pro Pad
- USB descriptors to allow for the creation of custom controllers for the
- Nintendo Switch. This also works to a limited degree on the PS3.
- Since System Update v3.0.0, the Nintendo Switch recognizes the Pokken
- Tournament Pro Pad as a Pro Controller. Physical design limitations prevent
- the Pokken Controller from functioning at the same level as the Pro
- Controller. However, by default most of the descriptors are there, with the
- exception of Home and Capture. Descriptor modification allows us to unlock
- these buttons for our use.
- */
- #include "../Joystick.h"
- #include "Commands.h"
- #include "Config.h"
- /*------------------------------------------*/
- // -> Your player must be on their bicycle in Bridge Field, no menus or dialogues open
- // -> You must have ONLY 1 pokemon in your party
- // -> The pokemon in your party needs to have Flame Body, Magma Armor, or Steam Engine
- // -> You must be disconnected from the internet
- // -> Your cursor must be over "Town Map" in the main menu (game remembers its position)
- // -> Your main menu must be the default without menu items moved around!
- // -> If they are moved, "Town Map" needs to be 1 down and 1 left from "Pokemon" in the main menu
- // -> You must have a series of EMPTY boxes that you want to fill, and you must have selected the
- // first empty box in the series (game remembers which box you had open last)
- // -> You have to start this program at the Change Grip/Order menu
- /*------------------------------------------*/
- // NOTES
- // -> This program does not guarantee picking up the maximum number of eggs per cycle due to the
- // RNG for collecting eggs. If you have the oval charm, and the pokemon are same species and different
- // trainers, there is an 88% chance per pick-up that an egg will be available. This means even given
- // the best setup, you will likely only hatch ~9 eggs per two cycles, and not 10. The bot cannot
- // know if we pick up an egg or not, so we assume that we always get an egg. You will most definitely
- // have some empty spaces in your boxes after running this for a while, but it can't be helped.
- // -> For reasons mentioned above, it is highly recommended that you have the oval charm.
- // -> Adjust the value for NUMBER_OF_BOXES_TO_FILL below to the number of sequential empty boxes you
- // have available.
- // -> The table below shows the number of steps to hatch an egg, and then the recommended settings based on
- // that information. If you find eggs in your boxes, or the bot gets desynced, you may want to increase
- // the HATCHING_TIME_SEC value below.
- /*------------------------------------------*/
- // -> You will want to find the number of steps it takes for your pokemon to hatch, that information
- // can be found here:
- // -> 5120 steps - HATCHING_TIME_SEC = 145, MAX_NUM_OF_EGGS = 5 (time to fill a box ~29 mins)
- /* #define HATCHING_TIME_SEC 145 // seconds for hatching */
- #define MAX_NUM_OF_EGGS 5 // number of eggs to hold before hatching
- #define HATCHING_TIME_SEC 49
- // Main entry point.
- int main(void) {
- // We'll start by performing hardware and peripheral setup.
- SetupHardware();
- // We'll then enable global interrupts for our use.
- GlobalInterruptEnable();
- // Once that's done, we'll enter an infinite loop.
- for (;;)
- {
- // We need to run our task to process and deliver data for our IN and OUT endpoints.
- HID_Task();
- // We also need to run the main USB management task.
- USB_USBTask();
- }
- }
- // Configures hardware and peripherals, such as the USB peripherals.
- void SetupHardware(void) {
- // We need to disable watchdog if enabled by bootloader/fuses.
- MCUSR &= ~(1 << WDRF);
- wdt_disable();
- // We need to disable clock division before initializing the USB hardware.
- //clock_prescale_set(clock_div_1);
- // We can then initialize our hardware and peripherals, including the USB stack.
- // Both PORTD and PORTB will be used for the optional LED flashing and buzzer.
- #warning LED and Buzzer functionality enabled. All pins on both PORTB and \
- PORTD will toggle when printing is done.
- DDRD = 0xFF; //Teensy uses PORTD
- PORTD = 0x0;
- //We'll just flash all pins on both ports since the UNO R3
- DDRB = 0xFF; //uses PORTB. Micro can use either or, but both give us 2 LEDs
- PORTB = 0x0; //The ATmega328P on the UNO will be resetting, so unplug it?
- #endif
- // The USB stack should be initialized last.
- USB_Init();
- }
- // Fired to indicate that the device is enumerating.
- void EVENT_USB_Device_Connect(void) {
- // We can indicate that we're enumerating here (via status LEDs, sound, etc.).
- }
- // Fired to indicate that the device is no longer connected to a host.
- void EVENT_USB_Device_Disconnect(void) {
- // We can indicate that our device is not ready (via status LEDs, sound, etc.).
- }
- // Fired when the host set the current configuration of the USB device after enumeration.
- void EVENT_USB_Device_ConfigurationChanged(void) {
- bool ConfigSuccess = true;
- // We setup the HID report endpoints.
- ConfigSuccess &= Endpoint_ConfigureEndpoint(JOYSTICK_OUT_EPADDR, EP_TYPE_INTERRUPT, JOYSTICK_EPSIZE, 1);
- ConfigSuccess &= Endpoint_ConfigureEndpoint(JOYSTICK_IN_EPADDR, EP_TYPE_INTERRUPT, JOYSTICK_EPSIZE, 1);
- // We can read ConfigSuccess to indicate a success or failure at this point.
- }
- // Process control requests sent to the device from the USB host.
- void EVENT_USB_Device_ControlRequest(void) {
- // We can handle two control requests: a GetReport and a SetReport.
- // Not used here, it looks like we don't receive control request from the Switch.
- }
- // Process and deliver data from IN and OUT endpoints.
- void HID_Task(void) {
- // If the device isn't connected and properly configured, we can't do anything here.
- if (USB_DeviceState != DEVICE_STATE_Configured)
- return;
- // We'll start with the OUT endpoint.
- Endpoint_SelectEndpoint(JOYSTICK_OUT_EPADDR);
- // We'll check to see if we received something on the OUT endpoint.
- if (Endpoint_IsOUTReceived())
- {
- // If we did, and the packet has data, we'll react to it.
- if (Endpoint_IsReadWriteAllowed())
- {
- // We'll create a place to store our data received from the host.
- USB_JoystickReport_Output_t JoystickOutputData;
- // We'll then take in that data, setting it up in our storage.
- while(Endpoint_Read_Stream_LE(&JoystickOutputData, sizeof(JoystickOutputData), NULL) != ENDPOINT_RWSTREAM_NoError);
- // At this point, we can react to this data.
- // However, since we're not doing anything with this data, we abandon it.
- }
- // Regardless of whether we reacted to the data, we acknowledge an OUT packet on this endpoint.
- Endpoint_ClearOUT();
- }
- // We'll then move on to the IN endpoint.
- Endpoint_SelectEndpoint(JOYSTICK_IN_EPADDR);
- // We first check to see if the host is ready to accept data.
- if (Endpoint_IsINReady())
- {
- // We'll create an empty report.
- USB_JoystickReport_Input_t JoystickInputData;
- // We'll then populate this report with what we want to send to the host.
- GetNextReport(&JoystickInputData);
- // Once populated, we can output this data to the host. We do this by first writing the data to the control stream.
- while(Endpoint_Write_Stream_LE(&JoystickInputData, sizeof(JoystickInputData), NULL) != ENDPOINT_RWSTREAM_NoError);
- // We then send an IN packet on this endpoint.
- Endpoint_ClearIN();
- }
- }
- typedef enum {
- } State_t;
- State_t state = PROCESS;
- #define ECHOES 2
- int echoes = 0;
- USB_JoystickReport_Input_t last_report;
- Command tempCommand;
- int durationCount = 0;
- const int8_t LAST_COMMAND = (sizeof(m_command) / sizeof(m_command[0])) - 1; // used for debugging
- int8_t m_commandIndex = 0; // current executing command
- int8_t m_endIndex = 26; // last command to execute in sequence, then we check for new command
- int8_t m_eggCount = 0; // how many eggs we are holding right now
- int16_t m_spinCount = 0; // how many times we have spun this iteration
- int16_t m_spinMax = 0; // how many times we need to spin to move on
- int8_t m_phase = 0; // 0 = collecting, 1 = hatching
- int8_t m_columnPosition = 0; // where the cursor is in the boxes menu
- int8_t m_nextColumn = 1; // where we want the cursor to be to drop the pokemon
- int8_t m_boxesFilled = 0; // number of boxes we filled up
- // Prepare the next report for the host.
- void GetNextReport(USB_JoystickReport_Input_t* const ReportData) {
- // Prepare an empty report
- memset(ReportData, 0, sizeof(USB_JoystickReport_Input_t));
- ReportData->LX = STICK_CENTER;
- ReportData->LY = STICK_CENTER;
- ReportData->RX = STICK_CENTER;
- ReportData->RY = STICK_CENTER;
- ReportData->HAT = HAT_CENTER;
- // Repeat ECHOES times the last report
- if (echoes > 0)
- {
- memcpy(ReportData, &last_report, sizeof(USB_JoystickReport_Input_t));
- echoes--;
- return;
- }
- // States and moves management
- switch (state)
- {
- case PROCESS:
- // quit executing if we are at the last command
- if ((m_commandIndex == LAST_COMMAND) && (m_command[m_commandIndex].button == NOTHING))
- {
- return;
- }
- // quit executing if we filled all the boxes
- if (m_boxesFilled >= m_boxesToFill) return;
- // Get the next command sequence (new start and end)
- if (m_commandIndex == -1)
- {
- if (m_endIndex == 26) // we just picked up an egg (hopefully)
- {
- m_eggCount++;
- if (m_eggCount < MAX_NUM_OF_EGGS)
- {
- m_commandIndex = 27; // spin
- m_endIndex = 28;
- m_spinCount = 0;
- m_spinMax = 14; // 2 "spins" per second (7 seconds should be enough for next egg)
- }
- else
- {
- m_phase = 1; // set to hatching phase
- m_commandIndex = 27; // spin
- m_endIndex = 28;
- m_spinCount = 0;
- m_spinMax = (HATCHING_TIME_SEC * m_eggStepGroup) * 2; // 2 "spins" per second
- }
- }
- else if (m_endIndex == 28) // We are spinning
- {
- m_spinCount++;
- if (m_spinCount < m_spinMax)
- {
- m_commandIndex = 27; // keep spinning
- }
- else
- {
- if (m_phase == 0) // we are still collecting
- {
- m_commandIndex = 3; // go back to get an egg
- m_endIndex = 26;
- }
- else
- {
- m_commandIndex = 29; // put mon in boxes
- m_endIndex = 63;
- m_phase = 0; // set to egg collecting phase
- }
- }
- }
- else if (m_endIndex == 63) // We opened the pokemon menu, selected the pokemon, and moved right
- {
- m_columnPosition++;
- if (m_columnPosition < m_nextColumn)
- {
- m_commandIndex = 62; // we need to keep moving right
- }
- else
- {
- m_commandIndex = 64; // we are at an open column, put them in
- m_endIndex = 67;
- }
- }
- else if (m_endIndex == 67) // We just put the pokemon in the box
- {
- if (m_nextColumn < 6)
- {
- m_commandIndex = 70; // just quit the menu
- m_endIndex = 77;
- m_nextColumn++;
- }
- else
- {
- m_commandIndex = 68; // advance to the next box, then quit the menu
- m_endIndex = 77;
- m_nextColumn = 1;
- m_boxesFilled++;
- }
- }
- else if (m_endIndex == 77) // We finished putting away the hatched mon and are in the menu
- {
- m_eggCount = 0;
- m_columnPosition = 0;
- m_commandIndex = 5; // start over!
- m_endIndex = 26;
- }
- }
- memcpy_P(&tempCommand, &(m_command[m_commandIndex]), sizeof(Command));
- switch (tempCommand.button)
- {
- case UP:
- ReportData->LY = STICK_MIN;
- break;
- case LEFT:
- ReportData->LX = STICK_MIN;
- break;
- case DOWN:
- ReportData->LY = STICK_MAX;
- break;
- case RIGHT:
- ReportData->LX = STICK_MAX;
- break;
- case UP_RIGHT:
- ReportData->LY = STICK_MIN;
- ReportData->LX = STICK_MAX;
- break;
- case UP_LEFT:
- ReportData->LY = STICK_MIN;
- ReportData->RX = STICK_MIN;
- break;
- case X:
- ReportData->Button |= SWITCH_X;
- break;
- case Y:
- ReportData->Button |= SWITCH_Y;
- break;
- case A:
- ReportData->Button |= SWITCH_A;
- break;
- case B:
- ReportData->Button |= SWITCH_B;
- break;
- case L:
- ReportData->Button |= SWITCH_L;
- break;
- case R:
- ReportData->Button |= SWITCH_R;
- break;
- case ZL:
- ReportData->Button |= SWITCH_A;
- ReportData->LY = STICK_MIN;
- ReportData->RX = STICK_MIN;
- break;
- case ZR:
- ReportData->Button |= SWITCH_ZR;
- break;
- case MINUS:
- ReportData->Button |= SWITCH_MINUS;
- break;
- case PLUS:
- ReportData->Button |= SWITCH_PLUS;
- break;
- case LCLICK:
- ReportData->Button |= SWITCH_LCLICK;
- break;
- case RCLICK:
- ReportData->Button |= SWITCH_RCLICK;
- break;
- case TRIGGERS:
- ReportData->Button |= SWITCH_L | SWITCH_R;
- break;
- case HOME:
- ReportData->Button |= SWITCH_HOME;
- break;
- case CAPTURE:
- ReportData->Button |= SWITCH_CAPTURE;
- break;
- default:
- // really nothing lol
- break;
- }
- durationCount++;
- if (durationCount > tempCommand.duration)
- {
- m_commandIndex++;
- durationCount = 0;
- // We reached the end of a command sequence
- if (m_commandIndex > m_endIndex)
- {
- m_commandIndex = -1;
- }
- }
- break;
- case DONE: return;
- }
- // Prepare to echo this report
- memcpy(&last_report, ReportData, sizeof(USB_JoystickReport_Input_t));
- echoes = ECHOES;
- }
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