
Pastebin Monday Sep. 17

Sep 17th, 2018
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  1. Hey so I've been sick so that's why I haven't been streaming/speedrunning, also still dealing with computer issues. Also been on that job hunt since the summer's ended and people don't want their pools to be worked on so yeah.
  3. Dreamhack Montreal was a lot of fun, despite some hiccups with my run I had the pleasure of commentating on a few runs, including those by Pidge and Elm, running SMRPG and Super Metroid Z-Factor respectively. Got to meet with some CS talents, enjoyed a very large poutine which destroyed me, and ended up stuck in Montreal for an extra night due to a fuckup on my behalf.
  5. Labor Day Weekend down in Philly was definitely one of the best weekends I've had this year, got to go to a beach, a yacht club, an arcade, amish country, it was a packed weekend. It was fantastic seeing a lot of my friends again and I hope that I can make it out to AGDQ next year to see them again.
  7. hi
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