
F is for Fear

Jun 8th, 2018
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  1. ##CHATLOG BETWEEN */u/TheFazbearConspiracy* and */u/SHSparky* between 6 PM and 8 PM on August 13th, 2017
  3. >**TheFazbearConspiracy**: Hey there! Thank you for showing interest in my post. I’m assuming you live nearby?
  5. >**SHSparky**: Actually, I live at the other end of the state, like 5 hours away, but I'm currently at a hotel not far from the place.
  7. >**TheFazbearConspiracy**: I’m not too far from it away either! What are you planning on doing when you get there?
  9. >**SHSparky**: Idk… Probably just some exploring or something. You said it was large from the inside, right?
  11. >**TheFazbearConspiracy**: I’m not sure, I didn’t go inside yet. Are you planning on going alone?
  13. >**SHSparky**: 'Course not That wouldn’t be smart at all… I’m planning on taking someone with me. Are you interested?
  15. >**TheFazbearConspiracy**: Absolutely! I love exploring stuff like this!
  17. >**SHSparky**: Alright. I’ll pick you up at H̡҉̸̛͕̺͖͚̝̠̱͙̘̮̤̭͙͚É̴̛͉̥̝̣̭͈͡ ͏̸̧̪̖̦͉̭̠̗̺̩͈͈̙͡ͅa̡̠̣̪̖̯̗͉̳͟l̴̢̡̞̩̘̜̗͉̮͠͡W̧̨҉̟̫̲̫̦͍̺͉̫̩́á̢̮̝̦̤̮͈̀ͅÝ̶͝͏̪͓̳̮̮͇̹̦̝ş̸̜̜̥̰̱̯̳͕̼̩͈̱̟͉͍̱̪ͅ ̢̛̙̳̝͖̟̮͙͎̬̫̰͚̥̜͟ͅͅͅC̵̛͈̗͓͇̞̟͎̟̪̼̙ͅo̷͢҉͕̥̫̥̞͈͔̟̻̮̠̗̞̳̬̙̠̳ͅm̧̡̯̟͈͙͓̘̞̣͙̜͜E̛̦̟̜̥͚͇̼̼̹͓̩̭̫͙̮͚̭͟S̴̨̮̘̩͕͔͜ ̸̶̵̲̥̖̣͉̝̻̩͕͕͙͞b̘͔̥̞̖̘̩͈̭̟̳̩̠͜a̖̭͔̺̞̣͜͠͝Ć̨̭͇̫͇̩̤̤̺̟̜̠͍͙̕͘͠ḵ̬͚̕͜͠. Sounds good?
  19. >**TheFazbearConspiracy**: Sure, I’ll bring my baseball bat, just in case ;)
  21. >**SHSparky**: I’ll probably just bring a lighter or something…
  23. >**TheFazbearConspiracy**: Okay. Cya!
  25. ***
  27. Hello, my name is Sam Harkness. I recently got in contact with someone on the /r/urbanexploration subreddit (*/u/TheFazbearConspiracy*) who'd discovered an abandoned hardware store in Sioux Falls, SD that used to have the name of "Sally’s Servo’s"… they said that it was abandoned for some time, after the owner moved to another city. It was then bought by a guy called Andrew Hill, who started his own business alongside a partner, Burt Andrews, who has since gone missing. They weren't really the social type; they were more interested in robotics than relationships. The business was quite successful though, selling products to big companies. He even once attempted to make an Artificial Intelligence that could control multiple animatronic characters by itself. That… didn’t end too well, according to rumors. People say Andrew was killed by his creation after it got out of control while Burt escaped. But why would you believe rumors, right? Nothing more than that, rumors.
  29. I was still in my hotel room, waiting for any indication saying that he’s at the spot we would meet up. Why can’t people just reply when they see your message?
  31. My phone buzzed. It was a DM from them, saying they were almost there. Guess it’s time to go then…
  33. I was at the meeting spot, but they weren’t there yet. Of course… just what I expected. Some guy who just liked messing with people who actually believed what they were told. At this moment, my left arm started hurting. I’ve never felt it this badly before… I’m not sure why, but it was probably nothing... although, I might need to get it checked out.
  35. I felt a tap on my back; I turned around, not knowing what to expect, and there he was. It was a guy, average height, with blonde hair. "Hey!" he said. "Are you */u/SHSparky* from Reddit?" I was still kind of startled, so I didn’t react at first. "Yeah, yeah I am… you can just call me Sam though. You are */u/TheFazbearConspiracy*, right?" I asked him. "I am! You can call me Dave. I’m sorry that I’m late, my bike wheel broke again." We shook hands, then started walking towards the building, talking about how he found the place.
  37. "So…" he said. "Have you heard about that bomb shelter outside of Brushton, Utah? There are legends that say it’s haunted."
  39. "I haven’t." I replied to him. "Are there any specific sightings there?"
  41. "Not sure. I’ve only heard that it’s haunted. Not anything specific."
  43. Well, that was interesting.
  45. We kept walking some more, until he started talking again. "You know how I found that old hardware store? I found it while going out for a coffee with a friend of mine, actually. At first we walked past, because it didn’t look like much, no boarded up doors, nothing. It wasn’t too big from the outside, but it caught my interest, for one reason or another. When I looked inside, there were some discarded bots in there, some boxes, and a few large sheets of cloth. I tried getting in, but I couldn’t. The door wouldn’t budge at all." He continued. "It didn’t interest my friend in the slightest. He isn’t a fan of exploring abandoned buildings. Now */u/Based_Bun* on the other hand–"
  47. "Wait, you mean Russell Hammond?"
  49. "Yeah!"
  51. "I've seen some of his work, he sure knows how to put together a story."
  53. We were almost there. We came across a little park, but something seemed… *odd*. There were 3 huge holes in the ground, that seemed fairly freshly dug. They weren’t very deep, but it didn’t seem normal. They didn’t belong.
  55. “Hey Dave, have you seen these before?” I asked him.
  57. “What’s up? Is it som-“
  59. He abruptly started speaking, seeming startled.
  61. “Dude…” he said, “There have been rumors about these so called ‘Twisted Animatronics’ roaming around… They dig holes under the soil at day, and come out at night, going on a killing spree.”
  63. Holy shit. Another reason for me to not go outside at night.
  65. “What the hell? Where can we report this? Everyone here is in danger.” I replied.
  67. “I’ll get to it when we’re done with the trip. Let’s go.”
  69. We continued walking and talking, and after some time we got there. "Is this it? It’s pretty small…" I said, disappointed by the size of the building.
  71. "Like I said, I didn’t say it was huge. I was waiting until someone discovered my post, then you showed up." He told me, sounding kind of annoyed. "Yeah, guess you’re right about that." I tried opening the door, but it wouldn’t budge. "Hey Dave, do you have anything that could open a door?" I asked him. "Is it locked? Or just stuck?" He asked me. He pulled the door. "Hmm, feels locked for sure. Let me see if I have any lockpicks left." He told me.
  73. After rummaging in his pockets for a bit he sighed.
  76. "…guess what…?" he said.
  78. "None left?" Just what I expected.
  80. "I have 2 left. Lucky," he replied, with a small grin on his face. I grimaced. "Very funny…"
  82. After he picked the lock, we gently opened the door. What we saw was… weird, to say the least. Scattered animatronic parts everywhere, some with arms still attached, some just disembodied heads. There were 2 corridors, one on the left, and one in the middle, along with writing on the wall, made with some black substance which was sticky to the touch.
  86. "**FOLLOW US**"
  88. "**CAN YOU SEE THE EYES?**"
  91. What the hell is all of this? "Uhm… Dude. Are you sure you want to explore this? The wall is coated in sticky, black stuff." I said.
  93. "Yeah dude. It’s probably just some kids who wanted to scare others who got in here," he replied.
  95. "Alright then. What corridors should we check first? The one in front or the one on the right? I’m voting for right," I asked him.
  97. "Eh, right seems… well, *right* to me," he said, chuckling softly.
  99. We started walking, not really sure what we were looking for. We discovered a room with a few empty boxes before turning left, where we saw some random shelves, and a frying pan. "Hey Sam, wanna take this pan? It looks good enough to hit something with." Was he being serious? A frying pan? What was this, the beta release for PUBG? Usable for what? "No. I’m not taking it. If you really want to take it, take it yourself. I don’t need a frying pan," I replied. Not sure why he took it, but he’s happy, so whatever. We started walking again, then we came across this room with a really high roof, and it was dark, no source of light at all.
  101. In the middle of it was this HUGE computer-esque object, and when I say HUGE, I mean **HUGE**. It was twice as tall as me, with wires sticking out of the top connected to multiple pipes running across the sides of the roof. In the middle of the mass was a big display screen, which was the only source of light in the room. "Dave, did you know this thing was here? It doesn’t look like it would fit in here at all. There wasn’t a high part of the roof from the outside…"
  103. "Dude, you forgot already? I said that I've never been inside before this."
  105. I walked closer to the display, wanting to read what the text on it said…
  107. #"ACTIVATE UNIT 917838?"
  109. That was all it said. What unit? What is it talking about?
  111. "Dave, what do you think? YES or NO?" I asked him. "Well, it’s the only interesting thing we found so far. So just press YES. We’ll see what happens."
  113. Walking towards the screen, kind of scared at the thought what could happen, I hesitated, and then pressed YES. I could hear the whirring of electricity coming to life, and then… nothing. "Well, while we’re waiting, c’mon, let’s get some fun stuff going." Dave said. We waited a few more seconds. Still nothing.
  115. "Well, Dave. If nothing is going to happen we should probably just le-" I was interrupted by all of the lights turning on with a loud **THUNK**. God damnit, that scared me. Dave just… stood there. Seemingly not bothered it at all. Then, we heard a high-pitched buzzing sound, very brief, almost like an old PC turning on. A short time later, a voice. It wasn’t quiet either… it came booming from everywhere…
  117. "**Hello there. You’re not supposed to be here, you know? You ought to be ashamed of yourselves…Why did you come back?**" it spoke, in a calm but off-putting voice. I was scared out of my mind. Is this real? Am I still asleep? "**Seymour… the bastard forgot us… He always leaves everyone behind…**" The voice continued speaking. The machine’s wires all started moving in irregular patterns. The machine started shaking, as if it was in pain. "**HE MAY HAVE FORGOTTEN ME, BUT YOU WILL NEVER!! YOU WILL NEVER FORGET ME!!!**"
  119. Suddenly, we heard another loud THUNK. Then another, and another one. Loud footsteps were coming from behind us. It was a misshapen animatronic chicken, whose suit looked awful, with patches of dirt and rips everywhere. It… it looked horrible. It didn’t look stable in the slightest, yet it was standing up.
  121. "Please tell me I’m dreaming…" I said to myself. Just after I said that, the malformed chicken started slumping towards us. It’s movements were irregular, as if it wasn’t sure how to walk. The eyes were spinning wildly in the sockets, looking as if they could fall out at any moment. "DAVE! Can you hit that thing with the… huff … frying pan? It’ll probably break." He hesitated for a second, then jumped towards the stumbling, malformed chicken. He started hitting the thing, causing sparks to fly everywhere. It tried pushing Dave off, but it didn’t have the power to. The thing became less stable with every hit, and at the seventh hit it fell down, the beak falling off completely, the body going limp, and the eyes falling out of their sockets.
  123. I thought we were done with the animatronic attacks, but then, out of the darkness, came a small army of around 15 smaller, dwarfish animatronics. All of them were oddly human-like, but with huge mouths and a purple colour, strangely reminding me of robotic Oompa-Loompas. "Damn it, I thought they were all gone…" Dave exclaimed. The things came running towards us, not slowing down in the slightest. One of the things came too close and bit my leg. It was a pretty deep cut. I kicked it, and it flew across the room, smashing into the wall.
  125. One got near Dave, but he smashed it with the pan. Guess it’s useful for something, at least… A few more of the things came running towards me, but I kicked the ones who came too close, making sure they couldn’t bite me again, while Dave hit those closest to him. We were out of breath from the attack, but then the voice spoke again. "**HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN ME YET? I DON’T THINK SO!**" it yelled, making our ears hurt. Around eight of the purple animatronics came running towards us, almost biting Dave’s arm. I must say, he’s pretty good with a pan.
  127. Weirdly enough, I could feel the building begin to heat up. The voice spoke again, this time sounding even more mad than before. "**LET’S NOT FORGET THIS! ALL MY TOWERS WILL CRUMBLE DOWN! THESE TWO FLOWERS WILL SOON BE GASPING UNDER THE RUBBLE!**" It yelled. The building started becoming even hotter. "Dude, we NEED to go!" Dave yelled. "**THERE’S A TIME FOR FRIENDS, AND THERE’S A TIME FOR ENEMIES! A TIME TO BUILD, AND A TIME TO DESTROY!**" The voice yelled. The building started shaking, and then the pipes burst, erupting with flames. "Dude, we need to fucking run! The building’s going down!" Dave yelled, already running towards the exit.
  129. I followed him, as fast as my legs could handle. A piece of ceiling fell to the floor and shattered, barely missing me. More flames started erupting from pipes on the ceiling, and a stray jet of fire blasted in my direction, burning the left side of my cheek. I wanted to stop running, but I couldn’t. The building was ablaze, and if I only stopped for a few seconds, the flames would catch up with me. My heart was pumping wildly as I darted forward, propelled by this almost preternatural sense of fear that came from something else…
  131. After some time, I could see the exit; Dave was hitting the door, trying to open it. Then the worst possible thing happened: I tripped over a loose wire that was on the floor. It almost seemed to happen in slow-motion, but when I hit the floor, I felt the impact. The flames were creeping up on me, I had to start running again… Just as I got up, Dave finally managed to open the door.
  133. "Let's fucking go man!" Dave shouted, as he slung me over his shoulder and we hobbled our way out. As we approached the threshold, however, I took a glance back and I saw… I saw… ***him***. There he was, standing in the flames, his crooked grin plastered on his face as if he knew my time was running out.
  135. Just as we both got out, the building collapsed into the ground. We both were out of breath. Dave even fell to the ground. "Dude, are you okay? Do you need something to drink?" I asked him. He huffed, "Yeah dude, I’m fine. Are you?" I looked at the bite one of those small bastards left, and it was still bleeding, but it could have been worse. "Yeah, I’m okay. It’s just that my cheek hurts badly. And my arm doesn’t feel too good either." I replied.
  137. I spoke some more with Dave, and we exchanged phone numbers, just incase he discovered some more about what happened, and most importantly, WHY it all happened. I started walking back to the hotel, to get some sleep, (running from a fire and insane AI really tires you out, you know?) get some King Drunk to take the edge off, calm down, and treat the burn wound on my cheek as well as get patched up for the bite marks on my leg. Whatever happened back there surely wasn’t what I was expecting. Who would’ve expected a malicious AI that also could burn down entire buildings? Me neither… my God, I don’t even know what happened back there. I don’t **WANT** to know any more about this for now… about this place… I’m talking to myself again, aren’t I?
  139. Back at the hotel, first thing I did was take a shower. Damn, even under the cooling spray of the water, my arm felt even worse than at the building. It almost felt like a very bad sunburn, constantly stinging my arm. I got something to drink before I finally got to sleep. At first it was very difficult, with all of the things that happened today flashing through my mind. Meeting Dave, getting inside, the voice, the stumbling, malformed chicken, the little purple almost human animatronics that bit me, the fire that burned down the building… it was insane. Now that I really think about it, the chicken looked oddly like the one from Freddy’s… the name escapes me though. The only thing I know for sure is that it was a chicken (and that therefore Freddy's had a chicken as well, not a duck). I started drifting off to sleep after some time, still thinking about what happened.
  142. ***
  144. I suddenly woke up. I couldn’t move. I was frozen in place. It was dead silent.
  147. I tried to move my eyes. I tried, and I tried. After some time, I finally succeeded.
  149. I immediately regretted it.
  151. *"Bittersweet… but fitting…"*
  153. The first and only thing I saw was a malformed animatronic rabbit, with tears and holes all over its body, exposing what seemed to be… guts? He was staring at me, with horrible, dead eyes...
  155. He spoke again:
  157. *"How could I resist… a promise such as this…"*
  159. He started moving towards me. No, he didn’t move. He gently glided along the floor. He didn’t move his legs at all.
  161. It hadn’t been **THIS** bad in a long time. He usually just… stood there… in the corner of my room, staring at me… watching me, with blank, white eyes that pierced my soul. Sometimes it would be someone else, like one of those two thugs that Henry's friend from the funeral always kept around. All black… darker than dark. If I didn't know any better, I'd think that this was how that *psychopath* kept tabs on me.
  163. He started getting closer to my bed, until he was on the edge of the sheets. My God, I could smell his breath; it smelled horrible, like raw sewage, decaying flesh and rotten eggs. I blinked and he was **RIGHT ABOVE ME**. Standing upright; I could feel the crushing weight on my body as his two metallic feet pressed against my chest, and I felt dizzy watching him tower over me, almost warping the room I was in. The ceiling seemed lifted, much higher up as if compensating for him being taller than the roof should allow. I closed my eyes shut, hoping it would end. I felt his weight shift. He started crawling on the bed, until placed his knees upon my chest, breathing heavily, his necrotic tongue licking at its nonexistent lips in that frozen grin.
  165. Then the thing began to reach for my face, and it felt disgusting. As he reached closer, the prickling feeling of metal rods being driven through my bones felt stronger until he finally touched my cheeks. It felt so unnatural, not only because his touch felt so real, but also because I began to feel another sensation. It was like I had four hands, two pinned to the bed in agony and two other hands caressing my face. He was pressing down softly, almost delicately, taking his time with tattered, sweaty-smelling hands that had rips and holes everywhere, exposing animatronic parts and bones. I didn’t want to look him in the eyes, hoping he would be gone, and that it would all be over soon. A hot fetid breath blew down upon me as he spoke.
  167. “*Why won’t you __look at me?__*” he snarled, tightening his grip upon my head, and I cracked open my eyes a sliver to see his smiling gaze a mere inch from my own, saliva and *other* fluids dripping from the tongue as he slowly began to lick at my face, the rotten smell literally burning at my nose. Even though my mouth remained shut the whole time, it tasted rancid, as if my head were shoved against a putrefying corpse as I was being forced to eat it, lapping at the pus and ulcers like a dog. I wanted to push him off me, but I still couldn’t move. I was paralyzed, with this festering creature panting above my face, its eyes glowing a bright white.
  169. He started pressing down a little bit harder, and his hands passed through my face, breaking the skin's surface tension as if he were reaching into dough or soft clay. Holy hell, that hurt. It was like an electric current going through every part of my head that he reached into with his grimy fingers. I could hear a low growling hum as his breathing grew louder and more ragged.
  171. *”Have you forgotten me yet? I don’t think so”* he whispered, as the prickling feeling became even worse. Then he took his filthy fingers off of my face, lessening the horrible feeling, but not for long. He started rising, adjusting his position upon my bed, legs straddling mine, pinning me down even further. I could feel them squeezing tighter every second, while his hands grasped at my own. The scar on my left arm erupted in a tingling, painful numbness, as if someone held a red hot barrel to that spot.
  173. He started murmuring again:
  175. *”So firm…”*
  177. After that, he reached into my chest, each hand groping at each of my pectorals; the same electrical feeling went through my body, but this time it was way worse. I wanted to scream, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t do anything. I could only watch and feel as his hands sunk through again and he started feeling around in my chest; I could feel him grasping and playing with my organs. With each passing moment, the feeling grew worse; he clearly was savoring the agony it was causing me.
  179. It would have been the easiest thing to just exit. Retreat deeper into this nightmare world, watching him savage my body, but at least no longer in pain. But that would be giving him what he wanted. I couldn't let it take over again, not now, not like this. I just had to stay strong and let it pass, not give in.
  181. He knew this.
  183. He knew that whatever he did, however he poked and prodded at me if he felt like I wasn't paying enough attention to him, the easy way out would be much worse. And he reveled in this knowledge.
  185. The panting grew heavier, followed by more revolting noises. It started groaning, in a horrible, raspy voice. He was obviously getting off on this feeling, violating me like this, though I often wondered how exactly. Clearly it was a matter of control, of relishing in its power over me. Although I often wondered whether it had a more… primal satisfaction or even arousal in its actions.
  187. ”*Fascinating… what __you__ have become…*” it said, as he kept fondling my body parts.
  189. His hands edged downwards, tracing figure eights with his fingers as if he were stirring cookie dough. *"you can stop this whenever you want, Sammy. Just give in… Give in and it will all be over. Lend me your burdens… let me back in… I'll be gentle."*
  191. Closer and closer his hands drew down my abdomen, and he flexed his fingers with a sickening squelch before reaching lower and squeezing hard. The more rational part of me knew that this was not real, but I would have begged and cried and screamed for him to stop if I could. I'd tell him that I loved him, that I would do anything for him to end the pain.
  193. Suddenly, the pressure lessened and stopped altogether. Everything faded out of existence, that disorienting sensation of falling coursing through my body. It was just me and… that thing… still on my body. Slowly, he started rising from my chest. I almost felt relief at him finally drifting away, but then it spoke in that chilling tone once again.
  195. *”You may not recognize me at first, but I assure y*ou, it’s still M̵̡̢̫̰̩̽̚é̷̡̘͍͖̥̭̜̰͖ͭ̐ͨͥ̔”*
  197. The worn hands then reached up towards the head, the dead eyes rolling back as he pulled at that rusted, rotting grin, pulling it wider and wider apart until the mask came off altogether, fading into the darkness.
  199. For all that came before, this was always the worst part.
  201. I was looking at myself. That thing had MY head, and MY face, down to every last detail. But at the same time, it was not me. I didn't have such violet, soulless eyes and that psychotic smirk. Carlton never quite told me what he saw in me that night, when I tried to take back what was rightfully mine, but whatever it was, it must have been like this.
  203. I looked down at my hands. I always did. It was always the same result; instead of the stocky hands I used to fix machines, I saw rotten, decaying arms imprisoned within a crumbling, withered animal shell, the very same shredded fingers that had been inside me almost an eternity prior. As I looked back, I saw my younger self, that imitation that had fooled all my friends all those years ago. His image began to flicker, switching back and forth between my doppelganger and the rabbit as if I was looking at a projector, switching between two horrible pictures.
  205. Suddenly, we lunged at each other, fists colliding with this invisible barrier separating us, only… no… the blurry image, that reflection, finally came into focus, revealing that horrific, mutilated face that was half him, half me. It smiled that psychopathic grin, its eyes brightening as it spoke once again:
  207. *"I __always__ come back…"*
  209. With that, the glass shattered and the space was filled with screams as hundreds of hands burst forth, both from the mirror and from within the animatronic. They pulled at the springlocks, groping my broken form, strangling any chance for me to cry for help or even breathe. I felt my bones splinter and flesh ooze out of the gouges the endoskeleton left, dark fingers pressing into the gory mess while a slimy hand bore its way down my throat.
  211. All I could think about was how badly I wanted to die right then, to make the pain stop. The agony, the constriction, the helplessness. I was being crushed into nothing, I was done for, I…
  213. ***
  215. I was back in my bed, sheets drenched in sweat, entangling me in their constricting wrapping. I looked around and tried to move my limbs once more. This time they responded easily, if still a bit numb from their compression, and I sighed, relieved at being awake. I glanced at the clock… it was 6:26 AM. Not caring for sleep any longer, I got up. Looking back I grimaced in disgust… I must have wet the bed after that horrendous episode. Caring little for it, I went to take a shower.
  217. What the hell happened? It hasn’t been **THIS** bad in a long, long time. I need to know why this happened. Why? Why did it have to be me?
  219. **H̱͕͈̙̳͔E̕͏̖̯̘̟ ̵͓̩͖̪̖̗A̛̜͚̳̝̬͉̻͘͜L̛̼̙̖̗̫̯̼̜͢͝Ẃ̹̲̰ͅẠ͍̞̩͈ͅỲ̷͈S̵̩͈͇͎͍͈̺͓̣͝ ̗͍͙͈̗͓Ć͉̲̖͍O͍̰̱̮̦͢͡M͏̞̱̻̥̦̱͟É͓̘͜S̛̘̣̙͚͢ ͍̤̘͇̦̖̬̩B̴͏̪̮͍̜̘͇̼ͅA̧̮̳̞̠̗̥͔̫C҉̶̛̜̥̞K̛̗̳͓͢**
  222. I sat on my bed, downing a flask of Jim Beam, something that I almost never did. King Drunk was simply not going to cut it, and hardly anything else could even begin to take the edge off.
  224. The implications of this nightmare were not subtle. **He** was coming back, and in full force. Ever since I saw those damn files, the shock at this paradigm shift must have lowered my defenses, allowed **him** to spread, what with the wool being torn away from my eyes about the truth of this world, of my Uncle's work, of my abilities… and something else…
  226. This wasn't just a traumatic nightmare based on the previous day's events.
  228. No.
  230. This was a warning.
  232. I pulled out my cellphone and called the others. The ones who had been victims alongside me. The ones who showed me who the real enemy was. I told them about the fire, about the dreams, about the graves. They went pretty quiet when I mentioned the graves.
  234. After informing them of my circumstances and agreeing to meet up at a specific time, I stared at the red marks on my wrist in the shape of a palm print, one too big and blocky to be that of a human's. It was becoming more and more difficult to cover up the bruises, to try to forget about this spring trap lying in wait for me like a predator, waiting for me to slip up before it pounced.
  236. I don't know how much longer I can live like this. How soon before he shows up to torture me again.
  238. One thing's for certain…
  240. I have to end this. One way or another, I have to press onward.
  242. I have to finish what Henry started.
  244. and if that costs me my own life or soul, well…
  246. Perhaps it's worth it.
  248. Perhaps...
  256. ^Y̛̲͍̖̱O̷̴̙̫U͈ ̮̹̕^[Ć̸̢̹̭̮A͘҉͇̬̰̩̘̮̮Ǹ̯̹̝̬̹̭͉'̻́Ṱ̸̸](/r/26FrightsofFreddy)
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