
St. Josephs hospital

Oct 5th, 2023
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  1. They’re pretending like they told me and I forgot, but no one ever told me anything when I came into the emergency room and sat at the emergency doors. This guy would’ve obviously had been a notified by someone to look out for me because they had to wait for me to sit down assuming I’m tired and frustrated from not being able to sleep so when I was asking him a straight up question about when the hospital opened, he had to quickly approach mewhile asking and ignoring me, asking random questions and ignoring me so trying to cause problems and refusing to answer the question I repeatedly asked him five times as he approached me, asking multiple different questions without answering any of them what’s wrong with that security officer all of the security has been notified about me. They would have seen me when I came in. Why did this guy wait for me to sit down to try to bring somebody to make me be a problem to somebody different than the first off security officer, he arrived to instigate a problem with me the first time.
  3. Confused refusing to deal with primary issues Staling for other issues to become apparent. So I’m supposed to know where I’m going everywhere I go so I can’t go to the hospital and be confused at the hospital. That’s good to know just in case they’re specific security officers looking to cause problems and force me to be a problem without knowing what’s going on, so they want to take advantage of my confused state of mind to instigate an issue as opposed to trying to help me to figure out what’s going on fuck this guy Fat ass security
  5. He came with a different security officer this time because I embarrassed him the first time and he needs to bring different back up. That would believe him instigating an issue with someone who is confused you keep trying I’m gonna keep catching.
  • s1337668
    260 days
    # text 0.56 KB | 0 0
    1. It’s good to know that if you’re having problems and you don’t know what the problem is, someone will make you a problem instead of trying to help you figure out what it is kindly patiently and in a nice friendly manner they’ll and make you try to become a problem of your own mentality by triggering your fighter flight and all I’m doing is catching flies trying to fuck with me when they know the issue. All I need is time to think and sleep but they keep stalling these problems and I’m gonna keep hunting these idiots using vocabulary they have never heard.
  • s1337668
    260 days
    # text 0.80 KB | 0 0
    1. It’s good to know that if you’re having problems and you don’t know what the problem is, someone will make you a problem instead of trying to help you figure out what it is kindly patiently and in a nice friendly manner they’ll and make you try to become a problem of your own mentality by triggering your fighter flight and all I’m doing is catching flies trying to fuck with me when they know the issue. All I need is time to think and sleep but they keep stalling these problems and I’m gonna keep hunting these idiots using vocabulary they have never heard.
    3. Oh, cause the first time was a Mulligan and he had to try again just to make sure he’s not like the library security. That lady was super nice. Still messed up. What time is it? I’ll just go use the bathroom at someplace I buy food I guess
  • s1337668
    260 days
    # text 2.73 KB | 0 0
    1. Oh yeah, they’re flexing the factor McMaster students so when I actually make something out of my company that zero to everything is better than wherever your parents and everything they did for you actually just the fact that you fucked with the bank account and didn’t even make it a fair fight is actually embarrassing enough already imagine being that well off and that threatened by somebody you make fun of that badly
    3. Also, this guy just got to act all stupid with my money regardless of how much was there I wasn’t able to tell because of the duality that was created so that they could Đorđe everything I was saying and do whatever they wanted eating and just saying that I’m difficult and I’m not listening or some other bullsh*t when I never wanted to work with anybody in the first place and I was under the suspicion of my own OSP file so their second OSP file had to be substituted with the clone Just to make it safe for some other idiot who wrote the paper to get Scott free but I didn’t fill it out myself they know the one I filled out and they can’t edit or change it but you were working with the patriot of the DNS he routed me and I couldn’t see but that’s because they wanted the version to be the authentic decision-maker instead of me with the money that I initially used and had manipulated and wasted from unexploited situation from student housing
    5. When I get all my sh*t authenticated, so I own everything that I’m involved in and I get to see the actual debt amount that was spent will know who the fraud was because all my money was being spent by myself to make them think I was selfish because certain people didn’t have certain pieces of information trying to make it seem like I spent my money irresponsibly when you’re facilitating everything even with the officers making sure I would go to the wrong Sheridan Holiday Inn so I would spend more money as to being able to get a deal because I wasn’t actually registered to school. You had to put your clone in my place, and you had to try to use the duality of using my intelligence to make me a slave and take everything I set up for myself but not actually doing any of the work getting most of the benefits I’m going to enable and let you how else would I be able to prove that you did it? Why would I try to stop you from being a criminal on my job gonna let you do whatever the fuck you want and let somebody who’s job it is do whatever they do , I’ll get my money refunded this synthetic been from the body that supposed to be assisting somebody that’s paralyzed to fuck with every decision I was making because they had to make me seem like the fraud as opposed to the guy who is supposed to have never been able to leave his bed or some other sh*t I don’t know
  • s1337668
    260 days
    # text 0.44 KB | 0 0
    1. At least, now we know who stopping the decisions from being made when I go to court since the body double has someone to argue with against me multiple parties, but I have too many instances where there isn’t any issues, and I’ve caught the issue before prematurely and identified exactly how it would’ve been a problem and how it was dealt with Inappropriately irregularly one of the IRR words weirdly that’s all that matters not normal or nice
  • s1337668
    260 days
    # text 0.34 KB | 0 0
    1. I’m just confused, so if it comes off rude and you let me know I’m obviously gonna apologize and I’m just gonna act stupid. I’ll actually modify. However, I was speaking or talking to make sure it doesn’t happen again, but it will happen again just keep apologizing until it doesn’t, I’m not an idiot forcefully trying to offend people
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