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Welcome to the Comintern!

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Jun 27th, 2017
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  1. hiWelcome to the Comintern! - by Comrade Diego Rojas-Espinoza, IET Scientist and Youth Communist League - World Headquarters Official
  3. So you want to learn more about the marvel of proletarian democracy and worker solidarity that is the Communist International? This pamphlet is just the thing for you, comrade! You'll get a brief look into our political system, our communist economy, our culture/fine arts, and our cherished values. Further information can be found by inquiring at Room Number [Diego and Kit's room number], Andromeda Dorm. Just ask for Comrade Diego!
  5. Politics:
  6. Neighborhood worker's councils elect representatives to the regional councils who elect representatives to national councils, etc.., until they reach the Comintern worldwide assembly, all of whom are immediately recallable by their constituents at any time. Participatory democracy is key, with locayol rules being made by local councils unless the decision would affect a larger group than is represented by that council.
  8. Once decisions are made, they are sent to the General Secretary for deliberation. if the General Secretary finds the decisions to be unwise, they send it back to the council for reconsideration with notes on why it should not be done and a list of possible alternatives. If the General Secretary agrees, they formulate a plan to implement the decision and send it to the committee for approval. Due to the mental capabilities and processing power of the General Secretary, this is usually a relatively fast process, with the biggest hold on time being human discussion.
  10. Since the Comintern world government is organized on the theory of the Mass Line, the democratic system of councils conveys the will of the people to the General Secretary, who uses that input alongside their vast intelligence to formulate the best plan of action to accomplish those goals.
  13. Economics:
  14. The Commieverse Earth is dominated by the Comintern's centrally planned world economy. In your world's history, central planning has been a disastrous way to run a country, since human planning is often flawed and short-sighted. However, with the incredible superhuman intellect of the General Secretary, the Comintern's central planning is remarkably successful at maintaining a high quality of life for the world’s citizens. The automation of most menial tasks allows for a standard three-day work week and frees Comintern citizens for leisure or creative activities. Transportation, healthcare, education, utilities, news outlets and other necessities are all state owned and freely provided. The various state enterprises are run by less-powerful AIs who are directly controlled by the General Secretary.
  16. Culture:
  17. The presence of a world government, communism's celebration of international unity, and the linking of countries physically with ultra-tech transportation have all lead to the creation of a vibrant multipolar culture that emphasizes innovation and techno-progressivism. The main cultural influences are from the original Comintern nations: the Soviet Union, Germany, Mexico, Italy, China, the West African Federation, and India. The arts are supported heavily by the Comintern government, with current movements including a surrealist variant of Constructivism and Volga Bhangra, a blend of Punjabi bhangra music and Belarusian accordion folk.
  19. [OOC Information]
  20. Pros and Cons of Life under the Comintern
  22. Pros: Extremely high Human Development Index scores throughout the entire globe. Income inequality, wealth misdistribution, poverty, homelessness, illiteracy and hunger are essentially non-existent. Similarly diminished are discriminatory practices like racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and ableism. Transportation, healthcare, higher education, housing, nourishment, utilities, child-care and the like are all free. Ultra-tech allows for advanced technological development without destructive environmental effects. Space exploration is far more advanced, with an already-existing base on Luna and the commencement of the robotic terraforming of Mars in 1955. Advances in the medical field have defeated many ailments that still plague our world. You get to wear red a lot.
  24. Cons: The Comintern Council system is actually a sham democracy, with the supposed "advisor AI", called the General Secretary, actually calling the shots with the Comintern acting as an advisory panel. The only one who knows this is Comintern Premier Shan Meiying. Lacking heavily in personal freedoms. Dissidents don't have ways to voice negative opinions about the Comintern. The General Secretary occasionally makes "utilitarian" decisions that increase the quality of life for a large majority of the people at the expense of a few. An example of this decision-making is the experimental program that created the cyborg ∆ No.6973. Media is tightly controlled to make sure everyone sees things the way the Comintern wants them to see. Education is heavily propagandized to make sure all kids grow up with a very deep-seated belief in the righteousness of world communism. Omnipresent security systems make it near-impossible to engage in rebellion against the state.
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