

Feb 14th, 2020
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  2. --Dev Script Tools v1.5 by MobDEV
  5. function OnPlayerEnterPark(player)
  6. ConsoleMessage(player,"^2Dev Script Tools v1.5 ^8by ^1MobDEV") -- Please don't remove these credits
  7. SetPlayerVariable(player,0,"0")
  8. end
  9. function OnEverySecond(player)
  10. if PlayerHasAccess(player) then
  11. BigMessage(player, "\n \n\nAdmin Commands: \nSay !Cmds to see commands") -- Note: it has to be !Cmds not !cmds
  12. else BigMessage(player, "\n\n\nPlayer Commands:\n!Credits\n!TP:PlayerName")
  13. end
  14. end
  15. --Don't change anything below this unless you know how to script
  16. function OnPlayerChat(player,text)
  17. if PlayerHasAccess(player) then
  18. if text == "!DisableJP" then
  19. AbortEvent()
  20. DisableJP()
  21. ConsoleMessageAllPlayers("^1JPs Disabled!")
  22. elseif text == "!EnableJP" then
  23. AbortEvent()
  24. EnableJP()
  25. ConsoleMessageAllPlayers("^2JPs Enabled")
  26. elseif text == "!EnableCart" then
  27. AbortEvent()
  28. EnableCarts()
  29. ConsoleMessageAllPlayers("^2Carts Enabled!")
  30. elseif text == "!DisableCart" then
  31. AbortEvent()
  32. DisableCarts()
  33. ConsoleMessageAllPlayers("^1Carts Disabled!")
  34. elseif text == "!Cmds" then
  35. AbortEvent()
  36. ConsoleMessage(player,"\n!DisableCart \n!DisableJP\n It's case sensitive, make sure to capitalize it correctly")
  37. ConsoleMessage(player,"\n!EnableCart \n!EnableJP\n It's case sensitive, make sure to capitalize it correctly")
  38. ConsoleMessage(player, "\n!Mute:MobDEV\n!Unmute:MobDEV\nChange MobDEV to the player's name.")
  39. ConsoleMessage(player, "\n!TP:MobDEV\n!tp=0101")
  40. ConsoleMessage(player, "\n!MuteGlob\n!UnmuteGlob")
  41. BigMessage(player, "Check your console!")
  42. elseif text == "!cmds" then
  43. AbortEvent()
  44. ConsoleMessage(player, "It's !Cmds, not !cmds")
  45. elseif text == "!Credits" then
  46. AbortEvent()
  47. ConsoleMessage(player, "^8Dev Script Tools v1.5 by ^1MobDEV")
  48. elseif text == "!credits" then
  49. AbortEvent()
  50. ConsoleMessage(player, "Capital C in !Credits")
  51. end
  52. end
  53. if PlayerHasAccess(player) and string.find(text,"!Mute:") then
  54. aa = string.len(text)
  55. ab = string.sub(text,7,aa)
  56. SetPlayerVariable(ab,0,"1")
  57. ConsoleMessage(ab,"You're muted!")
  58. ConsoleMessageAllPlayers(ab.. " has been muted!")
  59. end
  60. ac = GetPlayerVariable(player,0)
  61. if ac == "1" then
  62. ConsoleMessage(player, "Can't send messages, you're ^1muted")
  64. AbortEvent()
  65. end
  66. if PlayerHasAccess(player) and string.find(text, "!Unmute:") then
  67. ad = string.len(text)
  68. ae = string.sub(text,9,ad)
  69. SetPlayerVariable(ae,0,"2")
  70. ConsoleMessageAllPlayers(ae.. " has been ^2unmuted")
  71. ConsoleMessage(ae, "You've been ^2unmuted")
  72. end
  73. if string.find(text,"!TP:") then
  74. af = string.len(text)
  75. ag = string.sub(text,5,af)
  76. ah = GetPlayerX(ag)
  77. ai = GetPlayerY(ag)
  78. TeleportPlayer(player,ah,ai)
  79. ConsoleMessageAllPlayers("^1"..player.. " ^7is teleporting to ^1"
  80. ConsoleMessage(ag, "^1"..player.. " ^7is teleporting to you")
  81. end
  82. if PlayerHasAccess(player) and string.find(text,"!tp=") then
  83. ak = text:sub(5,6)
  84. al = text:sub(7,8)
  85. TeleportPlayer(player,ak,al)
  86. ConsoleMessageAllPlayers(player.. " is teleporting to: "..ak)
  87. ConsoleMessage(player,"If there is block in the way, it won't work.")
  88. end
  89. if PlayerHasAccess(player) and text == "!MuteGlob" then
  90. SetParkVariable(1,"1")
  91. ConsoleMessageAllPlayers("Chat is muted.")
  92. end
  93. am = GetParkVariable(1)
  94. if am == "1" and player ~= "YourNameHere" then
  95. AbortEvent()
  96. ConsoleMessage(player, "Global chat is ^1muted")
  97. end
  98. if PlayerHasAccess(player) and text == "!UnmuteGlob" then
  99. SetParkVariable(1,"2")
  100. ConsoleMessageAllPlayers("Chat has been unmuted.")
  101. end
  102. end
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