
Red Chapter TMs/HMs Locations List

Jun 25th, 2018
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  1. Pokémon Adventures - Red Chapter's TMs/HMs Locations List
  2. This guide was started by Lunos on June 02, 2018.
  4. ##Guide##
  5. TM01 Work Up: Route 11.
  6. TM02 Dragon Claw: Silph Company.
  7. TM03 Psycho Cut: Vermilion City Pier.
  8. TM04 Calm Mind: Route 3 or Celadon's Department Store 2F.
  9. TM05 Roar: Pewter City, behind a house.
  10. TM06 Toxic: Viridian Forest or Safari Zone's 2nd Zone, right under the Victreebel House.
  11. TM07 Hail: Route 9.
  12. TM08 Bulk Up: Viridian City.
  13. TM09 Venoshock: Route 2 after getting the HM01 Cut.
  14. TM10 Hidden Power: The cabin in the down left corner of the S.S. Anne's first floor.
  15. TM11 Sunny Day: Tangelo Island.
  16. TM12 Taunt: Route 22 after getting the HM03 Surf.
  17. TM13 Ice Beam: Route 14 or Celadon City's Game Corner.
  18. TM14 Blizzard: Route 12 after getting the HM01 Cut.
  19. TM15 Hyper Beam: Celadon's Department Store 2F or Route 10 after getting the HM03 Surf.
  20. TM16 Light Screen: 2nd Entrance of Cerulean Cave (, after getting the HM06 Rock Smash.
  21. TM17 Protect: Route 13 and Route 8 after getting the HM01 Cut.
  22. TM18 Rain Dance: Cerulean City or Celadon's Department Store 2F.
  23. TM19 Roost: Silph Company.
  24. TM20 Safeguard: Seafoam Islands (East Side) B1F, jumping into the hole in 1F.
  25. TM21 Frustration: Team Rocket's Hideout in Celadon City.
  26. TM22 Solarbeam: Route 4 after getting the HM06 Rock Smash.
  27. TM23 Rock Throw: Route 6 after getting the HM03 Surf or Celadon City's Game Corner.
  28. TM24 Thunderbolt: Mt. Moon 1F or Celadon City's Game Corner.
  29. TM25 Thunder: Route 25 after getting the HM03 Surf.
  30. TM26 Earthquake: Route 3 (Orange Islands)
  31. TM27 Return: Diglett's Cave.
  32. TM28 Leech Life: Route 17 after getting the HM01 Cut.
  33. TM29 Psychic: Cleopatra Island.
  34. TM30 Shadow Ball: Celadon City's Game Corner or Mandarin Island (in Rudy House's Hideout).
  35. TM31 Brick Break: Celadon's Department Store 2F or Team Rocket's Hideout in Mikan Island.
  36. TM32 Double Team: Victory Road 3F.
  37. TM33 Reflect: Route 10's Power Plant.
  38. TM34 Acid Spray: Silph Company.
  39. TM35 Flamethrower: Cinnabar Island's Volcano or Celadon City's Game Corner.
  40. TM36 Sludge Bomb: Silph Company.
  41. TM37 Sandstorm: Key Lime Island's Power Plant.
  42. TM38 Fire Blast: Cleopatra Island.
  43. TM39 Rock Tomb: Cerulean Cave Outside Area
  44. TM40 Aerial Ace: Silph Company, during Green's Tale #2.
  45. TM41 Torment: Lavender Tower 3F.
  46. TM42 Facade: Cinnabar Island's Pokémon Mansion (B1F). It's hidden behind a plant pot.
  47. TM43 Flame Charge: Celadon's Department Store 2F or in the Pokémon Association Building at Pumello Island, a few steps below from the TM102.
  48. TM44 Rest: Floral City as a reward for completing the Love Letter Side Chapter. Speak with Greg's Partner.
  49. TM45 Attract: Celadon's Department Store 2F or Seafoam Islands (Pathway to Left Side) after getting the HM06 Rock Smash.
  50. TM46 Thief: Tangelo Island Wildlife Park after getting the HM08 Dive.
  51. TM47 Low Sweep: Trovita Island.
  52. TM49 Hyper Voice: Route 23.
  53. TM50 Overheat: Kumquat Island, behind some houses a few steps below the Pokémon Center.
  54. TM51 Steel Wing: Route 1 (Orange Islands) or outside of Key Lime Island's Power Plant.
  55. TM52 Focus Blast: Pumello Island, inside the cave leading to the Pumello Summit.
  56. TM53 Energy Ball: Pumello Island, inside the cave leading to the Pumello Summit.
  57. TM55 Scald: Silph Company during the assault of Team Rocket.
  58. TM56 Beat Up: Route 11 (Orange Islands).
  59. TM57 Charge Beam: Tangor Island, right after a smashable rock.
  60. TM60 Fake Tears: Route 10 (Orange Islands).
  61. TM61 Will-O-Wisp: Golden Island (at south-west from Moro Island).
  62. TM62 Acrobatics: Pokémon Association Building at Pumello Island.
  63. TM64 Explosion: Pumello Island, walking behind the Kuroko Residence.
  64. TM65 Shadow Claw: Route 6 (Orange Islands).
  65. TM66 Payback: Route 6 (Orange Islands).
  66. TM67 Meteor Mash: Route 10 (Orange Islands), at north of Kumquat Island.
  67. TM68 Giga Impact: Cinnabar Island's Gym.
  68. TM69 Rock Polish: Route 17 (Orange Islands), at north of Butwal Island.
  69. TM70 Crystal Dust: Mount Navel.
  70. TM71 Stone Edge: Mandarin Island.
  71. TM72 Volt Switch: Route 2 (Orange Islands) after getting the HM08 Dive.
  72. TM74 Metal Ball: Diving spot at Route 8 (Orange Islands).
  73. TM75 Swords Dance: Pumello Island, behind the Akashi Residence.
  74. TM76 Brave Bird: Valencia Island's Network (Dark Web Area).
  75. TM78 Bulldoze: Pumello Island, inside the cave leading to the Pumello Summit.
  76. TM79 Frost Breath: Valencia Island's Network.
  77. TM80 Rock Slide: Route 10 (Orange Islands), at north of Kumquat Island.
  78. TM81 X-Scissor: Ascorbia Island.
  79. TM82 Dragon Tail: Route 17 (Orange Islands).
  80. TM84 Poison Jab: A few steps to the west from Navel Island's Gym.
  81. TM85 Dream Eater: Valencia Island's Network (Dark Web Area).
  82. TM88 Sleep Talk: Valencia Island's Network (Dark Web Area).
  83. TM89 U-Turn: Pumello Island Beach.
  84. TM91 Flash Cannon: Valencia Island's Network (Dark Web Area).
  85. TM93 Wild Charge: Pokémon Association Building at Pumello Island.
  86. TM94 Muddy Water: Inside the cave at Murcott Island.
  87. TM95 Snarl: Grapefruit Island.
  88. TM96 Nature Power: During the events with Team Rocket and the Pokémon Association at Rind Island.
  89. TM97 Dark Pulse: Pokémon Association Building at Pumello Island.
  90. TM98 Aqua Jet: Pokémon Association Building at Pumello Island.
  91. TM101 Petal Storm: Pumello Island.
  92. TM102 Heat Rage: Pokémon Association Building at Pumello Island.
  93. TM106 Dragonbreath: Shamouti Island, at east from the diving spot's entrace.
  94. TM109 Bide: Mandarin Island.
  95. TM110 Rage: Team Rocket's Hideout in Kinkan Island.
  96. TM111 Drain Kiss: Tangelo Island Wildlife Park.
  97. TM112 Rock Wrecker: Key Lime Island's Forest.
  98. TM113 Headbutt: Mikan Island.
  99. TM114 Curse: Route 5 (Orange Islands), hidden behind a palm tree.
  100. TM115 Snore: Kinkan Island.
  101. TM116 Icy Wind: Pinkan Island.
  102. HM01 Cut: Erika will give it to you in Celadon's Gym after visiting Route 17 for the first time.
  103. HM02 Fly: No.
  104. HM02 Whirlpool: Mandarin Island (after the events in Rudy House's Hideout).
  105. HM03 Surf: Misty will give it to you during the events in Route 19.
  106. HM04 Strength: The Mister you meet in Diglett's Cave gives it to you after the events at Pewter City's Museum.
  107. HM06 Rock Smash: Viridian City, interact with Yellow's Father after rescuing her in Viridian Forest.
  108. HM08 Dive: Tangelo Island Wildlife Park.
  110. ##Changelog##
  111. v3.01 - 12/01/2020
  112. *Fixed version number. Major updates should always be vx.0 releases. My bad.
  114. v3.0 - 02/01/2020
  115. *Updated with the contents of the Beta 15.
  117. v2.05 - 03/04/2019
  118. *Added the location of the TM114 Curse.
  120. v2.04 - 02/02/2019
  121. *Added the location of the TM42 Facade.
  123. v2.03 - 01/02/2019
  124. *Added the locations of the TM05 Roar and the TM55 Scald.
  126. v2.02 - 30/01/2019
  127. *Added the location of the TM51. I can't believe I missed this before.
  129. v2.01 - 17/01/2019
  130. -Changed the title. It's pointless to specify a version when I'll be updating this guide with every new release.
  132. v2.0 - 03/01/2019
  133. *Updated the guide with the new content implemented in the Beta 14.
  135. v1.02 - 28 of June, 2018.
  136. *I forgot to add the TM09 Venoshock. I actually added it at some point, but I lost the list, had to redo it and yeah.. I forgot to add it back.
  138. v1.01 - 26 of June, 2018.
  139. *I forgot to add the TMs obtainable in Celadon City's Game Corner. Oopsie :P
  141. v1.00 - 25 of June, 2018.
  142. *The guide was created.
  144. ##Credits##
  145. PokeGenFan: Locations of the TM05 Roar and the TM55 Scald.
  146. ghfrc#0701: Location of the TM114 Curse.
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