
Redirect Execution

Jan 6th, 2013
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  1. //
  2. //
  4. //If a new thread is created in a process, the system makes sure that DllMain's of loaded
  5. //DLLs gets called in the context of the new thread. This is accomplished by iterating
  6. //through all _LDR_MODULE nodes of the "InMemoryOrderModuleList" doubly-linked list.
  7. //The DllMain of a DLL is called if certain conditions are met:
  8. // (1) The new thread is not exempted from calling DllMain's. See "SkipThreadAttach" flag of TEB.
  9. // (2) The _LDR_MODULE node does not belong to the main executable e.g. "calc.exe".
  10. // (3) The _LDR_MODULE node does not have the "LDRP_DONT_CALL_FOR_THREADS"
  11. //     flag set. see "DisableThreadLibraryCalls" function.
  12. // (4) The LDR_MODULE node has a non-zero entrypoint.
  13. //     N.B. ntdll.dll meets all conditions except that its entrypoint is always zero.
  14. // (5) The LDR_MODULE node has the "LDRP_PROCESS_ATTACH_CALLED" flag set. i.e. Its DllMain was
  15. //     previously called as part of the "DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH" reason.
  16. // (6) The LDR_MODULE node has the "LDRP_IMAGE_DLL" flag set. i.e. the image is loaded in an
  17. //     executable state. N.B. Dlls loaded via the "LoadLibraryExW" function
  18. //     with the "DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES" flag don't have this flag set.
  20. //Given the above knowledge, we can fool ntdll to think that our main executable is a Dll that needs
  21. //to have its DllMain called upon threads creation and termination. This gives us a new way to redirect
  22. //execution.
  24. //This manipulation may result into certain functions e.g. GetModuleFileNameEx failing to behave,
  25. //and this why we should undo the manipulation.
  27. #include "stdafx.h"
  28. #include "windows.h"
  29. #include "stdio.h"
  34. #define LDRP_IMAGE_DLL                          0x00000004
  35. #define LDRP_ENTRY_PROCESSED                    0x00004000
  36. #define LDRP_PROCESS_ATTACH_CALLED              0x00080000
  38. extern "C"
  39. {
  40.     void __stdcall LdrFindEntryForAddress(unsigned long addr,void* pLdrModule);
  41. }
  43. __declspec(naked) void dummy()
  44. {
  45.     __asm ret
  46. }
  48. void Restore()
  49. {  
  50.         //restore original LDR_MODULE
  51.         __asm
  52.         {
  53.             pushad
  54.             mov eax,dword ptr fs:[0x30] ;PEB
  55.             mov esi,dword ptr[eax+0x8] ;ImageBase
  56.             inc esi                    
  57.             mov eax,dword ptr[eax+0xC]  ;_PEB->Ldr
  58.             lea eax,[eax+0x14]          ;InMemoryOrderModuleList
  59.             mov ebx,eax
  60. looop:
  61.             mov ebx,dword ptr[ebx]
  62.             cmp esi,dword ptr[ebx+0x10]
  63.             jne skip
  64.             dec dword ptr[ebx+0x10]  //Restore original ImageBase
  65.             mov dword ptr[ebx+0x34],LDRP_ENTRY_PROCESSED  //Restore original LDRP_** flags
  66. skip:
  67.             cmp ebx,eax
  68.             jnz looop
  69.             popad
  70.         }
  71.         return;
  72. }
  73. void main()
  74. {
  75.     static unsigned long i=0;
  76.     if(i++==1)
  77.     {
  78.         Restore();
  79.         //Do your own stuff here
  80.         MessageBox(0,"Redirected!","waliedassar",0);
  81.         ExitProcess(0);
  82.     }
  83.     unsigned long pLdrModule=0;
  84.     LdrFindEntryForAddress((unsigned long)&main,&pLdrModule);
  85.     (*(unsigned long*)(pLdrModule+0x18))++; //Change ImageBase
  86.     *(unsigned long*)(pLdrModule+0x34)=LDRP_IMAGE_DLL|LDRP_PROCESS_ATTACH_CALLED;
  87.     unsigned long tid=0;
  88.     CreateThread(0,0x1000,(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)dummy,0,0,&tid);
  89.     Sleep(INFINITE);
  90.     return;
  91. }
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