
Quality timeee

Dec 11th, 2017
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn was laying across her bed with her books open in front of her, diligently trying to study, but honestly she was tired after being at the hospital today so her focus was a little scattered. The soft sounds of music were being played from her laptop on the desk, just like a hits playlist on Spotify or whatever.-
  2. Tsaaq: Penelope was done with her usual activities, preparing for class tomorrow, finishing her homework etc. etc. She went to Quinn's bedroom and knocked with her free hand, her other holding her sketch book. "Quinnn?" She sang. "May I come in?"
  3. Alexithymiaa: -She lifted her eyes from her textbook, calling out across the room to Penelope. "Yes, come in." She moved her elbow to prop her head up, her eyes focusing on the door to watch for the female coming in.-
  4. Tsaaq: "Hello pretty." She greeted and went to sit at the edge of Quinn's bed. "I have a completed drawing I'd like to show you." She told Quinn as she opened her sketch book to the page. "You both look enchanting, I hope I'm not interrupting anything."
  5. Alexithymiaa: "Oh, I've been looking forward to seeing this." She said with a wide smile as she sat up further on the bed. "No of course not, I'm just studying. You're a welcome distraction." Her eyes dropped down to the page she had opened to, looking at herself and then Thorn. "Wow... Penelope this picture is gorgeous."-
  6. Tsaaq: She nodded and exhaled carefully. "Oh good. I was worried I was being bothersome." She said. She sat up straight and put her hands in her lap, feeling her silky gown nervously. "Really?" Her face brightened up when hearing Quinn's reaction. "Perhaps we should put it up somewhere?"
  7. Alexithymiaa: "I think that would be lovely. Have you shown Thorn yet?" She asked, flicking the stray strands of her from her face.-
  8. Tsaaq: "Not yet. But I will as soon as I see him. I was hoping he'd be around today so I could show him." She said with a raise of her eyebrows. "I thought we all could together. But sometimes we're busy." Penelope waved her hand. "I haven't seen you around all weekend. I'm glad we're getting some alone time."
  9. Alexithymiaa: "Yes, I usually volunteer my weekends at the hospital. It's a busy time. When I get home I usually go straight to bed because I'm just exhausted." She rolled her shoulders back, loosening up a bit. "I agree. I think it's important for us all to have some alone time, individually."-
  10. Tsaaq: She smiled and nodded her head. "Precisely!" She said with an excited grin. Penelope rose an eyebrow and went to crawl onto the bed behind Quinn. "Sounds like you need to relax." She chirped, brining her hands to the other female's shoulders and massaging the space between.
  11. Alexithymiaa: "I think I always need to relax." She said with a laugh, her face melting when Penelope started to knead her fingers into her back. "Oh... oh.." Her back relaxed as she let her massage her shoulders, dropping her head a bit. "You're very good at that."-
  12. Tsaaq: She giggled and applied more pressure with her fingers. "Thank you. I suppose it's just a talent I have." She said with a small shrug. "Maybe I should help you relax more. I think you deserve it."
  13. Alexithymiaa: "I can pay you in mashed potatoes." She said in a muffled voice because her face was sinking into her own arms because relaxing. "Or whatever you want."-
  14. Tsaaq: "I don't even think I've even had the pleasure to taste them. I think I just keep hearing about it." Penelope sighed. She tilted her head and stopped massaging for only a moment. "Whatever I want? You mean like food or something?"
  15. Alexithymiaa: "I have some in the fridge in a container that you're welcome to. But literally anything... anything you want." She turned her head to rest her cheek down on the bed, making herself comfortable because this was nice.-
  16. Tsaaq: Penelope's eyes widened. "Well..." She trailed off. "I don't really know what to ask for to be honest." She began to laugh, going back to the nice massages. "Usually I have a whole list of demands but for some reason lately I can't bring myself to talk to you or Thorn in that manner." She sighed a bit. "I suppose I'll think of something."
  17. Alexithymiaa: "In what manner?" She asked quizzically, looking at the female over her shoulder as she enjoyed the massage things.-
  18. Tsaaq: "I don't know... Bitchy, manipulative, back stabby? Which isn't a word." She said softly. "I find myself just enjoying your company and hoping that you feel the same, or I'd feel two inches tall." Penelope sighed again.
  19. Alexithymiaa: "Well I appreciate that you choose to act more genuinely toward us. I'd be rather upset if you werent." She let out a soft sigh because massages. "I enjoy your company very much. When I'm not around you two, I find myself a bit lost here."-
  20. Tsaaq: She frowned as she leaned forward and rested her head against Quinn's. "It is a very nice feeling to be true with people." She said. Her mouth hung open a moment. "What can I do to help with that?" Penelope immediately asked.
  21. Alexithymiaa: "Be around more?" She asked with a small laugh, moving her hand to cover Penelope's arm. "And you could stay with me tonight in here, if you'd like."-
  22. Tsaaq: "I can try and swing that." She started to laugh. "That sounds fine. I'm already dressed for bed after all." Penelope said as she went to take off her robe and put it on the ottoman beside the bed.
  23. Alexithymiaa: "You're always dressed so elegantly. I wish I could pull off the looks you can." She said with a big of a frown, sitting up so she could collect her books and move them over to her desk. She closed the laptop to stop the music that had been playing, leaning down to remove her shoes.-
  24. Tsaaq: Penelope went to climb onto the bed once more. "But you can. Even in the picture I sketched of you and Thorn, you look amazing." She offered Quinn a smile then went to lay down.
  25. Alexithymiaa: "Not like you, though. You're so classy, even when you're sleeping. It's beautiful." She smiled at her and tugged out her hair tie, shaking her blonde locks free before joining Penelope on the bed.-
  26. Tsaaq: "Okay now you're just being flattering." She laughed. "Goodnight Quinn. Sweet dreams." Penelope said sweetly then leaned in to rub her nose against Quinn's. She went to get into cuddle positions, probably ending up being the big spoon right? Yeah totes.
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