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- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- static inline int cmp(const void *p1, const void *p2)
- {
- return *(int*)p1 > *(int*)p2 ? 1 : (*(int*)p1 == *(int*)p2 ? 0 : -1);
- //return *(int*)p1-*(int*)p2;
- }
- static inline void sort6_libqsort(int * d)
- {
- qsort(d, 6, sizeof(int), cmp);
- }
- static inline void sort6_insertion_sort_v1(int * d){
- int j, i, imin;
- int tmp;
- for (j = 0 ; j < 5 ; j++){
- imin = j;
- for (i = j + 1; i < 6 ; i++){
- if (d[i] < d[imin]){
- imin = i;
- }
- }
- tmp = d[j];
- d[j] = d[imin];
- d[imin] = tmp;
- }
- }
- static inline void sort6_insertion_sort_v2(int *d){
- int i, j;
- for (i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
- int tmp = d[i];
- for (j = i; j >= 1 && tmp < d[j-1]; j--)
- d[j] = d[j-1];
- d[j] = tmp;
- }
- }
- static inline void sort6_insertion_sort_unrolled(int *d){
- int j1;
- int tmp1 = d[1];
- for (j1 = 1; j1 >= 1 && tmp1 < d[j1-1]; j1--)
- d[j1] = d[j1-1];
- d[j1] = tmp1;
- int j2;
- int tmp2 = d[2];
- for (j2 = 2; j2 >= 1 && tmp2 < d[j2-1]; j2--)
- d[j2] = d[j2-1];
- d[j2] = tmp2;
- int j3;
- int tmp3 = d[3];
- for (j3 = 3; j3 >= 1 && tmp3 < d[j3-1]; j3--)
- d[j3] = d[j3-1];
- d[j3] = tmp3;
- int j4;
- int tmp4 = d[4];
- for (j4 = 4; j4 >= 1 && tmp4 < d[j4-1]; j4--)
- d[j4] = d[j4-1];
- d[j4] = tmp4;
- int j5;
- int tmp5 = d[5];
- for (j5 = 5; j5 >= 1 && tmp5 < d[j5-1]; j5--)
- d[j5] = d[j5-1];
- d[j5] = tmp5;
- }
- static inline void sort6_sorting_network_v1(int * d){
- #define SWAP(x,y) if (d[y] < d[x]) { int tmp = d[x]; d[x] = d[y]; d[y] = tmp; }
- SWAP(1, 2);
- SWAP(0, 2);
- SWAP(0, 1);
- SWAP(4, 5);
- SWAP(3, 5);
- SWAP(3, 4);
- SWAP(0, 3);
- SWAP(1, 4);
- SWAP(2, 5);
- SWAP(2, 4);
- SWAP(1, 3);
- SWAP(2, 3);
- #undef SWAP
- }
- #define min(x, y) (y ^ ((x ^ y) & -(x < y)))
- #define max(x, y) (x ^ ((x ^ y) & -(x < y)))
- static inline void sort2_sorting_network_v2(int *p0, int *p1)
- {
- const int temp = min(*p0, *p1);
- *p1 = max(*p0, *p1);
- *p0 = temp;
- }
- static inline void sort3_sorting_network_v2(int *p0, int *p1, int *p2)
- {
- sort2_sorting_network_v2(p0, p1);
- sort2_sorting_network_v2(p1, p2);
- sort2_sorting_network_v2(p0, p1);
- }
- static inline void sort4_sorting_network_v2(int *p0, int *p1, int *p2, int *p3)
- {
- sort2_sorting_network_v2(p0, p1);
- sort2_sorting_network_v2(p2, p3);
- sort2_sorting_network_v2(p0, p2);
- sort2_sorting_network_v2(p1, p3);
- sort2_sorting_network_v2(p1, p2);
- }
- static inline void sort6_sorting_network_v2(int *d)
- {
- sort3_sorting_network_v2(d+0, d+1, d+2);
- sort3_sorting_network_v2(d+3, d+4, d+5);
- sort2_sorting_network_v2(d+0, d+3);
- sort2_sorting_network_v2(d+2, d+5);
- sort4_sorting_network_v2(d+1, d+2, d+3, d+4);
- }
- #undef min
- #undef max
- static inline void sort6_sorting_network_v3(int * d){
- #define min(x, y) (y ^ ((x ^ y) & -(x < y)))
- #define max(x, y) (x ^ ((x ^ y) & -(x < y)))
- #define SWAP(x,y) { int tmp = min(d[x], d[y]); d[y] = max(d[x], d[y]); d[x] = tmp; }
- SWAP(1, 2);
- SWAP(0, 2);
- SWAP(0, 1);
- SWAP(4, 5);
- SWAP(3, 5);
- SWAP(3, 4);
- SWAP(0, 3);
- SWAP(1, 4);
- SWAP(2, 5);
- SWAP(2, 4);
- SWAP(1, 3);
- SWAP(2, 3);
- #undef SWAP
- #undef min
- #undef max
- }
- static inline void sort6_sorting_network_v4(int * d){
- #define min(x, y) (y ^ ((x ^ y) & -(x < y)))
- #define max(x, y) (x ^ ((x ^ y) & -(x < y)))
- #define SWAP(x,y) { int tmp = min(d[x], d[y]); d[y] = max(d[x], d[y]); d[x] = tmp; }
- SWAP(1, 2);
- SWAP(4, 5);
- SWAP(0, 2);
- SWAP(3, 5);
- SWAP(0, 1);
- SWAP(3, 4);
- SWAP(1, 4);
- SWAP(0, 3);
- SWAP(2, 5);
- SWAP(1, 3);
- SWAP(2, 4);
- SWAP(2, 3);
- #undef SWAP
- #undef min
- #undef max
- }
- static inline void sort6_rank_order(int *d) {
- int e[6];
- memcpy(e,d,6*sizeof(int));
- int o0 = (d[0]>d[1])+(d[0]>d[2])+(d[0]>d[3])+(d[0]>d[4])+(d[0]>d[5]);
- int o1 = (d[1]>=d[0])+(d[1]>d[2])+(d[1]>d[3])+(d[1]>d[4])+(d[1]>d[5]);
- int o2 = (d[2]>=d[0])+(d[2]>=d[1])+(d[2]>d[3])+(d[2]>d[4])+(d[2]>d[5]);
- int o3 = (d[3]>=d[0])+(d[3]>=d[1])+(d[3]>=d[2])+(d[3]>d[4])+(d[3]>d[5]);
- int o4 = (d[4]>=d[0])+(d[4]>=d[1])+(d[4]>=d[2])+(d[4]>=d[3])+(d[4]>d[5]);
- int o5 = 15-(o0+o1+o2+o3+o4);
- d[o0]=e[0]; d[o1]=e[1]; d[o2]=e[2]; d[o3]=e[3]; d[o4]=e[4]; d[o5]=e[5];
- }
- static inline void sort6_rank_order_reg(int *d) {
- register int x0,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5;
- x0 = d[0];
- x1 = d[1];
- x2 = d[2];
- x3 = d[3];
- x4 = d[4];
- x5 = d[5];
- int o0 = (x0>x1)+(x0>x2)+(x0>x3)+(x0>x4)+(x0>x5);
- int o1 = (x1>=x0)+(x1>x2)+(x1>x3)+(x1>x4)+(x1>x5);
- int o2 = (x2>=x0)+(x2>=x1)+(x2>x3)+(x2>x4)+(x2>x5);
- int o3 = (x3>=x0)+(x3>=x1)+(x3>=x2)+(x3>x4)+(x3>x5);
- int o4 = (x4>=x0)+(x4>=x1)+(x4>=x2)+(x4>=x3)+(x4>x5);
- int o5 = 15-(o0+o1+o2+o3+o4);
- d[o0]=x0; d[o1]=x1; d[o2]=x2; d[o3]=x3; d[o4]=x4; d[o5]=x5;
- }
- static inline void sort6_fast_network(int * d) {
- //#define SWAP(x,y) asm("mov %0, %2 ; cmp %1, %0 ; cmovg %1, %0 ; cmovg %2, %1" : "=r" (x), "=r" (y), "=r" (tmp) : "0" (x), "1" (y) : "cc");
- // register int x0,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,tmp;
- #define SWAP(x,y) { int dx = x, dy = y, tmp; tmp = x = dx < dy ? dx : dy; y ^= dx ^ tmp; }
- register int x0,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5;
- x1 = d[1];
- x2 = d[2];
- SWAP(x1, x2);
- x4 = d[4];
- x5 = d[5];
- SWAP(x4, x5);
- x0 = d[0];
- SWAP(x0, x2);
- x3 = d[3];
- SWAP(x3, x5);
- SWAP(x0, x1);
- SWAP(x3, x4);
- SWAP(x1, x4);
- SWAP(x0, x3);
- d[0] = x0;
- SWAP(x2, x5);
- d[5] = x5;
- SWAP(x1, x3);
- d[1] = x1;
- SWAP(x2, x4);
- d[4] = x4;
- SWAP(x2, x3);
- d[2] = x2;
- d[3] = x3;
- #undef SWAP
- #undef min
- #undef max
- }
- static inline unsigned long long rdtsc(void)
- {
- unsigned long long int x;
- asm volatile ("rdtsc; shlq $32, %%rdx; orq %%rdx, %0" : "=a" (x) : : "rdx");
- return x;
- }
- void ran_fill(int n, int *a) {
- static int seed = 76521;
- while (n--) *a++ = (seed = seed *1812433253 + 12345);
- }
- #define NTESTS 4096
- int main(){
- #define TEST(variant, description) {\
- int i;\
- int d[6*NTESTS];\
- ran_fill(6*NTESTS, d);\
- unsigned long long cycles = rdtsc();\
- for (i = 0; i < 6*NTESTS ; i+=6){\
- sort6_##variant(d+i);\
- }\
- cycles = rdtsc() - cycles;\
- printf(description " : %.2lf\n", (double)cycles/(double)NTESTS);\
- for (i = 0; i < 6*NTESTS ; i+=6) { \
- if (d[i+0] > d[i+1] || d[i+1] > d[i+2] || d[i+2] > d[i+3] || d[i+3] > d[i+4] || d[i+4] > d[i+5]) \
- printf("d%d : %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", i, \
- d[i+0], d[i+1], d[i+2], \
- d[i+3], d[i+4], d[i+5]); \
- } \
- }
- TEST(libqsort, "Direct call to qsort library function ");
- TEST(insertion_sort_v1, "Naive implementation (insertion sort) ");
- TEST(insertion_sort_v2, "Insertion Sort (Daniel Stutzbach) ");
- TEST(insertion_sort_unrolled, "Insertion Sort Unrolled ");
- TEST(rank_order, "Rank Order ");
- TEST(rank_order_reg, "Rank Order with registers ");
- TEST(sorting_network_v1, "Sorting Networks (Daniel Stutzbach) ");
- TEST(sorting_network_v2, "Sorting Networks (Paul R) ");
- TEST(sorting_network_v3, "Sorting Networks 12 with Fast Swap ");
- TEST(sorting_network_v4, "Sorting Networks 12 reordered Swap ");
- TEST(fast_network, "Reordered Sorting Network w/ fast swap ");
- return 0;
- }
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