
Baseline's Library

Dec 27th, 2018
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A quick note, I'm not very fast at writing. I've been on and off for months, and I'm sorry. I've been getting my shit together over the past few weeks, but life still hits hard on occasion. Anyways, here's what you're looking for.

Quick explanation for the old version of Baseline being, y'know, incomplete: I did all of it on my phone, and while moving everything to one file, shit went sideways and I lost the first five chapters. There goes character development and introductions. Rip.

Ye olde shit is here, before I started really getting into the whole writing thing.

| Baseline | A guy downloads an app and goes places. Some NSFW in here.
--- Pre-Rewrite Chapters 6 - End
| Stranded | Some dragon chick ends up in the wrong house. She's probably not a fool. It was an accident.
|-- Chapter 01
|-- Chapter 02
|-- Chapter 03
|-- Chapter 04
|-- Chapter 05
|-- Chapter 06
|-- Chapter 07
|-- Chapter 08
|-- Chapter 09
|-- Chapter 10
|-- Chapter 11
|-- Chapter 12
|-- Chapter 13
|-- Chapter 14

Rewritten shit goes here. I'm taking this seriously.

| Baseline Rewrite | Same guy from the last thing, except he's going down a different road. Paired with a sapient phone application and a grocer employee, adventures will be had. Predominately safe for work right about now.
|-- Chapter I
|-- Chapter II
|-- Chapter III
|-- Chapter VI
|-- Chapter V
|-- Chapter VI ]( In Progress )
|-- Chapter VII ]( In Planning )
| Stranded Rewrite | Guy wakes up, finds someone in his house. Ever held a dragon at gunpoint?
|-- Chapter I ]( In Progress )

One shots and shit are here. There's a bit.
|-- Overrun - A slice of horror: a survivor doing his best in what else but a zombie apocalypse. Shit happens.
|-- Incident 682/D NSFW - A D-Class person manages to escape, but encounters what's likely to be the worst possible thing.

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