
Stranded [ 4 ]

Jan 28th, 2017
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  1. >You woke up on the couch.
  2. >Jennette was still in your arms, leaning against you as she slept.
  3. >By the sound of the insects outside and the lack of ambient light, you could tell it was late at night.
  4. >You needed to take a leak.
  5. >But Jennette was in your lap.
  6. >Fuck.
  8. >She remained unaware as you lifted her up and laid her back down on the couch once you were standing.
  9. >You quietly walked down the hallway to the bathroom.
  10. >Slowly opened the door.
  11. >You pissed and flushed the toilet.
  12. >You washed your hands and looked in the mirror.
  13. >You looked like shit.
  14. >Your eyes were red from crying.
  15. >But... you didn`t feel like shit.
  16. >You felt better than you have in a long while.
  18. >"Anon?"
  19. >She called out to you from the living room, likely wondering where you went.
  21. "Hang on."
  22. >You walked back to the living room.
  23. >She was sitting up, looking rather uncomfortable.
  24. >An urgent expression on her face.
  25. >"I need to, uhh... go."
  27. "I`m not stopping you, bathroom`s down the hall."
  28. >She looked at you with a bit of contempt.
  29. >"I would love to be able to on my own, but there just so happens to be a hole in my leg."
  30. >Right.
  31. >Also, that reminded you; you needed to change the bandage.
  33. "Alright, I`ll help you."
  34. >She nodded and reached out an arm.
  35. >You pulled her up and took her arm around the back of your neck to help her walk.
  36. >She hopped down the hall with you bent over, trying to assist her.
  37. >In hindsight, you could`ve carried her much more easily.
  39. >You left her to do her business and stood outside the door.
  40. >You heard the toilet flush, the faucet run, then the door creak open.
  41. >You saw her leaning against the counter, injured leg off of the ground.
  42. >"A little help?"
  43. >She gave a little smile with this request.
  44. >You once again braced her against yourself, helping her limp back to the couch.
  45. >"Thanks."
  46. >You assisted her with sitting down, then you went off to find your medical kit.
  47. >"What are you doing?"
  49. "We need to change that bandage, right? Now that the medicine`s working, it should be okay to do that.."
  50. >She looked at the kit with a wary expression.
  51. >"Okay, just get it over with."
  52. >You prepared everything.
  53. >Your hands were clean and were now equipped with latex gloves.
  54. >You slowly pulled the bandage off, Jennette wincing as you went.
  55. >Time to see the damage.
  57. >Well, it was healing much faster than anything you`ve seen.
  58. >From the way Jennette was shaking, it likely still hurt like a bitch though.
  59. >She seemed to handle pain better than most.
  60. >You looked up at her when you heard a slight whimper.
  61. >"D-don`t worry, I`m fine. Just g-get it done."
  62. >You did what you needed to and put a fresh bandage over it.
  63. >She sighed, obviously relieved.
  65. "Is that better?"
  66. >She nodded, moving her leg a bit.
  67. >"It itches less, but still hurts really f..."
  68. >She caught herself.
  69. >"Really bad."
  70. >She appeared to be in less pain though.
  72. "Well, at least it`s healing."
  73. >You put the kit back in the closet.
  74. >"Yeah..."
  75. >She yawned, making a slight squeaking sound near the end.
  76. >"I think I`ll go to sleep again."
  77. >She curled up next to you.
  78. >Sleeping on this couch always made your back hurt.
  79. >You decided to pick her up once you were sure she was sound asleep, then take her upstairs.
  80. >You had a big enough bed for the two of you.
  81. >And at this point... it was comforting, having her near you.
  82. >She was still wrapped up in the quilt.
  83. >You laid down next to her, pulling up your blankets and shifting around a bit to get comfortable.
  85. >Soon, you were just waiting to fall asleep.
  86. >The window next to the bed always served a good purpose.
  87. >You looked out there just to count the stars, to lose yourself in that infinite sky, to see something that would never change.
  88. >It was a constant throughout your life.
  89. >The faint points of light on the endless plane of midnight served as a beacon to you.
  90. >The sky never changed, the stars always the same.
  91. >Stability, order, continuation.
  93. >You wanted to work for NASA.
  94. >Astronomy was your favorite subject, as well as anything to do with space.
  95. >The thought of discovering something so far out there, something entirely new, kept you going.
  96. >Soon after... that day, things changed.
  97. >You saw the world for what it was, a dark place covered up by those who refuse to acknowlege the problems.
  98. >You were stripped of that child-like sense of wonder, of your innocence.
  100. >This is likely why you had such odd feelings towards Jennette.
  101. >In your mind, she seemed to represent everything you lost.
  102. >From the desire to wonder and discover, to your shattered family.
  104. >A slow melody awoke you.
  105. >Jennette was sitting at the edge of the bed, quietly singing something.
  106. >You could only see the outline of her body, the moonlight outside creating a bright backdrop to the situation.
  107. >Her voice was actually... stunning.
  109. ~I see... the life, the movement, the actions of many~
  110. ~The night sky, lit with stars, streaking lights aplenty ~
  111. ~The moon peers down, over the star-struck oceans~
  112. ~As everything below the surface continues their motions...~
  113. ~Will family... only be~
  114. ~A distant memory...?~
  116. >She continued on for a while before trailing off, beginning to hum gently.
  117. >Then she suddenly ceased.
  118. >"I know you`re awake."
  119. >She turned around.
  120. >"Sorry for waking you up."
  121. >She averted any eye contact.
  122. >"I know I`m not good at singing. I just... It`s been a goal of mine ever since I was younger to make music."
  124. "Go for it then. You have a great voice, use it."
  125. >She tilted her head.
  126. >"I wanted to. I was in college so I could have something to fall back on. I just... don`t have the confidence."
  127. >She quickly snapped her head back in your direction.
  128. >"Wait... Did you say... you liked it?"
  130. "Yeah. It was beautiful."
  131. >She looked down.
  132. >"Thanks..."
  133. >Her face became flushed as she smiled a little.
  134. >She looked at the bed for a moment.
  135. >"Did you carry me up here?"
  137. "I... well... nmm."
  138. >You quickly trailed off, not wanting to seem weird, but... you were fucking this up.
  139. >She laughed a bit.
  140. >"You just didn`t want to be alone. Am I right?"
  141. >Shit... yeah.
  142. >You nodded and looked at the floor.
  143. >She leaned over and grabbed your hand.
  144. >"Don`t worry. I understand."
  145. >Her eyes were clouded over a little with tears.
  146. >But her voice did not waver.
  147. >"You`re... the only person I have. And maybe... I`m the only one you have."
  148. >That hit you like a train.
  149. >But no tears came.
  150. >It was the truth, and you knew it.
  152. "You`re right. I`ve been alone for such a long time. And... I forgot what it was like to have someone here, someone next to me."
  153. >You sat up and scooted closer to Jennette.
  154. >She looked up at you.
  155. >"Maybe... this wasn`t such a bad thing."
  156. >Her head was leaning against your shoulder now.
  158. "I`m glad you showed up last night."
  159. >"I`m glad I did too."
  160. >You laid back down.
  161. >At this point, you were mentally and physically exhausted.
  162. >With that last statement, you drifted off again.
  163. >With one arm around Jennette.
  164. >And with her arm around you.
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