
Quinn CIA Malaysia

Aug 9th, 2017
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  1. Quinn CIA Malaysia Aug 7 2017
  3. Research 93 Society - CIA Palantir Peter Thiel D-Wave Quantum Computer
  5. silverscript
  7. Transcript
  8. 0:00
  9. hello and good morning today is August
  10. 0:04
  11. 7th 2017 9 a.m. Pacific Standard Time
  12. 0:09
  13. today we're going to do more research
  14. 0:12
  15. into the funding of Palantir where their
  16. 0:16
  17. money comes from who else the people
  18. 0:22
  19. that funded Palantir our funding and how
  20. 0:26
  21. extensive that goes into our common
  22. 0:29
  23. everyday lives so right now we're
  24. 0:33
  25. looking at Palantir x' homepage and then
  26. 0:36
  27. we're going to go to there CrunchBase
  28. 0:38
  29. profile which is where you can find a
  30. 0:42
  31. listing of all the investors and how
  32. 0:45
  33. much they invested so Palantir has had a
  34. 0:53
  35. total of 2.0 1 billion dollars in 13
  36. 0:58
  37. rounds of investment from 13 investors
  38. 1:02
  39. so they're built on two billion dollars
  40. 1:08
  41. worth of investment to build their
  42. 1:10
  43. infrastructure to build their staff to
  44. 1:16
  45. build their corporate offices and then
  46. 1:20
  47. on top of that you take into account
  48. 1:22
  49. their revenue stream that they currently
  50. 1:26
  51. have by being a provider to the who's
  52. 1:31
  53. who of big business
  54. 1:34
  55. volunteers probably estimated values
  56. 1:40
  57. about thirty billion dollars so we're
  58. 1:44
  59. going to go down and we're going to
  60. 1:45
  61. start looking at their main investors
  62. 1:47
  63. and who put the most money in of that
  64. 1:50
  65. two billion dollars so the first one is
  66. 1:55
  67. a company called mithril Capital
  68. 1:58
  69. Management which is also founded by
  70. 2:01
  71. Peter Thiel the same co-founder of
  72. 2:04
  73. Palantir so what we're seeing here is
  74. 2:07
  75. we're seeing the founder of a venture
  76. 2:09
  77. firm is funding one of his
  78. 2:12
  79. they're companies so that way his
  80. 2:15
  81. venture firm can collect investors
  82. 2:17
  83. without having to be named and then that
  84. 2:21
  85. investor pool can put all their money
  86. 2:23
  87. into Palantir without putting their name
  88. 2:28
  89. on the books it's kind of how I observe
  90. 2:31
  91. it working so mithril some of their
  92. 2:35
  93. other investments include that you may
  94. 2:39
  95. know see here let's go to all
  96. 2:42
  97. investments so we can see the big
  98. 2:45
  99. investments that and it's real mix let's
  100. 2:49
  101. go all the way down so let's see here
  102. 2:56
  103. Palantir for four hundred and forty four
  104. 3:00
  105. point one eight million dollars other
  106. 3:04
  107. than that their investments were
  108. 3:05
  109. relatively small you know silver rail
  110. 3:10
  111. technologies got 40 million after Rex
  112. 3:12
  113. got 35 surgical robots let's go check
  114. 3:19
  115. that out our surgical robots they've
  116. 3:26
  117. already received half a billion dollars
  118. 3:28
  119. in four rounds of funding so they're
  120. 3:33
  121. surgical robotics technology for medical
  122. 3:36
  123. applications our surgical robotics Inc
  124. 3:39
  125. engages in the development of robotics
  126. 3:41
  127. technology for medical applications
  128. 3:45
  129. let's see what they see on their website
  130. 4:02
  131. there we go
  132. 4:19
  133. about just one page
  134. 4:33
  135. these look like little organic robots
  136. 4:36
  137. like nano machines whoo
  138. 4:53
  139. our platform integrates the latest
  140. 4:56
  141. advancements in robotics micro
  142. 4:58
  143. instrumentation sensing and data science
  144. 5:00
  145. to achieve these breakthroughs and
  146. 5:03
  147. deliver dramatically improved clinical
  148. 5:05
  149. outcomes for patients it's pretty deep
  150. 5:09
  151. all right let's move on
  152. 5:13
  153. so that's Miss Real Capital and they do
  154. 5:17
  155. volunteer a lot of looks like surgical
  156. 5:23
  157. robots kind of stuff so the other one is
  158. 5:28
  159. founders fund so Miss Real Capital is
  160. 5:36
  161. run by Peter teal and that invested in
  162. 5:38
  163. Palantir I believe Founders Fund is also
  164. 5:49
  165. a Peter teal company
  166. 5:58
  167. we check
  168. 6:09
  169. Founders Fund
  170. 6:16
  171. if their future look like because our
  172. 6:19
  173. into the future earth is a single point
  174. 6:23
  175. failure first humanity building the
  176. 6:31
  177. future
  178. 6:47
  179. let's see who their team is yep Peter
  180. 6:50
  181. teal so Founders Fund is another Peter
  182. 6:53
  183. teal company I like that guy's eyebrows
  184. 6:58
  185. Jeff Lewis you've got awesome eyebrows
  186. 7:01
  187. there buddy that you give people to
  188. 7:05
  189. stare down hmm he's got like the forced
  190. 7:12
  191. eyebrows so you see Founders Fund is
  192. 7:16
  193. another Peter teal company and they've
  194. 7:18
  195. invested in a pound here oops we don't
  196. 7:25
  197. want to do that we want to do to do to
  198. 7:32
  199. do to do we want to see all their
  200. 7:39
  201. investments let's go see what they've
  202. 7:41
  203. invested in you're going to really like
  204. 7:42
  205. this lots of investments so if you
  206. 7:52
  207. haven't heard of yet because this is
  208. 7:54
  209. like the preview of what they're
  210. 7:55
  211. investing in now that's going to come
  212. 7:57
  213. out later so this is like a preview of
  214. 8:00
  215. the future
  216. 8:01
  217. it's what I'm showing you guys right now
  218. 8:04
  219. is what's coming out in the future and
  220. 8:08
  221. then we're going to see what they made
  222. 8:09
  223. in the past
  224. 8:23
  225. SpaceX they funded space X with 1
  226. 8:25
  227. billion dollars it seems like they're
  228. 8:29
  229. just given all their friends money I
  230. 8:31
  231. mean really I mean they're like Elon is
  232. 8:35
  233. like hey peter thiel you wanna be my
  234. 8:38
  235. financial partner in spacex Peter Jill
  236. 8:42
  237. is like yeah I'll just get one of my
  238. 8:44
  239. companies to give you a billion dollars
  240. 8:46
  241. and then you can go do that you know if
  242. 8:52
  243. I had a friend that gave me a billion
  244. 8:53
  245. dollars to make a company I would have
  246. 8:56
  247. the biggest AI in the world to lift two
  248. 9:09
  249. hundred fifty million dollars hey let's
  250. 9:13
  251. all start a car driving company that
  252. 9:17
  253. makes money off of different people ride
  254. 9:21
  255. you need 250 million to make that happen
  256. 9:23
  257. here you go buddy
  258. 9:26
  259. air B&B wasn't someone saying talent
  260. 9:32
  261. here and it was using our Airbnb was
  262. 9:35
  263. using Palantir I gave them 200 million
  264. 9:37
  265. look at that Airbnb is like hey guys I
  266. 9:39
  267. wanted to start Airbnb can I have two
  268. 9:41
  269. hundred million dollars volunteer got
  270. 9:45
  271. two hundred a pound here's like Peter
  272. 9:47
  273. teals like yep just give my other
  274. 9:49
  275. company two hundred million dollars and
  276. 9:53
  277. they got to go buy breakfast lifts more
  278. 9:58
  279. rides 260 million dollars so it's like
  280. 10:01
  281. you know you can get a lift to your air
  282. 10:03
  283. B&B so that way the Palantir technology
  284. 10:06
  285. can track what kind of cars you'd like
  286. 10:09
  287. to ride in and what kind of air B&B if
  288. 10:11
  289. you like to stop to stay in yeah there's
  290. 10:15
  291. more lifts 15 million dollars
  292. 10:18
  293. [Music]
  294. 10:24
  295. yeah Murr got 85 million almost of the
  296. 10:30
  297. good one SpaceX got 20 million to start
  298. 10:40
  299. they're like here's your 20 million then
  300. 10:42
  301. they came back later said here's your
  302. 10:43
  303. billion I mean really you give me a
  304. 10:50
  305. billion dollars I could make Rockets
  306. 10:52
  307. that go to space and then in 2006 they
  308. 10:55
  309. gave Facebook twenty seven and a half
  310. 10:59
  311. million dollars I mean I would imagine
  312. 11:07
  313. if you know you know my company and I
  314. 11:10
  315. was Peter Thiel and I was giving you 27
  316. 11:13
  317. and a half million dollars I would
  318. 11:15
  319. imagine we've become pretty good friends
  320. 11:24
  321. [Music]
  322. 11:28
  323. and then you have this one which is the
  324. 11:31
  325. Alibaba from the Malaysian government
  326. 11:34
  327. gave them two billion Cape Town tier
  328. 11:38
  329. eight seventy nine point eight three
  330. 11:40
  331. million then you have rev investments
  332. 11:45
  333. from London England so we have a couple
  334. 11:52
  335. of Peter teal investment funds then we
  336. 11:54
  337. have the Malaysian government and now we
  338. 11:57
  339. have an investment group out of London I
  340. 12:00
  341. mean that really hasn't done much like
  342. 12:03
  343. right fly charts I mean what's that they
  344. 12:11
  345. do real small investments and then they
  346. 12:15
  347. gave Palantir like thirty six point
  348. 12:17
  349. seven five million dollars and then they
  350. 12:20
  351. gave them ten point five two million
  352. 12:21
  353. dollars I mean it seems kind of weird
  354. 12:28
  355. like if Palin if Peter Till's investment
  356. 12:32
  357. companies are giving other technology
  358. 12:34
  359. companies hundreds of millions of
  360. 12:35
  361. dollars then why is other investment
  362. 12:37
  363. companies giving Peter teal money he
  364. 12:41
  365. seems like he would have enough I mean
  366. 12:45
  367. just to me it does I mean he gave his
  368. 12:49
  369. company gave SpaceX a billion dollars I
  370. 12:51
  371. mean why do they gotta go to Rev and to
  372. 12:52
  373. the Malaysian government to get a
  374. 12:54
  375. billion dollars when they could have
  376. 12:56
  377. given it to themselves because they gave
  378. 12:58
  379. it to SpaceX
  380. 13:00
  381. just saying you know just saying in Utah
  382. 13:10
  383. which is the CIA's investment arm we
  384. 13:14
  385. found that out in the other videos these
  386. 13:18
  387. people have invested in some pretty cool
  388. 13:25
  389. stuff like did you know the CIA funds
  390. 13:30
  391. MongoDB that's the database I use to
  392. 13:33
  393. build indra AI
  394. 13:38
  395. holy shoot you know what they did right
  396. 13:42
  397. above that oh my gosh look at that
  398. 13:44
  399. in-q-tel was a big investor in d-wave oh
  400. 13:47
  401. no did you see that they were early
  402. 13:53
  403. investors in 2012 in d-wave systems boy
  404. 14:00
  405. how many d-wave are on there - they were
  406. 14:07
  407. the lead investors ooh yeah let's go
  408. 14:12
  409. look at d-wave now boy let's see where
  410. 14:17
  411. we're going because the CIA just turned
  412. 14:20
  413. out to be a main investor in quantum
  414. 14:23
  415. computing oh boy oh boy they only got 30
  416. 14:34
  417. million dollars in venture and they got
  418. 14:38
  419. equity funding let's see who their
  420. 14:39
  421. investors are in queue tell
  422. 14:50
  423. who did their series beat that was their
  424. 14:58
  425. first 14 million less you did that
  426. 15:10
  427. let's find out who's running the d-wave
  428. 15:13
  429. huh okay so here we go doo doo doo doo
  430. 15:23
  431. doo doo doo doo go back to the bee wave
  432. 15:27
  433. here and look at the data in the d-wave
  434. 15:31
  435. Wow
  436. 15:32
  437. bees those expeditions is that like Jeff
  438. 15:37
  439. Bezos like are you telling me that just
  440. 15:41
  441. Jeff Bezos is an investor in quantum
  442. 15:43
  443. computers you know the AWS guy Amazon
  444. 15:48
  445. let's see here
  446. 15:57
  447. Wow
  448. 15:59
  449. in-q-tel invested in the d-wave which
  450. 16:03
  451. part did they do the venture lead 1.2
  452. 16:09
  453. million and 30 million that's like
  454. 16:12
  455. pretty much like most of their 2012
  456. 16:15
  457. funding so it looks like the CIA kind of
  458. 16:18
  459. funds quantum computers well it doesn't
  460. 16:21
  461. look like that it is that because in
  462. 16:23
  463. queue tells the CIA venture firm and
  464. 16:25
  465. d-wave systems is right here and there's
  466. 16:27
  467. 1.2 million and 30 million and then
  468. 16:30
  469. d-wave systems has 1.2 million and 30
  470. 16:33
  471. million so you know the CIA kind of made
  472. 16:38
  473. quantum computers that's pretty deep
  474. 16:46
  475. right that's pretty deep anyway so let's
  476. 16:50
  477. go back to more so we got Mongo DB DB we
  478. 16:53
  479. got d-wave systems back in 2012 ok
  480. 17:00
  481. hmm then we're just going to go like I
  482. 17:05
  483. mean there's a lot of stuff you know a
  484. 17:10
  485. lot of stuff that I need to go through
  486. 17:14
  487. so I can scan it quantum 4d whatever
  488. 17:19
  489. that is quantum something Palantir
  490. 17:22
  491. technologies in 2005 so it's you're an
  492. 17:26
  493. investor like in-q-tel and you're
  494. 17:30
  495. investing in Palantir which is real-time
  496. 17:31
  497. monitoring system and you've also
  498. 17:33
  499. invested in quantum computers I would
  500. 17:35
  501. say they're kind of connected
  502. 17:43
  503. so next we're going to go to keyhole
  504. 17:49
  505. which in they invested in undisclosed
  506. 17:52
  507. amount in 2003 so keyhole was acquired
  508. 17:57
  509. by Google in 2004 and if you go to
  510. 18:02
  511. keyhole comm you want to see where
  512. 18:04
  513. keyhole comm goes watch this oh my gosh
  514. 18:10
  515. keyhole is Google Earth so the CIA
  516. 18:14
  517. funded Google Earth and quantum
  518. 18:17
  519. computers and Palantir alright yeah
  520. 18:33
  521. and the keyhole markup language the
  522. 18:35
  523. Google mobile and Google Maps and Google
  524. 18:43
  525. Earth you emerge as Google Earth wow
  526. 18:46
  527. that's pretty deep so then we're going
  528. 18:49
  529. to go to MongoDB which I showed you
  530. 18:54
  531. which Inc you tell invest it in right
  532. 19:03
  533. there and Intel and Red Hat and
  534. 19:10
  535. Salesforce
  536. 19:16
  537. MongoDB is the way you would most likely
  538. 19:20
  539. they would use that on their quantum
  540. 19:22
  541. computers as the database because it's
  542. 19:24
  543. an object-oriented database it's not a
  544. 19:26
  545. sequel database I would imagine it's how
  546. 19:30
  547. a lot of their data is stored inside the
  548. 19:32
  549. Palantir system if it's the database
  550. 19:34
  551. that in queue tells funded good thing I
  552. 19:37
  553. know about it so the next one that
  554. 19:43
  555. you're going to want to see is nerve
  556. 19:47
  557. nerve technologies are you ready for
  558. 19:51
  559. this nerve technologies developed
  560. 19:56
  561. technologies that help users gather
  562. 19:59
  563. information from videos image and other
  564. 20:01
  565. raster data this is how they collect
  566. 20:07
  567. everything frame by frame analysis of
  568. 20:12
  569. full broadcast to identify your brand
  570. 20:14
  571. exposures include in every reporter
  572. 20:16
  573. screen captures of each exposure for
  574. 20:18
  575. ease of understanding basically it
  576. 20:24
  577. analyzes images and video like on like
  578. 20:28
  579. super high level next we're going to go
  580. 20:34
  581. to mind-meld see mind-meld right here
  582. 20:38
  583. you mind meld mind meld is an advanced
  584. 20:45
  585. AI platform powering a new generation of
  586. 20:47
  587. intelligent conversational interfaces
  588. 20:51
  589. otherwise known as BOTS and these are
  590. 20:56
  591. kind of like some of the most advanced
  592. 20:58
  593. BOTS I've ever heard of it's like deep
  594. 21:00
  595. domain conversational AI it's like
  596. 21:04
  597. next-generation AI and guess who just
  598. 21:07
  599. bought it like a couple months ago back
  600. 21:11
  601. in May 11th of 2017 Cisco Systems
  602. 21:15
  603. acquired mind meld so I would imagine if
  604. 21:19
  605. anyone's in an investor or watching the
  606. 21:22
  607. news like in the next five a year or so
  608. 21:24
  609. you're going to notice Cisco Systems is
  610. 21:26
  611. going to come out with a really badass
  612. 21:27
  613. AI
  614. 21:31
  615. I'm just saying it's right here ah next
  616. 21:36
  617. one is recorded future right here and
  618. 21:44
  619. then we're going to go to recorded
  620. 21:46
  621. future and recorded future is a tech
  622. 21:51
  623. company specializing in security and
  624. 21:53
  625. real-time threat intelligence recorded
  626. 21:56
  627. future arms organizations with real-time
  628. 21:58
  629. threat intelligence allowing them to
  630. 22:00
  631. proactively defend against cyber attacks
  632. 22:02
  633. with billions of index facts and more
  634. 22:04
  635. added each day the company's patented
  636. 22:06
  637. web intelligence engine continuously
  638. 22:09
  639. analyzes open web to give unmatched
  640. 22:11
  641. insight into emerging threats recorded
  642. 22:15
  643. future helps protect four of the top
  644. 22:18
  645. five companies in the world check this
  646. 22:21
  647. out threat intelligence powered by
  648. 22:24
  649. machine learning otherwise known as
  650. 22:25
  651. artificial intelligence record a future
  652. 22:30
  653. arms threaten our security operators and
  654. 22:32
  655. incident responders to rapidly connect
  656. 22:34
  657. the dots and reveal unknown threats our
  658. 22:36
  659. patented technology automatically
  660. 22:38
  661. collects and analyzed the threat
  662. 22:40
  663. intelligence from technical open and
  664. 22:42
  665. dark web sources to provide invaluable
  666. 22:45
  667. context for faster human analysis and
  668. 22:48
  669. real-time integration with your existing
  670. 22:50
  671. security system
  672. 22:59
  673. yeah anyway I am not advertising for
  674. 23:04
  675. crunchbase I'm just saying you know I
  676. 23:06
  677. could do a much deeper analysis if I had
  678. 23:08
  679. API access but they charge $100 a month
  680. 23:12
  681. for API access anyway that's my
  682. 23:25
  683. breakdown of where volunteers money is
  684. 23:28
  685. coming from for today
  686. 23:30
  687. so you see in-q-tel funded Google Earth
  688. 23:34
  689. and lots of other stuff like MongoDB and
  690. 23:37
  691. even your quantum computer at d-wave
  692. 23:39
  693. systems Wow what a shocker d-wave
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