
A Prisoner to Ponies (WiP)

Feb 10th, 2013
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  1. >Just another casual day in the life of Anonymous.
  2. >You’ve just gotten home from a long day of work at your less than wondrous job at Walmart.
  3. >Today you had to chase a fat man child out of the store after he was stealing from the Girls toy section.
  4. >As you went to confiscate the stolen item, he let out a high pitched war-cry that sounded like two hobbits fucking, as he shit his pants.
  5. >After vacating him off the premises. you to look down to your hand to see what he was trying to steal.
  6. >It was a My Little Pony figurine, A Prince Cadence one to be exact.
  7. >Reading the back of it, it describes her as being the “Princess of Love”.
  8. >You rolled your eyes and sighed as you went back to work.
  9. >Fucking neckbeards.
  10. >
  11. >
  12. >Entering the small apartment you called home, you kick off your shoes and throw your keys on the counter.
  13. >Grabbing a beer from the fridge, you head over to your lazyboy.
  14. >Sitting your exhausted ass down, you grab the remote to see what’s happening in the world today.
  15. >Crooked politicians being crooked, Famine, New diseases, More financial fallout.. Yeah.. Same as usual..
  16. >Fuck that shit.
  17. >You decided to turn on your Xbox and get some game time in.
  18. >Teabagging people online always made your days after work relaxing.
  19. >It was also funny to see people get mad when you did it.
  20. >A couple hours into your relaxation time, you begin to hear a rumble coming from the interiors of your closet door.
  21. >You put down your controller and quirk a brow.
  22. “What the hell?”
  23. >Getting up to examine where the noise came from, it begins to hum in a low pitched tone.
  24. >Slowly making your way over to the door, the rumbling picks up again and this time it starts to shake your entire apartment.
  25. >You don’t know if you’re going crazy or if there’s an earthquake of some sort happening.
  26. >Reaching down and grabbing the door handle, the rumbling stops and the humming dims down.
  27. >This leaves you even more confused.
  28. >Just to make sure you aren’t crazy you stand there and wait for it to happen again.
  29. >About after five minutes of waiting, the humming slowly starts picking up again and some low vibrations are felt from behind the door.
  30. >This time you open the door only to be met with a small crack, that literally seems to be forming out of thin air.
  31. >It just floats there, pulsating a white light.
  32. >Curiosity gets the better of you and you begin to move closer to the small crack.
  33. >Eyeing it you swear you can hear voices coming from within the small fissure, that.. And it seems to be getting larger at a rather fast rate.
  34. >Backing away, you watch in astonishment at the events unfolding in your home.
  35. >It went from being a small harmless little thing, to a gaping tear that begins to violently suck everything around you into it.
  36. >That’s when you noticed that you’re beginning to slide across the floor, directly towards it.
  37. >Now.. You’re no master in Astrophysics or anything.. But from watching Doctor Who in the past, you’re pretty sure that this is a tear in space and time.
  38. >Or something along those lines..
  39. >You try to run away, but it’s like running on a fucking treadmill.
  40. >Various items from your living room are now flying right at your face.
  41. >Managing to dodge the barrage of household items, your legs start to feel like their on fire making it hard to keep up pace.
  42. >Your legs give out and you slip, flying right for the gaping rift.
  43. >Grabbing the frame of your closet you hold on for dear life.
  44. >The force from the tear finally overwhelms your own strength causing you to lose your grip and be sucked into it.
  45. >It suddenly feels like you’re being ripped apart, molecule by molecule and everything is moving so fast you feel like you’re about to lose your dinner.
  46. >The agonizingly painful process finally stops when your back is met with a solid surface.
  47. >You black out from the shock, the last thing you hear are voices coming from around you.
  49. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  52. >You finally awake after what felt like hours, every inch of your body was sore and it hurt to move even the slightest.
  53. >Groggily sitting up you rub your head.
  54. “W-what the fuck happened?” you mutter to yourself.
  55. >*clang clang*
  56. >Your eyes shoot open to see that your hands are both sporting metal cuffs with chains attached to the wall.
  57. >Upon further inspection, you can see that you are sitting in a small jail cell.
  58. >Immediately you start yanking at your chains, trying to break free of the bonds.
  59. >That doesn’t go exactly as planned.
  60. “WHAT THE FUCK?!” you scream out in anger and confusion.
  61. >You’re yelling echoes through out the corridors of where ever the hell you are.
  62. >“Hey! Quiet in there!” someone yells from outside.
  63. “Where the hell am I?!” you shout through the bars of your cell.
  64. >“I said quiet!” the guard slams something up against the cell door in attempts to shut you up.
  65. >Which works to some extent.
  66. >You sign and lean up against the cold cobblestone wall, before sliding down into a sitting position.
  67. >Where exactly were you and why are you in prison?
  68. >And why the fuck did you have to go near that little rift? You could have just sat back, ignored it and tea bagged your pixilated bodies.
  69. >But Nooooo, you wanted to see what it was.
  70. >Serves your right for being curious about rifts that magically tear open in closets.
  71. >Goddamnit..
  72. >You hit your head on the wall and grunt out of frustration.
  73. >A thought crosses your mind.
  74. >Sleeping is probably your best bet right now, maybe this is all just a dream and you’ll wake up on your couch.
  75. >You’ll laugh at this whole silly ordeal and just go back to your normal routine.
  76. >Yeah.. All this is just a dream.
  77. >Sleep isn’t that hard to come by, you’re out like a light once you lay your head down on the stone floor.
  78. >A couple hours later and you are awoken by the sound of movement coming from outside from outside you cell.
  79. >Sitting up to get a better look you hear a feminine voice begin to speak.
  80. >“Has he given you any problems since he was put down here?”
  81. >“Other than a little noise nothing too major, your Majesty.”
  82. >Majesty?
  83. >Where in the ever loving fuck are you?
  84. >Camelot?
  85. >You begin to hear the clanking of locks as the door is enveloped in blue aura of some sort.
  86. >It slowly creaks open, the light from outside stings your eyes making it hard to see who entered the cell.
  87. >“Rise, creature.” she says in an apathetic tone.
  88. >You shift from your sitting position and stand tall in front of whoever it may be.
  89. >Your sight starts adjusting to the light as it finally reveals who your captor is.
  90. >A pair of violet colored eyes stare you down, they’re filled with either curiosity or disgust.. You can’t really tell which.
  91. >Your eyes wander upwards to see that your captor also has a long white horn protruding her head, accompanied by multicolored hair that flows in a non-existent wind.
  92. >Then you notice that she’s standing on four legs.
  93. “Uhm…”
  94. >You raise a brow and tilt your head.
  95. “What are you supposed to be?” you say in a mock tone.
  96. >“I should be the one asking you that.. creature” she narrows her eyes.
  97. “Okay look, could you stop calling me ‘creature’ please? It’s kind of degrading..”
  98. >“I will refer to you how ever I please.” she scoffs.
  99. “So be it..” You sigh “Could you at least tell me where the fuck I am?”
  100. >“Silence.” her tone is as cold as ice.
  101. >This bitch.. Whatever.. The fuck she is, is starting to get on your very last nerve.
  102. >“You will address me as your Highness when ever you speak to me, do you understand?”
  103. >Stepping forward, she points her horn at your throat in a threatening gesture.
  104. “I.. Understand.. Your Highness..” you grit your teeth.
  105. >“Good.” she pulls the horn away from your neck. “Now I have some questions for you and you’re going to answer them truthfully.”
  106. “Yes, your Highness..”
  107. >You roll your eyes, who the fuck does she think she is?
  108. >“First question, Who are you?” she asks.
  109. “Anonymous..”
  110. >She narrows her eyes.
  111. “Your Highness.”
  112. >“Where did you come from?”
  113. “My closet.” You give her a smug grin.
  114. >Her horn lights up and you feel your restraints becoming tighter, it’s actually really starting to hurt.
  115. “Ah! Alright alright! I’m from Earth!” you grunt.
  116. >The pressure on your wrists ceases.
  117. >You feel a trickling sensation rolling down your arm, it seems that the bonds have broke your skin.
  118. >She apparently isn’t in the mood for your shit today.
  119. >“Don’t think I’m taking this lightly, I don’t know what you are or if you’re a threat to my kingdom..”
  120. >She leans in and whispers.
  121. >“So don’t play games with me, Anonymous.”
  122. >Her words to you are like venom, for once.. You’re actually concerned about your well-being.
  123. >It’d be wise to just answer her questions without second guessing, who else knows what she can or WILL do to you.
  124. >She pulls her face away from yours and begins pacing around the small cell.
  125. >“How.. did you get here?” she asks with a bit of curiosity in her tone.
  126. “Honestly, your Highness.. I don’t know.” you avoid her gaze.
  127. >“Is that so..” her horn begins to glow again.
  128. >Your restrains begin to tighten once more, slowly this time, becoming increasingly uncomfortable.
  129. “I-I’m not lying to you.. I was just enjoying my time off from work when all of a sudden a small crack appeared in my home and sucked me up, now I’m here.“ you digress.
  130. >She tilts her head at this new found prospect.
  131. “The last thing I remember was landing on something hard before passing out.”
  132. >You look up at her, in hopes that she’ll actually believe you.
  133. >The aura from her horn dissipates and she brings a hoof to her chin in thought.
  134. >“Hmm.. Well, You did ruin a very important dinner with the ambassadors of the Griffon and Minotaur Kingdoms..” she trails off.
  135. >“And I still don’t know whether I should believe you or not, for all I know you could harm my subjects if I decided to let you go..”
  136. >You gulp.
  137. >“So.. I’m going to keep you under the watch of my most loyal guard, Shining Armor.”
  138. >Well that isn’t so bad..
  139. >As soon as she spoke his name a figure walked into the cell.
  140. >It was a white stallion, his mane consisted of varying blue hues.
  141. >“I’m going keep you here until I learn more about you and if I find out that you aren’t a threat I’ll consider releasing you.”
  142. >Well at least you get a chance to explain yourself some more..
  143. >She begins to walk out of the cell.
  144. “Wait!”
  145. >Her head swings around, looking at you with a raised brow.
  146. >“Yes, Anonymous?”
  147. “Could.. I at least have your name? Your Majesty?”
  148. >“I suppose it was rude of me not to mention it.. My name is Princess Celestia, ruler of the kingdom of Equestria, Raiser of the Sun.”
  149. “See you later then, Celestia.”
  150. >She smiles and turns around making her way out of the dungeons, leaving you with Shining Armor.
  151. >You look at him.
  152. “So.. What’s up?”
  153. >He just stares you down with a look of disgust in his eye.
  154. >SA: “Quiet.”
  155. >Walking out of the cell, he slams the door behind him.
  156. “Not much of a talker then huh? Fine, your lost.”
  157. >You sit back down, leaning up against the wall, closing your eyes to get some rest.
  158. ____________________________________________________________
  160. -Later that evening-
  163. >You are Cadence and you have no idea where Shining armor is..
  164. >He just excused himself during your romantic dinner together, leaving you at the request of your aunty Celestia.
  165. >I mean sure, he IS the Captain of the Royal Guard.. But still, It must really be important whatever it may be.
  166. >And your currently going to find out exactly what.
  167. >As you’re making way down the hallways of the Castle, you hear some of the guards talking around the corner.
  168. >They seem to be going on and on about something, the only words your can really make out are “Creature” and “Alien”, time to figure out what their chatting about..
  169. >Slowing making your way over to the wall of the hallway and leaning up against it, you peer your head around the corner to get a better hear of what their saying.
  170. >G1: “I don’t know man! It’s like 6 feet tall!”
  171. >G2: “No way! I don’t believe you..”
  172. >Hmm.. This is interesting..
  173. >You continue listening.
  174. >G1:“If you don’t believe me, then come down into the dungeons..” he gives his partner a sly grin.
  175. >G2:“Uh.. I-I’m good man.”
  176. >G1: “Wimp.”
  177. >The guard laughs at the others expense as they continue on walking down the hall.
  178. >So.. Whatever it is, it’s down in the dungeons..
  179. >And your pretty sure that’s where Shining is right now.
  180. “Time to go investigate..” you whisper to nopony unparticular.
  181. >As you make your way down the corridors towards the dungeons you can see a couple guards taking post in front of the entrance.
  182. >There isn’t any other way in or out of there, so you’re going to have to talk them into letting you in..
  183. >Which should be to hard.. You ARE a princess after all.
  184. >Nonchalantly walking over to the guards, you pay no mind to them as you attempt to walk through the door.
  185. >But a set of spears crossing put a stop to that.
  186. >G1: “We can’t let you in there Princess Cadence.”
  187. >“And why not?” you huff.
  188. >G2: “We have a potentially dangerous ali- *OOF*
  189. >The guards partner elbows him in the side, cutting his statement short.
  190. >He pulls him down into a huddle and continues to chew him out.
  191. >Guess you weren’t supposed to know what’s in there, but that isn’t going to stop you.
  192. >While the guards are busy arguing, you roll your eyes and just walk in without them noticing.
  193. >Okay.. Now to find out where the holding cell is..
  194. >“Cadence!”
  195. >Uh-oh..
  196. >You turn around and your worst fears come to reality.
  197. >Aunty..
  198. >“What are you doing down here?!”
  199. “I was just umm..”
  200. >“Walking around a highly restricted area?” She finishes that sentence for you.
  201. >She sighs and shakes her head disappointingly.
  202. >“Cadence you know your not supposed to be down in the dungeons! Didn’t the guards tell you?”
  203. “About that..” you give her a cheesy smile.
  204. >“You snuck in here, didn’t you?” she raises a brow.
  205. >You hang your head low in defeat.
  206. “..Yes.”
  207. >“Come now, this isn’t a place for a young princess to be.”
  208. >With one last look down the dungeon corridor, you sigh and leave with your aunty.
  210. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  212. >Meanwhile down in the dungeons.
  213. “I spy with my little eye.. Something.. Grey.”
  214. >A few moments pass by without an answer to what your spying.
  215. “No guesses? C’mon now, I know you know the answer.”
  216. >“Can you PLEASE be quite?!” Shining shouts through the cell door.
  217. “I would if you’d answer my question.”
  218. >Poor lad isn’t going to get a break from you regardless.
  219. >You’re stuck down here with nothing to do, so you’re going to give anyone guarding you, living hell.
  220. >But nicely giving them living hell.
  221. >By not shutting the fuck up.
  222. “I’m waiting..”
  223. >You hear him sigh out of annoyance.
  224. >“Let me guess, the dungeon walls?”
  225. “Nope.”
  226. >“Your shackles?”
  227. “Nooooope.”
  228. >“I’m not making any more guesses.”
  229. “Fine, it was the floor.” you huff.
  230. >You stroke your chin in thought, on how to continue annoying the fuck out of him.
  231. “Soo.. What being a pony like?”
  232. >No answer.
  233. “What about using magic? That must be pretty neat.”
  234. >Still no answer.
  235. “Hey, I’m taking to you Shinny.”
  236. >Shining’s eye twitches and he starts to shake.
  237. >You can feel his anger from here.
  238. >Yes.. All according to plan.
  239. >“Please SHUT THE BUCK UP WILL YOU?!”
  240. “Uhhhhhhhh No.”
  241. >“THAT’S IT.”
  242. >Your cell door flies open, slamming against the wall.
  243. >What you see before you is a pretty hilarious site.
  244. >Shinny’s mane is a bit disheveled, he’s foaming at the mouth from the anger, his left eye is twitching sporadically.
  245. “You alright there guy?”
  246. >Instead of a reply, you are met with a magical force gripping your shirt and slamming you up against the wall.
  247. >“I’ve had it with your incessant talking! Either shut the buck up or I will MAKE you.”
  248. “That a threat mate?”
  249. >“No it’s a promise, creature.” he spits with malice.
  250. “Alright then I‘ll make a note of that.”
  251. >Then a brilliant idea pops into your head.
  252. “Hey, you have something in your teeth.”
  253. >“What?”
  254. “You. Have. Something. In. Your. Teeth.” you say, using hand gestures to mock him even further.
  255. >He uses his tongue to try and find anything, but with no success.
  256. >“Where?” he replies in annoyance.
  257. “Right here.”
  258. >You hawk a loogie right into his maw.
  259. >The immediate reaction is goddamn near side busting.
  260. >He sits there trying to scrape your human germs off his tongue, there’s also a piece still hanging from his teeth.
  261. “Oh ahahaha fuck that’s rich!” you can barely contain your sides at this point, because you know.. Shackles.
  262. >Shining looks absolutely furious right now.
  263. >And you still can’t help but laugh.
  264. >These fucking ponies are so easy to trick.
  265. >His magical grip returns with vigor, slamming you against the wall numerous amounts of times.
  266. >“Listen here you piece of shit.. The only reason why you’re not dead right now is because Celestia needs you alive for questioning, if it were up to me you’d be executed for your insolence.”
  267. >The magic fades and you slide down the wall.
  268. >You cough up a little blood from the constant impacts of body on hard rock.
  269. “Well it’s a good thing a mindless dipshit like yourself isn’t in charge now isn’t it?” you give him a smug grin.
  270. >A hoof connects to the side of your face, knocking you down for the count.
  271. >Vision blurred you look up at Shining.
  272. “You’re still a faggot.” you whisper before passing out.
  273. -------------------------------------------------
  274. >Standing over your unconscious form is a triumphant Shining Armor.
  275. >As he walks out of the cell he stops to look at the unconscious form laying before him.
  276. “Serves you right human.” he says in a smug tone.
  277. -inner shinny monologue incoming-
  278. >The nerve of this damned creature.
  279. >How DARE he disrespect you like that!
  280. >You’re the Captain of the Royal Guard for Celestia’s sake!
  281. >Well.. He’s got a pair on him, you gotta give him that.
  282. >He’s quite tough..
  283. >Pretty submissive when pushed around too..
  284. >Suddenly you feel a sensation where you shouldn't be feeling one..
  285. “What the hell?” you yelp in a brash tone.
  286. >You feel your stallion hood rise a little at the thoughts of Anonymous..
  289. “C’mon you got to get your head in the game man.. Think disgusting thoughts..”
  290. >Think think think.. Sex with a spider?
  291. >You look down at your dangly bits and see nothing happened.
  292. >Reading Rainbow Dashes fan fiction that Twily sent you for some reason?!
  293. >NOPE.
  295. >You just belted that last one out really loud.
  296. >Thankfully it’s only you and… Anon..
  297. >NO SHINING, NO.
  298. >You need to get out of here.
  299. >Rushing for the exit of the dungeon, you burst through the door for some much needed fresh air.
  300. >You nearly give the guards a heart attack.
  301. “Take over! I have something urgent to attend too!”
  302. >They guards just look at one another and shrug.
  303. --------------------------------------------------------------
  304. >Unknown amounts of time passes before you come to.
  305. >You shake your head to be rid of your cloudy vision.
  306. >Admittedly, that shining has one hell of an arm.
  307. >Scooting up into a sitting position, you didn’t even notice the regal princess standing in the doorway.
  308. “Oh.. Hi there.”
  309. >“Greetings again.. Anonymous.”
  310. >She looks a little pissed.
  311. >Oh how you wonder why she would be, but you know.. You know.
  312. “Look, I know you’re pissed but it gets really goddamn boring down here and it’s not like I was the one beating on someone in chains.” you mumble that last part.
  313. >“But you did instigate it, did you not?”
  314. “Only because Mr. Shinny didn’t make for great conversation.” you look off to nowhere in particular.
  315. >“Well at least you’re not as badly scuffed up as I imagined, from what Shining told me you shouldn’t even be awake right now.”
  316. “Ehh.. I’ve taken worse beatings and dished out more than a fair share in my time.” you add.
  317. >Celestia shakes her head and smiles.
  318. >“Enough small talk Anonymous, it’s time to go.”
  319. “Go? Go where exactly?”
  320. >“Royal court, to determine your fate.”
  321. >You gulp, not liking the sound of that.
  322. >But who knows maybe.. Just MAYBE things will go in your favor.
  323. >One can only hope..
  324. >“Guards, release him.”
  325. >Two of the escort guards come into your cell, releasing you from your bonds.
  326. >You rub your wrists, feels good to be partially free.
  327. >Now you need to tread carefully, you don’t want to end up being executed for being a wise-ass.
  328. >You can act like that later.
  329. >Looking up at Celestia with newfound respect you speak.
  330. “Lead the way, your majesty.”
  331. >She heads out of the cell with you and your escorts in tow.
  332. >After surfacing from the dungeon you finally see how much brighter it is out here and it takes some time to adjust.
  333. >A few minutes pass by in silence as you’re brought to a set of elegant purple doors.
  334. >Celestia uses her magic and opens up both sets of doors and points a hoof to you.
  335. >“Right this way, Anonymous.”
  336. >Giving her a nod you walk into the room, Celestia closing the doors behind you.
  337. >The room itself doesn’t resemble a courtroom, it only has a elongated table with at least a dozen chairs set around it.
  338. >The guards seat you into a chair that seems a little big for you, and stand next to you.
  339. >Celestia takes a seat across the table from you, then another pony that looks like a smaller, darker, version of Celestia takes a seat next to her.
  340. >Well this is new.
  341. >“Glad you could make it sister.” Celestia adds with a cheerful tone.
  342. >“We heard of the events that transpired after we awoke and quickly came here.”
  343. >Celestia grins before speaking again. “Well now that everyp0ny is here, we can begin.”
  344. >She clears her throat.
  345. >“Anonymous of Earth, you were recently teleported from your home and ended up in my kingdom without warning, thus causing a little bit of protocol when it comes to such matters as these and I personally wanted to let you know that any bodily harm or other injuries were all due to protection of my subjects, so I apologize for any of my own or others actions during your recent time here.”
  346. >It takes a minute for all that to soak in before you respond.
  347. “Well now that I think about it you were just doing your job, your majesty.” you chuckle.
  348. >She smiles and goes back to speaking.
  349. >“But with that being said, we still have to determine whether you’re a danger to my subjects, my sister, or myself, before your fate is decided.”
  350. >How are they going to determine that? I mean you don’t really look like much of a predator do you?
  351. >The dark coated one who doesn't speak much gets out of her seat and onto the table.
  352. >She walks over to and stops.
  353. >A nervous sweat is forming across your brow.
  354. >“My name is Luna, Princess of the night, Raiser of the moon.”
  355. “Please to meet you, Princess.” you say staying completely still.
  356. >This one scares you a little.
  357. >So if this is another Princess, that must mean that these two are sisters..
  358. >I mean it would make sense, one raises the sun and one the moon.
  359. >Luna looks back at her sister.
  360. >“Shall we commence the spell?”
  361. >With Celestia giving her nod of approval, Luna’s horn begins to descend on your forehead.
  362. >When it connects, her horn starts to glow and a warm sensation runs through-out your limbs.
  363. >It’s tangling your skin, making it feel like there are little bugs crawling under your skin.
  364. >“Now we begin.” she grins.
  365. >Wait, what?
  366. >At that moment all those sensations you were feeling intensify tremendously.
  367. >You feel your body slowly becoming numb as you begin to see your entire life from day one to current day, flash before your eyes.
  368. > You see family, old friends, new friends, decisions you’ve made, hard times that you’ve been through, loves, heartbreaks, and lastly how much you hated your mundane life.
  369. >Working for minimum wage at Wal-Mart barely classifies as a job, at least for you.
  370. >You lived in an shitty apartment doing shitty things everyday.
  371. >God your lif- Oh look we’re onto your times in the back of a cop car.
  372. >Wish you had a bag of popcorn for this, or something.
  373. >Eventually the feelings of pain and other weird sensations stop completely, causing you to open your eyes.
  374. >That might have been the weirdest shit you’ve ever felt.
  375. >You see Luna trotting back to her seat.
  376. >“Well then sister?” Celestia asks.
  377. >Luna just looks at her sibling, rolling her eyes answering the question; “He’s harmless.”
  378. >You’re surprised at the outcome yourself, Celestia having the same expression on her face.
  379. >She blinks twice; “Really?”
  380. >Luna just nods.
  381. >You clear your throat, gaining the attention of the two princesses.
  382. “So.. Does this mean I’m not going back in the dungeon?“ you ask twiddling your thumbs.
  383. >“It would seem not, Anonymous.” Celestia adds smiling before adopting a more serious look. “But..”
  384. >There’s always a goddamn catch isn’t there?
  385. >“You’ll have to stay to the confines of the castle grounds for the time being, I mean we just can’t have an alien species roaming around the streets causing a panic, can we?”
  386. “Yeah.. I guess that would make sense, anything beats that cold dark cell though.”
  387. >Celestia titters lightly at your comment; “You’ll eventually be able to leave the castle, I just have to figure out how to introduce you into society.”
  388. “I’m sure you’ll figure out something, but for the time being am I free to go now?”
  389. >“Yes, yes by all means.. Guards show Anonymous his new room will you please?”
  390. >They both throw Celestia a salute before escorting you out of the room.
  391. >After your leave, Luna just looks at her sister.
  392. >“He is a very strange creature I will admit, but I doubt he’d harm a fly.”
  393. >Celestia glances over; “Are you sure?”
  394. >“He’s had a rough life from what I‘ve seen, before coming here he was barely making a living for himself.” she adds; “So don’t be too hard on him, okay Celly?”
  395. >Celestia thinks on the subject for a minute.
  396. >“I guess your right sister, I’ll have a private word with him to find out more in due time but for now we’ll just be gracious hosts, agreed?
  397. >“Agreed.”
  398. >Celestia scoots out of her seat.
  399. >“Good! Now that today’s urgent business is taken care of I’m going for a cup of tea, care to join me Luna?”
  400. >“I have other matters to attend to, the sun sets in a few hours you know..”
  401. >“I know, I know.. See you in a little while sister.” Celestia adds before walking off.
  402. >Luna just sighs before teleporting out of the room.
  403. ----------------------------------------------
  405. >Meanwhile..
  406. >The guards are currently leading you in circles and you’re pretty sure they’ve lost their way.
  407. >G1: “I think it might be down that hallway..”
  408. >G2: “No you idiot, it’s down this one!”
  409. >G1: “You sure about that?”
  410. >G2: “Positive!”
  411. >You just sigh and shake your head, these two obviously don’t know what their doing.
  412. >So you decide to take a route of your own while the two guards continue to argue about nonsense.
  413. >You’ll have better luck finding the room on your own anyways.
  414. About an hour later.
  415. “I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE I’M GOING!” you shout, throwing your arms into the air like you just don’t care.
  416. >You rub your temples out of frustration.
  417. >You’ve been walking around aimlessly for the past hour.
  418. >And you haven’t gotten any closer to finding your room.
  419. >Annnnd the guards who were escorting you must be flipping their shit right now.
  420. >Walking around the corner you bump into something or someone, causing you to fall on your ass.
  421. “Oh sorry I didn’t watch where I wa-”
  422. >Well look who it is.
  423. “..You.”
  424. >The familiar stallion sends a glare towards your direction.
  425. >“Oh it’s YOU.”
  426. “That’s hardly a hello there Shinny.” you scoff, getting back up on your feet.
  427. >“What are you doing walking around? Shouldn’t you be in the dungeons?”
  428. “About that, your princesses decided to let me go.” you grin.
  429. >“They WHAT?!”
  430. >Oh this is gold.
  431. “Yeah, they found me “harmless” so it looks like I’m free and here to stay.” you add with a triumphant pose.
  432. >“I-I can’t believe this!”
  433. “Aw what’s wrong Shinny? You seem a little upset.” you put your hand on his shoulder to reassure him, but not really.
  434. >“Don’t call me Shinny!” he shouts slapping your arm away with a hoof.
  435. >You figure this enough torment for now.
  436. “Well good seeing you again Shinny, but I have room to be looking for.”
  437. >You pat him on the head and walk past him chuckling like a madman.
  438. >“I told you not to call me that..” he mumbles to himself.
  439. >You turn stop walking and look over your shoulder at the obviously rustled stallion.
  440. “What was that Shinny?”
  441. >“There is only ONE pony who can call me that name and you have NO rights!”
  442. >You throw your hands up in defense
  443. “Whoa whoa whoa! just relax there guy, I didn’t mean to offend you alright? Just.. Relax.”
  444. >He gives you a stern look; “I still don’t like you.”
  445. >After saying his peace he takes off down a random hallway.
  446. “Uh-huh..”
  447. >You stand there slightly confused, you half expected him you beat you down to the ground.
  448. >He must be on the rag or something.
  449. >Shrugging it off you continue walking in hopes of finding your goddamn bedroom.
  450. >Which you’re seriously doubting you can find right now.
  451. >You know what?
  452. >You’ll just look through every damn door until you find an empty room.
  453. 2 HOURS LATER.
  454. >Every.
  455. >Goddamn.
  456. >Room.
  457. >You’ve searched through nearly every hallway in this damn castle and you still can’t find where you’re supposed to be sleeping.
  458. >This is a nightmare.
  459. >So for the past 5 minutes you’ve been banging your head on the wall.
  460. >“Umm.. Are you okay?”
  461. “Yeah I’m fin- actually no I’m not okay.” you sigh.
  462. >“Anything I can help you with?” asks the feminine tone.
  463. “A little help with finding my bedroom would be fantastic, I’d just like some sleep.”
  464. >You turn around to greet the pony behind you.
  465. >What..
  466. >What the fuck?
  467. >Your eyes widen at what you see in front of you.
  468. >Then your mind wonders off to the day at work before this mess ever happened.
  469. >That toy you took from that manchild..
  470. >It can’t be..
  471. >“Umm hello?” she waves a hoof in front of your face.
  472. “I uhh-Oh yeah sorry, mind wandered there for a bit.. Heh.”
  473. >She giggles “I could show you to your room if you want?”
  474. “I don’t mean to be rude, but how do you know where it is?” you ask curiously.
  475. >She just shakes here head and giggles some more, before pointing a hoof at one of the doors.
  476. >It’s labeled “GUEST BEDROOM.” in blatant bold lettering.
  477. “Oh you got to be fucking kidding me..” you whisper to yourself.
  478. >You turn to the pink pony and offer her your thanks.
  479. “I appreciate the help…”
  480. >“Cadence, my name is Cadence.” she smiles.
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