
HL2E3 Fan Script, Chapter 6

Oct 4th, 2017
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  1. Everything went black, then less so but very blurred, Gordon barely staying conscious from the impact.
  2. The houndeye from before splatted into the mud a moment later, and seemed rather less affected by the impact.
  3. Glad to have revenge, the creature tensed up and made an increasingly loud sound, before being punted into the distance again by a huge leg.
  4. Alyx suddenly sat upright, cheering "It's mud!", completely covered in it and happy to survive thanks to it.
  6. Gordon however was happy to survive thanks to the convenient kicking of the houndeye.
  7. He rose from the mud, and it seemed that creature he had to thank was in fact a tree: One with porous wax instead of bark, four legs, and not a single leaf on its branches.
  8. It stood ten metres tall, and the branches spread wide, filling Gordon's view of the deep orange sky.
  9. It was bounding across the land at speed, and looking towards it had come from, Gordon could see hundreds of these trees running.
  10. Most were only a metre high, but the trees could be up to hundred metres tall, having grown out of control with the low gravity.
  12. They appeared to be fleeing a huge purple cloud. Knowing that was their ship, Gordon and Alyx headed towards it, and as the cloud washed over them they found it was composed of millions of small butterfly-like creatures, all a rich violet.
  13. When one touched Gordon or Alyx, it would cling to them for a few seconds, then fly off again, scurrying around chaotically.
  14. The Borealis sat in the middle of the cloud, many colossal "trees" crushed underneath it, having spared it from too much damage.
  15. Some other things had been in the vicinity of the Borealis as it began to travel, and amazingly this included the container Gordon and Alyx had arrived in, presumably having fallen down with the ship when it smashed through the third ice bridge.
  16. Also half a Combine soldier. Gordon hoped that something on this planet would come and take it away.
  18. With no disturbance, the "butterflies" settled on the dead "trees", and with this new view Gordon was beginning to make sense of this alien world.
  19. The "butterflies" would act like leaves on the branches of the "trees", as they had this world's equivalent of chlorophyll in their wings, which was violet in contrast the colour of the sky: Reflecting violet didn't matter much when all the violet light was already scattered away by the incredibly thick atmosphere of the planet.
  20. As well as being like leaves, they were like bees, reproducing and sheltering in wax hives on the "trees"; which meant that the reward for acting like a tree was probably some sort of sugary syrup.
  21. There were stationary plants too, but they were sparse, and all very protective of their leaves: Alyx noticed that when a certain plant was touched by the violet creatures still flying about chaotically, all the leaves would be slowly pulled into a narrow bony shaft.
  23. As fun as exploring this alien landscape was, Gordon didn't want to let himself be distracted from the harsh reality of being suddenly teleported to an alien planet.
  24. A gash in the hull provided an opening for Gordon and Alyx to enter, and Alyx found Dog cowering in a small room of the ship, not damaged physically so much as emotionally; but that was healed with the reunion.
  26. Gordon's heart sunk when he saw the teleportation room. It was severely damaged by the aggressive carrier, the rift in space, then the crash landing; and it was the only way home.
  27. Someone else in his position would have just cut their losses and completely destroyed it lest the Combine somehow follow, but Gordon was a physicist familiar with the arcane. Despite it not being his field of expertise, he began to try his best to repair the equipment.
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