
OpFuckMohammad - 4 Small leaks

Jan 10th, 2013
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  1. OpFuckMohammad
  3. Greetings from th3inf1d3l, your friendly internet vigalante - today I bring you 4 small leaks from around the world of Ummah. Nothing spectacular but "Some will win, some will lose
  4. Some were born to sing the blues". I have saved all the dumps in one central compressed file found here
  6. Below are the details for the 4 sites.
  8. Watch sometime next week for possible large leak of an Islamic Securities Company - still looking at the db.
  10. 1) ( 96 emails leaked
  11. DB: co_km__whoswho
  12. Table tbl_personnalites.csv: 2 total 2 unique emails
  13. Table tbl_proposition_personnalite.csv: 7 total 4 unique emails
  14. Table tbl_messages.csv: 56 total 28 unique emails
  15. Table tbl_commentaires.csv: 72 total 32 unique emails
  16. Table tbl_bulletin_informations.csv: 62 total 30 unique emails
  17. 199 total 96 unique emails found
  19. web application technology: Apache
  20. back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
  22. database management system users [1]:
  23. [*] 'whoswhokm'@'
  25. available databases [2]:
  26. [*] co_km__whoswho
  27. [*] information_schema
  29. Database: co_km__whoswho
  30. [40 tables]
  31. +------------------------------+
  32. | tbl_actualites |
  33. | tbl_agents_saisie |
  34. | tbl_bulletin_informations |
  35. | tbl_carrieres |
  36. | tbl_categories |
  37. | tbl_citations |
  38. | tbl_commentaires |
  39. | tbl_consultations_profil |
  40. | tbl_distinctions |
  41. | tbl_formations |
  42. | tbl_interviews |
  43. | tbl_messages |
  44. | tbl_mots_clefs |
  45. | tbl_occupations_sociales |
  46. | tbl_personnalites |
  47. | tbl_proposition_personnalite |
  48. | tbl_publications |
  49. | tbl_realisations |
  50. | tbl_recommandations_profil |
  51. | tbl_recommandations_profil |
  52. | tbl_recommandations_site |
  53. +------------------------------+
  55. 2) ( 925 leaked emails, 3 breached accounts
  56. DB: hdc786_registration
  57. Table registration.csv: 2408 total 922 unique emails
  58. DB: hdc786_web_new2
  59. Table users.csv: 3 total 3 unique emails
  60. Table users.csv: 3 total 3 unique pwds 0 blank pwds
  61. 2411 total 925 unique emails found
  62. 3 total 3 unique passwords found
  64. web application technology: Apache 2.0.63, PHP 5.2.9
  65. back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
  67. database management system users
  68. [*] 'hdc786_1146'@'localhost'
  70. available databases [3]:
  71. [*] hdc786_registration
  72. [*] hdc786_web_new2
  73. [*] information_schema
  75. Database: hdc786_registration
  76. [1 table]
  77. +--------------+
  78. | registration |
  79. +--------------+
  81. Database: hdc786_registration
  82. Table: registration
  83. [8 columns]
  84. +---------------------------+--------------+
  85. | Column | Type |
  86. +---------------------------+--------------+
  87. | ContactCompany | varchar(100) |
  88. | ContactDateCreated | datetime |
  89. | ContactEmail | varchar(50) |
  90. | ContactID | int(11) |
  91. | ContactName | varchar(100) |
  92. | ContactNo | bigint(15) |
  93. | ContactPreferredApartment | varchar(30) |
  94. | ContactPreferredPayment | varchar(30) |
  95. +---------------------------+--------------+
  97. Database: hdc786_web_new2
  98. [104 tables]
  99. +------------------------------+
  100. | aboutus_cat |
  101. | aboutus_cat_head |
  102. | aboutus_cat_head_lng |
  103. | aboutus_cat_lng |
  104. | ad |
  105. | ad_category |
  106. | ad_sections |
  107. | ad_to_section |
  108. | adminlevel |
  109. | adminlevel_permission |
  110. | affiliates_table |
  111. | atolls |
  112. | atolls_lng |
  113. | bldng_approval |
  114. | brd_director |
  115. | brd_director_lng |
  116. | comments_n_ratings |
  117. | company |
  118. | company_details_lng |
  119. | compet |
  120. | compet_answer |
  121. | compet_category |
  122. | compet_lng |
  123. | configuration |
  124. | configuration_group |
  125. | countries |
  126. | department |
  127. | department_lng |
  128. | department_section |
  129. | department_section_lng |
  130. | downld |
  131. | downld_files |
  132. | downld_lng |
  133. | download |
  134. | download_cat |
  135. | download_cat_lng |
  136. | download_lng |
  137. | faq |
  138. | faq_cat |
  139. | faq_cat_lng |
  140. | faq_lng |
  141. | gallery_file |
  142. | gallery_file_lng |
  143. | gallery_name |
  144. | gallery_name_lng |
  145. | job |
  146. | job_application |
  147. | job_lng |
  148. | job_vacancy |
  149. | languages |
  150. | logger |
  151. | maldives_cat |
  152. | maldives_cat_head |
  153. | maldives_cat_head_lng |
  154. | maldives_cat_lng |
  155. | maldives_gethere |
  156. | maldives_gethere_lng |
  157. | maldives_loc_cat |
  158. | maldives_loc_cat_lng |
  159. | maldives_loc_cat_name |
  160. | maldives_loc_cat_name_lng |
  161. | news |
  162. | news_lng |
  163. | newsletter |
  164. | newsletter_lng |
  165. | permission |
  166. | project |
  167. | project_lng |
  168. | property |
  169. | property_facility |
  170. | property_facility_lng |
  171. | property_gallery_file |
  172. | property_gallery_file_lng |
  173. | property_lng |
  174. | property_to_facility |
  175. | property_to_rec_facility |
  176. | property_to_room_types |
  177. | property_to_room_types_lng |
  178. | property_to_roomtypefacility |
  179. | property_to_theme |
  180. | property_type |
  181. | property_type_lng |
  182. | propertytype_to_theme |
  183. | publications |
  184. | publications_lng |
  185. | rating |
  186. | ratings |
  187. | recreation_facility |
  188. | recreation_facility_lng |
  189. | regional |
  190. | regional_lng |
  191. | room_facility |
  192. | room_facility_lng |
  193. | room_type_lng |
  194. | room_types |
  195. | section |
  196. | sessions |
  197. | star_class |
  198. | translation |
  199. | translation_lng |
  200. | user_permission |
  201. | users |
  202. | vacation_theme |
  203. | vacation_theme_lng |
  204. +------------------------------+
  206. 3) ( 1 breached account 7 emails leaked
  207. DB: icc_eng
  208. Table contactrequest.csv: 5 total 4 unique emails
  209. Table cmsadmin.csv: 1 total 1 unique emails
  210. Table cmsadmin.csv: 1 total 1 unique pwds 0 blank pwds
  211. Table librarian.csv: 2 total 2 unique emails
  212. 8 total 7 unique emails found
  213. 1 total 1 unique passwords found
  216. web server operating system: Linux CentOS
  217. web application technology: PHP 5.3.3, Apache 2.2.15
  218. back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
  220. database management system users [1]:
  221. [*] 'iccwebuser'@'localhost'
  223. available databases [4]:
  224. [*] icc_arabic
  225. [*] icc_eng
  226. [*] icc_french
  227. [*] information_schema
  229. Database: icc_eng
  230. [13 tables]
  231. +----------------------+
  232. | bannerfiles |
  233. | cmsadmin |
  234. | contactrequest |
  235. | docfiles |
  236. | fixedpages |
  237. | fxbanners |
  238. | librarian |
  239. | news |
  240. | pagecategory |
  241. | pages |
  242. | photogallery |
  243. | photogallerycategory |
  244. | videogallery |
  245. +----------------------+
  247. Database: icc_arabic
  248. [13 tables]
  249. +----------------------+
  250. | bannerfiles |
  251. | cmsadmin |
  252. | contactrequest |
  253. | docfiles |
  254. | fixedpages |
  255. | fxbanners |
  256. | librarian |
  257. | news |
  258. | pagecategory |
  259. | pages |
  260. | photogallery |
  261. | photogallerycategory |
  262. | videogallery |
  263. +----------------------+
  265. 4) ( 13 breached accounts 16 emails leaked
  266. DB: bhcknew
  267. Table bhck_register.csv: 303 total 14 unique emails
  268. Table bhck_register.csv: 344 total 13 unique pwds 119 blank pwds
  269. Table bhck_team.csv: 3 total 2 unique emails
  270. Table bhck_online_prospectus.csv: 1 total 0 unique emails
  271. Table bhck_admin.csv: 1 total 1 unique pwds 0 blank pwds
  272. 307 total 16 unique emails found
  273. 345 total 14 unique passwords found
  276. web server operating system: Windows
  277. web application technology: PHP 5.3.5, Apache 2.2.17
  278. back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11
  280. database management system users:
  281. [*] ''@'localhost'
  282. [*] 'administrator'@'localhost'
  283. [*] 'root'@''
  284. [*] 'root'@'::1'
  285. [*] 'root'@'localhost'
  287. database management system users [113]:
  288. [*] ''@'localhost'
  289. [*] 'administrator'@'localhost'
  290. [*] 'root'@''
  291. [*] 'root'@'::1'
  292. [*] 'root'@'localhost'
  294. available databases [5]:
  295. [*] bhcknew
  296. [*] information_schema
  297. [*] mysql
  298. [*] performance_schema
  299. [*] test
  301. Database: bhcknew
  302. [20 tables]
  303. +------------------------+
  304. | bhck_admin |
  305. | bhck_assignments |
  306. | bhck_calender |
  307. | bhck_client |
  308. | bhck_clientimage |
  309. | bhck_content |
  310. | bhck_gallery |
  311. | bhck_home |
  312. | bhck_job |
  313. | bhck_job_old |
  314. | bhck_maincontent |
  315. | bhck_member |
  316. | bhck_news |
  317. | bhck_online_prospectus |
  318. | bhck_package |
  319. | bhck_pdf |
  320. | bhck_register |
  321. | bhck_team |
  322. | bhck_testimonial |
  323. | jobs_table |
  324. +------------------------+
  326. @th3inf1d3l
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