

Aug 14th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. The gods hauled their net along the bottom of the pool.They were intent upon what was happening in the depths, and so were taken by surprise when a huge silver fish, bigger than any salmon they hadever seen before, leapt over the net with a twist of its tail and began swimming upstream. The huge salmon swam up the falls, springing up anddefying gravity as if it had been thrown upward into the air.Kvasir shouted at the Aesir, ordering them to form into two groups, oneon one end of the net, one on the other.“He will not stay in the waterfall for long. It’s too exposed. His onlychance is still to make it to the sea. So you two groups will walk along,dragging the net between you. Meanwhile, Thor,” said Kvasir, who waswise, “you will wade in the middle, and when Loki tries that jumping-over-the-net trick again, you must snatch him from the air, like a bear catching asalmon. Do not let him go, though. He is tricky.”Thor said, “I have seen bears pluck leaping salmon from the air. I amstrong, and I am as fast as any bear. I will hold on.”
  3. The Death of Baldur
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