
Tacosteady Session 1

Jan 9th, 2014
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  1. [18:58] <Taco-DM> Each of you awaited where the letter said to wait, and sure enough, a small wodden caravan came to pick each of you up. It seemed strange though, as the man, if it was a man at all, seemed wealthy enough to hire some of you, powerful enough to give you information about something or perhaps aquire something, and know enough to know some of your darkest secret. Which ever the reason why you
  2. [18:58] <Taco-DM> agreed, here you all are, strangers to one another riding a dirty, old wooden caravan to this tower, one supposedly filled with not much danger, but it is a wizard's tower after all, and one can never tell with a wizard's tower.
  3. [19:00] <!Asina> Did Imouto ever clear the plotline where I bought her from a slave trader with you?
  4. [19:00] <Taco-DM> Yawp
  5. [19:00] <@Claire> Yeah cause I totally talked to you about that
  6. [19:00] <@Claire> Okay.
  7. [19:02] <!Asina> Are we supposed to be interacting? Or are you still introing?
  8. [19:02] <Taco-DM> The coach man didn't seem a man of many words, and he wasn't, except for the occasional curse as the sun began to set and the chilled wind began to hallow. He turns his head back to you all inside the caravan. "Get comfy you lot, just an hour or two."
  9. [19:02] <Taco-DM> (Up to you guys, if you wanna interact, interact)
  10. [19:03] <!Asina> "I can think of a way to kill an hour or two." Asina says as she smirks lewdly.
  11. [19:05] * Kei is sitting cross-legged, his thumbs pressed against his chest with a silver pendant in the shape of a flame between his fingers.
  12. [19:05] <Taco-DM> "Ah...huh" Is all he said before shaking his head and turning his eyes back to the front.
  13. [19:05] * Claire quietly fidgets with her greatsword as she glances at the girl next to her quickly. She looks back down at her sword and runs her fingers across it before she looks up again, taking a gaze at each person in front of her.
  14. [19:05] <Kei> (I'll take an hour to meditate and pick my clericy spells and whatnot)
  15. [19:06] <!Asina> "All the quiet type,huh?... Tch."
  16. [19:06] * Asina shrugs.
  17. [19:07] * Boris sits with his arms crossed across his chest and eyes closed "Boris like carriage. It nice. Don't get many in mountains"
  18. [19:08] <!Asina> "I prefer horseback myself, preferably bareback." Asina smirks.
  19. [19:09] * Zevaron chuckles to himself "Well, I can already tell this will be a fun ride"
  20. [19:09] <!Asina> "I can show you a fun ride alright." Asina says as she pokes Claire.
  21. [19:09] <!Asina> "Right? Right?"
  22. [19:10] * Boris nods to himself "Boris does not know of this "horse". But you ride? Very interesting, but Boris likes to walk."
  23. [19:10] * Asina looks visibly annoyed at Claire's lack of reaction and pinches her face with both hands.
  24. [19:10] * Claire slaps Asina's hand lightly, looking away to conceal the fairly evident smile on her face. At this point of knowing her companion, the constant advances had grown on her, annoyance replaced with concealed giggles.
  25. [19:10] <@Claire> (LET ME FINISH BITCH ;_;)
  26. [19:10] <!Asina> (IT STILL WORKS)
  27. [19:11] <@Claire> (Cripple porn)
  28. [19:12] <!Asina> "How can you have never heard of a horse?"
  29. [19:14] * Boris open his eyes to reveal his pure white orbs "Boris comes from great mountain in north. Not see much of world, but master push me off of mountain. So Boris now explore now"
  30. [19:18] * Kei brings his pendant down and snaps out of his state of trance, "I am one of wanderlust myself, lord Boris. Apologies for my late response."
  31. [19:19] <Taco-DM> All of a sudden the caravan comes to a stop, the man's voice sound off louder than ever. "Alright you lot, here we are." Out of the caravan, you can see the swamp that seems to reach as far as the eye can see. "Now get off."
  32. [19:20] <!Asina> "You know that's not the first time someone has told me that."
  33. [19:20] * Asina hops off the caravan.
  34. [19:21] * Claire hops off of the caravan, following right behind Asina.
  35. [19:23] * Boris waits for the moment Claire has gotten off and pushes off from the caravan to jump as high as he can and land perfectly.
  36. [19:23] * Kei steps off the caravan.
  37. [19:23] * Zevaron disembarks while looking around "This seems like quite a lovely place, don't you think?"
  38. [19:24] <!Asina> "I lost my virginity in a place like this."
  39. [19:24] <!Asina> "Six times as a matter of fact."
  40. [19:25] * Claire gives Asina a quizzical look before shaking her head, not even wanting to bother.
  41. [19:25] <Kei> "... how does one's hymen- nevermind."
  42. [19:25] <Boris> "Boris does not mind this place, but still think Mountain is better."
  43. [19:27] <Taco-DM> The moment all of you are off, the coach man immidiately urges the horses on, and with that the wooden coach disappears from sight, leaving you all alone in this stranger's land.
  44. [19:27] <!Asina> "So... where are we going?"
  45. [19:27] <@Claire> What a cunt.
  46. [19:27] <Taco-DM> You were all provided a map, along with the letter, of where you should go from the place he left you.
  47. [19:28] <!Asina> "And do any of you know anything about this place... I'm an expert on an entirely different kind of snake than the ones around here and I'd rather not die horribly from freaky swamp monster poison."
  48. [19:31] <Kei> "... the note only mentioned a wizard's tower... other than that, I'm rather lost."
  49. [19:31] * Boris shakes his head "Boris knows mountain and this is little lower than mountain normally are. Maybe map has clue?"
  50. [19:32] <Taco-DM> If you have it, please roll me knowledge Nature or Geography
  51. [19:32] * Asina sighs.
  52. [19:33] <!Asina> I'll roll a blind int check.
  53. [19:33] <!Asina> Wait.
  54. [19:33] == Asina has changed nick to Dice-chan
  55. [19:33] <@Claire> roll 1d20 blink checks because that's the motherfuckin 3D truth siren
  56. [19:33] <!Dice-chan> Claire rolled 1d20 blink checks because that's the motherfuckin 3D truth siren --> [ 1d20=7 ]{7}
  57. [19:33] <@Claire> I said
  58. [19:33] <@Claire> blind in my head
  59. [19:33] == Asina [webchat@25ea667f.21531281.14fd58ce.31b34b44X] has joined #CYOAsteady
  60. [19:33] <Zevaron> I have knowledge nature, right?
  61. [19:33] <@Claire> blink came out
  62. [19:33] <@Claire> habits
  63. [19:33] <@Claire> are amazing
  64. [19:33] <Asina> roll 1d20+4
  65. [19:33] <!Dice-chan> Asina rolled 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=12 ]{16}
  66. [19:34] <Taco-DM> You do
  67. [19:35] <Taco-DM> Asina, through great deductive reasoning, you figured out the general location of where the tower should be based on the map.
  68. [19:35] <Asina> So I'm not retarded?
  69. [19:35] <Asina> Go me!
  70. [19:36] <Boris> At least one of us isn't!
  71. [19:36] <Asina> "Okay so is anyone else not a moron or should I lead the way?"
  72. [19:37] <Zevaron> (So, uh, what would I roll if I was rolling for knowledge?)
  73. [19:37] <Asina> Look at your skills.
  74. [19:37] <Asina> 1d20 + your knowledge nature modifier.
  75. [19:37] <Kei> "... feel free. I'm not particularly good with maps."
  76. [19:38] <Asina> "Okay, then as my first order as your glorious beautiful and sexy leader is that somebody walk in front of me with a stick in case we're attacked by swamp monsters."
  77. [19:38] <Asina> "That way I have time to run away while you're all horribly mutilated."
  78. [19:39] <Taco-DM> HF, it's on your sheet right at the bottom
  79. [19:39] <Taco-DM> It's 1d20 + 8
  80. [19:40] * Boris raises his trusty quarter staff "Did someone say stick? Boris has stick!"
  81. [19:40] <Zevaron> Oh. Sorry, I thought I said it but guess I cleared it. I just didn't know if it was a d20 or something. I figured +8
  82. [19:41] <Asina> "Good, you're now my personal meat shield." Asina says as she points in the direction we're headed.
  83. [19:41] <Taco-DM> Everything is d20 except damage
  84. [19:41] <Zevaron> Alright. Thanks.
  85. [19:42] <Taco-DM> So roll!
  86. [19:42] * Asina follows behind Boris giving directions as we travel.
  87. [19:42] <Zevaron> roll 1d20+8
  88. [19:42] <!Dice-chan> Zevaron rolled 1d20+8 --> [ 1d20=1 ]{9}
  89. [19:42] <Zevaron> ....
  90. [19:42] <Asina> What an excellent start.
  91. [19:42] <Boris> (Welp)
  92. [19:42] <Asina> Good job HF
  93. [19:42] <Kei> It happens, at least it's just a knowledge roll.
  94. [19:42] <@Claire> Aye.
  95. [19:43] <@Claire> You just happen to be out of your element.
  96. [19:43] <Asina> You're a ranger that knows literally nothing about swamps.
  97. [19:43] <Asina> At all.
  98. [19:43] <Zevaron> Dice, pls.
  99. [19:43] <Asina> You're probably confused as to why the ground is all squishy.
  100. [19:43] <Asina> Just follow me like everyone else.
  101. [19:43] <Asina> At least you can enjoy the view.
  102. [19:43] <Taco-DM> Zevaron, you have no idea which way is north or south. This swamp is the most mysterious place you clearly have ever been to and have no idea about its dangers or what could or couldn't live here.
  103. [19:43] * Boris "blindly" follows the directions given to him since swamp are strange and wet.
  104. [19:45] <Asina> I got something else strange and wet for you.
  105. [19:45] <Taco-DM> Lewd
  106. [19:45] <Kei> Lewd
  107. [19:45] <Asina> So do we need to do encounter rolls or what?
  108. [19:46] <Taco-DM> As you all continue down the general direction of where the tower should be, the swampy, murky water surrounds you, and it seemd strangely eery quiet as if no thing lived in this place...roll me perception
  109. [19:46] <Taco-DM> Or look rather
  110. [19:46] <@Claire> So
  111. [19:46] <@Claire> spot
  112. [19:46] <@Claire> okay
  113. [19:46] <@Claire> roll 1d20+5
  114. [19:46] <!Dice-chan> Claire rolled 1d20+5 --> [ 1d20=8 ]{13}
  115. [19:46] <Taco-DM> (spot rather)
  116. [19:47] <Boris> roll 1d20+10
  117. [19:47] <!Dice-chan> Boris rolled 1d20+10 --> [ 1d20=16 ]{26}
  118. [19:47] <Kei> roll 1d20+4 Spottan
  119. [19:47] <!Dice-chan> Kei rolled 1d20+4 Spottan --> [ 1d20=3 ]{7}
  120. [19:47] <!Dice-chan> roll 1d20
  121. [19:47] <Zevaron> roll 1d20+10
  122. [19:47] <!Dice-chan> Zevaron rolled 1d20+10 --> [ 1d20=11 ]{21}
  123. [19:47] <Asina> roll 1d20
  124. [19:47] <!Dice-chan> Asina rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=5 ]{5}
  125. [19:48] <Asina> I'm not very perceptive.
  126. [19:48] <Asina> Unless it's about dicks.
  127. [19:48] <Asina> I should get +20 to spot dicks.
  128. [19:48] <@Claire> I should also get a +20 because I have to tap her on the arm because god forbid she misses a cock.
  129. [19:49] <Taco-DM> Boris and Zevaron, even though your new comrades don't seem to notice, both of you notice something seemingly traveling under the murky water...something large, too large, and with an insect hide. You see one, and on the other side you see another, and then it lurges from the water and you can see exactly what it was bout to attack you, two giant centipedes.
  130. [19:50] <Taco-DM> Roll me initiative
  131. [19:50] <!Dice-chan> Taco-DM rolled me initiative --> error: malformed expression
  132. [19:50] <Asina> roll 1d20+4
  133. [19:50] <!Dice-chan> Asina rolled 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=17 ]{21}
  134. [19:51] <Boris> "Oooo Boris see something scaly! It interesting"
  135. [19:51] <Kei> roll 1d20+7
  136. [19:51] <!Dice-chan> Kei rolled 1d20+7 --> [ 1d20=1 ]{8}
  137. [19:51] <Boris> roll 1d20+3
  138. [19:51] <!Dice-chan> Boris rolled 1d20+3 --> [ 1d20=8 ]{11}
  139. [19:51] <Zevaron> roll 1d20+4
  140. [19:51] <!Dice-chan> Zevaron rolled 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=10 ]{14}
  141. [19:51] <Kei> Yep, I'm gonna die.
  142. [19:51] <Taco-DM> 1d20+2 1
  143. [19:51] <Taco-DM> roll 1d20+2 1
  144. [19:51] <!Dice-chan> Taco-DM rolled 1d20+2 1 --> [ 1d20=19 ]{21}
  145. [19:51] <Taco-DM> roll 1d20+2 2
  146. [19:51] <!Dice-chan> Taco-DM rolled 1d20+2 2 --> [ 1d20=5 ]{7}
  147. [19:51] <@Claire> roll 1d20+8
  148. [19:51] <!Dice-chan> Claire rolled 1d20+8 --> [ 1d20=18 ]{26}
  149. [19:51] <@Claire> YOOOOOSH~!
  150. [19:53] <@Claire> Quickdraw to Halberd
  151. [19:54] <@Claire> I'll move up to 15 feet and stab it.
  152. [19:54] == Kei has changed nick to Kei|8
  153. [19:54] <Taco-DM> Roll it
  154. [19:54] <!Dice-chan> Taco-DM rolled it --> error: malformed expression
  155. [19:55] <@Claire> roll 1d20+7
  156. [19:55] <!Dice-chan> Claire rolled 1d20+7 --> [ 1d20=20 ]{27}
  157. [19:55] == Asina has changed nick to Asina|21
  158. [19:55] <Taco-DM> Dang, crit, roll damage
  159. [19:55] == Boris has changed nick to Boris|11
  160. [19:55] <Asina|21> #rekt
  161. [19:55] <@Claire> roll 1d10+4
  162. [19:55] <!Dice-chan> Claire rolled 1d10+4 --> [ 1d10=1 ]{5}
  163. [19:56] <@Claire> That 20 followed by a 1
  164. [19:56] <@Claire> I ain't even mad
  165. [19:56] <@Claire> HF, get used to that.
  166. [19:56] <Taco-DM> Also in case anyone was wandering, they are 20 ft from you guys
  167. [19:56] <Asina|21> I'll throw a knife at the one she just shanked while it tries to eat her.
  168. [19:56] <Taco-DM> One 20 feet from your left, and another to your right
  169. [19:57] <Taco-DM> Roll it
  170. [19:57] <!Dice-chan> Taco-DM rolled it --> error: malformed expression
  171. [19:57] <Asina|21> Since it's in melee combat with her I'll get a sneak attack on it unless it has improved uncanny dodge.
  172. [19:57] <Taco-DM> It does not!
  173. [19:57] <Asina|21> roll 1d20+6
  174. [19:57] <!Dice-chan> Asina|21 rolled 1d20+6 --> [ 1d20=16 ]{22}
  175. [19:58] <Taco-DM> Hit!
  176. [19:58] <Asina|21> roll 1d4+2d6+4
  177. [19:58] <!Dice-chan> Asina|21 rolled 1d4+2d6+4 --> [ 1d4=2 2d6=8 ]{14}
  178. [19:58] <Asina|21> Right between two of it's various eyes.
  179. [19:59] <Taco-DM> The centipede cries out in pain, splattering its green blood cross Asina's body but is still alive as it tries to attack Claire with its giant mandables!
  180. [19:59] <Asina|21> Now I'll use my move action to get the fuck away from both of them.
  181. [19:59] <Taco-DM> roll 1d20+5
  182. [19:59] <!Dice-chan> Taco-DM rolled 1d20+5 --> [ 1d20=14 ]{19}
  183. [20:00] <@Claire> It hits
  184. [20:00] <Taco-DM> roll 2d6+4 And roll me fort save
  185. [20:00] <!Dice-chan> Taco-DM rolled 2d6+4 And roll me fort save --> [ 2d6=8 ]{12}
  186. [20:00] <@Claire> roll 1d20+7
  187. [20:00] <!Dice-chan> Claire rolled 1d20+7 --> [ 1d20=4 ]{11}
  188. [20:01] <@Claire> YAY IM GONNA DIE
  190. [20:01] <@Claire> GOD.
  191. [20:01] <Taco-DM> The centipede's poison flows inside of you!
  192. [20:01] <Taco-DM> roll 1d4 dex damage
  193. [20:01] <!Dice-chan> Taco-DM rolled 1d4 dex damage --> [ 1d4=2 ]{2}
  194. [20:01] <Taco-DM> Zev is up
  195. [20:02] <Asina|21> That's not how poison works.
  196. [20:02] <Asina|21> You didn't give her a fort save.
  197. [20:02] <Taco-DM> I did
  198. [20:02] <Asina|21> You did?
  199. [20:02] <Taco-DM> She rolled 11
  200. [20:02] <Asina|21> You did.
  201. [20:02] <Taco-DM> Yah
  202. [20:02] <Asina|21> Okay.
  203. [20:02] <Asina|21> I wasn't paying attention.
  204. [20:02] * Taco-DM pats Emmy
  205. [20:02] <Taco-DM> There there
  206. [20:02] <Taco-DM> It happens
  207. [20:02] <@Claire> It's okay you're not the one dying of poison.
  208. [20:02] <Zevaron> Well, I'm an archer, so I guess I'll shoot at it.
  209. [20:03] <Taco-DM> The damaged one? Roll it
  210. [20:03] <Zevaron> For the damage or is this the hit?
  211. [20:04] <Taco-DM> For the hit
  212. [20:04] <Taco-DM> It's 1d20+7 for your bow
  213. [20:04] <Zevaron> roll 1d20+7
  214. [20:04] <!Dice-chan> Zevaron rolled 1d20+7 --> [ 1d20=13 ]{20}
  215. [20:04] <Taco-DM> You hit!
  216. [20:04] <Taco-DM> Roll damage
  217. [20:04] <!Dice-chan> Taco-DM rolled damage --> error: malformed expression
  218. [20:05] <Zevaron> And is that 1d6+7?
  219. [20:06] <Taco-DM> Just 1d6
  220. [20:06] <Zevaron> k
  221. [20:06] <Zevaron> roll 1d6
  222. [20:06] <!Dice-chan> Zevaron rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=3 ]{3}
  223. [20:06] <Asina|21> It should be 1d6_4 shouldn't it? Or are you using the crossbow rule for all bows?
  224. [20:07] <Taco-DM> Ah no yeah you're right, I was thinking of crossbow rule
  225. [20:07] <Taco-DM> Yeah sorry Zev, you're right. So that's ...7!
  226. [20:08] <Taco-DM> Your arrow hit right between its many many eyes. The centipede letting out a death cry before tumbling down on the murky water! Boris you are up!
  227. [20:10] <Boris|11> Okay. I'm going run up and punch the thing in the face.
  228. [20:10] <Taco-DM> Do et
  229. [20:10] <Boris|11> roll 1d20+6
  230. [20:10] <!Dice-chan> Boris|11 rolled 1d20+6 --> [ 1d20=19 ]{25}
  231. [20:10] <Boris|11> roll 1d6+4
  232. [20:10] <!Dice-chan> Boris|11 rolled 1d6+4 --> [ 1d6=1 ]{5}
  233. [20:12] <Taco-DM> Zev your turn
  234. [20:12] <Taco-DM> Er not zev
  235. [20:12] <Taco-DM> Kei
  236. [20:12] <Taco-DM> Wow what the fuck brain
  237. [20:12] <Kei|8> Uh..
  238. [20:12] <Boris|11> "Boris hit right between ze eyes"
  239. [20:12] <Kei|8> Yeah, not gonna run in at it. How far from me is Claire?
  240. [20:12] <Taco-DM> Claire is 15
  241. [20:13] <Kei|8> Gonna use my standard action to attempt to heal her poison.
  242. [20:14] <Taco-DM> Give me a heal check
  243. [20:14] <Kei|8> roll 1d20+10 using my +2 from healing kit as well
  244. [20:14] <!Dice-chan> Kei|8 rolled 1d20+10 using my +2 from healing kit as well --> [ 1d20=10 ]{20}
  245. [20:15] <Taco-DM> That does heal the poison
  246. [20:15] <Taco-DM> Imouto, you're no longer suffering from poison!
  247. [20:15] <Taco-DM> And now its the remaining centipede's turn
  248. [20:15] <Taco-DM> And it goes down to bite the manly man known as BORIS THE GRIZZLE SOVIET BEAR
  249. [20:16] <Taco-DM> roll 1d20+5
  250. [20:16] <!Dice-chan> Taco-DM rolled 1d20+5 --> [ 1d20=3 ]{8}
  251. [20:16] <Taco-DM> And probably misses, horribly
  252. [20:18] <Taco-DM> So back to square one! Claire your turn
  253. [20:19] <@Claire> So
  254. [20:19] <@Claire> I'm gonna run back 30ft, if I have that space
  255. [20:19] <@Claire> and is the centipede visible to me?
  256. [20:19] <@Claire> because if so quickdraw to comp bow and fire at it.
  257. [20:20] <Taco-DM> You do and it is
  258. [20:20] <@Claire> Okay
  259. [20:20] <Taco-DM> It is pretty fucking huge, for a centipede
  260. [20:20] <@Claire> roll 1d20+7
  261. [20:20] <!Dice-chan> Claire rolled 1d20+7 --> [ 1d20=20 ]{27}
  262. [20:20] <@Claire> OH MY GOD
  263. [20:20] <@Claire> TWO
  264. [20:20] <Asina|21> U mad.
  265. [20:20] <Asina|21> She mad.
  266. [20:20] <@Claire> roll 1d10+4
  267. [20:20] <!Dice-chan> Claire rolled 1d10+4 --> [ 1d10=9 ]{13}
  268. [20:21] <Taco-DM> Wow you killed it one one shot and then some
  269. [20:21] <Taco-DM> Please, describe how you kill it
  270. [20:21] <Asina|21> ...
  271. [20:21] * Asina|21 climbs down from the tree she snuck into while pouting.
  272. [20:21] * Asina|21 punches Clair in the head.
  273. [20:21] <@Claire> Um..I aimed at the cluster of balls I thought was it's face, inhaled, fired.
  274. [20:21] <@Claire> The arrow shot through, pierced something vital
  275. [20:21] <@Claire> there was a fountain of blood it fell over dead
  276. [20:22] <@Claire> also I saw cluster of balls because I assume multiple eyes
  277. [20:22] <@Claire> sorry.
  278. [20:22] * Asina|21 gives noogies.
  279. [20:22] <Asina|21> "I was going to do something cool you cunt."
  280. [20:22] * Claire rubs her head as she looks back at Asina sticks her tongue out.
  281. [20:22] * Asina|21 gropes violently.
  282. [20:23] <@Claire> YOU'VE ACTIVATED MY TRAP CARD
  283. [20:23] <@Claire> I SLAP YOU IN THE TITS FIERCELY
  284. [20:23] <@Claire> no but seriously
  285. [20:23] <Asina|21> Stop my pantsu can only get so moist.
  286. [20:23] * Claire freezes in place, tensing up as she practically becomes a statue in Asina's hands.
  287. [20:23] * Kei|8 sets his healing pouch down, "Poison... not nice at all."
  288. [20:23] == Kei|8 has changed nick to Kei
  289. [20:23] * Boris|11 laughs heartily "Ha ha! Boris hited big bug! Was quite fun for things so small"
  290. [20:23] == Asina|21 has changed nick to Asina
  291. [20:24] <Taco-DM> In front of you lay down the two giant centipedes, bleeding its strange green blood and..seemingly bloated on the stomach
  292. [20:24] <Taco-DM> If you have it, please roll me Spellcraft, or Knowledge arcana if you have it
  293. [20:24] * Claire walks over to Kei and bows slightly before standing back up, looking over at the corpses of the centipedes
  294. [20:25] <Asina> "You, hunter boy, gut them and bring me their venom sacks and I'll suck your dick."
  295. [20:25] <Taco-DM> (Also you all gained 240 xp from that fight)
  296. [20:25] <@Claire> >240xp
  297. [20:25] <@Claire> fuck off ya big lamp.
  298. [20:25] <Asina> "I mean, I'll suck your dick eventually anyway... but bring me their venom sacks I need them for things."
  299. [20:25] <Kei> Roll 1d20+3 Spellcraft
  300. [20:25] <!Dice-chan> Kei rolled 1d20+3 Spellcraft --> [ 1d20=4 ]{7}
  301. [20:26] <@Claire> roll 1d20 untrained checku
  302. [20:26] <!Dice-chan> Claire rolled 1d20 untrained checku --> [ 1d20=6 ]{6}
  303. [20:26] <Taco-DM> Kei, you think this is completely and absolutely normal! Yup! Nothing to see here move along
  304. [20:26] <@Claire> I don't know what I'm even doing.
  305. [20:26] <Asina> roll 1d20+4
  306. [20:26] <!Dice-chan> Asina rolled 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=4 ]{8}
  307. [20:26] <@Claire> I'm just looking and then scratching my head.
  308. [20:26] <Asina> We can't into maygic.
  309. [20:27] <Taco-DM> Boris, Zev? You gonna try?
  310. [20:27] <Zevaron> Wait, can I actually harvest venom sacks? That sounds useful.
  311. [20:27] <Kei> Also, pretty sure I should give brown olev the heals.
  312. [20:27] <Taco-DM> You can! And if you are gonna cut open its belly..
  313. [20:27] <Taco-DM> Someone roll me 1d100
  314. [20:27] <@Claire> roll 1d100
  315. [20:27] <!Dice-chan> Claire rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=50 ]{50}
  316. [20:28] <Taco-DM> Now roll me 1d4
  317. [20:28] <@Claire> roll 1d4
  318. [20:28] <!Dice-chan> Claire rolled 1d4 --> [ 1d4=4 ]{4}
  319. [20:29] <Boris|11> roll 1d20+2 straight up int to see if I know anything
  320. [20:29] <!Dice-chan> Boris|11 rolled 1d20+2 straight up int to see if I know anything --> [ 1d20=13 ]{15}
  321. [20:30] <Zevaron> Hm. I didn't put anything into spellcraft, would it be just a plain d20?
  322. [20:30] <Asina> + your int mod
  323. [20:30] <Zevaron> ok
  324. [20:30] <Zevaron> roll 1d20+2
  325. [20:30] <!Dice-chan> Zevaron rolled 1d20+2 --> [ 1d20=6 ]{8}
  326. [20:30] <Taco-DM> Zev, as you cut open the belly of both creatures you find the poison well as what seemed to be remains, possibly of other adventurers who tried to fight these beasts
  327. [20:31] <Asina> "Ha, they suck."
  328. [20:31] <Asina> "See if they have anything valuable on them, they're not gonna use it."
  329. [20:31] <Boris|11> "Boris thinks some people not so lucky"
  330. [20:31] <Kei> "Giant... whatever these are aside, that wound best be treated." Kei says, a slight glow coming from his palm.
  331. [20:32] <Kei> gonna cast CLW on claire
  332. [20:32] <Taco-DM> From those remains, you find a halfplate, 4 acid flasks, a masterwork arrow, a medium master work hook hammer.
  333. [20:33] <Taco-DM> The rest, and there were clearly more, were all too far gone to recover
  334. [20:33] <Asina> "Hey! You can't fuck my brown girl unless I get to watch so be careful where you put your hands priest."
  335. [20:33] * Claire shoots a glare at Asina, her cheeks tinting red as she stomps the ground and crosses her arms.
  336. [20:33] <Taco-DM> You also find the leather bag the acidic flasks were in, though it seemed to be half-way digested
  337. [20:33] <Asina> I'll take the acid.
  338. [20:33] <@Claire> Dibs on that hammer, boss.
  339. [20:34] <@Claire> Actually
  340. [20:34] <@Claire> no
  341. [20:34] <Kei> "... I'll, remember that for future reference."
  342. [20:34] <@Claire> Halfplate.
  343. [20:34] <Asina> "Fine... geez. Fuck who you want." Asina shrugs.
  344. [20:34] <@Claire> I would like
  345. [20:34] <@Claire> the halfplate.
  346. [20:34] <Boris|11> Dibs on the bag
  347. [20:34] <Taco-DM> Psst, Boris, your initiative man
  348. [20:34] <Zevaron> A masterwork arrow sounds nice
  349. [20:34] * Claire tilts her head quizically before waving her hands in front of her and shaking her head.
  350. [20:34] <@Claire> I don't know what I want
  351. [20:34] <@Claire> ;_;
  352. [20:35] <Taco-DM> Also Brotius
  353. [20:35] <Taco-DM> Roll the healing roll please
  354. [20:35] <!Dice-chan> Taco-DM rolled the healing roll please --> error: malformed expression
  355. [20:35] == Boris|11 has changed nick to Boris
  356. [20:35] <Asina> None of it's magic anyway so who cares?
  357. [20:36] <Kei> roll 1d8+5 claire gonna get da healz
  358. [20:36] <!Dice-chan> Kei rolled 1d8+5 claire gonna get da healz --> [ 1d8=8 ]{13}
  359. [20:36] <@Claire> PAHFECTO~!
  360. [20:36] <Boris> As long as I get the bad I don't care who gets what.
  361. [20:36] <@Claire> I'm technically overhealed.
  362. [20:36] <Boris> bag*
  363. [20:36] <Taco-DM> Also Boris
  364. [20:36] <Zevaron> "Well, at any rate, I'm glad we didn't join them. I'm glad to see everyone can hold their own."
  365. [20:36] <Taco-DM> Though a bit late
  366. [20:36] <Boris> Yes?
  367. [20:37] <Taco-DM> With your clearly impressive knowledge of all things nature, you realize there's something strange about these centipede's, specifically their blood
  368. [20:37] <Taco-DM> It seems to have a tinge of something that...shouldn't be, and as you examine it closer you realize that it is of possibly arcanic nature.
  369. [20:38] * Boris look curious at the centipedes
  370. [20:39] <Boris> "Hmm. Boris think blood looks different. Maybe magicy stuff? "
  371. [20:40] <Asina> I wrote down the venom sacks, I'll refine it later and make it into usable poison.
  372. [20:40] <Taco-DM> Right on
  373. [20:40] * Kei incants while hovering his palm over claire's wound, it seeming to close completely.
  374. [20:40] <@Claire> I'm gonna put that plate and hammer in my inventory for now.
  375. [20:42] <Taco-DM> Sounds good
  376. [20:42] <Asina> You clearly need to put Kei's dick in your mouth for making you not die.
  377. [20:42] <Asina> Or I can do it for you.~
  378. [20:42] <Taco-DM> Lewd
  379. [20:42] <Kei> So lewd.
  380. [20:42] <Boris> Wewd.
  381. [20:43] <Taco-DM> So I take it you guys gather your new found loot and continue on?
  382. [20:43] <Kei> Sure why not
  383. [20:43] <Boris> Aye Aye captain
  384. [20:43] <Asina> We do.
  385. [20:43] <Zevaron> I'll take the arrow, if nobody wants it. And yeah.
  386. [20:43] * Claire nods at the fourth wall
  387. [20:44] <Asina> That one arrow might save our lives saome day.
  388. [20:44] <Asina> Also I officially owe HF one dick sucking as per our arrangement.
  389. [20:44] <Taco-DM> As you guys continue on the same direction, you eventually come across your destination. The tower seems withered and all, seemingly half-sunk into the murky water but not enough for its tilted door not to be submerged.
  390. [20:45] <Taco-DM> (Also brb, bathroom break)
  391. [20:45] <Taco-DM> (and I meant withered and old)
  392. [20:48] * Boris whistles and examines the tower "Boris think it very interesting. Why build something in wet place? Look it seemingly sink in ground!"
  393. [20:50] * Kei glances at the tower, "I don't think it was sunken before..."
  394. [20:52] <Taco-DM> (and back)
  395. [20:52] <Asina> "There's something satisfying about a large fallic object slowly sinking deep into the moist swamp."
  396. [20:54] * Boris skips over to the door to see if the door is locked or not
  397. [20:54] <Taco-DM> The door is in fact locked!
  398. [20:54] <Asina> I'm going to check it for traps.
  399. [20:55] <Asina> roll 1d20+10
  400. [20:55] <!Dice-chan> Asina rolled 1d20+10 --> [ 1d20=17 ]{27}
  401. [20:55] <Asina> Remember I can detect magical traps too.
  402. [20:56] <Taco-DM> There are actual no magical traps, at least not on the door
  403. [20:56] <Taco-DM> It seems to be a simple, locked door.
  404. [20:57] <Boris> Question.
  405. [20:57] <Boris> Are there any windows?
  406. [20:57] <Asina> Not for long.
  407. [20:57] <Asina> roll 1d20+10 to open lock
  408. [20:57] <!Dice-chan> Asina rolled 1d20+10 to open lock --> [ 1d20=9 ]{19}
  409. [20:57] <Taco-DM> There are windows on the tower, but they seem to be way up high
  410. [20:57] <Taco-DM> If you had a hook and rope, you might be able to reach it
  411. [20:57] <Asina> I have a 50ft rope and grappling hook.
  412. [20:57] <Asina> But I'm going to try and pick the lock first.
  413. [20:58] <Taco-DM> You opened the lock, and the door is now safe to open.
  414. [20:58] <Asina> "After you meat shield."
  415. [20:59] * Boris rubs his belly as he walks inside "All this talk of meat make Boris hungry"
  416. [21:00] <Asina> "Yeah, I'm getting hungry for some 'meat' myself." Asina says as she follows him inside.
  417. [21:01] <Asina> I'm getting tired.
  418. [21:02] <Taco-DM> The inside of the tower seems a bit like the outside, old, withered, and covered in webs
  419. [21:02] <@Claire> So is my dick
  420. [21:02] <Asina> Define covered.
  421. [21:02] <Asina> Dusty apartment covered or giant spider nest covered?
  422. [21:02] <Taco-DM> However, it seems to have torches lit, their light rather the bright yellow one is used to, is instead bright blue
  423. [21:03] <Taco-DM> Dusty apartment.
  424. [21:03] <Asina> Okay then.
  425. [21:03] <Asina> MAGIC FIRE
  426. [21:03] <Asina> RED ALERT
  427. [21:03] <Asina> RED ALERT
  428. [21:03] <Asina> ABORT
  429. [21:03] <Asina> ABORT
  430. [21:03] * Boris looks around inside the tower "This is tower we meet at? Seem old and full of dusty stuff"
  431. [21:03] <Asina> Does it give off heat?
  432. [21:03] <Taco-DM> It actually doesn't. It seems cool to the touch.
  433. [21:04] <Asina> So it's just everburning torches with the fire made blue instead of normal fire.
  434. [21:04] <Asina> Asina would know that, she owns one.
  435. [21:04] <Taco-DM> Essentially, yes.
  436. [21:04] <Kei> Can they come off the wall?
  437. [21:04] <Taco-DM> There is nothing much in the lobby, rather than the mentioned torches, a completely empty book case, and the staircase leading up
  438. [21:04] * Asina smack Kei.
  439. [21:05] <Asina> Do
  440. [21:05] <Asina> not
  441. [21:05] <Asina> touch
  442. [21:05] <Kei> ~
  443. [21:05] <Asina> anything
  444. [21:05] <Asina> "We're in a mage tower not a candy store."
  445. [21:05] <Asina> "Don't touch anything without my permission or we'll all get turned into frogs."
  446. [21:05] <@Claire> Don't you touch that fucking tree
  447. [21:05] <@Claire> Aurora 2012
  448. [21:06] <Asina> I'll search the room for hidden passages and trap doors and shit.
  449. [21:06] <Kei> "... I'll take it to heart. Something's off about these torches anyhow."
  450. [21:06] * Boris points to the stairs "Shall we go up? Not much on this floor Boris thinks."
  451. [21:06] <Asina> roll 1d20+10
  452. [21:06] <!Dice-chan> Asina rolled 1d20+10 --> [ 1d20=4 ]{14}
  453. [21:08] <Taco-DM> You don't seem to find any hidden passages or trap doors. Everything seems in its right place
  454. [21:08] <Zevaron> What would you use to search for them?
  455. [21:08] <Asina> Alright let's move on then.
  456. [21:08] <Asina> Search.
  457. [21:08] <Asina> That's kind of my thing dear, you're skills are mostly towards reactionary checks.
  458. [21:09] <Taco-DM> And Boris, as you go up the stairs, you pass another bookcase, after some time you seemingly pass another bookcase, and later on you pass yet another very similar bookcase.
  459. [21:09] <Zevaron> Alright. I was gonna trust you on it. Just not sure what does what yet.
  460. [21:10] <Taco-DM> As does everyone who goes up with you
  461. [21:10] * Boris stops and looks at the bookcase "Hmmm This look familiar to Boris"
  462. [21:10] <Asina> Search is when you're deliberately looking for something, spot is noticing it reflexively.
  463. [21:10] <Kei> I'm taking care to NOT touch the torches.
  464. [21:10] <Asina> I'll search the book case.
  465. [21:10] <Asina> roll 1d20+10
  466. [21:10] <!Dice-chan> Asina rolled 1d20+10 --> [ 1d20=19 ]{29}
  467. [21:11] <Boris> roll 1d20+2
  468. [21:11] <!Dice-chan> Boris rolled 1d20+2 --> [ 1d20=8 ]{10}
  469. [21:11] <Taco-DM> And Asina, you can detect magic right?
  470. [21:11] <Asina> Only magic traps.
  471. [21:11] <Taco-DM> Ah I see
  472. [21:11] <Kei> I have it as an orison.
  473. [21:11] <Taco-DM> The bookcase seems filled with all sorts of books
  474. [21:11] <Asina> But I think 29 is enough to notice we're in an illusionary loop.
  475. [21:12] <Taco-DM> You also notice you've passed this exact bookcase 3 times, as you remember every title book title, or at least most.
  476. [21:12] <Asina> Or a dimensional loop or what ever annoying magic it is.
  477. [21:12] <Asina> Okay.
  478. [21:13] <Asina> I reach into my pack and hand Boris the end of my rope.
  479. [21:13] <Asina> "You go up meat shield, we'll go down, let's see if we can break this shitty mirror trick."
  480. [21:13] <Taco-DM> Also, right above the staircase, you can see what seems to be the step to the next level. Though it is 30 feet high.
  481. [21:13] * Boris takes the rope and titles his head
  482. [21:14] <Boris> Did you say 30 ft up?
  483. [21:14] <Asina> I have no idea what you're describing right now.
  484. [21:14] <Asina> Is there a stair case above the stair case or what?
  485. [21:15] <Taco-DM> Basically, you can see the landing to the next floor
  486. [21:15] <Asina> Don't trust it.
  487. [21:15] <Asina> We'll stick to my plan unless we loop back on each other.
  488. [21:15] <Asina> Then we'll figure out how to get up there.
  489. [21:15] <Taco-DM> Right on
  490. [21:15] <Taco-DM> So you guys do that?
  491. [21:15] <Asina> We do.
  492. [21:15] <Boris> Yes.
  493. [21:16] <Kei> Sure why not.
  494. [21:16] <Boris> If it seems we are stuck on the staircase I'm going to jump to the next floor.
  495. [21:16] <Zevaron> Sounds good.
  496. [21:17] <Taco-DM> As Asina goes down and Boris goes up, you can almost hear a loud crashing sound. As Boris keeps going up, he finds himself in the second floor, looking down at the stairs he'd notice that it actually wasn't that high after all.
  497. [21:17] <Boris> Huh.
  498. [21:17] <Asina> "Too easy."
  499. [21:17] <Taco-DM> On the second floor there doesn't seem to be a way up, but there is a wall lined up with 6 mirrors, one of those mirrors is broken and cracked.
  500. [21:17] <Asina> "I always did hate smoke and mirrors, I can't see myself through all the smoke so the mirrors are useless."
  501. [21:18] <Asina> "Okay... plan A." I'm going to check the mirrors for magical traps.
  502. [21:18] <Asina> roll 1d20+10
  503. [21:18] <!Dice-chan> Asina rolled 1d20+10 --> [ 1d20=15 ]{25}
  504. [21:18] <Taco-DM> So you touch each mirror?
  505. [21:20] * Boris taps his chin " mirror broke...Maybe other mirror break and we get to next floor?"
  506. [21:20] <Asina> Only if I have to.
  507. [21:20] <Asina> "Do it and I'll fuck you literally to death."
  508. [21:20] <Asina> "Though that is plan B..."
  509. [21:20] <Asina> "The breaking thing not the fucking."
  510. [21:20] <Taco-DM> As you search for traps on each mirror, you see your reflection in them each time. After some time you managed to find that one mirror wasn't a mirror at all, and seemingly disappears when you touch it.
  511. [21:20] <Kei> "... was that a threat or a sexual advance..."
  512. [21:21] <Zevaron> "Probably a bit of both."
  513. [21:21] <Taco-DM> However, as you do, a hand comes out of one of the mirrors, your hand, and along with the hand the rest of your body. Soon there are two of you, the other you smiling and giggling.
  514. [21:21] <Asina> "You'll find that often the two are one and the same with me, dear."
  515. [21:21] <Asina> roll 1d20+6 to hit with punching dagger sneak attack
  516. [21:21] <!Dice-chan> Asina rolled 1d20+6 to hit with punching dagger sneak attack --> [ 1d20=13 ]{19}
  517. [21:21] <Asina> roll 1d4+2d6+4
  518. [21:21] <!Dice-chan> Asina rolled 1d4+2d6+4 --> [ 1d4=4 2d6=6 ]{14}
  519. [21:22] <Asina> No hesitation.
  520. [21:22] <Asina> Fuck initiative.
  521. [21:22] <Asina> Wost case scenario it hurts both of us and preacher boy heals me.
  522. [21:23] <Asina> I was already expecting something like that anyway.
  523. [21:23] <Taco-DM> It..or she, cries out in your voice, the voice exactly as yours. And you notice that you yourself have the same wound you gave to her, or it.
  524. [21:23] <Kei> I prefer to think Kei's more a monk minus the kung-fu and more fiery wushu.
  525. [21:24] <!Dice-chan> Imouto DC'd.
  526. [21:24] == Claire [] has quit [Ping timeout: 360 seconds]
  527. [21:24] <Taco-DM> Yawp she messaged me
  528. [21:24] <Kei> what's your HP at?
  529. [21:24] * Asina spits blood.
  530. [21:25] <Asina> "Figured that would happen..."
  531. [21:25] <Asina> 16
  532. [21:25] <Taco-DM> "H-how can you be so cruel! Hiting yourself like that."
  533. [21:25] <Kei> ... yeah that's gonna need a heal.
  534. [21:25] <Asina> roll 1d20+6 to do it again.
  535. [21:25] <!Dice-chan> Asina rolled 1d20+6 to do it again. --> [ 1d20=3 ]{9}
  536. [21:25] <Asina> Shit.
  537. [21:26] <Asina> Too wounded to even throw a punch.
  538. [21:26] <Asina> "Somebody... break the fucking mirror... or kill her... whichever."
  539. [21:26] * Asina coughs and holds the stab wound on her stomach.
  540. [21:27] * Boris walks up the the mirror that she touched "Did someone say break? Boris heard break"
  541. [21:27] * Kei 's hand begins to glow dimly, "... if I may, lady Asina."
  542. [21:27] <Boris> Time to kung fu that shit.
  543. [21:28] <Asina> "Keh... you can touch me wherever you want, baby." Asina smirks with a bloody smile.
  544. [21:28] <Taco-DM> She dodges the attack rather swiftly, dancing, or rather trying to dance around you. "Oh..oh my, such dirty dirty thoughts."
  545. [21:28] <Taco-DM> Asina, give me a will save
  546. [21:28] <Asina> roll 1d20+1
  547. [21:28] <!Dice-chan> Asina rolled 1d20+1 --> [ 1d20=20 ]{21}
  548. [21:28] <Asina> Nope.
  549. [21:28] <Asina> Fuck you.
  550. [21:29] * Kei hovers his palm over her wound, murmuring to himself.
  551. [21:29] <Taco-DM> She turns her face, rather your face into a pout. "Aaaw trying to shut yourself down. How mean! How rude!"
  552. [21:29] <Kei> roll 1d8+5 CLW
  553. [21:29] <!Dice-chan> Kei rolled 1d8+5 CLW --> [ 1d8=2 ]{7}
  554. [21:30] <Boris> (In case it wasn't clear i'm going to smash that mirror to pieces)
  555. [21:30] <Asina> "Heheh... you call that a heal? What next are you gonna kiss the owwie to make it better?"
  556. [21:30] <Taco-DM> (Well it is a stationary thing, so if you wanna hit it, do hit it...but do roll me damage)
  557. [21:30] * Kei blushes slightly "... that... isn't off the table at this point."
  558. [21:31] <Boris> Welp.
  559. [21:32] <Boris> Time to hit it.
  560. [21:32] <Zevaron> Could I break it with an arrow? Maybe touching it wouldn't be good.
  561. [21:32] <Boris> Do I roll to hit or just damage?
  562. [21:33] <Taco-DM> Just damage
  563. [21:33] <Taco-DM> Like I said, it's a mirror, easy to hit
  564. [21:33] <Boris> roll 1d6+4
  565. [21:33] <!Dice-chan> Boris rolled 1d6+4 --> [ 1d6=4 ]{8}
  566. [21:34] <Taco-DM> As you hit the mirror, the hit appears on one of hte Asinas, and then on the other before breaking apart. One of the Asina's breaking like glass, turning into dust on the ground.
  567. [21:34] <Asina> "Ouch..."
  568. [21:35] <Asina> Now I'm at 15
  569. [21:35] <Asina> HEAL ME BETTER
  570. [21:35] <Asina> Also we should wait for imouto.
  571. [21:35] <Taco-DM> We are
  572. [21:35] <Taco-DM> That's why I didn't turn this into a full fight encounter like I originally planned
  573. [21:35] <Taco-DM> And instead made it into a puzzle
  574. [21:35] <Kei> Well..
  575. [21:36] <Kei> guess I'm gonna need both hands for this.
  576. [21:36] <Asina> \Well I was the one coied so it would have been a short fight anyway.
  577. [21:36] * Kei puts the shield down.
  578. [21:36] <Asina> Asina sucks at head to head fights.
  579. [21:36] <Zevaron> Ok. Good. It wouldn't have surprised me if another spawned from physical contact of any sort. Not sure if that can happen.
  580. [21:36] <Taco-DM> In my magical realm HF?
  581. [21:36] <Taco-DM> Anything can.
  582. [21:36] <Asina> Generally even magical traps are one hit wonders.
  583. [21:36] <Asina> Rogue tip of the day.
  584. [21:36] * Boris claps his hands together "Boris fix problem of magic mirror girl."
  585. [21:37] <Zevaron> I'll keep that in mind then.
  586. [21:37] <Zevaron> Both of those.
  587. [21:37] <Asina> If anyone is going to set off a trap it should be me, I get save bonuses against them and I already have the best reflex save anyway.
  588. [21:38] <Asina> I'm also the most likely to be able to disarm it without setting it off.
  589. [21:38] <Kei> Hmm... think I'm gonna convert my Inflict Light Wounds to Cute so I don't use my moderates outside of combat, if this is any indication.
  590. [21:38] <Kei> ...
  591. [21:38] <Kei> Cure.
  592. [21:38] <Kei> CURE.
  593. [21:38] <Asina> That slip.
  594. [21:39] <Kei> >Cute Light Wounds
  595. [21:39] <Asina> You know if you want to fuck me we can go right now, baby.~
  596. [21:39] <Kei> Not in front of the party
  597. [21:39] <Asina> nofun.jpg
  598. [21:40] <Boris> See.
  599. [21:40] <Taco-DM> So yeah Emmy, having fun so far?
  600. [21:40] <Boris> Now i'm tempted to break the other mirrors.
  601. [21:40] <Boris> Fuck it.
  602. [21:40] <Kei> But yeah, flipping my Inflict Light to CuRe so I can save the moderates for combat.
  603. [21:40] <Asina> Yeah.
  604. [21:40] <Boris> I'm going to break them until something happens.
  605. [21:40] <Asina> Just REALLY tired.
  606. [21:41] <Taco-DM> If Imouto doesn't come back in 20 minutes
  607. [21:41] <Taco-DM> We'll call it for today
  608. [21:41] <Asina> I'd like to call it anyway.
  609. [21:41] <Zevaron> This is fun. I can't think of much to say, but I'm enjoying it.
  610. [21:41] <Asina> That's okay HF.
  611. [21:41] <Asina> You're the quiet hunter type.
  612. [21:41] <Taco-DM> As long as you are, that's all that matters
  613. [21:41] <Asina> You can just stay in the back and rain down arrows.
  614. [21:42] <Asina> And get thank you blow jobs for carving up monsters for me.
  615. [21:42] <Boris> Rain arrows like a madman.
  616. [21:42] <Zevaron> Sounds good to me.
  617. [21:42] <Taco-DM> Well guys, want to call it here then?
  618. [21:42] <Zevaron> Sure.
  619. [21:42] <Kei> roll 1d8+5 CureLW
  620. [21:42] <!Dice-chan> Kei rolled 1d8+5 CureLW --> [ 1d8=5 ]{10}
  621. [21:42] <Asina> Finally I'm in the "no visible external injuries" range
  622. [21:42] <Boris> We can.
  623. [21:42] <Taco-DM> Also, you okay Emmy? You're usually up for more at this hour
  624. [21:43] <Boris> At least we got in the tower without serious injury
  625. [21:43] <Zevaron> Well, poison seems serious, but luckily we have someone to help that.
  626. [21:44] <Kei> Damn right!
  627. [21:44] <Asina> Yeah just got up early.
  628. [21:44] <Asina> My schedule's kinda off.
  629. [21:44] <Kei> Prepared spells are boners.
  630. [21:44] <Asina> Somebody make sure to paste all this to imouto.
  631. [21:44] <Taco-DM> Ah okay
  632. [21:45] <Taco-DM> But yeah I'll probably run Wensdays if that's good for all of you
  633. [21:45] <Taco-DM> Or whatever day off I have
  634. [21:45] <Asina> Claire was conflicted and confused (and slightly horrified) at the sight of two of me so she couldn't act.
  635. [21:45] <Boris> On the bright side we fucked up some insects and some mirrors.
  636. [21:45] <Taco-DM> Cause otherwise, I'd be back from work in an hour or so
  637. [21:45] <Taco-DM> And be all "GUYS READY TO RUN" and just "..No Taco I'm tired"
  638. [21:45] <Kei> Meanwhile, Kei's almost molesting half the party with heals.
  639. [21:46] <Asina> How much xp do we fget for the mirror encounter?
  640. [21:46] <Taco-DM> 180
  641. [21:46] <Zevaron> Do I get any?
  642. [21:46] <Taco-DM> You all do
  643. [21:46] <Kei> ^
  644. [21:46] <Zevaron> Ok. I didn't know if it was based on involvement.
  645. [21:46] <Zevaron> I just kinda stood and watched lol
  646. [21:46] <Kei> the whole party gets XP from encounters unless stated otherwise
  647. [21:46] <Taco-DM> Pro tip: Some DMs give XP on different rates, I am not one of those DMs.
  648. [21:47] <Kei> from say someone getting the pleasure of being cummed inside
  649. [21:47] <Zevaron> Alright.
  650. [21:47] <Zevaron> Real. +420.
  651. [21:47] == Asina [webchat@25ea667f.21531281.14fd58ce.31b34b44X] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
  652. [21:47] <!Dice-chan> I'm going to get fucked so many times.
  653. [21:48] <!Dice-chan> All the fuckings.
  654. [21:48] <Zevaron> So change current xp to 3420, yeah?
  655. [21:48] <Taco-DM> Yup
  656. [21:48] <Taco-DM> Another neat thing HF
  657. [21:48] <Taco-DM> Is that you can just put the xp you gained in XP change
  658. [21:48] <Kei> For the record.
  659. [21:48] <Taco-DM> And it'll do change your total xp by itself
  660. [21:48] <Zevaron> Oh.
  661. [21:49] <Boris> As always.
  662. [21:49] <Zevaron> Alright then. Thanks.
  663. [21:49] <Taco-DM> Anyhow Emmy, you seem...very certain of this.
  664. [21:49] <Taco-DM> And no problem!
  665. [21:49] <Boris> I play the purest fucking character.
  666. [21:49] <Kei> Kei feels so awkward healing Asina.
  667. [21:49] <!Dice-chan> He wants to fuck her butt.
  668. [21:49] <Kei> Given his medium of... yeah.
  669. [21:49] <!Dice-chan> It's perfectly natural.
  670. [21:50] <Kei> Glowy hand of warmness probably wasn't the best idea to go with.
  671. [21:50] <!Dice-chan> She's a red head who wears tight leather pants.
  672. [21:50] <Kei> but fuck it.
  673. [21:50] <!Dice-chan> The only way she could be more obviously down with anal is if she had a trap stamp with an arrow pointing down that said "COCKS HERE PLEASE"
  674. [21:51] <!Dice-chan> It's okay I'll fuck literally all of you eventually.
  675. [21:52] <Kei> Kei will probably warm up to the idea.
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