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May 26th, 2018
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  1. [-] to stopthefate sent 1 hour ago
  2. Stop it, dude.
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  4. [-] from stopthefate (_) [-1] sent 48 minutes ago
  5. Woah! What just happened? Seriously? I was using the word tranny appropriately in a completely fair comparison with the word nigger?!?!
  6. permalinkreportblock usermark unreadreplyfull comments
  7. [-] to stopthefate sent 41 minutes ago
  8. Your use of the word was not in question, your justifying the use of it was hurtful. I'm not banning or flairing you, but asking you to stop.
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  10. [-] from stopthefate (_) [-1] sent 37 minutes ago
  11. ITs not hurtful at all!!!! who are you to judge my moral integrity!? If you actually read my comments you'd realize I am PRO trans people and that I simply stated that "tranny" is not as potent as the word "nigger" of COURSE it is a slur, but if you would actually let the discussion pan out instead of jumping to conclusions, you'd realize I was only arguing for its COMPARISON with "nigger"
  12. Seriously, no wonder everyone's going to r/ainbow, you are ACTIVELY trying to get rid of quality members who bring interesting perspective to the narrow-minds of this sub.
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  14. [-] to stopthefate sent 29 minutes ago
  15. If it weren't hurting anyone, then you wouldn't have had so many exhaustive, patient replies explaining how your words were hurtful. You don't always get to decide for people what should and should not hurt them. We're cracking down on the transphobia in this subreddit and I'm simply asking you not to measure the experience of a trans person against the experience of a black person. It is not a contribution so valuable that it is worth the hurt it caused.
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  17. [-] from stopthefate (_) [-1] sent 25 minutes ago
  18. Are you fucking kidding me? So instead of open discussion you are actively trying to censor me and my (YES) valuable contribution?! This is a place FOR discussion. If anyone has so weak a fortitude that they cannot handle logic they have no business here.
  19. Have you learned nothing from the whole shift to r/ainbow? This is a serious question I would appreciate if you answered.
  20. Also, I love how biased you are, acting as if the responses to my comments were any less firey in tone than my own. Seriously.
  21. Finally this is not transphobia. Using logic, I would also appreciate if you would explain to me how my arguing that comparing nigger and tranny is somehow proof I am a transphobe. And while you're at it, check the title of the post because my comments pertain directly to the subject.
  22. P.S. I really don't understand the point of a subreddit if no discussion of opposing viewpoints is allowed. Explain to me how that's not just a circlejerk.
  23. Thank you.
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  25. [-] to stopthefate sent 12 minutes ago
  26. I really adore how irritated redditors like to think that their arguments are logical by default and people who disagree must be illogical and emotional. I didn't call you a transphobe, I simply said that what you were doing was hurtful and unacceptable, so I removed it. What I asked you to do was not to compare the experience of trans people to the experience of black people and then reduce it because trans people "had not been slaves."
  27. Have I learned anything from r/ainbow? LOL, well, I've ventured in there a few times. It looks like y'all have your fair share of "CANT WE TAKE THE T OUT OF LGBT" and so the mods there are going to have to figure out wtf to do about that just like we did.
  28. A "logical" person should be able to figure out that there isn't in fact one group of people threatening to leave if I don't do what they want, but two. There are people like you who would like everything you say about trans people to be allowed because you're so removed from the effects of transphobia that you couldn't possibly fathom what they're going through and you think that your pseudo-academic postulations and quantifications of their experiences should be welcome, and then there are the people on the other side of these things who are entirely outnumbered by people like you and would like a place to come where they can feel less of a burden. Though I am not trans, I live in a heterocentric world and can understand this feeling, and for people like me (and probably you) who are gay, bi, or lesbian, r/lgbt is already a haven. I owe it to that fourth letter to give them the same.
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  30. [-] from stopthefate (_) [-1] sent 8 minutes ago
  31. Who are you now, the morality police? You didn't answer half my questions. Here's another one you probably won't answer: how was my argument illogical? It wasn't.
  32. You THRIVE on the appeal to emotion fallacy. I guess you prefer it over reason, the irony of your big "redditors think they're logical" argument. Seriously, get off your high horse and don't censor my legitimate discussion.
  33. Btw, I'm posting what you've said on r/ainbow, r/gaymers, and every other lgbt sub so they can appreciate your insanity.
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  35. [-] to stopthefate sent 8 minutes ago
  36. How logical of you.
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  38. [-] from stopthefate (_) [-1] sent 6 minutes ago
  39. I love your passive aggressive approach. Seriously, two can play at that game.
  40. I simply do not understand what you have against my discussion. May I ask what IS permitted in r/lgbt, your narrow-minded sub with only one possible point of view. (apparently me being gay isn't enough for me to qualify, I'm too privileged.)
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