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- The Columbiad
- T.S. Eliot
- Let a tucket be sounded on the hautboys. Enter the king and queen.
- (st. l)
- Columbo he lived over in Spain
- Where doctors are not many
- The only doctor in his town
- Was a bastard jew named Benny
- To Benny then Columbo went
- With countenance so placid
- And Benny filled Columbo's prick
- With Muriatic Acid.
- (st. 2)
- One day the king & queen of Spain
- They gave a royal banquet
- Columbo having passed away
- Was brought in on a blanket
- The queen she took an oyster fork
- And pricked Columbo's navel
- Columbo hoisted up his ass
- And shat upon the table.
- (st. 3)
- Columbo and his merry men
- They set sail from Genoa
- Queen Isabella was aboard
- That famous Spanish whore.
- (st. 4)
- Columbo and his mariners
- They were a merry chorus
- One Sunday evening after tea
- They went to storm a whore house.
- As they were scrambling up the steps
- Twas then Columbo his got
- A great big whore from the seventh story window
- She floored him with a pisspot.
- (st. 5)
- The cabin boy they had aboard
- His name was Orlandino
- A child of upright character
- But his language was obseene o.
- "Fuck Spiders" was his chief remark
- In accents mild and dulcet
- They asked him what there was for lunch
- And he simply answered "Bullshit."
- (st. 6)
- King Bolo's swarthy bodyguard
- Were called the Jersey Lilies
- A bold and hardy set of blacks
- Undaunted by syphilis.
- They wore the national uniform
- Of a garland of verbenas
- And a pair of great big hairy balls
- And a big black knotty penis.
- (st. 7)
- King Bolo's swarthy bodyguard
- They numbered three and thirty
- An innocent and playful lot
- But most disgusting dirty.
- And Bolo lay down in the shade
- His royal breast uncovering
- They mounted in a banyan tree
- And shat upon their sovereign.
- (st. 8)
- One day Columbo and his men
- They took and went ashore
- Columbo sniffed around the air
- And muttered "I smell whore"
- And ere they'd taken twenty steps
- Among the Cuban jungles
- They found King Bolo & his queen
- A-sitting on their bungholes.
- (st. 9)
- She put the gunner to the bad
- The first mate, cook, and bo'sun,
- But when she saw Columbos balls
- She jumped into the ocean-
- (st. 10)
- One Sunday morning out at sea
- The vessel passed Gibraltar
- Columbo sat upon the poop
- A-reading in the psalter.
- The bosuns wife came up on deck
- With a bucket full of cowshit
- Columbo grabbed her round the neck
- And raped her on the bowsprit.
- (st. ll)
- Now when they were three weeks at sea
- Columbo he grew rooty
- He took his cock in both his hands
- And swore it was a beauty.
- The cabin boy appeared on deck
- And scampered up the mast-o
- Columbo grasped him by the balls
- And buggered him in the ass-o.
- (st. 12)
- One day Columbo and the queen
- They fell into a quarrel
- Columbo showed his disrespect
- By farting in a barrel.
- The queen she called him horse's ass
- And "dirty Spanish loafer"
- They terminated the affair
- By fucking on the sofa.
- (st. 13)
- Before another day had passed
- Columbo he fell sick-o
- He filled the pump with argyrols
- And rammed it up his prick-o.
- And when they touched Cadiz he cried
- (And let down both his anchors):
- "We'll see if there's a doctor here
- Can cure the whistling chancres."
- (st. 14)
- Columbo and his merry men
- They went to storm a castle
- A bullet came along the road
- And up Columbo's asshole.
- Columbo grew so angry then
- He nearly shit his breeches.
- "Come on my merry men," he cried
- "We'll kill the sons of bitches."
- (st. 15)
- "Avast my men" Columbo cried
- In accents mild and dulcet
- "The cargo that we have aboard
- Is forty tons of bullshit."
- The merry men set up a cheer
- On hearing this reparty.
- And the band struck up "The Whore House Ball"
- In accents deep and farty.
- (st. 16)
- On Sunday morning after prayers
- They took their recreation
- The crew assembled on the deck
- And practiced masturbation.
- Columbo being full of rum
- He fell down in a stupor.
- They turned his asshole S.S.W.
- And he cried "I'll die a pooperi"
- (st. 17)
- Among the heroes of the fleet
- Was a pimp named Buck McManus
- Who had the entertaining trick
- Of whistling through his anus.
- (st. 18)
- One day King Bolo from the shore
- Began to cheer and chortle.
- He cried "I see Columbo's ass
- A shitting through a porthole."
- His big black queen set up a shout
- And all his swarthy vassals
- And the band struck up the national hymn
- Of "Hairy Balls and Ass-Holes".
- (st. 19)
- The flagship of Columbo's Fleet
- Was named the "Virgin Mary"
- An able vessel fully manned
- With sailors short and hairy.
- The other ships came on behind
- The "Holy Ghost" and "Jesus"
- And people on the shore remarked
- An odour as of cheeses.
- (st. 20)
- The cook who served them pork and beans
- Was known as Careless Cora.
- A dame of pure Australian blood
- With a tincture of Angora.
- She wore a sweater short and red
- Which closely did her shape fit
- And the hair that lay along her back
- Was yellow like ripe ape shit.
- (st. 21)
- One day the king & queen of Spain
- They gave a royal dinner
- To Chris Columbo of Genoa
- Copyrighted materialThat famous old prickskinner.
- They sat around the groaning board
- On cushions, (trimmed with tassels)
- & the queen served up a steaming dish
- Of buttered-hot-apes'-assholes.
- (st. 22)
- One day the chaplain came aboard
- With a bunch of big verbenas.
- Columbo sat upon the hatch
- A rubbing of his penis.
- The bosuns wife sat on the rail
- A eating jam and crackers.
- The mate was in the bathtub and
- The cook was in the backhouse.
- (st. 23)
- Columbo thought that he would take
- A safeguard and precaution.
- So to a medium he went
- For telling of his fortune.
- The medium was so very wise
- It really was a miracle.
- She ga*e went into a trance and cried
- "I see your balls are spherical."
- (st. 24)
- The cabin boy they had aboard
- His name was Orlandino,
- A child of manners most refined
- Though his language was obscene-o.
- His prick was 13 inches long
- And wound around with marlin.
- Columbo sketched his character
- When he called him "Whorehouse Darling."
- (st. 25)
- One day Columbo slapped his thigh
- And said "I feel like frigging!"
- He chased the chaplain round the deck
- And up among the rigging.
- The chaplain he that good old man
- Had no one to protect him.
- Columbo grasped him by the balls
- And buggered him (in the rectum).
- (st. 26)
- Now whistleprick! Columbo cried
- Regard the tranquil waters:
- The sea is calm, the sea is still,
- Lets go and fuck a tortoise.
- The beast was caught, the beast was fucked,
- And christened (name of Jumbo);
- And the merry men set up a cheer
- For their captain, bold Columbo.
- (st. 27)
- King Bolo and his big black queen
- Those two prodigious bastards,
- They swarmed aboard Columbo's ship
- In a rattling fire of assturds-
- They sat around upon the deck
- On cushions trimmed with tassels
- And the first word that the monarch spake
- Was "Let us talk of assholes".
- (st. 28)
- The hottest sailor in the fleet
- Was Bill from Barcelona.
- For coons his passion was so marked
- That they called him Desdemona.
- Though coarsened by experience
- His soul was not embittered.
- He looked the whole world in the face-
- A fucked up blueballed shittard.
- (st. 29)
- Now when the KING and QUEEN of Spain
- Were filling up their glasses
- In burst Columbo & his crew
- Of brawny horses asses.
- He introduced the queen all round
- To all his royal navy
- And punctuated his address
- By spitting in the gravy.
- (st. 30)
- Now bugger my ear! the bosun said
- Now where does all my rum go?
- My reason leads me to suspect
- That great big bitch Columbo.
- Columbo sat upon the hatch
- Consuming orange bitters
- He took the bosun by the drawers
- And rammed him down the shit-house.
- (st. 31)
- King Bolo's big black bastard queen
- She was extremely lecherous.
- She kissed the chaplain on the ear
- In fashion most impetuous.
- The chaplain he that good old man
- Was reading out of Pascal.
- He skipped so quickly round the mast
- He buggered himself (in the asshole).
- (st. 32)
- One day King Bolo's big black queen
- That pestilential bastard
- She rolled aboard Columbo's ship
- In a state not drunk, but plastered.
- The chaplain he that good old man
- That shy old whorehouse rascal
- He slipped his prick inside her drawers
- And buggered her (in the asshole).
- (st. 33)
- Now while Columbo and his men
- Were shaking dice for roubles
- In burst King Bolo and his queen
- With a frantic cry of "Blueballs!"
- They rolled around beneath the trees
- And lunched on ham sandwiches
- And Columbo cried "Produce the rum
- For these epoch-making bitches."
- (st. 34)
- One day Columbo came aboard
- With a bunch of big bananas
- He took the chaplain by the drawers
- And shoved one up his anus.
- The chaplain he that good old man
- Was reading in a missal
- He dropped the book upon the deck
- And cried out loudly "Kisshole".
- (st. 35)
- One time Columbo when at sea
- Grew very constipated
- For forty nights and forty days
- It was just as I have stated.
- Then to the Virgin he did pray
- Before his faithful vassals
- "Give me a hundred shits apiece
- From 100,000 assholes."
- (st. 36)
- The queen said just to pass the time
- I will ask you a conundrum.
- And the question which I will propose
- Is "what's Chinese for cundrum?"
- That, said Columbo, is a joke
- But it seems to me so coarse
- Such conversations I have heard
- From the lips of Spanish whores.
- (st. 37)
- Two eunuchs from the sultans court
- Were very curious figures.
- Some Chinese pimps from Hoangho
- The rest were jews and niggers.
- They also had among the crew
- Ten brawny Irish muckers.
- And to keep them going on the trip
- Some Portuguese cocksuckers.
- (st. 38)
- Now fry my balls! Columbo cried
- I feel as strong as Sandow
- Let someone quickly go and fetch
- My passionboy Orlando.
- (st. 39)
- The Boatswain was a man of mark
- Well known as Worthless Walter.
- He found the Chaplain fast asleep
- Perusing of the psalter.
- He took him swiftly by the pants
- And buggered him on the alter;
- And the Mate said, (with a knowing look),
- "I've seen that done in Malta".
- (st. 40)
- 'Twas Christmas at the Spanish Court!
- They dined on roast flamingo.
- Columbo gave a Awful belch
- That broke a stained-glass window.
- The King at that was so perturbed
- He nearly was struck dumb (oh!)
- But the Queen exclaimed, with perfect tact,
- "You son of a bitch, Columbo!"
- (st. 41)
- 'Twas Christmas on the Spanish Main,
- The wind it up and blew hard;
- The vessel gave an awful lurch
- And heeled 'way down to leeward.
- The Chaplain was so very scared
- His breeches he manured;
- And Columbo slid along the deck
- And raped the smoke-room steward.
- (st. 42)
- Columbo and his caravels
- They set sail from Genoa.
- Queen Isabella was aboard-
- That famous Spanish whore.
- Before they'd been three hours at sea
- They fell into a quarrel,
- And Columbo showed his disrespect
- By farting in a barrel.
- (st. 43)
- Now while King Bolo and his Queen
- Were feasting at the Passover
- Columbo and his Merry Men
- Rolled in teakettle-arse-over.
- They all sat round his festive board
- And dined on fried hyaenas;
- And the King said: "Have a piece of tail
- With a juicy bit of penis".
- (st. 44)
- The Ladies of King Bolo's Court
- Were called "the Broadway Benders",
- And likewise called "The Fore and Aft"
- Or else "The Double Enders".
- Columbo took a single look
- And hitched up his suspenders.
- "Come on, my merry men" said he:
- "These look like old offenders."
- (st. 45)
- King Bolo crowned his Big Black Queen
- As Queen of Love and Beauty.
- "For", said he, "who is there on our isle
- At once so sweet and sooty?
- At once so fresh and fruity?
- At once so rough and rooty?
- Let's celebrate the day!" he cried,
- "With a game of water polo!"
- And bestial blacks set up a shout
- For their Monarch, Good King Bolo.
- (st. 46)
- "Now buggar my ear!" the bo'sun cried,
- "Now where does all my rum go?
- "My reason leads me to suspect
- That bastard, Chris Columbo".
- Columbo sat upon the poop
- Perusing Titus Livius;
- But the he took that bo'sun by the ears
- And rammed his head down the privy-house.
- (st. 47)
- King Bolo's big black Cousin Hugh
- Was called the family failure:
- His pet bum was large and black and round -
- But he had no genitalia!
- And yet he was so full of fun
- That nothing could deject him;
- And the children, for a bed-time treat,
- Would buggar him in the rectum.
- (st. 48)
- King Bolo's big black bastard Kween
- (That practickle Bacchante)
- Was always tidy fore and aft
- Although her clo'es were scanty
- And when the monarch & his men
- Went out to throw the discus
- The Kween sat by to rince her Kwunt
- And comb her belly whiskus.
- (st. 49)
- Now when Columbo and his ships
- Regained the Spanish shores
- The Spanish ladies swarmed aboard
- By twos & threes & fours.
- Columbo first took off his bags
- And then his shirt and drawers
- He spun his balls around his head
- And cried "Hooray for whores!"
- Flourish. Skirmishes and alarums. Cries without. Exeunt the king and queen
- severally.
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