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- @echo off
- :setup
- call :ClearLocalVariables
- Call :GetTime FileTime StartDate StartTime
- Call :GetCodePage InitialCodepage
- Call :SetTitle "Array manipulation DEMO"
- set debug=false
- set verbose=100
- set silent=false
- set logfile=%tmp%\%filetime%
- if "[debug]"=="[true]" Call :PrintTime
- :: Uncomment line below if this scripts needs to run with admin privileges
- REM call :IsAdmin || set args=%* && (call :ElevateAndWait & exit /b)
- :macro
- call :SetMacroPrintTime
- :main
- cls
- %PrintTime%
- if "[%debug%]"=="[true]" echo Debug mode is enabled
- if "[%silent%]"=="[true]" echo Silent mode is enabled
- if not "[%verbose%]"=="[]" echo Verbose level : %verbose%
- if not "[%verbose%]"=="[]" if %verbose% GTR 49 echo Verbose level 50 or more
- call :ArrayManipulation-DEMO
- call :CopyValuesFromArray-DEMO
- GoTo :END
- :END
- set FileTime=
- set StartDate=
- set StartTime=
- set InitialCodepage=
- set debug=
- set verbose=
- set silent=
- set logfile=
- GoTo :EOF
- REM Exit /b %returnvalue%
- REM Internal Functions
- :CopyValuesFromArray-DEMO
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix _CopyValuesFromArray
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix mytestarray
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix mytestoutputarray
- Call :CreateTestArray mytestarray 4 NOSUFFIX .suffixA .suffixB .suffixC
- REM echo.
- REM echo Inserted new element 2 (998) and 3 (999)
- set "NewElement=999"
- set "NewElement.suffixA=999A"
- set "NewElement.suffixB=999B"
- set "NewElement.suffixC=999C"
- Call :AddArrayElement NewElement mytestarray 2
- set "NewElement=998"
- set "NewElement.suffixA=998A"
- set "NewElement.suffixB=998B"
- set "NewElement.suffixC=998C"
- Call :AddArrayElement NewElement mytestarray 2
- REM set mytestarray
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix NewElement
- REM GoTo :CopyValuesFromArray-DEMO-skip
- echo.
- echo Contents of mytestarray
- echo.
- set mytestarray
- REM GoTo :CopyValuesFromArray-DEMO-skip
- echo.
- echo Searching "NOSUFFIX" for all the search terms, there are no matches
- echo.
- REM set "_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchSuffix=NOSUFFIX"
- REM set "_CopyValuesFromArray_OutputSuffix=NOSUFFIX .suffixA .suffixB"
- echo Call :CopyValuesFromArray mytestarray mytestoutputarray word1 word2 word3
- Call :CopyValuesFromArray mytestarray mytestoutputarray word1 word2 word3
- echo.
- echo Contents of mytestoutputarray
- echo.
- set mytestoutputarray
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix mytestoutputarray
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix _CopyValuesFromArray
- REM :CopyValuesFromArray-DEMO-skip
- echo.
- echo Searching "NOSUFFIX" for all the search terms, now including 3-.suffixB, but no match
- echo because we are only checking in the suffix "NOSUFFIX", in other words mytestarray[x] straight
- echo.
- REM set "_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchSuffix=NOSUFFIX"
- REM set "_CopyValuesFromArray_OutputSuffix=NOSUFFIX .suffixA .suffixB"
- echo Call :CopyValuesFromArray mytestarray mytestoutputarray word1 word2 word3 3-.suffixB
- Call :CopyValuesFromArray mytestarray mytestoutputarray word1 word2 word3 3-.suffixB
- echo.
- echo Contents of mytestoutputarray
- echo.
- set mytestoutputarray
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix mytestoutputarray
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix _CopyValuesFromArray
- REM :CopyValuesFromArray-DEMO-skip
- echo.
- echo Searching in ".suffixB" for all the search terms, now including 3-.suffixB,
- echo there is a match of element 3
- echo.
- set "_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchSuffix=.suffixB"
- REM set "_CopyValuesFromArray_OutputSuffix=NOSUFFIX .suffixA .suffixB"
- echo Call :CopyValuesFromArray mytestarray mytestoutputarray word1 word2 word3 3-.suffixB
- Call :CopyValuesFromArray mytestarray mytestoutputarray word1 word2 word3 3-.suffixB
- echo.
- echo Contents of mytestoutputarray
- echo.
- set mytestoutputarray
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix mytestoutputarray
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix _CopyValuesFromArray
- REM :CopyValuesFromArray-DEMO-skip
- echo.
- echo Searching in ".suffixB" for all the search terms, none of the search terms match
- echo also, the searchterm word2 is now an array filled with search terms
- echo none of these searchterms have a match in the array, there are no results
- echo.
- set "word2[3]=bla"
- set "word2[4]=bli"
- set "word2[5]=blo"
- set "word2[6]=blou"
- set /a word2.lbound=3
- set /a word2.ubound=6
- set "_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchSuffix=.suffixB"
- REM set "_CopyValuesFromArray_OutputSuffix=NOSUFFIX .suffixA .suffixB"
- echo Call :CopyValuesFromArray mytestarray mytestoutputarray word1 word2 word3
- Call :CopyValuesFromArray mytestarray mytestoutputarray word1 word2 word3
- echo.
- echo Contents of mytestoutputarray
- echo.
- set mytestoutputarray
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix mytestoutputarray
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix _CopyValuesFromArray
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix word2
- REM :CopyValuesFromArray-DEMO-skip
- echo.
- echo Searching in ".suffixB" for all the search terms, none of the search terms match
- echo also, the searchterm word2 is now an array filled with search terms
- echo one of the search terms in array "word2" is a match to element 3 "3-.suffixB"
- echo.
- set "word2[3]=bla"
- set "word2[4]=bli"
- set "word2[5]=blo"
- set "word2[6]=3-.suffixB"
- set "word2[7]=blou"
- set /a word2.lbound=3
- set /a word2.ubound=7
- set "_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchSuffix=.suffixB"
- REM set "_CopyValuesFromArray_OutputSuffix=NOSUFFIX .suffixA .suffixB"
- echo Call :CopyValuesFromArray mytestarray mytestoutputarray word1 word2 word3
- Call :CopyValuesFromArray mytestarray mytestoutputarray word1 word2 word3
- echo.
- echo Contents of mytestoutputarray
- echo.
- set mytestoutputarray
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix mytestoutputarray
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix _CopyValuesFromArray
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix word2
- REM :CopyValuesFromArray-DEMO-skip
- echo.
- echo Searching in ".suffixA" for all the search terms, none of the search terms match
- echo also, the searchterm word2 is now an array filled with search terms
- echo none of the search terms match in .suffixA there are no results
- echo.
- set "word2[3]=bla"
- set "word2[4]=bli"
- set "word2[5]=blo"
- set "word2[6]=3-.suffixB"
- set "word2[7]=blou"
- set /a word2.lbound=3
- set /a word2.ubound=7
- set "_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchSuffix=.suffixA"
- REM set "_CopyValuesFromArray_OutputSuffix=NOSUFFIX .suffixA .suffixB"
- echo Call :CopyValuesFromArray mytestarray mytestoutputarray word1 word2 word3
- Call :CopyValuesFromArray mytestarray mytestoutputarray word1 word2 word3
- echo.
- echo Contents of mytestoutputarray
- echo.
- set mytestoutputarray
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix mytestoutputarray
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix _CopyValuesFromArray
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix word2
- REM :CopyValuesFromArray-DEMO-skip
- echo.
- echo Searching in ".suffixA" and in ".suffixB" for all the search terms,
- echo also, the searchterm word2 is now an array filled with search terms
- echo There are two matches, 3rd element in suffixB and 4th element in suffixA
- echo one of the match is from the word2 array, the order is a direct search word
- echo.
- set "word2[3]=bla"
- set "word2[4]=bli"
- set "word2[5]=blo"
- set "word2[6]=FFFFF"
- set "word2[7]=blou"
- set "word2[8]=ble"
- set "word2[9]=4-.suffixA"
- set /a word2.lbound=3
- set /a word2.ubound=9
- set "_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchSuffix=.suffixA .suffixB"
- REM set "_CopyValuesFromArray_OutputSuffix=NOSUFFIX .suffixA .suffixB"
- echo Call :CopyValuesFromArray mytestarray mytestoutputarray word1 word2 word3
- Call :CopyValuesFromArray mytestarray mytestoutputarray word1 word2 word3 3-.suffixB
- echo.
- echo Contents of mytestoutputarray
- echo.
- set mytestoutputarray
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix mytestoutputarray
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix _CopyValuesFromArray
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix word2
- REM :CopyValuesFromArray-DEMO-skip
- echo.
- echo Searching in ".suffixA" and in ".suffixB" for all the search terms,
- echo also, the searchterm word2 is now an array filled with search terms
- echo There are two matches, 3rd element in suffixB and 4th element in suffixA
- echo one of the match is from the word2 array, the order is a direct search word
- echo also partial matching is enabled and the search term 998 is added to the list
- echo in total this matches element 2 4 and 5
- echo.
- set "word2[3]=bla"
- set "word2[4]=bli"
- set "word2[5]=blo"
- set "word2[6]=FFFFF"
- set "word2[7]=blou"
- set "word2[8]=998"
- set "word2[9]=ble"
- set "word2[10]=4-.suffixA"
- set /a word2.lbound=3
- set /a word2.ubound=10
- set "_CopyValuesFromArray_PartialMatch=true"
- set "_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchSuffix=.suffixA .suffixB"
- REM set "_CopyValuesFromArray_OutputSuffix=NOSUFFIX .suffixA .suffixB"
- echo Call :CopyValuesFromArray mytestarray mytestoutputarray word1 word2 word3
- Call :CopyValuesFromArray mytestarray mytestoutputarray word1 word2 word3 3-.suffixB
- echo.
- echo Contents of mytestoutputarray
- echo.
- set mytestoutputarray
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix mytestoutputarray
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix _CopyValuesFromArray
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix word2
- REM :CopyValuesFromArray-DEMO-skip
- echo.
- echo Searching in ".suffixA" and in ".suffixB" for all the search terms,
- echo also, the searchterm word2 is now an array filled with search terms
- echo There are two matches, 3rd element in suffixB and 4th element in suffixA
- echo one of the match is from the word2 array, the order is a direct search word
- echo also partial matching is enabled and the search term 99 is added to the list
- echo in total this matches element 2 3 4 and 5
- echo.
- set "word2[3]=bla"
- set "word2[4]=bli"
- set "word2[5]=blo"
- set "word2[6]=FFFFF"
- set "word2[7]=blou"
- set "word2[8]=AAAA"
- set "word2[9]=ble"
- set "word2[10]=4-.suffixA"
- set /a word2.lbound=3
- set /a word2.ubound=10
- set "_CopyValuesFromArray_PartialMatch=true"
- set "_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchSuffix=.suffixA .suffixB"
- REM set "_CopyValuesFromArray_OutputSuffix=NOSUFFIX .suffixA .suffixB"
- echo Call :CopyValuesFromArray mytestarray mytestoutputarray word1 word2 word3
- Call :CopyValuesFromArray mytestarray mytestoutputarray word1 word2 word3 3-.suffixB 99
- echo.
- echo Contents of mytestoutputarray
- echo.
- set mytestoutputarray
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix mytestoutputarray
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix _CopyValuesFromArray
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix word2
- REM :CopyValuesFromArray-DEMO-skip
- GoTo :EOF
- :ArrayManipulation-DEMO
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix mytestarray
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix NewElement
- Call :CreateTestArray mytestarray 4 NOSUFFIX .suffixA .suffixB .suffixC
- echo.
- echo created a test array with 3 suffixes
- set mytestarray
- echo.
- echo Inserted new element 2 (98) and 3 (99)
- set "NewElement=99"
- set "NewElement.suffixA=99A"
- set "NewElement.suffixB=99B"
- set "NewElement.suffixC=99C"
- Call :AddArrayElement NewElement mytestarray 2
- set "NewElement=98"
- set "NewElement.suffixA=98A"
- set "NewElement.suffixB=98B"
- set "NewElement.suffixC=98C"
- Call :AddArrayElement NewElement mytestarray 2
- set mytestarray
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix NewElement
- echo.
- echo This overwrote element 1 (and we created a backup in backup.mytestarray[1])
- set "NewElement.bla=bla"
- set "NewElement.bli=bli"
- set "NewElement.blo=blo"
- Call :CopyElementAndSuffix mytestarray[1] backup.mytestarray[1]
- Call :CopyElementAndSuffix NewElement mytestarray[1]
- set mytestarray
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix NewElement
- echo.
- echo Restored from backup
- Call :CopyElementAndSuffix backup.mytestarray[1] mytestarray[1]
- set mytestarray
- echo.
- echo Deleted element mytestarray[1], leaving the index in the array empty
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix mytestarray[1]
- set mytestarray
- echo.
- echo Restored from backup and deleted the backup
- Call :CopyElementAndSuffix backup.mytestarray[1] mytestarray[1]
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix backup.mytestarray[1]
- set mytestarray
- echo.
- echo Deleted element 1 from array, but closed the gap in the array and updated .ubound
- echo also saved a backup of the entire array here for future use
- Call :CopyElementAndSuffix mytestarray backup.mytestarray
- Call :RemoveArrayElement mytestarray 1
- set mytestarray
- echo.
- echo Deleted array index containing the text "98B" but only if it's in suffixA, which it isn't
- echo so nothing gets deleted
- set "_RemoveValuesFromArray_ArrayToRemoveFrom.suffix=.suffixA"
- Call :RemoveValuesFromArray mytestarray 98B
- set mytestarray
- echo.
- echo Deleted array index containing the text "98B" in suffixB, result is element [1] is deleted
- set "_RemoveValuesFromArray_ArrayToRemoveFrom.suffix=.suffixB"
- Call :RemoveValuesFromArray mytestarray 98B
- set mytestarray
- echo.
- echo Delete the texts 2-.suffixA 3-.suffixB 4-.suffixC from .suffixB
- echo this deletes only array element at index 3
- set "_RemoveValuesFromArray_ArrayToRemoveFrom.suffix=.suffixB"
- Call :RemoveValuesFromArray mytestarray 2-.suffixA 3-.suffixB 4-.suffixC
- set mytestarray
- echo.
- echo restored the array from previous backup
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix mytestarray
- Call :CopyElementAndSuffix backup.mytestarray mytestarray
- set mytestarray
- echo.
- echo As before
- echo Delete the texts 2-.suffixA 3-.suffixB 4-.suffixC from .suffixB
- echo this deletes only array element at index 5
- echo however in this example, the list of of texts to delete was stored in an array
- set mydeletelist[0]=2-.suffixA
- set mydeletelist[1]=3-.suffixB
- set mydeletelist[2]=4-.suffixC
- set mydeletelist.ubound=2
- set "_RemoveValuesFromArray_ArrayToRemoveFrom.suffix=.suffixB"
- Call :RemoveValuesFromArray mytestarray mydeletelist
- set mytestarray
- echo.
- echo restored the array from previous backup
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix mytestarray
- Call :CopyElementAndSuffix backup.mytestarray mytestarray
- set mytestarray
- echo.
- echo Copying entire array elements 3,2 and 5 from mytestarray to mynewtestarray, then showing contents of mynewtestarray
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix mynewtestarray
- set myelementlist[0]=3
- set myelementlist[1]=2
- set myelementlist[2]=5
- set myelementlist.ubound=2
- Call :CopyMultipleArrayElements mytestarray myelementlist mynewtestarray
- set mynewtestarray
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix myelementlist
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix mynewtestarray
- echo.
- echo Copying array elements 3,2 and 5 from mytestarray to mynewtestarray, then showing contents of mynewtestarray
- echo however this time we only copy NOSUFFIX and .suffixC
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix mynewtestarray
- set myelementlist[0]=3
- set myelementlist[1]=2
- set myelementlist[2]=5
- set myelementlist.ubound=2
- Call :CopyMultipleArrayElements mytestarray myelementlist mynewtestarray "NOSUFFIX .suffixC"
- set mynewtestarray
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix myelementlist
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix mynewtestarray
- echo.
- echo Copying array elements from mytestarray to mynewtestarray
- echo as previous test, elements 3,2 and 5 from mytestarray are copied
- echo but this time we take "suffixless value" and .suffixC and we're putting them in .suffixB and NOSUFFIX
- set "_DerefArrayReferenceSuffix=NOSUFFIX .suffixC"
- set "_DerefArrayOutputSuffix=.suffixB NOSUFFIX"
- set myelementlist[0]=3
- set myelementlist[1]=2
- set myelementlist[2]=5
- set myelementlist.ubound=2
- Call :DereferenceArrayToArray myelementlist mytestarray mynewtestarray
- set mynewtestarray
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix myelementlist
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix mynewtestarray
- Goto :EOF
- ::Usage Call :CreateTestArray ArrayName Count Suffixes
- :: Will create array ArrayName from element 0 to Count, with all listed suffixes
- :: Each array value will contain the element number followed by the suffix name
- :CreateTestArray
- set "_CreateTestArray_ArrayName=%~1"
- set /a _CreateTestArray_ArrayCount=%~2
- if "[%~3]"=="[]" (
- set /a _CreateTestArray_suffix.index=0
- set /a _CreateTestArray_suffix.ubound=0
- set "_CreateTestArray_suffix[0]=NOSUFFIX"
- GoTo :CreateTestArray-arguments-to-suffix-loop-skip
- )
- set /a _CreateTestArray_suffix.index=0
- :CreateTestArray-arguments-to-suffix-loop
- set "_CreateTestArray_suffix[%_CreateTestArray_suffix.index%]=%~3"
- set _CreateTestArray_suffix.ubound=%_CreateTestArray_suffix.index%
- set /a _CreateTestArray_suffix.index+=1
- shift
- if not "[%~3]"=="[]" GoTo :CreateTestArray-arguments-to-suffix-loop
- :CreateTestArray-arguments-to-suffix-loop-skip
- set /a _CreateTestArray_ArrayIndex=0
- :CreateTestArray-loop-start
- set /a _CreateTestArray_suffix.index=0
- :CreateTestArray-suffix-loop
- set "_CreateTestArray_suffix.current="
- call set "_CreateTestArray_suffix.current=%%_CreateTestArray_suffix[%_CreateTestArray_suffix.index%]%%"
- if "[%_CreateTestArray_suffix.current%]"=="[NOSUFFIX]" set "_CreateTestArray_suffix.current="
- set "_CreateTestArray_suffix.current.content="
- if not "[%_CreateTestArray_suffix.current%]"=="[]" set "_CreateTestArray_suffix.current.content=-%_CreateTestArray_suffix.current%"
- set %_CreateTestArray_ArrayName%[%_CreateTestArray_ArrayIndex%]%_CreateTestArray_suffix.current%=%_CreateTestArray_ArrayIndex%%_CreateTestArray_suffix.current.content%
- set /a _CreateTestArray_suffix.index+=1
- if %_CreateTestArray_suffix.index% LEQ %_CreateTestArray_suffix.ubound% Goto :CreateTestArray-suffix-loop
- set /a _CreateTestArray_ArrayIndex+=1
- if %_CreateTestArray_ArrayIndex% LEQ %_CreateTestArray_ArrayCount% Goto :CreateTestArray-loop-start
- set /a %_CreateTestArray_ArrayName%.count=%_CreateTestArray_ArrayIndex%
- set /a _CreateTestArray_ArrayIndex-=1
- set /a %_CreateTestArray_ArrayName%.lbound=0
- set /a %_CreateTestArray_ArrayName%.ubound=%_CreateTestArray_ArrayIndex%
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix _CreateTestArray
- GoTo :EOF
- REM DereferenceArrayToArray and CopyMultipleArrayElements are almost identical, should be rewritten as a unique function that does it all
- REM This function takes elements numbers from ElementsArray
- REM Then it retrieves those elements from the ReferenceArray (with suffix, if provided)
- REM And outputs them to OutputArray
- REM Elements are appended to OutputArray starting from OutputArray.ubound
- REM Suffixes are defined with _DerefArrayReferenceSuffix, space separated for multiple elements
- REM The suffixes will be used on the output array unless overriden by _DerefArrayOutputSuffix
- REM The suffix NOSUFFIX has the special meaning of an empty suffix
- ::Usage Call :DereferenceArrayToArray ElementsArray ReferenceArray OutputArray
- :DereferenceArrayToArray
- if "[%~1]"=="[]" GoTo :EOF
- if "[%~2]"=="[]" GoTo :EOF
- if "[%~3]"=="[]" GoTo :EOF
- set "_DerefArrayElementsArray=%~1" & set "_DerefArrayReferenceArray=%~2" & set "_DerefArrayOutputArray=%~3"
- REM call echo call set /a _DerefArrayElementsArray.ubound=%%%_DerefArrayElementsArray%.ubound%%
- call set /a _DerefArrayElementsArray.ubound=%%%_DerefArrayElementsArray%.ubound%%
- if not "[%_DerefArrayReferenceSuffix%]"=="[]" Call :Deconcatenate " " "%_DerefArrayReferenceSuffix%" _DerefArrayReferenceSuffix
- if not "[%_DerefArrayOutputSuffix%]"=="[]" Call :Deconcatenate " " "%_DerefArrayOutputSuffix%" _DerefArrayOutputSuffix
- if "[%_DerefArrayReferenceSuffix.ubound%]"=="[]" set /a _DerefArrayReferenceSuffix.ubound=0
- REM Set _DerefArrayOutput's index to OutputArray's .ubound+1, if any, or else set to zero
- set _DerefArrayOutput.index=%_DerefArrayOutputArray.ubound%
- if not "[%_DerefArrayOutput.index%]"=="[]" set /a _DerefArrayOutput.index+=1
- if "[%_DerefArrayOutput.index%]"=="[]" set /a _DerefArrayOutput.index=0
- set /a _DerefArrayElements.index=0
- :DereferenceArrayToArray-output-loop
- set /a _DerefArraySuffix.index=0
- :DereferenceArrayToArray-suffix-loop
- REM if %_DerefArrayElements.index% LEQ 0 call echo %_DerefArrayReferenceSuffix[0]% %_DerefArrayReferenceSuffix% %_DerefArraySuffix.index%
- call set "_DerefArrayReferenceSuffix=%%_DerefArrayReferenceSuffix[%_DerefArraySuffix.index%]%%"
- call set "_DerefArrayOutputSuffix=%%_DerefArrayOutputSuffix[%_DerefArraySuffix.index%]%%"
- if "[%_DerefArrayReferenceSuffix%]"=="[NOSUFFIX]" set _DerefArrayReferenceSuffix=
- if "[%_DerefArrayOutputSuffix%]"=="[]" set "_DerefArrayOutputSuffix=%_DerefArrayReferenceSuffix%"
- if "[%_DerefArrayOutputSuffix%]"=="[NOSUFFIX]" set _DerefArrayOutputSuffix=
- REM if %_DerefArrayElements.index%==0 echo ref-suffix "%_DerefArrayReferenceSuffix%" out-suffix "%_DerefArrayOutputSuffix%"
- REM call call echo %%%%%_DerefArrayReferenceArray%[%%%_DerefArrayElementsArray%[%_DerefArrayElements.index%]%%]%_DerefArrayReferenceSuffix%%%%% %_DerefArrayReferenceSuffix%
- call call set %_DerefArrayOutputArray%[%_DerefArrayOutput.index%]%_DerefArrayOutputSuffix%=%%%%%_DerefArrayReferenceArray%[%%%_DerefArrayElementsArray%[%_DerefArrayElements.index%]%%]%_DerefArrayReferenceSuffix%%%%%
- set %_DerefArrayOutputArray%.ubound=%_DerefArrayOutput.index%
- set /a _DerefArraySuffix.index+=1
- REM echo _DerefArrayReferenceSuffix.ubound is %_DerefArrayReferenceSuffix.ubound%
- REM echo if %_DerefArraySuffix.index% LEQ %_DerefArrayReferenceSuffix.ubound% echo doing another suffix !
- REM if %_DerefArraySuffix.index% LEQ %_DerefArrayReferenceSuffix.ubound% echo doing another suffix !
- if %_DerefArraySuffix.index% LEQ %_DerefArrayReferenceSuffix.ubound% GoTo :DereferenceArrayToArray-suffix-loop
- set /a _DerefArrayOutput.index+=1
- set /a _DerefArrayElements.index+=1
- if %_DerefArrayElements.index% LEQ %_DerefArrayElementsArray.ubound% GoTo :DereferenceArrayToArray-output-loop
- REM Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix _DerefArray
- REM set _DerefArray
- GoTo :EOF
- :: NOSUFFIX in ApplicableSuffixes refers to copying the array element without a suffix
- :: if ApplicableSuffixes is empty, then all variable inside array element will be copied
- ::Usage Call :CopyMultipleArrayElements InputArray InputElementList OutputArray ApplicableSuffixes
- :CopyMultipleArrayElements
- set "_CopyMultipleArrayElements_InputArray=%~1"
- set "_CopyMultipleArrayElements_InputElementList=%~2"
- call set /a _CopyMultipleArrayElements_InputElementList.ubound=%_CopyMultipleArrayElements_InputElementList%.ubound
- set "_CopyMultipleArrayElements_OutputArray=%~3"
- call set _CopyMultipleArrayElements_OutputArray.lbound=%%%_CopyMultipleArrayElements_OutputArray%.lbound%%
- call set _CopyMultipleArrayElements_OutputArray.ubound=%%%_CopyMultipleArrayElements_OutputArray%.ubound%%
- if "[%_CopyMultipleArrayElements_OutputArray.ubound%]"=="[]" set _CopyMultipleArrayElements_OutputArray.ubound=-1
- set "_CopyMultipleArrayElements_ApplicableSuffixes=%~4"
- if "[%_CopyMultipleArrayElements_ApplicableSuffixes%]"=="[]" set /a _CopyMultipleArrayElements_ApplicableSuffixes.ubound=0
- if not "[%_CopyMultipleArrayElements_ApplicableSuffixes%]"=="[]" echo calling :Deconcatenate " " "%_CopyMultipleArrayElements_ApplicableSuffixes%" _CopyMultipleArrayElements_ApplicableSuffixes
- if not "[%_CopyMultipleArrayElements_ApplicableSuffixes%]"=="[]" Call :Deconcatenate " " "%_CopyMultipleArrayElements_ApplicableSuffixes%" _CopyMultipleArrayElements_ApplicableSuffixes
- set /a _CopyMultipleArrayElements_InputElementList.index=0
- :CopyMultipleArrayElements-loop-InputElementList
- set /a _CopyMultipleArrayElements_ApplicableSuffixes.index=0
- set /a _CopyMultipleArrayElements_OutputArray.ubound+=1
- :CopyMultipleArrayElements-loop-ApplicableSuffixes
- call set _CopyMultipleArrayElements_ApplicableSuffixes.current=%%_CopyMultipleArrayElements_ApplicableSuffixes[%_CopyMultipleArrayElements_ApplicableSuffixes.index%]%%
- if "[%_CopyMultipleArrayElements_ApplicableSuffixes.current%]"=="[NOSUFFIX]" set "_CopyMultipleArrayElements_ApplicableSuffixes.current="
- if "[%_CopyMultipleArrayElements_ApplicableSuffixes%]"=="[]" (
- Call :CopyElementAndSuffix %_CopyMultipleArrayElements_InputArray%[%_CopyMultipleArrayElements_InputElementList.index%] %_CopyMultipleArrayElements_OutputArray%[%_CopyMultipleArrayElements_OutputArray.ubound%]
- ) else (
- call call set %_CopyMultipleArrayElements_OutputArray%[%_CopyMultipleArrayElements_OutputArray.ubound%]%_CopyMultipleArrayElements_ApplicableSuffixes.current%=%%%%%_CopyMultipleArrayElements_InputArray%[%_CopyMultipleArrayElements_InputElementList.index%]%_CopyMultipleArrayElements_ApplicableSuffixes.current%%%%%
- )
- set /a _CopyMultipleArrayElements_ApplicableSuffixes.index+=1
- if %_CopyMultipleArrayElements_ApplicableSuffixes.index% LEQ %_CopyMultipleArrayElements_ApplicableSuffixes.ubound% GoTo :CopyMultipleArrayElements-loop-ApplicableSuffixes
- set /a _CopyMultipleArrayElements_InputElementList.index+=1
- if %_CopyMultipleArrayElements_InputElementList.index% LEQ %_CopyMultipleArrayElements_InputElementList.ubound% GoTo :CopyMultipleArrayElements-loop-InputElementList
- if "[%_CopyMultipleArrayElements_OutputArray.lbound%]"=="[]" set /a %_CopyMultipleArrayElements_OutputArray%.lbound=0
- set /a %_CopyMultipleArrayElements_OutputArray%.ubound=%_CopyMultipleArrayElements_OutputArray.ubound%
- set /a %_CopyMultipleArrayElements_OutputArray%.count=%_CopyMultipleArrayElements_OutputArray.ubound%-1
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix _CopyMultipleArrayElements
- GoTo :EOF
- ::Usage Call :AddArrayElement InputElement OutputArray OutputIndex
- :AddArrayElement
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix _AddArrayElement
- set "_AddArrayElement_InputElement=%~1"
- set "_AddArrayElement_OutputArray=%~2"
- set "_AddArrayElement_OutputIndex=%~3"
- call set /a "_AddArrayElement_OutputUbound=%%%_AddArrayElement_OutputArray%.ubound%%"
- REM Start loop at OutputArray ubound and then work my way back until OutputIndex
- call set /a _AddArrayElement_OutputArray.index=%%%_AddArrayElement_OutputArray%.ubound%%
- set /a _AddArrayElement_OutputArray.nextindex=%_AddArrayElement_OutputArray.index% + 1
- set /a %_AddArrayElement_OutputArray%.ubound+=1
- set /a %_AddArrayElement_OutputArray%.count+=1
- if "[%_AddArrayElement_OutputIndex%]"=="[]" set /a _AddArrayElement_OutputIndex=%_AddArrayElement_OutputUbound% + 1
- if %_AddArrayElement_OutputIndex% GEQ %_AddArrayElement_OutputUbound% GoTo :AddArrayElement-OutputArray-loop-skip
- :AddArrayElement-OutputArray-loop
- REM Move value to the next index, for every position in the array until OutputIndex
- REM echo moving %_AddArrayElement_OutputArray%[%_AddArrayElement_OutputArray.index%]=%_AddArrayElement_OutputArray%[%_AddArrayElement_OutputArray.nextindex%]
- for /F "tokens=1* delims==" %%a in ('set %_AddArrayElement_OutputArray%[%_AddArrayElement_OutputArray.index%] 2^>NUL') do (
- call set "_token=%%a"
- REM call :FORIF "[%%_token%%]"=="[%%_token:.PackageFullName=%%]" || call echo "%%_token:%_AddArrayElement_OutputArray%[%_AddArrayElement_OutputArray.index%]=%_AddArrayElement_OutputArray%[%_AddArrayElement_OutputArray.nextindex%]%%=%%b"
- call set "%%_token:%_AddArrayElement_OutputArray%[%_AddArrayElement_OutputArray.index%]=%_AddArrayElement_OutputArray%[%_AddArrayElement_OutputArray.nextindex%]%%=%%b"
- )
- set /a _AddArrayElement_OutputArray.index-=1
- set /a _AddArrayElement_OutputArray.nextindex=%_AddArrayElement_OutputArray.index% + 1
- if %_AddArrayElement_OutputArray.index% GEQ %_AddArrayElement_OutputIndex% GoTo :AddArrayElement-OutputArray-loop
- :AddArrayElement-OutputArray-loop-skip
- REM Clear the destination index of the OutputArray
- REM call echo Clearing %_AddArrayElement_OutputArray%[%_AddArrayElement_OutputIndex%] %%%_AddArrayElement_OutputArray%[%_AddArrayElement_OutputIndex%].PackageFullName%%
- for /F "tokens=1* delims==" %%a in ('set %_AddArrayElement_OutputArray%[%_AddArrayElement_OutputIndex%] 2^>NUL') do (
- set "%%a="
- )
- REM Copy InputElement into the destination index of the OutputArray
- for /F "tokens=1* delims==" %%a in ('set %_AddArrayElement_InputElement% 2^>NUL') do (
- call set "_token=%%a"
- REM call :FORIF "[%%_token%%]"=="[%%_tokensubst%%]" && echo it was same || echo it was not same
- REM call :FORIF "[%%_token%%]"=="[%%_token:.PackageFullName=%%]" || call echo %%_token%%=%%b
- REM call :FORIF "[%%_token%%]"=="[%%_token:.PackageFullName=%%]" || call echo "%%_token:%_AddArrayElement_InputElement%=%_AddArrayElement_OutputArray%[%_AddArrayElement_OutputIndex%]%%=%%b"
- call set "%%_token:%_AddArrayElement_InputElement%=%_AddArrayElement_OutputArray%[%_AddArrayElement_OutputIndex%]%%=%%b"
- )
- GoTo :EOF
- :: Set _CopyValuesFromArray_PartialMatch=true if you want to allow partial matches
- :: Set _CopyValuesFromArray_SearchSuffix 'the suffix that will be searched into
- :: Maybe support for _CopyValuesFromArray_OutputSuffix=NOSUFFIX ?
- ::Usage Call :CopyValuesFromArray InputArray OutputArray SearchList1 SearchList2 SearchListN
- :CopyValuesFromArray
- REM @echo on
- set "_CopyValuesFromArray_InputArray=%~1"
- call set "_CopyValuesFromArray_InputArray.lbound=%%%~1.lbound%%"
- call set "_CopyValuesFromArray_InputArray.ubound=%%%~1.ubound%%"
- set "_CopyValuesFromArray_OutputArray=%~2"
- call set "_CopyValuesFromArray_OutputArray.lbound=%%%~2.lbound%%"
- call set "_CopyValuesFromArray_OutputArray.ubound=%%%~2.ubound%%"
- if "[%_CopyValuesFromArray_OutputArray.lbound%]"=="[]" set /a "%_CopyValuesFromArray_OutputArray%.lbound=0"
- if "[%_CopyValuesFromArray_OutputArray.ubound%]"=="[]" set /a "%_CopyValuesFromArray_OutputArray%.ubound=-1"
- if "[%_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchSuffix%]"=="[]" set "_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchSuffix=NOSUFFIX"
- if not "[%_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchSuffix%]"=="[]" Call :Deconcatenate " " "%_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchSuffix%" _CopyValuesFromArray_SearchSuffix
- set /a _CopyValuesFromArray_SearchList.lbound=0
- set /a _CopyValuesFromArray_SearchList.ubound=-1
- :CopyValuesFromArray-InputArray-SearchList-loop
- set "_CopyValuesFromArray_NewSearchList=%~3"
- call set _CopyValuesFromArray_NewSearchList.lbound=%%%_CopyValuesFromArray_NewSearchList%.lbound%%
- call set _CopyValuesFromArray_NewSearchList.ubound=%%%_CopyValuesFromArray_NewSearchList%.ubound%%
- call :IsNumeric %_CopyValuesFromArray_NewSearchList.lbound% && set "_CopyValuesFromArray_NewSearchList.lbound="
- call :IsNumeric %_CopyValuesFromArray_NewSearchList.ubound% && set "_CopyValuesFromArray_NewSearchList.ubound="
- if "[%_CopyValuesFromArray_NewSearchList.ubound%]"=="[]" set /a _CopyValuesFromArray_SearchList.ubound+=1
- if "[%_CopyValuesFromArray_NewSearchList.ubound%]"=="[]" (
- set "_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchList[%_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchList.ubound%]=%_CopyValuesFromArray_NewSearchList%"
- GoTo :CopyValuesFromArray-InputArray-SearchList-subloop-skip
- )
- set _CopyValuesFromArray_NewSearchList.index=%_CopyValuesFromArray_NewSearchList.lbound%
- :CopyValuesFromArray-InputArray-SearchList-subloop
- set /a _CopyValuesFromArray_SearchList.ubound+=1
- call set "_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchList[%_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchList.ubound%]=%%%_CopyValuesFromArray_NewSearchList%[%_CopyValuesFromArray_NewSearchList.index%]%%
- set /a _CopyValuesFromArray_NewSearchList.index+=1
- if %_CopyValuesFromArray_NewSearchList.index% LEQ %_CopyValuesFromArray_NewSearchList.ubound% GoTo :CopyValuesFromArray-InputArray-SearchList-subloop
- :CopyValuesFromArray-InputArray-SearchList-subloop-skip
- shift
- if not "[%~3]"=="[]" GoTo :CopyValuesFromArray-InputArray-SearchList-loop
- REM Main loop starts here
- REM set _CopyValuesFromArray
- set /a _CopyValuesFromArray_InputArray.index=%_CopyValuesFromArray_InputArray.lbound%
- :CopyValuesFromArray-InputArray-loop
- set /a _CopyValuesFromArray_SearchList.index=%_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchList.lbound%
- :CopyValuesFromArray-InputArray-searchterms-loop
- REM call echo searchlist call set "_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchList.current=%%_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchList[%_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchList.index%]%%" _CopyValuesFromArray_SearchList[%_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchList.index%]
- call set "_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchList.current=%%_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchList[%_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchList.index%]%%"
- set /a _CopyValuesFromArray_SearchSuffix.index=%_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchSuffix.lbound%
- :CopyValuesFromArray-InputArray-suffix-loop
- REM call echo suffixlist call set "_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchSuffix.current=%%_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchSuffix[%_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchSuffix.index%]%%" _CopyValuesFromArray_SearchSuffix[%_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchSuffix.index%]
- call set "_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchSuffix.current=%%_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchSuffix[%_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchSuffix.index%]%%"
- if "[%_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchSuffix.current%]"=="[NOSUFFIX]" set "_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchSuffix.current=
- call set "_CopyValuesFromArray_InputArray.current=%%%_CopyValuesFromArray_InputArray%[%_CopyValuesFromArray_InputArray.index%]%_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchSuffix.current%%%"
- REM echo InputArray %_CopyValuesFromArray_InputArray.index% SearchList %_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchList.index% SearchSuffix %_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchSuffix.index% compare "[%_CopyValuesFromArray_InputArray.current%]"=="[%_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchList.current%]"
- if "[%_CopyValuesFromArray_InputArray.current%]"=="[%_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchList.current%]" GoTo :CopyValuesFromArray-InputArray-suffix-loop-matchfound
- if not "[%_CopyValuesFromArray_PartialMatch%]"=="[true]" GoTo :CopyValuesFromArray-InputArray-suffix-loop-nomatch
- set "_CopyValuesFromArray_PartialMatch.current="
- if "[%_CopyValuesFromArray_PartialMatch%]"=="[true]" call set "_CopyValuesFromArray_PartialMatch.current=%%_CopyValuesFromArray_InputArray.current:%_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchList.current%=%%"
- if "[%_CopyValuesFromArray_PartialMatch%]"=="[true]" if not "[%_CopyValuesFromArray_InputArray.current%]"=="[%_CopyValuesFromArray_PartialMatch.current%]" GoTo :CopyValuesFromArray-InputArray-suffix-loop-matchfound
- GoTo :CopyValuesFromArray-InputArray-suffix-loop-nomatch
- :CopyValuesFromArray-InputArray-suffix-loop-matchfound
- REM echo match found
- REM echo set /a %_CopyValuesFromArray_OutputArray%.ubound+=1
- set /a %_CopyValuesFromArray_OutputArray%.ubound+=1
- REM echo *_CopyValuesFromArray_OutputArray*.ubound %_CopyValuesFromArray_OutputArray%.ubound
- REM call echo ***_CopyValuesFromArray_OutputArray**.ubound** %%%_CopyValuesFromArray_OutputArray%.ubound%%
- REM call echo Call :CopyElementAndSuffix %_CopyValuesFromArray_InputArray%[%_CopyValuesFromArray_InputArray.index%] %_CopyValuesFromArray_OutputArray%[%%%_CopyValuesFromArray_OutputArray%.ubound%%]
- Call :CopyElementAndSuffix %_CopyValuesFromArray_InputArray%[%_CopyValuesFromArray_InputArray.index%] %_CopyValuesFromArray_OutputArray%[%%%_CopyValuesFromArray_OutputArray%.ubound%%]
- set /a _CopyValuesFromArray_InputArray.index+=1
- if %_CopyValuesFromArray_InputArray.index% LEQ %_CopyValuesFromArray_InputArray.ubound% ( GoTo :CopyValuesFromArray-InputArray-loop ) else ( GoTo :CopyValuesFromArray-end)
- :CopyValuesFromArray-InputArray-suffix-loop-nomatch
- set /a _CopyValuesFromArray_SearchSuffix.index+=1
- if %_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchSuffix.index% LEQ %_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchSuffix.ubound% GoTo :CopyValuesFromArray-InputArray-suffix-loop
- set /a _CopyValuesFromArray_SearchList.index+=1
- if %_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchList.index% LEQ %_CopyValuesFromArray_SearchList.ubound% GoTo :CopyValuesFromArray-InputArray-searchterms-loop
- set /a _CopyValuesFromArray_InputArray.index+=1
- if %_CopyValuesFromArray_InputArray.index% LEQ %_CopyValuesFromArray_InputArray.ubound% GoTo :CopyValuesFromArray-InputArray-loop
- :CopyValuesFromArray-end
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix _CopyValuesFromArray
- GoTo :EOF
- REM old version, would only handle one suffix at a time, could not insert in the middle of an array, I think
- :: Set _AddArrayElementSuffix to insert text after array name
- :: Example Call :AddArrayElement mytestvalue1 mytestvalue2 mytestvalue3 mytestvalue4 mytestvalue5 myval
- :: Example set _AddArrayElementSuffix=.subvalue NOTE You need to roll back array ubound
- :: Example set /a myval.ubound=50
- :: Example Call :AddArrayElement mytestvalue1 mytestvalue2 mytestvalue3 mytestvalue4 mytestvalue5 myval
- ::Usage Call :AddArrayElement AddedValue1 AddedValue2 ... AddedValueN OutputArray
- REM :AddArrayElement
- REM if "[%~1]"=="[]" GoTo :EOF
- REM if "[%~2]"=="[]" GoTo :EOF
- REM set /a _AddArrayElement.count=0
- REM set /a _AddArrayElement.lbound=0
- REM set /a _AddArrayElement.ubound=0
- REM set /a _AddArrayElement.index=0
- REM :AddArrayElement-internal-loop-collect
- REM set "_AddArrayElement[%_AddArrayElement.index%]=%~1"
- REM set /a _AddArrayElement.ubound=%_AddArrayElement.index%
- REM set /a _AddArrayElement.count+=1
- REM set /a _AddArrayElement.index+=1
- REM shift
- REM if not "[%~2]"=="[]" GoTo :AddArrayElement-internal-loop-collect
- REM set /a _AddArrayElement.index=0
- REM :AddArrayElement-internal-loop-store
- REM set /a %~1.ubound+=1
- REM call set "%~1[%%%~1.ubound%%]%_AddArrayElementSuffix%=%%_AddArrayElement[%_AddArrayElement.index%]%%"
- REM set /a _AddArrayElement.index+=1
- REM if %_AddArrayElement.index% LEQ %_AddArrayElement.ubound% GoTo :AddArrayElement-internal-loop-store
- REM Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix _AddArrayElement
- REM if not "[%_AddArrayElementSuffix%]"=="[]" set "_AddArrayElementSuffix="
- REM Example usage inside a for loop
- REM call :FORIF "[%%_token%%]"=="[%%_token:.PackageFullName=%%]" && echo it was same || echo it was not
- ::Usage Call :FORIF your IF statement
- REM echo just before forif %*
- if %* (exit /b 0) ELSE (exit /b 1)
- GoTo :EOF
- ::Usage Call :CopyElementAndSuffix InputElement OutputElement DontClearOutput
- :CopyElementAndSuffix
- set "_CopyElementAndSuffix_Input=%~1"
- set "_CopyElementAndSuffix_Output=%~2"
- set "_CopyElementAndSuffix_Directive=%~3"
- if not "[%_CopyElementAndSuffix_Directive%]"=="[DontClearOutput]" (
- for /F "tokens=1* delims==" %%a in ('set %_CopyElementAndSuffix_Output% 2^>NUL') do ( set "%%a=" )
- )
- for /F "tokens=1* delims==" %%a in ('set %_CopyElementAndSuffix_Input% 2^>NUL') do (
- call set "_token=%%a"
- call set "%%_token:%_CopyElementAndSuffix_Input%=%_CopyElementAndSuffix_Output%%%=%%b"
- )
- GoTo :EOF
- ::Usage Call :RemoveArrayElement ArrayToRemoveElementFrom ElementNumber
- ::This function will remove the Nth element from an array, including all suffixes,
- ::and then pull back all values to fill in the empty index
- :RemoveArrayElement
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix _RemoveArrayElement
- set "_RemoveArrayElement_array=%~1"
- set "_RemoveArrayElement_index=%~2"
- REM call echo Call :IsNumeric %_RemoveArrayElement_index% _RemoveArrayElement_ElementIsNumeric
- Call :IsNumeric %_RemoveArrayElement_index% _RemoveArrayElement_ElementIsNumeric
- REM echo _RemoveArrayElement_ElementIsNumeric %_RemoveArrayElement_ElementIsNumeric%
- set "_RemoveArrayElement_ElementDeleted=false"
- REM This for loop deleted the specified array element
- for /F "tokens=1* delims==" %%a in ('set %_RemoveArrayElement_array%[%_RemoveArrayElement_index%] 2^>NUL') do (
- set "_RemoveArrayElement_ElementDeleted=true"
- set "%%a="
- )
- if not "[%_RemoveArrayElement_ElementIsNumeric%]"=="[true]" GoTo :RemoveArrayElement-end
- set /a "_RemoveArrayElement_next_index=%_RemoveArrayElement_index%"
- REM If the specified element was numeric, move over the next value to empty index
- :RemoveArrayElement-internal-loop
- set /a _RemoveArrayElement_next_index+=1
- set "_token=" & set "_RemoveArrayElement_ElementCopied=false"
- for /F "tokens=1* delims==" %%a in ('set %_RemoveArrayElement_array%[%_RemoveArrayElement_next_index%] 2^>NUL') do (
- set "_RemoveArrayElement_ElementCopied=true"
- call set "_token=%%a"
- call set "%%_token:%_RemoveArrayElement_array%[%_RemoveArrayElement_next_index%]=%_RemoveArrayElement_array%[%_RemoveArrayElement_index%]%%=%%b"
- )
- REM Repeat for every array element until we find an empty index
- if "[%_RemoveArrayElement_ElementCopied%]"=="[true]" set /a "_RemoveArrayElement_index=%_RemoveArrayElement_next_index%" & GoTo :RemoveArrayElement-internal-loop
- REM Erase last index which is a duplicate of the second to last one
- for /F "tokens=1* delims==" %%a in ('set %_RemoveArrayElement_array%[%_RemoveArrayElement_index%] 2^>NUL') do (
- set "%%a="
- )
- set /a _RemoveArrayElement_index-=1
- set /a "%_RemoveArrayElement_array%.ubound-=1" 2>NUL
- set /a "%_RemoveArrayElement_array%.count-=1" 2>NUL
- :RemoveArrayElement-end
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix _RemoveArrayElement
- GoTo :EOF
- REM _RemoveValuesFromArray_ArrayToRemoveFrom.suffix
- REM It should be possible to specify the search suffix for ArrayToModify
- REM can we match only array element numbers ? Or any content ?
- ::Usage Call :RemoveValuesFromArray ArrayToRemoveFrom DeleteList1 DeleteList2
- :: DeleteLists consist of an array with a series of values to delete from ArrayToModify
- :RemoveValuesFromArray
- REM Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix _RemoveValuesFromArray REM this would wipe out _RemoveValuesFromArray_ArrayToRemoveFrom.suffix
- set "_RemoveValuesFromArray_ArrayToRemoveFrom=%~1"
- call set /a "_RemoveValuesFromArray_ArrayToRemoveFrom.ubound=%%%_RemoveValuesFromArray_ArrayToRemoveFrom%.ubound%%"
- :RemoveValuesFromArray-Next-DeleteList-loop
- set "_RemoveValuesFromArray_DeleteList=%~2"
- Call :IsNumeric %%%_RemoveValuesFromArray_DeleteList%.ubound%% _RemoveValuesFromArray_DeleteList.IsArray
- if not "[%_RemoveValuesFromArray_DeleteList.IsArray%]"=="[true]" (
- set "_RemoveValuesFromArray_DeleteList.value=%~2"
- set /a _RemoveValuesFromArray_DeleteList.ubound=0
- set /a _RemoveValuesFromArray_ArrayToRemoveFrom.index=0
- GoTo :RemoveValuesFromArray-ArrayToRemoveFrom-loop
- )
- call set /a _RemoveValuesFromArray_DeleteList.ubound=%%%_RemoveValuesFromArray_DeleteList%.ubound%%
- set /a _RemoveValuesFromArray_DeleteList.index=0
- :RemoveValuesFromArray-DeleteList-loop
- call set "_RemoveValuesFromArray_DeleteList.value=%%%_RemoveValuesFromArray_DeleteList%[%_RemoveValuesFromArray_DeleteList.index%]%%"
- set /a "_RemoveValuesFromArray_ArrayToRemoveFrom.index=0"
- :RemoveValuesFromArray-ArrayToRemoveFrom-loop
- call set "_RemoveValuesFromArray_ArrayToRemoveFrom.value=%%%_RemoveValuesFromArray_ArrayToRemoveFrom%[%_RemoveValuesFromArray_ArrayToRemoveFrom.index%]%_RemoveValuesFromArray_ArrayToRemoveFrom.suffix%%%"
- if "[%_RemoveValuesFromArray_ArrayToRemoveFrom.value%]"=="[%_RemoveValuesFromArray_DeleteList.value%]" (
- Call :RemoveArrayElement %_RemoveValuesFromArray_ArrayToRemoveFrom% %_RemoveValuesFromArray_ArrayToRemoveFrom.index%
- call set /a "_RemoveValuesFromArray_ArrayToRemoveFrom.ubound=%%%_RemoveValuesFromArray_ArrayToRemoveFrom%.ubound%%"
- )
- set /a "_RemoveValuesFromArray_ArrayToRemoveFrom.index+=1"
- if %_RemoveValuesFromArray_ArrayToRemoveFrom.index% LEQ %_RemoveValuesFromArray_ArrayToRemoveFrom.ubound% GoTo :RemoveValuesFromArray-ArrayToRemoveFrom-loop
- set /a _RemoveValuesFromArray_DeleteList.index+=1
- if %_RemoveValuesFromArray_DeleteList.index% LEQ %_RemoveValuesFromArray_DeleteList.ubound% GoTo :RemoveValuesFromArray-DeleteList-loop
- shift
- set "_RemoveValuesFromArray_DeleteList.IsArray="
- if not "[%~2]"=="[]" GoTo :RemoveValuesFromArray-Next-DeleteList-loop
- Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix _RemoveValuesFromArray
- GoTo :EOF
- REM Macro definitions
- :SetMacroPrintTime
- set PrintTime=& Call :PrintTime
- GoTo :EOF
- REM Function library
- REM example function structure, with usage and signature
- :FunctionNameHELP
- echo Name and usage
- echo dependencies
- echo Date and URL
- echo by YourName
- echo examples
- echo examples
- echo examples
- echo credit
- :GoTo :EOF
- :FunctionName
- ::End Functionname SHA256:1234567890 SignDate:
- ::Usage Call SetTitle MyTitle
- :SetTitle
- title %*
- GoTo:EOF
- ::Usage Call :GetCodePage ReturnValue
- :GetCodePage
- for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %%a in ('chcp') do set %1=%%b
- call set %1=%%%1:~1%%
- GoTo :EOF
- ::Usage Call :SetCodePage NewCodePage
- :SetCodePage
- chcp %~1
- GoTo :EOF
- ::Usage Call :PrintTime
- :PrintTime
- echo %date% %time%
- GoTo :EOF
- ::Usage Call :GetTime
- :GetTime
- set _GetDate=%date% & set _GetTime=%time%
- set _GetTime=%_GetTime: 0=00%
- set _GetTime=%_GetTime:~0,2%h%_GetTime:~3,2%m%_GetTime:~6,2%s%_GetTime:~9,2%
- set "%~1=%_GetDate% %_GetTime%" & set "%~2=%_GetDate%" & set "%~3=%_GetTime%"
- set "_GetDate=" & set "_GetTime="
- GoTo :EOF
- :: Usage Call :ClearLocalVariables
- :ClearLocalVariables
- for /f "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%a in ('set _ 2^>nul') do set %%a=
- GoTo :EOF
- :: Usage Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix myPrefix
- :ClearVariablesByPrefix
- for /f "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%a in ('set %~1 2^>nul') do set %%a=
- GoTo :EOF
- ::Usage Call :IsNumeric Value optional Output
- :IsNumeric
- set "IsNumericInternal=0123456789"
- echo.%1| findstr /r "[^%IsNumericInternal%]" >nul && (
- if not "[%2]"=="[]" set %2=false
- ) || (
- if not "[%2]"=="[]" set %2=true
- )
- GoTo :EOF
- REM Call :IsNumeric %var% && echo it is not numeric || echo it is numeric
- ::Usage Call :Deconcatenate Delimiter Input Output 'Returns array starting at [0], see .lbound and .ubound
- :deconcatenate
- set "_delimiter=%~1" & set /a _delimiter.len=0
- set "_input=%~2" & set /a _input.len=0
- call :len _delimiter _delimiter.len
- call :len _input _input.len
- set /a _cursor=0 & set /a _token=0 & set "_char=" & set "_buffer="
- set /a %3.lbound=%_cursor%
- REM if "[%debug%]"=="[true]" echo input [%_input%] len %_input.len% delimiter [%_delimiter%] len %_delimiter.len%
- :deconcatenate_input_loop
- REM if "[%debug%]"=="[true]" pause
- call set _char=%%_input:~%_cursor%,1%%
- REM if "[%debug%]"=="[true]" echo char %_char%
- set /a _cursor+=1
- set /a _cursor2=0 & set "_IsDelimiter=false"
- :deconcatenate_delimiter_loop
- call set _charDelimiter=%%_delimiter:~%_cursor2%,1%%
- if "[%_char%]"=="[%_charDelimiter%]" set "_IsDelimiter=true"
- if not "[%_IsDelimiter%]"=="[true]" set "_buffer=%_buffer%%_char%"
- REM if "[%debug%]"=="[true]" echo _charDelimiter [%_charDelimiter%] _IsDelimiter [%_IsDelimiter%] _cursor %_cursor% _cursor2 %_cursor2% _buffer %_buffer%
- set /a _cursor2+=1
- if %_cursor2% LSS %_delimiter.len% goto :deconcatenate_delimiter_loop
- REM if "[%debug%]"=="[true]" if "[%_IsDelimiter%]"=="[true]" echo writing set %~3[%_token%] = %_buffer%
- if "[%_IsDelimiter%]"=="[true]" call set "%~3[%%_token%%]=%_buffer%" & set "_buffer=" & set /a _token+=1
- REM if "[%debug%]"=="[true]" if "[%_IsDelimiter%]"=="[true]" pause
- if %_cursor% LSS %_input.len% goto :deconcatenate_input_loop
- if %_cursor% EQU %_input.len% call set "%~3[%%_token%%]=%_buffer%" & set "_buffer=" & set /a %3.ubound=%_token%
- GoTo :EOF
- :len <resultVar> <stringVar>
- (
- setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
- (set^ tmp=!%~1!)
- if defined tmp (
- set "len=1"
- for %%P in (4096 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1) do (
- if "!tmp:~%%P,1!" NEQ "" (
- set /a "len+=%%P"
- set "tmp=!tmp:~%%P!"
- )
- )
- ) ELSE (
- set len=0
- )
- )
- (
- endlocal
- set "%~2=%len%"
- exit /b
- )
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