
Moth-chan's Hot Date

Sep 20th, 2014
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  2. Did she really...? Yes. The little girl did really shout out COCK AND BALL TORTURE in the happiest, most excited tone I could ever imagine hearing those words in. What the hell? I almost choked on my drink.
  4. >I-is that true? W-will c-c-c-cock and b-ball torture really make you addicted to me?
  5. Moth-chan piped up from behind me as the burly man ran off with the girl. She was still sure I'd dump her any day now. She insisted that I'd get bullied if anyone found out we were dating, so we were out for tea with our backs to each other. She sat in the table behind me, in what she called a disguise. She looked like fucking Unabomber, with a hoodie and dark glasses.
  7. >NO! Moth-chan! No! We're not doing that! And I'm already addicted to you!
  8. I don't know if I love or hate her shyness. I mean, it's cute and all, but she's so unconfident that she tried to pimp me out to a mutual friend. I was never sure if she even liked me. She kept blushing and running away from me for a couple of years. I had a crush on her since we met, but I couldn't tell she liked me back. Not before Holst-chan helped us get together.
  12. I finished my tea. This date was pretty lame, but I guessed it went with the territory.
  13. >Hey Moth-chan, wanna go to the movies? I got some spare tickets.
  14. >Y-y-yeeees! Yes please~!
  15. This was maybe the stupidest thing ever. She was madly in love with me, and I with her, but she was too shy to really do anything in public. Very considerate of her, it's just that she was completely wrong about everything.
  16. >Tell you what, let's hold hands on the way!
  17. >N-n-no, I couldn't do that! Everyone would know you like ugly girls! I'll just follow you close...
  19. And she did. As I made my way to the cinema, I kept an eye on her following me. She looked like some middle-aged pervert following a schoolgirl around. She hid behind trees and trash bins very conspicuously, and dashed from one cover to another like an idiot. At least we finally made it to the movies. I picked out the coming-of-age film where a secretly cute girl comes out of her shell. Maybe she'd get the hint. At least she had the guts to sit next to me.
  21. She held on to my arms with both hands for the whole movie. She leaned on me, letting her featherlike appendages tickle my neck and collarbones. I got a boner. No surprise there. She gasped as she saw my pants tighten, and retreated, hiding her face behind her chitinous fingers. Then my coner subsides, and she started her shit again. Another boner, another embarrassment. This went on for like five times during the film. I'm not even sure she was watching it, for fuck's sake.
  25. We did the whole we're-not-together thing on the way home, too. I had time to think, at least. She was giving me the worst blue balls in the world. She would come around to my house to hang out and play games, but she clammed up if I even tried to kiss her. She told me that I'd get ruined for marriage if I did something lewd with a caterpillar-like girl like her. What if I wanted to marry her, I had asked. She flushed red and ran home across the road. There had to be some way to reassure her...
  27. Suddenly my phone rang. It was Moth-chan. I'd been lost in my thoughts - how long ago did I last check for her?
  28. >Hey, Mothie, where are you?
  29. >Heeelp meee...
  30. She sniffled into the phone.
  31. >What's wrong?! Where are you?
  32. >I'm at the police box...
  33. Fuck. I knew this would happen.
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